The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, June 14, 1917, Image 1

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r The bend bulletin.
Man Entrm Local Lumber
Meld wnd Will Mukn (VmNlilrrnlilii
iniproVi?hiiiMlM Iu rtiTnlnir-
WllklllMOII I'lutil.
(Prom Monday's Dally.)
A. J. Kroeuort, proNlduiiMuiinuKcr
)( Ihn Ilend Flour Mill Compntiy. nn
Jlaturdnv purchased thn Interests or
It. It. Onrdncr ,of I'ortlnnil, In tho
1 n r.t 1 1 o r- y 1 1 k I nw a n Lumber Com
pany. Ily thin truusuctlnu, Mr. Kroe
iiort mmuiijcw the controlling Interest
'In Din company, W. It. Wllkliinon.
wliu linn been a member of the firm
-if flardiier-Wllklnsou. will mill ho
In charge of tlui saw mill niul log
Klng operations of tlio rnmpitn
Tim purrhuse by Mr Krneuert of
tli Intori'iitii of Mr. tlordner mnrk
thn return of the well known Ilend
IlHur mill iniiii to tin lumber In
dustry, tmvliitt bn eugHKed In thin
IimhIimxhi fnr n number of war prev
Iihi to hi purchase of the Ilend
Milling & Warehouse Com puny about
threw year ago Mr. Krneuert wan
Mstoelated with the Pin Tree I, tun
lHr Company at Vancouver, Wash ,
tkw University Hhlngle Cii.. of Port
liirfil, and also In IiiiIiim In Klam
Hth Fall.
Addition Plniiliril.
Although liU plant for tlio future
of the maw mill plant nrn not )rt
oeroploto, Mr. Krocnort contemplate
considerable addition to thn plant
located nboul seven mile north est
of Ilend. Tito output of tho plant
w ho doubled by jiuttliiK on n night
Mhlft. Thin addition will entail tho
Installation of a lighting ayatnm anil
facilities for handling thn nlicht out
put. It la planned to cut 60.000 foot
per shift.
following thn policy of tho (lard-iinr-Wllklnson
Lumber Company, Mr.
Krneuert says that tho reorganized
orporntlon will engage solely In thn
wholesato business, na tho output for
nrrrnl month ha been contracted.
Ily what iiAinn tho now rompany
'will bo known ha not been definite
ly decided. Mr.- Kroeuort left Innt
Hlght for Portland and Hnlom. Mhoru
tie will arrange for till detail. Upon
til return It I likely that ho Mill
lave some announcements with re
gard to plana for lh futuro of the
Mr. Kroeunrt's entrance Into the
Iwnl luinbor field will undoubtedly
mark tho bulldltiK up of nnnthnr IiIk
local enterprise, na hn linn done with
thn Ilend Flour Mill Company, Mhloh
U recognized to bo one of the brt
tuid moMt modem flour mill plunti
In Oregon. A conditions havo seemed
to warrant, Mr Krocnort ha added
to hi plant nut h filatures u tho
country hn demanded and for which
thero has been an urgent nerd.
' " ' ' ' ,
(Prom Wodncadiiy'a Dally.)
' So ImprrtHod wbh C. H, lludion,
lirvaldout of tho Plrat National Hank,
on hln rucont trip to Murahflold,
whvro ho attondod tho Htnto Dank
'"urn' minvontlou, with Ilia IiIkIi do
reo to which tho dairy Industry Iiiih
, (bocin dovolnpod In Hint illatrlot thnt
ho nrrnncod with a dairy, oxport to
nMflinblo and ahlp to Hand iih soon
ns poMMlblo oiio car of IiIrIi nrado
IloUtoIu dairy row, l'rovldod that
fnrmora of thin illatrlot uro HUfflc
Jnntly IntoriiBtiii! In stookliiK tholr
riuirhoR with dulry cowa, Mr. IIuiIhou
v,ll nrruiiRo tor othor HhlpmoutH.
ArrniiRomoutH will Ipi mado wlinro-
' by persons donlrliiK tu purohnuo dairy
titork may niulto application at tho
First National Hank, with whom cany
tonus of paymout may bo arraiiKod.
In npoakliiR of tho Stato convention
of Oregon haukors at Marahflold,
Mr. Jludoon Raid that thn mcotliiB
wus a IiIk buccoss and that Dond will
tia'Vo to oxort u groat offort to ontor
tain tho bankors ob royally nn did
tho citliQim ot Mnrahflold.
Mf. Hudson was oloctod a mom
Ixir ot tlio bpard ot dlroctois ot tho
Orison Ilunkors' Association at tho
.Mole Ciiltlo Will lie IIiiiiiIIimI 'llili
Vriir on ItmiKo TIiiiii I .ict Vein1
In Iim-m'iiki'iI Ouptiil.
(Troin Momliiy'M Dally.)
. Crntiu I'rrlo will bo n atorkmun'a
paradlNii,'"hi'minltn,( to V. (1, Ilaat-
jiKM, . aupurvittor of tho DnNohutna
National forest. Now Unit tho snow
Is off tho pralrlo mid tho untora of
tho Deschutes rlvor rocmlliiK, Central
Ori'KiHi cattlemen uro IipkIiiiiIiik to
taku tholr oattln tu tho prulrlo for
summer feed Inc. Thorn uro about
200, or thn 1I2T, head that the prairie
will handle this season already on
the ritnxe.
The Krass will bo the best It hat
bouti In n number of years say stock
men vho havo been In tlpl section
this week.
Tho policy ot the forost this year
will bo to graze us many rattle as
tho prairie ran comfortably handle.
No effort will be made to fatten
stock on thn rniiKo. this Is to be ilono
In HieVull and winter on tho r .indie
of tho stockmen who are usIiik the
prairie. Under tho policy of cIvIiik
tun permits to a larger number of
cattle thn forestry office believes It
nil! bo rarrylni; out the Idea of op
ening Itr resources for larger pro
durtlou of livestock
(Prom Friday's Dally.)
Ono of, tho biggest Central Ore
gon really deals to bo turned for
several months mas announced to
day In thn transfer of tho Oeorgo
Mllllran holdings at Mllllcnn to Jim
Hloan, a wealthy Umatilla county
stockman The property Includes be
tween 1300 and H00 aures ot land,
of M-hloli about 300 Is tlllahlo and tho
rest range. In tho neighborhood of
700 head of cattle and horses go
Mlth tho ranch. Additional range
making n total of 2000 acres, Is con
trolled by the land actually ImiIoiik
lug to thn ranrh
Olover Caldwell, of Umatilla coun
ty, has taken charge of the ranch,
and It Is understood that the eottle
and horses will eventually bit dis
posed of and tho place used for tho
raising of sheep.
Tho Mllllran ranch Is ono of (ho
oldest In tho Control Oregon coun
try, havlng'bceii located In tho oarly
days by Its went owner. Commun
ication with tho Willamette valley
at Hint tlma was uhlnfly through tho
Mackftmlif I'ass and a brldgn built
by Mr Mllllcnn to facilitate tho trip
still bear his tiamo.
Corporal CliarleM DiiiIm IhinMnl to
Hank of HerKCiint for Hfflc-
lent Sen Ires licit1.
(Prom Frlday'a Daily nultotln)
In reenunltlon of his efficient sor-
vlnts as rnorultlni: officer since he
has been stationed In Ilend for tho
last two months, Corporal Chnrlos
DiivIm Is now a surcoant. Ho received
notice of his promotion this morning
frqm headquarters.
Tho change In rank will make no
difference In RorKoant Davis' work,
for he will continue to direct tho
urmy rocrultlni; work for Central
Itccclpt of OooiU nt Depot Onlu One-
Fourth in HIv Weeks.
(Prom Monday's Daily.)
Incoming frolght and oxpress re-
colvod nt Ilend Iirr shown an luoroiiso
of 2R per cent during thu past six
weeks, fiild D. Keller, agent for tlio
Oregon Trunk mid O.-W. H. & N.
railroads, in a Btatomont this morn
ing. Notwithstanding this faot, how
ever, thero la u steady Incroasu In tlio
outgoing household goods from Ilend.
A your ago nil household goods woro
comlpK lu nud practically nono golnn
out. Lnat Saturday six fumlllcs left
and took tholr goods with", them, ac
cording to Mr. Keller.
I.umbor ahlpmonts from Ilonu
8)ip.w. no variation from thu usual out
going products or tito mum.
IUmiiI Will Olui I'mptn or Tills Her
llon Tiu lll Dii)n of .lolllflcn-
tlon Many IntrrmlliiK l'i
lures urn AitiiiikciI.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Ilend Is planning to glva tho peo
ple of Central Oregon tlio biggest
celebration they havo had In this
part of tho country In n number ot
years. Details for tho two days'
celebration, tho 4th and flth ot July,
got under way last ulghl at a meet
ing of tho business men's Fourth ot
July committee.
To fill the tMo days with activities
of luterost to everyone, nud to give
thn people clean, enjoyable iimuto
moot, will lis rarrlcd out the small
est dutall. The program as tentative
ly arranged will provide something
for every hour during the Imo days
that visitors will be In Ilend. Tho
first day, Wednesday. July 4, will
be taken up Mlth a baseball game
I In the morning, historic and civic
j street parade, program, circus pa
rade, program, circus In tho after
' noon, baseball game In the afternoon
and general amusement In the ev
ening. On Thursday morning, July
S, will be held stroet events for young
people and children, l the way of
athletic contests. It the plans work
out a big fraternal picnic Mill bo hold
from 12 o'clock until 3 o'clock on
Thursday, In Miiich nil tho fraternal
order of tho city will participate.
In the afternoon tho water foto on
the Deschutes river will bo run off
In rapid ordor and later In tho attor
noon will bo hold tho third game of
a scries that Is being planned bo
twoen Central Oregon teams.
l'litcN for l'timdr.
Frank it. Prince has been selected
marshal of tho day and will have
complete charge of tho parade to
be hold on tho morning of July 4.
Mr Prince Is desirous ot lining up
persons who will enter thla purado
for prlxes at once. Fraternal, social,
Industrial organizations ara urged to
make entrance Immediately to him.
Prizes Mill bo offered for Sunday
(Continued on last page I
Reasons Given Why Millions
Must be Raised for Red Cross
Oregon, outside ot Portland, must
subscribe $400,000 of tho $100,000,
000 emergency Ited Cross war ser
vlco fund during the week of Juno
18-26 In order to meet the expecta
tion of President Wilson who has
appealed to the nntinn for this fund.
Prompting tho President's appeul
are the thousands ot Ited Croa am
bulances on the firing lino that must
ha mnlutnlnud. Other thousands of
ambulances must be built nud sent
to the trout. Forty-five base hos
pitals already have hemi established
and their work must be supplement
ed with that ot many mare hospitals
In order to treat the wounds nud
save the lives of thousands of sol
diers, Including our own home boys.
The foroe of Ited Cross physicians
nud nurses must be groutly increased
and kept on duty.
Ilrltlsh, French and Ilelglan sol
delrs oan bo sent humu when, under
hospital vnro, thuy huvo commended
to recover from wounds or sickness,
but for Undo Sam's soldier boys
convuleeront hospitals must bo built
by the Hod Cross.
Mothers iiud wives who have givey
up sons nud husbands nud Mho havo
no other support must be cured -for
by tho Ited Cross organization.
Vocational schools tor soldiers in
unpacltutod by wounds for ordinary
wgrlc must bo organized and fi
nanced, From tho front lino trendies to
thu mothers loft nt homo tho Univer
sal Service at Mercy must maintain
n vast organization and spend tre
mendous sums lu order to meet an
almost overwhelming oinorgoncy
growing out of United States par
ticipation lu tho world war. Nor
can tho work bo delayed ono day.
llullota Mill not wait on tardy dol
lars. Tho man who offers his life
on tlio battlefield tor tho dotonso ot
his country must not bo loft to bear
tho burden nlono.
"Why doos not the government
flnancQ this relief workt Tho ques
tion Is often asked. Tho American
Hod Cross Is ranked as a neutral,
as long na It is maintained by pri
Community Htiows Murli I'rfjcre
With Nmv Dairy Htock, tartcc
Wheat Acrriiiv Dcielop-
meiil on Iirgo Kciilc.
TKItllKIJONNB, Juno 12 tSpec
Iril) Terrebonne, both tho town and
country surrounding, Is showing con
siderable progress this year, with
200 heifer calvos, of good dairying
stock. Imported from Tillamook
county, a big acreage In wheat, and
2000 acres bolng put under water
In the tributary Lone Pino Qap dis
trict Another thing which will bo ot
much Importance to both tho town
and tin surrounding communities
will be the erection of a farmers' co
operative warehouse. The site for
the warehouse has already been do
nated to the Terrebonne Farmers'
union by the railroad companies. Tho
building 1 to be of frame struc'ure
and. as at present planned, will cost
$1800 Lumber Mill arrive on the
ground and construction commence
within the next 30 days. It will be
ready to receive Terrebonne's crops
this fall.
Whrut Acreage I.arne.
Ordinarily a hay and dairy country.
Terrebonne's chief crop this tall will
bo wheat. This condition, bound to
bo more or less abnormal, has been
brought about by the addition of
new land, cloared for wheat produc
tion on account of tho present high
prices, but chiefly because ot the
early frost last fall which caught
the alfalfa and clover of the com
munity beforo tho sap had left th
stalks. This frost killed, perhaps
20per cent ot the total acrcago ot
olover and alfalfa, which accounts
for tho predominance ot wheat this
leading In tho production of
wheat will be Kvorltt Almcter, who
has 160 aoros of Irrigated land in
I that crop this year. Fifty acres have
previously been devoted to the grow-
j Ing of hay.
Oeorgo II. Qregory will have 120
(Continued on last imge.)
vate subscriptions. The administra
tion of the Ited Cross cannot bo car
ried on as are the untlonal naval
and military operations. Itellef work,
ulsa, must cut red tape, must be
promptly ready for every emergency,
must be governed by humanitarian
principles and quick decisions and
must not be hampered by the re
strictions of governmental machln
r. At tho same time the Ited Cross
Is the only relief agency formally
authorized by the government. Its
head Is the President of the United
States. Its accounts are audited by
the war department. It Is chartered
hv Congress. President Wilson de
clares: "A large, well organized and ef
ficient Ited Cross Is essential. It is
both n patriotic and humane sorvleo
that Is renderod by overy oltlxen who
becomes n mambor of the American
Hcd qross," i
Hod Cross subscriptions need not
be paid nil at one time. One-fourth
Mill bo due July 1; one-fourth, Aug
iikt 4; one-fourth, September 1, and
the balance, October 1,
A task ns great as that of gottlng
the subscriptions Is to Inform overy
man, woman and child of tho Utr
poses and emergency charuotor bf
the campaign before Hed Cross Week,
as proalalmod by the President, which
begins Juno IS. Community com
mittees nro urged to hnvo a forceful
speaker present nt overy gathering
whether urge or small. Newspapers
are nulled on for liberal spaco. Min
isters ,nro nskod to prosont tho sub
ject to tholr congregations. Lot
overy patriotic citizen speak ot tho
campaign to overy othor person ho
or she moots.
In this world war somo must givo
their lives, others tholr money. No
patriot at homo could boar to think
that u patriot blod to death on tho
battlefield bocuuso ho or she failed
to contribute his dollar to tho Hed
Cross. You hnvo no right to say
you aro patriotic unless you give
your utmost lu service no matter
what It tuny Involve In personal sacrifice.
Will Shortly Mow; to Ik-mi to Tnkn
J'nrt In MniiMKOfiirut. of Hank
Comet From Tiioliy llroi.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
At a meeting of the directors of
the Central Oregon bank held yes-
torn-iy afternoon, K. P. Mahaffoy, of
Portland, was chosen second vice
President and a director In place ot
C. I. Holier, ot Kugenc, who has
resigned. Mr. Mahaffey will shortly
more to IJcnd to take an notlve part
In the management of tho bank.
Following tho meeting, W. P.
Dlckoy, uho with C. D. Swift came
up from Portland for tho occasion,
stated that he was groatly pleased
by local conditions and much im
pressed by developments hero. "It
is on that account," he said, "that
wo aro arranging to havo Mr, Mahaf
foy come up here.
Mr. Mahaffey has had banking ex
perience with tho Farmers & Traders
National Dank, of La Grande. Un
til recently he has been chief clerk
of tho Circuit Court of Multnomah
county, under John D. Coffey, For
tho past foM' months Mr. Mahaffey
has been employed by the Twohy
Uros. Mrs. Mahaffoy will join him
The party returned to Portland
last night.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
(Hr Unluj Pro to lb Dnd DnlUtln)
SALEM, Juno 12 Dy a vote ot
four to one, State Englilcer Lewis
being In the minority, tho Desert
Land Hoard today decided to comply
with the request ot tho Central Ore
gon Irrigation Company that the,
state ask the Department of the In
terior for a five year extension of
the contract between the stato and
the government for the reclamation
of lands contained In Segregation
list number 6.
The lands In list six aro an import
ant portion of the company's segre
gation east and south of Uend. being
reclaimed under the Carey Aet. If
the state does not obtain nn exten
sion ot the contract with the Federal
government, that portion ot the lands
which are unclaimed when tho con
tract oxplros revert to the govern
ment as general public lands.
A group of settlers on the pro
ject opposed the company's deslro
for an extension of tho contract.
Tho action of the board today fal
lowed a stormy session lu which
State Englneor Lewis sought to In
duce tho board to take no action un
til next Saturday, when ho wanted
hearing held. He insisted that the
question whether the company's
canals were adequate be heard and
some record on this point made by
the board.
llotli Diuik.s Deport Hush on Satur
day unil Lobbies Aro Crowded
Till Noon by Detwisltorx.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Statements made by the cashiers
of both the First Notional and Cen
tral Orogon lfuuka this morning In
dicate that Saturday was by far tho
largest pay day In Doud's history.
Doth banks wore crowded, to tho
utmost until the last minute Satur
day evening and upon tho opening ot
the bank doors at 10 o'olook this
morning the ruBh wos resumed. Up
to noon today the lobbies wero still
Another featuro of Saturday's
pay day is the fact that a slightly
larger percentage ot tho' mouoy Is
deposited this month than formerly.
E. M. Lam, cnahlor ot tho First Na
tional Hunk, states that tho usual
percentage ot deposit from pay rolls
has boon about 40 per cent. Tho GO
por cent balance Is given out by the
bank In cash.
II. M. Stephens, cashier ot the
Central Oregon Hank, estimates from
tho business that his bank has been
doing that tho Saturday pay roll
will roach about 30 per cent Increase
ovor the. pay rolls of the past. Al
though he could not bo certain until
tho day Is over, ho believed that tho
amount left In tho bank this mouth
from tho pay roll would bo slightly
greator than heretofore.
Htulc Highway CommliMon Favor
ably DIakommI to Imprm-rmrmt
of ftoail at Korly Data Moro
Funds May He Available.
(From Wednesday', Dally.)
Seventeen miles of Tho Dalles
California Highway out of Dond south,
toward La Pino will be cindered this
summer by the State Highway com
mission, with funds that wtl Ibe
available either under the Dean bill
or tho quarter mill road levy, accord
ing to II. J. Overturf, who waa la
Portland yesterday and present at
the meeting ot tho Stato Highway
commission. It Is probabje that
work on cindering the highway wilt
begin within the next two week.
If funds are available It Js prob
able that (he commission will ar
range for grading the remainder oC
the highway to the county line. The
commission has tsketi this feat uro
of the hlgtiM-ay Improvement under
advisemept and will likely report
upon Its findings within the next
two M'eeks.
The commission is favorably dis
posed to early Improvement ot the
highway' upon which considerable)
work was done last year by state
county aid,
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Four miles of sidewalk havo beca
constructed in Dend slnco tho coun
cil order was passed April 3, which,
required that six miles of sidewalk,
needed to Insure mall delivery, be
built. A second warning to prop
erty ownors who have' not met the
requirements ot Hie council Is being
sent out from the oftlee ot IL C.
Ellis, city recorder, .today.
Ten days' time from tho date that
the second warning Is given wilt bo
allowed property ownors to have
their walks completed. It they aro
not in as required by that time, tho
city will construat'tho waller at a
charge of $20 for "each 50 foot lot,
This Is, according td Mr. EIIU. a
charge of $5 above tho cost ot tho
walks when done by- private con
tract and Is being done by tho city
council to force as many property
owners as possible to construct their
own walks.
The walks required by the order
of the city council are wood and muit
be six feet wide.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
That Uend will hae a free city
mall delivery established by August
1, was the prediction of Hobert D.
Qodld, oily engineer, this morning,
All that remains is the construc
tion ot cross walks and two additional
miles of sidewalk. IIMs will be op
onod this afternoon for the building
of the crosswalks, while tour of thn
six miles of required sidewalk havo
already boon put In and the balance
will be built by the city and charged
to the proporty owners If not com
pleted within the next 10 days
Other required matters have been
worked out, sueh as the numboriiiR
of houses and the placing of street
signs on strwt eoruers. Houses
built during the past four or five
months have not been numbered,
but this can be done within a few
"I believe the city will have readi
ed all roqulremonts ot tho postal
authorities by July 15." said Mr
Oould. "As sobn as. this is done, C
W. Llnebaugh, postal inspector for
this district, will bo notified at Port
laud and make the inspection."
Postmastor II. D. Fp'rd has re
ceived assurance thatj'the free de
livery system win nou instituted as
soon as the sidewalks and crosswalks
are completed. One delivery, ho
says, will be all that is uocessary,
duo to tho late arrival ot tho evening
train, which makes a delivery the
same day impossible.