J. PAOM T IIKND IIUUilCTin, IlKNI), ORKflOtf, TIIUIIHDAV, MAY 21, 1017 .X Irf V Si ('MVi:iU)AlilO, (Gontlntind from Pago 2.) Mr'tlny, A crowtlt consisting of Mr. and Mm. Ifnrolil Kllno, Eleanor nml Ar thur (lrufoo, Karl Miller and Vorno Nkolton wont fishing on Hqunw Crook fluinlny. Lillian Van MMrn wns the guest of Viola and Vy Mlllnr Hunday. Wayne and Esther Cyrus were Nlik with In grippe last wook. Thorn will bo a dancti nt Bisters Aridity night, May 25, ' Knur at tun nrhnnl girls took thn otolith nrndn examination In rook rnphy Friday morning. Ilnrold and Ham Kllno wont to llnnd to nltond thn track meet Hat urdny. J. II. Minor, of llciul, wns In Clov rdnlq lout week, Mr. and Mm. Mlllnr wnrn rolling on .Mr. and Mm. (Jrulin Hundny. HIHTKIW. (Hpnclal to thn llullntln.) HIBTEHH, May 21. HlHtnm wns uniotlrnlly desnrtrol Hnturdny, nar- every one going to tha flnld meet im umiti. ah report n nno pronmin, Thn HUtom Domi'stlo Water Users' .uiMtor-lntlnii Imvo Ihikiiii working on inn ditch preparatory to laying thn witter mains for thn town witter sup- Ply. It In hoped Hint soon wo Mmll Imvo n wnlnr system. (Iroritn WIIhoii. of tills Plwro, and MIm Tilly Davidson, a tenchor In the primary dnpnrlinmit of thn Hlstors nclinoln, wnrn imtrrlml In llnntl Hnl urdny, it fnw lullinntn friend being lirnstml nt tnn wedding. .Mr. Wilson In n well known Ulster resident nd MIm Davidson In n slater of Mm. If. K. Allen, of thin place, and linn Immmi ttinplnyml nn n toucher In our nrhool Tor til n pnnt two year Thn lirldn mid Krooiu nro to Iciivn noon for J limit Itlvnr, thn former ho inn of thn lirldn, for a short honnytnooii. before taking up thnlr rnnldnnrn hnr. Thn ninny frlnndn of thn youiiK coupln wh Hi oiii n Ioiir nml linppy married life. Mr. nud Mm. Waller J. Monilrlrkn, of thn Lower l)ert, worn In town ( -Hiitilnlny. John DiivIiInoii, of Hood Itlvnr. I visiting hi sister. Mm. II. K. Allen. -of thin plnen. Thn Malum school closed for thn Hiimtnnr Krldny. The school hoard linn rnlnlnnd thn prnnntit t oh r hern for the roiultiR ymtr. Mm. (loo. K. Allkln In tepnrtod 111. Mm. John Taylor In In llnnd at thn bedside of Imr little dnughtur. Dorothy, who linn burn nick In thn llend honiiltal. Mm. Walter (Irani, principal of thn Hlntnrn nohooln, will npnnd thn mumnnr vacation at thn homestead near La Pino. .tn Kumwnlt, of Redmond, wan helping on thn Hlitum water workn till work. Arlln Onntnr wnn up from lliu Me. tollun Wednesday. fc 'iV.M.I.O. (Hpeclat to tlm HitlMln.) TI'.MAI.O. May XI. (). K. Illitrk wood wnn In limit! Innt Monday nftnr liln fiirulturn Hint wan shipped from HtlKIIB. Thn children of ll Tunmlo nrhonl attended thn annual Field Day lit IIoihI Innt Hftttirdny. C. II. Hpnugh nud It. It. Canter- litiry worn fishing on the Meliillus I Innt Kundny. J. Thomson han bought a ISO tier tmol of land jtint north of the aiarntm place. It. II. Hluirt, of Kort Klamath, linn I & - W"vor f,vA oV SIUDEBSKER iiniiRht 82 noro of land emit of Ilnr i)flm. nud will niovn to hln now plucn In nhnut two wnnkn. Mr. Onmmnl. of Hotith Dakota, linn purchaRod a 40-nora tract nouth of K. K. Daytnu'a plncn, J. Hartnr, NiiIr KopnnR and John Htllcn Imvo boon fannltiR tliolr Rrnlu nt Mr. Ilnyloy'n tha pnnt wook, Mr. Klahnr wan a llnnd vlnltor Innt Thumday. Minn Kthel Rnydnr, who In attond Inn nrhool In lionet, wnn homo on a vlnlt Innt Krldny. Mr. and Mm. K. N, Wullnro and Mr. and Mm. C, I1, llncknr wont to I'rlnovlllo Innt Hunday to attond the funnral of Van Ilrlnk. Howard llartlny and fnmlly npont Hunday camplnR nud flnhlnR on tha rlvnr. (1. M. Couch linn purchased 100 nnrnn of whnnt In nil In northnrii Can ada. Undo Krnnk Nlcholn In upending a fnw dayn vlnltliiR frlnndn In I'rlno vllln. Thnnn perfect In npnllliiR Innt wnnk wnro: Klmt Rrndn, Onrnld Cowloy, Kennnth Twnndl; nocond Rrndn, Vor nou Mnrlou, Howard Nnlnon; third Rrndn, Cloiiinnt Ktltnn, lluth Orlfflu, Henry l.uudhorR; .fourth rrmln, I.en. Iln Xnmkn, Cliirnurn Parks fifth Knidn, Knunnlh Unytou, Wnnluy Kon nndy, (Moon Clitrk, Mildred llanta; nlxth Rrndn, Jvnnln Hnll, Klonnln Pnrk, Dollln llurper. I.oln Marlon, I.eo Harrymnu, l.odorn Hnrrymnn. i.ovi:u imitxiH, (Kpcclnl to thn Ilullotln.) I.OWKIl IIHIDOK, May 21. J. H. Hunt loft for hln homo In Nntirnnkn after vlnltliiR for n mouth with hln won. DniiulH Hunt. Mm. Klddnr, of Portlnud, In vlnlt Iuk her ditURhtor, Mm. I.. A. Hunt. I.oIh nud Kdit Townii warn outer tnlund lu llnnd Hnturdny by thn Jau Kent, formerly of I.ownr HrldRo. Thn I.ownr HrldRo (IrmiRu inoot Iur wnn pontioui'd from Muy 10 lo My 2(1. lieriiuRn no many of the mem horn wnrn In lletul for thn Kleld Day pronrnm Thono nttendltiR thn track meet worn Mr. and Mm. A. H. Holman and rhlldmii, I.oln and Kdn Towne, Mlimen Mnry nud Knrnh Nnalnlnh, Marlon Honklun, Mrn. Jon Howard, l.ornn, Oral and l.lyod Cnmiihell, Dnuuln Hunt, Itumull Chnpman, Mr. JniiRnr. Diirwlu Wnltnrn nud Dirndl HnrrliiKtou. Mr. and Mm A. J. Kullnr, Martha Wlllliimnon nud Mm. Knil U'nltern luotoriMl to Itedmond Knturdny, Mm. Kinmn Kullnr, who linn been living In Corvnllln thn imnl yenr, linn rottirnwl and will live at her ranch True Economy . . . muni the wUc tfxailoz o( on' and getting la return an article tint De urc to tee the White dealer who will be glad to ihow you bow good a machine the White li. If there It no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat alogs. We do not sell to catalog house. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machines. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO. CLEVELAND, O. Will HAI.K IIY 1IUNI) t .-AJ r ... pioveit Gtrfimiy smstiSLCtory Zerolene. "a most tatlsfsctory motor oil" that it the testimony ot the leading automobile distributors of the Coast. They know from the record of their service departments tnd we know from exhaustive tests (list Zerolene, correctly refined from selected California atphalt'basc crude, give perfect lubrication with least carbon deposit. Zerolene it the oil for your car whatever th maka the oil for all type of automobile engine. For correct gride, get our Lubrication Chart covering your car At dMlri 0vowhtn And Standard Service Stttiont STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFORNIA) EROL yAeStianlQil&farCkr nt Lower HrldRo for a. whllo, Krlduy ovoiiIiir Mr. and Mm. A. H. Ilolmon and chlldrnn and Mary NaalulRh wnro rucrIk for dinner at tho Wnltorn homo, Tli one of tha Lower llrldffa ncliool taking tho olghth grado oxamlnn tlonn Thumdny and Krldny woro Lloyil Campholl and Loin Towno. MIrr Harah Ncalolgh, who has com pleted lior term of ncliool at Mill Creole In vlnltlng with Imr nlntor, Mary Nnnlolgh, who nchool will ba out In a wook. John Calvorloy wont to I'rlnovlllo flaturday on hln motoroycln. Hoy Klddor loft Krldny for Port land, whoro ho Intondn to onllnt. Mr. and Mm, Curl Houno. John Cnlvorlny, Mr. nnd Mm. O. K. Hon klun, Omnrt nud Marlon Hosklnn formad a flihliig party on thu rlvor Hunday. IIAI1V CHltd I'AHHKH (Krom Haturday'a Dally.) Kunnral norvlcon woro hold thin wook lu Mndran for tho two monthn old hahy daughtor of Mr. and Mm. H. D. Porclval. Tho llttlo oun died lu Ilond oarly lu tho wook at tho homo of Ouy Mcltoynoldn, hrolhor of Mm. Porclval, nliortly after being brought to lloud fur medical treat ment. AHK I.KillT HOL'H DAV (Krom Krlday'a Dally.) Labornm In tho employ of Jon Itock, nxoavatliiR contractor, wont on ntrlko thin morning, demanding an eight-hour day. Sl'.W lWH DIHTHIISUTHD C'opliwi ot thu 1917 Oregon Codo have arrived lu Heud and nro being distributed among tho county of ficers. LEGAL NOTICES H.VKiTTItl.V .NOTICi:. In tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, for Deschutes County. In tho matter ot tho nntato of Hunan K. llennou, deceased. Notice In hereby Riven that the undersigned wnn on tho 19th day or May, 1917, duly appointed nxecutrlx or thn last Will and Tefltamnut of Hunan V Huunoii, decerned, by W. D. UnniB. County Judge, that all personn having claims ugulnnt said estate must present the name duly vnrlfled at the office of H. 11. De moocy nuUa every AoiXxt do full duty will utiify you In every way. T" . WHITE . U a real birpxln ixexvu. it I told at a popuhr price i because It give you the kind of sewing you dellcht ln tccaiue It will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time o( utiiitctory acrvicei becauie lU improvemenu will enable you to do thing which can't be done on any other machines became it will p.leate you with it floe finith and beauty of its furniture. In U)ort you u-iil find the While reliable and detirable from every point of view. 1'1'HMTl'UK CO. xo an,.,,, ' npf. MAXWELL Armond, nt Hcnd, Orogon, attorney for Kxorutrlx, within nix montlin from tho data of tho first publication hereof. Data of flrnt publication May 24, 1017. MAItV A. HHN80N, Kxccutrlx or tho Innt Will and Tentament or Hunan K. Dennon, de cennial. 12-lCc NOTICK KOU I'UHMCATION Dopnrtment of tho Interior, L 0. Lund Officii at Tho Dallcn, OrcRon, May 10, 1017. Notice In hereby Riven that Thoman William Todd, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who on Juna 10, 1911, tint do Homo ntoad Kutry No. 00124, for Lotn 3-4, Htf NW. HWVi and HW! HBVi, Boctlon 2, Townnhlp 20 Houth, Itangn IE Hunt, Willamette Meridian, linn (Hod notice of Intention to tnaka (Inal r Ivo-yoar proof, to establish claim to tho luiid above dcncrlbed, beforo II. C. Kllln, v. H, Cotnralnnloner, at Hcnd, Oregon, on tha Int day of Augunt, 1017. Claimant names nn wltnensen: Alvln Lee, C. K. Hnrtwlg, Thomas Moffltt, A. D, Norton, all of Mllllcan, Oregon. II. KKANK WOODCOCK, 12-lCc IlegUter. NOTICB OF CONIKHT. Onmrtmrnt ot tha InUrlor, UnlUl RUtn IjikI OtlUr. Th. I)llr. Orrton, Mr S, HIT To Arthur C. Twrnr, ef SInJ, Ornton, Con tntml Yuu r hrrtlif nutlflfl that CSvorxc I), Kllff, who nlvr Iltnd, Ornrun, m hl IMt offtf iWrrt$, dH on VtltuMrr l. 1917. flic In tliU off! hU duly MrrbLortUd nppll- attun la mnlnt nnd Hur the raneJItln f your lKrfnl..l. Knlry No. . . KtrM tin. OIZIM, mul Dcrmbrr I, 1913. for KU, tfrctlen II. TnwiMhlii 20 rViuth, Itanict It Rut, WMUmrtl Mrldln. and aa rroundt far lila cfltMt Imi allrvr that Arthur C. Torrry haa wholly abaiHtonrd iaM claim for trior than li rmifitln laat rut, and haa nrrrr ainr th lata of flllnv. rraMnl uiwn or cultivated aald trarti that iaM alrnre from said land waa not ilu to hl rfnidoyirwnt In military Mf vka rrndrrml in eonnrctlon with ourratlona In M"W, or alori th urdra thrrtvf, i In moUIUatlon ram rlwh.rr. In the mill, lary or natral ureanlutlona of Ihj l'ni-t Htatni, or th National Guard of any ot lit arrrral atatM, You ar, thrrrforr, furthar notlflrd that th aaM allroatl'ina will U taken by thla offlc u havlnie lTn ronfnuw.1 by you, and vo.ir aald rntry will b anlrl lhrrunlrr with ut your frthr rdrht to b heard therein, either bwlsre thla riffle or on ail. If you fail li. fit In thl offlee within twenty days n'rer th KOtJHTII wbllatln ef thhr nok, ra Imwn lhw, your antwer. under oath, ie. irWally mevtlnir arvl rrandln to theav all cattona M eonteat. or If you fall within that time to file In tht of fie uu reof th.t you ha aerved a e.y f your nnwer en the wM eonteiilant either In n.-o.. r l iiir. Uicd mall. If tbM eetvi'e la .nile ly th Whrery of a eopy of your arwwer lo th eon. Intanl In ueraon, rnf of nth r'ir I, ut b fajir the aakl rentealant'a wrlltrn - knowlerii-ment of hb ree4t of ttw ei-nr, atMwtnir th dale f lu reeelft. or the r, II dalt of th ern by whm th de.i erv " rnvt aUtlnrt when and wher th -fit wia dellrmd. If made by recbtered mall, uroof of aueh aervte muat eonaUt of th ((tit of th iwrtnfi by whem the eopy wm Hwlleil Utlne when arvl the wat ffle to which It waa mailed, and thU affidavit miut b ae eomuanled by th puaunaaler'a rrrell't for th Utter. You ahould aut In your anawer th nam of th t effl to whleh you dealr futur hotlre to be aent to you. II. KKANK WOODCOCK. Itesbter. Dale or flnt pubtleallan. May 10. 117. Dal of aeeond publication. May IT, 1IT. Date of third Bubtieatlon. May XI, KIT. Data of fourth puMkatlen, May 31, 117. ta-ISew NOTICK OK CONTBST. DMrtmt of the Interior. Unltol State .arVl.Offlr. Th Dallea, Orevoa. May 2. luU To Alfred I- Merry, of ltend. Ore. S?'-.' .. Yo" hrfcr lfle4 that Ttwru laieff. who irlvea llrttd. Orovon, aa hU lt offto aJdrrM. dhl on I'eWuary l. 1IT, fu In Utk. offVM hU duty eorroboratod ip. rdleation to eooleet and aeeur th eaneella torn f mw hameateo.4. J'jtry No.. , Serial N,i. IMl. made Deeomoer 1. 11. for W. KelUn IS. Townahlp U South, liana IT l Wlllamett Meridian, and na aruund fur hta ewnteat )w alkeaea that Alfred I. Mer ry h wholly abandoned aald claim for mr than l month laat uut. and ku owar ub. th daUaf ftlincr. reatded upon or cultivated aald iraci. mat aaM al-etif. from aald land waa not due to hi emrdoynvHtt In military . vie rendered In connection with operation In Meilea. or nlomr th Vie.!ra thereof, or In mobiltaatlon eamo eUewhere, : the mili tary or naval orvanlialiona ef th United Stale, or th National Ouard of nar of thu aetrral atatea. Vou are. therefore, further notlfted that th in aiievaiiona win i taaen try thu olHrv a havlne leen eonfeaaed by you. ami you- Mkl entry vr HI b raneotd thereunder wlltxut your further rlnht to be heard therein, either loee thla office or on appeal, if you tvl I'll '' w.'r.tiilr. a,,ifT. wlthln ,WM,,r " TjXrT the IOUUTH ubcatin ef thla notU. aa ahown below, your anawor. under oath. apre. Iflcally mertlnrr and repondinT to the all. ualr.. of eonteat. or If ou fail wHhin that trm to file In thla offtc lu prn that ou b.- aorved a eopy of yoar ni. vr-t m tie Mil ronteatant eh her lit u.raii hv rvj 'ie4 wall. If thla Mrvkc k ivole y h delWery of eauy of your anawer to th mn IwUnt in pfwn. uroaf of auch wait .njt be rthr the aaM eutrUa,it' wrilH ac kn.whalmnt rf hk reipt of tit rr.iy. sbcurinc th date of ita receipt, or tl.j (1. dcivit ot th Kfon by whom tht d4i'ciy im ii tatlrur when and wher th epy wa delivered ( If mJ by retriatored mall, l.nw.f of such aervle muat wmaiit of th ahtUvit of th pvrMin by wham th ropy wm n.lej atatlmr when and th pot oflc to which it waa mailed, ami thla affidavit Mwl be nc. rompanlnl.by th iwatmaster'a receipt for tho letter. You ahouU atato In your anawer th nam. of th t of fto to whih you doaire futura notieea to b aent to you. 11. KJtANK WOODCOCK. tci.tr. rjale of flnt liublkatlon. May 10, 1IT. Ihit of aeeond publication, May IT. lIT. Date of third pubHcatlon. May H. SJt. loliai r,h Publication. May SI, HIT. KUM.MOXS. In the Clroult Court of tho State of Oregon, .tor Deschutes County. Mahlon Sweet and Rolo D. Drain, co-partuors doing business under the firm iiiinio mid style of Sweet Uroln Auto Company, Plaintiffs, vs. II. T. Chlldross nud Cosby A. Child ress, his wlfo. Frotl A. Jnokson, unci -Jnokson, his wife, and the Tum-A-Luin Lumber Company, a corporation, Defendants. To 1). F. Childress nml Cosby A. Childress, his wlfo, Fred A. Jackson, nud Jackson, his wlfo: In tho Nnnio of tho State of Oro KPU, You nro horehy required to ap. ponr nnd nuswor tho complaint filed against you In the above entitled court anil uuuho within six vol;a from tha dnto ot the first publication of this summons upon you, to-wlt: Within six weoks from tho 2Cth day ot April, 1917, ami If you rail to npponr nnd answer within said time, platntlft will apply to the Court for tho rellof prayed for lu the said complaint, to-wlt: For n Judgment ngalnst snld de fendants. II. V. niillilriwu II 11, 1 final..! m r v yiKOawill U raTao, ADLER Collegian Clothes For the good old summer days in town or country when the right weight clothes are a necessity When you want summery patterns colors fabrics made up into styles that are individual and comfortable The ablest style creators pattern de $ij en signers cutters and tailor-craftssmen lO.OU iave devoted the past eight months to to the new Collegian Clothes. 35 They are made for men and young men and arc awaiting your inspection richt here. Martin & Cashmara por nnnum from January 29, 1917, uutll paid, and for $75 attorney fees besides the costs and disburse ments of this suit, that plaintiffs' mortHOKO be foreclosed and that tho real property In said mortgage de scribed, to-wlt: The northwest nuar tar ot the northwest quarter ot sec tion 2-1, township 14 south, ranee 13 K. W. M., In Deschutes county, O ro ll on be sold by the Sheriff of Des chutes County, Orocon, In tho man ner provided by law for the satisfac tion of said Judgment, and that the moneys roallzed from, said sale be applied first to the exponses of said sale, second to the payment ot the costs and disbursements of this suit Including 76 attorney fees, third, to tho payment ot tho plaintiffs' said promissory note and mortgage, and that the residue bo paid as the Court may direct; that the Sheriff ot said Deschutes County, making said sale, place the purchas er ot tho said roal property In tho Imniodlntti possession ot .ald prom ises, and that tho defendants or all rcrsons claiming by, througn or un der then or any of them, be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, claim, Interest nnd estate in or lien upon said lands and premises, mid ot nil equity ot redemption lu tho same, save only tho statutory right of rodouiptlon, and that plaintiffs have. such other and furtiur relief as to the Court may seem equttdlilo. This summons Is publlnlml In tho Ilend Ilullotln. a weekly newspaper ot goueral circulation, published In Uend, Desohutos County. Orogon, for six oonsooutlvo weeks by order of A PYRAMID WITH A FIRM FOUNDATION Service Quality, With Low 1lll1llllWimr'TIlllWlHMliaaaa Square Dealing WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU F. Dement I& Co. Oppose P.O. GROCERIES Wall Sue A- hs1 Honorable W. D. Barnes, County Judge ot Deschutes County, Oregon, which order specifies the Unto of tho first publication ot this summons land directs that. each ot you appear and answer within six weoks from the first publication thereon, and which, order further provides that a copy of the complaint and summons shall be forthwith mailed to each of said defendants at their last known post office addross. The date of tho first publication, April 2C, 1917. II. II. DE ARMOND, POTTER & IMMEL, 8-Hc. Attorneys for Plaintiffs. notick von PUHMCATIO.V Department ot the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at Tho Dalles, Ore gon. April 27, 1917. Notice is hereby glvon that Janet M. Williams, of Mllllcan, Oregon, who on March 10, 1913. mado Home stead Entry No 011537. for W SEU Sec 23, NH SE'4. and NEK Sec. 2G, township 19 south, range H oast, Wlllamotto morldlnn, lias filed notlco ot Intention to make final three year proof, to establish. claim to tho land above describod. beforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, at Dond, Orogon, on the 7th day ot June, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Howard P. Dyer. David C. C-ogors. Danlol W. Bceler, and Abraham Ev ans, nil ot Mtllloan, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 9-13p. Register. v Combinedl Prices I WANT IT A. Ohfljlroga, his wife, for the sum Of S1S0.00. tourntliup With Inlnriul theioon ut tho rate ot eight por coat t