WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND BULLETIN. 0''f t,.ii VOL. XV. jimnd, ii;hc'iiuti:h county, oiucuon, tih uhday, may im, Jim no. la m & rr lfc h Wft r 3' TO VOTE BONDS GOOD ROADS HACKERS SPEAK IN REND. I'nlrliitlMiii HImiiiIiI Curry MeimiM-r, Hit) HIimnH, nf lint Ornnui' All lo (lulu, XnltiliiK In lwc, Kn)i Tlioiiii"on. (From Wednesday' Dally.) Although humUmppol by IIih no 14, W. I.. ThouiHnin, MIrIh High way ComuiUMiloiier,, lty ltltner, of lilt Farmum Union. Htul James Htew UPt, Of IIih (IraiiRH, pnke hare last .' night to n (lr-ltMl crowd Ht Dm orwer n( Wall mid Oregon tret)ls, dlscusylng the $8,000,000 nwil bund - bill. Mr. Stewart lulil why the far-1 mar should Imck the uiwaHure, Mr. miner gave n resume (if the road llntlon in Oiegnu thin year, him) Mr. TIiuiiiJhhim told what tho bill would ilu tor l.aslern OrHgmi. All Utm speaker were Introduced by Vernon A. Forbes. Mr. KtirlHM klmimK, tmk wcasbm In one ut lit Introductory intliwa t mfiilM lli Intimation of the ih pOSitlCIt tliHt Id bill Hiimt Ihi Iwtd litre It was Intrndursd In the lwnlsta un Nt n late hour. II explained (bat It mn a the ruliiilnatloH of h rUm nt road legislative act hnI .wm framed by br the unto owner 4f Ifee elate, Hat by the paring In tsrstrt. Mr. Mcwart. ilerlarlnK tnat ICael rn Orjin will get much, but will Md tltil If the IhhmI bill (, MMitloniNl thnt the Wlllmttt Val ley will pay SO per rant f the IkmhI. "Th President has enmtHHNilml you Ia build war roads." U imlil. "sttinw your wlrltlm by ded, nut by mure ward." Pniliftlon Plrilgetl. Mr. ltltner. Ih Humming 11 1 he road lngUlatlnn of the year, showed thnt the doubling of Uih nulo license whleh will lin Uih chief fiirtor In imylHic principal and Interest on the ImiihIm, lit lit off tH'l whether tlio bond tarry or not. "We ean'l do any thing by pnyltiK n no," Iih said. Thnt Ih wlmt the I'lnreo bill would have you do, hmiI tlio Pierce bill Nought to raise tlit dlraet tax." Mtitte Commllnur Thomtnion pledged liliunflf tn tiroMl tha jumi pin nf UmkIiuim county In hII road iMHttum. Il HMortwl thnt J. I), llrown. iirtmldrnt of thti HtHte rnr iihtb' I'iiIoii, Iih h illNtorttNl vUlon (Cnntlniiod on pitRe i.) ItltV. V. ('. STKWAHT, IX MAC r.Viai'HKATK ADDUKHM, I'IKSIW IIIOII IIHUI I'ATIllOTIC YOITII OK CITY l'HAIHUD. (Front Monday'N Dully.) UurcliiK tli initppltiK of it Ufa plnn In youth wlillo ldonln tiro hlKhtMt, Hov. W. V. Htownrt, pnHtnr ot tho Mtliodlnt church, dollvoreil tho bnc ualnurontn Hortnon tn tho mnmbura if tho hltth Nohopl RrnduatltiK oIuiib lust night ot tho lilgh bqIioo! audi tarluni In tho proieuoo of a larco Htidlonoa of parouU nnd pntrona ot tho luutltutlon. HptKikltiK from tho toxt, "What Is Your LlfoT" nov. Htownrt omphimlxiMl t It tit the poiBlbllltlun for Krunt Rood or Kront ovll nro pronunt In ovnry In tllvldual, mid ndvlnod thnt tho llllilo lit) IIih key with tho nld ot which life Ih to In' Ititerprotud. Tho nc(ulBtllon ot powor ho man tlonod iih ouo of tho IIiIiikh liiotit fro iiuontly NOtiRht, hut ploadod thnt It bo pnwor of tho rlKlit kind. "Cznr NIclmliiH Ih drluldiiK tho bittur iItoks of powor now," ho doclarod, "nnd It will not ho Ioiik buforo Kulsor AVIIIiolm U doluR llkowUo." In thlH roniiiirtlon, ho prodlctod tho onrly trniiHltlou ot tho ItliiKdonis and om jdroH of tho old world Into ropubllcH, and prnlHod tho spirit of Horvlqo -whli'h Iiiih Hont ho many Hand boy to tho army and navy In tho tlmo of their country'M nooil. I'rlnolpnl Hrlc Holt Introditood tho tipoakor, tollowlni; a tliiot by MrH. Y. ThordurHon nnd Hoy OIUou. Hov. J. I l'crltiBor, of tho HnptlHt ohuroli, opened tliw Hsrvlro with pniyer, and llev. II. C. Ilnrtrnnft, of tho Prw liyterlun ohuroh, dollvorod the hon-odlctlou. SERMON GIVEN BEND SENIORS WARNING IS GIVEN CIGARETTE SELLERS JMmI rlt'l Allornoy WnriiN Tobiu'ro Dnili'i'N In Oh n Minor No I'npiT llouiiil Hniolii-K. (I'roin Wddiiimdiiy'ii Dully.) WnrnliiK t'i clKnrHttn dnnlnrH wnn iMmmd toilny by DlMlrlct Attornoy II. II. Do Ariiioiid, (iiiiiIiiihIhiik tlio Imn on h'iIIIiik piipwr bound hiiioIumi to milium, whluh wont Into uffmit ,Mon ilny throtiithoiit tlm mIhIh. "t um Klvlni; thin WMniliiK, not booiiune 1 (-otiHliitir tlmt (Iiith In nny oxtHimlvfl violation of tint Inw," ho wild, "but liifliiu I bnllovii thnt ninny elKor Htoro do not know that tint law roally In In iiffni't. It In to tlmlr IntoriMt to know." Tho law nirovldoN 21 nn tlia mill Itnuiii iiko tor ptirrlniKluK nlKiirnltwi, forbliU tlio imn of thoiu by iiiluom, nnd Npoilfli-H Unit tho (lft of cIk Hrt)ltH, or plm Iuk tliKin In n iIhc wlinrtt nilliorn mii MtMiirit tlitin mIidII lift Uiken n prliim tittle vldmici of M MNll'. GIVES ADVICE ItnilKItT K. HTItAIIOIt.V I'AHHIJH IWTII lllltTIIDAV, HIT WOKKH IIAItDHIt THAN KVKIt, AM) THI.I.S OTIIHItS TO DO HAMK. (From MiiNilny'a Dally.) AlthouKh HrrlvtHl at h nk whtn miy umu rutin from active work, Kvlntrt IC. Mtrtthorn, whoM Mml projMHMil for raltrmtd bulldlnic from ltNd Hft yt to rwrlvt n iIhNhIU riily, j wurklHK lmrdr than vr bufore. accordlriK to the Mpokann Dulh' C'liroiileltt, which iirintml tho followhiK whtm Mr. Mtnthorn cl HbratiHl hi iiUty-flfth birthday a fw daya mko: "Work nt your dally tak ltanlr and do It butttir than ovar Iniforit, In thp itdVIco nf Itobwrt K. Htrahorn, raltrimtt and umplrn bulldor and iiilllloiiiilr. who tiHlay U qultitly col obrattni; IiIn Hlxty-flfth birthday an ulvorMry with lilit family nt hU piilntlul homo In Hrowno'H addition. "'Ilnmnior awny nt tho UiIiik you nrtt iIoIiik mill do It as you havo nov nr dono It boforn,' haIiI Mr. Htrahnrn today. Do tho IIiIiikh that aro ma "oiuiblo, but do thorn with a mlRht and ho woll thnt thy will tnnd out aa your contribution In thin tlmo of HtrttM and Htraln. Kwi l'i PniKniiu. "IIwIIhvIhk that a tuuii of 6K can rtindar no Rrnattir tHrrlr to the country than to eoHaervatlrnly per tint In any rtHtiouablo devolopment proRntm hit adnptwl buforo we en terml the war, I am celobratlni; my anulvoriMry by puahltiK my new rail way projuct, dtwlKned to open up for production mnny mlllloiiH of arro of rich lamU In Out ml OreKou nnd Northern California and Xo vnda. "Wo will build only ho much ot tho nyHtom h waH arranged for before war cottdltloiiH became ho acute, but thin will oneountKo production and afford nu nutlet for large qtinntltlwi of grnln and other provlHlons and lumber which otherwlne would not bo prod ii owl." Mr. Htrahnrn unJoyH oxoelleut himllh and today la receiving oon gratulntlotiH front bin many frlouda liere nnd olhewhoro throughout tho country. HOMESTEAD RIGHTS MADE MORE LIBERAL (From Wodnosday'a Dally.) WASHINGTON, D. C, M,ny 23- Tho Senato has passed without oh Joctlon or dubato tho bill ot Sonntor Him froth, of Colorado, to count ser vice In tho army or navy during tho wnr with (lormuny ns oqulvnlont to porformnnco of tho rosldouco and cultivation roqulromonts ot tho homo Htend nets, ao that settlors who enlist will have their rights preserved just ns though they romnlnod upon their liuul. Tho bill further provides thnt if tho outrymnu dlos In sfrvloo tho government hIiuII Issue n pntont to the widow, minor children ro legal ruprosuntutlvoH ot tho doconsed sol dlor, DRAFT REGISTRATION WIRL BEGIN AT ONCE (From WudnoBdny'a Dally.) To ninko tho roglatrntlon onalor for thoso who oxpeot to bo uway on registration day, Juno 6, nnd for thoua. who nro too slek to get to (he ruglBtra- tlou plncn, nrrniiRonioutH have - boon mndo to Imglu reglstra- tlou nt once. County Cleric - Ilauor hna rooelvoil lustruotlmm - to jirooood wlt) tlio wjrk for thoso In tho olnHsea numod. - I - OA R L BLOOD CLOT ON ERA1N IS CAUSE. Condition of .Vert on DWcrKinilu tlon HtMisI Mini U'iih I5vmtImI Win In 1'lrr.t Tcnii llml I teen I'ortlmiil Mnyor, I MAN FHANCIMCO. May 24.- (Mpeclal.) Marry Iii, .junior United Mtatea itiato" from Onwtfl'i, dleil here laat iilxlil, from nervoun dliHirKNUlHttloH caumtd by a blood clot on the Itrsln. Dr. Harry Iaiiu waa born In Cor vallU, Oro., AugUHt 28, 18KB. He huh tho Hon of Nat II. I .a iih, n plo uoar tuerchant, and grandaou of (leu qral JiHieph Itnt, tho flmt territorial governor of Orvgou. Hn waa grad G ".V."! fr,fl,!JrU"',.WI",",,,,,BU-u U"'V!dl IW1 "' ITInevllle. Helen r.l ''..8..-, .,rHB,..T Van Nuya. of I-rlnevllle, won the In the mtHllral achrftd of tho utilvar- Hlty. he took rr-piHit graduate course at the College of J'hyalclaua and HurgeoiiH of New York. Taking up the active practice of medicine, Dr. I.ane, who advanced rapidly In hie nrnfeMlnn became praaldent of the State Medical aa WHrlatlon and the I'ortland City and County Medical amtocaltlon. In I SOS he whh appnlntml a mem nr of the Mtale Hoard nf Health. In (Invernor I'enneyer'a admlnlMtra tloa. Dr. Itne arrved an auperlHtend em of the atate hoepltfti for the In an In which capacity he prforwed eonepleuouM aervleiM, many Improve ment In admlnUtratlun of the In Htltutlon having been accomplished under hi rule. Dr. Iuh'h long carenr aa a prae tlclug phyalclan In Portland brought him Into tdoee touch with olvlo af falra, and having a liking for publlo life, he entered upon a wider career of pnlltlcH which eventually placed hhn In the United Htatea neuato. He was elected mayor of i'ortland In l&Ofi, defeating (leorgo II. Wlll Ibiiih. Ilu nervetl two terma aa may or. In 1913, he was elected to the United Htatea aenate, defeating Hen Helling for the honor. Dr. l.ane'a aervlcee In tho Uiilttxi State eenate were conspicuous In hi relation to the department or Indian affair. He championed tho cause of the Indians and sought lo!,n" ",I . " announced preserve their reservation rlgl.ta In ?," taUo"n " "'" rated In many way. j the order namwl: doners! Joseph I.ane, Dr. Lane'' Stenography, grandfather, In addition to servlns; I Klrat year typewriting Cora Dick, as tho first territorial governor of '". 9.0: Van Allen. Itedmond, Oregon, also served a! Oregon'a Jel- ; Ml" llusset. I'rinevllle, 27.8. ugate to emigres and United sttte1' Jwml yr typewriting Alma senator nnd was Demoeratlo audi- Ltnpman. I'rinevllle, 8S.fi; Mies date for vlea-presldent when llreck- IKB. Itedmond. 4S; Mildred Dish uurldge nnd Lano ran against Lin- Prlnovllle. 44.6. coin In 18C0. (louernl Uno perfoimtd First r stefiogrph' Corn Dick, vnluablo service In the early Iu.ll.tn ". ' 2-S ? word material; war In Oregon. Ho was made a Amy Ingeinann, Hend, second,. 72, (Continued nn Pago, i.) THE WAR CENSUS Considerable confusion has arisen concerning the com ing war census. Mnny of those appointed to attend to the work of registration are uncertain as to their duties, and the public is not certain as to just what is expected. In Deschutes county today the situation is as follows: War census marshals, or registrars, have been appoint ed by Sheriff Roberts, one in each voting precinct in the county. Each marshal, or registrar, has appointed, or there has been appointed for him, n number of deputy registrars or marshals, to assist him in the work of registration when the census day comes. Places for registration in each precinct have been, or are being chosen, the plan so far as possible being to use the regular precinct voting place. No compensation is to be paid the registrars or their deputies for their services, nor is any charge to be made for the use of the polling place where on private property, citizens named for the work being expected to give their services for the day without remuneration as a patriotic duty. On the census day, Tuesday, June 5, all male citizens be tween the ages of 21 and 30, inclusive, arc to present them selves nt the place or registration in the precinct of their residence and give the information called for by the reg istration officers. This will be recorded by the officers on cards. All persons of the designated ages who arc too sick to go to the place of registration may send their cards, prop erly filled out, by a friend.. All present in a precinct, whose home precinct is else where, may fill out the cards at the office of the county clerk in the precinct where they arc, and mail them to the sheriff of their home county. SCHOOL AY GREAT SUCCESS IWriiAMATIO.V CONTKHT ('IX)HHH VAKIKD IMtOOHAM IIOXOHH AVKIilt DIHTimiiriKI) TIIHOUOII CK.VTKAI, OltKOOX. (From Monday' Dally.) After one of the moat nuoc&Miful Kchool Day competitions In the his tory of Central Oregon, Saturday' varied program of track and field event, tennis, stenography, and dec lamation, wun- to a cloee late In the evening with the high iK-hool declam atory eonteat, and the preeentatlon of medal won In the day's event. Itedmond had a shade the advantage In the declamation, with a first and second, Hand walked off with a majority of ttie honors in stenography and typewriting, I'rinevllle won the track and field meet with 62 points against SO made by Itedmond and H by Hand, and honors In tho girls' tennis tournoy were evenly split be singles from Gladys Smith, of lied moHil, and Mildred Kmlth and Mar Jorle Young, of Itedmond, captured the doubles. Many Attend Diuiro. Fallowing the evening program at the high school, many of the guest Ih the city from out of town stayed until early Sunday morning for the danoe given by the Itetl Crow NoclMy at the new Pilot Hutte garage. Result In high sehool track and field event In addition to those pub lished Saturday, a a follow, the winner Wing given In the order of th'lr placing: Itroad Jump Ilrennan, I'rinevllle; Van Allen, Itedmond; Xoreott, Hend. 220-yard hurdle Honney, I'rine vllle; Van Allen, Itedmond; Mors dorf, Hend. 1) Incus Ilrennan, I'rinevllle; JohHson, Itedmond; Hrosterhous, (lend. Shot put Johnson, Itedmond: Coyner, Hand; Lister, Prlnovllle. Mile run Johnson, Itedmond; Harney, I'rinevllle. High Jump Tuek, Itedmond; Mlchbl, Prlnovlllo; Xoreott. Hend. 220-yard dash Tuok. Itedmond; Clink, Prlnovlllo; Coynor, Hand. Javolln throw Tuck, Itedmond; Smith, nend. Ilolay raoe Won by I'rinevllle. llesultn In stenography, typewrit (Continued on Page 4.) S. BENSON REPLIES TO WOMAN'S CHARGE Illgliuay CoininlHitidit IIciul Denli) PatliiK Triiftt Connect Ion, noil KiiJoIiim Tnitlifuloimi, (From Monday's Dally.) Ileplying to charge made against the connections of the $0,000,000 mad bonding hill, H, Uenson, head of the State Highway commission, has written to Mrs. Bnsor Wlgmore, a resident of this section, and a speaker before a recant open meet ing ot the I tend Trades, Labor, and Farm Council, at which she declared the bill to be Immoral. In his letter Mr. Henson says as follows: "You are quoted In the Hend Hul lotln of May 10 as having said In a public p?ech that I was connected with the paving trust, and therefore that my appointment lis a member of the State Highway commission wa immoral. "If you are an honest woman you will not wieh to make or repeat false statement for the purpose ot defeat ing the road bond measure, or for any other purpose. I therefore re spectfully roquest that you immed iately Investigate the facts concern ing this statement before you repeat it, and If you have made such In vest Igatlou you make public the re sults of It and the sources of your authority. As a matter of fact, the statement Is absolutely and unqual ified; false, and In this connection I renew an offer previously made to pay $10,000 to any person who can produce proof of any connection, past or present, between myself and any paving trust, corporation or con tractor, and fo-jhe purpose of mak ing such Investigation I freely offer to any responsible person every means and facility at ray command. "I await your answer with much Interest, and, In view ot your strong Insistence upon the morals of the matter, I commend to you Immedi ate use of the ancient and sacred morality enjoined by the command ment which forbids us to bear false witness against our neighbor." UPROLOS LEWIS III.XIIAM FALLS SKOKKGATIOX LKFT IX HANDS OF IXTHItlOK I ) KIM UTM I .XT FI VK-YKA 1 1 KX TKXSIOX WITHDIIAWX. (From Wednesday's Dally.) SALICM, May 22. (Special.) The Desert Land Hoard last night passed the resolution In regard to tho Henhaui Jlls Irrigation project, In troduced by State Engineer Lewis, the only change from his resolution being an amendment suggesting the advisability of retaining tho segre gation Intact for the purpose ot pos sible Irrigation developments later on. Mr. Lewis' resolution, put be fore the board early In the month, leaves the fate of the segregation entirely in the hands ot tho Depart ment of the Interior, withdrawing the board's former petition for n five year extension on Oregon segrega tion list No. 20, and relinquishing all right, title, and interest ot tho state to the lauds Involved. Action was postponed by the board, on the request of the C O. I. com pany for nn extension of tlmo on eon tract list No. C, pending the oppor tunity for settlements. The, Intention of tho board Is fully to preserve the settlers' rights In relation to Irri gation district developments. REID SCHOOL WILL BE USED FOR DRAFT School lloartl Gives Census Mnndml Permission .Vow llulldlnj- i Plans liipectctl. (From Friday's Pally.) Whenever tho draft proclamation Is Issuod by President Wilson, reg istration hottdqunrtors will bo In tho 'Held school for precinct No. 1, it has beon docldod by tho school board. Tho designation Is mado on tho re quest of Hov. II. C. Hitrtrautt, war census marshal. Tontnttvo pinna for tho second unit ot tho high Bchool. and tho first unit of tho Kenwood suhnol havo been sub mitted to the board by locul archi tects, nnd In preparation for the high school addition, H. J. Overturf. clerk ot tho bonrd. will advertise tor bids tor moving baok the old bulldlng,;niakliiB room tor tho now. New liiBtruotora elected for the Hend schools aro Mlsa Olo.ru It. Wat- tonburg for tho sixth gmdo. ami Mii Zadii Ktutou, ot Sac City, Iowa, to hend tho domestic science doinut- inont. DESERT SREVUN-RIXON AIDS RECRUITS LIST OF EMPLOYES IN SERVICE COMPILED. Coinponnotlon to Dcpndcnta May Ho Made, nnd All .Men anil Hoy Will Ho Sure of Jobs nn Ite- turn, I Announcement. (From Friday's Dally.) To protect employe who nro leav ing to take service In the United States army, The Shevlln-IHxon Com pany la compiling a list of all men and boy going into any branch ot the war, so that when peace Is de clared tholr old Jobs will bn ready for thorn. Tho same policy Is being pursued at the company's offices all over the country, T. A. McCann, gen eral manager of the local plant, af firmed this morning. In case men with families or other dependants are called on to go, tho company is considering aiding such dependent with amount represent ing the dlfferenco between tho wage which the ox-emplpye bad been re. ceivlng at the mill and the amount paid him by the government This, however. Is still to be worked out. Mr. MeCann stated. The compila tlon ot list of recruits now belcg made will be taken as the basla for calculations showing whether or cot this phase of the plan will be worth I while. The entire announcement Is In line with the promise which Mr McCann, In company with other Henl employers, made some time ago. tha all employes serving in the war woull be sure ot work on their return to Dend. Up to the prssont time 50 Dcnd boys have enlisted In the navy, while 21 have gone Into the army The entire enlistment in Central Oregon through the local recruiting officers totals 13G, made up ot 82 for tho navy and 54, for tho nrmy. BEND SCHOOL BONDS WILL GO IN SERIES District Will Xot Pay Intercut on Debt Until Money Don-owed In Actually In Cm?. (From Wednesday's Dally ) Although voted at one tlmo, the $30,000 worth of Hend school bonds are not to be used at one tlmo, but will be purchased with money from the State School fund In three Issues ot $10,000 each, according to ar rangements Just completed by Vcr non A. Forbes, attorney tor the Bend school district. The procedure is new hero, and means that the district will not bo paying interest on borrowed money until that money Is actually being put to use. The last bond Install moot will probably not be issued for half a year, Mr. Forbes stated. TO BE CRECKED FLOODS OX UPPKIl ItlVKH TO 1IAVK XO KFFKCT WIIKX ltTIt 1FY1XG PLANT LS IX WATKK TKSTH AUi: HIGH. (From Tuesday's Dally) To provont a possible epidemic of typhoid fever as the result ot flood conditions prevailing on the upper Deschutea and on rivers tributary to the Deschutes, the Dend Water. Light & Power Co. will shortly bo glu the ohlorlnliatlon ot water at the Intake for the city water sup ply, absolutely sterilizing the entlro drinking supply tor Hend. This la already being done at tho pumping plant whenever water la taken from the river immediately within tho city tor emergency purposes. Tho pro posed, tohlorlnlzatlou ubovo the city Is to mpdone to eliminate all possible danger, although troqueut tests of the wnten ujjwl here havo shown an unusual degree of purity, says Man ager T. H. Foloy. Hoth of the Hend sawmills aro now using the ehlorlntzation plan for all water taken from the river f r use at their Plant, and wMh the new improvement to be ntifjfc bv th" Hend Water Light & Power i u.l water used hero will be 100 per cent puro. TYPHOID ANGER v