IHCND HULLMIN', IIKND, ORKGON.TIIl'ItHDAY, MAY 17, 117 FAQE a, t ;t. V L E IS DEVELOPED 2000. ACRES FENCED 1JY MILL COMPANY. llrooKH-Hrimlou Hcrk li lnrri'iinn Ci. parity nf Natural Kor't Itnnjio Gro K'rlni'iilN Tried Wilier Hindis UoukIiI. iiiIkIiI nlso bo carried on. Tim HrookB-Hmuilon Company Iiiih ulso purclinituil wnltir rlfttttH under tlio Arnold ditch, wlilcli It will iiho In k rlotiltunil tluvitloiHiiont or curtain of Hh outwrnir IiiihIh, MRS. GItEINEK HEADS PARENT-TEACHERS (Prom ThurMiluy'H Dully.) Mm. II. M. Onilnor wiim elected president, Mrs, Vnrnon A. Forlicn vlco-presldtint, Mrs, J. CuniifnK'inm, secretary nml Mm. Uooruo K. YontiK. tri'iuiuriir, tit thu unmtluK of thn Par-ont-Tnncliiir Association held at tho Iioiiiu of Mrs. 0. A. Tliomon. Mm. Fortius ami Mm, Yonnit woro both rii'dlnrtiMl. A parcels pout sale hold followliiK tlin business tnufitliiKi not ti'il thn association G.GO. (From Thursday's Dolly.) KxiicrlinontliiK In nil endeavor to turn loKKKil-off Iniidi Into iirofltnlilo ntock mono, tho llrooks.Hcnulon Lumber Co, has fenced In 2000 acres of land) rnprvsnnlliiK tho mujor por tloii of thu total rlruri'tl In tho last ynur, tho Intention bnliiK to ptotoct tho nnlurnl hunch Krass from ntock nml kIvo It n chance to spread ami Intromit tho jirovnllliiK form of vk illation, In addition, nearly 10 acres of land U boliiK sown with Krass ruoiI by County AKrlculturallst lllitnchard, to ascertain whnthvr or not differ unt ti'H of foraKo ran bo grown inorit efficiently. J. I1. Kityi'H, Kitimrnl inannKor of tint Hrnoks-Hcaulnu plant. In discuss Iiik thn development work now under vny. characterized It im mi oxperl iiniiit which mt Klit bo of Kri'iil ben oflt to tho ntock Industry of Central Ori'Kon. Whiilhitr or not tint com pany would runt thn Isml to slock lumi for prlvatu rmiKi', or would act ually ko Into thn Hlmk lumliictMi, ho wan unable to say. ll lutliiutml that experiments wlih root rropw FIRST NATIONAL BANK TO MAKE BIG LOANS Connlilrriililn AdxlHlaiicc to Il Given Holckiuon for IUiIiIiik "Hho Muff" Tills Year. (From Thursday's Dally.) To stimulate tho rnUlim nml brooding of tnuro rattlo In Cnntral OniKon, tho Flmt National Hank, throUKh Its president, C. H, Hudson, made arrangements HiIh week whllo In I'ortluml whereby It will bu pos sible for thn Flmt National Hank to plant 100,000 In Ioiiiik to farmom and stockmen for "iho muff" cattlu. "Whllo It lit essential that ntock mini bo given aid for rnhiluK binf entile, yet It In of oven greater Im portance that wo hiivn oattlo for breeding ntock In Central Oregon. Tint bunk will ho clad to recolvo ap- pllcalloiiN for nuch limiiH, bceuuso tint Hooiior tho farmers Knt on their feet In thin particular, tho bettor will ho iho I'ondltlouN locally In thu ntock market," Mr. Iludnon wild thU morn Iuk. STOLEN FOUND Br GOY HTAHH AND HTHIPKH, TAKICN I'HOM MILL MONTH AGO, I.O CATKD W1IKN fllll.D PUR8UKH !AT UNDER SIDEWALK. (From Thumdny'n Daily.) Morn than a month aftor tim bl flag at tho Urookn-Hcaulon offices mynlorlotinly disappeared, It was found lost iiIkIU by tho llttlo grand non of F. F. Hubbard, of thin city. Hollcd up and tucked carefully away under a wooden walk near tho ity jail, thu fliiK had suffered practically no harm, and wan Identified by J. 1. Koyca, Knnnral manager of tho llrookn-Hcanlon plant, a undoubted ly boloiiKlnK to tho mill office. It wan flown to tho breeze again thin morning, The omblum wan found when Mr. Hubbard's grandson, dinning a cat, crawled under tho nldawalk In pur nult of tho animal, Ho Rat tho flag Inntead. No clow an to tho Identity of the Individual committing tho theft has been gained. CONTRACT SIGNED FOR COMMENCEMENT OF STRAIIORN ROAD (From Saturday's Dally.) (11 UnlU-1 IV to !) Ifcn.l llulMlo) KLAMATH FALLS, Mny 12. 7onlriirtN fur Iho conntnic- Hon of tho link of tho Htrnliorii - rnllMiiy from Klnumtli Fulln U Dairy hito hIkoimI tlili morn- Iuk by Itobrrt K. Hlmhoro nml Mo) or Crbilrr, of Klntnnlli Falln. - Thn nclunl work will lcirJn - on Juno li, wiim n big Itnltroml Day celebration will bo fitnKiil lii-ri'. Mm. Htrnborti will turn tho flmt nhorrl of dirt. Mr. Ntrnborn left today for i- Portlnnil mill Hpokano to com pleto preparation)! for the work. Ho will return tlio latUT part of Iho month. For lgn painting noo Gdwardt.' Adv. FAT CATTLE SUPPLY NEARLY EXHAUSTED Clean up nnd paint up. Hoo Ed' wnrilN. Adv. r ST3 fL .. rK" tj sm u- iii'iwuw, rreniumii is. m. i.aiia, unnninr fj Si) Jrff. H. (' rmt. Vlrn l'r-l,1.it I. 11 MpVS.'nt.ltH A.. I Po.t.ln, HJEi frjgZ K. A. HATIIKH, Vlc I'roi. II. A. HTOVKU.Annt. Caihler C t) ibe rirsi nauonai dohk jC OF BEND, BEND, OREGON t nptinl fully paid f.mxj NurphM IW.000 J&0 Pa-1vo1 Paov-fr Qtrr.fr-, I he financial Gibraltar of America War or no war, tho Ilaukn of the Nation ant firmly en trenched on tho hllln of proiporlty, with their vault full of munitions to withstand whatever nttackn may coino People may rant about our national unprupnrmltnui, but do you know of any nation or people under tho nun bet ter prepared FINANCIALLY? Thu Flmt National Hank, of Ilend, In a momhor of tho Federal Itonervo Hyntoui. TTe FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEND Sis Tttelto Car Shipment to Ixavn To- niori-iMV, Olio of l.iiMt Kilem ItroiiKlit Kniiu Cnllfornhi. (From flaturday'n Dally.) That tho nupply of fat cattlo In Central OrcKon ban been practically nil dispone! of. In the report ol Freight and I'nMmiRer AK'Ht WIk Klnn, of tho O.-W. It. & N., who will leave tomorrow mornltiK with n 12 rar nhlpmont from Itodmond and Terrobonne, for tho Portland mar kets Tho beuvtxt which are being taken out are virtually tho hint fin Inhml nteem available In thin section, ha nayn. Feed em from Callfrontn and Southern OroKou are hcKlnnlng to co mo In to bo put In shape for tho markets, five carloads being brought Into Central Oregon yoatcrday. Chief among other ntock nhlpmentn, wan n three-rarload lot of draft animals to bu used on the I'rliicvlllo railway. OAHDKNINU liKAKfiKT IHHUED (From Saturday's Dally.) The Union 1'aclflc Hyntem ban Junt published a leaflet on "Tho Small f For farm land loasn nee J. Hyan & Co. Adv. I flea J. Ryan St Co., for farm land ' loans. Adv. ' K) 5i? Doct askfbr , Cractew Ssw Rakes FIX IT! It may be the carbureter. It may be the self starter. It may be a rim or a tire. It may be the brakes. It may be the steering wheel. It may be the crank shaft. It may be the gears. It may bo the magneto. It may be the storage battery. ANYWAY You should have you automobile thor oughly overhauled before spring. "Winter is hard on a car, and better have your ma chine in perfect running order for those spring trips you are planning. OUR EXPERT . Mechanics and our equipment enables us to do this work for you reasonably and well. BEND OARAGE WALTER COOA1BS, Mgr. When in Trouble, Phone Red 451. And the Best GROCERIES nt McGrath's Grocery Bond StwoU YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WE'LTi OM2AN YOUR LINEN, CLOTIIKS, SILK DllESSES, Etc. TUT YOUR DUDS IN OUR SUDS" lllJMINKHH AND I'ltOFKHHIONAL VERNON A. FORBES IiAWYKIl First National Dank Dulldlng Jlund :: :: Oregon Hack Lot Garden," to encourage In tensified gardening and Improve moans of promoting tho preparedness campaign. Copies mny bo obtained from William McMurrny, general passenger ngont, Portland. II. II. DeARMOND h A W Y K R O'Kano IlulldliiB, Uend, Oregon W. W. FAULKNEIt, D. M. D. DRNTIHT Suite C-8-10, O'Kano Ilulldlng Bond, ... Oregon D. J. C. VANDKVRRT rhynlrlnn anil Horn con I'hono Itod 271 Hour 9-12 a. m.; 1-G p. m.; 7-9 p. m. O'Kano llulldlng. W. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Sulto 12-14, O'Kano Dutldlng lllnrk 17H1 Itriul, OrcKon GBORGE S. YOUNG Civil anil Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mineral Surveyor. Room 12, Flmt National Bank DutldlDK ARTHUR J. MOORE Lnwyer 1'roboto, Lkns,l'onveyances,ctc. General I'nuriko Lojr Cabin Culldlnjr Bend, Ore. I'hono Black 1411 J. K. KNGKI1RKTKON, lLOIItlNG AND HKATINO 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. 0. P. NIBWONGEIl, Dend, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licenced Einbalmer, Fun end Director. Phono Rod 421. Lady A sat. Shoe Repairing Dono In n K1RST-CLABS man- iter, while you wait. Ii. Goodman, opposite Raker's Grocery. DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprnpnthlc Physician Over Logan Furnlturo Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to S Phone Red 482 O. 8. DENSON A tt ornoy At Law Douson nulldlns. Wall Street Bend, Oregon. II. O. E L L I a Attorneyat'Itw United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON TRY.OUK Pasteurized Milk Olhet like it. None Kttr Ul lei, Salet have doubled in putt 30 tltyi. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' CREAMERY Phone Red I3t CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS MUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS DEND, OREGON PHONE BLACK 741 Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Sundird Sua. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Telephone Red 1431 of 701 City Sale Office Bend Conptsy B3iEg LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT AH Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-H1XON LUMBER OFFICE ON OREGON ST. Shoes for Real Service OUR SPECIALTY IS TO MAKE SHOES THAT STAND THE TEST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mado for this kind of country. Nono are bet ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A haadsomo sorvlceablo dress shoo for men. Cannot be beaten for tbo money. Olvo these shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. The A. Hanson Logger Shoes of Threo Lakes, Wis., are hand-made and cne of tho very best of Ita kind. Special madc-to-order work taken for this shoe. UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIRING BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN BEND OREGON Central Oregon Garage Redmond, Oregon Fully Equipped Machine Shop. Representing the Northwest Auto Co., distributors for Dort, Reo, Cole 8 and Mormon Cars F. G. CUTLIP C. T. SHETTERLY Phone for Demonstration g ..ar. TIMBER REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE INVESTMBNTS C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTS FOR SALE IN EVERY ADDITION IN BEND PROPERTY HANDLED FOR NON-RESDJENTS. BOUGHT AND SOLD. OFFICEOREGON STREET Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER, SERVICE Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CLEANING