The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 10, 1917, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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    PAQB 7
((Joiitliiiwil from I'ngn 2.)
L, II, TiuiHclinr, who wnnt to Port
liiml nliout tli r no wonltii ngo to not
Ills rnlhnr'H nutotnolillu, In impeded
linck noon with ttin cur.
Mm. I', II. JoIiiikoii mill sou Unhurt
mill Mrn. Jitniim Iltmtnn uutoml to
tho llontnon place, railed on Mm.
OnnrKii Cook anil Mm. J. J. Holland,
L. V, Ilooney Is hihiiIIiir for Erie
Tim owner of tint timm Krln llontn
liiml kept nil winter ntul thin spring,
Itot lilit ton in thin week.
Mm. Jnmim Ilrmtson visited with
Mm. II. It. Knllur on Friday.
I.lttln llnrolil nml Holm Knllur
"visited n Hliort lliiitt with thulr mint,
Mrs. It. It. Keller, Flnluy.
Mm. U. II, Knllur vlnltnl with hrtr
mother, Mm. l Tituiiuliiir, Krlduy
Mm. Ernest Kilmnnilit lit now iililo
to nit tip, hut tho girl huhy In not
ho woll.
Joseph Holland wit nut of school
olio tiny tltht wonk, on nt'count of it
morn foot.
Win. A . Itnlin him limn qultn "Ink.
II. A. Ilnll In leaving on it liiiNlncmt
trip to Ilntnl toilny.
Arthur Moorn runin out from llnnd
Indsy to vlnli with his brother Her
bert for n short tltnn.
i.oui:it ititin)i,
(Hprolnl to thn Ilttltot III. )
I.OWKIt IHtllKIK. Mny ft. Mm.
.XtndlK nnlnrtitliit'd thu I'. T.'s on
I'rlilny. '
Mr. nml Mm. Hunk Inn nmdti u trip
to llnnd Tutttilny.
Mm. It. H. Tntvnn vlsltori Mm; Juq
Ktir In llnnd from Hitturility to Mon.
tiny hint work.
C. W. Klnpit rtiluriiMl from I'ort
luml Wvilupmlity, driving n now cnr.
Mm. 0. F. Ifonklim. Marlon und
Oiunr lloitklim motored to thn Warm
HprlitRH Iiiillnn riNtnrvittloti on Wed
iiiMdny. Jerry Ornnskriigor nml Doiinln
Hunt Hindu it hunlm trip to His
tnrtl Munilny.
MIm lllniirlui WlUon mid Atlalynn
Dlatrlek, from Trrhtiiie. spent thn
wk end with Mm. Jon llownrd.
It. A. Illnuchitrd nml wlfo wero
ykltuM In llln community Haturday.
Mr. Itlnntihsrd came out to Inspect
I ho nlfnlfu fields, which have died
out thin winter.
Costs Little to Run
Thousands of Maxwell owners run
their car on $0 to $8 a month,
bcauio tho Maxwell li mechan
ically right.
Tho real automobile ia the median
inside, where you can't see it.
And the Maxwell excels as n
is world endurance champion,
tho most efficient car made
tho most inexpensive
(Hpiwlftl toThtf Ilulletln.)
tirrilltM, Mny 7. Karl Updlkn
H Mm. IfpdlkM nr Maying t thn
XlntltM llfitnl.
Mrs. ltd Upon Iihm rttirnl from n
rjwnnt trip to Orlnnd. Calif.. whre
h wwt with hnr niothr. Mm. A.
lamttlnlnH, to lm nt tint thwtUttU of
Mm. Tamploton'N mother, who U
vry III.
Anthony lUwrli him rtiirimd from
KeNHiwrk. Wash, whrrn Iih went
with Mm. IttHtrh to visit Mm. Months'
P. I.. (Hut nmilrt nu ntito trip to
Msnd laat Htindny.
Mm. M. McKlntiny mid dittiKhtnr
returned from lleud Tuesday.
Tho J. I. Durkntt sawmill In run
Iiir fulMinndotl (hU WHiik.
Hurl Updike U driving n IorkIiir
t ho in for Authoiiy Itonrh.
(Jo. Wllnon li working for II. I..
Mr. nml Mm. John Union rninu In
from tho Tono ranch Htindny.
Curtlit llnlloy wh un from hln
ntHch on tho MhIoIIuh. fliindiiy.
C, H. IluiUnn mid fnmlly, with n
party of frlontlit, pnMml throngli
Touring Car $665
Roadster - - 650
All prlft I. o. b. Detroit.
Whether for town or country us
the Maxwell logically is your car.
Universal Garage
Phone Muck 1401
1U4 Greenwood Bend, Oregon
town Knttirdny on tludr wny to tho
Mntnlltm for nn outing.
A litrgn uumhnr of nuto parties
pnmicd through town flundity on their
wny to tho Mctolluit to unjoy tho day
Jon WlUon wnn n liuilncnit vlnllor
In Itudtnnnd thin wvak.
Thn WlUon nnwrnlll hn it boon saw
lug tlili wfok,
Hnvnrnl Blntors punpla nttttndocl tho
pnrty glvtin nl tho W. V. Van Matra
homo In Clovordnla Friday ovenlng.
Ituv. J, Kdwnrd Illalr conduotod
itorvlrtm In thn Frttsbylorlnu church
Hunduy ovenlng.
Mr. und Mm. Jiick JHnldlintn nud
iton worti In from Wilton' mill Inst
Collegian Clothes
Underneath the surface of every Collegian
Spring Suit ia Collegian quality that guar
antees tho wear
Collegian quality in tho weaves tho
Collegian quality in the workmanship
by skillful tailors
Collegian quality in tho styles distinctive
exclusive designed by the Collegian style
Why not experience tho personal
satisfaction ot tho individualized
appearance which Collegian
Clothes give you?
H6.50 to 35
Martin & Cashman
lrr or nl nncinltatloni of tb 1rm'rl
HlalM. nt th National Guard of an at ihe
vfal ilatn.
Ymi arr. therrfwr. further nntlfW that th
afcl allmatlorM will U taken lor thU e(fk aa
havlnc Urn conrruml br rou. and mU
nlry will t rantrlH thrrrumlrr without
mir furthr to b hrard tlierrln. either
bvfwr thl. efik or nn wal. If yeu fail
".' 'HSj?..,h-U a,,y "'thin twenty daya ntrr
the POUIITII iMiUteatkHi of thU nok, it
jhown Mttw, ywr imwrr, under eth. iiw.
Iflrally meHIn and rrafmndlnr U th all
catieM f rvnmt. er If yw faH whhln that
time ta file In thU affke uue nA thit ymi
hare aerved eeuy of yeui nn-ut-t on the
riW rontrMaat tkhrr In i...i . ly hit.
.J?" "" " "" r la mule ly the
defhrery of a ty ot yw iM.rr to the eon
teataat In feeaan. Mf of atleh tee ! i Mt
U either the mU entetant'a wrhtetl a.
anowWameM of ,U rrfrlit of the i.r
.htwlwr the date of I4j reeelM. or ihc i, II.
datll of Ihe pmvn by whom the Arj err '
Tl. ta,'Mr " "here the to ia
delliretrd. If made by reentered null. Kroaf
of auth aerrlee mtwt eonabt of the fffctavlt
of the HmM by wham the eoaty m Hhiile.)
UtlMt wfcen and the Hot offlee to whteh It
waa maUed. and thia affidavit miut be ac
""M"W br the twatmaaler'a reeetrt for the
Vi ahmild Hate In your anewer the name
of the m offlee to which you dealro future
netteea to 1 aent to you.
n . i,'..K,lAN!t. WOODCOCK. Ilrl,tr.
Date of flrat imbllratlon. May 10. 1117,
Uate of arrond twUleatlen, May tT. HIT.
ate of third pubfieatlen. May 14. 191T.
Date of fourth pubfleatlon. May Jl, rl.
Deoartmetit of the Interior. Unltr. State.
Uml Offlee, Tho Uallea, Oroyon. May t, HIT
To Aithur C. Torrey, of llend, Orecon. Con
teatee Yoti are hereby notified that Geuriro
II. Klleff, who Klvra llend. Ormon. a. hU
-. k.i... . .11.1 .. K'.l....-. n lal
file In thla effke hU duly eorrvbnratrd aplU I
ratten to rontett and aecura tho cancellation Monnrf innn. e ,. ttr. it q
of your homealeod. Kntry No. . ... Serial . ,P", A. 0l ,.lHJm " .1 ..r' U 8'
Nn. tmil, maJe leremUr I. IH1. far KS Lnild Office Ot TtlO Uallefl. Oro-
Sttefl It. Towmhlii 19 South, IUne IT I gOH, April C, 1917.
Kaat, Wlllamelto Meridian, ami aa around j
for hla ennlrat he oUra-ra that Arthur C. Turrey i Jollco la llnrohv clvmi Mint n
haa wholly abandoned aald claim for more than Mnurlcn Iluntor of Mllllonn Drni.nn
la nwiilha laat pa.t. and haa nerer alnee the ' f i,n n t,X it i oi i i OIr.0B0"'
date of flllnc, realded Uw or cultivated aald ". n J"'y 16. 1913, mntlo Home-
tuflii isniry .no. uusac, for s
N BKM. 8W!4 SKU, Sec. 32;
NWU SWH, Sec. 33, township 20
mitli. range 1C enat, Wlllamotto
Meridian, tins filed notice of Inten
tion to mako final three-year proof,
to establish claim to the land above
'described, beforo H. C. Kills, U. S.
Commissioner, nt llend. Oregon, on
1 the lGth day of May, 1917.
cimmani names as witnesses:
Hobort Q. llussell, Earl Hussoll,
Stanley Smith, John Edwards, all of
Mllllcnn, Oregon; William A. Har
ris, ot Uoud, Oregon.
C'lOp. Heglster,
Itatlen cami-. ettewhere. In the military or
narai orramtaiiona ot ine unitej Btatea or
tha National Guard of any of the aerrral
You arc. therefore, further notified that
the aald allnratlona will be taken aa con
feaard. and your aald entry will be eaneelled
without further rlxht to be heard, either be-
lore mu oiiiee or on appeal. If you fall to
file In thla office within twenty daya after tho
Fourth publication of thla notice, aa ehown
beeaw. your anawer. under oaUi, neclflcally
mtwMinr 10 irwae ailefatlena or con teat,
toe-ether with due oroof that ou Kave uml
eopy of your anawer on tho aald contestant
either in lron or by reclatered mall.
You thould aute In your anawer tho name
ei ine imwi eniee to whkh you desire future
netlrra to be aent to you.
JAS. V, UUROBSa. RecUter.
pate of flrat publleatlon. AprU J. HIT.
Date of aeeond publication. May 3. lIT.
Date of third publication. May 10. 11T.
Ualo of fourth publication. May IT. 191T.
..... .L.a t . -t . .... . .
... .. M.M. .uwDrff inwi aaiu lanu waa
not due to hie cmidvymcnt In military aer
le rendered In eonnectlon with operatlona
In Mraleo. or alomr Ihe Umbra thereof.
In moWllaation earni elaewhere. In the mill-
'or your informatton . . u
" that in l0h t0
to-r "".u,
aortaxy better
w" atard oil oonu,
Qo lubricant than wltn
Any 'a zorol
Wo Wo uooa.
7 othor
"DECAUSK Zerolcne b
' correctly renncU from
ujphnlt-bnse crudest main
tains its lubricating body
nnd value at cylinder heat,
thus forming n perfect pis
ton scid, reducing friction,
nnd cnubllnc the motor
to dovclop its muxlmum
Zcrolcnc ts tho oil for your
For oil by dealer everywhere
and at our Service btalwru.
do nn. ... . r 'hot
,. a " T - m M - 'taut.
OI Oil nhlah
but ooroly t(
o chould u08
aH you.
ftt that thl- t0
hao Kl tiouiar brand
Blna uo btter rooulta thnn
0th-ohWOhaTOtrir2 7
Vouro Tery truly,
notici von i'uulicatio.v.
U. S. Land Office nt Tho Dalles, Oro
Ron, March 9, 1917.
N'otlco Is hereby given thnt Sam
uel 11. Hogln, wIiobo post oftlco ad
dress Is llend, Oregon, did, on tho
ISth day ot April, 1916, fllo In this
otflco Sworn Statement and Applica
tion, No. 0159GS. to nurchase tho
swvi sw, Section 2S. Township
1C South, Itango 11 Rast. Willamette
Meridian, and tho timber thereon,
under tho provisions or tho act ot
Juno 3, 1878, and acts nmondatory.
Known as mo "Tirabor una stouo
Law," at such valua as might bo fixed
by tippraisouient, and that, pursu
ant to such application, tho land and
timber thereon have been appraised
One Hundred Dollars, tho tlmbor esti
mated 1200 fence posts nt 5c, 160.00,
and tho land $40.00; that said ap
plicant will offer final proof In sup
port ot his application and sworn
stntomont on tho ISth day ot May,
1917. boforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Com
missioner, nt llend, Oregon.
Any person Is ut llbqrty to protest
this purchase boforo entry, or Initi
ate rt contest nt any tlmo boforo pat
ent Issues, by filing a corroborated
affidavit In this office, alleging facts
which would defeat tho entry.
s-iBp. Register.
In the Circuit Court qt the State ot
Oregon, for Doschutes County.
Mahlon Sweot and Kolo D. Drain,
co-partners doing business under
the firm natno and stylo ot Sweet
Drain Auto Company, Plaintiffs,
D. F. Childress and Cosby A.-Child
ress, ins wiro, Krcd A. Jackson.
and Jackson, his wife, and tho
Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company, a
corporation. Defendants.
To D. F. Childress and Cosby A.
Childress, his wife, Fred A. Jackson,
and Jackson, his wife:
In tho Name of the Stato of Ore
gon, You aro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed
against you In the abovo entitled
court and cause within six weeks
from the date of the first publication
of this summons upon you, to-wlt:
Within six weeks from the 26th
day of April, 1917, and If you tall
to appear and answer within said
time, plaintiff will apply to the Court
lor tno roller prayed for In the said
complaint, to-wlt t
For a Judgment against said de
fendants, U. F. Childress and Cosby
A. Childress, his wife, for the sum
of $190.00, togcthor with Intorest
thereon at the rate ot eight per cent
por annum from January 29, 1917.
until paid, and for $75 attorney
foes besides tho costs and disburse
ments or this suit, that plaintiffs'
mortgage bo foreclosed and that the
real proporty In said mortgago de
scribed, to-wlt: The northwest quar
ter ot tho northwest quarter ot sec
tion 24. township 14 south, range 13
E. W. M., In Deschutes county. Ore
gon bo sold by the Sheriff ot Des
chutes County, Oregon, In tho mon
itor provided by law for tho satisfac
tion ot said Judgment, nnd that tho
moneys roallzod from said salo be
applied first to tho expenses ot said
sale, second to tho payment of the
costs and disbursements ot this suit
including $7G attorney tce, third, to
the payment ot tho plaintiffs' said
promissory note and mortgage,
and that the rcslduo be paid
as the Court may direct; that the
Sheriff or said Deschutes Couuty,
making said sale, place the purchas
er of the said real proporty In the
immediate possession ot said prem
ises, and that the defendants or all
rcrsons claiming by, througn or un
der then or any ot them, be forever
barred and foreclosed of all right,
title, claim, Interest and estate in oi
lion upon said lands and premises,
and of all equity ot redemption In tha
same, save only tho statutory right
of redemption, and that plaintiff
havo such other and further reucf
as to the Court may seem cqulL'bK
This summons Is publlshrl in t'i
llend Ilulletln, a weekly newspaper
ot general circulation, published In
Bend, Deschutes County. Oregon, for
six consecutlvo weeks by order ot
Honorable W. D. Barnes, County
Judgo ot Deschutes County, Oregon,
which order specifics the dato ot the
first publication of this summons
and directs that each of you appear
and answer within six weeks from the
first publication thereon, and which,
order further provides that a copy
ot tho complaint and summons shall
bo forthwith mailed to each ot said
defendants at their laat known post
office address.
The date of tho first publication,
April 26, 1917.
8-Hc. Attorneys for Plaintiff.
xotici: von iciilicatiok
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Oftlco at The Dalles, Ore
gon, April 27, 1917.
Notice is hereby given that Janet
M. Williams, ot Mllllean, Oregon,
who on March 10, 1913, mado Home
stead Entry No. 011537, for W
SEU Sec 23, N SEU. and NBV.
Sec, 26, township 19 south, ran go
14 east, Wlllamotto meridian, has
filed notice of intention to make
final three year proof, to establish
claim to the land abovo described,
before II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission
er, at Dend. Oregon, on the 7th day ot
June, 1917.
Claimant names as witnesses
Howard P. Dyer, David C. Gogera,
Daniel W. Dceler. and Abraham Ev
ans, all ot Mllllean, Oregon.
9-1 3 p. Register.
Department of tho Interior. United Statea
tnd Offlee nt Lakeview, Oretton, April
IT. 1017.
To Calvin U Moihcr, of Raymond, Wash-Ink-ton.
Conteateet You ar hereby netlfled
that Laurence E. Campbell, who Klvva llend.
Orwfun, ai hta imt offlee addrcaa. did on
March 0. 1017. file In thU office hi. duly
eorruboratcd application to eonteat and -Hi?
vl" c"Cllatlon of our llomceti-ad
r, uLti".-- ..Srtal No- 04M. n,'' J"'?
NWli NEf,. Section 20. Townahlp 31 8
Itanue 18 K. win. m. it. mi.ii. '
- e v i ,v ,M va awiollaa VA1114 pj
jtrounija for hla contaat he alliitee that you
have never cetaullahtd mldmce mon auid
ttact, or made ImnrovemtnU thcrvun and
that you havo wholly abandoned aald claim
u I " ,1 ,no"in iat wut; and that I
aald a.bsence from tho land waa not due to i
your employment in military acrvlco rend
crtxl In connection with operation. n Me.
Ico, w along tha UirJcra thervof, or In mobll. '
1 Service
Quality, Combined
With Low Prices
Square Dealing
F. Dement Co.
Wall Street