IUCNUIV.MJmJ)KNOmiOTONnitmHnAY,M't.V 10 1017' itfnn rt. I ' SPRING TONICS I HIS I"N TIIti'llKST OF ' CONDITION ALWAYS ,' I Sassafras Hark 10c a' Bag I Make your own tonics llcin Selected Italian Imported Olive Oil 1 per bottle IlSc, 50c, MOc, si:i: our windows REED & HORTON TIIK ItKXALL STORK I t . e to rmimin hlii work In tlio snow study of uro iiiiitrrct - " - fc y i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS ; (From Wuilucsday'H Dntly.) IC. D. Ilatnnlnii In In Ilia city today ifrom III liuniu In lllloy. ) M. J, Morrlnon. of Hamilton, In In '(tlio city today on business, i ' A. F Oukitruian lit u business vis hior In llio city from Hums, Mm, J. W. Klktm. of Crescent, In yIhKIiik wlih friends In Hend. ifa Mm. W. L. Colli) loft last nlKlit for ,1'ortlniul to spend a fnw dnyii. A. Illnnchnrd, lait iiIkIiI In Mr. and Mm. K. of Uiidtntiud, spoilt Jlfiul, I.. Wink elm an and rVr, Oconto WliikoliiiNii, of Hu in inn r ljko, firu" 'spmidlnic thjj day In lliinl. MUn llniol Stephens, of'UoMon, ar rived In Hend lout nlftht tptlnlt, with hnr sUter, Mm. Frank It Prince Mr, mi (I Mm. W L, Crow, of Port land, motored to Hand from Tho Da I leu today, mid left thin oftronoon for 1 1 run. Mr. and Mm. I,. 1). MaKlllrnfurjicd to Ilend thin moriiliiK after a Wedding trip to coast points. Thuy litva "tak en apartments at tlio Pilot Ilulto lllll. I Mr. and Mm. O. C. Morgan, of Lnko Arthur, Now Mexico, havu nr rlvnd In Hend to mako tholr homo Imru. Mr. MiirKn U a member o( thu Now Mexico liar, and Intends to open law offices In this city noon, Fred N. Wallace U In the effy To day on business, from Tutnalu. "Cou lily CommliNlonor L. K. Hmlto wan In llond today from Hrdmojid, to attvnd tho session of countyfiojirT. William Sprnat, of thn Deschutes National Forestry sorvlcn, loft thin (From Thursdays ntflly.) ,' A, 0, Walker ffVlsltlilg In HcH from Alfalfa. '' ('. H. Iliiclnon wnnt to Portland oil fiimlnoHH hint nlKht. Mm. I.. K, Hill li (I visitor In Dend from hur homo at Catlow. , J. V. Wnriwi niwl It. (' Ni.Un.f hra In thn city today from Moborts (loorn Mllllciin lit In (hit city to day from IiIh homo In Mllllcnn t Mr. and Mm. If. M, NuIhoii, of Im-' perlnl, uro IiIinIiiohh visitors In l(oiid, J J. Wilt, of Sisters, wn In Heli'l liiNt nlKht for thu Masonic IjuikJIU'L T. A MtC'unii loft I11M nlxlit "oil hi rogular trip to Llbby, lontana. Frank It. Prlni-o returned tills1 tnornliiK from a business trip to Port- lanu. John Hayes, of Silver Lake, Is nt tondliiK to business mattum In Iloud today, Jtaymond I.. Cornwoll and C. I). Springer, of .m1iuii, uro spending tho day In Hend. County Clerk J. II. Hancr has Kouo to Portland to receive treat ment for bin eyes which have given out from over strain, II. II, Corey ,nnd Frank J. Miller, member of tlio Htnto Public ri.irrtyo coramliitloii, with II. II. Do Armoml, Vernon A. Forbes and Ucorcii ft. Young, returned to Dend last ni;ht Horn Hller, whnro tho bearing in tl-o H(unw Crcok Irrigation rato (sko woh begun, Tho cane woa rciurued today. Horn, Hi In morning to Mr. and Mm, flnmuel H. Layman, a norfeif "pound dnugh tor. Horn, thin inornlnK to Mr, ind Mm, Clifford Mackoy, a aoven and i ono-half pound duughtor. i It. (I. Fullnr returned this morn ing from Portland, whi'ro ho Tificnt tlio week end vlnltliu; relatlvna. f 13. C. Latidlngham linn 'taken o baV bor chair with tho PJIbt "Dutto Uar bor Hhop, of which P'red Kuteij ia Mm. Af, It. IJIggB, Mm. II. T.Jofin. nan, I). JoIiiihoii and II, Van Nuyi wore Prlnollo vlltot-Jln Iloncl over tho wook oiid, II. II, Coroy, maibar of thn Btato Publli Kervlco Commlmilon, arrived In Dend thin morning In route tof uutem, for tlio Bfiinw Crook Irrlga Hon project case. Thnro will bo a mcc'tlrifc 6t tho Ld dlf' Library club at tho library to-1 morrow afternoon. Tho Flower Hhow and VHgctablo competition will bo dlncuioiQd. Vernon A. Forbra and II. II, Do Ar- inond and Ooorgo 8. YoqnK loft this morning for HMom, to bo prenunt at tho Public Borrlee ConmUlon hearing In tlio Squaw Creek Irriga tion project rat cone. A nurprliie party wan given at tho home of Florence Downing, In Ken wood, Saturday jilght by 12 of her friend, tho occaalon boliiK hor twelfth birthday. On men wero played and Ice cream and cake feerved. ; nd l 1 (From Monday's Dally.) T. T.'IClng. of Fort Hock. Is a lie vliltiir today. C. H. Clow, of La Pine, was In tho city, vcnterduy. Y i;tV. Ouerney Is in tho city from hl ranch near llrothem. ' Mr, anil Mm. W. Oumport, of Cllno Falls, spoilt yesterday In Hend. Karl Small was In thu city yes- morning for Tiiinulo ranger station terday from his homo In silver Lake. ? Economy Sale ! STARTS FRIDAY May (From Saturday's Dally.) T. W. Marshall was a business vis itor In the city m flight. Mr. and Aim. O; O.'Kl'nj of Ilrotti em, aro visiting In tho city today. J. O. Perry and J. M. Perry, of Ilolyat, arc (ponding tho day In Hend. Jacob Scliercr, of Alllllcan, Is In the city today attending to land bus iness. S. F. Olson, of Fort Hock, Is In IJond today looking nftcr business matters. L. II. Lafollctt and son wero vis itors In the city last night, from their homo lu Hedrnond. Spencer C. Cornish Is leaving for his homestead in Lako county, after spending several weeks in Hend. Afrs. J O. Whltakcr, of Hampton, has been called to tho bedsldo of her sister-lu-law In Dallas, Oregon. Air and Mm. Hex It. Hackott have gone to Portland, where Air. Hackett has accepted a position with tho Northern Express Co. I - Mt ft i.. .-.j.... -.. ' I - -f'" -WW UndcrweY ' hMT-r'OA wa are. 'ex- TvL" y25S'p: "TjrTriL 'II lllll! JjSSW V0SS ceptionaily i "!SSfe rBsssW L'ArK MTcdtO 1 yrAPKKK't Xl..sJ I m YiVFr7r4ip supp,y i llllll ..... f -'" ll h it J I fJIselaf vffj J II v rn nrrrr: , your llllll v s s . Ulw 0! llllll - y. - UnderweV Men's .Cooper's- spring and dom; comfortablo In alt post- i summer weight, lisle thread tlonsl All made with tho Genu- j IJIIJI union suits, at !.(, iti3, 'no Kloscd Kroteb Cooper'ft, jj llllll ,,;M, ?"! f2.0) 2M). tho Three-Seasons Underwear. . llllll .. . ... . .'. .. . .. Atcnl Wo can save vnn mnnfr llllll Mens Ainieuc unions hu is ..... ., .. w.C I Solsetto and Nainsook, Check- gljoc.'',01 DMt pa,r 0t Work I cd $1.00 Holt Original Chippewa Full Doubla ma L Fflny.woJflo cloaked $lJMfiult So'o (Joodyear Welt Shoes a M K Ojlfef slilts aT JM)c, 0c wonderful valuo H4.0O Voir j Two-piece underwear, too, at SWSS'S? ?? 1 per garment. ftOc, tOc, l(Ml uiflf ami up to 0.75 tlicv'ro II III Viirtt-ft fit. vnl nArfit frnn. nil .! .n..M. llllll 1 II Ml ------ --r - J--W....WW sau twa . IHlUtm 1 I II III mmmmmmmm'mmmmmmmm'mmmmmmmmm II I I STOP AND SHOP AT 1 PSPEl' I THE BEST PLACE TO TRADE AFTER ALL j HUNDREDS OF BIG BARGAINS ARE WAITING FOR YOU! KEEP THE COST OF LIVING DOWN See the Big Bills! Don't Miss It! Dress Gingham A .stiindard cloth 9c yard Ripplette thgrfBJi&tjs no jfoning Hcyard Galvanized Pail, 1 0 qts. Limit 'J to customer ' 29c each House Broom At.todnys value worth twice our . . . price, i . -. i . A ' r --Limit one'to a customer .00' ' I. 25c 1 4 QfPairy Pail A goodpne Limit 2 to customer , t- ? 39c each CHIN AWARE SPECIAL l'2-piece dinner set in a fancy gilt decorated pattern 0 cups and saucers, (I dinner plates, 0 pie plates, (I berry dishes, (J soup plates, 2 vegetable bowls, 1 platter, 1 covered sugar, 1 ereamer-'-regylar value $0.75 Special Sale Price $4,00 Curtain Scrim yard wide, a great value, 1 5c yard Children's Stockings Worth more at the factory today limit 2 pairs of size to customer 1 2c pair Ladies' Stockings , . A big value at today's prices Limit 2 pairs of size to customer 1 2c pair Embroidery Specials A big lot on sale 1 Oc yard Table Damask A mercerized cotton cloth that washes and wears well 39c yard (From Friday's Dally.) I T Gardiner, of Terrebonno, nf.s n Hend last night. Mrs It. W. Ilucklll, of MllUcan. spent last night In Hend. Ji A. niackstonc. af Illvors, at rived In tho city last night. A, O. Walker, of Alfalfn, is a bur. Inrss visitor in tho city today. Mrs. A. . Onsloy Is In.tho city te (!( from her homo In Lakcvlew II. N. Aldrlch nnd C. C. Hprrls nm in tln city Moduy from Ml'.ir Lake. Charles II, Hoacan Is spending tlig djy in thu c'ty. from tus nonn? at Crescent. Krcd Ha-rlman and Ed Ha-iiiy, cf Culver, am spending tho div n Pond lookhff after business natters. II .0. Fuller will leave this even Ine for Portland, whore he. will visit at tho homo of his cousin over tho wtick end. District Attorney II. H. DaAVraond nnd Vernon A. Forbes returned to Dend last nlxht from Prlnevllle, whero they argued a motion In tho defunct county division quo. war ranto case, Mrs. Charles Johnson concluded a two day visit In Hend at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Hoed this morn ing, and left for her home lu Hums. She has bcon apoudlng tho last two months in Portland. It. 11. Hayloy, of Tumalo, Is a visitor In town this afternoon. D. L. Wiggins returned thts morn ing from a business trip to Portland. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hastings ro turuod from Slaters yestorday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mrs, Ward Coblo and Miss Falrlamb re turned yesterday aftornoon from a trip to Silver Laka and Paisley. Out of respect to the memory of tho lato A. O. Hunter, whoso funeral Is bolng held today In Drantford, Ontario, tho offlco of Tho Dend Com pany Is closed this aftornoon. for Priuovlllo on business connected with the old county division case. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hastings went to Sisters yesterday, where Mr. Hast ings has forestry business to attend to. County Judgo W. D. names. Com missioners Alex Mackintosh and L. R. Smith, County Treasurer Clyde McKay, and County School Superin tendent J. Alton Thompson are In Prinevllla today on county business. COUUT AUDITS DILLS To audit county bills, tho mem bers of tho Deschutes county court mot, this morning- In tho counoll chambers of tho O'Kano building. This aftornoon ' a moetlng of tho school district boundary board was scheduled. CondensecLreport of tho Condition of The Central Oregon -Bank V Dpnd, Oregon At tho close of 'business, May 1. 1017 OFFICERS D. E. Ho.vteh, President CAltLBTON B. Swift, Vice-President U. Mv Stephens, 'Cashier CALL FOH WARRANTS Notlco is hereby given that funds are available to pay warrants num bered 007 to 78B, both Inclusive, on School District No. 1, Deschutes county, (formerly District No. 12. Crook county). Said warrants will be paid upon presentation to tho undersigned, and Interest ceases this day. II. J. OVErtTUUF, Clerk ot'8chool District No. 1. 127-132C. . Seo Edwards for paper baorjnju Adv. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned haa been by tho Countv Court of Deschutes County. Oregon, appointed administrator oC tUo cstato of Lillian F. Cobb, deceased, and all persons having claims against, said, cstato aro hereby required to pre aont the same with proper vouchers to tho undersigned at hla office In Dend, Deschutes County, Oregon, within six months after tho dato of this notice. Dated this 20th day of April, 1917. IIOSS FAIINHAM. Administrator of tho Estate of Lillian F. Cobb, Deceased. 8-llo Seo Edwards fur good -bo use paint ing. Adv. DIRECTORS D. K. Hunter W. L. O'Donnoll Carleton B. Swift C. 1). Rorer II. M. Stephens HESODIIOBS Bath Towel Special The last big towel bargain for some time limit 1 to a customer ! 1 9c each WARNER'S Is 1 i Bend's Economy Center (From Thursday's Dally.) Mrs. M. Lelthauser, of Slaters, is a Dond visitor today. Hyrd Farlejgh, of Rodmond, spent last night in Dend, William Sproat is at Tumalo today on national forestry business. I. Zlorolf, of Hampton, Is In llond today looking after business matters. Earl Dorlng, of Culvor, is a bus iness visitor in tho city today. W. G. Hastings, supervisor of tho Deschutes National forest, Is in Sla torn today on official business. G. 8, Mluton, of Paisley, arrived In tho city las,t night and is remain ing ovor today, Thomas Sharp, of Priuovlllo, was a Hend visitor last night. Tho, public library has recolvod tho Eliot ttvo foot shelf of books and a sot of Cooper's works In 30 volumes. Vernon A. Forbes and District At torney IL II. DoArmoud loft today Loans, and discounts $110,800 94 Overdrafts 371 93 Bonds and warrants I3.472.4il Furnilure und tlxtures...... 3.2o0.45 Cosh on Hand aud duo from bauks 04.100.20 Expensos paid...... 4,050.01 NOTICE CREAMERY PATRONS Tho Central Oregon Farmers Creamery will hercatfer pay- ha pa trons for their cream twice a month. Adv. 2tfc. Total J23USU3.5X1 ' 'LrtABIUTIES Capital stock 9 25,000.00 Surplus and undivided prof its ,..,.,....... 4,840.73 DjjHwiU 202,017.23 Total , $231,83.0tt CommencemeBt Gifts For Boy and Ctrl MUSICIANS We have the Lugctt Stock of Mmic nd Miuical Mtrchtodiw in the Northwett. All uVLato Songt. i Holloa Dnd liuttumrtitti1 All Thingt Muiicil all the Time. Send (or Catalogue!. SeiberIingLucas Music Co. 125 4th St, Porijand.Oregoa I For tho Girl LaTausca Pearls' Wrist Watches Rlntfs Ivory Sets Toilet Sets Manicure Sets For the Boy Watches Walderaar Chains Charms Watoh Fobs Tlo Clasps t Larson & Company Oregon Street The Sign of tho Big Clock DR. TURNER KVJR SPECIALIST, of Portland Visits Bend Monthly, Watch Paper for Dates, or Inquire of TIIORSON, TUB JEWELER