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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1917)
tVYOK a IlKND IlUMiKTIN, KND, OUKOON, TIU'IIHDAV, MAY 10, tOI7 ---- t- i - I Central Oregon Neighborhood News TUMALO. (Special to Tha Rullotln.) Tl'MALO, Mny 7.- Miss Lillian Keith, tram Northern Minnesota, Is visiting Mrs. ArmlnU Howard. A number ot young pooplo of Tum nlo enjoyed n trip to Mctollus Sat urday evening. Anionic those who went wcro Misses Ada Dullard. Ks thcr Bales, Laura, Marlon and Huth Bales, and Mr. Churchill, Carl Dram linll, Oakes Wallace and Mclvln Couch. Carl Marlon, ot Tutnalo, bade his frlcndB goodbye Sunday nftornoon. lie Is leaving for Portland to Join the heavy artillery. Ray Clerking. Lcsllo McDanlols and J. W. Baker Were in Bend last Sat xirday night. The County Ourt of Deschutes county, having awarded tho Tumalo Fair association $300 to bo spent In "premiums at the regular annual fair thsl fall, the, fair board mot Monday night and arranged to havo tho fair "books out In the near future. Mr. Reynolds, who accompanied Sir. Fish from American Lako, Wash ington, Is located hero and will be gin clearing soon. Miss Ethel Bales came down from Bend Friday night to visit her par ents. J. C. Stiles and family have moved -on tho C. J. Mock place. Mrs. Blackwood and children, front Eugene, canio last Saturday night To join her husband, who has lately 'purchased land on the project. T. G. Becker and wlto spent last Saturday In Dend. J. J. Coon and sister spent last Sunday visiting relatives on tho high desert. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Cady, from Bend, visited at tho Cocn homo last Sunday. Babe Hutchlngs, of Gist, was vis iting at tho J. W. Brown homo last Sunday. From all reports Lcsllo McDanlols was tho champion angler on tho rlvor last Sunday. J. W. linker spent last Sunday nt It. II. Baylcy's. HAMPTON' BUTTE. for Uontl last Monday, to havo somo denial work done. She returned yes terday. Mrs. J. O. Whltakor was a visitor In this vicinity last Sunday. Tho Jamos family havo moved to their homestead noar Mud Springs. Kdwln Schredor and Hort Mcoka have gono to Rend for a short stay. Charles James has gono to Ruck Creek to work. v Mr. and Mrs. Wndo Mooro re turned from Glass Ruttcs Tuesday, where they visited Mr. Moore's moth er and brother, who nro quite sick. Chris Tinner is logging sago brush soveral days this wcok, Mrs. J. M. Urlckoy visited with Mrs. Uort Mceks yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jlmmlo Hrlckey have moved to their homestead. Miss Audrey James was a visitor at tho Brookings store today. MhST CHEEK (Spcolal to the Bulletin.) HAMPTON BUTTE. May 3. Thos. C Ewing tnado a business trip to Bend last week. Jesse Monroo was out to do somo seeding on his homestead. Mrs. Jako Rooks took Wray's stage (Special to Tho Bulletin) LOST CREEK, May 1. Mr. Stur gls, ot Suntcr. wns delivering goods in this vicinity last Friday. Page Stauftcr has gone to lupine to work tor Mr. Robinson. B. F. Rhodes and family came In from Prlnovlllo last Tuesday and aro at homo on their homestead. C. O. Ashby made final proof on his homestead beforo Commissioner Sherman, last Wednesday. Kenneth Helm was a guest ot Johnnlo Pratt last Friday. Jlmmlo McEwen came over from Buck Creek tho latter part of last week and transacted business. Pago Stautfer killed a rabid coy ote In their dooryard one day last week. Baldwin Kasspohl and father, of Chicago, arrived in tho valley last week. Tho Intend to make tholr homo on Baldwin's homestead In Chicago valley. Mrs. C. O. Ashby ontortalned a number of children last Sunday In honor ot her son Clyde's seventh birthday. All had a very enjoyable time. Lee Washburn, Idamao Stautfer and Charles Best were unable to at tend school the fore part ot the wcok owing to sevcro colds. Gus McLouth was a business vis itor at Buck Creok last week. L. Mercer purchased one cow and G. McLouth purchased two cows at Horso Ridge. Dairymen Attention OUR EXCELLENTMAR. KET ENABLES US TO PAY YOU A HIGHER PRICE FOR CREAM. VW1 10,000 poumlt note butlrr (at each month, and more ho limit to out churning capacity. Call or write, and we will ttplain our new mcthodi. We ate going to put thit creamery on the creamery map. NEW MANAGEMENT Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Bend, Oregon. Robert Young trapped a coyote last Tuesday. Dr. Potter was n business visitor In our volley Tuesday. HAMPTON. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON. May 3. Miss Viola Smith spent tho week end with Mrs. Alexander, ot Dry I.nko. Miss Lorn Crow visited with Mrs. Van Lake Thursday nud Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Micro, of Imperial, wero Hampton Valley visitors Wed nesday. Jim Ashley mado a trip to Hamp ton store from his homo In the Button on Friday. N Edison Reynolds spent Wednes day night at C. R. Harmon's, Lea Rlggs Is doing somo plowing for C. Rertholdt this wcok. ' Alfonso Van Ijiko spent Friday night with Hugh Crow. Miss Darlo Burton nttuuded Mrs. Bennett's birthday dinner on Camp creek Sunday. Mrs. W. II. Crow and daughter Lorn visited at Mrs. Luton's, of Dry Lake, Tuesday. Mrs. J. O. Whltakor called at C. 11. Harmon's Saturday. Mr. Demlss, who has been working i for Lee Itlggs for somo tlnio past,! has returned to his nephew's homol In the Unites. I Miss Viola Smith spont Wednesday! night with Mrs. Allison. j Harrison and Black moved tholr cattle Into tho Buttes Wednesday. Mrs. K. M. Pock wont Into Bend Saturday for medical treatment. C. B. Harmnn mado u trip to Lew i Bennett b place In tho Buttes Thurs day. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINOS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $ioorooo KM? BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. ALFALFA (Special to Tho nullotln.) ALFALFA, May 4. Alfnlfn lost mm nt Its progresslvo farmers when W. E. auorln died in Portland Inst Thursday, where ho had gono the first of tho week apparently fn the? best of health, to visit his daughter. Mrs. It. A. Flshnr arrived homo from Portland Hunijny. C. II. Hardy sold a six weeks' old liolfor calf for $20 recently. Jay Hoguo has moved on the Bias ranch. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wnlloy will work for him. Harry Aten wont to Bend Satur day tn enlist In tho U. S. nrmy. This Is his second, ho having served In tho Philippine campaign. Mrs. Mary Bonn Is visiting Bund friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Leonard enter tained at Sunday dinner Mr. nnd Mrs. Ralph Smock, Mnry Rutin urn! Mr. and Mrs, Walter Fostur, or Pow ell Butte Mr. and Mrs. T. O. Johnson, who have spent tho post three months hero for Mr. Johnson's health, wilt return to Portland, whore Mr. John son Is a member of tho tlru department. PLEAHANT HIIH3E. (Special to tho Bulletin.) PLEASANT UIDOK, May 7. Mrs. Counway nnd family left Tuesday ror Nowborg, where they will makti tholr homo. Mr. Couaway will leavu tutor In tho woek. Mr. and Mrs. Jones and family, ot Bend, who bought tho Gregory placo somu time ago, havo moved mill It and nxpect tn pass tho summer hern. Ben Scott traded his place for proporty In tha valley this wuok nnd will soon leave for the same. Tho Pluasant Rldgo school has a now bell. M. Whtttomore nimlir a trip to Bend on Friday, utter a load of lum bar. Mrs. O. Anderson was a business, visitor In Bond last Saturday. Jako Peterson's plutiu was tho cen ter ot a Sunday dinner for their friends. N. D. Wood was home Sunday for a visit, from Tumalo, whuru ho has been cntrhlng coyotes. Rill Lnwnon Is shipping nniun rut tie to Portland this week. O. E. Anderson Is clearing IK acres tn put In oatM this season, Orant Connway left Friday morn ing with a carload of goods, to Join his family at Nnwherg. L. E. Smith and family worn out in this tlrlnlty Sunday. MIM.K'AN (Special tn tho Bulletin.) MILLICAN, May G. Mrs. George Roberts went to Bend Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Leo Keller and fam ily and their team suffered from nit electric shock I'rlduy, caused by n holt of lightning striking a tren near them. Thny were all rendered un conscious for a short tliuo. L. A, Hall wns plowing for P. H. Johnson the past Meek Mrs, L. P. Itoouuy visited school one day tMn week. The school children of Mllllcnu and their teacher, Mrs. 1. L. Owrnu will render a program ut tho McAdon plncn Mny 17, followed by n basket social. Tho Indies nro nil requested to bring u basket, Geo. Cook, who has been vslltlng In Shanlko, and Yakima, WUnlilnrt ton, returned to his honnt Thursday, attuc siwmdlng a week In Bund. P STOP! Anil Invrwllgnle our price tx-forv buying your grocerlM. Wo ran hnvo you money. P. B. Johnson's Mllllcsn, Ore. Telephone eh jiS Thn widl ilrlllnrn on tho Htnnlny Smith place are now ut tho diiplli or 050 feet. Mr. and Mrs. Unhurt Dynr mnvod' to Mend this wuok. Mm. I. I' llitmiuu I u.111. f Mrs, P. n, Johnson a short tlmn lust i Thursday. r' mis. Jitines iihatsnii rninn nut ftum. Bond' with P. II. Johnson Wltdiinn dny, to visit with thn Johnsons nnd other former neighbors. Ilur liniilth In grently Improved slumi nhn hurt, boon staying In Bend, ((fonttnuod on jingo 7 ) FRESH Groceries You havo n right to INSIST that wo sou to It Hint your mutiny flints tint greatest pur tilinslug port or, nnd that you got QUALITY goods for tho tnonoy you pay. RESPECT wn pny tn this plan I what In building (or us n big business. HOWEVER LITTLE the Having mny be, It will IIELR We'll do our best for YOU. PIIOMJ ItLACIC 11 Erickson's Grocery JOHNSON IILDG. Wall Such BiS fl Produce All the Garden Stuff You Can in your back lot. Make a garden this year. Have your own peas, beans, radishes, lettuce and onions. Everybody will be doing it this year. Do your bit. The City Authorities say Clean Up Your Premises We have a complete line of Hoes, Rakes, Spades and Shovels. Get what you need now. Garden Tools We carry the largest line of garden tools of any firm in Central Oregon. You'll want to be making your garden soon 5E3SEE "-"'(i- - 5HS 1 Grab The Fly We received this week the most extensive line of Trout Flies ever handled in Central Oregon. You can make a selection from the hundreds pf varieties carried by us. We will help you to make the best selection. BEND HARDWARE COMPANY. BEND, OREGON iU 5- MOLASSES AND ALFALFA RATIONS- The Kind Your Stock Needs. Made in Bend. For Dairy Cows, Hogs, Horses, and Sheep. Ours is the only plant in Central Oregon equipped to turn out these products, and our prices make it possible for you to use them advantageously. Wo also havo ready Alfalfa Chicken Mash, Chicken Scratch Food, Chick Food, Calf Meal, and a complete stock of all feeds needed in Central Oregon. The Highest Grade only of second cutting alfalfa is used for all our mixed ration foods. Don't subscribe to popular fallacies FACE THE FACTS Meat contains 60 per cent water. Potatoes, 75 per cent water. Milk 80 to 90 per cent water. Flour, 13Vi per cent water. A pound of meat costs 20 and 25 cents. A pound of flour costs four cents. And yet there is more en ergy in a pound of flour than in a pound of beef. REAL ECONOMY MEANS THE USE OF MORE FLOUR WHEAT FLOURCheapest and best food. U. S. test proves it. Deschutes Spray and True Blue Flours make the finest tasting bread on the market, because they are made from the highest grade wheat obtainable. FARMERS: Inquire about our rc-cleaned seed before you do your spring seeding. ' AKTICLB8 Eggs 38C Hoof, sirloin .... 410 Mutton, log 44G iBf I u B. Department nt Agriculture Milk 1030 lHLT I 1' armors' nullotln No. 142, Pork, loin 1035 B I 1!"njy MuboIo and Strongth OW- .. - - -- - V lug Qualities. ..... ...rK. Ono pound of DchoIiuIch Hnriiv Flour. nJZL rVZV.r'i.en ' C0''B 3 to 4 cents, will go as far ... .-. . " Lr V n8 lwo Pounds or moat, costing 20 , ,' SXrn E 1 t0 D cento por pound, M. UlULUUO AUUV noons, drlod ....3040 Wuoat Flour ....0540 Bend Flour Mill Company BEND, OREGON M