The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 10, 1917, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
NO. 10
- - -
i i
IC.ty llnlo for Wnli'i Offeml Cnuu
ell (liuil .V,IIiiiioii (liven Keurr
Contrail -Auto I'lrn Trurk
Virtually Ciuiipliieil.
' (lom VmlHilny'H Dally.)
Need tor quick work In abating
Thn iluHt nuisance In I loud wnn reo
.'UllllCll IttHt (light Ht the regular
monthly mooting of tint rlty miuiiill,
ClmR-mmi, Hllvl, of the Mtreo. coin
iiillliu, MiiKKitRlliiK Hint nn 1'iuly do-
ulna nhoulil to arrived at hi to Mm
HliitlNC merlin of oil mi. I water for
street nprluklliiK. A diHfUwon en
siled, In which Mr. Hllvl HiniMil Hint
M n night would cover Ills liilior I ri
nlvnd, whllo tlio Hend Wall", l.liiht
Power Co. would furn'oh witter nt
live renin per 1000 Knllon , nrrnssl
1 ,Ui nn expense of uti'v $1,310 n
H rflil lor thin Itiun.
'o figures were avnlk'ila tin
Cut cost of oil, mid the discussion
ta olr.swl In n motion authorizing
ii (It) attorney to draft ir urdl
iiancn which Mould allow preporty
built rr to petition for oltlirr oil or
vMii-r. Murli oppiwItUn delopMl
i t r juilHH-rli.tlitH plan of fimttHr
that bill, mid It In prnbible tlmt n
plen will bo evolved liy wtilui tint
ily will pay the spoiM. levyli.g
tltti proportionate shnrei Hgulnst
property benefited.
(ruled hldn for the construction
of the Internl newer throiiKli I ho nl
by In lilorkH II Hiid 2S, orlnlnnl pint
of Maud. enunftctlug with tlm trunk
newer on (Iteenwnod, wore opened,
Mild (Innt & Hanson were awarded
IhM ronlrnrt nu u low hid of
?I30D.r,H. J. H KiiRHhrnlMfln'N hid
Hun for $1X38.70. Othnr offorn
wuhiultted wnru not nerompnuled hy
.ortlflrd oheekn, nnd Woro not con
sldnred. Tlm rfljinrt of Minn Mnry K Cole-
nan, treasurer, showed n llnnro of
$1110.44 In IIih general fund, and
m $3.63 hnlnurtt In the newer fund
Auto Complained Of.
Cnuuiilman Dennett complained nf
muio npeedlng within tlm city llmlti,
ud the iiulntltiR and distributing of
six hIrhi establishing it lk-mlle max
Imuin, wan ordered. An of
fire ooinmlttHd. Mr. Dennett po"t
i the virtual completion of (he auto
tint truck.
Mill Allotted.
Itllln allowed wore nn follow:
Joe Hook .... 00.00
A. Aunn (52.60
Itohort II. (lould ... 121. &fl
John Frnnoli .. 2.40
O. I.. Ilollowi .. . . ... 50
V.. A. Maokoy 1.00
I.. O. Thomimou 12.00
1. M. Mlllnr 61.00
AV. J. Hhaunuu fiC.OO
lino Thoinn 40. SO
"V. II. Ilokor .. 1.G0
C V. NhtwoiiRor 7,60
Itohort Illhokwoll 1.00
A. IJ. Taylor 30.00
C. W. Thornwalto 1.76
Ooiir (Iroau 12.00
AVllllnm Ithoilo 3.00
P. L. Kulp D0.00
Wlllnrd llointon . . 30.00
Kd. KorRUHon 30.4G
llond Hardware Co 1,80
"NV. I.. Rhnnks 22.07
A. O. Moliizo .. .,.. 16.00
OreRou Fuel Co. ,60
M. A. 1'almur 17.60
llBiiry Uurton .... . 5,00
I.. A. W. Nlxnn . i.60
llanil BIrii Co 6.00
Junius (Jlark 37.00
I'. Illnokwcll 30.00
Itohort II. Oould 10.87
V. (1. HprliiKer 4.02
L. K. Thmuiioii ,, .40
II. O. HIIIh G0.7B
H. IIuhboii 20.00
SkiiHO Unrdwnro Co "0.70
Umiutitt MoNmily n,05
Uoynrinnud Muuhluu mid Hn-
jmlr Mhop , 4.. 130.24
L. K. OIiIm ,... CO.OO
it. H. I,miRtou , 16.60
ICIavtlon Hoard 16.00
8. O. Caldwull , M.00
Vt O. MnVchctt 303. CO
Mlllo? l.urhhor Co. . ..: 2.30
I'etor Lohrman 44.00
Jlyron UIIboii 0.02
Doiul 1'uhllo Library 26.00
Carl I), lnuitur 0.37
OnorRO Fork 21.60
Mnrlo Ilnwca 3.00,
M. 10. Colgmnu ..... -2G.20
X J. Murphy ".. . 41.26
Hond Wntor, Llfiht'& Powor
Co. A, 313.03
J.ltllo llrlck HoBtaurmit 8.06
Thu Hond Dullotln 70.35
Hand Prc8H 127.86
Total' t $2,232,00
Draft OrrielnN hi Kuril IVitIiiiI Told
to Miikn I'icpMinlliiiiH I'or
Hprcdj ItcKlitnitlon.
(Kroiu Tuntnlity'd Dii'.ly)
A copy of tint followliiR laltnr wim
iiinlUjuLto Uio wht (niimiH inurHhal In
oiteli onilo 24 procliiclH In Dom'liutmi
county, frofu tlm offlco of Hlmrlff
H. IC. ItotiwrU yiwtitrday:
My Duar Hfr : Ah oho of thu (d(to
Hon hoard appointed hy tlm County
Court to MrvH In your prccluut In
IIiIh tNiunty, you urn horohy appoint'
ml a h War Chiihiih Marahnl for your
I'rHoliiot No. , to titko nharRO of
thu rRlHtratlou of tlm male populu
Hon of your prm-lnct. Tlm iikch for
tlm ciiimtiH will ho Riven you In fur
tlmr liidtriictliiiiH. No data linn ynt
Jiimoi flxwl for lakltiR tlm chiihiii,
hut It Ih rnRiirdxd an prohnhly that
thin "dnjij will ir('(Hln that of thu
npolal oliwitloii In thin atate, ant for
Junit 4, 1017.
In orditr that tlm rniiMiii can hn
iinmplntod In ono day, It I NURRtmtod
that full uhu ho rundo of tlm votlnK
iitnnlilnury hy nrrntiRliiK for Dm plaoa
at whlnh thlN ccn hub will hn taken,
Immediately, and aocurlnR tlm volun
tary iwrvlcnH of tlio JuiIrhh and tlm
Clorka of olertlou to mirvii on tha
datu which will ho fixed an War
Cutmu Day.
I hand you herewith ropy of let
ter rnralvttd from tlm Adjutant (leu
nrnl roRardltiK thin War Cniiiun. I
wUh to auk that you rIvo thin tnnltvr
your oariuHit and tiareful coimldora
(lun, and an ntated tlmrelu, I with
to Impriwin upon you to uHloct your
hiHird of five or niorH I iiiiiimI lately,
and linirwH upon thetii that they
nniit hold themielvtHi In rwidlnwin to
minwitr at a inoinenl'n rail. (llv euoh
nf your hoard a copy of th'5 In
AekuuwImlRH rwwlpt of thin letter
to inn within 24 houra, and repoit
who you have appolntwl to nerva on
your hoard Yotirn very truly,
Hlmrlff of DeiwhutM ( ounty
(From Friday's Dally.)
Iteporta, aurrunt during the win
ter month, that oattle mid iheop
men iuffored heavy loues due to the
proloiiRml cold weather nnd scarcity
of food, aro without foundation, no
oordliiR to C. 8. Hudion, who re
turned lat nlRht from a two day'
trip throuRh tha Silver Lake nnd
Piulley auction, quite to tha con
Irary, nccordliiR to Mr, Iludnon, tho
Mtocknien en inn throuRh tlm winter
In unununlly favornhle nhapo.
Tho hiepnieu havu notod pnrtlo
ularly tha favorahlu winter and lamb
Iiir onnoii. Inrreuie nt healthy
Inmti were noted almoit entirely
nniotiR the -hooptnon. Thli condi
tion has been duo to the better nous
Iiir, bettor feodliiR and more ex
perienced and competent help this
year. Mr. Hudson says that muny
of tlm sheep men have abandoned
tha Idea of wlntorlnK on tho desert
mid In tlm open, anil Instead havu
created pormiinont foedliiR auartors
with Hufflrlent feed to carry them
through tho winter months. This
nation durliiic tho but few mouths
has materially out down tho losses
nnd has enabled brliiRlnR In stronger,
healthier stock for this year.
"Tha., losses reported uniouR the
stpokmen In tho vicinity of tho Klam
ath Marsh," sayH Mr. Hudson, "woro
entirely uufouudod, I nHcortntned
yesterday, Thu Iobhos In fact wore
noisllblo. It Is uucnuniRiiiR to learn
that mmiy of thu stockmen nro pur.
cIiiihIiik faruiH for thu cultivation of
more i; round which will provldu but
ter IiouhIiir nnd foudltiR fur thulr
stock. It conditlouH aru Hourly nor
mal, a majority of tlm Htookmun will
hu freu from debt,
"Tho season in thu SUvor Lnko
and l'alsley country is nearly n month
later than last your, hut thu farmers
do not vlow this with iilnrm, They,
rather, nppreulatu thu. condition, as
tlio holatod Benson will nssuro no
klllliiK of thu bruit and root crops
by lato frosts."
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
OllV 11. Wilson linn lmnn nwnrilmt
tho contract tor tha construction ot
tlio now ettv hull at. Mmlrna. nn n
bid ot $.5250. Work Ib to start with
in tho next two wooku.
Joint Delmlo Helm-en K. .1. AilmnxJ
of lllnlntny CiiiiiulNon, mill
.Meinher of (iraiiRH May Hn u
I'eiitnro Nttxt Wi'ilimxibiy.
(From Wednesday's Dallv.)
UrRsut nel for work to advaneo
thu oaunu or tho $0,000,000 Rtnto
Hond bond Issue was vividly shown
this noon nt tlm weekly lunaheon of
the Hond Comnmrolul club at tho
l'ilnt llutto Inn, when 1'resldcnt
Floyd Dement declared that the suc
ctitt or failure of the meanuro at
the spnolal election in Juno, will de
pend largely an the vote polled by
the .Central Oregon countle. DU
eiimiou of the road question was the
main business of the mcctliiR.
1'ronpects for a clash between K.
J. Adams, of tho Rtatn HlRhway com
iiiImIoii, and some representative of
the ermine or organized labor, wero
revesliid by A.K. Kdwards who stated
that pteps are being taken by the
Central Trades, Labor, and Farm
council to provide a speaker In take
Issue with Mr. Adams when he speaks
for the bond Issue in Hum! on the
evening of May 1G. The club Is
strongly In favor of a joint debate
of tho kind, as brluRlng out sides
of tho question In a way which hith
erto ban not been found possible
Manager II. J. Overturf reported
the receipt of a letter from Hruce
Dennis, secretary of the Stato-wlde
(lood Heads association, asking tho
support of auto owners for the hond
hill. Mr. Overturf also nsktxl that
n Rreater deRree of publicity bo Riv
en the movement. A. Whlsnant re
plied to the request hy declaring that
so far but little Interest had been
maulfitstud In the bond Issue by thu
club members.
Governor Withy combe,
(From Friday's Dally.)
8A1.KM. May 4. (Special.) In
eeiinostlGii with the letter sMt out
on tho first of the month to county
olflolals ot Oregon, Governor J nines
Wlthyoomhe Is following up his
previous communication with extracts
fiom directions Ucn him In Stcic
(rr of War Hakr In rogard to pre
liminary preparations tor starting the
aotuul war census of tho United
States, on which selective conscrip
tion Is to be based. Dotalled Infer
matlon Is to be furnished on the
signing of the complete bill by the
Prosldont. Officials aro requested
by tho governor to make as many
preliminary arrangements as possblo,
Retting In touch with thosu who' wilt
glvo voluntary aid, and puttliiK ev
erything In readiness for Immediate,
MivIiiihImii I'rm lilcd, i
Gonorut directions and comments
on tho conscription law sent Governor
Wlthycoinbu by Secretary Ilakor, arij
as follows:
"As mi Incident of elections, and
In thosu elections themselves, our
pooplo havo beon long practiced hi
presuming themselves t accustomed
voting places to bu polled forlimi)
purposo or miothor by tho ugvuclos
uf the Htatos. The muthoda employed
In thosu enumerations are ndinlrubfv
adapted to tlm uucoinpllahinunlj of
thl. for wo find In every stalp n
meohnnlsm for registration nu'ij a
people accustomed to Its use. H'hO
pending hill contains the following
piovlslon which I confidently bolieve
will become a law : ' f
" 'iiec. 6. That the ProBldeifc It
bcrrby authorized to utilize the'ser
vice ol any or nil departments' tupl
any cr nil officers or agents of, Hit
1 nltod States and of tho Bovortil
status, torrltnila, and thu Dlimitt
of Columbia, in tho uxocutlun onjltjs
act, nnd nil officer? and URoutB of 'ill
United Mntou u nl ot tho BevCiitl
status, territories, and thu DM not Of
perform such dutlua In the oxecuthm
uf this net iih thu President shall or
dor and direct, and officers urn)
agents ot thu Bovarnl htutus shoU
hereby havo full authority for nil
acta donu hy thum In thu execution
ot thin not by thu direction or request
ot tho ProsliUmt.'
VotliiK Product Unit. '
"It la purposed to oxoouto so much
ot tho law ns I havo horoby discussed
along tho following linns. Hy proc
lamation, the President will call upon
ON MAY 19. '
.fnffemoii, Cnwk "ii'l I)rwilintrn
' (Touutlim Will Compete For l'rla
tw on I'lutforiii, Field, Court,
Truck mill 'OjM'wrltw.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
May 19 In to bo a gala day for all
of Central Oregon. Hend Is to be
host to the school children of Jof
fnmon. Crook and Deschutes coun
ties mi the occasion of tho annual
Central Oregon Field Day In Hend.
I'Ibim aro nearly complete for this
annual event, and tho schools of Hed
m'oml, Madras, Culver, I')i..ovlllc and
Hind are rapidly rounding out their
athletes, stenographers and orators
to compete for prizes In the various
event to take place on that day. It
Is expected that several hundred pu
pils of tho high school and rrammar
grades will be presont together with
parents desirous of witnessing the
Preliminaries have boen conducted
at ItedHiond for the declamatory
contests, and tomorrow the tenuis
tryout between Itedmond and I'rlno
vlllo and Hend will be held. Hend
wlH he represented by an unusually
strong team for the boys. The
girls' combination Is not so strong.
ItiilNtineiit Weaken.
The field day promises to be the
biggest event of the year for Hend.
Special arrangements are being
planned to tako care of the high
school students and grammar grade
pupil. The grammar school decla
mation contest nnd tennis tourna
ment wilt be held In the morning, tho
field and track meet and stenography
oontest In the afternoon, and the high
school declamatory contest In the ev
ening. The officials for the events will
be selected tomorrow at a meeting
of the directors at Itedmond.
Several of tho schools will be somo-
Acting for Secretary
of War, Urges Early
persons of the designated classes ta
present themselves on a certain day
at the customary polling places In
their domldUllary voting preclnts.
Tha precincts are now delineated
with contained populations of con
venient slxo for enumeration In one
day. In nearly all ot them there Is
a provision of method and matorlal
to that end. The voting precinct,
shall, therefore, bo the primary reg
istration area. For each thu service
of registrars must bo '"cured; but
so woll are their populations propor
tioned to enumerate, that In most of
them ono registrar will bo sufficient.
It Is felt that much voluntary sor
lce will be offorod.
"For tho purposo of securing vory
prompt repllos and ot orderly admin
istration and centralization ot con
trol and for further execution of tho
law, a local authority supervising an
appropriate numbor ot precincts Is
uerosenry. The county Is, without
exception, I believe, the territorial
and political subdivision Into which
nil voting precincts Integrate with
out overlapping. Far thin reason,
registration In the precincts must
he under supervision of a county
board ot coutrol.
Permanent Hoard Needed.
"After registration Is complete,
elections of persons to bo called tp
the colors must bo mndo, bnsod upon
the Information found In the regis
tration list. While tho class from
which soldiers are to come Is to bo
segi'jgntud by draft, tho law U euro
ful to provide for avoiding tho mis
ery that war bring to dependents at
homo and for a choice ot those whose
military services the nation needs
and whose olvll and domestic servluu
can host bo spared. Tho important
duty of making tho selection from
thu druttod class ran bu host per
formed hy a permanent board In each
county, composod of citizens who
can bu rollod upon to exercise, this
Bolomn function with oven Justice
and .with npprehonslon ot Its grav
ity. This board should coutrol the
process ot qoloctlon from Its earliest
stops, nnd therefore it must super
vise tho registration.
"It has thus tar boen nttompted
to doinoustrato thu difficulties ot thu
prunlom and the plan proposed to
ohvlato them, mid to vIsuAlUo tho
system which shall result, which. In
recapitulation, may bo statod to be:
FlrjU, stmtrnl buroau In Washing
ton; BoconU, n collection of stato and
what crippled for the field events,
due to the eullstrnont of many of the
high school boys In TlfA army mid
navy. This Is particularly true In
the rase of Prlnevllle, whose boys
I are fioliiR in large numbers each
I week.
I Tht tirnirrnm for tlm (lav will h
announced later this weeM'by' F. 8
Francis, secretary of the Central Ore
gon KchihiI Day.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Foiled In what In eblleved to havo
ben an attempt to blew up the log
pHd dam at The 8hvl!n-H!xon Com
pany and the Hrooks-Scanlon Lum
ber Co. mills, a party of three men
merged from under the north end
of the bridge connecting the two
plants at 4 o'clock this morning, ex
changed shots with the night watch
man, C. 8. Tlgard, and escaped In an
auto standing nearby in the road.
Pursuit Is being headed by Deputy
Sheriff Karl Houston and CliloT of
Police L. A. W. Nixon, and It was
Intimated that clews had been se
cured which might lead to the cap
ture of tho persons Implicated. Some
I doubt waB felt by the authorities as
to whether the affair might be the
result of a German plot, or the man
ifestation of I. W. W. activities.
Night Watchman Tlgard was at
tho south end of the bridge whon
he first became aware of tho pres
ence of the men at the othor ond.
Running down the bridge, his foot
steps frightened the Intruders, and
they loft their hiding place, firing
two shots at him as they neared their
car. Neither shot took effect, and
no harm was done by the two shots
which Tlgard tired In return, as far
as could be learned.
As the car whirred away, an alarm
was turned In, and the authorities
have been busy ever since In their
endoavor to apprehend the men.
It was noted by the night watch
man as the plotters retreated from
under tho bridge that one of them
carried a suitcase. It Is believed
that explosives, Intended to destroy
the dam and bridge were contained
In the recoptaclc.
One man was arrested this after
noon by Doputy Houston, on sus
picion, and It was believed that an
other nrroet would follow bofore ev
ening. Tho name of tho prisoner
wu not divulged, nor tho nature of
the evldonco ngalnst him.
Preparation- for Draft
territorial systems decentralized as
far as possible under the control of
the governors; third, county and city
boards ot control; fourth, tor the
purpose of registration, a registrar
for each voting precinct and an, ns-
jslstant whoro necessary.
"It Is Intended to Inform tho pub
lic mind ot tho details ot the plan
In ordor that all may know the du
ties to bo required of them.
DmftliiK to Ho llupld.
"Tho War Department Is ready to
follow a rather uxpedltlouB schedule
Tha President's proclamation wllljbo
published throughout tho United
States on tho day ot tho approval of
tho bill. It Is hoped that, on tele
graphic notification to tho governor
that tho bill has passed, nil county
and city boards ot registration In
tho United States can bo constituted
by tho governors within threo or four
days. Tho necessary Instructions,
nnd cards for registratjou must come
from a single federal source In order
that tho Information received may
be of a uniform character. All ar
rangements have been made here to
print and forward this material di
rectly to tho sheriffs and to mayors
of cities of over 30,000 population
as shown by tho consus ot 1910, In
time to have the distribution com
plete In tho most romoto county seat
within six days after tho approval
of the bill. This distribution will
be only to county seats nnd we must
look to tho Bhorlffs (or such offi
cers as you may choose in tholr
stead) to boo to it that tho distri
bution to products Is comploto with
in eight days oven If, In caao ot re
mote precincts, they havo to cause
tho blanks and Instructions to be
sent by spoolal messenger.
"It is of oourso apparaut that tho
success ot this groat undertaking Is
dopondont entirely upon the zoal and
co-operattou ot state, city and comi
ty officials, and of prlvuto citizens.
It will require tho vory best efforts
ot every ouo concerned In It. Such
a complote rellanco on stnto organ
ization for tho performance of a fod
oral sorvico has novor beforo boen
mado In our history, and It la a hap
py day for tho Union when It can bo
said, as It now can ba Bald, that tho
very host means that could possibly
bo employed for such a necessary and
emergent national task aro tho polit
ical organization ot tho sovoral statoa.
Vory Respectfully,
Secretary ot War."
Carpenters nnd ControctriH of Rend
Uracil Amlcuhlo UndnraUiiidlnK
Farmers' Market Question
to Ho Investigated.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
That tho $6,000,000 road bond Is
sue, to bo voted on by the pcoplo ot
Oregon at spealal election Juno 4, Is
nn Immoral piece of legislation, de
serving ot defeat, was the declara
tion made last night by Mrs. Elisor
Wlgmore, of the Farmers' Union,
speaking at the open meeting of the
Hend Labor, Trades, and Farm Coun
cil, held at tho Labor Temple. Union
delegates, representing practically
every' lino ot skilled work In tho
city, declared themselves against the
bond Issue, at the close of her ad
dress. Mrs. Wlgmore, In attacking the
bond Issue, declared that It Is a child
of the paving trust, and urged that
Oregon be content with poor roads
for the next three years, until the
Warren patents run out in 1920. She
asserted that the bill bad been Jam
med through the legislature In the
last 24 hours of the session, and that
Its backers would have held up sev
eral Important measures, had It not
been passed.
Volets Farm Opposition.
She contended that the allowing of
only 24 hours for a measuro so man
ifestly Important was Immoral, that
the lobbyist tactics ot tho paving
trust wero Immoral, that the appoint
ment ot 8. Denson, connected, she
said, with the paving trust, to tho
State Highway commission, was Im
moral, and that a decisive voto should
be polled against the measure be
cause ot tho Immorality which per
meated It from start to finish. She
explained that the bill had been
rushed through because the farmers
had been previously sounded and had
declared against it. and that tho
farm Influence alouewas responsible
for the bill being referred for a pop
ular vote.
Journeyman Contracts Tattoo.
Carpenters and contractors ot
Hend arrlvod at a thorough under
standing at the oponlng ot the meet
ing, when the contractors agreed to
employ union labor at union hours
nnd union prices, whllo tho union
men in their turn, pledged them
selvos to abstain from Journeymen
contracting, and to obtain all work
through tho contractors. A hoavy
fine. It was announced, will bo lovjed
ngalnst any member violating (ho
rulo. The matter of tho carpenters'
strike at tho Pilot Dutte lun garage
was not discussed.
Farmers' Market Ksue.
County Agriculturalist Rlancbird
was called on fur an addross, and
explained the reasons for tho nation
wide food shortage, suggesting that
a farmers' market In Bond might be
a means ot combating this condition
A genorol discussion ot tho nuostlon
ensued, and It was decided to .go
further Into the matter at a meeting
to bo held next Friday night, when
the advisability ot tho market, as a
co-operative proposition will prob
ably be decided on.
Thirty-two Representative Men .unl
Women From Tlitfo Central Ore
gon Counties nro Chosen.
(From Saturday's Dally)
Tho board ot directors for (ho
Hond chapter of tho American Rod
Cross Boclety has been appointed, by
tne executive committee, nnd' In
cludes members from Deschutos, Jef
ferson mid Crook. .count lee. Tboy
are as follows:
Rov. H. C. Hartranft. Rov. W. C
Stowart, Rev. J. L. Perlngor, Fatpor
Luko Sheohan, T. II. Foloy. T. A
McCanu. R. W. Sawyer. W. D. 11 a rues.
Clyde McKay. Dr. 11. Forroll. Mrs. II
K. Drooks, Mrs. A. Myers, Mrs. C, 8.
tiuuson, irs. J. u. uavtusou, Ajrs
R. C. Cunningham. Mrs. W. C. Ulrd-
aall. Mrs. E. D. Wilson. Mrs. R. D
Miles, Mrs. Knuto Nelson, Ilendn J
II. Upton, Mrs. II. P. Uelkuap.
Prlnovllle; Dr. J. F. Hosqh.' Ml
Francis Dunn, Redmond; I.owls, Jrv
Ing, Miss Mary Harrison, Madras,
Mrs. W. P. Myers, Culver; Mrs' F
N. Wallace. Turaalo; J. P. Duckett,
Sisters; N. A. Durdlck, MetotlUs.
Mrs. E. L. Clark. La Pino; Mrs, W
M. Wilson, Powell Uutto; Mrs. Hoa
coo Howard, Deschutes.
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