The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, May 03, 1917, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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The Bend Bulletin
, '
Publisher jj
.rtssuciaii; iMiuur.
An Independent newspaper stand
ing for tho square deal, olcnn busi
ness, clean politics and tho host In
terests of UcntI nnd Central Oregon.
Ono Year . ... .ll.tft)
8lx Months 7. . . .75
Thrco Months GO
Tho following Is from tho April
19 Issue of tho Redmond Spokes
"Tho apparent attempt of tho gov
crnor and state treasurer to hnvo
tho suits against tho Pacific Lire
Htock Co., of Harney county, dls-
1 missed, wit win them llttlo praise in
tho state, bf Oregon. There was am
ple grounds upon which to base these
suits and Governor West was In
terested enough to protect tho In
terests of the people of tho state
against tho ring that tho cvldopco
showed were looting it of thousands
of acres of its most valuablo lands.
If Let tho action bo prosecuted with
If -hror"
"Let tho action bo prosecuted with
vigor." Exactly.
And that is just what Governor
WRhycombo is trying to have do no.
Tho Spokesman has Its facts twisted.
From tho very first, tho governor
has stated that ho would follow the
advico of the Attorney Gonoral in
tho matter of this suit. When the
nttornoy general advised that the
suit bo continued, the governor ap
proved. Through the suggestion. uf
tho governor a meeting has be'ou
called of the Emergency Hoard, for
tho very purpose of voting funds with
which to follow out the attorney gen
eral's advlee and prosecute the m.
All of which is a matter of record,
and has been clearly set forth in the
Portland papers, although the Ore
gon Journal hits garbled the facts
somewhat so as reflect discredit up
on tho govornor.
jfc Rcnl American Woman's Idea of (ho
j. Enlisted Men of the United States
Army and Navy.
lly M. L. Stepp.
I wouldn't wont a dastard for n sweetheart," (.
I'd rather ho an old muld all my. life; A
lA man must bo u patriot of his country
If ho over wants to call mo his wlfo,
If mothers teach tholr sons to shun tho n-injy
We'll bo tho laughing stock of all tho world.
Uncle Sam, tho football of nil nations.
And tho Stars and Stripes In dishonor furled.
I'll cart my lovo upon tho path of honor,
And sinllo, though breaking l my heart,
I'll think of him and pray for him
And try to do a loyal sweetheart's part.
Though cruel foe may wound and mnnglo him,
. Perhaps from him His manly looks bo torn,
Rut it he has breath left to nay "I lovo you,"
I will marry him as sure as I was born.
It ho gets III I'll quickly go and nurno him
And help him win his strength to tight again,
I will stay ua near the front as they will lot mo,
And help tho sick and wounded men.
II ho dies In battle I will mourn him
As my hero who has struggled for tho right;
Our country will not bo tit to live In
It our brothers and our sweethearts will not tight.
Some wonder why tho women lovo tho Rluocoats,
Ho ho soldier, sailor or marine.
Why they always wave their handkerchiefs to cheer him
When on parado tho troops are often seen.
It isn't In uniform that he Is so handsome,
It's not because he looks so splek and span
Hut "Uccausa ho Is the nation's bravo protector,
He Is the only real American Man."
The First Day
of Our Big May Sale Was a Hummer
Turtle Men DNeoiitliiuo Work
Now Gitrngp Doing lliillt for
Philip It. HrttokN.
(From Tuesday's Rally.)
neeause their demand fur wages
of 4.50 a day were not granted for
carponter work on the new garage
of Philip R. Brooks, north of the
Pilot Uutte Inn on Wall street. 13
carpenters walked out this morning
aitcr notification that their demands
became effective today. According
to carpenters' representatives, the
demand made about 75 days ago,
was rofuscd by Mr. Orooks.
The demand drawn up some time
ago by the carponters' union, asks
for a raise of 50 cents a day. It Is
understood that tho ralso has been
compiled with on other construction
Northwest Townslto Company's first
addition to Bond.
State of Oregon to W. H. Lamb,
deod to -10 acre tract In section S,
township 15 south, range 13 east
Whatever the Spokesman's politic
It should be fair enough nnd honest work nboul t" city
enough to get tho facts before it
(From Tuesday's Daily.)
At a recent meeting of the Montana
Lumbor Manufacturers Association.
a set of verses was 'sung to the tune
of "America" which give an Idea
of the chief thought now uppermost
In the mind of the lumber manu'fac
turur. The vorses, which are dedi
cated to W, C. Watrous, chief car
accountant of tho Great Northern,
are as follows:
"Oh! Watrous. 'tis through thee
Wo think and hope to see
A bunch of oars.
If you will furnish these,
We all can rest at oase
And on our bended knees
Will thank our stars.
In fact, more merchandise went out of the .store
than ever before, the "drive" being especially
directed against the shoe department. In the
knit underwear section the bombardment was
furious at times. Summer wash goods, percales,
etc., suffered severely too; but altogether it was
such a selling as we delight in.
Positively tho larger portion of goods offered
In this 5afo could not bo replaced at anything
near tho prices at which they aro sold, and in a
great many Instances could not bo replaced at
any cost
We need a large amount of cash, and need it
badly, and we are going to get it right out of
this stock -by compelling sales of dependable
and trustworthy merchandise. Surely an ex
ceptional opportunity take early advantage.
R. II. Smith Clothing Co.
The Fastest Growing Store in the State
rushes into criticism which is found
ed on misinformation.
(From Friday's Dally.)
The following list of books for the
Bend library Is announced by Miss
Mary K. Coleman, librarian:
Alderman, Classics Old and New;
Austen, Pride and Prejudice; Har
rows. Principles of Cookery; Dials
dell, Roy Dl.ue and His Friends; Bra
dy. The True Andrew Jackson;
Chambers, Lorraine; Chandlor, Hab
its of California Plants; Crawford,
The Revelations of Inspector Mor
gan; Crowley, In Treaty With Hon
or; Do la Pasture. Man From Amer
ica; Dickens, Great Expectations;
Dlx, A Little Captive Lad; Elliott,
Two In Italy; Fronch (Warner),
Susan Clegg and Her Neighbors;
Orinneil, Jack, the Young Trapper;
Hawthorne, Houso of the Seven Ga
bies; Henderson, Short History of
Germany; Kirk, Marcia; Lang, ed,
Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp;
Lcfovro, Sampson Rock of Wall
Street; Lummfs, King of the Bron
chos; Lylo, The Lono Star; Moll
vane, Outdoors, Indoors and Up the
Chimney; Mason, The Broken Road;
Moore, Daring Deeds Done By Girls;
Morris, Heroes of the Army of Amer
ica; Parkman, Pioneers of France
in the New World! Pen field, East
of Suez; Plorson. Threo Little Mill
ers; Porter, Thaddeus of Warsaw;
Reaggan, Locomotives; Roadnlght,
Old Fashioned Rhymes and Poems;
Jloulet, Our Little Brazilian Cousin;
St. Nicholas, Sea Stories; Shaw, Cas
tle Blair; Smith, GlrlB of Pln,eridge;
Southworth, Builders of Our Coun
try; Strange Stories of the Clvjl
Wur; Train, Prisoner at tho Bar;
Trowbridge, Jack Hazzard and His
Fortunes; Turpln, ed, Classic Fa
bles; Watson (Maclaren), Kate Car
negie; Wells, Her Ladyship's Ele
phant; Wright, Four Footed Amor
Jeans nnd Their Kin; Brooks, The
8tory of Siegfried; Brown, Through
the Mill; Clark & Clark, The Charm
of Scandinavia; Dawson, A Confed
erate Girl's Diary; Gibson, In Eastern
Wonderlands; areene & Kirk, With
Spurs of Gold; Gray, Tho Last of the
Plainsmen; Hall, In tho Brave Days
of Old; Hlgglnson, Army Llfo in a
Black negimont; Holder, Along the
Florida Reef; Johnson, Isle of the
Shamrock; Macleod, A Book of Bal
lad Stories; Reed, Happy Womon;
Beppller. A Happy Half-Century;
Jtoooovolt, Tho Wilderness Hunter;
Seawell, Midshipman Paulding; Stod
dard, Llttlo' Smoke; Warle, Dotty
Wdlos On the Campus; White, Afri
can Camp, Fires; Young, By Canoe
and- Dog-Triiln Among the Indians.
(From Tuosday'a Dally.)
A limited quantity of sugar Iteet
seed .has bearwroaolved at the office
of II. J. Overiurf, manager of the
Bend Commercial club, for distri
bution, and will be given to farmers
; in the vicinity of Rend. Mr. Over
I turf is anxious that tests of the soli
In this section should be made for
a period of years, showing Its value
I for beet raising.
(From Friday's Dally.)
Funoral services wero held yes
torday afternoon from the home near
Bend for Miss Susan E. Benson, who
died Tuesday night after a lingering
Illness. More than 100 friends at
tended tho services, nnd floral offer
ings were many. Rev. II. C. Hart
ranft, of the Presbyterian church,
officiated, and intermont was made
In Pilot Butte cemotory.
For ulgn painting see Edwards.-Adv
State of Oregon to Osoar J. Erlck
son, deed to 40 aero tract In section
5, township 18 south, range 13 east.
Bourett and Klrkwood Co. to Car
Ion and Martin, conditional bill of
sale. i
W. R. Franks to Carrlo B. Main,
deed to lots 3 and 4, block 3, Ken
wood. W. H. Anderson to E. M. Wood,
deed to 80 acre tract in sectloti 17,
township IS south, range 13 oast.
Samuol T. Elder to L. E. Dalglor,
deed to lot 11 and part of lot 12,
block 1, Kenwood,
Nellie A. Mann to T. W. Marshall,
deed to lots 7 and 8, block 34, and
lots 13 and 14, block 36, Redmond.
W. II. Mann to T. W Marshall,
deed to 30 acres in section 10, town
ship 1G south, range 13 east.
In the matter of tho vacation of
Melrose Park Addition, Redmond,
filing of petition.
Jay Ulako and Daisy A. McCutch
oon, marriage license.
The Bond Co. to Mike Draglch,
deed to lot G, block 17, Park Addi
tion. William J. McOlllvray vs. L. C,
Iloberts, complaint.
Tile Bend, Co. to O. O. Andrews,
deed to lot 2, block 14, Park Addi
tion. Jacob Jacobsen to Adalbert Dood
rldgo, deed to 1C0 aoro tract in boo
tlon 29, township 19 south, range 12
Adolbort Doddridgo to the Brooks
Scanlon Lumber Co., deed to 160
acres In section 29, township 19
south, range 12 east.
Northwest Townsite Co. to E. H.
von Endo, deed to lot 5, block 9,
"Quit making promises
And get right down to biz
And show you're right;
We'll then do our bit.
Just for your benefit
And make 'the Hfl.L rod if,
Through your gfeut "inlghl."
"There's Balrd and Tom McCanu,
March and McGoldrlck's clan,
Thy praises slug.
If you will help them now,
Laurels be on your brow
And save you from a row.
Oh; mighty King."
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Frank II. May has been appolntOd
deputy assessor by County Asyjnr
Mutlarkoy, for tho work In the city
of Bend. Ho bogan his duties yesterday.
(Continued from Pago 1.)
giving tho work of tho chapter a
flying start.
In his addross boforo the Rend
residents who have made the Ifed
Cross posslblo, Mr. Hush omphaslzed
that the organization Is the human
itarian arm of tho government. "In
time of peace, we also have neod of
It, but not of course, to the extent
that we have now. It Is up to us to
caro for the army and navy," he de
clared. Need ur Great,
Tho noed for a $26,000,00 endow
ment fund, and. for tho establishment
of base hospitals, was pointed out.
Mr. Hush mentlonod that In tho work
of the society on tho Mexican bor
der at tho tlmo of tho mllltla occu
pation, $340,000 was used, a largo
part of this being for the refugue
Especially did tho speaker seek
to destroy the opinion that the Red
Cross society Is an arganlintton for
women. "This Is not a sewing cir
cle," he declared, "but nu organiza
tion for everyone. We want men as
well as women, and we want school
uhlldren, too. All can help In the
Wlrt-t ta Capital.
"Do you know that If the United
State were to have one great battle
tomorrow, that the supply of Hut,
bandages and other material of the
kind available would last for only
24 hours? We have" only one hos
pital ship, nnd GimI knows how many
we are going to need If this war gets
under way In real earnest "
At the elose of Mr. Hush's address,
a nominating committee composed
of W. D. Barnes, Mrs. II. K. Rrooks
and A. Whlsnuut, was named, their
report resulting In the election of
the chapter's officers.
As soon as the meeting, had ad
journed, Mr. Hush sent n night let
ter to headquarters at Washington,
I). C, announcing the organization
of tho Rend chapter.
('ommlttw HrudM Nuiiird.
Heads of standing committees worn
appointed this noon at a meeting of
tho executive commltteu hold at tho
Pilot Ilutto Inn. It was decided that
tho board of directors should bu
named at anothor meeting to be hold
at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. II, K.
Rrooks nt 7:30 o'clock Monday night.
Tho committee heads aro; Member
ship, Mrs, C. S. Hudson; Civil Ro
ller, Clyde M. MoKay; Military Re
lief. Dr. B. Ferrell; Publicity, It. W.
Sawyer; Finance, W. D, Barnes;
Education, Mrs. II. K. Rrooks,
(Continued from Pago 1.)
Gilbert b Son
Tho only store in Bend
whore you can get your gro
ceries and moats at the same
Phono Red JJ71
Visits Bend Monthly,
Yl-S!1 PaPcr (or Dates,
or Inqulro of
boon established. The drill grounds
aro on tho grounds formerly usod by
tho basoball team on Bond street
neafiLouslana street nnd field bond
quarters havo boon established on
MAY 1 9
Pvor one hundred students from
three counties will compute in
Field Events
Itacos, Hurdling, Vaulting
Jumping. Shot J'ut, DUctis
and Juvulln Throws, Relay
IIIkIi School and Orudus
Doubles Singles
and 'i'ypewiitldff
Oct a Family Ticket Now
$1.00 will uduilt ull momliurs of
one fuinily to all events.
Watch This Ad Grow
the properly west of the drill
grounds It Is Intended that outside
drill will be featured Friday night.
The hour of drilling has been changed j Hawyer.
from 7:30 to 8 o'clock. Assembly
will be sounded at 7:46 p. in. The
change In the hour will tumble men
working In the mills to return to
their homes fur dinner before drill.
Tho Emblem club hall will be usml
temporarily for tmrrarks unllL, the
athletic club building Is completed.
Drills will be held Monday and Fri
day nlghu.
.Mi'iulx-r KiiiiiiiiTiitnl,
The company Is made up of the
following officers and privates:
Captain, Frank It. 1'rlnce first lieu-1
tenant, Carl A. Johnson; second
lieutenant, I). (). McPhersou; adju
tant, J. R. Heybiim; first sergeant,'
Harry tihoults; color sergeant, Mr.
Lundeen; duty sergeant, T. Reagan,
Myron Powell, II. A. Jltover, Fred A.
Wnelflen; rhlef mutlelan, Frank
Kelllher; chief drummer, II. IL
Lamping; chief of medlral corps, J.
I). Donovan; corporals, Joe Lyons,
Kenneth Sawyer, Charles Frazler;
privates, It. C. Newell, P. II. Hosmer,
I). Elklns, A. Whlsiinut, K. F. McKee,
A. M. Prliigle. R. M. Smith, C. It.
Smith, R, A. Stevens, Robert limes,
I. O l)verMU, O A Taylor, T. R
Hoke, L. II. Kellry, II. II. IWAr
mond. M. PohdII, I. K. Watte, It W
V. L. .MauuliHlmer, C. 0
Miimner, II. Claruo, I. Meyers, J. II
Claruo, It. L. Whllson, William Hunt.
11. Rogers, II. W. Hkiue. W. II. It.
II. Keller. M. Bond. U. K. Bond. T. II
Bond, A. Christiansen, Edward L
mis, (tarry Ilorskfilte, W. Ferguson,
(lay II. Wilson and F. O. Wllrox.
Orders have been placed for uni
form for most of the etnnpany now
enlisting. The uniforms are expert- !
to arrive within the Next week fr
the men.
l'rwfl 1H Uiliur Mrin, Huff Plr-
After Mil)' 1, nil IfgK" for
HntililiiK ht in
Fertility Guaranteed.
Phono 2170.1
The Store
The Young Man
of affairs draws freely on the style
service or this store.
Clothes mistakes
are experience.
This" "store's name
in your Spring Suit
insures you against
any possible error
, in style or fabric.
Noby line of Pinch
Backs, full and half
Hart Schaffner
& Marx Suits
CopjrWU Uut tkiittluti ti Mus
Shoes x
niT -ifar" - ri'" miiiiir