I'AGK 8 11KN1 HUM.KTIN, 1IHNI), OIlKflON, 1'IIUIIHUAY, APMIi HO, 11)17, News of tKe World in Brief With army conscription still In the balahccVfi final dcolBlnn on some form of the question Is expected by 'CongrcM (lila ovonltiR or tomorrow. "VhMJth6r tho Unltod Btntas nrmy Is to bo rcefutt'ed by this menus, or through tha.jmlunteor plan until that Is found inadequate, Is tho oruohil volnt on which the Ronernl American svstem of war prepnrntlon rests to day. Other drastic, war measures, lnrluilltiK tho espionage bill ntul tho censorship bill, aro still pcudlnK, Tho provision of nmplo finals for tho carrylnK" on ot tho early stages Ht lenBt. ot tho war with Oormnny, WBB mado Tuesday, whon President WIIbdo signed tho $7,000,000,000 bond Issue bill. A warrant for $200, O00.000 ot tho sum was presented to the. British embassador to tho United States yesterday Tho first evidence of actual tnatorial prepnrntlon. came Monday hi tho launching of the supor rircadnaught Now Mexico, a sister ship of the Pennsylvania, at the Brooklyn navy yard. Tho Now Mex ico Is America's first olectrlc-drivon battleship. Showing tho longths to which the government tuny bo fdrced to go as tho war progresses, Is tho request of tho Department of Agriculture, ask ing that the food supply ot tho coun try bo placed under tho strictest gov ernment regulations. In order to pro vent manipulation of prices by food spocblators. Tho authorlxatton re quested Is tho most sweeping In the history of tho country, and Is greater than that asked by tho European powers with the possible exception of Germany, slnco tho beginning ot tho world war. Other food regulations being con sidered nro in regard to cutting off tho food supply from Germany. Tho fleet ot 3000 wooden vessels which is to carry supplies to tho Allies, Is to bo begun within the Immediate future. It was nnuounced yesterday Probably tho most sonsntlonal of the news ot tho week was that re ceived Friday from liuenos Aalres. in which the announcement was mado that a cipher cable had been received In Rio do Janeiro stating that a sep arate peaco had been offected be tween Russia nnd Germany. Up to date, no corroboration of the cable has bcon received. A strict nows censorship walls In Eiaxll. but It Is known from reports from Uruguay that tho large Gtfrmnn population lit thrco of tho states of tho country Is in' revolt, well armed and fully equipped. Refugeos are fleeing toward tho border. Argentina has formally demanded satisfaction from Gormany for the sinking ot the ship Monte Pretegldo, and will probably declaro war If the reply Is not to tho liking of the na tion's president. As a possible side light on tho situation, Is tho patch ing up ot tho trouble between Ar gentina and Great Britain. Argentina having agreed to life her wheat em bargo In favor ot tho British em pire. Both the British and French war commissions aro now in Washington, V. C, .conferring with heads ot the American governmental departments us to tho most effective plans against Germany. For the most part their deliberations are shrouded In secre cy, but the need ot the Allies for food more than for additional troops, and the need of tho United States for conscription, are among tho points which are being publicly pointed out by the British envoys. The food shortage Is worse in Franee und Italy than In Hnpland, Is the report made. Member's ot tho British commis sion, on their arrival in Washington, told of the destruction of a large number of German submarines by British warships after tho U-boats' bases bad been raided. With renewed vigor on the Allied -side, and 'yrlth the strength born of desperation abong the Teutonic forc es, tho combat on the west front In .Europe ii continuing with titanic fury. Both British and Fronch are pushing 'forward under cover of wholosnln nrtlltory attacks, nnd tho koystono positions ot tho Germans nro practically In tho hands ot tho Allies. Berlin and Amsterdam re ports state In contradiction to thb dispatches from tho trout and from London, that tho'Germau lino Is only giving way In order to lure th Brit ish and French on to destruction through deadly uounter attacks, Germnn military critics claim that the Allied offensive Is already do " An even greater tnsnnee to the safety of tho German umplro than that contained In the Allied advance, however. Is that ot the striking work- m. ti.lm ni ruf iialni in wnrb. nit a protest against the reduction In thol bread ration. mo numoer oi sinn ers Is estimated as high ns 200,000, aud their demonstrations In some part ot the emplro aro rapidly assum ing tho proportions ot n revolution. Heads of the military department are determined 10 put down tho strikers at all costs. Intcrost In tho northwest during tho week centered about tho rail roads, the Slate Public Service com mission ordering a thorough probe of Ihn fnvni tirnitlipln rntPA nil tllO O.-W. R. & K. and tho Oregon Short Lane, wnuo mo supreme cuun ui um United States uphold tho constitu tionality ot tho Ferrls-Chomborlaln act, giving tho government title to tho Orogon & California railroad land totalling millions of ncres. Wllford 'Allen, editor of tho Grants Pass Courier, was appointed membor of tho SUto Industrial Accident com mission, taking tho placo of Mcutcn nnt Colonel Abrnms, now with the stato militia. L O TS $7 5 to $15 0.00 I Manzanita WW'Of'"" i $2.50 Monthly and Aubrey Heights MONKY TO tj()' AN Aqont for PAOIKlO.nuiU)- d d ltl O II ASSOCIATION J. A. EASTES Real EstateInsurance 1, Seo Kdwnrds tor paper hanging. Adv. 7flFwy vanti:i. WANTED Teams fop construction work. Bend Employment Agency. &-c 5i mfkWW JssWWWW' ' We Take All the Responsibility when you order a King Pin Brand Guaranteed Tailored Suit Your risk Is nil satis faction hns got to come to you or we call tho deal off. Service Fit Wear and Price guaranteed to please you. Made to order. Official Dtalir SATHER'S TO OUR PATRONS: IValdi IhU tpace each weelj for announcements of our v Spedali'-thcy telll appeal to you, Bennett's O'Kune Uldg. Phone Black mil Bend, Oregon 14TH SATURDAY SPECIAL Pulk Peanut Butter One Pound 15 Cents Three Pounds - 40 Cents Two packages Laundry Starch .15 Cents .$.' s ' 4' ' Lighthouse Cleanser 5 Cents SB? LOUIS Bennett, Grocer FOU 8AI.K. FOH SAIiC-Gasolluo tank, cheap. Inquire llullotln, tt KOH SALK Six grndo Jersey cows. II. A. Johnson -Vi miles south west of Tumalo. 8SS,9,10p FOH SALK SO ncres; good free water right for 38 acres. For par ticulars address Curtis Christy. His tors, Oregon. 7 1-8,1 2p FOU SALII- Timothy and grnlu hay, four miles west of Tumalu, 0. II. Spaugh. Ht.Stf FOH SAl.K Ninety head of steers. John II. Harrison, Fort Hock, Oro gon. 4tfc. FOH SAMS Tlllnmook calves See It. A. Gosnoy. Log Cabtti Ilnrher Shop. -tS-7,8c FOH SALK IJarred Hock. Illack Minorca hatching eggs, 13 tor 11.00. Inquire M. Sottong, IlurnI IllSp. G-8p FOH SALK Uuggy. pole and shafts: single nnd doublo disc plow. Ilox 100, Houd, Orogon. 6-8p FOU 8ALB Houbo nnd lot. Price right. Terms reasonable, laqulrc A. E. Edwards. Ilend Sign Co. 37tl poll N.U.K Olt LKAHi: Tumalo Project Contracts S' of NWU and NV nf SV4 of Sec. 26; 8K4 of NKV, of NKtf and NKV4. 8B of Sec. 27: also W'M of NKH and 8KU of NWU, and NK of SU'H Sec. 2C. Land about two miles north west ot Tumalo; 100 acres cleared and cropped three seasons; fences, ditches and other Improvements; can bo farmed this year. Unusual and attractive ternra for snlo or lease. Telegraph or write to owners, P. 8 .MCNUU, oil nan rorunntio iiiiik.,i Los Angeles, Cal or so?' FrcMN.i Wallace, ProJ. Bnp., Tumalo." 07-llCtfc. VOTU'K TO YOTimM. Tt Mlontlun uf volrin In Dmtluitr Cnunly U rriTirii)lir tllrrctnl to th fullimlnii, tn Will Ilia (.riUltiltv A')nlt)r (or Omitm, t lU 1'J fMH'i, cnartrtt n In illrttllnii th tmiMtrr ot rrttiiln rril nf Crwk CMnl In pmrhutr tVuiily, which lw will mn iiriillv on My tl, lull. It s!U Intrnilnl lijr IhU Uw t trumfcr, nmutK ntlirr rtil. thtt mtUlntllmi hU tor nrwIncU lurntnl Mlinlly In Dwuhulni County. tt rrn ImiMwalM fur thla transfer to b ma.U In tint tor lli HIhIk Kllln mllnl for Junr 4, 1917, fr tho itllrirrl rvon that wrUIn ault Inatltulnl nnlnt th Cuntir Court of DrwhutM County nnl till nilns, will nt h tlnnlly illtitwnl uf Utter th dl rt fur lh M Juni rlMllun, ll th vclrrt of Dnrliulr County will, thrrtfore, lw rmtulml to rmlatrr In nnlrr tn vt Ht auth rlrctlon. Tlmt lhy tny ilu with the Intit Intern. vtnlnr, 1 hair Molntnl ItmUlmr ot rlrclkm In rath of th I'rrvlncU if th County, who an authorliml tn rwUUr MUI. flnl clrtlor. J. II. IIANKK. County Clrrk for I)rhuto County. Orton, v llriUlmrt ApixInttJ. llrml-Chut. V. Ilnklnr. lnl -II. C. KIIU. Ibml J. V. Arnul.1. South Ski (limn II. Rlixk. llrml, Ornran. I 1'ln 1- W. 0. r'ortlhum. U I'lnr, Or. son. ljr S-Juhn Atklnvin, llrml, Orron. Aubry I0-Frnk It. l'ttUon. Ilid, Or ttn. Tunwlu llJm M. (Jrlffln. Tumtlo, Orruon. I'llnlw IS M. W. Knk-kriUiekrr, OUU Orrttctn. HUlrra IS-Mre. Crr Allkln. HUUr. Or. un. - , lwer HrM II U A. lltlnT." Um.r IlrMr, Orruon. Trrrrl-mn l-. II. WlnrMCTrrrtliunn, Ornton. Ilr.lnwn.1 IS-J. A. Wlllreji. ItclmonJ, Or n. Trthrrow IT J. A. Wlllfet. Itr.lmnj. Of, ten. Clin. rait. IS -J. W. WrlM. Clin f.ll.. tlrirn. Drwhutc l W. K. Van Allrn. DmHuIm, urnrun. Alfalfa -Marar.t I. Oal. Alfalfa, Or n. MUrkan tt -1. II. Johnwn. MtUban. Ot. KWl. Ilrotbm U K. K, Var. Prwthrr. Or. n. j llamrtwa It A. 8. rW. Innrf.!. Orraon. Hf.MJtONS. In the Circuit Court or the Stato of Oregon. Tor Doschutes County. .Muhlon Rwoat nnd Hulo I). Drain, co-partners doing buslueM under tho firm namo nnd style of Sweet IJraln Auto Company, Plaintiffs, vs. 1). F. Childress and Cosby A. Child ress, his wire, Fred A. Jack win, and Jackson, his wife, and the Tum-A-J.um Lumber' Company, a corporation, Defendant. To II. F. Childress and Cosby A. Childress, his wifo, Fred A Jackson, and Jackson, his wife: In the Namo ot tho Htato of Ore gon, You aro horcby required to ap pear nnd answer tho complaint filed KOU HKNT. POH KBNT 80 acres of Irrigated land, six miles east of town; all cleared; house and barn on place. Apply Bulletin. 78-8tf FOH HKNT 1C0 acres at Powell lluttc. For particulars address Ioyal II. McCarthy, 1334 Northwostorn Hank Ilulldlng. Portland, Or.,' or J. F. Dean, 171 Cincinnati, Ohio. COtfc 4- LOST AND FOUND. I LOST Largo cameo pin, Hntur-j day night, probably at Hippodrome Reward for return to Bulletin. , M-Se MUSICIANS We bate the Largnt StoL I Muuc aivl MuiKal McuLuxLm u iKo Northwnt. All the Lale Songt. Melton Band liulruroram All Thingt MuiUal alt th Tttae. Snxl (or Caulofno. Seiberling-Lucas Music Co. 125 Uh St. Portlflnd.Ortfon FIX IT! It may be It may be at may uu It mav bo It may be It may be It may be it may uu It may be the carbureter, the self starter. a rim or a tire. the brakes. the steerinir wheel. the crank shaft. the gears, the magneto. the storage battery. ANYWAY ;s -' ' 4t .f You should have you automobile thor oughly overhauled before spring. Winter is hard on a car, and better have your ma chine in .perfect running order for those spring trips you are planning. OUR EXPERT Mechanics and our equipment enables us to do this work for you reasonably and well. BEND GARAGE WALTER COOMBS, Mgr. When in Trouble, Phone Red 451. COOK BY WIRE WITHOUT FIRE CLEAN, SANITARY ECONOMICAL A small payment down puts an lileclitc Range In your Imme. BEND WATER, LIGHT & POWER CO. w E WANT YOU TO FEEL THAT IT IS YOUR PRIVILEGE AS A PATRON TO CALL ON US AT ANY TIME. Wo tiro nlnn)N glml tn m-imI jiiii it man In niukn repair. Tt truil ii IiiIm', n hltm-mil pntrh or n ur nboe, If )nn hnpHin tn ihmmI iih on Hirt mini. Of rtiurao, thrrn nro limit In III" tlMnnro wvi rnn pi, but v) fori suro that yon ttouhl nut mnkn nuy tin rrnMitinble ntiueit mi, If mi) tiling of Ilit' nort Iiiiik.'iih, tti pliono iti. Anil reiiti'iulH'r, If )nii until tlr' iinil Urn atliidrli mill il not Hprrlfy tlicm by brand, xv lll M'tnl )iiii thtllcil Htnlrx Tlrfx iiml t'nltrd Hlnli't Tiro Kuntlrli4, In'Ciiiioo ns lio llrto llit'in tt ho tho bent on llio market. Ami twti tlii- tlmt. tn hui)H ffitttiro n ri tho United Klutoa "Clialn" mill "I'acn," Skuse Hardware Company against you In the above entitled court iinil run iih within six uitka from the dnti of tlm first publication of this summons upon you, to-vs it Within six weeks from the I It It day or April. 1017. nnd If you fall to appear ami answer within wtltl time, plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relief prayed for In tho said complaint, to-wit: Plaintiffs pray for JiitlRiuent against said defendants, 11. F. Chll drens and Cosby A. ChlltlrttM, his wire, fur the sum (if $100.00 tonttl er with Interest tliermin at the rate of olKht inr rent per annum frum January 21), 1017, until paid, and! for 7S 00 attorney ftum, liesltltts (lie costs and dlsbiirsHiueiitH of this suit, that plaintiffs' murtKK be for eosed ami that the real property In sold mnrtKSK' nnd hrelnlitfiir do scrlbml bo Mild liv thw Hlierlff nf 0 chutes f'uiiiity, Orn:tm. In the man ner provided by law for the satlsfae tlon of said Judgment, mid that the moneys realized from natd sain Iih applied first to the expenses of wild sale, second to tho payment nf the costs and disbursements nf this suit. InclutlliiK Miirh sum ns the Court may iiiIJuiIko roasnnnbln for attor ney foes for foreclosing; this mort KSK". third, to tho payment of plain tiffs saltl promissory note ami mort fniKo. aud that tho residue be pattl as the Court may direct; that im Hhorlff of said DesrhutHs thitiuty, inakliiR said Ne, plnre Hie purrhrvr er of the ld rl property In the ImmMlfctM MaHalii nf mIJ prein Ixi's, and that the tlefeiiiluiila nr all rrutm (lalmlHK b, tlritiKi nr un tier tltH nr any of them, Im forexrr Imrrsil and fortx-losed of all rlxhu title, elalm, Interost aud esmtn in of lien upon said Ikiids ami prifiulsrs, nnd of all Miulty of rtntempllii'i In th aaine, mvh only the statutory rlr,hi of rmleniptlon. and that ul.itiitUfi have sueh iillmr and furtinr relief as tn th Court may iwem e'ltill Oil" This suinmuns 1 publlshr I t it the Ilend Hulleilti, a ekly newspaper nf Keral (-Imitation, uibllshed In llMiid, Dciwlitiiris County, Oregon, for six roHsttcutlvii HHks by order of llwiiontble V i. Ilarnes, (Nuinty Juilae nf Drwrhulmi County, Orer.tm, whlfli order roriflr the dale of th" first tiubllratliiu f this summons and directs that Mh of you appear and answer wlthlnslx weeks from tho first publleatlon therenu, and which onlar further provides that a copy nf the enmimtiy and summons shall ha forthwith mailed to each nf said defendants at tlmlr last known post office address. The dnto nf the first publication, April 2C, 1017. II II DKAItMONI), POTTKIt & IMMKI. 8-Hr Attorneys for Plaintiffs. cryqQeyogvy ttyy (rjy xjif VLKi U C- R, HUDSON, President 10. M. I.AUA. Cashier : II. C. COK. Vice Prosldont h. O, McItKYNOI.DH, Asst. Cashier, li. A. HATHliU, VICO lTtitt. II. A. HTOVKIt.Asst. Cashlor The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Capital fully paid Hut-plus IW.000 M.OOO ! m War Financing Inventory of tho nation's assets for perpurediiess has dis closed only ono sntlsfuatory Item. Tim financial hjhttiiti Is roiiiM'leiit niitl tint battUs nro I cud)'. Th ore nro no soldiers, but tlicrn Is great ueallli. Thero Is shortage of kuiih, but n surplus of dollars. Hlilps must bo built In tho nnvy, but tho banhs nro In coniinlNNliin, TIIK MIMTAIIY 8V8THM MUST IH-3 IIKCONBTUUCTKD, HUT TIIK riJDBHAL IIK8KIIVK 8V8T13M la WOIU& INO. Mon must bn trained tqr tho army, but tho, men tho haiiillo fliiancoH nro nlreutly skilled. ' s TIIIH HANK IS A MMMIIKU OP TUB PBDBnAL U13 8KUVK BY8TKM. r THe FIRST NATIONAL IANK OF BEND ?' riiM iA