taoh o. KN1 lU'liMniN', 11KN1), OUIXJOX, Tlll'IWDAY, APRIL lid, IM7. COUNTY p Bond, Oregon, April 4, 1917. Tho County Court met In the Council Hoom In tho O'Knno build ing at 10 o'clock a. m pursuant to adjournment, all members being prcsont. The meeting was called to order by tho Judge. In tho Matter ot tho Jaeger Rond: This matter coming on (or hear ing, and atter discussion, It was or dered that tho Jaeger road be op cnod, and tho following woro ap pointed as a board ot viewers to tIow same on Tuesday, April 10, 1917, Qco. S. Young, A. 0. Meyers and F. McCaffory. In tho Matter ot Revision ot Taxes on Melrose Park Addition to Red mond: This matter again coming up tor hearing, motion was made to con tinue same until the meeting ot April 12. In tho Matter of Vacation of car tain streets in Redmond: Tho matter ot the vacation of cer tain streets in South End Acres Addition to Redmond, coming on tor hearing, and after discussion it was decided to continue samo until tho adjourned meeting of April 12, It was ordered that tho County Judgo and the County Surveyor, be and they are hereby appointed to lay out tho Brick Yard road, follow ing as near as practicable the pres ent road, same to be improved to the top ot the hill beyond tho brick yard. It was ordered that the supervisor ot Road District So. 10 be Instructed to repair the bridge across Tumalo creek on tho Dear crcck-SIstcrs road, by putting In a pair ot new trusses and new mudsill and posts under the cast end ot said bridge. Ordered, that the County Clerk be instructed to procure a book and In It keep a record of all property of tho County, showing to what offi cer each piece ot property was en- HiiE 1 H 3tIH A Tire for Every Need of Pjrice and 'Chain' 'Royal Cord' ' ' ' 'Uuo'T' 'Plain'- ttS!Uni Jlgainst the flood of good, bad and indifferent hats, the Lanpher, this season more than ever, is your anchor to hatzvard. The Lanpher Hat $350 For trusted, (Into ot purchase, prlco and any Identifying mark or number, requiring each officer to receipt tor such property In said book. K. P7 Hntncr, having resigned ns supervisor ot Road District No. 20, his resignation was ncccptcd, and Henry K. Rutto appointed to till this vacancy. It was ordorcd that the claims tor work done on the Torrebomio Rond In December bo paid. Ordered, that claims numbered 116 to 163 Inclusive, as shown on page 6 ot tho Docket of Clnlms, bo and the samo are hereby allowed, nnd tho Clerk Is instructed to issue his warrants In payment thereof. On motion, duly made and sec onded, Court adjourned to nie.it Ap ril 12. 1917. Bend, Oregon, April 12, 1917. The County Court met in tho Council Room In tho O'Knno build ing, at 10 o'clock a. m., pursuant to adjournment, tho following being present: W. D. Dames, County Judge; L. K. Smith, Commissioner; S. E. Roberts. Sheriff. The meeting was called to order by tho Judge. In the Matter ot Vacation ot l.and in Melroso Park Addition to Red- PIGIlit' I.,,. . m mi ':l?l H3 Quality Pays You and Us United States Tires arc built with one supreme thought behind them quality and quality pays you and us. We put not alone good cotton and good rubber into our tires; wc use only the super-quality of both, plus design, construction, workmanship super quality all. Motorists have recognized this super-quality stano! ard of United States Tires by giving United States Tires not only amazingly large sales n but equally amazing sales increases. Quality pays you in service and us in sales. United States Tires Are Good Tires Sale by A. L. FRENCH, Gent' Furnihing Tin mattor coming up for hear ing. It was ordorcd that the vacutlo'i of certain blocks, streets and allo) In Melrose Park Addition to Red I oo ml, bo approved. It was ordered that certain Coun ty Hon df In Southend Arrougo ho vnented, It was ordered that Mio petition ot 'ihumas W. Marshall, usktoK fir the tuYlslon and adjusting of taxei it Melrose Park Addition to Red mond, bo granted. Tho mutter of the Improvement of roads in tho vicinity ot Lower Ilrldgo and from thoro to Terrehounu, tho County appropriate not to exceed $800, this nu tho condition that the donations by tho local residents equal tho amount appropriated by the. County. In tho Matter of tho Jaeger Road: This matter again coming up for hearing, tho report of the Hoard of Roud Vlowcrs was presented, Redmond, Oregon, April 10, 1917. We, Your Hoard of Road Viewers, appointed to apprniso tho benefits and damages on tho above entitled Jaeger Road, recommend to tho Honorahlo County Court of Des chutes County, that thu extent of Damages to C. II, House across tho NKV of tho SK4 of Section 2U, Wt ' ru Pi 7' ZU fi&ffJs & United' Slates Tibet and Tire Aeeettoriet t ' Have All the Sterling Worth and Wear that Make United States Tires Supreme, for approximately 1 U ncrcs ot land Is 920. And we further recommend that said Jaeger Road be moved south 20 feet, placing tho road an the northerly 40 ft. ot SK 8KU ot said section 20, nnd that In lieu of such benefits to said C. II. House, wo be lieve all further claim for damages In the way of fencing, culverts, etc., to be offset by sue!) benefits. OKO. 8. YOUNO. County Surveyor, JAMES L. LKNNON, K. W. M'CAKKKIIY. It was ordered that the report of tho Hoard of Rond Viewers, allowing damages ot 920 to Carl 11. House be ncccptcd, nnd n 40 foot county road bo opened on tho survey recommend ed In tho report. The bond or J, C. Thorp, as Jus tice ot the Pence nt Tumalo, was pre sented itt this time, und It appearing that snmo was in proper form, bond was approved. Tho resignation of A. C. Armstrong ns supervisor fur Rond District No, 6 hnvlng been received, nnd It ap pearing to tho Court thnt sumo should be ncccptcd, It wns ncccptcd, nnd Louts llllndeau, n citizen ot Road District No, 6, was nppnliitcd ns road supervisor for that district, Ordered, that clnlms numbered 164 I'll ( tWIHtM HMU OIJI1 AY IMMIHI YOU AWAnMtH WtttOM AlltL tut nnv. u. IH4UAO 07 OROMAHV CHtWIMol svmt kturrooH7 oo these r ntv. i ' ' , i -Z- YOU find men who ore proud of themselves uro mighty ready to learn nhout tho litllo nibble of V;B GUT that doci away with ho much ilrlndlntf and spitting. As soon us they leurn to tuek away n litllo of tho shreds In their checks and to let it alone, they find out the difference there is between rich tobacco and the cxccss'flavorcd stuff". The touch, of salt in W-U helps to bring out tho tobacco satisfaction. AU ky WETHAN-BRUTOM C0MTANT, 1107 EUwJw.;, Nw Yk Oiy . . i . to 184 Inclusive as shown on page 8 of the Docket of clnlms. Im and the same are hereby allowed, and tho Clerk Is Instructed to Issuo his war rants u payment thereof, On motion duly mnde and second ed, Court adjourned to meet ut 10 o'clock a. ni April 25, 1917. Claims nllowed April 12, 1917, term of court: J. Williams, rond work I I COO ('has, Straight, rond work fi.00 II. A, Kcndull, supplies for Rond District 16 .... 4.00 W. P, Robhliis, supplies for Rond District 16 . .. 4.4b O, W llnmsowor, supplies for Rond District 16 , . . 1.C0 Klhel Ulnic, work for sher iff's office 18.00 Olnss & Prudhumme, sup plies 29.59 Olass Prudhnmme, sup plies 78 Olass ft Prudhomme, sup plies 1.13.00 (llnss Ac Prudhomme, sup plies .. . . 3. GO Dcnd Hlgn Co., lettering for office doors 4.26 Mrs. Stella Penney, euro of J C. Woods 19,30 CI) do M. McKay, salary nnd YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE W'K'U, CLI.'AN YOUIt M.NKN, Cl.OTHKH, SILK DIIKHHKH, Ktc. "PUT VOUIt DUDH I.V OUH HUDH" Bend Steam Laundry. AM) DRY OLKANINO No Want Too Big No Want Too Small That BAUER'S GROCERY Can't Fill for You And deliver promptly nnd in the trout condition. Our Kroccrles, produce, fruit are always frcflli. Our sanitary refrlKcwtor counter keep our dairy Hiducts cool nnd frcsii. llcst price In canned good of tho licst lirnmln. BAKER'S GROCERY W.1I Strt. N.ar Ohio JAY II. D0III1IN. President 1IKNRY h. COltllBTT, Vice Pros. J. O. AINBWORTH, Vlco Pros. Columbia Basin Wool Warehouse Co. Incorporated. Advances Made on Wool, Sheep Loans. WE BUY NO WOOL , , , I,,, , , i 1 1 i DIHIXTORH. Jay II. Dobbin Henry h. Corbott North PoytlcHlQ O. C, Colt It. N. Btunflold -v J, C. Alnaworth W. P. Dickey vJreCfOll H. W. Uumblo HtT It HlUIWItr CrtMM ) 1 1 L Oil YOU. NOV. I'VK limit WAMIIIIO ACHIW THAI'S MOT ALL riAvoNino and rvoniiM if awmo AUClUr THE IIICH.APPVtfArTHAT w-n HAnieor. r expense . .. 3S.60 Ilend Surgical Hospital, cam Mrs. Howard Hcronns 44 00 liond Surgical Hospltnl, earn Samuel McCunu 64 0i Pacific Tel & Tel Co,, tele phone service, sheriff . .. 13.31) Pacific Tel ft Tel Co., tele- phone service, clurk .. .. 8.0D Pacific Tel ft Tel Co., tele phone service, trensurer .. 6 40 A Wiirtl to Mntlirrs. There seems to he more than tho usual number of children suffering from mensles, whooping cough ami other children's diseases this spring. Do not neglect any cold, for n cold woakeus the system and makes n child more llablo to attack of inorw serious ailments. Foley's Honey und Tar relieves coughs, colds and croup. Sold everywhere. Adv. For sign painting sao Kdwrd.- Adr. J l Hoofing of nil kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. HacCLOSKEY TINNINO AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, CornlcoH und Skylights. Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt BASEMENTS STKKKT WORK. ETC. Lr ecdttl l J. A, EASTCS OFTICi: Oirgon Slicvt Phone Red 161 K. K. ROY. Troasurer H. C. HPKNOKR. Secretary 12. W. UUMHLK, Qon. Mgr. 'J I j t rfil c h h tt y .b. dn th HI Sc wl jltnl rm W'll io l-hi Jo J&