III3NI) IIUMjTZTI.'V IJICW, OIlKflON, THflWIMY, APRIL 20, J0I7. I i I ill I ( ii ii Ii I'Afin B. : I W THERE'S JOY' IN JLJB& EVERY FILM P$ f 0 rri 'A',lke un ill IwV E?manK!nI HH tyMQaiL We do Kodak P ill tW developing . IHj mj R E E D & W HO R TON i LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wmloomlny'ii Unity ) J. I.. Morgan, of Paisley, Ii spend Iiik tint ilny In lleml. 0. V. Cliipp, of Lower llrlilK. Id n business visitor In lluml today. Minn Ague Klllott, of Prlnnvlllit, uiih ii visitor yoNtorilny afternoon In 5lmul. Fred N. Wul 1 11 c wiu In Dim city kjyiwterday uflnriwoii (rum hi home 1il Tumalo. Osriir Cute, of Port Hook, U spend ing I ho ilny In lluml unending to bus. Iiiiiiih mutters, Ilolmrt Hdgerton. II. II. Wallace mill A. H. Iluclniuii, of llurns, rrlved In the oily lust nlKht. It. A. Ilntloy. who has litmn away for'niivurnl weeks on lui'ount of hi health, linn returned to hi rHw at the Altninoiit. Mr. I). Keller, mother uf Mrs. It. I). (Hlson, arrived from Ktuvllle, Washington, last night mill Mill make jjier Iiiiiiih here Deputy Hherlff A. A. Anderson kiiiI MivMor V. T. Mullsrkwy, uf lied- To Our Patrons Wfl bellorii this mure offer you tho most complete Hues, the greatest variety nml Hih most dopmnlahlH qimlltlHt In hlKh grade illnmuiiitN nml Jewelry, fine watches, Htlvar nml glass. We make n speetalty of wed (I I 111? tcivltatluHM HHll announcements. mom), hnvn moved to Henri, tnkliiK rooms nt thu Allniuont Kit MiiIiii, of tho Destitutes Forest ry office, U on IiIh uii to Kfsturs lo i limine tho wiring on tint rori'Htry telephone lino In Hint vicinity. , W ('. Wagner, iIIvIhIiiii Niipirtii teiirient, nml Alox Luplier. chief on Kluuor of tho Oregon Trunk, wont In tlm city yesterday, Inspecting tor iiiIiihI conditions hunt. (From Tuesday's Dally.) MhiiiI Porter, of Tort Hook, In vis iting In llond. J. A. Anderson, of 8llor Lake, U u guest In lm olty toilny. A. II. Davis mill M. I. Flnloy, of llitlil, wore In tho city toilny. County Assessor V, T. Mullnrkoy In In Henri toilny from Itmlmoml. A. II. (lertsnn, of Hummer Lake, In h business visitor In Henri toilny. A M. MIcIihI, or Prlnevlllti. arrived In Henri last night, ami In remaining over today. Dun llolslng Ih n bun In out vlnltnr III tho city Imlny from liln ntncli on tliN Mtttollui. K. M DtMiior. of Himimor l.nkn. In nttenillm; to liunlnww iimttoni In (h city toddy. II. I. l.tkRn nml A. W. Kmlth, of CuUor, nr In lluml toilny, lookliiK Hftor builniM mntlurN. This Week's Specials That Will Save You Money Men's Khaki Pants, extrajualUy $ 1 .25, $ 1 .50 Men's High Grade WorkjShoes -?.25,4.85 Boys' School Shoes, extra heavy sole and top . -. 2.45, 3.45 Men's Rival Tennis Shoes, white and black ., -.- ....-..-.95c Men's Cotton Ribbed Union Suits, Medium Weighty 95c The Golden Rule Store 8(13 Wall Street BEND, OREGON MANNHEIMER'S .. .,1 g . . Larson & Co. Vl(limVcf i Jli ()icui J4 J Oint 5i niXD. 0rX.0N 5n . ! IU(i STHIJ- 7 1 1 OCK (I'rom MoniU) Dally.) V T rrnlR. of drliily. lit In tint rlt) IihU) on bunlnmi. (' I. llfniMin, of l.H IMiin. In a liu liifM vltltor In tho city. It. W. Murphy, or Mllllrmi. U In thu tlty today on Inml himlnoM. r Ht Mm. Kloyil I.hiii-, of Ktl r l.nkn, nint yHttrlny In IImiiiI. Mr. nml Mm. ( II. Irvlu. of IttxU mowd, Httra w'k ond kmmU Ih llttnri AIM UuIimi O'Nnll rctiiruml th' inornlHK from h short vUlt to 1'urt- iluntl. J Mr. bmJ Mr. II. I'. Ilnfnril. of l IMh. wttrw In tho city or tlitt 1 Mtk nil. (1 Ilonnou hmi purrliKwil half In tfri In tin brhr nhup of I' II Mi wnrt mi WhII tttrci-t llurh O'Ndl Ittfi Hominy tuoriiliiR for WhII Walln imi rinilv to Aoultlt to ciillt In the l'. H nrm Wiilldcd Itcdtniui. of Itmlmnn & Moont, left lnt nlnlit on u buiilnc Irlji to Portland, to ho koiiu about n month. I)r mid Mm. It I!. HIuko. or IVu dlctnn, u ro vlnltor In llcml. Dr. HIuko Ii owner or coimldornblo ronl untntn near lluml. Mrn. K. D. Wilson ami ilauithter. Cornulln, huvo nituruuil to tholr homo In Kenwood, nftr punilliii; vnvornl w'crk (n thn II. K. Allen homo, ilur Ihk Mm. Allan'n visit In Portland. Local J. I.. l'erliiKttr, It. O Hun Roll. Mm T. II Koloy, Mrn. J. J. Clnpp, Mm. II. C. Kill, II. A. Go ney, M. Ilumleraon, Ml Klilu Horn, II. K. Norilccn nml Mr. nml Mrs. II. II. I)Arniond wer amonc lleml phj ple who attended tho Ilaptlitt con vention In ltedumnd Imit week. (From Saturday' Dally.) Mm. II. C. Hill I ipunilliiR n few day with friends at Itmlmnml. A. O. Walker, or Alfalfa, I In Horn! today on a brief huitnoia vlilt. H. K. WtMt, or Itcilmoml, I In tho city lookliiR uftor builnui matter. Claude McCnuley mid C. M. Ilml rinlil, or Donchutos. wcro busluuii vlillom In tho city jentorday. Kormit Sunorvlnor V. O. HaitliiKi left hint nlKht for Fort Itock to ho Koiio notorul ilnyn on RraxliiR bus Iiium, Mr. ami Mm. W. W. nrlmteail, Vrultn 1'ulnley. Mm. C. T. Mminliii; nml A. H. lliidmati, ot Hums, uro In the city. Mr. anil Mm. J. 0. Mcduffie, for mMr r Ident qf llaml. nrtt In thn city thin nftomoon from their much In Iteilmoml neotlon. F 1 Itnwiou, nimiBRer or thn Odin Fall power development project, wan In town toilny trnntwctliiK huiluewt In th county office JInrry Hamlin, Hoy I'owcll ami Claronco MayoN, or Ilny Creek, aro vliltltiK In Demi for a few Jays be fore leaving to Join the I'. S. army In Portland, County JiiiIko W. I). Ilarnes nml County Kchool Kuperlntendeiit J, AN ton Thompson wore In Itcdmond last nlKht to attoml the tryout for tho Central Oregon declamation contest. Thoy declaro that llond high school orutors will huvo keen competition from tho Itcdmond delegation. (From Friday's Dally.) II. Dnuforth Is In from Fleetwood today. Cecil a. HollluiliBad, of La I'lna, arrived In lioml last night. D. 7.k Itohlnett, ot Silver Lake, Is npenilliig thu day In the city. K. (Lewis, or Itcdmond, was a bus- Ill ohm visitor In tho city last night. Fril L. Malm Is visiting In llond today from his homo at La IMno. Itov O. 1'owoll and Clarence Mayos, of.lluy Crsok, are llond visitors to dny. ' Joe Graham, or Itcdmond, Is look ing, after huslnvis Interests In llond toilny. KJ 8. Nichols, of llond, Is regis tereijst tho Hotol I'ortlund, Portland, Oregon. Mr. mid Mrs. F. W. Andersen, of Crofj'nt.'nrlvflilMn Hand last night and aro remaining over today. . Mr, mid Mm. J. W. Carlan, Mrs. J. KHtewnrt. Mm Walter Ilelknap. nml D. II. People were Prlnevllle vUltors In lluml aterday. Mr.' mid Mm Stuart Canann and daughter, who have been visiting In lleml for the past six weeks with Mr Caiman's mother, Mm James Canaan, left yesterday for their home In Vermontvllle, Mlhlgmi Store News Springtime is Underwear Time. Complete Underwear Lines for Men Women Children ' Ladies' Union Suits Taped embroidery top, shell, lace, or cuff knee; priced at 25c, 35c, 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c and up to $2,00 Suit. Separate Vests 10c, 12 '-c 15c, 20c, 25c, 35c, 50c each. Men's Cooper Kenosha Klosed Krotch Un ion Suits, at $1.00, 41-25, $1.50, $2.00. Men's Special Athletic Underwear, 50c suit Boys' Special Athletic Underwear 50c suit . Look 'o Us for Your Underwear Needs STOP AND SHOP AT Mr and Mrs. L. L. Fox returned this morning from Corvallls, whore thoy were called by tho serious Ill ness ot their daughter, ho Is at tending the Oregon Agricultural col lege. They reported that she Is much Improved. Thomas Silk, a pioneer omploye or tho O.-W. It. & N. ot La Grande, Is spartfllng a tow days In Bond, as the guest ot tho family of his son-in-law, Charlos Whltmore. Uqfore returning to his homo. Mr. Silk ox- fpeqjs to ntakii an jaxtojided visit to Portland and other coast poltfts. a Clothes for Commencement Day WHETHER you are vv well dressed on the day your diploma is awarded to you depends upon yourself. It is nn event in your lifetime you will always look back to with pride and satis faction. It will enhance your ratification, and encourage the admiration of your friends if you apt pear on this momentous, occasion dressed nbov'S' criticism in a suit of SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES. They will fit you perfectly. The models and fabrics afford you a fine choice from a practically unlimited variety. r A.L:French "The Mcn'l Tosj'y" See Our Big Line of AMERICAN " CH1NAWARE All Open Stock Patterns and sold by the piece or set (From Thursday's Dally.) Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Klklns, of Cres cent, are In the city today. W. C. Ilolllnshead, of La Pino, ar rived In the city last night. P. II. Johnson, of Mtlllcan, was in Html last night on business. Mm II. K. Allen has returned to Demi after a trip to Portland, Salem and other coast points. Mr. and Mm. F. M. Xumwalt. Mr and Mrs. K. A. Graham and J. A. Rraham are visitors In the eltyfrotn Sisters today. BEND MAN MARRIES IN OAKLAND, CAL. Tho marriago of M. F. Hawthorne, ot Bend, to Mm. Allco Warren, oC Sacramento, California, was an nounced this morning ,whon Mr. ami Mrs. Hawthorne arrived in tho city to mnko their homo. The marrlaga took placo In Oakland, Cal., on Ap- rll K. For sign painting see Edwards. Adr. Four chairs at your service at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. .MISS IIISLOP UKHKAVHI) (Ffora, Wednesday's Dally.) Nlnlan Illslop, who died In Leb anon on April 1G, at tho age ot 91 years, was the rather ot Miss Joanna Illslop, who taught In tho Dend schools In the past year. Mr. Illslop was born in Scotland In ISSfi, re moving to Canadn In 1S41. He had Ihed In tho west since 1908, coming to Seattle at that time to be with his daughter. Three other children survive. MAY 1 9 Prineville is Coming! Redmond is Coming! Madras is Comingl Culver is Coining! Others are Coming! Watch This Ad Grow EGOS FOR HATCHING AND DAY OLD CHIX "rvm tee Uylnr lUnln. liff rijr mouth trcK. After May J, nil ICgg" for Hutching $!.50 per IS Fortuity Guaranteed. A. J. SAXPORD. RRDMOXD i'lyiio U70.1 SEVEN PATTERNS to Choose from 42 Pieces at. $4.oo, $5.00, $6.oo, $7.00 For Economy s Sake, Shop at : : : WARNER'S : BenpTs Economy Center A PYRAMID WITH A FIRM FOUNDATION H Service Quality, Combined With Low Prices 1 Square Dealing WHAT YOU WANT, WHEN YOU WANT IT F. Dement b Co oppcpo. GROCERIES w. msgmmmmmtm t I II "'' 11 Street II v LL