iwok a iMMMMMMMMnHMMMW1 11KN0 IlUMiCTIN', 11KNI), OIUXIO.V, THl'ltHDAY, AIMUI i!, il17. ;ll --- . t Central Oregon Neighborhood News TUMALO. (Special to The Dullotln.) TUMALO. April 23. L. II. ltoot, V. II. SpaiiRh and Hugh Danforth Vcro In Dcnd on business Inst Wed nesday. Will Sandal took n load of po tatoes to Ilond Thursday, receiving the hlRhosU'suirket price Mrs. W. Y. Lowe and son, Ken neth, are hero from Walla Walla. They have como to make final ship ment ot their household goods and will then return to Walla Walla to mako their homo. It. II, llayloy has been marketing Ills potatoes In Uend tho past week. J. J. Cocn's sister and her son, from Portland, aro visiting In Tumalo t present Mr. Watkor. ot Alfalfa, will speak to the Tumalo people next Sunday afternoon. Tho Odd Fellows are re quested to bo present. Mr. DIackwood. ot Eugene, who nae lately purchased the Courtney placo. Is hero to begin work on his place. It. G. Salmon has Just completed a nice little cottago on his forty, re cently purchased from tho state. F. K. Wallaco has been busy clean ing and repairing ditches, and the water la now turned In for tho sea son. Miss Dolly Hodges, of Princvttle, was visiting friends In Tumalo last week. Ray (Jerking motored to I'rlne vlllo last Wcdnetday. The Tltllcum club will meet with Uss Dean oxt Saturday afternoon. O. W. Iiaytes Is trying to get a carload of grain for shipment at Deschutes next week. Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Norcutt spont last Saturday in Redmond. J. W. Drown was In Dcnd on bus iness last Friday. Thoso perfect In spelling: First grade, Gerald Cowley; fourth grade, Elizabeth Harper, Lesllo Lemke; fifth grade. Mildred Danta, Wesley Kennedy, Kenneth Dayton; sixth Krado, Lola Marlon; seventh grade, Lois Clark: eighth grade, Holberl "Wallace, Gcorgo Norcott, Leona Park. Ruby Marion; third grade, El ma Clark, Ruth Griffin. Clean up and paint up. Seo Ed wards. Adv. TUMALO. (Special to the Dullotln.) TUMALO. April 18. Iva Snyder and Myrtle Spaugh were guests of Miss Ruth Dayley last Sunday. Kenneth Long left for Spokano last Monday night. R. A. Uowman, of I'rlnevlllo, was calling on friends In Tumalo last Thursday. G. W. Snyder purchased a horso from Mr. Aunc. ot Dond, last week. Among Dond callers from Tum alo last weok wore Mr. Canturbury, Mr. Wlmor. Ruth Datloy, Mrs. Lun berg and Mr. and Mrs. Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Fllcklngor. Mr. and Mrs. Parks and Mrs. J. W. Drown wore In Redmond one day last weok. Whllo thero they had the pleasure ot visiting Lambs demonstration car. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin's llttlo son was badly Injured last week by a fall that broko both bones ot his arm at tho elbow. Ho was Immed iately taken to Dend where Dr. Van dovert attended tho Injury. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dcckor spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. O. II. Norcutt. Miss Ethel Daylcs, ot Tumalo, has accepted a position as nurso In tho Vandovcrt hospital In Dend. Commissioner L. E. Smith, ot Des chutes county, and J. F. Dlanchard, of Crook county, were In Tumalo Saturday. R. G. Salmon and R. D. Footo have each purchased o 10 acre tract two miles north of Tumalo. Mr. Salmon's house Is well under con struction, and Mr. Foote will build In the near future. Tho Public danco glvon by tho Fair Association ast Friday night was woll attonded. A number ot people camo from Redmond and Dend. Ivan Harper, who Is working above Dend, came homo last Sat urday tor a short visit with his parents. HIHTERH. (Special to Tho Dulletln.) SISTERS, April 23. Fred Mc Reynolds is reported as on the sick list. A number of Sisters pcoplo havo been employed the past week In Ira- Dairymen Attention OUR EXCELLENTMAR. KET ENABLES US TO PAY YOU A HIGHER PRICE FOR CREAM. Wnrd 10,000 pound. mw. buttrr lit each month, and mor:-.no limit to out churning capacity. Call or write, and w will tjpUin our cmw method. V ate going to put thii ctramtry on lha crramcty map. NEW MANAGEMENT Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Html, Oregon. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDlNdS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILD1NOS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 ZTickii BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. proving tho Clovordnlo Irrigation ditch. It la roported that Grandpa Gra ham has sold his ranch, seven miles froth town. Mr. and Mrs. John Fryrear worn In town Saturday, In connertlon with laud business with J. D. Minor. Mrs. Arthur Tompleton and her daughter. Mrs. Ed. Spoo, woro callod to Orland, Calif., by tho sovoro Ill ness of Mrs. Temploton's mother. At tho school meeting 8aturday afternoon a motion to employ two teachers next year carried by n sub stantial majority. It was also do elded that tho school building bo repainted this summer, and that a water systom bo Installed. C. L. Gist has In charge tho seed ing ot tho fair grounds to hluo grass this spring. Preparations aro undor way tor a successful fair this tall. Rev. Dlalr conducted preaching sorvtcos in tho Presbyterian church Sunday evening. Rastus Rasmusson took a bunch of horses to Dcnd Saturday. Many Sisters pooplo took advaut ago ot tho beautiful spring weather Sunday to go fishing on tho Metol lus rlvor and Squaw creek. Arllo Oster was up from ho Dalley ranch on tho Motollus river Saturday. Ellis Edgington was hauling wood for tho Sisters school last weok. Tho pupils and teachers' of tho Sis ters schools have placed bird houses on tho grounds and out-bulldlngs of tho school property, thus commend ably encouraging Interest In bird and wild llfo. Mrs. G. Dorry wan calling on friends In town Wednesday. C. L. Gist mado an auto trip to tho Grand Vlow district last Thurs day. t M. Kuntwalt mado a bualnosn trip to Dend Wednesday. MNTEUN. (Special to Tho Dullotln.) 8ISTEH8, April 16. Fred Mc Klnuoy has rented a house In town and Is working for Anthony Hoach driving n logging team. Two teams have boon logging for tho J. P. Duckatt Lumber company. The mill Mliirts sawing today. Jack S'.oldham and family havo moved up to tho Wilson sawmill, where Mr. 8teldham will bo em ployed as fireman, and Mrs. Stold ham will cook for the mill hands. Frnnk Lelthausor has moved Into tho J. I). Dowmatt houso, recently vnratod by Mr. Slcldham. M. McKlnnoy has rented tho Clar enco llrnnton farm and has movod his family Into tho restdunce. Mrs. M, E. Harrington Is recover ing from a sovoro Illness. J. 1). Jlowman and Davn Miller havo boeu busy tho past week repair ing tho roads tending to Sinter. Tho farmers of Sisters and vicinity aro busy with tholr spring work. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Shaw went bus luoa visitors In Dond Saturday. M. Dalloy has returned from a business trip to Portland. J. O. McKlnnoy has returned from a trip to points In Eastorn Washing ton, no reports snow storms in the upper country. C. Dalley Is up from his ranch on tho Motollus, Mr. McKlof Is hauling hay from Clovordnlo. Ilurman Seaman, of Clovcrrfalu, was In town Monday. Joo Wilson was In town Sunday, Ho will soon bo ready to start his mill. Ab u' two Inches of snow fell In Slstits Inst Monday. Kin aro being displayed In pub lic phi cm here. A flag has been raised on tho village flag pole. I ILJ A iHI il I rl All "II I Hi Did You Lose Any Crop I III WW T 1 T T 1 Mill' Last Year by Hail: , BetterlnsureYourCrop 1 Seo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loans. Adv. (1IHT. (Special to Tho Dullotln,) GIST Tho Lndlea O. I. O. club met Thursday nflnrnooil at tho homo of Mrs. ('. E. (Mtalfan. Mrs. F. Wallace and Mrs. Dickinson were Invited gueHts, of Tumalo. Tito women desired to Improve) tholr time Hh tho llntnn Cooperative project with tho Oregon Aiti'chlttiMl Col logo. Mrs. II. A. Krogglu wm elect t'tl hoetotnry. Mrr M L. Olllet will loivo In n few ilnys for her now ."mo In Moil aim. i he Is valltliu: with her sla tor, Miss Grace IUrkn, at Uedmiuid before her departure, 11. A. Krngglu, II. Hartley Mr Wallace. II. Scott and Paul Hcogglu nro In Condon this weok to receive n hunch of 160 head of ctltlo, which they .uii based a short Unit Iko. James Klklris Is on Crooked Itlvir this week visiting his brother, Chut ley, ami will bring soma cattle tiae'c v.ith him. A blrthdny party was given Mrs. J. J. Melton Inst week. There were 36 guestn, and a Inrgn birthday rnko lighted with rnndles was set before them at 12 o'clock. Mrs. Melton cut the cakn and Miss V. Huston served baked beans, brown bread and coffee. The evening was spent In games and inuslr, until 1;J0 a. m, when all departed wishing her many happy returns of Hie day. A few Inches of snow greeted the farmers this morning. Although It stopped the wurk for a few hours, It Is of milch benefit to tho growing crops. Mrs. Charley Chnlfnn has found a now way of hatching ehlckeui, Sho had stored In her cement chick en house a box of nlnrk lime. Tlis hens havo n hublt of laying on tho box. In which there whs u hold largo enough for an egg to roll through. A few dayn ago Mrs. Chnlfnn found a baby chick In the box, and as there wore no sotting hens or baby chicks elsewhere. It la thought that tho hunt from the limn hatched the egg. Blio advises all farmers to put llmo In the nests. J. J. Melton and wife nnil Miss Huston took dinner with MrCallls- tor's on Crooked river last Hnturday, Mr. and Mrs. McCalllster returned home with them and stayed over Sunday. Alrx Levereus Is hauling his rye to KedMoud this week. Mr. Knickerbocker and wife mot ored In !nd Inst week and brought her sinter out to the farm for a fnw i'nyit' visit. t' Chslfnu Is suffering from h severe attack of lumbago and la grippe. F. McCalllster spent Sunday with hU sister, Mrs. Melton. Glad lo lmrn of It. Coughs that follow la grippe, or any deep-seated hacking cough, will wear down the strongest man or wo man If allowed to continue. C. Hmllh, 1421 12th St., Augusta, Ua write: "I got ouo 26o bnttlu ot Foley's Honey and Tar and tny cough and rold Ir. about well, 1 was glnd to learn of a great medicine llko that." Hold everywhere. Adv. PLEASANT HIIXli:. (Hpeelal to The Dulletln) PLEASANT IllDOK. April 33. O. A. Anderson and Antonn AhUtrom aro loading haled hay at Dcschutoji this week Aubrey Perry, of Slaters, visited (Continued on Pago 3,) W m STOP! And Invenlltfate our price before buying your grocerim, Wo can aavo you money. Sb P. B. Johnson's Mllllcan, Ore. Telephone Against Hail this year, as we are likely to have Big Prices for all Kinds of Grain. The Globe & Rutgers Fire Insurance Company Will insure your crops against hail. It costs no more to insure now than later. For Rates and Information, see W. B. Daggett, Agent, Redmond, Oregon MOLASSES AND ALFALFA RATIONS- The Kind Your Stock Needs. Made in Bend. For Dairy Cows, Hogs, Horses, and Sheep. Ours is the only plant in Central Oregon equipped to turn out these products, and our prices make it possible for you to use them advantageously. We also havo ready Alfalfa Chicken Mash, Chicken Scratch Food, Chick Food, Calf Meal, and a complete stock of all feeds needed in Central Oregon. The Highest Grade only of second cutting alfalfa is used for all our mixed ration foods. Don't subscribe to popular fallacies FACE THE FACTS . ,. , Meat contains GO per cent water. Potatoes, 75 per cent water. Milk 80 to 90 per cent water. Flour, 13!j per cent water. A pound of meat costs 20 and 25 cents. 'A pound of flour costs four cents. And yet there is more en ergy in a pound of flour than in a pound of beef. REAL ECONOMY MEANS THE USE OF MORE FLOUR WHEAT FLOUR Cheapest and best food. U. S. test proves it Deschutes Spray and True Blue Flours make the finest tasting bread on the market, because they are made fromtho highest grade wheat obtainable. FARMERS: Inquire about our re-cleaned seed before you do your Spring seeding. ARTICLES J Eggs 38C 1 Hoof, sirloin .... 410 ! I Mutton, log 446 M, I U. 8. Dopnrtmont ot Agriculture Milk 1030 Hb I Farmers' Dullotln' No. 142. Pork, loin 103C iB Enorgy Musclo and Strength Qlv- .-.. . .- E V lnr OtinlltlnH. riuttnr unr, iiLiL&- I Ono pound ot I)irliuic Hnry Flour, Sf-rVnr M C0HMK 3 to 4 conn, will go as far ;;; Lb V "i0 lountis or moat, costlug 20 ;,;.;"; k 1 l0 coifl p pounu, Iloano, dried ....3040 HMBMBH0 Wheat Flour ....0640 HMHHMB Bend Flour Mill Company BEND, OREGON ' ' ft L