BT8 r.n'11' w WEEKLY EDITION THE BEND T J W- i r VOL. XV. 1II5N1), DKHOIIUTKH COUNTY, OKIfflO.Y, TIILltHDAY, AV1UU 20, 1017. NO. 8 BULLETIN & A 0 I H W IK I B '.ff V STATE DEFENSE 0 ID C. S.IIUDSON MEMBER FltoffifcTHis SECTION; fiunrll Ksnerlwl lit Herve. iiw Cletif ItiK House for OrKimUed .MotillU-" ullon of Orr-iuii'M IUurre May Control I'unil. (Efcm TusdaDally.) HALfiM. April rH.WHier)lnl.)- Gavntnor Wlthycombo, nt tlm re quest nt Nnwton I). linker, secretary Of war, Jihb appointed n Htntn Coun ..ill of Nntltmnl Defense, whloh will tin Oregon official organization (or O9.npqratlon with thu Niitlonnl Coun--oll In tlm work of mobilizing thn Male's resources fur war-lime offlo lunoy. tho dlstluetlon falls to n Hend man of being Cenlrnl Oregon's rep rsKonlnllvo on thlt council, 1ih gov rnor having asked C. H. Hudson, president of tho First National Hsuk, tn servo. Mr. Hudson Iiiin accepted. Tho chairman of tho council I llvnry l.add Corbetl, president of (hn Portland Chamber of Comuuirrw. Other member nr General Churlen II. Uwtlio((if Portland; Clark loiter, odltor of (lift Observer, I. Grande; It. M. BtnufMil, of Pendleton, speak r ef lh (nut HnUH of Representa tives nml ono of thu largest ranch uwuani nml sheep rnlsnrii In (lit) wait; W. K. Uhlmpff, of Astoria, member of llm legislature, and Oharlmi llnll, a prumluaiit oltlxen of Marnhflald. Meeting Culled. Al (lio governor' request, Mr. Oirbott U calling an Immediate meeting of (ho eounell nt Portland. Its flrsj purpose U to haIih'I i mom ltr of thn eounell to go to Washing ton to represent Oregon at n nation wide war conference railed by Secre tary Baker, to meet with him on May 3. It It expoctml that tlm Hint Co un til) will serve an the ufflrlal clearing house for all organized tunlilllMtliin of Oregon's resource a dlrectwl anil uilvliiml by Hi" national authnrltlui, uHit that (oeally It will eonrillnata tit aatlrltlMi of tht vnrlnua organ iMllona workltiK In illffwrmit fltilrin. Tlm Ktnto Co tin nil probably will " uroifta Kenornl aupervhilon nvr tho muHlwUloi) of nny fumU which may tiinma nvallnblo from (he nudonal trfBHifry, and It proaumnhly would w (ho nKoiiry In oonjunctlon with Mhlch (ho Korerniueiit would act If tha illrurt ruKulatlon of fond prloea und nlmllar work, U undertaken. TUMALO LEAKS ItHPOHT WIMj UK UAHIH l'Olt K.Y J'MNDITUHi: 01' HTATK MONIJY .U'luioi'iiiATim Tin: iani should hi: koi.d, hayh j.kwih. (From Frlday'a Dally.) IloturnliiK froioi'fjumalo,,Avhoro ho lias been w(th J. l fJowqll, II. M. 1'nrks and Fred N. Wallace, members of tho commission npotntod bye tho Desert I.aud hoard (o nucordilu thn uuso of loivkugQ In (ho Tumalo ruBor volr, Htutn Fhiglnnqr John II. I.owla was In Knnd today, nnd declared IniU ttovorul weoka might olupao boforo u definite report could bo given by (ho oommlaslon. Ho Intimated that a mora Inclusive InvuHtlRiUlon might bo found nucussary thup hud at' Hrst ihenn oxpetud. During tho prnsont trip of tho com mission, sovurul luy will bo spent t tho Tumalo resorvolr. Tho enm inlsslon'B final report will bo tho "hasls for tho expenditure of $1 0,000 'appropriated by tho hist legislature ,to euro tho leak which bus Impnlrud tha efficiency of tho Tumalo jnlKti tlon uyntem. "One of tho main thlnga now la to noil tho land and bring In moro sot tlora," Mr. Lowls stutod this morn- Ingr "Thoro nro approximately 3000 .ncrort of land In tho Tumalo suction, ,uurq1(1, wilch uro Independent of tho fToservolr. When tho ropulra con- 4citlttlnl a,1 tidun ImnM VTiniln. Ill (I llU sriiL11 flit y u tvuus - j" eJbpWoVV of ,yQ country should bo EXPERTS PROBE froWlnuV' ' PLANS ELAIJOHATE FOR MAY FESTIVAL Children lint Itolnj; Drlllcil for Xont Tiiexihiy'H llvi-iil I'nrwm'a Or clKNlru lo Uho .MiinIc. (Krom WHiliiiwiliiy Dally.) Hlahoratu plana urn IidIiik made by Mra. 0. W. Hhrlner for tho May Kwttl. vhi whluli will ho kIviiii TuuHiluy of loruoon nt tho Hippodrome. Mra, Rhrluiir In drlllliii? nioro tliun a acoru f dhlldrnii for thu ovmit. Tho erownliiR of tho May Qunmi who will lid milndtml by futurilny nlciit, ami thp wlnlriK of tho May Polo will bo principal fmituroa of tho aftaruoou'a proi;rntnV A muitliml pniRrom corn poiiHil of local tnlout will ba retid orml durliiK (ho iiftoriioon. Thu May Quoon will ho iiniioiincod at thn lllppodrouiu next Haturday iivnnliiK. I'nraon'B IVorluim Orchns tra, of I'ortland, will kIvii tho inunlc for thn evnnt. DanuluR will bo hold nftor tho fcHtlval until 0 o'clock, and again In tlm uvonlnR from 0 o'clock to mldnlKht. I'niKriini. 1, Ovnrturn, l'ltrauii'a Orchuiitrn, 2. "Hlar Hnanulml Iluunnr," chorui. 3. CrownliiR May Queon. i, Hole. "Amuriixi, i i.ovo vou," sir. Iltmualt. r.. Holo, mdcrtod, Mm. Ilccd, C, I'lauo nolo, aolttetiid, Allco Block mon. 7. Trio, "Dlxlo," Mra. Flab, Mra. Mnol-uiirln, Mra. I'arkor. 8. llijto. "May MomltiK," Marnarol Thnmpoti. !. Quartnt, nlHtwl, Mwri fltaata, (Illnon, Hull. TrlplHtt. 10. Holo, "My Own United Htatca," Mm. FUh 11. "AmorlcH," choriiH. BEND PLAYS SHEVLIN HIXON HERE. lHrnl Nino Will Oct I'lrht HIiimWiik On Homo DIhiiiouiI April 0 Jeffrn.un Cuiiuty lln) I'rlni- lllr -Crtiuiids Worketl. (From Tuesday's Dally.) The Central Oregon Ilaseball league season will open ntixt Kuuday with Hend playing The Hhevlln Illxon nine on the Hand diamond, nnd the Jefferson County team, com posed of picked mon from Mudras nnd Culver, playing- at rrhievlllo. As yet llttlo preliminary praotlco by any of the teams has been dono, owing to thu belated spring weather and unfavorable grounds. Although next Sunday's gamu will not promise much In the way of spectacular work, It will start tho season off and af ford thu teams an opportunity to gut started away. Tho Bliovlln-Hlxon nlno prnmlsoa to be much stronger than It was last yosr. Manager Ash Houston has bi'on In tho field for some time for men whom ho has enlisted to play summor hull with tha mill company, Ho nays ho Is going to see that Thq Shevlln-Hlxou aggregation tops thq league this season. Up to this time the Ilmul nine tins not been ablo to effect an organization, but a meet ing has boon called tor tho council rooms Wednesday ovenlug, nt which prospective candidates for tha Uond team am requested to bo presont to start off tho season with a strong lineup, It Is now planned to rrnrmngo tho local grounds, Tho grandstand will ho moved to tho south of Its presont Blto and tho outtloldors will not bo compelled to face tho sun In tho lato afternoon. It Is oxpeoted to moJu tho grounds much faster than last yoar,wh!eh will muku hotter hall than last year. Tho schedule tor tho Benson has boon complotod. Kuoh team plays 16 gamoH during tho season, which will close August 5, Holiday or games pluyod outsldo tho schedule will not effect tho standing of tho teams, DISPENSATION FOR COMM ANDERY SURE (From- Thursday's Dally.) Word hns boon recolvod front the Grand Kmlnont Commundor of tho Knights Tomplar, favornblo to tho granting of a dispensation for the establishment of n Cnmtuandory In Ilohd. Ho will como. to bring tho dlaponsatlon and start tho work In the Commnmlory na aoop as a sat lstricfory date can bo sot, U SEASON 6R1T PETITION FOR RED GROSS ORGANIZER IS TO BE HERE FRIDAY. Enrollment of lt-tnrH-n 2200 und 1100 Memlient KxMclrl I'rrparutloii for U'lir'n KinrrKriiclr.) Will Jlo tho Chief ,lm. (From Wudnoaday'fl Dally.) Antiouuaumonl that tho petition of Hcud muu and womnn to bo por- milted to orKanlzo a Hnd Cross Chap tor horn, la Rrautvd, waa chief In intrrent nt tho weekly luncheon of tho Commorclal club held this noon at (bo I'llol llutto Inn. Tho Intel llgenco waa firm recolred In a tol CRrum illreotml to Mm. A. K. Tralimi, wlio Iioh been one of tho lenders In thu movement to secure ft chapter of the association for Hond. District Organizer William II. Hush, of Ban Francisco, will be heroFrlday even Idr, the tnleKram sUIchI, to perfect tha orRanlzatlon. Commercial Club Manager II. J Overturf Hiiuounced that the first meeting of the It ml CroM would be held at 8 o'clock Friday night at the Hippodrome. It U expected that be tween 200 and 300 members will be enrolled, both women und men being eligible, and It Is urged that a large turnout be present at the Initial gath ering. Chief among the alms of the organization will bo the preparation for var emergencies. Ilntclirry Itetlrrment Sought. The matter of the fish hatchery was again brought up, and the managor was directed to wrltfa the Fish and Oarae Commission asking that tho plant be given n thorough renovating, nnd also to Inquire as to when a deputy gumn warden will bo appointed for Central Oregon. The mattir. of tho good roads eon4ar(,?n. T0'1!! f VBrlo.t,0,,1. J?mt vontlon to be held in Portland Sat- urday, received some attention, nnd It was iiMvetl that n committee of at least three be sent to represent Hend. In line with the food preparedness movement, A. J. Kroonert, of the Ir rigation committee, suggested that with the cry going out for vacant land, that now should be the time to get federal aid for thu completion of irrigation projeets In the vicinity of Uend. MISS SUSAN BENSON CLAIMED BY DEATH Horn In Vermont, Wiih Klgh( Yearn n IU-Hldrnt of Ileml Vlriult) Hprlctt to lie Tomorrow. (From Wednesday's Dally.) After an llluosa of several weeks' duration, Miss Susan H. IleiiBou died last night at her home on Mountain Crest View ran oh, ngod CO years. She Is aurvlvod by two brothers and two sisters, W. D. Iluuson, of Seattle; Miss Mary Ileuson, of Hend, nml Mrs. Nellie Hlgglns and. P. II. Hen son, of Wulllugford, Vormont. Miss lleusou was born In Claran dou, Vormont, In 1S57, nnd has boon a resident of this vicinity tor tho Inst eight years. Funeral services will bo conducted from the home at 3 o'clock tomor row afternoon, Drastic Punishment Given Convicted Bend Bootlegger (From Thursday's Dally.) , As tho first result at investigations whioh have boon conducted for some tlma past through tho offloe of Dis trict Attorney 11. II. DeArmond nnd Shorlff S. K. Roberta, with the co operation of tho city police, Frank Shoftlold was found guilty In Juatlco court lato yoatorday nftornoon on a ohnrgo of hootlogglng, was soutoucod to servo throo months In Jail, and to pay a flno of $2S0. Tho Jury ruturn od a vordlot half an hour nftor louv Ing tho court room. Thu defense Bot up by Sheffield was a blaukut dQiilal of tho tostlmuny glvou by tho state's wttnosses. He doolnrod that tho liquor found In his car had boon purchnB6d last year, but It waa notod that tho govern ment ravonuo utiunp boro tho date 1017, while foattniony given by Chief of 'Pollvo Nixon, baaod on local ox liross records, showod that no such purchnaos had boon mtule umlor tho old law allowing two quarts a month City Offlcor Wlllard Houston do olnrod that ho had soon tho defend ant curly on Monday evening with a BEND POWER CO. TO GIVE WATER TO AID PREPAREDNESS 1 GARDENERS. I'atrlotlNiu Jjjuilcd m Kxnmpln to Other ('nimiilii TlirtiiiKliuut tho Hlnlo BeriN Will lUi Glvrn Children Unnlilo to Huy. in UnlU.) 1'rrw lo the IWnd Bulletin? . 8ALKM, April 19.- Tho Public Bervleo commission has just received a wire from T. II. Foley, manager of tho Ileml Water, Light & I'owor Co., accepting a suggestion for reduced Mater rates for back yard and vaoant lot gardonlng, and going the commis sion ono bettor by offering free wa ter, and free seeds, as an aid to tho food preparedness movomont. This Is tho first reply recolvod to (he commission's suggestions which have been sent out to wator com panies In Oregon, and the action of the progressive, imtriotle Uend cor poration Is considered here to be a splendid state-whin example. The action of the Hend Water, LUght & Power Co. is winning much favorable comment In the papers in I'ortland and In Salem. It Is stated that Governor Wlthycombe originat ed the plan last week In a letter writ ten to the commission. The governor Is writing direct to Mr. Foley, complimenting him on his action. Mr. Foley's telegram to the State Public Service cnmmlsaloi), In which 'he made tho offer quoted In the Satom dispatch, was as follows: "n'eplylng to your lettor of tho 16th, please bo advised that we will file schedule to bo offectivo May 1, allowing tho free use of water by school children for vacant lot gar dening. Wo will also furnish trco "on"ou ".. c u .? . ". 1. .. 1st to children unable to purohaso same. We will. In addition, allow free use of water to anyone for book yard gardening." OFFER YARD PRIZES - ConTcst for Property Owners In HIv er Terrace to CIom? August 1. (From Wednesday's Dally.) In line with the general home pre pnredneea movement throughout the country, tha owners of Illver Ter race, acting through their salecgent, Harrison Latham, are offering prizes of 16, 10. and (, for the most at tractive yard In tho addition. The contest will close August 1. Doth back and front yard gardens, as well as lawns, will be taken into consid eration In Judging, Mr. Latham an nounced. GKTS DIG CIIKCK (From Wednesday's Dally.) llniiB A. Johnson, of Tumalo, camo to (own thlfl morning with .a load of potatoes. 3080 pounds In all, and sold them readily, receiving n ohook for $108.30. Ho also hod a can of cream along, worth about IS. Oh, for a farmer's life. Mr. John last year had one of the biggest yields of potatoes ever known on the Tum alo project and running 400 bushels to tho aero, tbottlo of whiskey In his possession, 1 but Hint when Sheffield was arrested later In the oveulng, tho bottlo had been disposed of. Frod Van Metor, It dovolopod. had boon Informally notified to apponr as a witness for tho stnto, but failed to show up. Tho district attorney demanded a bench warrant tor tho lulHsjug man, hut although tho ordor was rondlly granted by tho court, all efforts of tho officers to locate tho witness proved fruitless. Van Motor hnd boun tho roolplout of n myster ious looking package, dellvored by Bhofflold Monday night, nml bolloved to bo liquor, offlcora had testified earlier in thu trial. "I am particularly satisfied at tho vordlot rendered nnd tho ponalty Im posed," Mr. DoArmond said follow ing tho trial. "This is not merely for the oftect of this ono caso, hut for tha Influence which it will havo on others. This Is tho first caso' of tho.Jtlnd in Doschutes county. Wheth er or not it Is to bo tho last, rests with thu pooplo of tho community." FARMERS URGED TO COMBAT SHORTAGE OrKiinlJitloiiN In County Askori to .Meet Without Delay to Consider .Menus for InrrcnftluK Croiw. (From Monday's Daily.) A letter Issued to the members of the county agricultural council by County Agriculturalist Hlanohard, omphaslzos the food shortage whleh menaces the nation, nnd urges the Immediate meeting of all farm or ganizations in tho county, to do their part In solving (ho problem. Mr. Illanchard's letter Is as fol lows; Tho United fltatos Is at war. Largo preparations ore being mado for mu nitions and an army of 2,000,000 mon. It Is a matter of historical re cord that during tho length of any hostilities between nations it Is not guns and men but food, that offors tho most sorlous problem. You al ready know why Germany waged her submarine warfare. You have read for two years of Dolglum's pitiful plight, as woll as others. Thero ex ists a world food shortage and tho American farmer holds tho crisis in hand. If our county agricultural council, which has worked so splendidly prior to this cvont. has never functioned in a big way, tho opportunity now beck ons for action. President Wilson is calling on the loyalty of every Amer ican citizen to take up the hoe, pro duce something of value, that our army, navy, citizens and allies may be fed. Our council of 33 members represents organized farmers of over 1175 men in both Crook and Des chutes counties In Oregon. To each member who receives this letter an urgent requost is being made to immediately call your local club, union, grange, organization and neighbors together. Explain to the farmers that this Is not a matter of tho agriculturalist, tho council, your self or any particular interest, but ooncorns us all in patriotic duty to tho United States In that mutual co operation which characterizes a suc cessful national in war. Tho movomont is national, spread ing over tho entlro country, every city nnd town is mobilizing Its cit izens and children in back yard and vacant lot gardening. Tho American farmer ns never boforo in our history has a duty to perform. Prices of course aro bound to be high. The season is already late and in some parts advanced. However, tho following are some of tho things we can do: 1. I) rood every sow on tho place 2. Dreed all heifers ln condition. 3. Plant more potatoes, within reason ef labor. 4. Sow spring barley, wheat, rye, and oata on ever available place. 6. Increase the poultry, set more hens. C. Grow a garden tor the home. 7. Save all the waste, use manuro ns never before, b'uy less canned goods. Yours for patriotic loyalty. It. A. 11LASQHAUD, County Agricultural Agent. CITY IS PUSHING CLEANUP CAMPAIGN Alleys In Dunlne Section ItelnK Thoroughly llenovnted Under Di rection of Chief of Police. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Convinced that at least 50 por cent of tho renters and property owners In Bend will do nothing In tho Im mediate futuro toward cloaulng up their premises. Chief of Police Nixon Is outorlng with vigor on tho renova tion of private holdings. Incidental ly, he is ontorlng the chargos against tha owners. Tha chief truoble, he doclared this morning, Is being encountered In tho business section, and It Is in this district that refuse cluttered alleys aro being rapidly put Into shnpo by tho city. FOLEY IS PRESIDENT OF HOLDING COMPANY Is Chosen to Head Organization On Which l'lnnnclul Ihmleii of Ath letic Club Will Host, (From Thursday's Dally.) Rlectlon of officers for thu holding company of tho Bond Amateur Ath letic club, which Is to have charge of tho financial nffalra of tho club, rosulted last night 'in tha selection of T. II. Foloy as prosldent, and Carl Johnson, vloo proaldout. Mombors of tho hoard of directors nro C. S. Hudson, H. K. Alton, D. 13. Hunter. iauo 'janupAQ T H 'uoW 'V U. Johnson and Mr. Foloy. COUN1VY QQUKT TO MKUT Tho next session of tho county court win ua mo regular mamuig an Wednesday, May 2, It was an nounced this morning. m i immR mil? SOLD AT HOTEL GUESTS BROUGHT OWN SUPPLY. CharxcN of Violation of Liquor Laws Invcwtlgatod by DMrlrt Attorney In Hearing Today Mony Witnesses nro Ilcnrtl. (From Tuesday's Dally.) District Attorney DeAr,mond's In vestigation beforo Justice Knstcs of alleged violation of tho stnto pro hibition laws at tho time of the op ening of tho Pilot llutto Inn In March was begun this morning beforo a largo audience In the council room. From tho many witnesses examined, It was brought out that while guests of tho hotel had liquor with them at tho time, Its wan confined to them selves and their friends In their rooms. No evidence of sates Was brought out, and Manager Hrldsall denied having any knowledge of liquor brought to tho hotel or used by Its guests. A number of witnesses, testified; to having seen one, two or possibly four men under the Influence of liquor during the course of the even ing, but no names were mentioned, the witnesses preferring to give tho names to the district attorney pri vately. As the hearing developed chief Importance was given to questions concerning a barber named Orchard, who was stated by Manager Blrdsall to have offered to sell him several gallons (-if whiskey. "Mr. Blrdsall said that ho refused the offer. None of tho succeeding witnesses wore ap proached by Orchard. Mr. Blrdsall also stated that he hnd Investigated claims by tho barber of a theft of monoy and found them to be without foundation. Do Armontl Tells Aim. A number of witnesses testified , freely of having been given drinks, land even of "swiping" them from the rooms and seeking for more, 'while others saw neither liquor nor signs of Intoxication. Beyond the j Orchard matter related by Mr. Bird- tall, no evidence was given of sales or r.. tempted sales. Beforo the taking of testimony commenced District Attorney Do Armond addressed the court, explain ing the motives actuating him In initiating a probe of conditions al legedly oxistlng at the Pilot Butte opening. "This Investigation is called for tho purpose of determining .whether or not there wero any violations of tho prohibition law at tho" opening (Continued on page 4.) HOY AND GIRL WHO HAN AWAY FltniAY NIGHT LOCATKD YKS TKHDAY AFTKR SKAHCH PAR TY IS OHGAMZHD. (Prom Monday's Dally.) After their parents and city of ficers had searched for . ttam for moro than a day's time, Harold, aged olght, and Tuelraa, aged seven, tho children of II. J. Svenson. of this city, wtru found yosterday morning in a tout baok of tho Lawrence bulldu s on Wall street. The children run away from home Friday night. In a fit of temper because their parents would not take them to church. Tor an outfit they took with them 1G oggs, a can of condensed milk, a loaf of bread, and a box of matahee. Tho llttlo girl woro a pair of hor broth or's shoos. The ahlldron hnd npnar polly suffered no harm from flieir advouturo. Sunday mornlu after ull efforts to find tho missing youngsters ha I boon In vain tqlephnuo cajlawuo a,ant out wlththo Intention afW'utt lug a search party, and the flro alarm was rung for the sam pur peso, It bolng tea rod that the uhi1 dren had mot with soiuo acale'AP.t. After thoy wrcv found,, it developed that thoy had gone on similar " turbors before, nud had rmvifeated t' ability in bolng,ab)Q to shift fur b njsolves. .. j My. Svonson Is recontly of tho Sl vatjon Array, and la In Bend for the purpose of establishing an lnd neml ent mission. LUST CHILDREN FOUND IN BEND r i.k