HUM) HUM'ICTlft, IIISNI), OHICOON, TIIUHHDAY, M'Mh JO, 1017. FAQB 7. ' .'' 7 "gi mm$mm Thn rnrnnt nnnoiincomimt In llio lroi Hint thn Kcivurnmnnt of Hiu ItnHiut Htntm will probably c. iitni.)' tn build 3000 wondim mi'ph, of Itlo'i sipproxlmntoly 21000 will Imi built on thn l'nr.itlo (Toiint, hrmu-ht to iti'til lumhtir iluulorn no lit t to food f"r thtiiir'ul. As tlr In morn ndaptid nil hulldloK tnntorlal for woodnn tihtpit. It i liU y tl:nt tlwy will bo cullml ilium to uinko hoary diillvnrl'i to shipbuild ing roncorns In nvmil I he Rnvitrtttin--i( 'iirrlin out Km pro nun of tho "Jit nny floot." Tlio coiiM()Uonri), as lo cal lumtinr dnnlnM himi It, I tlmt fir will InrRnly bo wltlHlrnwu from thn nrturnl chnnnnli of biirilniisN through, out tho country and plno will l,n lulled iiion to moot tho dnuiuuds of thn marknt. Thn nunrnintia mnount of lumlwr tlmt thn fir mills would bn rnllod upon to nupply. would naturally upon tnarknta to plno, whoro plnn dm not mo nxtmtslvMy cntor nt tho priisnut, Thn now box fnrtory dry almd of tho llrooks-Hranlou l.umhnr Coin jinny U now nltuont complittn itutl thn employe hnvo bnxun to inovii much of thn product whlrh has bicn stored In tumporury alnnls Into tin now ami onlnrftnd iiuartur. "Intnat Niiwh, War llulliitlns" urn jiiwtnd In tho officii of Thn Hhtivlln lllxon Company to ndvlmi tlio m jiIojiti of tho Intrst wnr Hum's. Thn now bollnr of thn Drunks tfranlnti I.tunbor Co, linn bi'ttn i'ov Hired nnd In now romplutnly Inntnlh'd. ENLISTMENT III j"oukti:i:n mk.v i'iiom titv and rui.virt i. i I-..V1 k.iii Oltltf'ON, I.HAVi: TO JOIN I'. H. AllMY AM) NAVY. (Krom Krldny'n Dally.) Itocrulllnic In llond nnd thn vlcln. . lly, for ImiIIi nrmy nnd nnvy. I con tlnulnic steadily nnd n lurK" nil in tin r from I'lnn will bo In Hundny to nlb'n up for thn Inttnr brnnch of thn wrlcn, HurrultlriR Offlcttr T. I.. Car reer stated this moruliiK. Thri'o from Ij Pine, l.uthnr Orr, Paul Knw volt nnd Henrico Hill, hnva alroady unlisted. Othnr now recruits reported worn John W. Phllllpn, Charles Clark nnd Thomas I.. Freoatono, for thn urmy, nnd P. J. Wi'itton nnd Mark Wilson, for tho nnvy, who will Innvn to rnport for duty tonight. Out of town re cruits who hnvo ulnxtdy left ro K. M. MoKnrlnnd nnd II. V. Church, or Prluovlllo, I.witor Davis, of ltidmond, Jorry Khnohnn, of Madras, nnd Hurt Jamna, of Culver, nil enlisted In tho nnvy, nnd J. IC. 1 1 rimy, of Prion vlllo, who linn Joined the land brnnch of thn narvlrn. !.ocnl patrlntn nrn arranging n faro--well demonstration lo bu kIvoii tho rrrrulta on their deparluro thin ov VinliiK. Cnrl Jolituon nnnnunci Hint n purailn will form ut tho poitotflco nt R o'clock, procci'dliiK from thuro to tho dnpot, whuro tho boyn will bo kIvp.ii a rountnic nondatf, Corporal Dnvln, nrmy rocrultliiK iifflcnr, In worklni; In tho country bo tweou Prluovlllo nnd It minimal todny, and will probably ruturu to Itund to morrow avonliiR. It wnn nxpliiliind by Mr, Cnrrlgor todny that honornblo dlnchnrKo tuny lin hnd nt tho ond of nctlvo nurvlco. In ordnr Hint rorrultn mny rupnrl looklni; thulr liflut, Hoburtn & Iniien, In tho Curmody bnrbor nhop, an nounced todny that thay would kIvo u haircut, nliavo, nhlno, ahnmpon nnd tuaBanRo to nny mnn nbnut to ntnrt In Undo Kaui'M norvlco, itt For farm land louan aco J, Itynn i'&. Co. 'Adv. MAY BUY MACHINERY IIJOM CROOK COUNTY (From Frldny'a Dnlly.) County Commlaslonor L. H. Smith, 3. V, Ulunrhnrd, commlaslonor of Crook county, nnd II, J, Ovorturf, forner county commlnalonor, nro on Knisod In chnckliiK ovor Crook county nirtiplloa loft In Ionc!iutoa county ut tho tlrau of county OIvIhIoii. Tho road nucnlnory on thla uldo of tho lino, In lolnR Invontorlod nn n prollmlunry to a poaslblo purchaHo by Doschutos county. Clean up and palut up. Boo ICd arda. Adv. Cat Thl Out It'n Worth Monoy. I)ONT MISS THIS. Cut out thla clip, onclouo with 6c to Foloy & Co., 2835 HhoffloM Avo ChlcnRo, 111., wrltlnit your nnmo and addrosH olonr 1y. You will rocolvo In roturn n trial mrVnm nnnllllnfllir Pnlnv'fl IlOllOy nd Tar Compound for coughs, colda nnd croup; Foloy Kldnoy Pills, nnd Voloy Cnthnrtlo Tablots. Sold ovory-whoro.-Adv. I,. II, Ilnlnnd, of Tho Hhovlln lllxon Company, roturiiml HiIh wnok from thn onnt whom ho hnn bmin vln ItliiR for thn Innl nix wookn with rolntlvoH, Chun. Andnrnnu, formxr chlnf on Klumir of Tho Hhovlln-lllxon Com pnny, Inft Wnduimdny for Virginia, MlnuoNotn, whoro hn will roiildo, Mr. Andornon wnn nccompnulcd by Mm, Andornon. K. A. Untidy, mniinrnr of tho Mult nnmnh I.itmbnr &. Hux Company, or Portland, nnd Thn Hhuvlln-IIIxon Do pnrtmnnt, wnn n vlnltor nt Tho Hhov-lln-lllxon Compnny'n plnnt thla wook. A. II. Cnvnrly, director of tho Hrockwny-Kmlth Corporation, of Hon Inn, Mnnnachunntta, wan n cnllor on Thuradny at Tho Hhovlln-lllxon Com pnny'a plnnt. (Innnrnl MnnnRi-r T. A. McCnnn, of Tho Hhnvlln-Hlxon Compnny, rnturn od Thuradny mornliiK from Hpokntut, wlntrn lio nttpndpd u mcctliiR of Went- nrn Plnn Mnuufnctunira' Aaaocln Hon. LEGAL NOTICE HPiriAi, city Ki.i:TnoN notici:. HUU of Ormun, C.unlr f t)fiutr, Cllr n( IUn'1. m. NMlr U hrttlf lrn that hUI Ip tUn will I- UM In lx Oily of Hcml, Dliulr nrijnly, Ofroii, on Momlar, liwwlti ! 0th lr of April. A. !.. tVIT. Un lh xr of a 'rl.M-k. A. M. and nVIk. I. M. Th -tln .w In U cltr tor M tlrrllan iRkll tlnir l'i In MM enr i-r mi iciien .nnii I li i hniw t ! rnrr of Minn.- 1. Kb(a kMII .Ml lt. r.lAll. Th Jul nil Clri f lrlln f M rln-tlun thall U fBllowi i G'lrd M. He Kr, fhlrmn: J. K. Arnli. K. A. Hll.r. Juiim ill Wtln. W.IIm- Kniuwn, lUr II, lmUiMm, fl.rV of KlwtUn. HmUI ltlln U flll ml hW fif vMln ut-'n lh ,ti'lU.n or rjKlln of uln m.mlm.nt l lh flurlrr of thv rltr of IUn,l. ,W(r-l lr lh rommnn mmiocII rv, rifrrrxl r lh wMnwii rouMll l lh rlt f Ihr rM. rUkl tir(Mwl U (.rlntnl n rrm ,nUt form tr lh Hr nl f-l hHmI lo rrr lrl ! wlUiln lh Uf hm oil itrrM U Kiwwn. ! hU ,m,hl.t rn -hm4 l h o(fr of lh rrnlrr of Mkl rltr uin lklhn, Th nntl Hjrtrt of M rhirlrr mnf mnl I. imrj In lh UIM tltlr tHffr iloi. lr ll rotnmon rvundl ixl oklfli will ii"r utwfl lh toilet In lit following wnU I IlKrKIIIIKI) IIV Till. COMMON COUNCIL Hh.ll ChopUr XXI of (h l'hrlrr of iU Cllr of ln,t, Itmclmlro Cuunlr, Ornun, l hf oilillnr lKrrrt o orcllon to la ilnlltutnl "Nation It, nl lhrlr lallfr. Hlr nil volliUlo crrtaln wrrnt InJ.Ll. rilnn. In tho mm of ditrrn thuu.aml. orrn hurvtrnl ortil orvrnlorn lolUra ami twcnlr fit r.nU (IK.711.U), lorlhr with InUr oal Ihormn at all (CI iwr frntum (xr annum from tha data ( rraUlratlon of alj war ranU. u moro fulljr tlwrllmi In Ortllnanro N. M, a.oit an. I apirol on lh Ulh liar of April, A. P.. ItlT, aroi aulhorlio an.1 illrnt Ilia nunnwn rounrll to tuua funitlnr lml In lh nimr, for and uiwn lh rro.111 of takl rltr. In lh arrrrralo principal turn .if rv. nlrn tlHKuaml. fir hundml ilullara (ItT.aOO) aid lintla to Im .Iralrnatnl "r'un.llnr llorult. l.i m iUto.1 April I, 1917. duo April I, IfIT, IroilormaUa In numrrlral erilrr, In envoi an nual amounla. a nrar mar b. cwrnnwnc Inr April I, IMI, an,l trar Intrrnt at a raU I not lo rirml alt (l irr rantum f annum, ' paraMo arml-annuallr April I ami. Ortobrr I, for lh purtxwo of rBllln, parlnir and rrdrrmlHir aM MUUtandlnv, duo and unpaid warrant liwl.fctwjnro". torrthrr with (aid In lorott Ihrrron I" lh ilato of pajrniMit of aut warranta, and iold fi lha V 't a d oullrrtlon ol a illrrat annual ad valofom tar upon all tho taiablo iopoftr In ald cltr. In addition In all other taieo, aufftrlml to rrralo a fund with whlrh t" par lh Intorrat ihi -4 bonda an-l lha prlnrlMl llrr-if iin-n.,tlr whan and at lh aam hrrom duo, and author It and dlrrrt lh oarhanr of aakt bond, dollar for dollar, for a Ilk amount of aaki warrant ImWbtrdne and lh In Urn t there on, or I he al theroof Uy the common Miunrll at IHiuUa or prlvalo aalr, upon euch terma ami In auch mannrr aa may be deemed lo tho lieat InlerraU of the rltr, and without further authorisation by lha votera of lh rltyj and repeal all parta of the charter In conflict with aald Hertbin SI of Chapter XXI T VOTK YHH OU NO. 100 YHH. Ml NO. Dated thla Ulh day nt April. A. t) ItlT. H. a CAI.1IWK1.U Mayor of lh City of llend. Deochutra County, Orenon, II. & K1.I.I8, City llrcordcr of the City of llend, Iee chutce County, Orevaru (Cortiorat Meal.) HPKCI.ll. CITY Hl.KCTION NOTICE. Stat of Oreaion, County of Deschutes, City of llend, as. Nolle U hereby irlvrn that a eclal election will be held In th City of llend, Desehute County, Orrtfon, on Monday, to-wlt t '.h JCIh rr-. at- . FRESH Groceries You hnvo it right to INSIST that wo see to it that your monoy finds (ho gruntost pur chasing power, and that you got QUALITY goods for tho monoy you pay, RESPECT wo pny to thlH plan is what is building for uh n big huslnoss. HOWEVER LITTLE tho saving may ho, It will HELP. Wo'll do our host for YOU. 1MIONH DLACIC 11 Erickson's Grocery JOHNSON RLDG. Wall Street day ii f April, A. II., 1017, between Ilia hcura f I! o'clock A. M, ami 8 o'clock I. M, Yh votlnif placo In aald city for talil cltlnl hall at t)i lioa hou at tho corner of Mlniinmta annuo ami Iiva road, lh Juditr and ClerVa of aald al.cllon tliall be aa fiiltuwai Clydn M. McKay, chairman, J, V. Arnold, K. A. Hather, JuiIkco of Klectl'-n Walter Kera-uiuin, Hay (I, Imbrraon, Clrk of I'.lec lion, , Had! lection la railed and held for voting upon lha adoption or rejection of n certain amendment lo lh charter of lh City of llend. adopted by lh Common Council and referred by lh Common Council lo lh voter of lh city. Hald proiioaed amendment la printed In pamphlet form by th city and eople mailed lo every jeral riler within lh elly whoa addrea la known, and aald pamphlet can b had at lha nffk of lh recorder of raid city Um appllratbin. The veneral purport of aald charter amend ment I eapreueil In lh ballot till therefor adopted by lh Common Council and which will apear upon th ballot In lha following word t IIKKKIIKKI) IIY TIIK COMMON COUNCIL. Hhall Chapter XIX of the charter of lh City of llend, Deachutea County, Oregon, he amended by amending Hectlona 4, II and 1Z thereof " M to read aa folluwat Hocllon 4. Th Improvement of any atreet, alley or public way or any txirllon of any atreel, alley or public way which lh Com. mon Council may declare It Intention lo Im prove, tliall b called "Isiral Improvement Number. . ." and not more than alngl atreet. alley or public way ahall be lnclude.1 In a aln gl local Improvement nor ahall two or more tiortlona of the aam atreet, alley or public way Imi combined In a alngl local Improvement If th aald portion differ eubaUntlally In lh nature of th completed Improvement re quired. Kvery ordinance or resolution orlerlng any local Improvement payment for vhl-1 ahall b mail In whole or In part by pec I el OyM--menta ahall eatabllah a lal Impr.f-'eMiint dlalrlct lo b called "t,al lmprovMiMnl DUtrlct Number. " which number uhall be lh aam aa that of lh erreeionillng l"l Improvement, and which local Improvement dlalrlct ahall embrace aa near aa mar be. rll lh properly aiwclally beneflte,) by aurh In). ,nirnn,ni, r...e't in ill cmbv inifni ,...- erwlao aneclficallr Provided for and unleea otherwla provided In lh ordlnanr or revo lution ordering aurh Improvement, euch -ll-trlcta ahall Include all the proiwrty Iwtwten lh termini of aald Improvement abutting upon, adjacent, vicinal or proalmate l the atreet, alley or public way propoaed bi bo Improved lo a dlatanr back or lh m.lrymal line thereof lo lh renter Hn of th blwka facing or abutting thereon, provided that auch dlatance back ahall b at leaat nll.ty feet, but ahall not eitend beyond the margin of any atreet other than the on to bo Im proved, eatendlng however ovtr any Inter vening alleye; ami provided runner, Inal in fH of unplatle.1 proerty, th dlatanc back ahall b th aam dUtanc aa that Included In the aaaeaament of the platted land Im mediately adjacent thereto. All property In eluded within aald limit of auch loeal Improve ment dlatrlel ahall be roruldercd and hebl to be th ro-rty and to b all Ihe property apeclally Un.flte.1 by auch local Impruvrmefll, and ahall be th properly to I aaaeaae.) U pay Ihe tt awl etpena thereof or auch part thereof aa may b chargeabl agalnat th property aKlally beneflle.1 by auch Improvement, which eoat and eapena ahall b aaaeaeed upon all of aid prolwrtr ao Wn.fltel In aeeordane lo Ihe apeelal Iwneflla eonferre.1 on auch prop erly in tinHKHlKin u area ann nialance back ,,if.i, i,.w inwieiiie, line , ... ... eiiey, i or other rublb! way Improrrd. Said loeal . Improvement dlalrlct ahall, for the imrpoa of ascertaining th amount to be aaaeaaed . agalnat each eeearat lot, tract, parrel of ! land or other projiertr within aald dlalrlct. I be divided Into aubdlvlalona or tone parallel ing th margin of th atreet. alley sr public way lo I Improved, aald aubdlvlalon lo b i r.... .,.. .....- ll- ... .... ... . .ii numbered reeiwctlrelr flriL aerond. third. I fourth and fifth. Th flrat aubdlvlalon ahall Inelud all th land within the dlalrlct lying ' between Ihe atreet marglna and line drawn paralM therewith and thirty (J0l feel there- ' from. The aecond aubdivUlon ahall Inelud all land. If any, within lh dlalrlct lying Mween llnea drawn parallel with and thir ty IMI reel and alaty IIOI feet, reaper! velr. from aald atreet margin. The third aub dlvlalon ahall Include all land. If any, wllhln Ihe dlalrlct lying between llnea drawn para llel with and alaty (t0( feet and ninety IW) feet reeoecllvely from auch atreet mancln. The fourth ubdlvUlonf ahall Include all land. If any, within th dlalrlct lying between llnea drawn parallel with and ninety (0) feet and on hundred twenty 1120) feet reeprctlrely from aaUl atreet margin. Th fifth tub. UvUlon ahall Include all land. If any, within . tne uuiriel lying between a line drawn par ' allel with ami one hundred twenty 11X91 feet irom aai.1 eirret maigin and Ihe outer limit of aald local Improvement dlalrlct a hereinbefore described. Th rat of aaaeaament per njuare foot In each auUlivtalon ahall b flinl on the baala that Ihe apeelal benefit ronferred on a niuar fool of land In ubdlvlale flrat, aecond. third, fourth, and fifth. rr-eetlvc4r, are related to each other a are Ihe numliera 4a, Jt, 10. IS and reepeellvely. and ahall be aeeertalned In lh following manner j The pruduete of th number of equare feet In aul-dlvlolona firal. aecen.1, thlnt, fourth and fifth, reepeetlvely, and th number 41, St. !, 16 and a. re apectlvely, ahall b aeertalne.l. and their aum taken, which aum ahall I divided Into the total eoet ami eipenae of auch Improve ment. Th product of the rraulunt iulient and th number 41, 11, IS. 10 and S, re- DQHHHHHLiaiialJDBQBHBQ Pleases the Whole Family Wo want To show you n remarkable new invention we hnvo received direct from "Tho World's Greatest Separator Factory". It's more than a machine it's a family institution. Tho New Sharpies i3 the only separator whoso operation may safely bo entrusted to any member of tho family. Every old-stylo separator has n constant inflow of milk but n changing speed. Every member of tho family turns at a different rate. Whenever tho speed foils, tho reduced separating force .3 unablo to properly handle tlio milk. A lot of tho cream escapes into the skim-milk goes to the pigs and calves. y F. ! & I rSttokaaa-tiigbiuvplycaaliisiytdlUl M N . Jl iperllrely, ahall U th aepiral rale of aa. aeaament per 'uaro f""t for tuMlvUlona flrat, aecond, third, fourth and fifth, re spectively, Th total aaeamnt thu aacer- talneil agalnat each aeparat lot, tract, par cel of land, or other, property wllhln audi dlalrlct ahall be entered upon th aaaeaament roll a the amount to In levied and aaaeaaed icalnat each auch aeparat lot, tract, parcel of land, or other property, Whenever any local improvemeni anaii oo of euch nature and character that tho rapeelal beneflte reaultlng therefrom extend leyoml th boundaries of tha local Improvement dla trlel hereinbefore described and defined lb Common Council may (real an enlarged dla lrlct which ahall Inelud M near J may be all th property peculiarly or Indirectly ben efited by auch Improvement, eiceptlng; how ever auch Property aa may b Improved In any local Improvement dlalrlct that may b created In connection with lh aam Improve. menl. Hliould an enlarge,! rjtairici urn ere- mI Ihe oefllnene oe resolution Initiating uch Improvement shall atat that It U pro- l-eil to create an enlarged mairiei vt pay the entire coat and ipn of auch Impnve ment or such ordinance or resolution shall alat that It U propiMed lo creal both an enlarged district and a local Improvement dlalrlct which ahall each pay a portion of th coat and pna of uch Improvement and should such ordlnanr or resolution state that It la proposed to crest both an enlarged dlatrlct and local Improvement district It ahall etat further what aum, portion or proportion oi lh coat ami eapena of auch Improvement ahall be born by th enlarged dlatrlct, and auch portion or proiwrtbin as la lo be born by th enlarged dUtrlrt thue created, shall be dis tributed and assessed agalnat all the prop erty In such enlarged district by the City KnaHneer in accordance with the peculiar am! Indirect benefits enjoyed, and the assessments on the bal Improvement district thus cre ated shall be determined in lh asm manner a In the cas of local Improvement districts hereinbefore described. HhouW in wmrwn Council create an enlarged district It shall In lh said ordlnanc or resolution Initiat ing the said Improvement, n-eclfy and de scribe th boundaries of th enlarged district. Whenever th Council ahall derm it pedlent or neceesary to Improve any street. alley or public way or any art thereof. It shall rciulr from lh City Knglneer plana and apeclflcatlons for an approprial: Improve ment and estimate of the work to be don and lh probabl coat thereof, and th City Kn glneer shall forthwith prepare th aame and ahall file such plans, specifications and esti mate In the office of the Itecorder. If th Council shall find such plana, peelfleatlon and estimates Ut be aatlafactory It shall ap prove th same and shall determine whether or not the conditions Justify lh creation of an enlarged district, Th Council shall, by res olution, declare It purpose of making auch Improvement, describing the aam and In cluding th City Knglneer'a estimate of the Krobabte cat thereof, and should Ihe Council av determined that Ihe condltlona justified th creation of an enlarged district they ahall therein act forth and defln the boundarlr of the said enlarged district and shall slat what aum. ortlon or protwrtkm of the coat and eipenee of such Improvement shall be borne by th enlarged district, and the action of the Council In th creation of auch en larged dlalrlct and In the determination of the portion of the coat and eapena of lb Improvement to be born by aald enlarged district, shall be final and conclusive. beetlon II. Th City Knglneer, taking th tost of the street Improvement aa estimated In Heel Ion K, ahall apportion lh coat thereof (eacept the ahar to be paid In case of street Improvement by railroad, street railway com pany or other public service corratlon by reason of their use of lh street) i upon th Iota, part of lota and parcels of land In th assessment district In aeeordane with th provision of Hectlon 4 hereof, and when he shall have determined the apportionment of aaki cost upon each Jot or part thereof, or parrel of land within aald district, th aame shall be a proposed assessment and h shall 111 th aam with th City Jteeorder. and lh lleeordcr ahall, thereupon, reus to be published In a newspaper published In th rltr. a nolle stating that said propoaed as sessment has been apportioned and la on flic In lb efflc of th City lleeordcr and sub Jeel to eiamlnstlon, and that any objection to auch apportlonnicnt that may be made must be made In writing to the Common Council and filed with th City Itecorder within ten (10) daya from th publication of auch nolle and that th aam will be heard by the Com mon Council before the passage of any resolu tion assessing the rust uf said Improvement. tictwn IX. After th time specified In said nolle has elapsed, th Council shall consider said tirvoused assessment and the ob jection made thereto. If any, and ahall have the power. In Ita discretion and without any fur- thre nolle, to consider, ascertain ana decfcl whether or not Ihe amount of lh proposed assessment agalnat each lot, part of let, or parrel of land, has been assessed by the City Kngincrr In accordance with th provision of Section 4 hereof, and the assessment against each such let, or part thereof or parcel of land ahall lie reduce.! or increased by th Council ao aa to conform to th provisions of said Section 4. After the Council shall hare ascertained th Just apportionment of saw) cost In accordance with th prawUtana of said aection, it shall declare said assess. ment by resolution and direct th Itecorder to enter In Ihe docket of eHy liens, a state ment thecror containing: 1. A description of each lot. part of a Jet. or aareag pruterty liable for such Improve meni, t. Th nam of the owner or reputed owner thereof, or that the nam of the owner Is unknown. I. Th aum assessed upon the aald property. THE NEW SHARPLES SUCTION-FEED Separator gete all tho cream at any speed. It varies tho inflow of milk in exact proportion to tho skimming force always just right for perfect separation. Tho capacity Increases when tho crank Is turned faster. Tho daughter con use a slow, easy speed -say 35 times a minute. The father can spin the cranl-. as fast as ho pleases and hurry the milk through. At ull tho speeds, tho Suction-, feed Separator delivers cream of oven quality. Brother has only to tilt a forty-quart can of milk into tho knee-high supply can. Ho heavy lifting ; no straining of bock or arms. Mother finds tho slender tubular bowl easy fo handle and easy to clean. Thcro oro no fussy discs to get bent, lost or mixed up. Bring tho folks in to see whole family, DEMENT BEND, OREGON. Genuine Sliarplcs repairs and oil carried in stock EHMBIIHREIHIIIHII H H and lh day of entering tho aam In th aald docket of city lien 1 but auch rial need be given but one for at! th entries mad there in on lh aame day, VOTK YEA OU MO, U02 YHH, 303 NO. Dated thla Hth day of April, A. !., 1917. H. C. CAM'WKI.t,, Mayor of lh City of llend, Deschutes County, Oregon. If. C. KM.I8. City Itecorder of the City of llend, De. chutes County, Oregon. (Corporal Heal,) .NOTICK FOK PUHMCATIO.V. Dcpartrnunt of tho Interior, U. S. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oro Kon, April 5, 1917. jVotlco la hereby given that I). Mnurlco Hunter, or Mllllcan, Oregon, who, on July IC, 1013, made Homo stond Kntry No. 01180C, for BH NKU, .NW',j NKH, NEW BW NV4 BBVi. 8W BB., Hoc. 32; NVVU 8WV. See. 33, township 20 south, range IC enst, Wlllametto Merldlun, has filed notlco of Inten tion to make flndl th roe-year proof, to establish claim to tho land' above described, before II. C. Kills, V. 8. Commissioner, at Henri, Oregon, on tho lCth day or May, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Ilobcrt O. Ilussell, Karl Itussell, Stanley Smith, John Kdwards, alt ot Mllllcan, Oregon; William A. Har ris, oi Ilenil, Oregon. II. FIIANK WOODCOCK, C-lOp. Keglster. NOTICK OF HIIKItIFFH BALK UNDKK K.XKCUTIO.V. Under and by vlrtuo or an execu tion In foreclosure and Order or Salo duly Issued out of tho Circuit Court ot Crook County, Oregon, on tho ISth day ot March, 1917, to me directed, In a certain suit wherein Louis Wcln hard, Anna Wcsslnger, Paul Wenn inger, and Henry Wagner, Kxccutrlx cs and Kxccutors, respectively, of tho Inst Will and Testament of Hen ry Wolnhard, deceased, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Charles J. Darhlto and Eva Darhlto for the aum or $3000,00 with Interest there on at the rato ot six per cent per annum from July 7, 1913, and for J 17. GO with Interest thereon at tho rato of six per cent per annum from February 4, 1917, and for SS1.03 with Interest thereon from October 24, 1914, at the rato of six per cent per annum, and for tho aum of 300 nttorney'a fees and $21.00 costs, which Judgment was enrolled and docketed In tho offlco ot tho Clerk ot said Court on tho Sth day ot Do comber, 1916, and which Judgment and decree further directed and or dered that Lot Number One (1), of IF YOU TOIL FOR A LIVING READ THIS Do you knowvthat tho State ot Oregon has spent approximately halt a million dollars In reclaiming several thousands of acres ot tho best land tn Deschutes county, so that YOU may have a place to call homo, and at tho same tlmo bo Independent ot boss or landlord There Is absolutely no guesswork as to tho value ot these lands. Loan companies are right now making loans on lands In thla project, and placing a valuo of $76.00 per aero thereon. This means that every aero which carries a water right is actually worth $100. The Stato otOrcgon is today offering 40, 80 or 160 acres at $40 per aero for land that is irrigated; one-tenth down, the balanco spread over 20 years, and with two full crop years coming between the flrat and second payments. Come today and make application. I assure you that the offer cannot long remain open, for tho lands to be sold this year will soon be taken. COME TODAY! First class IRRIGATED LAND, seven to ten miles from Bend, for $40.00 per acre. This Is an opportunity that will present Itself only oneo In a lifetime. Tumalo Land Sales Office PRESS DUILDINQ, DEND, OREGON how this now machine works. It & COMPANY Opposite Postoillce. Jilock Numborcd Firty-flva (65), oC Itedmond Townslto, Crook County Oregon, bo sold to satisfy said Judg ment. Notlco Is hcroby glvon that pur suant to said execution, I will on Saturday, tho 21nt day of April, 1917, nt tho hour of 10 o'clock In tho fore noon of said day sell at public nolo to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said Judgmont, cost, attor ney's foes, taxes and accruing cost ot this salo, all right, tltlo and In terest of Charles J, Darhlto nnd Eva Darhlto In and to tho following de scribed premises, to-wlt: Lot Num ber Ono (1), of Dlock Numborcd Flfty-flvo (G5), In Itedmond Town site, Dcsehutes County, (formerly a part of Crook County), Oregon, such salo to bo hold at tho front door of tha O'Knnc Dulldlng, In Bend, Den chutes County, Oregon, and from tho proceeds ot such salo to pay tha cost ot salo, cost or suit, attorney's fees, taxes, and tho principal sum and interest of said Judgment and tho bal ance It any there bo, bo turnod ovor to said Charles J. Darhlto and Eva Darhlto. Dated this 22nd day of March, 1917. S. E. nODERTS, Sheriff of Deschutes County. Ore gon. 3-7c NOTICK FOB PUIJLICATIO.V. U. 8. Land Offlco at Tho Dalles, Oro gon, March 9, 1917. Notice Is hereby given that Sam uel It. Hogln, whose post offlco ad dress Is Dend, Oregon, did, on tho 18th day ot April, 1916, Clio in this offlco Sworn Statement and Applica tion, No. 015968, to purchaso tho BWVJ 8Wy, flection 28, Township 16 South, Itango 11 East, Wlllametto Meridian, and tho timber thereon, under tho provisions ot tho act ot June 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known aa tho "Timber and Stono Law," at auch valuo as might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursu ant to such application, tho land and timber thereon havo been appraised Ono Hundred Dollars, tho timber esti mated 1200 fenco posts at Cc, $60.00, and tho land $40.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof In sup port ot his application and sworn statement on tho 18th day ot May, 1917. before II. C, Ellis, U, S. Com missioner, at Dend. Oregon. Any person Is at llborty to protest this purchaso before entry, or Initi ate a contest at any time beforo pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this offlco. alleging facts which would defeat tho entry II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2-1 Sp. Register. wiH please the I'W Hiws was' Cow) fc vuly Uut pip raJ .tt..... M ......Is. TTsm fa Wl mJfk JJJ2SsHh M JfcBBir avftfldwsH itrSsBlflLlilKHll .aTaflamifBP JWMlMnirfiTlriii L-a&B-Wu JvV ljBgJLMSlM!al't i'SMI Jlrllg?''' MaMs sjSfi7-awl-iaa-aaja?Jaaaw-ltM aa 3 Bf ifCsw WlfWfMaflBj'JB B