IlKNIHIUMiMHIC, IlKNI), OKKOON, TIIUIWDAV, APHIIi if), 1017. PAOB II. COIINTY 10 1 IN fill WORK $ 9whi will iikmatciiki) amainht wouk honk uv hi:hiih:ntm iiirrwmiN tiihhhiionni: and lowkh iihiimji:. (From Thurnilay'N Daily.) Provisions for tho Improvement of thu Lower Hrldgi'-Torrohonuii rond worn tiiuilii todiiy when the Dost'liuies county court unit In tidjourmid nes Hlon. It wuh decided tlmt for ovury dollar's worth or work furnished by t It 41 rCdllllHltN Of tllll Set'tlOII, It like niuouiit of cimti would litt put up by . tint county, thu eiillrt' npproprlntlon, $ however, not to exceed 800 Tlio 4 matter of tlio Jaeger roiul wus von tlutiml booiuiMe of misunderstanding tin to tlin width of thu highway. Thu matter or Hid adjustment of tnxen on Melrose l'urk In Itodmoud, redlining from n city lot to nn tu-nx ngn basis, discussed nt Hih lint meet ing or thn court, wus tukou up, nml thu petition Hindu by ThomuH W. Marshall, owner of thu propurty, granted, Thu vncntlon of wtulri streets nml ronds In Ititdtnond wus nlno ordered. of a prnvluiiM flno, unit Hurvo, n 10 dny mmtoiicit suspended In Jntiti my on IiIh promlHu or good behavior after conviction on n Mlmllnr chargo. Muloiiiiy wiih nlilu to rocull hav ing pureliused only olio bottlu or bit torn, In Hpitu of thu fact Hint n h.tlf emptied Husk nml it full ono woto round on him nt thu tlmo or IiIh i'.r rimt. Ho protested Hint hn bad tukwi tin) lilttiini "for IiIh Htnmnnh's snko," but admitted tlmt hn bud koiki too strong. NOTIUI-5 CltKAMIIHV PATHONH Thu Central Oregon Farmers Crimmory will hurenlfer puy Its pu Irons for thulr cruain twlco u month, Adv. 2lfo. MO oi: idi: to lkahi: Tin: hf.cond 1'LOOIt OF IH'ILHINO -MANV oatiii:k Foil lwtuiih on "HV.MH01.H Ol' MAKONHV." BITTKRS DRINKER GETS HEAVY FINE FROM CITY JUDGE John Milium')' AilmlN Intoxication, Hut I'lmiiU Ho TimiW Timi Murli for Htniimch Trouble. (Prom Friday's Dally ) Admitting HiHt hi bud Income In toxlented on stomnih blttprs. John Mnlnuny, r fnrin hand working nm IIhiiiI, nrrntt Im( niKht bv OffU--WllUrtl Houston. h fluid t&O Mod given h 10 dHy JmII Kiiu-in Mil morning by Munl Ipnl Judr' H ( Hills. In nd ill I Ion, be muni puy (I'm I mi i........ :.... ..ii a hccji w.- mit.vtinj; mi the time about this business oi' Prices We try to keep down eosts which enubles us to keep down prices. Wo try to maintain the highest K)pUl sUndnidof inercliaridUe thnt our customers muy nlwnys fin) Satisfied We Mjllclt your fJrocury Husl iu't bvcaiiKO wo feel that wo can until you money with no Miorllleu to thequnllty of xuoA PAY I'H A VISIT Oil CAM. IIY PIIONK-orit NtMIIKK IN I1LACK 211. McGrath's Grocery llolld Street MY COUNTRY Calls Me! I AM GOING Must null, rent, or Iradi' cheap. A bargain In n kohI Hide home for n poor family. About I acre rultlvahli In nd. tint) aire now In wheat nud rye, Hi tee, iicrim for pululiM-s Mild vegetables, tmlnncu not cultlvnted yet. Itumilng criHk yer round, wood, water, two-room house nud nliiid. Hnllrnnd nIhHiih (I'mIIhh, uh thu Oregon Trunk), on thu plaou. Klx ntul u bulf miles wrat of Mudran. Alio Ityu liny, wlint buy. No. 1 imkxI pittntM, cnrrotH nud nil klmlfi of Heml rnUml on the Ihc, fur the KMnlen. limit or cbliken Oiih Rood, uht work home. CHARLES CARREAU I'ostoflre: Muilnix, Orison. THE PORTLAND HOTEL PORTLAND, OREGON The Rose City's world-fumed hotel, occu pying an entire block. All Outside rooms. Superior dining and j,'rill .ser vice. An atmosphere of refinement, --' with it .service of eourtsey. - European Plan; $1.20 and Up RICHARD W. CHILDS, Manager IIUAL ITATIJ 1'IIIB INKL'ItANCK INVKHT.MIINTH C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTH FOIl HAI.K IN 1CVKHY ADDITION IN IIKNI) I'nOI'KHTY IIANDT.KD KOIl NON-IIKHIDKNTS. Tl.MHIIH nournir and hold. OITIOi: OIIKGON HTItKKT Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. (From Krldny'H Dally.) HupplyliiK oun or thu ilntnlht necoii nnry In drnwlnit up complutii plntm for thu I'rlncb) bulldliiK, to bo oroot ml on Hid corner or Wall nml Oro Kim Ntrniitn, Hid Muhoiih or llmid, In monnIoii IurI nlnllt, decided to luanu Hid nccotid rioor or Hid bulldliiK an ( himdauurtorit for nil bruncbeii or thu t order. It In uxpucted Hint coimtruc tlon work will commoiico ahortly. Thu meotliiK wnn well attended, CC In nil helm: prtmmit to bear thu lecture or Dr. (loonto II, Van Water, ol rortluud, on "Thu Hymbolii or Mn nonry " A niitnbor or out of town memberii wnro preiunt, InvludliiK Ia;o I.ufoHette, 1'urry Heady, Jnred Moore, nud W. II. DoKKutt, of Itodmoml. ItiirrimhrnoutM wuru nerved ut tho cloNu or thu IoiIko hchhIoii. BAIISTS TO MEET AT REDMOND, APRIL 20-21 Docluitrx unit Crook Ciiuiitlm nml OniNH Viilley ('Inirrhi'N will Do Iti'pn'nentnl nt ('imrliive. (From Baturdny'n Dally.) Thu annual (ouveiitlon or tho Don rlttttHM IlftptlHt uminclaUou will meet nt Itedmnnd next Krldny nud Hatur- iluy. April 20 nml 11, ut which dolo- : u ten from Dnncliuten ami CrooK coililtle nml OraM Valley will be present A number of local Ilnptlitn uxpiM-t to attend thu meutliiK, MILL OFFICE FORCE TO PLAY BALL FOR B. A. C. White Ciillur Wait AriMn Wilt I.luw Iter April 'JSi on tho local Dlamoiiil. (Krnm guturilay'n Dally.) Thu white collar brlKndu or Thu Hbevlln-IIUon ComtHtny and the llrookH-Scnnlon Lumber Co. will bo thu burbliiKern or thu local basuljull neaiioii when thuy croM batH a week ' from tomorrow on tho locnl diamond. ' Thu Kumu will bo conducted to raise. fuidn (or (ho Ilfliid AHiletlc club, MnnoKer or tho 11. .H. 1.. and Carl A, ' Joliuion, tor Tho H ). Company, will UMumhlu material thin week for tho j drive next Sunday. Ticket will be. gold In nilvnnco for thin game, I EXCAVATION BEGUN (From Mondny'H Dally.) Work nn the excavation for the llund Athletic club bulldliiK Imm inent wan bHRiin thin murtilnK. The work In In churn or Jot Itork, who ban done much excavation work for llund buildings, nud Is beliiK donated to the club. j POTATOES A Wnnl to Mother. i I There npomn to he more than tho uruuI number or children nufferluK from in win leu, wboopliiK coukIi and other children's dlniKiHen this sprint; Do not noKloct nny cold, for a cold wunkuns tho system nud makes n child more llnblo to attack or more serious ailments. Foley's Honey audi Tar rullovoa coukIir, colds und croup. Bold ovorywhero. Adv. (l)y l. a. Coo.) This Ib tho first of a sorlon of art icles to bo published by tho "Hotter I'otato Contest" committee, minting to tho needs or this particular sec tion in potato ralsluK. Tho commit tee does not presume to tell tho ex perienced rarmor how to bundle nil the dotnllH of potato culture. Hut the Idea Is to gain thoughtful at tention to theso details, so Hint tho methods ami practices ndopio'l wMI bo tho result of close study uud ex porloiice, ('rt of HwmI FotutocM. Probably tho Krontust slu of po t nt 1 growers Is one or omission. The neglectful practice or permitting seed potatoes to sprout prai'it-tumly In tho dark Is without reason. It would bo more economical to n part or tho crop uiulug, to rot nud enrich tho soil, than It Is to suffer n tuolnss loss through sprouting, attor the backaches required to harvuit the entire crop. Tho start and onrly growth or tho plant dopomls upon tho rood stored In tho planted ploco. Tho young plant Ib especially dopondont upon this road supply If tho soil Is too wet, too cold or poorly proparod. All tho energy in tho sood ploco Is needed to produce thrifty plants with coiimv. (juont heavy yields. This upplloa es pecially to this Boctlon whoro grow ing conditions nro ofton unfnvornblo. HoBldos a loss or food to tho plant, there Is uuathor roasou why n sprout should never bo broken from a seed potato, if tho best results are to bo obtained. When ouo shoot Is broken off, two or more spring from ana oyo, those If broken aro replacod In turn by a groator number. Tho rosult la more stalks to tho hill, but wonkor ntnlks, many small potatoes, with but few Hint nro of mercbniitnblo slxu. Tlio season Is backward nml oven yet thoro mny bo tlmo to relnrd tho sprouting. If thu eyes nro becoming iirtlvu In Hid cellar, It mny be pos sible to spread thorn out In u thin layer and let In the light. This will make tho shoals grow rnoro Hlowly, nml miiko them moro stocky. It has been conclusively proved thtt po tatoes sprouted In thu light, will yield better thnn those not no sprout ed, However, It Is not practical to plant potntoes with long sprouts on nny extensive scales, In this country where wages nro high. Ho It Is nsces sary Hint they bo kept cool whether In tho light or dark. It may be necessary to bury tho sprouting potatoes on some northern slope In Hie shndo where the ground Is cohl. They mny also be kept dor mnnt In tho pit, by covering the ground while It Is still cold, with n layer or straw, vines or litter, hold in place with a thin layer of eurtli. Or thu pit mny bo shaded with green Juniper boughs held In place by n few stones, I'rrpnrutloii of tlio Ground, There In another foully practice prevalent In thin district which Is also one of omission. Thin consists In giving the ground no previous working before tho potntoes nro planted, when thuy aro dropped In every third furrow, as tho ground receives Its first plowing. Hy this method tho ground below thu potato receives no cultivation, nml thu plant roots must penetrate unworked soil. lly simply plowing them In, it Is dif ficult to obtain straight rows or an ovi'ii depth of planting. Tho most succeimful growers first plow 'uud thoroughly prepare thu ground, Then H a planter In not used, thu land Is Hl'HIMMH AND I'ltOFKHHIONAIj VERNON A. FORBES h A V Y K It First National Ilnnk Building Heml :: :: Oregon II. II. DeARMOND IjAv yi:u O'Kane llulldlng, Heml, Oregon W. V. FAUMCNKK, D. M. D. I) K NT1HT Suite C-S-10, O'Kano llulldlng Itend, ... Oregon DU. J. C, VANDEVKRT rhynlclnu nml Hurgcun Phono Hod 271 Hours 9-12 n. m.; 1-G p. rn., 7-9 p. m. O'Knuu llulldlng. W. Q. MANNINO. D. M. D. Dentist. Sulto 12-H, O'Kano llulldlng lllurk 1781 Ik-nd, Oregon OI30RGE S. YOUNG Clrll nml Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mineral Kunejor. Ilootu 12, First National Dank llulldlng REDA1AN & MOORE LAWYERS Log Cabin Bldp. DEND. OREGON CENTRAL OREUON PLUMHINO & HEATINO CO. PI.UMHINU AND HIUT1NO 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Dono. 0. P. NI8W0NQER, Dend, Oro. UNDEUTAKEK Licensed EmbsJmer, Funeral Director. Phono Red 421. Lady Asst. Shoe Repairing: Done in n lHWT-CiaSH iiiuii- ner, uhlloyou wult. L. Ci(H)dmun, opMslto linker's flrtK-cry. DR. R. D, BTOWELL Nnprapnthlc Physician Ovor Logan Furniture Co. Wall Street Hours 9 to 5 Phono Rctl 48i3 O. 8. DENSON Attorney At Law DenBOU Dulldlng, Wall Street Bend, Oregon. H. 0. E L L 1 8 AttorneyntTaw United States Commissioner First National Dank Building BEND, OREGON marked out In furrows nnd'tho seed dropped and covered. Extra culti vation will pay better before planting than after. It Is ono tlmo you can cultlvnto under tho plant anil not disturb tho roots. There aro few potato growing districts or any Im portance where the ground Is not plowed before planting. In fact It Is thu best practice to plow sod tnnd for potntoes shallow tho proceeding rail, and then deeply before plnntlii. Thu committee will endeavor to throw light upon nny questions nsk-Ml by contestants through the columns of the weekly papers, by citing re sults obtained nt experiment stations, bearing upon tho subject. Address communications to "Hel ler Potato Contest Committee," M. 0. Coo, chairman, Hud Trouble for Four or Flvo. Years. Many people surfer from bladder trouble when they can bo quickly relieved. W. J. Furry, R. F. D. 2, Bnlnm, Mo., writes: "I was bother ed with bladder troublo rour or five yenrs. It gnvo mo a grcnt ileal or pain, I took different medicines, but nothing did mo any good until I gob Foloy Kldnoy Pills." Bold ovory whero. Adv. TIVY OUR Pasteurized Milk Olheri lite it. None Kctp bet ter. Slt Have doubled in put 30 city. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' CREAMERY 'Phone Red 131 CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS IIUFFSCHMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS BEND. OREGON PHONE BLACK 741 Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Sundixd Sat. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Telefirene Red M3I ot 701 City Sale Office Dead Ccnptny Bu&lia? LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT All Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-HLXON LUMBER OFFICE ON OREGON ST. Shoes for Real Service OUR SPKCTALTV IS TO MAKK S1IOKS T1LVT STAND TDK TKST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mado for this kind of country. None are bet ter made. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome serviceable dross shoo for men. Cannot be beaten for the monoy. Glvo theso shoes n trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. The A. Hanson Logger Shoes of Threo Lakes. Wis., are band-made and cne ot tho vory best of its kind. Speolal loatfo-to-ordor work teken for this shoo. UP-TO-DATK SHOK REPAIRING BOND STREET R. H. LOVEN DEND ORECON NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth and Wuhington Street PORTLAND, OREGON Centrally Located The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double S2.00 up. , Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S cartransfer at 5th St. SRi!0Ni: BEND HAULING CO, R. N I'AIMKKTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD.