HUM) nvhhwnn, iikno, orkgon, Thursday, avml 12, 1017. paob jf. V y h LUMBER PUNT REOPENS TODAY i'uoix)N(Ji:ii run ahhi'ui:i nv OVERHAULING MOIIi: liAltOIt ordered for Tin; nox fac ronv ANI WOODS. (From Friday's Dally.) Aftor being rinsed down for tlm lust threw weeks for a goimrnl over hauling, tlm sawmill lit tho Brooks Scnulou Lumber Co. plitnt, resumed operations tmliiy, niul will rim two ahlfls, ll mum announced thin niter noon. Mill officials stated that ev erything In now In coutlltloti for n prolonged run. Hgcimikh of tlm accumulation of or ders, 11 second Hlilft will ro on tonlRht nt tlm box factory, tho completion of tho now storage shod making possl lilt tho storing of almost an uulliull iil iiunnttty of tlm fluUlmil product tiutll tlm ear shortage abates to such an nxlont nn to nllnw for shipping. Shortage of Inhor In confronting tlm plant, uml orders hnvo been mint to Portland for tnon to fill up tho gaps In tlm night Hlilft nt tlm box fito tury, 11111I In tho wood. Tlm local labor supply In entirely Inadequate, It was Btated tmliiy HENI) HOYS TO HAVE ANNAPOLIS CHANCE llnrly Graduation of Middle Crrittr Nitw Viicmih'J May M Ruin fur Hxaiiiliiatlon. (From Monday's Dnlly.) An tinnxpeolod vacancy for mid- nhlpmi'ii from Eastern OrRon In tlm W. H. Naval Academy nt Annapolis hnn boon created by tlm recent iinlnr of tho President directing Hint the midshipmen of tlm rlnM of 1018 bo graduated In September, 1017. CoiiRrcsaman Nick Hluiiotl ban do ldsd to tunki) dealRitallnn of princi pal nml throe alternates for this va imncy on basis of n coinpetljlvo oxnm luntlon to bo hold simultaneously on May H In tlm follow Iiir cities: Bond, Klntnnth Falls, Ukovlow, Onlnrlo, Baker, La (intuitu, Poodle ton, nml Tho Dalles. Tlm examination will be Imhl under rltnrgn of tlm L' H. Civil Hr vlco coihiiiImIoii Every boy iillRlhlo to tnkn luttno nml desiring to ilo no nhould report to tlm secretary of tlm lorn) civil service board of examin ers nt 0 o'clock n. nt., May 8, nml If possible notify Congressman Hluuoll nt Washington that Im Intend to onlcr tlm rompotltlon. . Any younR ninu In eligible to enter tho competition who It now an nrttinl bona fill" resident of tho Second CoHRrossloual illntrlct of Oregon, ami ii ritlxmi of tho United States, pro vided that on June 27, 1017, tlm date of tlm official entrance oxainluatlnu ha shall ho between tlm age of 16 nml 20 year. Tho oxnmlnntloii will consist of tlm subject of algebra, geometry mid Km nitnnr, for which three hntif nro ullowod, and, nftor nit Intermission ot ono hour, geography, United States history and nrlthmellc, for which thruo houra aro allowed. Prospective contestants can Rot In formation concerning tho Naval Acadnmy and sample questions by writing to Congressman N. J. Bin nott, Hoom 242, House of Represent ative, Washington, I). C, ENLISTMENT IS HEAVY AT STATE UNIVERSITY Majority of Men Will Heno Under Hlarn uml Htrlpc Women Heady to Do Part. tlly United 1'rra l th llcnd Ilutlttln) KUdF.NU, Ore April 0. Tho nhndow of war liuiiRs heavy over tho Unlvorslty of OroRon, Blnco tho agsomblliiR or CoiiRrosa In Hpoclal acislon, when It wna apparent war was Inevitable, tho International situation and tho prospect of roIiir lo tho trout n tho eorvlco of Undo -Hnin ltavo boon uppormost In tho mlnda or tho men ot tho unlvorslty. Fifty or tho most promlnont men ot tho otudont body huvo oullstod and moru nro JoIiiIiir dally. Dr. John atruuli. dean or tho coIIoro or lltorn turo, oRllmatoB that about ono-lhtrd ol tlio total mala enrollment will ro to tho colors at tho first call, and that tho bulk of tho others will join Inter. Faculty inomhora aro takliiK up tipoclal work, audi as mop-making and field tactics. Scores or Rlrla aro onrolllnR In tho Girls' Honor duard, nn orRitnlxatlon 'which Is taking up BorlouBly tlrst-nld nnd hospital work and motor driving. Already attondanco at claBaos has ihosun to nurror, ror many luivo rouo ltomo to visit molhors nnd rnthors bororo Bolns out with tholr rocl xnaiits. AUTO HTAaK HTAIITH KUN (From Monday's Dully.) Attor being mounted on runners nnd wacon whools ror inoro than two months, tho stugo to Bllvor Lako front Uond, Is again motor driven. WILL WOMEN WORK IN FMSLDS IN AMERICA? Chungo lii Imhor Hjsli'in Mii' Ilo Necessary In ito of Heavy Km IMinciit for tlio Viti. (From Monday' Dally.) ly Curl VriMimiiii, (AnNlMlntil Hoorntnry of ARrlcul- turo, Mombor National KmorRonoy Food (litrdnit Commlioiloii.) WAHIIINOTON, I). C April 0. Can wo diiIInI u million Amiirlonn wommi to do inim'a work thin numiuor on tho farm? I (ink tlila (UONtlon hccaumi It la IiodhIIiIo that thla miminnr tlm United HtatoH may ho In na Rroat neod of farm lahorora an of nolillttra and miiiiltloii makiira. Hut whothnr tho actual opportunity routoM thla year or not, pri'imrmlntiHH of tlm I lull- vldual for war or for pi'iiro domamla that Ainiirlcun farm womun bo ready for ovory poniilhlo iimnrKoucy, It In v. nil within tho bound or probability that tlm avallablo farm labor of tho United Htatca will bo materially reduced by tho ciiIIIiir of many men to other and rnoro haz ard mm dutloa than aowliiR mid reap Iiir. It Ih phyalcally posalblo for tlm farnf women of America to aid our oconomlo pruparndimiia In tho event that a war (ummona an Immonao army to tlm color. To hnndle mod oru farm Implninnnta la not uocmiiar lly beyond a woman'a atroiiRth With it Rood team and a rldltiR cultivator oqulppud v,lth nit umbrella, plowliiR corn la a dual moru pltiaaant than wanliliiR. Tlm aprliiR aeat of a bin dor comparoa favorably with tlm comfort of a piano atool. Fow house hold dutlcR aro inoro fun than rldliiR n hay-rakv. Kvuu plowlnn with a aulky plow la not too heavy a strain for aoum American women. Kvery Farm Rlrl and woman should proceed at onco to master tho elo meiits ot practical scluiitlflc farmliiB. Tlioso who can should attend abort courses In itRrlcultural schools and ovary oim should ask questions, ob serve, and road bulletins. Tlm Department of ARrlculturo ban Issued a concise, simple, practical primer of scientific iiRrlrullurn for tlm mlddlo west Farmers' llullotln No. 704- which can bo obtained throiiRh CoiiRrossmen or directly from tlm ARrlculturo Department. Similar bulletlim for other rcRloua aro now under preparation, Kvery farm Rlrl and woman, more over should, by nil means, take n hand In actual farm operations so aa to handle tractors, horses, and farm Implements readily and skillfully, Tlioso vthn do so will not have to pre pare AFTKIl tlm flRhtliiR has boRUU, to do their "hit" for tholr country In tlmo or daiiRor. They will know how to plant, cultivate, and harvest the crops essential to our national welfare when aavlttR thorn depends upon the service of womon In tho field. Let the million women atop for ward. EVANGELIST CALLED BY WIFE'S ILLNESS (From Monday's Dally,) Dr. Marshall spoko four times Sun day, Ibtro audloucoa greeting him nt each meetlliR. Ilo spoke to tho Illble school and it numbor mado tho de cision to accept Christ. At tho 11 o'clock service ho spoko on "Tho Deity or Christ," and at 3 o'elock ho took as his subject, "Tho Call or tho Wild." Tho evening subject, "Two Jail lllrds With Wings," waa'thor- oiiRhly appreciated by n largo aud ience. I'n ul and Hllas In prison at rhlllppl represented tlioso two char acters. Tho evangelist was called homo last nlRht because or tho sickness or his wlfo and sou. Ily a voto of tho rongroRittlan ho was asked to come back In tho early part or July after tho Chautauqua, to which ho con sented. MORE DONATIONS FOR ATHLETIC CLUB MADE (From Monday's Dally.) Although tho swimming pool plan ned for tho llend Amateur Athletic club has boon abandoned us an Initial feature ot tho Institution, considera tion Is now being givon to n plan for tho excavation ot a spaca tor the pool lit tho basement, thus making posslblo putting it Into uro as soon us tho finances of tho elub nro suf ficient tor Its malntennnco. With this In view a' further study ot tho ground has boon mado in tho past few days, and tonight a mooting of tho dlroctors will bo hold to roach u final decision, Donations which will mean n big saving In tho cost ot tho building havo boon announced today, alt ro tating to tho foundation work. Thoy Includo tho uso ot a rock crushor, nlr drill, concroto mtxor and tho Borvicos ot Joo Hook and his crow ot stone moil, With tho final plans complete nnd these donations uvnllublo, work on tho foundation will bogln on Monday. (JKTH PLUMIUNG CONTKACT (From Monday's Dally.) Contracts tor tho plumbing in t' DoBchutoH InvcBtmont Company building, In Uond, and tho Fislior building, In Madras, havo boon lot to tho Central Orogon Plumbing OPENING THE BIBLE When tho Prosidcnt Takes tho Oath of Office. NO PLACE FIXED IN ADVANCE. Ths Patisas of Oerlpturs Upon Whjeh th Chief Exseutlvs Prssits His 1-lpt Is Cntlrsly Msttsr of Chsnes Ths DlbU Aftsr ths Ctrsmony. Tho president before bo enters on tho execution of his olllco lakes an on Hi or nlllrumtlou that he "will faith fully execute tho olllco of president of tho Untied Hlntes nml will, to tho best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend tho constitution of the United HliitoN," and this oath Is usually seal ed or continued by tho kissing of the illble. Tho kissing of the lllblo as part of the Inaugural ceremony Is perhaps fol lowing a very ancient custom. Tho )PtlailM were required to kiss tho rolls on which tho commands of Joseph were written. Tho custom rculrc that Immediate ly after tho president elect has taken tho oath, with baud on tho Illble, the clerk of the United States supreme court ahall throw open tho lHKk, and tho Incoming chief magistrate shall Im plant n kiss on one of Its open pages. Doubting Thomases have alwuys thought that tberit was no eloutcut of chaiico In Ibis performance nod that the passage of Scripture Is always carefully selected In advance, and the book Is held by tho clerk of the court In position so that tho Incoming chief will kiss the passage that It Is Intend ed ho shall kiss, but this supposition U entirely wrong. James I). Malicr, clerk of the su premo court, said that tho opening of the Itook Is entirely "haplmrard" and Hint no man on earth has the slightest Intimation In ndvauco regarding tho (taiMago of Scripture that will bo thus brought Into notice. I'sunlly the lllblo that Is lined In nd ministering the oath Is bought by the clerk of the supreme court and paid for out or Ids HK'ket ami Is n small Oxford edition costing 10 to 11.1. Tlio Isle James II. MclClnucy, for many )wni clerk of tho supremo court, once said. "You see, congress expends mon ey only by appropriation, and If we were to wait for congress to appro priate the price of the book wo might never get n lllblo on time." There lmo Ih-oii exceptions, how erer, w-heutho lllblo enmo frouf oth er sources. For Instance, when James A. Carflcld was Inaugurated March 4. 1SSI, he carried In his otcrcoat ticket to tlio rapltol a well worn, leather IhmiiuI 'ultimo which hud been pre sented to him by his mother. The book was taken from the White House and In a few jenrs found Its way to the stall of a bookseller In Bait Fran cisco, got there has never been kuowu, nor Is It likely It ever will be. A few years ago It was of forcd for sale at n very high price. Chester A. Arthur took the oath of otllro Just after midnight nt bis home In New York city Hept 'M, ISSI. The Itlhle incd was one belonging to the then chief Justice of the slate of New York. It U cherished by the Judge's family as an heirloom. On Ma rib 4. 1SS, when Grover Clot eland was Inaugurated president for tho 11 rot time. he. IILe (iarllcld. kissed tho Holy Hook which was given to him by bis mother. It was n small volume, iHtund in red leather, nnd was presented to hi in tunny jours before Tho book Is now lit the pottKosslon of Mr. Cleveland's married sister at To ledo, O. Tho lllblo tiwm which he took the oath In 1SU.1. eight joars later when ho becumo president tho second time, wna one presented by Ida beau tiful wife, and she becamo Its o sessor. When Benjamin Hnrrlsou was made !r,ul,ln I 1SWI llm Itltiln lined ' "'h ". l , ? ? K.11,:, "" "'.. . . on tho day of their marriage In Ox ford. O., whore President Harrison spent his school days. Tho Hnrrlsou lllblo Is owned by Mrs. James II. Mc Kee, tho daughter of cx-l'nwldent liar rtsou. President McKluley used n lllblo that had been presented to him by the negro bishops of tho country. It was tho biggest lllblo ever seen at the clerk's otllce. nnd Clerk MrKlnuey In relating tho Incident wild: "The day before tho Inauguration one of the bishops tailed at my olllco with the Bible. It was a huge affair of the typo known oh family initios. It rested In ,,n o.uate box Unci will, puiplo vel - ret and ornamented with gold. The box was fastened by lock nnd key, When 1 realized that It would bo my lot to carry that- huge lllblo from tbo senitto chamber clear out to the front of (ho capltol my knees grow weak and I could not refrain from asking tho bishop Jokingly where the wheel barrow wna that should go with It-" Tlio Invariable custom H that on the day following tho Inauguration the clerk of tho court takes tho Bible to tho White House uml presents It to tho first lady of tho laud its u keep sake. Exchange. rto-snforead Conerats, Tho nrk In which Moses was placed in tho bulrushes, wo nro told In the second chapter of Exodus, was nn nrk ot bulrushes daubed with nil mo and with pitch. This Is probably tho first recorded Instance of a ro-enforced cou crcto structure. In matters ot conscience first thoughts aro best; in matters of pru ilcnco last thoughts aro best. U. S. ARMY OFFICER HERE FOR RECRUITS Corpornl Cliailes Davis Will Mako Jfcmlfpinrtera at I'oslofflco for Next Tliri'i Wiks. (From Monday's Dally.) To secure rocrulls-for tho United States army, Corporal Charles Davis, accompanied b.y Mrs. Davis, arrived In llend tlijs morning from Tho Dalles, and will remain hero ror the next three weeks, making his head quarters at the postoffleo. Henry Ii. Ford, postmaster, will assist Corporal Davis in the work. Applicants must bo between the ages of 18 mid 35, or if under the minimum ago, must have tho consent or parent or guardian botoru thoy can bo accepted. Corporal Davis will make trips to the chief towns In Central Oregon, but Intends to remain In II end tho greater part or tho time. ENFORCE AUTO LAWS Machine Oiriirr Hulled Into Court to Kxplulll I,4lnOM. (From Monday's Dally.) IlccominoiicliiK tho campaign against autolsts who rail to comply with tho law, leaving tho tall lights on their machines extinguished otter dark, tho llend police aro busy tog- Ring nil autos coming under this head, the tags directing the owners to report to City Judgo H. C. Kills. Ten autos wore tagged last night, and on all excepting first offenders, tho full penalty prescribed by law will bo exacted, Judgo Hilts slates. llend. Oregon, March 2C, 1017. Tho County Court met In the council room In the O'Kane building, at 10 o'olock, a, in., pursuant to adjourn ment, all members being present. The meeting was called to order by the Judgo. A letter having been received, ask ing that this county sond a dologate to the NorthwoRtorn Tourists' meet ing to bo held In Portland, Oregon, March 31, 1017. It was Ordered, that Judgo W. D. Barnes bo sent to ropresont the County Court at this mooting. In the Matter of Revision of Taxes on Melrose Park Addition to lied- monil. This matter coming on for hear Ing, W. I). Daggett, of Hedmond, ap- ProMnea ine noun on mo propo- and 1016 on the Molroso Park Ad dition to tho City or Hedmond, re ducing thorn to an acreage Instead of a lot basis, as now taxed. Ho was Instructed to present his petition In propor form so that tho Court may refer same to the district attornoy for his approval Ordered, that a HurrouRhs Duplex Adding Machine be purchased, at 1450. provided that should It? Court decide to take an ordinary machine lipfnrn tlnllverv. tlm order mav ba changed to the ordinary machine nt , 1300 Upon motion, duly made and sec onded. Court adjournod, to meet at 1 30 p. in. of this date. Tho County Court reconvened nt 1-30 o'clock p. m. or this date, In the council room In tho O'Kane build ing, pursuant to adjournment, nil I members bolng preaont. Tho mooting was called to ordor by tho Judge. In tho Mnttor of Appolntmout of County Fair Board: This matter again coming on tor "ri"K. " "tier uibcussiuii, u wus , dfoldeil that no County Fair Board ' be selected nt this tlmo. Ordered, that tho Clork Instruct tho District Attornoy to got tho opin ion of tho Attorney Gonornl as to whether tho Sheriff may collect tho actual oxpeiiBe of advertising de linquent taxos, instead of tho amount ot 5c per line for four publications of bo mo. In tho Mnttor of Exponsoa ot Coun ty Wntor Master: It appearing to tho Court that George T. Cochran, water superin tendent of District No. 2, has asked for an estimate ns to tho probable expenses ot the County Wator Master for tho year 1017, It Is ordorod that ' tho Clork advlso said suporlntondont , '" " Court from data County Wator MaBtor for Deschutes and Crook Counties, should not ex ceed J COO. 00 por ejar for tho two counties. Ordored, that tho District Attor noy ho Instructed to tako propor steps toward tho vacation ot that part ot tho old La Pino stage road that lies In tho NE quartor of section 5. township 18 south, ran go 12 E, W. M. Ordorod, that tho brick yard road bo Improved from tho elty limits or Bond to tho brick yard, with tho un derstanding that tho Bond Brick & Luuibor Company pay 26 por cont ot tho oxpouso ot such Improvement, nnd that tho Gardnor-WUklnson Mill nnd other parties Interested, Improve tho road boyond that point; Des chutes County appropriating 500 as tho county's share ot tho exponso from tho city limits ot Bond to tho brlok yard. Ordorod, that $600 be appropriat - -i ? ) w VA(UMUVH w wu ed for repairs to bo denn on, tho Bond-Burns road. Ordorod, that book bo purchased by tho Shorlft for tho transcription of tho 1016 dollnquont taxes. Ordorod, that tho County Super- COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS Intcndent of Schools ba authorized to purchaso a book case. Ordered, that claims numhored 104 to llfi Inclusive, as shown on page r, of tho Dookot of Claims, bo, and tho same aro hereby allowed, and tho Clork Is Instructed to Issue his war rants In payment thereof. On. motion, duty mado and sec onded, Court adjourned, ..Warrants Issued March 20, (17,.. Term. C. O. Powors, rent of offlcof 0.G0 Maulll & Krsklne, office sup plies 7.80 Mrs. It. C. Penney, nurso ror insane COO Hotel Wright, hoard or pris oner Uond Wuter, Light & Power Co . lights 1.00 Karl Ii. Houston, deputy sher iff 2.00 Glass ft Prudhomme, office Supplies 16. CI Glass & Prudhomme, office supplies .04 Msglll & Ersklno, surveyor's Instruments ... 25.10 Uond Bulletin, publishing pro ceedings and maps 20.76 Maglll & Krsklne, books ror district attorney ......... 1.00 August A. Anderson, doputy sherltr 83.33 Warrants Issued April t, 1III7, Term. II. G, Kennard, salary water maBter . . .... CO. 00 S. K. Hoborts, salary and ex- ponso 172.20 August A. Andorson, salary and exponso . 120.13 W. T. Mullarkey, salary, as sessor 3C1.00 S. Alton Thompson, salary and expense W. U. Wood, work for sher iff Max Crandall, transcribing for sheriff 11C. 89 20.00 220.00 13.43 3.00 COO P. A. Krlckson, groceries for Mrs. Huntington Bend Water, Light & Power Co, lights . a F. T. Sutherland, carpenter work, sheriff Bend Bulletin, publishing proceedings, and supplies Henry Burton, Janitor, lor March . .. a Bond Care, meals ror Jurors, Goodman caso Hugh O'Kane, rent lor March Wm D. Barnes, expense, Portland trip J. H. Honor, expense 70.60 7.00 2.1G 40.00 14.00 27.64 126.00 76.00 J. II. Honor, salary Klcanor B. Whltmore, salary deputy deck Elsie M. Olsln, district at torney stenographer It. V. Polndoxtor, supplies, Mrs. Wlnnlngham O. O. King, doputy sheriff. Policy caso 30.00 7.06 22.00 Hedmond Spokesman, sup plies and stationary 10.00 E. M. Thompson, furniture for county offices 425.85 Maglll & Ersklno, supplies for county treasurer Alfred Munz, merchandise Terrebonne road llonil Work. John Curry 27.81 31.30 1.26 82.60 18.76 48.00 34.75 42.60 1.26 36.00 18.30 36.00 Henry Clark Hoy Early Hugh Pcokham ....... J. J. Shaneham . -. W. Clark O. Schmal . Hobs West .- Carl Hamilton W. West Bert Nichols 65.00 J. Williams 45.00 10.00 17.b0 40.00 106.U0 62.60 70.00 46.00 7.50 6.00 40.00 S.OO 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.60 1.50 1.60 1.50 Earl Ralston . .- .... Logan Snap John Dleterlch W. A. Pickett J. J. Blllnger Joe McClay Chas. Straight Dick Hastings K. II. Morgan . Harvey Dltterioh . HImer Nlswonger, Inquest .Goodman caso ....... S.' Olougor, Juror Goodman inquest Asttloy Forrest, Juror Good man Inquest Bert Miller Juror Goodman Inquest E. W. Richardson, Juror Good man Inquest Chas. Haines, Juror Good man Inquost C. C. McNcoley, Juror Good man inquest U. C. Coo, witness Goodman man caso .... Charlos Carroll, witness Goodman caso W. M. Everhaut, witness Goodman ease Dr. D. F. Miller, wltnoss Goodman caso Out This Out It's Worth Money. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this slip, encloso with 6c to Foley & Co., 2S35 Shettlold Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your namo and address clear ly. You will recotve In return a trial packago containing Foley's Honey and Tur Compound for coughs, colds and croup; Foloy Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold every where. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Dopartmont ot tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Ofrico at Tho Dalles, Oro gon, April 5, 1017. Notice Is heroby given that D. Maurlco Hunter, ot Milllcan, Oregon, who, on July 15, 1013, made Home stead Entry No. 011806, for SK NBV4. NWVi NEU. NEW SWU. NH SEtt. SWW SEU. Sec. 32; NWU 8V, Sec. 33, township 20 south, rango 16 east, Wlllamotto Morldlan, has filed notico ot Inten tion to ntaKo final threo-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above doscribod, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, at Bend, Orogon, on tho 16th day ot May. 1017. Claimant names as witnesses: Robert O. Russell, Earl Russell, Stanloy Smith, John Edwards, all ot Milllcan. Orogon; William A. Har ris, ot Bond, Orogon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 6-10p. Register. NOTICK OF CONTKHT. Department ot tho Interior, Unltod States Land Office, Lnkovlow, Oro gon, March 0, 1017, To Calvin L. Moshor, of Raymond, Wash., Contosteo: You nro hereby notified that Law ronca E. Campbell, who gives Bond, Oregon, as his postoffleo addross, did on March 0, 1017, tlio In this office his duly corroborated applica tion to oontcst and securo tho cancel lation of your Homestead Entry, No. , Serial No. 04830, mado July 14, 1011, ror SEW NEV. 8B NWU, KU SW'i. WV4 BE',, Sec. 17; NEtf NWU, NW4 NB, Sec. 20, Township 21 S., Range 18 E., Willamette Meridian, and as grounda ror his contest he alleges that you have never established residence upon said tract, or mado Improve ments thereon and that you havo wholly abandoned said claim for more than six months last past; and that said absence from tho land was not duo to your employment In mili tary service rendered In connection with operations In Mexico, or along the borders thereof, or In mobiliza tion camps ouewhoro, In tho military or naval organizations of tho United States or tho National Guard of any ot the several states. You are. therefore, further noti fied that tho said allegations will bo taken as confessed, and your Bald entry will bo cancelled without fur ther right to be heard, either beforo this otflce on on appeal, tr you rait to fllo In this office within twenty days atter tho FOURTH publication or this notice, as shown neiow, your answer, under oath, specifically re sponding to these allegations of con test, together with duo proof that you havo served a copy ot your ans wer on tho said contestant cither in person or by registered mall. You should state In your answer the name of tho post-offico to which you deslro future notices to bo sent to you. JAS, P. BURGE88. Register. Dato of first publication, March 22, 1017. , Dato ot Second publication, March 20, 1017. Dato of third publication, April 6, 1017. Date of fourth publication, April 12, 1017. 3-6p NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE UNDER EXECUTION. Under and by virtue of an execu tion In foreclosure nnd Ordor of Sale duly Issued out of the Circuit Court of Crook County, Oregon, on the 15th. day of March, 1017, to me directed, in a certain suit wherein Louis Woln hard, Anna Wesslnger, Paul Wess ingor, and Henry Wagner, Executrix es and Executors, respectively, of tho last Will and Testament ot Hon ry Wninhard, deceased, as plaintiff, recovered Judgment against Charles J. Barhlta and Era Barhlto for the sum ot $3000.00 with Interest there on at tho rate of six per cent per annum from July 7, 1013, and for $17.60 with Interest thereon at the rato of six per cent per annum from February 4, 1017. and ror $61.03 with interest thereon from October 24, 1014, at tho rate ot six per cent per annum, and for tho sum ot $300 attorney's fees and $21.00 costs, which Judgment was enrolled nnd docketed In the office ot tho Clerk of said Court on tho 5th day of De cember, 1016. nnd which Judgment and decree further directed and or dered that Lot Number Ono tl). of Block Numbered Fifty-five (55), ot Hedmond Townslte, Crook County. Oregon, bo sold to satisfy said Judg ment. tJsvi Notico Is here.Dr5rg that Pur suant to said execution. I'wUl on Saturday, the 21st day ot April, 1917. at tho hour ot 10 o'olook In tho fore noon of said day sell at public salo to tho highest blddor ror cash, to satisfy said Judgment, cost, attor ney's fees, taxes and accruing cost ot this salo, all right, tltlo and In terest ot Charles J. Barhlto and Eva Barhlto in and to the following de scribed premises, to-wit: Lot Num bor Ono (1), ot Block Numbered Flfty-flvo (55), in Redmond Town site. Doschutes County, (formerly a part ot Crook County), Orogon. such salo to bo held at tho front door ot tho O'Kano Building, In Bond, Des chutes County, Oregon, and from the proceeds ot such salo to pay tho cost ot salo, cost ot suit, nttornoy'a fees, taxes, and tho principal sum and Interest ot said Judgment and tho bal ance, it any there be. be turned over to said Charlos J. Barhlto and Eva, Barhlto. Dated this 22nd day ot March, 1017. S. E. ROBERTS, Shorltt ot Deschutes Couuty. Ore gon. 3-7c NOTICE VOl PUBLICATION. U. S. Land Ottico at Tho Dalles, Oro gon. March 0, 1017. Notico is hereby given that Sam uel R. Hogln, whoso post offlco ad dress Is Bend. Oregon, did, on tho 18th day ot April, 1916. file In this office Sworn Statomeut ana Applica tion, No. 01506S. to purchaso the SWVi SWU. Section 28, Township 16 South, Rango 11 East, Willamette Morldlan, aud tho tlmbor thereon, under tho provisions ot tho act ot Juno 3, 1878, and acts amendatory, known as tho "Tlmbor and Stone Law," nt such value us might bo fixed by appraisement, and that, pursu ant to such application, tho land and timber thereon havo been appraised Ono Hundred Dollars, tho timber esti mated 1200 fenco posts at 5c, $60 00, and tho land $40.00; that said ap plicant will offer final proof In sup port of his application nnd sworn statement on tho 18th day ot May, 1P17, boforo H. C Ellis, U. S, Com missioner, at Bond, Oregon. Any porson Is at liberty to protest this purchase beforo entry, or initi ate a contest at any time boforo pat ent Issues, by filing a corroborated affidavit in this ofrico, alleging facta which would defeat tho entry II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 2-1 5p. Resistor,