WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. "V,. " 4 VOI. XV. HUM), DUHC'lll'TKH COUNTY, OHKOON, 'Jill IWUAY, AI'KIfi a, 11)17. NO. 0 .1 A A. ml for tt. J rd. hi. ot old liu If. all. ICO lire Hit mar well' oyak torf , r J. Olfo v v. S3 SISTERS LIKE . HOSPITAL SITE PLANS BEING DRAWN IN BENID. ,t 'JlmnUw HxhvmmI to Ih-hI People, ? Who Contribute! In AmI1 In Flirt lumliiu lrorty lliilM inu; Ampin for NitiN. , (From Wednesday's Dally.) With the view to outlining pre liminary pIhiib and drnwlug up jtktalitN (or tlio new Sisters Hospital, Mother lloso, of tint Sisters of Char ity of Nazareth, Ih In Hand today looking nvor tlio Krouml recently vurejiased liy tlio Hlatnr. Ilor i lilnrt U to leave tomorrow for I.ex. iHRtoii, Kotitticky. to iniiko dnflullo plan for building within IIih next few week. Not allien Inst Oetobnr haM Mother Hdno bean In llend, tun! since that time the site has bwn purchased niul ahe had mu had mi opportunity to view It nml dntermlnu Him nature of irimturH unit the Im thnt wlir be neSAry to mmt the need of th i Hy Htul surrounding rouutry. Moth er Ham U highly IkimmI with Ilia location nml believes It wilt ha Ideal m n location for tli hospital. ,Md In Appreciated, for tlio liberal support given to V tha proposed Institution by local peo pft In thn way of financial assistance, MADwr lloso wishes to nxpreaa lior gratitude, nml says Hint tlm Misters liBpo to more I Im ii reciprocate with thn Hend people. The tentative sketches are now In thn hnmU of l.e A. Thomas, who will prepare . plmin for thn visiting Hlstors to ink it lmk with thnm on their ruturii to Lexington, Kentucky, where a eon fareure will Im held of thn council of Hlstora when morn ilnflnlto build ing plana will Imi announced. The plater are considering thn orMilon of Hie hospital of brink nml nt oh it. Tim nlst of Ilia structure ha not Iiihiu determined, hut It will Ih of aufflrlHiit aim to rare for tha need of Central Oregon. "We urn Illicitly pi! with llend a tlio future Im'attun of the hospit al." aald Mother Itoae Uila morning. ' "W lllrit the alt that has bee elected by luottl agents who are re, n-eenllng ua could not Ih Imnra.! upon. We lo want to exprwe nur thanka to lh proplo of IImM, who yto Hlrttrally rontrlhutrtl to th fun'l for tha purrhaao of tha pruNtrty." MASONS ARE TO HEAR LECTURE ON SYMBOLS (From WriliiMiilay'a Unity.) Aa n aprtolal fcnturo of tlio Mnaoulo meotlnit In Hand tomorrow nlaht. Tjr' Jtnv. QunrRO V. VnnWntorii, Knlaeopnl tniialnnnry from rnrtlnnd, will luc turo on tlio Biibjcot, "Symbnla of Mnnonry," at tha Maionlc hall, fol lowliiR (ho lodgo Moaalon, Thu Ice. turo will, bo for Mhboiib only. CARLETON SWIFT IS LICENSED TO WED (Oregon Journnl.) CIlICAao. April 10. Cnrloton D. Swltt, ot tho I'orllnnd Cattlq l.onn i'.a., Im lloonnml to wad Ml ICllru .vl.toniird, of ChlonRO, .Mr. Hwlft hna mado hla homo In Portland alnro lato luat fall. Ho la "v mambor of tho Iloaton bmimh of m . wldoly known family of paokon. Mr. Hwlft and naaoclatoa purclinaod n rontrollliiR luturuat In tha Uontrul 'Oregon Dank, ot Hand, a short tlmo Ko. COMMERCIAL CLUB TO ENTERTAIN EXPERTS lUnrlicon l'oNtponcri to AVcilncuduy J'Jvt'itliiK Mi'iulicrM of Auxll Inry to Ho I'roioiit, (From Tuoadny'B Dally.) "Wolcomliii; tlio O. A. C. Instructors mtuo uro uccompiinyliiK tho O..W. It. A N. food propurodnosH cur, tho Iioud Canunorulul club will pontpoiu) Its wookly liinuhoou nt tho I'llnt llutto Inn, from noon to 0:30 o'clook, nl 'which tlmn tlio mombora of tho Ln tfi' Auxiliary will bu luvltod to nt tend In full fqreo. . Following tho gathering, tho mom bora of tho club uml tho auxiliary will nttoud tho various locturos aohodulod .to ho filyan hy tho uollogo oxparta nt tho llo d achool and tho now hlgn school Imlldlng. WITHYCOMRE GRANTS PARDON TO BEND MAN Cli'iiii'iiny Kvtniili'd to M. ). .Mi (3 nil Ii On I'd II Ion KIkhimI Hy .Mini)' I'niinliii'iil Hi'hIiIi'iiIn, (From Wmltibailny'a Dally,) Full pardon and roinlaalon of fine In tha uhhh or M. J. Mt'dratli, of thin olty, ooiivlctuil laat Juno on ii liquor milling uhargo, una rantlvod hum to. day, algnml hy Juium Wlthyrombu, govnruor of Oragou. Thn pardon waa KruiitiMl at Hih Inatancn of a petition nlgniHl hy n litrgn iiumhnr of rnprn noututlvo t'ltUniiH of Mnnd and tha vlnliilty, which waa forwardi'd to tha atatn impltal IiibI Tliurmlity. On two (iniiutN, Mr. Mrdnith waa aaiitHiiiMul to pay fluoa of SO0 and of $100, and coata. TIih potltloti annt to lb atatn nxnimtlvt) waa ho compnuliid hy a nolo from Dlatrlut Attorny Wlrtr, of I'rliiHvlllH, who proatHiutcd tlio mmo.' In thla ooni muiilratlou, Mr. Wlrtx atatml that hn wuold not atand In tlm way of a pardon. LECTURES INTEREST illMI l,iriil I'liillloinrii (let Helpful HukkooHiiiix I'liMil KxjH'rt. (From WtNlnwHiny'a Dally.) Tha iHtrltHi of practluHl iHjultry lr(iirta lnllvrwl In Crmik and I)im rhutna nniHtlna laal wk by I'rof. ('. C. Umb. of O. A. (., hmh wall MllriHiltHl and highly appranattHl by I mm I HiultryiHHH. Much iHturtiat la balng ahown In poultry throughout Hih two eountltta and I'rof. I.auih'a talka did inuoli to cryataltliu lb la In twriHit Into daflnltH artlou. Ouo re aiilt ot tha tuavtluga la nlrwidy ahown In tha ordorluK of hatahlng ugga from O. A. H. and otlmr high pro. duolug atralna of poultry by a num bur of our poultryuiHU. Iluttur meth ods of hatching, brooding and gn oral handlliiK of poultiy are oxpoctml to rnaull. Muatlua were held at Hand, Hand Unton, Hand Orangn, Tarraboniio, Itwlmond and Tunialo. Upward of 200 bcHvh paultryiniin attntulHil tbea itiiHttlnrra at which audi top lea aa In cubating and brawling, ftwda. anil fwtdlng, briMMla, dlMaa, ate., wara dhMUMHHl. Mr. lJHb waa rery murh plaant with tka poultry otttlwik In tha two MHtnthw and atated that thar arc few aactlwna of tha atate ahowlng much wall dlraetml afort In tula Una aa la found hara. Tha aaaoclatlona at I'rliiavllla ami TuhmIo ara among tha ftrat to b organlxod In Itaataru, Oragon. Thaaa aaaoelntlona ure dl rooting tlmlr first uffort to tho pro dilution of hotter grades ot poultry and on a auftlolant urn In to make tho marketing of u uniform produol In paying qunntltlea posalhlo In tho fol lowing yoara. When thla la nccoin pllihvd thoy will turn their utton tlnn to tho murkotlng ot their pro.' duct by mom approved niuthoda than aro being prnotlced aJL proaout. EXPRESS MEN VISIT Aiiiioiiiifoiitent of Kixo Delivery la lHH'tMl Thin Ktt'lllllg. (From Wodnoaday'a Dally. 1 W, W. Ward, BUporlntendent. am) JoHuph Fox, routu agent, ot thq Northorn Uxpritaa company, wore In tho elty today with B. J. Miller, trav. oiling agent for tho Northern 1'aclflij railway. It la expected that aa u reault of their visit, an announce niont will ho mada thla evening at tho Commercial club luncheon, glv. lug tho tlmo nt which freo express delivery will bo begun In Ilond. UNION IS FORMED BY BEND BARBERS N, 11, Itobcrta In 1'rcKldont Shorter lloura niul Hotter Working Con. (IttloiiN Chief Object, (From Woduoudny'a Dally.) Organized with 10 charter mem bers, nnd with only ouo uhon' In llond. linrenroflontud. I.nenl Mn. 7.10. Jmir. neymen Harbors' International Union, mono ita nppoarnuco In tho city thin wook. Offlcora ajoctod uro J, N Hob. arts, president: 10. II. Stewart, vtcn prosldont; H. A. Qosnuy, financial Boorotnry; H. O. Landlngham, treas. uror. Tho objoct of tho organization, It Is auuouncod. la tho socurlnir of abort. or WorklllE hours, bnttnr wnrklni? condltloilB. and tho ndvanennient nt organized labor in tho community. HETZEL URGES PREPAREDNESS AHKH fO.M.MUMTV OIUJAM'- ' I'lOXH TO IJMTH 'J'O IJHK VA- CA.Vi' I.OTH I'Olt CAItDHNI.VO TO I.N'ntlMHK I'OOI) Hl'I'I'f.V. ) (From TunmUr'a Dally) For thu purpoan of tmllatlng tho unrrtw of Orogou abl 16 aaTaf In u rood prHparmiuoaa eampaigii, 1)1 rat tor Halph I). Ilntxol, of thn Oregon Agricultural CqIIhk, Iimm aunt out u I'lri'iilur letter raiting on public weU farn orgHiilzatloim to organize. Um of vueant lota for VHgUhl gardena and poultry and a mora twonomleal ll h of food nroducta arn lueludml In Sir. Hetzol'a auggeatlmiH. Tho clroular followa: "No pliato of preparwlnHHi for tho Uiatloual nrlala which wo ara how fan nag la of groator linportauce than that of the food supply. Thn proa- rout food ahortagn will bo graatly In .tmmlflml by tha withdrawal of many 'produeara who am being rallad Into kllin military Mrvlc. With our en trance Into tho war. our ohlwnulofia in iHrnisu ioihi io tun aiutai uauoiia will ba grnatly IncraaiHH. We must it the altuatlon. Thla ran Iw dona by IncrMtalnjC produrtlon and by the mora aeotiotHlcal u of foinl. "Vaeant elty lota am) bark yarda afford the baat tiiaana for prompt rallaf In prmluetloa. It the ara properly uaad for ratal iig vagntablMi and poultry, thnuaands of dollars worth ot food prmlurta oan Ih addml to the normal supply In a few months. At least CO par cant of thu city lota and baek yanl now available are net balng used. In tho Interact of the nntlnn, Intelligent, snbar and woll organized efforta rhould be made to old In Improvement of the altuatlon. "It Is respectfully auggoated that all organisations Interastod In the public wolfare should get togethnr and plan n campaign for their re spectlve communities. A Joint com mlttee repraaentlng tho commerrlat clubs, woinon'a organhutlons, jHir-imt-tnacbani' associations, school of (llals, aad other organisations In tweeted In public problems should appoint representative to serve on a joint committee to be chargMl with the direction of tha campaign. A attrvey should Im wade Immediately to ietermlau tho aineunt of ground available and the nnmlmr of netvona wbtt may ho enlisted to put It tftthe beat uee. Kneouragtwnt and In. struetloos anoalU 1h continued in a aystematlr way throughont the sea aon. The Oregon Agricultural Col lege hna nratHired a npe Ul aerlea of pamphleta- on poultry keeping, vegetable smrdenlng. the economical use ot foods ami oatlnlng fowls, and which U available to the people of the atate. We shall be glad to send u suiiply of these publications upon receipt of ovldnnco that thla work la being efficiently organised In your community." BECOMES MASCOT OF i'lioto by Aiixrliun rcs Association. "(lu' orill l lll.l. Jl'.' Illl Im lllllixl WJmBMMBKSsm" vwMlm"ifi allria. 'vi- aejaajiMsji as. , is j VinajaK, Jff mmt the bolder by tho Mrt Now Yorlt nrlHlery os a mascot, but Unby Hurro, born a fow daj ago. bus nuw taken tier pluve lu tho affections of the troopers. CITY'S CLEANUP CIP11 IS OK NOTH'IW HKItVHD TO IMtOI'KltTV OWNHKH THAT UUlllilHHMUKT K HWIOVHD I'HOM I.OTH IM .MHDIATKhY. (Pram Wednesday's Dally.) ' J'Ibh for cleaning up the olty are woll under way, and Chief of I'ollco It, A. W. Nixon la busy serving notice on Hum! property owners that all rubbish and rafuse on their placet) uiUht b dlspmieil of Immediately Djiprovement in sanitation la also .'Ji'il ef tU( ehlef alma of the cam pAlgn. Today Ohluf Nixon has served no Una than J 60 notices, but declared that In all cloao to 1,000 would be put away. Any failures to comply with the provlsloua of tho iiotlcoa will bo followed by tho city taking the matter In hand, carting away alt uiiHlghtly rubbish, and levying Ileus against the property concerned, to covin the xpen' of tho work. Mr. Nixon waa of the opinion that coualdarable work would be done by the city to bring llend Into the "spot leea town" elaaa. FINAL DETAILS FOR MEET ARE ARRANGED I 'nf groin of Kw-ntw to ito Completed TimIii) TliiinipMin Auk Joint DMrirf. (From Wednesday's Dally.) To arrange further details for the Central Oregon Track and Field meet to ho hold In Ilond on May 19, Coun ty School Superintendent Thompson, Krle Holt, principal of tho llend high school, and F. S. Francis, ot tho high school faculty, left this after noon for I'rlnevlllo. It was oxpect od that all preliminary plana, In eluding n program or events for tho day, could be completed at tho I'rlne vlllo conference Wlillo In I'rlnevllle, Mr. Thompson expected to make arrangements tor tile establishment of a Joint aaheol district wtHt Superintendent Myara, of Crook eounty. The action waa prompted by the request of J II. Ashley, whoee ranch la local ao on the boundary linn between Oook and Destitute county, the part of hla farm lylatj In the eounty being locat ed In Ute U.mio district. AGED BEND MASON PASSES MILESTONE (From Tuesday's rlly.) One of the oldeet members of the' Masonic fraternity here, James Wright, celebrated hla 90th birthday yreterday. Mr. Wright has been n ember of the order for 58 years, Join Ing the Masons In Iloeeburg. Ho crossed tho plains In 1862, coming from Now York. REGIMENT AT BIRTH Mntlli.r llllrrn ... I.W...-.S1 ,....... fTk 'ITER USERS isgQ UEWING Itioto by Amrlt.in l'rr Aiik Ullon. Rear Admiral Albert W. Orant, Com mandr Submarine Force, Atlantic Flttt. GARDEN PLOTS FOR SCHOOLS ASSURED liiMiiictors Will Ito In ChnrKO High KcliiM)! KtiidentN tit Inspect Food I'mparciliicaM Car. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Five garden plots for the use ot the llend school children during the spring and summer months have been promised to City School Superintend eat Thordarson, he announced this morning. A largo proportion ot tho land which will bo available Is wat ered and fertilized, and Mr. Thord arson Is highly satisfied with tho prospect for the summer school gar dens. Ho himself will have charge ot the work dono on ono ot tho plots, while four Instructors In tho schools who will make their homo hero dur ing the summer months, will direct operations on tho others. To gain Ideas on tho food prcnar odneea quostlon, of which tho school gardens ure Intonded to be a phase, high school students will be granted a recees tomorrow morning to In spect the demonstration car being sent to llend by the Oregon Agri cultural College and the O.-W. K. A N. Co. ARMY REQUIREMENTS FOR AGE STRETCHED Men Vp to to Youra of Age May Now Kullst, Ih Annoiincttiueiit of tlio I'ortlnnd Ilccrulting Office. (From Wednesday's Dally.) Word was received this morning from the PortIand?arniy recruiting of flco to tho effect that a change has boon mado In tho requirements for recruiting. Aa tho rovjucd schedule stands, men between the ages ot 18 and 40 years will bo accepted. Min ors still noed the consent of parents or guardians. Applications of mou under 16 years old will not bo ac cepted, Tho aviation section Is badly In noed of men having experience with motors or gas engines. Tho namo ot another recruit, Charles Clarke, who will leave to. morrow to outer tho signal corps, was announced by Corporal Charles Duvls, army recruiting officer on duty hero. EXPERTS TO PROBE TUMALO LEAK SOON Will Ho Hero In Two Weeks, Says O. Ijiurganrd Declare Defect Can Ho Hciucdlcd. (From Tuosdny's Dally.) That tho board ot directors ap pointed to ascertain tho cnuso ot tho leak at tho Tumala reservoir will visit Hond within tho next two woo'ks, was tho statement ot llepwaontatlvo O. Lnurganrd, ot Portland, ono of tho ardent ndvooatcs ot Irrigation at tho last bcsMou of tho legislature. Mr. Laurgaard, who ts lu tho olty largely on private buslnoss, Inspect ed tho roaorvolr yesterday, and gave It ns hla opinion that tho dofect which lias mado Its operation iuottlolout, could bo readily remedlod. $16,022.63 TAKEN IN FOR COUNTY TAXES (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho first turnover on taxes ool lected was mado today by Sheriff S. K Roberts ta the county treasurer's office, n total of $10,022. C3 repre senting tho total takon In up to March 29, IltUIOATIO.V COAII'A.MKH I'U.llUO HKUVIUK COItrOIlATIO.VH, IH Itl'M.VO OIN I1V ATTOU.VKxT OK.NHltAIi IIHOW.V, n tfntud Trow t th Demi nuifetln) HALBM, April 11. Attorney Gen eral Hrown decided today that frrl gatlon oompanlae ongaged in the rental or water and maintaining ditches for genoral. irrigation par posea are public service corporations under tho laws of Oregon, and that aa such, their; rates are subject to regulation by the public service com mission. Tho dcoislon Is considered highly Important. It was given when the question arose In the oese of Merrl man et al, vs. J. F. Luse & Co., tho defendants supplying water for Ir rigated lands In the Sutherlln valley. Attornoy General Brown's opinion backs up the sand taken by the Cen tral Oregon Irrigation Co. Water Us ers' association In the fall of 1315, when on the advlee ot their attornoy. H. II. DeArmond, they attempted to bring the C. O. I. before the commis sion for a hearing. The company objected to the hearing, filing a writ of prohibition In the Supreme court, and this phase ot the case waa dis missed on motion ot tho wator users. Another writ ot prohibition was In troduced In the olrcult court, and again on tho motion of tho water users, tho oaso waa dismissed. Tho company later submitted to a hearing before the commission, but without acknowledging tho right ot such a proceeding. llecently tho Squaw Creek Irrigation Co. volun tarily adrdltted that It' belonged In tho class ot public service corpora tions by petitioning the commission to be allowed to raise Us ratM. Tho opinion of ihr attorney ren eral, however, is the lira. of'Mal de cision establishing tne i siMus ot Irrigation companies. FORESTRY TELEPHONE REACHESCOMPLETION Double. .Mount of Communication From Finn Mountain Li Fro- ldcd by 10-Mllo Wirt). (From Tuesday's Dstly.) Providing a double means ot com munloatlon tor the forestry sorvico from Pino Mountain, the Mlllican Plno Mountln telephone lino was completed last night, and the first call sent over, showing tho now lino to bo in excellent working ordor. Work was started by tho Desehutes forestry sorvice last fall, but tho coming ot winter necessitated a lay oft which onded with the coming ot spring. Tho line is 10 miles In length. Tho other moans ot communica tion from Pine Mountain Is by moans of telephone wires strung over tho Paulina mountains. WEDDING IS HELD IN CLERK'S OFFICE (From Wednesday's Dally.) Richard N. Perkins aad Mill Mary Leona Drink, both of near llend. Warn united In marriage yesterday after noon in mo offloo or County Clerk Haner, Judge W. D. Dames officiat ing. Mr. and Mrs. Perkins expoot to make their homo In this violulty. FIA" FliAO MY DAY; ItAIHK AT HUMUSK, AND LOW- EU AT SUNSia1. It you are not up In tho flag - etiquette, hero aro tho rules: - Raise tho flag nt sunrlso, or - after, never before. I.owe.r tho flag at sunset. When draping tho flag against tho side ot a room or -- building, placo tho blue field always to the north or oast. Hunting should bo draped or - hung with, tho rod at tho top, following by. the white and tho -- blue, in accordance with tho,1- heraldic colors of tho flag. ' It is a raarH ot dlsrosriqct to-- allow tho flag to fy throughout. tho night. A flag flown upsldo down Is a signal ot distress.