rAr: 4 STATE HELPS 10 f FOSTER LOCAL HATCHERY IMPROVED. IS V (urn of Trout Minium m for Central Oickiiii'm liiiki'N mill Hlii'iiiim JiivoHfH Miicli Time mill Ciiiihtmit Allt'lit Inn. To make fUlilMK Hhi delight Unit (III) IlllgllirS Wllllt III t lllM Slll'tloil, III- vulvim mi small Hxpi'inlltiirn by (li Mtnto of Oregon li "' WH' ut ,m' ploymeiit of Kniim hpi't'lnllHln, out lay In hatcheries, transportation fa t ollltlfit mill other outlay. To keep tin) lakes mill streams of the statu wiilt stocked with (rout entails the constant attention or mi Important nrm of tlm state's administration. Among tlio district m fur Hit flah I tut In concerned. Central Oregon -tiuplea mi Important place In tlm )nnrtH of fishermen, for tlm haunts, tlm unexcelled f UhltiK grounds mid some of (hi) best liltliiK mnl largest tronl miywlitirtt obtainable. Tho stain of Oregon maintains it hatchery near Ilend whr null urn prnpiigaled for tlil" section. During the Inst year runny change have been iiihiIii In Improving Hi" Iih'hI liatrhery to iioeoiiimodHte n larger rapacity Hiiil to enable tli hatching mnl rais ing of trout iml stilted to this lo imllty. Willi the present facilities Uih IIhihI hatchery will easily have room to feed two million trout. Tln iimln illlrli whs widened to enable llio flow of more fresh str for Uih three fish pond whlrh are 12 fet wide mnl 30 tent Iomk. llefiire tlm now poiiilii were built less than 100, 000 trout minnow could he properly red. With tlm present outlay two morn poniU cnn be supplied with wntnr from tlm ditch wt It present slxe. Cnut Curt Taken, Tlm riwirliiK of trout Involve al- tlirlvu butter when next to nature, Thu minnows, urn supplied with n illnt, tlm iirlni'lpli) features of which in i) liver mnl old mackerel. It Is olio of thu iirlticlpli) ilutliiii of tlm hiilrlmry tender lo sen to II Unit the wutnr Ih kept ill mi nvnii totnpera ttuo. (Dent riun In nlo exorcised Hint Hid troiiulm mid pomtii inn lui exceedingly clean mid free from i diseases. Not until tlm iiiIiiiiowh urn ill least four months old, or iibout two Iik lii'M lone, hih tlmy planted In tlm luldiH mnl MtiiiuitiH of HiIm vi cinity. l.ocnl lliitcliiiy Huco4Nfiil Hxpeilonce Iihm hIiowii that trout liutclmd mid cured for hero do much butter than limy did wlmn tlmy were tulmii to tlm lloniKivlllo hatchery for hatching mnl returned here for fit liiK.anil iilniitliiK. Tlm wardens ox plal'n thai hutching and feeding In OIK) plllCI) ClialllM tlm (tout to lie I'Oiuo acclimated 111011) readily. Tlm rainbow mnl aleolhead trout hih tlm varieties which seem to bo tlm most suited lo local hittcliliiK mid reeding. Ily experience It Iihm been hIiowii that tlmy thrlvo lint tor In water tlm tiiiiipnraliirn of tlm Don- cliutim river. KaHtorn llronk trout an hhIiI to Im ImcomlnK moro popu lar imch your. Hl'llhllll III1 I KIT. Kliii'o litHl Auitunt morn than OfiO, 000 trout havo boon planted In Cen tral Orison lakna mid HlreaniH. Tlm placi'N where MloeklllK baa occurred ant KiihI l.aliu, I'aullna Lake, Don cliuttm river and Hovnral of IIm main braucliiiN, MetolliiH river, llluo mid Muttlefi l.akfM, Trout Creek. Mill Ciook and novural of tlm winullur NtrmiuiH In tlm vicinity of HlNtern. In tlm opinion or ('l)di) M. McKay. flnhliiK In tlm Central OrcKou Htreaiim and lake oiiKbt to lm thu bMt It Iiiik over been, owIiik to (lm oxIhuhIvo plautliiK that Iibh boon done by thu Htale In the luwl three yearn. The fluh are. or out; lit to lie. lm wtya, of coiiMlderHblti nlo, and there ohould lm an abuudaiico. UNI IN TO URGE CLAIMS WANT HOME WORKMEN FOR RAILROAD. (Vnlinl (.otiimll Coiiiniltteo Will I'nt Mailer I'p lo ('omiucrrlal Clult ((Miliolllec Si'tt Week To Coicldec Older riiio.cn. RULLETIN TEAAI WINS FROM SHEVLIN-HIXON l.illoberiiieii Iihc Tlneo Ktralclil City l-uKiie Mutili Hwiiomiii Cnpturiw IIIkIi Kcurt'. In (Trotn Kuturday'n Dally.) NIiiihIIiik or the Teiini". Won l.imt I'et. Martin Canlmmn . 17 10 XiO llrookK'Koaulou .16 12 .KKC IIhiiiI llulletln 14 l: .819 MheVllll-IIUon . . 8 111 .2UC I'layltiK ncaliiHt Tlm Shevlln lllxou Company teoui. The IIhiiiI Iltil lut Im liowlttm look tbreii Ntrulubt In mom nll-yimr around mploymant or , t,,ly ,,. lttRKvU , (.r. (From Hatiirday' Dally.) DoolrltiK to como Into donor touch with thi) Commercial club work lu ri-itard to tlm propoHud $100,000 city bond Initio for tlm Htrahoru railway. a Hpeclal comiiiltteu rnpreHDUtluK tlm Cuutral Labor Tradim & Farm Coun cil will meet with the Commercial club committee next week, before tlm final report Ih hIvcii at tlm Com mercial club luncheon on WodnaKilay. TIiIm wiih decided on IiihI iiIkIH at tlm miliar meotlui: or thu council, whan Harry 1'earnon, A. K. Kilwardn and II. Hall were named to confer with tlm huntnrH' committee and come to nu uudorHtundliiK In regard to thu relation or local labor with tlm pro poned railroad. Can Huluic Hlcriloii. While It Ih unilemtood that labor In Ilend Ih Keimrally favorable to tlm votliiK or $100,000 bniiiU to liiRUru Htrahoru contruutloii, liiHtructloua are Htlll to be i: I veil, ami It Ih cIhIiikhI that a hoIIiI union vole can hwIiik the election nltlmr way. One or tlm chief poliita which the rouucU'a commit tee will HHk to have nettled. Ih III rek'ard to tlm labor nupply. They coutHiid Hint labor for Hie eoimtrue- tlmj or the road from llond hIioiiIiI he drawn from Ilend nud tlm vicinity, rather than brlu:liiK lu erttwa of workmen from other parta or tlm atato and tlm Cnltwl KtattM. Tlmy will HHk that local men bo nlven thu IirererMiicH. Other quiHitloiiH of minor Import uuce, It Ih undarHtmHl will he brour.ht up when tlm labor committee and the Commercial club inombum who are InvoHtlKatltiK public opinion on tlm Hubject r.ct toKether. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS I3UICK BUILDINOS IN BRND VALUE. ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINOS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 EIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 JcT." BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. BO S STABBED BYYOUNGEHLAD HARRY EVANS, 17, WILL RECOVER. Thirteen Vcnr Old llownril Itniu-y .Vol I iim Aallant, If tit Will Not I'aio I'oriunl Action lie-caiiM- tif l'litbcrV IIIneH. (IVorn Ktunlay'g Dally.) ductlon or th crtiricat) or attend ance ayatem In the county arhooU. Cut ThU Out It Ih Worth Motiry. IJOM'T MISS TINS Cut out thli . ' . ' ' " " WON'T MISS TJIIS Cut out tblt AccordliiK to thU plan, each pupil Bp enclrwe with 6c to Toley & Co. neither almont nor tardy during the , 2o,b Hhffii,i a i.im. ... acliool yitr. will receive a certificate I or award bIriioiI by the Instructor, the county Muperlntendemt, aud the state HUperltitenilent. .Mr Thompson hellevoa that the arherne will be of considerable value aa a Htlrnulus to bettor attendance, ' everywhere Adv. 283ft Sheffield Ave, Chicago. Ill writing your name and addroaa clear ly. You will recelvo In return a trial package containing- Folcy'a Honey and Tar Compound for coueha. colds and croup; Foloy Kidney Pills, and Koloy Cathartic Tablets. .Sold a m u m v n man. Tlm crch for the local hatch ery are obtained from fUh In Odell nnd David lakes about May, tlm Hum depending on how far the hihihoii Ih ndvunced. Ilcfore truimportliiK tlm eggH from tlm luktw they are care fully parked In large boxes In which i U iiiom. The imiM U coveriMl with Ice. When the eggs arrive at the hatchery limy are placed In large wire trnR, two feet long and 12 Inches wide, mid are put lu the troughs so that water cnn pan through the banketa over the eggs The eggn remain lu these trays about four weeks, or until such a time aa the egg's sack remnlns. Then they are removed to the feeding ponds, Nupplled constantly with fresh run ning water. It Is the theory that the young mlnnov.s should be taken from the trays aa soon ns possible to plant itiody alleys last night. The totnl tally for the evening was 2312 to 22 14. The Hcore: Hlicllii'HIoii. Players 1st 2d .Id Total I rlvtausnu ... 137 124 I'JK 4U Hettinger 142 14? 148 4S7 lienor 17'J lfil 2 442 Kloehr 132 121 140 393 Pletch -....177 100 1C3 49C Totals 7C7 700 738 2214 Ilend lliillclln. Cartnody 1S2 10U 141 399 Hteldl I7 193 1C4 624 Kstea 17C 1(0 140 4fiC Terrell . 11(4 1C7 130 4G1 Mettasco . 13t 1G1 176 472 Totals 784 777 7U 2316 them In the troughs, because they dv. Heo Kdwardi for paper hanging. A PYRAMID WITH A FIRM FOUNDATION Service Quality, Combined With Low Prices I Square Dealing WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT F. Dement f& Co. Orpo.UcP.0. GROCERIES W.II Strrtt Mi:irriNO today i:itkcti:d pkin MANKNT OIKJAMTOIN TO CAKUY ON OOOD ltOADS WOltK OVKItTL'tll-" PltliSIDKNT. WILL PICK TEACHERS ON TUESDAY EVENING (From Saturday's Dally llulletln.) The first spring day In several weeks started the bug on good roads, an a result of which tlm Ilend Auto mobile club was organltcd this noon nt a meeting held at thu Pilot Iluttu Inn. Dispensing with many or tho us ual formulltloa of organization, the club elected li, J. Ovcrturf, presi dent; Harper W. Hkuso, vice presi dent; Prank It. Prince, secretary, and Clyde M. McKay, treasurer. That the club may be on n work ing foundation within a abort time, Prealdeut Ovcrturf appointed Dennis Carmody, O. C. Heukle and P. C Harrison a committee on constitu tion mid bylaws, upon which a re port will be given ut the next meet ing March 31. To interest not only owners of automobiles in the advancement of tho cause or good roads, It wan sug gested Hint a Killers' Club bo mi adjunct organisation to tho auto mobile club, this organization to havo a membership of "go-aloiiga" who are Interostud In tho good roads movomeiit of this locality. Tho moetliig this noon was called nt tho liiHtlgntlon of A. Whlsuuiit, who culled the meeting together mid briefly outlined tho purposes and IntoiitloiiH, Twunty-sovon nitto owners and others were in ntteiidanco at tho mooting. OPPOSITION IS DENIED Klka ut The DuIIoh Will Not lllock Organization nt llond. (From Monday's Dally.) That the Klka lodgo at Thu Halloa will offer no opposition to tho grant ing of n charter tor n lodgo lu llond, wna tho word rocelved hero today by Vornon A. Forbes, oua off tho primo movers in tho prollmlunry work of organization horo. Tho Btntumont wna made In con tradiction of a report which had tntt matod that tho lodgo at Tho Dnllos would provo a stumbling block lu tho way of the llond antlored herd. School Hoard Mcots uud Adjourns, After Deciding on Co-OjhtiiHoii With Athletic Club. (From Saturday's Dally.) Lacking time to go Into tho work thoroughly, the Head school board, meeting last night, postponed the annual election of teachers for the coming school year, and will take up this and other business ut an ad journed meeting to be held Tues day evening. Discussion was hold as to the ad visability of co-operating with thu llond Amateur Athletic club by hav ing an instructor in the schools who would be able to handle both man ual training and physical training. It was decided to tnko the matter up with the athletic club. The directors voted In rnvor of taking out a membership in the Na tional Kducutlounl association. As the sequel to a fistic encoun ter In which .he engaged last night. 17 year old Harry Kvans, sou of Pert Kvans, of this city. Is confined lu the Ilend Hurgrtal Hospital today, Buffering from a knife wound lu the I left side. Ills alleged assailant ! , fJQ Howard, the 13 year old son of J C. Itaney, or Ilend. According to Information placed In the hands or District Attorney II. II. DoArtnoud, the two hoys were scuffling shortly after f o'clock last night and the blows exchanged bo came too strenuous to suit the taste of the younger lad. Drawing his pocket knife, he pluuped It Into young Kvans' side. Heavy clothes worn by tho older boy saved him from serious Injury, and It was re ported at the hospital today that he wan In no real danger. Young Itauoy's lather Is reported to bo seriously ill, and because of this, Kvans' parents are unwilling to take any formal action In tho mat ter. District Attorney DeArmond Is taking the matter under advisement, I ho stated this afternoon. a P - The Family Cream Separator Have you seen the New Sharp ies? Tho entire family will be delighted with this wonderful invention which we have re ceived from the "world's largest separator factory." Your girl may turn slowly end make tho work very easy. Your boy can readily fill the large low supply can. THE NEW HARPIES SUCTION-FEED separator akima clean at an$ speed. Capacity increases as vou turn faster so vou can finish ih Job toontr when In hurry. Deliver cream of ih exmet thlcknean detlnd no matter what th speed. Nootherseparator has theseimportant advantages. The simple tabular bowl Is a favor! to wi. the women folks It's so easy to clean. There are onljr three pieces- ns discs to wash. The Section-feed Separator has many other new and exclutive features. Bring in the whole family and let us show you juit how it work. You'll ail be interested and well be clad to tee you. F. DEMENT & CO. BEND. : OREGON Opposite Pott 0ct Genuine Sharpies repairs and oMs carried In stoex a & Ml C U-aBSTCffUl Wi'3 I ta . ?5flVj-JiCt2L I fJMl m &vLJJ$W$'te ,-iBauESiv iwn y-2r K a n B H H Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. TO (llVi: DINM'lt DANCi: (Kroni Monday's Dally.) Manager W. C. Illrdsall, or the I'llot Ilutto Inn, amiounceB that on Thursday evening tho first of n ser ies of dinner dance will bo given at the new hotel to which the public Is Invited. It Is expected to hold the dances regularly hereafter. BETTER ATTENDANCE IN SCHOOLS WANTED County Kunertiitcndfiit Thompson riiuiN to Introduce Ortlfirnto H)tcm, ns KiigKcMctl. (From Monday's Dally.) Acting on a suggestion received from Superintendent of Public In struction J. A. Churchill, County School Superintendent J, Alton Thompson la planning on tho Intro- TIVY OUR Pasteurized Milk Other Lie it. None Ketpt Let. trr, Salei have doubled in pad 30 dayi. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' CREAMERY i Phone Red 131 No Want Too Big No Want Too Small That BAUER'S GROCERY Can't Fill for You And delUcr promptly and In the bebt condition. Our Krocerlea, produce, fruit ore nlnuya fresh. Our sanitary refrigerator counter Loop our dairy poducts cool and fresh, llcst prices In cuuned goods of the best brands. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street, Near Onto Phone Red 161 RlliVL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE LWESTMUNTS C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTS FOR SALE IN EVERY ADDITION IN BEND TIJinER PROPERTY HANDLED FOR NON-RESIDENTS. HOUGHT AND SOLD. OFFICE OREGON STREET ONE CENT A WORP IS ALL A LITTLB WANT AD WILL COSf VOU, For slgu painting see Edwards. Air.