The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1917, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    I'AOK 2.
IlKNl) ItUMiirriN, I1KNI), OHKflOX, TIII'ltHIUY, MAUCH 1115, 1017.
Central Oregon
--- -
(Special to ThoUullctln.)
CLOVRIUMI.R, March 11. Mrs.
"W. W. Collins has returned homo
from Snlom where alio wont to ago
her son. Her niece, ot Portland,
enmo home with nor.
John Oottcr and Ernest Itesseo
(shipped two cars ot cattle to Port
land Saturday.
II, C. Miller made a business trip
to Portland Saturday.
Mr. Pugh was out to Mr. MlUor's
Elmer Van Matro visited In Slstera
nnd Clorordnlo last Sunday and Mon
day. Gilbert Weston killed a mad coy
oto over by Mr. Templeton's place
last 'Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. II. O. Wilson were
calling on Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Van
Matro Sunday aftornoon.
Verne Sketton, Earl Miller nnd
Dean Van Matro spent Sunday even
ing with Walter Iloyd.
A numbor ot the young peoplo ot
Clovordalo entertained the Council
vlub Friday night with a very In
teresting dialogue. Thoro was also
n recitation nnd a song by Earl
Grube. Walter Uoyd, Idclla Miller
nnd Eleanor Grube.'
W. W. Von Matrc received n tel-
iipram frnm hln nlit lintnn In WU.
vonsln that his brother, Elvln, had
died In Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Geo. Cyprus leaves tomorrow to
ace his mother, who has been sick
tor some time.
iowkijIj mrrTE.
(Special toTho Dullctln.)
TOWELL nUTTE, March 18. Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. II. Mortz. neo Lina
Moore, wero guests of Mr. and Mrs.
It. G. Moore over Sunday. Mrs.
Mertr still has about six weeks ot
(school to teach before tho term
Itoss Davis, who has been In the
valley for bo mo time, Is now work
ing for Dllly Wilson.
Clyde Mooro writes from Scattlo
that he is going to Tacoraa to visit.
Mrs. L. W. Van Doren and Mrs. U. '
1. Mooro visited tho Wilson school
"Wednesday aftornoon. I
Mrs. Dlly Wilson has been sut-'
ferlng from facial nouralgla tho past'
week. Also an attack of bronchitis. 1
Mrs. N. P. Alley made several
trips to Bend last week. She Is hav
ing dental work done. i
ing or Repairing Buildings beaten by
Winter Weather,
We Carry the Biggest and Most Com
Pte Line of Builders' Hardware of
any Firm in Central Oregon.
Mado of woll
seasoned No. 1
clear fir, elegant
ly finished, show
ing handsome
grain effect,
which can be
brought out by
using a stain.
2-6x6-0, 1 li In,
2-CxG-G, 1 in.
2-8x6-8, IK in.
2-10x0-10. 1
In. thick.
3-0x7-0, 1 in.
2-CxC-C, 1 inches thick,
2-8xG-S, 1 Inches thick.
2-lOxG-lO, 1 inches thick.
3-0x7-0, 1 Indies thick,
- ---- ----
.. - . -
Miss Gladys Hrcon visited with
Mrs. A. W. Uayn nttor school Thurs
day. Leo Ulggs came down from Hamp
ton Hutto Saturday with tour head
of horses,
Rdwln Moore Is keening bachelor
hall and going to school In Redmond.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Allou Wlllcoxen,
Mrs. ltoeres Wlllcoxen. Mrs. J. M.
Shearor and Mrs. O. E. lluttartlold
attended the dnnca In Hcdmond Sat
urday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson wont
to Redmond Saturday evening to tho
dance, returning to tho ranch Sun
day ntternnon.
The homo of C. M. Charlton was
destroyed by tiro Thursday evening
It is roported that everything was
burned. They nro living with Geo
Hobbs now.
Mr. nnd Mrs. S. 1). Mustard wero
Redmond visitors Saturday after
Al. Shulti, ot Alfalfa. Is In this
vlclnty with his wood saw, nnd ev
ery one that hasn't n pile of wood
on hand is busy getting one.
E. L.. Johnson, our present post
master, is making arrangements to
go to his farm at Sllvordalc. Wash
ington, about tho first of April. The
postoftlce nnd general merchandise
store will bo In charge ot Ross Bus-
Tho woolgrowors association met
nt tho hall on Friday evening. Pow
ell Hutto now hns, besides the ntiovo
named, a potato growers association,
a bull association, nnd a horse breed
ers association. It seems tho only
thing forgotten Is tho hog, nnd the
price that hogs nra now, nnd still on
tho rise, someone ought to stat n
hog association.
Geo. Hobbs, Atvtn Rlggs and Doe
Dnyn went to Dcnd Monday night
to attend tho boxing match.
HA.MPTO.V jirrn;
(Special to Tho Dulletln.)
In tho past tew weeks we have been
plentifully supplied with moisture,
in the form ot snow. Owing to the
snow remaining on tho ground so
late in tho season, some people nro
compelled to buy ha)' tor their live
stock. Messrs McCloth, Helm and Forbes,
of Stautfor. passed through horn
with hay, which they purchased nt
Hampton. W. W. Brown, who has
his sheep at Glass Duties, Is out of
A very handsome beveled de
sign, with sharp square corners,
highly finished surface, two
2Vix7 inch escutcheon plates,
hoavy 2 Vi inch knobs to match,
revorslhlo lock 2xZ Inch,
comploto with strike plato, koy
and screws, A good style for
bungalows. Old copper finish,
and light dull brass finish.
We iwd 10,000 pound.
mote buttrf (it each
month, and
limit to out churning
Call or titr, and we
will riplain our new
method t.
We ate going lo put
thit cteameiy on the
creameiy map.
Oregon Fanners' Creamery
Bend. Oirgon.
grain (or feed for his sheep, nnd Is
buying hay In tho Hampton district
to teed.
Mr. Walters' threshing outfit
passed through hero Saturday on tho
way homo to Wngontlro. They havo
been threshing In tho Brothors
J, O. Whltnkor has gone to Cor
vnllls, to visit tits pnrents. His
fathor Is hnvlng honrt trouble.
Mr. Nuto enmo on tho stugo Inst
week nnd Is a guest nt tho Itomu ot
Norvnl Brown.
lko Zeroff nnd Jim Dunn woroj
business visitors nt Vic Schroder's ono
day last week.
Tom C. Ewlng haa gone to Bond
on business.
Mr. Best returned from Bend nnd
passed through hero Monday on his
way homo nt Stnuffor. Ho was nc-
rnmnntilnil liv Mr. MllSHOr. who has
taken a homestead nonr Glass Butte. '
Mrs. Musser rnmo out on tho stngn '
today and will join her husband nt '
Jimmy and Hannah Brlckoy woro
guests of V. Schroder last Wednes
day night.
Mr. Hall, or Salem, rnme hero Inst
week nnd tiled on n 640 aero grilling
claim near Glass Butto.
Mr, Unit says that scvoral ot his
friends nonr Salom will come hi the
near future to file on grnxlng claims.
J. M. Brlckoy was a business vis
itor hero yestorday.
Miss Currle Brown visited with
Mrs. Horace Brookings several duys
this week.
C. J. Stauffer, V. S. Land Commis
sioner, was n guest of Bert Mreka
last night, being on his way to Hamp
ton to transact business.
Mrs. Iifo Wilson made tlnnl proof
on her homostend beforo Commis
sioner Stauffer today.
When ordering always glvo tho
width first; always glvo exact
size ot glass, not ot sash, or
wood work.
Sash is usually
shipped In sin
gla strength, dou
ble strength
glass runs eight
lights to Inch,
single strength ' runs 12
lights to tho Inch, wo uso
only best grade of glass and
all sash Is very carefully
packed. All check rail win
dows aro plowed and bored,
"8S" moans slngla strength,
"DS" moans double strength.
Vie Johnson recently trapped n
gray wolf In thin vicinity.
Wmlu Mooro was n guest nt tho
BrookliiKS hotel lust night,
Bert McokH outdo n trip to Hamp
ton yesterday,
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
HAMPTON, March .Mrs. M.
II. Crow spent Thursday with Mrs.
C. 11, Harmnit.
Mr, Mooro, ot Brothors, spent Sun
day night nt Leo Rlggs'.
Davo Spurbock loft Sunday for
Uoneaseo, Idaho,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Jimmy Brlckoy spent
Wednesday at J. O. Whllnkor's.
Leo Rlggs and Claud Smith start
ed for Powell Butto Wednesday.
A. S. Fogg nnd family loft Sun
day for their homo In tho Willam
ette Valley. They will bo greatly
missed by tholr friends ut Hamp
ton. C. B. Hiiriunu made n trln tn ci. n.
Klng'a last Thursday.
Hugh Crow started for Bond Hun.
Darin Burton called on Lnrlnda
Crow Saturday.
Mrs. J. o. Whltnkor visited at
Mabel Btreotor's Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Wilson spent last
Wednesday with K. M. Peck's.
Wm. Searcy has returned to his
homestead, nttor n five mouths' ab
sence. Lorlndn Crow mid l)arlo Burton
called on Mrs. Mary Whlttaker Wed
nosday. MII.LIt'AN.
(Special to Tho Bulletin)
Mll.LlCAN. March 17 Tin. rirln.
stods hnvo now alincm! flnUhml iimir
now house and moved n large trunk
load of furniture nut WmltiKmlnv
Frank Leo called at the R. It. Kel
ler homo Thursday.
Geo. Mllllcnu returned to his homo
P. II. Johnson nnd children, Paul
nnd Grace, made n trip to Bend last
Thursday, returning Frldn. Tho
children hnd somn iimitui wnrts ,i,,n..
while nt Bend, nnd hnd a good tlm
Llttlo Bertha Spencer hns been
quite III with In grippe, but Is better
at this writing.
Frank Leo visited with tho J. J.
Holland family Wednesday.
Walter Mllllcnu left for his homo
In the Willamette Valley last Wed
nesday. MVKlt IIRIDGi:
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
LOWER BRIDGE. March 16. 11.
S. Towno was kicked by one of his
horses last Thursday. Mr. Hunt
rushed him to Redmond to the doc
tor. who found tliut ono of his ribs
wns broken.
Gus Stadlg wns a visitor In Red'
moml on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fuller went to
Redmond Monday to mnko final proof
on their homestead.
Tho Lower Brldgo Grange will
meet Saturday, March 17. Mr.
Keeney, of Opnl City Orange will be
The Kind Your Stock Needs. Made in Bend.
For Dahy Cows, Hogs, Home, and Sheep. Ours is tho only plant in
Central Oregon equipped to turn out these products, and our prices
make it possible for you to use them advantageously. We also have
ready Alfalfa Chicken Mash, Chicken Scratch Food, Chick Food, Calf
Meal, and a complete stock of all feeds needed in Central Oregon.
The Highest Grade only of second cutting alfalfa is used for all our
mixed ration foods.
Don't subscribe to popular fallacies
Meat contains GO per cent water.
Potatoes, 75 per cent water. i
Milk 80 to 90 per cent water.
Flour, 131fc per cent water.
A pound of meat costs 20 and 25 cents.
A pound of flour costs four cents. And yet there is more en
ergy in a pound of flour than in a pound of beef.
WHEAT FLOUR Cheapest and best food. U. S. test proves it.
Deschutes Spray and True Blue Flours make the finest tasting
bread on the market, because they are made from the highest grado
wheat obtainable.
FARMERS: Inquire about our re-cleaned seed before you do
J -Ji lllg OUViUill.
Kgga 385
Hoof, sirloin . 410
Mutton, leg , .445
Milk . 1030
Fork, loin 1036
Ohooso 1185
Ilutter . 13G5
Ur'kfnst foods 1480
Illco . 2025
Fotatoon , 2050
Iloans, drlod , 3040
Whont Flour . C540
Bend Flour Mill Company
present. Mr. nnd Mrs. Loruit Camp
bell are to bo Initiated. A short
piny entitled "From Wny Down Knst"
Is to bo Hinged)
Mr. nnd Mrs, It. H. Tnvviin, Mr. and
Mrs. tliiH Htiullg wero entertained
by .tho WulteiH on Friday,
Mr. and Mih. f F. HohUIiih and
Marlon Hosklim went (o Redmond
on Wednesday.
Mrs. A. J. Fuller, Martha William
son, Marlon Hosklim and Lorou
Canvpholl worn entertained at tho
homo ot Mr. mid Mrs. Car! House
On Tuesday evening.
Earl Wlrtsw oiler wan a visitor nt
tho Long Hollow ranch tho past week,
having made the trip front Portland
In n now cur.
C. W. Clap nnd Ernest Mitchell
motored to Redmond on Wednes
day. The Lower Brldgo Wntor Users
association held n meeting at tho
school house Thursday evening. Gus
Stadlg, L. A. Hunt. Jon Howard nnd
Sid West wero appointed as a com
mittee to inset with tho Cloverdalo
water users (or the purpose of formu
lating plans In connection with dis
tribution ot water.
Mrs. Harrington and Mrs. Mitchell
motored to Redmond Saturday.
Much Extra Work In Mnrrli,
It's between seasons, when few
persons perspire as health demnnds.
Tho result Is double work for tho
kidneys, to throw out waste elim
inated through pores when persons
perspire. Overworked kidneys need
help. II. II. Htoue, Rending Pit.,
writes! "When I need n kidney
remedy, I rely on Foley Kidney
Pills," Hold everywhere. Adv.
(.Special to The Bulletin.)
CLOVKRDALK. March 1 8. --Mr.
Peterson went to Bend Saturday af
ter relatives,
Mrs. J. It. Hkeltnn linn been quite
sick with the mensles, but Is better
nt this writing.
John (letter leaves Tuesday for
his old homo In Iowa, to visit his
Tho Mathews family has moved
on the W. I). Pugh place.
John Dennis uud Kd. Hpoo, of Sis
ters, will lio In tho nelghbnrlinad
this week sawing wood for different
Mary Fryrenr spent the wr-ek end
nt home. She returned to Redmond
Sunday on the stage.
Jack Weston, of Terrebonno. Is
over hem visiting his sous, Al and
Calvin Biirnsldn delivered oats In
Redmond Friday.
II. C. Kline Is remodeling his
house. Ho Is raising tho root and
making It bungalow stylo.
Al Weston hnd n oolt die with the
rubles last week.
Mrs. Kd. Hpoo nod little smi spent
Inst week with her mother. Mrs.
II. C. Mlllor nnd F. O. Cuttlp made
n business trip lo Redmond Inst week
Carl Woods purchased some cat
tie of E. W. Van Matro the last of
the week
Mrs. Henry Beard i utertalned the
U. B. Dopnrtmont of Agrlaulttiro
farmers' Dulletln No. 142.
Knorgy Musclo nnd Strength Olv
lug Qualities.
Ono pound of Deschutes Horny Flour,
costing 3 to 4 cents, will go us far
us iwo pounds
to 25 cents per
Indies' sowing club at her lininn hint
Wednesday nfleruooii.
The sowing club will meet with
Mrs, I.. (I. (Initio March UH.
Hovel al of tho farmers of Clover
dulo iittoud tho ratlin association
meeting ut Sisters Saturday utter
noon. Mr. nnd Mrs. N. N. Kluns enter
tained u parlr, consisting nt Mr, anil
Mrs. Harold lJllip,rf-J VArthur mid
Eleanor Umbo, Hal dine, Roland
Crow, Demi Van iVhrfrn, Marl unit
Iilollu Milter, Tuesday night.
Tracy Beard, of trio valley, Is vis
Itlug his pnrents, Mr. and Mrs, Green
Mr, mid Mrs, M. A, I'arten, of Clov
erdalo, nro the happy parents ot an
Mi pound hoy, born .March 1.1.
Henry Hoard nnd family wont lo
Lamoiitn Saturday to visit Mrs.
Beard's father and brother.
Council Club Flntay night, Mnrch
33. Kverybndy Invited.
Dan Torron ami Frank Flueley
started working tor E. 14. Ilessu to
(Hpoolnl to The Bulletin.)
HIHTKRH, March 1 1. Chris Hor
euseu, who has bueu employed lis
street car conductor In Hpokmie, li
calling on old friends In Sisters.
Nets Knpang was up from his
homestead last week.
Herman Seninnii was In from Clov
ordain Saturday.
W W. Van .Matro. of Cloverdole.
was to town Kntiirday.
Mrs, George E. Aitkin, who hns
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Fred
Wloso, In Corvnllls, has returned to
her homo In Hlsters. Mrs, Aitkin's
mother, Mrs. E. Lyons, who has been
spending the winter In Cnrvnlllii.
emtio hack with Mrs. Allkeii. Mrs
Cyrus and Mrs. Altkeii wero ncciini
puuicti ny Geo. Cyrus.
Walter J Hendricks, of tho Grand
view district, was In Hlaiiim Hiiiiir
A large number ot people were In
town Saturday attending a- stock
men's meeting.
Rev. J. Kilwnnl lllnlr Mimlnri,i
preaching service In the Presbyter
lau church Sunday eroding.
Harry Helslni: him luum limn,,..
hay through Hlsters from Clorerdale.
in mo noising ranch on the Mntollus
(Other Correspondence no Pago fi )
Ami linrMlgnte our pricf
before buying your gYoorrlo.
We ran sure you money.
.Mllllcnu, Ore Telephone
or incur Costing 20
U" I 1