The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 22, 1917, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
vol. xy,
NO. a
l ,
51 1
$100,000 REQUIRED
"Ilond llultilrr Toll Cltlim I In Will
fJimmiittv ('oiiktriiiiloit of 10
Mllrw of I toad I'Yoiit lli'tf,
I:h'miIImk NOO,000.
(From Tuesday's Dnlly)
Will llnud linnil Itself tor 1100,000
to Insure Imiuudliitn construction of
the Htrithoru road Into ihn Kurt Hook
Thnt question wn put up to thn
rlty rouneil, directors of thn Com.
marelnl "club Ami other citizens by
Itnberl K. Htrnhorn nt u nicotinic hold
In ttio eotinoll room yoitordny after
noon. U Ilond will put up 1100,000, Mr,
titration! null tin will guarantee to
brgln roiislruotlou nt onro ami enrry
It (or 40 mlltM, nr over llio hill Into
the Kurt lloek valley.
Thn 1100.000 would not tin A do
nation. For It thn rlty would re
ceive, according In Mr. .Ntrnliorn's
outllnw yesterday, n security entitling
It to u proportional pnrt of the worn
lnK of thn company.
9HOU.OOO lo llt HK-ltl.
inw security, in win rorm nt it
Wml. cfr mim other Instrument.
waulr-Vw negotiable and rould bo
jKdd'AtlNy (dun, the nrlm to be re
vived (or It depending on tlit value
lHt on It ly Investor At the time.
1( It were held by the rlty It would
constantly shunt In thn company'
TIih omt of thn 40 mil of ron
tfHetltH would lt about lfiUO.000.
nt which m cuttaltJarabie itortluti would
It spent in llsml.
Itttllmad M0HI whlrh will he built
Iwe whnn thn railroad In uoiwilruetml
-Mad thn nwd Itiwlf will give employ-
lttHt to A HUH)lwr Of mH, WttltttHlwl
altera Q to 180.
hlrwliorn I4plnln.
In presenting thn proposition lo
the meeting, Mr. Utrahnrn said thnt
lie hHd always expected to aeouro
3 to 30 pec cent of thn rout of the
read, In Addition to thn terminals
and right of wny, from thn commun
ities benefitted. KIhiiihIIi Fnll hnil
put up $100,000 and n fair nlmro
from llend would bn $100,000 He
tutld thut he wu not arguing thnt
llend should do thin, but simply ox
plaining thut It Dend were sufficient
ly intarnsled to do It, ho would gtinr
nnteo Immediate construction.
Following questions from those
present, designed to bring out All
phase of tho proposition, Floyd Do
romit, am president of tho Commercial
club, appointed it committee to con
sider the nmttor hih! to rnuvnwi the
IiuhIuomi luturoRtH or tho town to
Imhi tholr nttltuilo. Thn commit
t9, poniUtluK of C. H. Hudion, 1). K.
lluntor, J. 1, Koyoii, J. N, lluntor and
. J. Kroomirt, la oxpooted to tnnko
a ruport nt tho mootliiR of tho Com
mercial club on Wednesday.
(From Tuoadoy'a Dully.)
If you wnnt to ko to Alankn, don't
KO to tho IlrookH-Rraulon Lumbor Co.
nfflco, for thn eubjoct Ih taboo tboro.
This wna tho doclarntlon of I). h.
WIkkIiih, In chnrga of tho downtown
offlco of (ho oompnny. In proof of
hfs romnrk, Mr. WIkIiis Inst nlKht
put up m noat vIrii In rod Ink on tho
front door of hla offlcos warnliiR np
pllrnuta that tho llroolu-Scnulon
Co. known nothliiK nbouC-Xho north
fKiuntry. i'-
"Hojuo war Htnrted tho rAort thnt
wo wore lilrln men for in uVlnttko
Job," ho oxplAluod, "ami yoHtorduy
wo worn nluiolutoly avvumpod with
non soukliiR n froo trip north, I
nimu bAck at noon nnd tho offlco
wna flllod with tbnm, nml I wna
tocod to put up a bIrii In Bolt do
fpnso, for tho men rofusod to bollovo
mu when I told tlium I know notli
1iir of Alaskn."
Tho offloo wna compnrntlvoly froo
from prospective "aour dougliB" this
nftoniQQi), Mr. WIkkIus reported.
Adam KoUiiihii i l'itvo Toiuoniitr
to Aid UN Hiiiin With I'I.h-U on
JMun .Mountain ItldRr.
(From Woilnoadny'a Unlly.)
Flvo hundred head of ahoep In
ohnriie of CbnrloH nnd John Kotz
mnnn nro mnrooni'd In thu deti nnow
on Plitu Mouutnln rlilcc and nro
rnpldly runiiliiK abort of food, It wan
reported nt thn offlco of tho !)
nhuloa iiatlounl forimt thin morn
M. V. Mntblimnif linn loft llend
with a truck loud of atipplloa, nnd
Admit KoUmnnu uxpeota to Iwtvo
Hand tomorrow mornliiR to aid bla
aona In rurliiK for tholr woolly
It may bo found nccpnanry to build
ahoda to ahollor thn ahnvp, V. V. liar
phati). AMUtRiit foreat auporrlaor,
announcml today
BOND ISSUE IS, itiismKNTfi di;i:i'j.v i..
Ol'I'Hltltl IIV m'M.KTI.V.
.(From WetlHHadHy'a Dally.)
Will thw $100,000 bond lun to
Inaum Dtrnhoru eottatruiitlon thla
aumiMr, bn pmhm!7
Thla waa the upfwrmnat In the
lalnda of moat Ilnnd raaWata thla
tnornlHK) hiiiI Inrldentally the chief
topk of eouveraatlnu tbrouxbout the
bualbowt dlatrlct. Kuota or mu
gatliHrod ou the atrneta nnd lit ahnpa
dlaeuaaliiK thn nilvnntuKoa to llend
of the propoaed move, and wonder
ItiR wnnt artlou would he inken III
tha matter.
To kIvh nvoryouo In llend a chance
to rxRlater bla opinion ou the bond
laauo, The Ilulletlu la prlutliiR ou thla
page, n ooupoit almpllfled bnllot.
If you huve nn opinion on thu
queeUou, cither fnvornblo, or un
fuvornble, cut out the coupon, mark
nu "X" nfter "yea" or "no." accord
liift to your attltudo on thn aubjeat,
and nmll or brim: It to Tho llulletln.
IinllotA ahnuld be alRiied, to Inauro
unnlimt duplfratlon,
I'irriTio.N iiv i.o('ai. 1.01x11: mkn
TUUMCl) OVKK T() dihtuict
DKI'UTV llHADM.V Will Hlti
(From WednoBdny'a Dally.)
That tho work uudurtukou by local
KlliH to Bocuro u chnrtor (or tho
iiioiubora of tho nlitlorod herd hero la
progroasliig moat Bntlafnctorily Ja tho
report of Vornon a. Forboa, who wua
Inatrumontal In compllliiR much of
tho ilntn Bent to tho Rrnnd ottlcora
of tha ordor, with tho charter pott
tlon a! few wceku ni;o,
Mr, Forboa hua roootvod word thnt
tho tnttttur bus now boon turnod ovur
to tho dlatrlct deputy, O, O. Drodloy,
of Portland, and npparontly no ab'
Joctlona livo .lioon mudo to dnto, Mr.
Forbes utaloa.
Mr. Urndloy'a rocommondutlon. It
la understood, will bo autficiMit tp
warrant a dispensation IioIur lusuoil.
No chnrtor can bo crantotT until tho
national convention In Juno,
Hcnd Aiunlotir Allilftlc Club, iin
J'tTiniiiiriit OruniilJitlon, .Vmv
I'ri'iNirivi to furry (iyniiiiut
Iti tn to Cotiiplrllon.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Thn llend Amateur Athletic club
Kot on a working duals last night ns
a pcrinnnent orRnnlMtlon, with tho
adoption of tho constitution nnd by
laws submitted by the oommlttco
elected at the Inst meotltiK nnd thu
election of officers for tho ensulni;
Carl A. Johnson, onsblor of Tho
flliovlln-Hlxoii Company, nnd for sev
eral yoare Intimately Interested In
the building up of n Inxo and nctlvo
momborahlp of the llomldjl Amateur
Athletic club, of UemldJI, Minnesota,
whs olocted president without op
position. Other offlcora elected
were Frod A. Woelflon, vice presi
dent: board of directors, II. K. Al
len, director for one year, T. II. Fol
ey, director for two years, and K. II.
Stoehr, director for threo yeara. Tho
aecretury and treasurer will be ap
pointed by the boad of directors at
the first meeting of the bonrd.
HulldliiK ('ommlttru Itrporta.
In order to obtain opinions from
the members present tho building
committee, through Lee A. Thomas,
nrchltoct, submitted a tentative re
port upon the prngreaa of tho work
that luta been accomplished to date.
According to the preliminary figures
submitted, the gymnasium building,
70 feet by 111 feet, will cost approx
imately $9,600. In so far ns thoro
has been such a great demand by
the rwbtfajtpr, a jtwjmmjijg. tank,
figures weri submitted Toshow a par
tial approximate coat for thla fea
ture Kxcluslve or the boating fea
tures necessary to complete the tank
Mr. Thomas eatlmataa that the pool
will cost about $4000, and as to the
heating and plumbing, the commit
ter will be preiiared to submit an
approximate figure at the next regu
lar meeting next Monday night
thn l'rnblera club.
Aa tkn present plan provides, tit
building will virtually be a three
story structure. In the laement will
he the swimming pool, 60 by 20 feet,
locker rooms, holler room, bowling
alley and kitchen. The main floor
will accommodate the gymunalum,
70 feet aquare, with walla 40 feet
high and a balcony. That entertain
ments tuny be properly eared for, a
stage 30 feet wide and 20 feet deep
with dressing rooms, has been In
cluded In the plans. Ou the second
floor in the front of the bulldlnr;
will be three club rooms to be used
fur billiard rooms, lounging rooms
nnd library, so arranged and par
titioned that they tuny be thrown
Into one large room.
D. K. lliinter'Tlinukeil.
Deeming It the proper time to ex
press lie Appreciation, tne cunt unn-
ituously voted Tho llend Company
and D, M. Hunter, Its manager, Its
expression or thanks and apprecla-!
tlon for tho gift Hint thnt company,
niatio 01 property upon witicii tlie
gymnasium le to be constructed.
Do You Favor
the Strahorn Bond Issue?
In ordor to got nt the public senti
ment In reaped to tho proposed Stra
horn bond Issue or $100,000 to In
sure tho beginning or construction
this summer, thoro la printed bolow
a coupon vota which every voter Is
urged to clip and Bond to Tho Ilulle
tlu with Ills choice marked, IMouso
sign your hallut and send to Tho
Ilulletlu at once.
Strahorn $100,000 Bond Issue
YES. NO 1.
Mn i.) cnoss after, side votbd rpj
Question ,
r .
Commit HIiotiriiN Time for Inllluthe
find llcfrrrinluiii, to I'nrllltuio
TniiNnKn of City l-StndliiK
Ilond Ordinance.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Instead nr being governed by the
aumbersornii statutory provlidons reg
ulating tho Invoking of lultlatlvo or
roforundum, liond now has a sys
tem nfl Its own, A charter amend
ment providing for tho chnngo was
passed last night under an emergency
clause by tho city council In npoclal
session, on special request from
Koeler Ilros., of Denver, In connec
tion with tfio $10,000 city funding
bond lssua, In return for which tho
Denver firm Is to take up the city's
warrant Indebtedness.
Thu chief Obnuge made Is thnt 10
days Instead of CO Is required for
preliminaries In the holding of an
Initiative or referendum election,
the time being shortened to nllow
the bond Iseue to be authorized ha
soon ns poaslble. It la also pointed
out thai the new provisions will be
of considerable uld In caso of nn
election to authorize a $100,000 bond
Isaue to Insure tho commoncoment
or construction on the Strnborn rail
way from llend.
Would Alter Kcnl.
Tho communication from Keeler
Ilros., In which tho recommendation
wan made, also asked that tho city
change Its official son I, so as to read
"Deschutes county" Instead or Crook
Other matters considered by the
aoujjcll coiialatBd..of,buslncssJcttivQr.
Irom tho previous meeting. Tho
ordinance regulating license feee for
pool and billiard rooms, on a grad
uated scale, was passed, the new dog
inuutllnR ordinance was officially np
provod, and the ordinance providing
a $fi license fee Instead of the $2
f hitherto levied ror boxing and
wrestling exhibitions, was passed.
City Knglneer Kobert U. Could
was authorised to begin work on
plana, sneciricatlone and estimates or
cost ror the construction or sewer
lateral No. 30.
All members or tha council were
.MtiKlrul Kiitertnlninout, a. tho Final
Number, limits Good Wo u so.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Appearing lit n varied pi gram
at the (Irttnd Theatre Inst nigh., the
llrewer Musical Hntortuluera cl.aod
the lyeeum season In Ilond. Dosnlto
other entertainments offorod at the
same time, a good crowd attonde.
nnd enjoyed the vocal and Instru
mental numbers given by Mrs. Draw-
or nnd her two daughters. The In-
atrumental nrournni consisted of vln.
Itn, olarlonet, piano nnd troinl'ono
Tho entertainment was given un-
tier the auspices of tho llend htch
or Oppose
llecniiBO there Ib considerable mls
undoretnudlng about tho nmttor, n
space has been left on the coupon
ou which questions rotating to tha
proposod bond Issue and other rail
road mutters may bo asked All
questions will bo auswored In The
Ilullotlii. Whoro local information
Is not sufficient to glvo ndoquato
atiBwors, thoy will bo obtained Irom
Mr. Strahorn.
I'rojHTty 110 by mo I't Will Ito
I'ut Into TmiuU Coiirtn for
L'so or tho Ourtta.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Making her first visit to fiend to
attend the opening of tho Pilot Hutto
Inn oil Hnturday night, Mrs, Lester
it. Ilrooks, whose son, Philip It.
Ilrooks, owns tho hotel, has been so
Impressed with the location And fu
ture possibilities of tho town that
she has Insisted that tho retsalndor
of tho block on which tho hotel Is
situated be acquired, Sho has there
fore purchased tho lot from If. J,
Overturf and will give it to her son
In connection with the successful in
auguration or his hotel enterprise.
The property which Mrs. Ilrooks
is buying lies on Wall street beyond
the present Inn property and has a
consldorablo grado down Irom tho
street. It Is Mrs. Ilrooks' intention
to park It and build tcnnla courts
ror the uso or guests or tho hotel.
Other portions or tho lot In tho rear
ot the Inn are now being put In shnpo
ror lawns and gardens.
The now lot Is 110x210 reel In
slzn nnd gives tho hotel a complete
block ror expansion.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Cut off by heavy snow from tho
usual supply of provisions from Dend,
tho residents of Connolly, in the Fort
flock soctlon. are rapidly running
short of rood. It was reported hero
today. A roller expedition compris
ing throe nuto loads or supplies In
chargo or George Stoke, M. W, Math-
uduii, yiiu uuuii, i-. is. r jcuaiuiiUf
Sam Dixon and Joe and Charles An
derson, attempted to reach the town
via the Fox Dutte road but woro
unable to make any headway through
the deep drifts.
Stalled near Fox Tlutte, the party
Bent Charles Anderson ahead to en
deavor to find a way for them to get
through, but he returned the next
morning, both heels frosen, and no
suggestions to offer. Late at night,
when several mile from camp, he
had attempted to seek shelter In the
huge mall box of Frank L. Watklna,
a homesteader In the section, but
was too large to gain entrance.
1'iairr with Indians duiuxq
Tin: sioux w.u.
(From TuosdaV'a Dally.)
While Kobort E. Strahorn waa
ipoaklng at tho Pilot Dutte Inn Sat
urday night on tho occasion or the
formal opening of the now hotel, few
realized that ho waa colobratlng the
anniversary ot ono ot tho most thrill
ing episodes in his career. Tho story
leaked out last night just before tho
road builder took his doparturo from
Forty-onp years ago, on St. Pat
rick's day, Mr. Strahorn, as a iiowb
paper correspondent, rode with a
company ot 47 aoldtero during tho
Sioux war, to surprise, an Indian
village. After riding and marching
48 bourn, the surprise was effected,
but anothor party supposed to havo
como up from tho other aldo, failed
to urrlvo, and tho Boldlors woro left
to fight It out for thomsolves, sur
rounded by 300 warriors.
Mr. Strahorn was In thu thick of
the fray. "Oonornl Crook used to
say that I was bettor with a rltlo
than with a pen," ha remarked, "anil
it waa lucky tor me that this was so,
ror every man was noodod that day.
"I cannot help contrasting the
hardships which wo endured in thoso
days, with tho tlovolppmont ot to
day. When tho army was on tho Yel
lowstone, wo woro 600 miles from
tho nearest army post and tha only
railroad across tho continent was the
Union Pacific. Everything was wil
derness, and tho harsbips wo under
wont woro typical ot tha period.
Fnllli In Future Declared Kcjnotc ot
Hltnntlon A Vmr Oppose From
Musinois Standpoint Many
Hco Klamath Menace.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
That a majority or Bend pcoplo
would be In favor or a $100,000 city
bond Issue to Insure tho beginning of
construction on the Strahorn lino
from Dond.tbls summer, was shown
by a canvass taken today of men In
various walks ot llfo. A number
were uncortaln, and stated that thoy
would have to be shown whero the
good to bo gained would counter
balance tho expenditure but those
absolutely against tho proposition,
were comparatively few. "Wo can't
afford to let Klamath Falls get ahead
of Dond In this" was tho chief argu
ment advanced for tho voting of the
bond Issue.
The members ot tho Commercial
club committee. A. J. Krooncrt. J. P.
Kcycs, J. N. Hunter, C. 8. Hudson
10,4,-. .E,yujitjBXJtecc by no
menus uuauiiuuus.
Committee Split.
A. J. Kroenort,.of tho Dend Flour
Mills, declared that his roto would
bo favorable "Bend's former ex
porlonce In railroad construction mat
ters has been that we derived llltlo
benefit from the money spent In con
struction," he said. "This has been
because we weep at tho tall end ot
construction, with some other city
gaining the profit. If the lino Is
built from Klamath Falls, tbo same
will nold true, but If Bend ! at tho
head end or construction, thla city
will have an immediate advantage
rrom the railroad payroll, and with
tho added railway service, will be
oome a center ror jobbing establish
ments. Tho improvements made In
cident to railroad construction will
ruoro than take care or tho interest
ou tho bonus."
Dr. D. E. Hunter, president or tho
Central Oregon Bank, was unwilling
to bo quoted. "Because ot tho largo
Interests with which I am connected,
both the Central Oregon Bank, and
tho Bend Co., I feci that It would
be Improper for me to make any
statement until I have consulted with
our stockholders." he said.
J. N. Hunter, of Hunter & Staata
.Realty Co., was undecided as to
whether or not the bond issue would
be advisable, and declared that he
would have to give the matter more
thourough investigation before ren
dering a decision,
C. S. Hudson, president of tho First
National Bank, was not ready to
mako any statement.
F. Dement, president of the Com
mercial club, considered the question
too weighty to give an opinion be
fore further investigation, and the
samo view was takon by Barney
O'Donnoll, ot O'Donnoll Bros.
"I'm for tho bonds. I'd bo for
thorn it the Issue was $300,000 in
stead ot $100,000," said A. M. Prin-
glo, of tha United Warehouse Co.
Dr. B. Ferrell Intimated that he
would bo against tho bonds, acting
on tho principle, ot "when in doubt.
voto lto."
Attou Auno pledged his support
to tho Issue. "It's all right. I think,"
ho said.
A. L. French was enthusiastic.
"I'm mightily In favor ot it. Lot's
got all tho Improvements wo can,"
was his Btatomout.
S. L. Wiggins, local agent tor the
O.-W. U. & N., favored tho construc
tion ot the Strahorn linos. "It as
surance can bo given that construc
tion win uo carried tnrougn, i m tor
tho bond Jssuo," ho said.
F. T. Parker, ot Tho Tle'nd Water,
Light & Power Co., cpjjld boo p
room for areumont. Ha favored tbo
t 0 . . " . . t" r- jtr
pond Issuo as a direct moans for good
in tho community.
B 0
(Continued on pace 6.)