IIKNI) IIUT.I-irriN, IIICNI), OREGON, TIIURHDAY, MARCH 8, 1017. page a T V BENDPOW ER W L E GUI RATES PETITION IS FILED PERMIT CHANGE. TO PLAN TWO CENT CUT flM'mnit Is Mario I4'mm 'iiiiill(i(r(), ami llotli Dig iI HiiiiiII Coumiiii- er Will He Aided Company to Heek lo Enlarge, (From Friday's Dully.) To lio nllowml lo r(lucu light rate for electric eoiintiinptlon, In tint un usual request made toilny by the llnml Water, Light ft Power Co., through the Innil manager, T. II. Foley, In n petition embodying n now rule rnrtl, went to tint Hluto Public rvlcit Commission. Tim company i romly to put tint mtw rates Into ffcct on April I, with (ho approval of tint commission. Tint rtiiluctlon In tho outroiiio nf a ronfiirnnctt liuld between Mr. Foley ninl Kompstnr II. Miller, one or tint principal stockholder In tint com pany, during Mr, Miller' visit to Henri recently. Tint new schedule wa mulled to Mr. Miller, anil hi npprovnl received, lioforu tint petition wa (IIhI. Minimum I'nrlintigiMl. The ri'riuctlou I based on n cut from 12 In 10 cent per kilowatt hour for thu rlrst 30 kilowatt houri In nny month, ami will lie of chief Im portance to tlio small consumers, avuistltutlng n majority of tint patron of tint company. Tlio minimum charge will remain tlio same, 11.00 per mouth, hut for thl outlay, tint con itutner wilt bit abla to use 10 liutoail of eight anil ouo-half kilowatt hour, a formurlly. Tlio complicated illMcount now In effect I cllmlnalm! In tin) new schedule, ami flra por cent prompt Payment discount nllowml, which mean that thn consumer will pay 06 cents for 10 kilowatt hours, In t'xail of 11,10, a necessitated by to old rata card, Will llcncflt Many. Iargn consumer also profit by thu change, and after tho first 30 kilowatt hours, pay six and one-half cant on tho next 170, and Nvo and one-half cant on tlio next 200 after that, For nil over 400 kilowatt, under thn old schedule, fire nml ono hatf cent waa charged, hut on tho new rate card, four cent will bo, asked. Not only li thn company making tho reduction of It own Initiative, but further cut nro promlsad, when tho business I built up to a largor extent. "Thl cut I only n tempor ary reduction of lovenuo," Mr, Foley mild, "for It will minhlo n number of puojilo who a ro lit tho prnnunt iih Ink oloclrlclty only for llishli to mnkn mm of electricity for cooking) mid wn nro going to mnkn special effort to olilnlii mora of thin kind or Iiuh lues. "Tho cnpnclty to which n power plant must ho developed, In riotorm- Ined by thu ilomiuid for light durliiK n row hnur In tho evening. With m o ro diiytluiu hunluoHH, thn plant mity bo run morn efficiently." Oilier Cllli'N Coinpnrcri. Mr. Foley centloned that with tho now rate In offer!, Hund will liuvit tho lowest nchndiilo for any town or tint wlio In Ori'Kon. Tho cooking rate, reduced hint year, Ih already tho lowest In tho Mate. In cominunlliii: on Mr. Miller's lot tor, announcing tho reduction In tho meter lighting rat en, tho local man ager statu t In t ho derived much nut Infliction from tho knowledge that tho pooplo of Ilend nro riolng bus- Iiiunn with mini of tho typo of Mr. Miller nml Charles A. Ilrown, who control tho affair of tho company. "Tholr nttltudn," ho sulri, "en courage tin to rontlnuo our otfort to iniiku Hund fnmouN it 'tho electric city. Mediation of rates tuukitn po Mlblo more extensive unit of electricity for all purpose, nml tho luoro ox- teiiitlvn tho umi of electricity, thn low- or tho niton can bo." Miller Make Htntemeiit, Mr. Miller nuyn In hi lottor: "I mil plumied to bo utile to an nouueo n reduction In tint meter rate for electric lighting In Ilend. Here after tho charge for tho first 1C IC W. II. coiiNumptlou durliiK any mouth will ho nt tint ratu of 10 cent por K. W. II., Instead of 12 renin. "Thl chmiKO In made In iircoiM a n co with tho policy enlubllithud four year a no, when wo purchased tho Ilend Wntor. Light & I'ower Com pnuy, or kIvIiik llond tho very best nml most widely distributed electric nod water service mid malnlalnliii: rates ut tho lowest possible point con sistent with n fair return. Tint pro gronslveucs of thu people or llond In their liberal uso or current, not only for HkIu and power, hut for cooking and heatliiK u well, ban gone a Ioiik way toward makliii; po- Hlhlo tho present rate In Ilend, which 1 believe nro lower on tho whole than In nny other town of It slxe In tho stale or Oregon. "I hope Hint further growth or the town nod a still greater diversity or usa or modern convenience will tunku possible even lower rales In future." ANTI-DIVISION ARGUMENT HIT VOTERS WHO REALLY VOTE DECIDE AM PIIAHKH OF COMMUNITY KN VIOR.NMKNT WILL IIK REPORT i:i ON IIV 110 VH AM) OIRLH enrolled in iiioii hciiool. Hiitrcmo (,'ourt Opinion In Wiimo County llond Ciini; Uphold Con tent Ion of DewcliutcN County Attornc). DESCHUTES COUNTY BUSINESS GROWING Clrrk' IVc for Short Month of IVb- runry, Excvcd Total for HU WNk I'criixl Prrccedliiir. (From Friday' Dally.) How county business Is steadily growing, I shown by n comparison of filing fee for thu past mouth, In thu offlco or County Clerk J. II. llnner, with tho amount received from thin source for tho time pro ceeding with tho starting of thu county In native business. From December 20 to January 31, fee aggregating 1275. CO, whllu In thu short month or February, a to tal or $291 24 wa reached. Tho nv urngo annual fees In oldCrook county amounted to between 13600 and and $4000. (From Hnturdny'B Dnlly.) Tho essence or thu legal right mnrio upon Doschute county reduced to tho allegation that tho voto favoring tho creation or tho now county wnn not CG nml .IS por cent, respectively, or tlie highest volu cast In tho now mid tho old county, although It wnn that percentage or tho vote cnit upon tho question or county division. While thn nnld legnl tight has now completely flxzlcri, thanks to tho leg islative action which tins removed possibility of further contentions gnliilug any headway In tho court, It Is Interesting to nolo tho Hupromo Court decision handed down Inst Tuesday In tho rnso or tho Wasco county bonds. Ilrlufly. that decision breaks tho backbone or thu anti-til-vision argument no completely Hint oven a I'rlnovlllo nttoruey who may need tho money will scarcely have tho heart to nay anything moro about It. Hiiprrme Court Dccldcx. Tho Hupromo Court opinion, In a nutshell, states Hint tho outcome of an election Is based upon tho ballot or voter who actually vota upon Hint particular question, and not upon tho relation of tint voto upon tho ques tion In point to thn total voto cast upon any other matter up for con sideration. Hero I tho report or tho en so from a rortlanu paper: The $260,00 road bond Issuo voted In Wnsco county at tho last general election I mild, according to tho opinion handed down by tho nuproma court. Thn opinion reversed tho decision or Judge W. 1.. Ilradshaw, who held In a suit brought by O. E. Wilson against the county ol Wasco that tho bond Issuo wn not valid, because tho bonds did not receive a majority or all tint vote cast at tho election. Tho return show that 3921 vote weru cast for aud against tho bond. (From Frldny'n Dnlly llullotln) A community nurrcy by student or tho llond high school, I to' bo in a do next week on a plan dovlnod by City Hcliool Huporlntondont Thor dnrnnn. Tuesday and Thursday af ternoons will bo given over to In vestigation, Wednesday aud Friday afternoon report In nsscmbly will bo mnrio, aud Thursday afternoon will bo devoted to a trip of all clnsH en to thu sawmills. Each ntudent will bo glvon a deflnlto nsnlgnment, mid must report In writing. "Tho Idea or tho nurvoy," Mr. Thordnrson oxplalnn, "In to usa tho local environment a a laboratory, and to furnish the student first-hand observation (mil personal upon wiilcu lo base hi reasoning, i and to npply tho theories ho has : gleaned from his book. ) Tint different line or local activ ity have been carefully divided, In order to avoid duplication by tho various classes. Htudont under Principal Eric Holt will report on tho city and county government, and tt.m. I.. ..! ! .. . ... !-.. ..I-, ......It.. i uir iiiuuijiii-n, una. r ruui'in pufiiis ' will linvn lllirnrlna Mnlrtltni. anti.lnts school, hospital and tho cost or living: those taking work under Miss Manning will report on tho electric power plant, tho lea plant, tho cream-! ery, and tho scenery or Henri and Its ; environs, and Mr. Francis' students will have tho business districts, tho foundry, tho postofMco, railroads, and labor unions; classes under Mis I'enu will Inspect tho greenhouses, news papers, and tho flour and alfalfn mills; thoso registered unrior MIbb I.orotico will hnvo society, lodges, schools and candy mnnufncturles, while Mr. Thordnrson' students will report on a plat or tho city, real es tate, hotels, and cares. COUNTY MORALS e E OAH ONLY ONi: CAHK OF DltUNKK.V- m:hh, and iiut two wad ita.nth jh.hl'kd i'ok hiimhmf IN Till: IHT MONTH. (From Thursday's Daily.) How woll Doschutos county Is liv ing up to Its rcputntlon ns a virtual ly crimeless community, was evl rioncori this morning when District Attorney H. II. DoArmond announced that In tho month of February, only ono caso or drunkenness had been reported, that only ona warrant for arrest had been Issued In the coun ty, together with ono warrant for search. Tho county would havo prosorvod nn absolutely clean slnto had It not been for the last day of tho month, for It was yoatcrdny that tho war rant was made out for tho arroat off cado hotel, ami on tho oamo dny that a search warrant was Issued. Until tlio latter documont Is usod, tho nnmo of tho person chiefly concerned, In bolng withhold by tho authorities, Tho now prohibition law Is holiiK strictly lived up to, Mr. DoArmond says. Hlnco tho law wont Into ef fect on Fobruary 2, only nlno por- mltn to buy or sell alcohol hnvo been. Issued In tho entlro county, and no reports of nny violations of tho stat ute hnvo como In. Only two appli cations for pormlts to buy hnvo been refused by tho district nttornoy, nn, evidence, ho declares, of llttlo dis position on tho pait of tho pooplo to evade tho terras of the law. "All those who nro allowed to handle alcohol ara making every ef fort to comply with tho law' Mr, DoArmond stntos. SHEEPMEN TAKE OVER 40 ACRES NEAR BEND (From Thursday's Dally.) Announcement of n deal, according; to which Carroll & Hoargon becomo tho owners of a 40-ncro Irrigated tract purchased from W. F. McCor mnck, southeast of Dcnd. Tho tract was takon over In order to glvo a fiettcr claim for actual rcaldcnco In exoerlencoIa Verno Norton, charged with do-maklng application for sheep grax "'"',."?. ,fraudlng tho proprietors of the Cns-lJnB porin,u on tho atlonai forc8t WOOD Sash Factory Wood CLEAN IS IDEAL RABBIT POISON WEATHER DRY BEST ASK THOSE WHO USE IT I.OHR IMikrl For Know Make Host Condition" for nil Itnbblt Club' Moot Kfriclent Work. t,nm. Tl.i.r.,1.i'. rinllv All nf thn rfllittlt rlnlia nrn tirfrrwl ' at this tlmo to double their energies In poisoning rabbits. There nro 13 clubs organized this winter for tho continuing or tho poisoning meth ods started last year. They cover PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. a wide territory and nro locatod at Tho majority for tho bonds was 101. Terrebonne, Lowcrbrldgo, Redmond, llut lor somo or tho county officers 'rjlovordalc. Olst, Turaalo. Powoll a high a 4361 vole wore cast, and iJutte, Alfalfa, Dcnd, Mllllcan. Klvers, thu voto cast for tho bond does not equal u majority of that number. ItciuuHi In Olvrn. "Wo are of tho opinion," says tho opinion written by Chief Justlco Mc- ilrlrio, "that tho reason and logic of tho controversy are with those courts which hold that tho majority of those elector who actually voto upon a measure I controlling." "Wo think it wa not tho Intention of tho legislature to dopnrt from tho nrothcrs, Hnmptou, Drooklng. Post, I'rlnovlllo and Paulina. Deschutes vnlloy has presented a hard problem to tho farmer because or thu un certainty of tho weather conditions, and the short time the snow remain on tho ground. Last year excellent work was dono, and tho snow and hard winter were of great assist ance. 8o far thl year, reports from tho clubs atato that there nro but few rabbits abroad and thoy aro hard Boo Kdwnrds fur good house paint ing. Adv. A PYRAMID WITH A FIRM FOUNDATION Service I Quality, Combined With Low Prices Square Dealing I wmmmsMaBamaMKamsm WHAT YOU WANT WHEN YOU WANT IT L F. Dement (&jCo. OppoP.O. GROCERIES Wall Sued fcr-- rulo observed from tho foundntlon of 'to get because they do not como In our state government, that tho ma-1 but remain out undor tho sngo brush, Jorlty ns expressed by tho votes cast tho lack of snow allowing them t at tho palls should rule, and to substl- feed at large. tuto for this wholesome and Immemo rial practice, tho requirement that tho Ignorant or Indifferent silence of n voter should weigh cqunlly against tho voto of tho cltlicn who considers a numsuro and expresses his convictions by voting for or ngnlust it." GAME WARDEN HURT WHILE CRANKINCx CAR Iladley Huxtalim DUcolortMl Optic I'Ynttl MUlip Willi Hadlalor, While ltetiiruliiK to City. (From Saturday's Daily.) With his right eye badly decorated In bluck, Deputy Gnmo Wurdon Hud ley arrived In llond Innt night from 8lstors, nml explained thu darkened optic by stntlug that tho light enr or a popular brand, which ha was cranking, had hit him when ho wasn't looking. Tho accident occurred, ho nnld, whon ho slipped and foil ngnlnst tho rndlntor. Mr. Hndloy was In tho Sisters neighborhood to investlgato tho re port of violations or tho door Inw In that vicinity, Hunting camps, he said, broke up whon ho entered Sla ters, and no arrests wore mndo. For farm land loans sco J, Ryan & Co. Adv. TIY OUR Pasteurized Milk Othcn lAo it None Ktpi brt l7, Satei have doubled in pait 30 Jayi. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS' CREAMERY Phone Red 131 Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE IU'llublo Formulas. Whcro alfalfa Is grown, and tho rabbits nro used to it, 1 ounce of strychnlno sulphate dissolved In 2 gallons hot water and sprinkled over 10 pound of alfalfn lenvcs will mnko remarkable kills, when placed out in smnll haudfulla about tho stack, in suit licks or congregating plncos, or in runways. Where there Is no al falfa grown, ryo or eintnor bonds, cut off at tho stem, whole, and the poison reduced to C quarts can bo usod. In other localities the poisoned outs, mndo as follows, gives best re sults: Mix 1 tablospoontul or starch Into 1 pint boiling water, to make clear, thin paste; mix 1 ounco pow dered strychnlno with 1 ounco baking soda and stir with starch to a smooth creamy mass; stir In 1 teacup tublo salt; npply to 12 quarts oats, coating each kernel thoroughly. Tho abovo Is recommended by tho U. S. Biolog ical Survey. Frco Poison. Tho county agriculturalist direct ed by tho Doschutos county court, will distribute strychnlno to clubs having a poison mtxor following di rections or tho lllologlcal Survey. This only to Doschutos county. This Is probably tho last chnuco to kill rabbits whllo tho snow Is bore. Kvory ono should got busy. It. A. DLANCHARD, Agont U. 8. Dopt. ol Agriculture Pioneer Auto Stage and Truclf Co. SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. BILL DODGING CHARGE CntiO AgaliiKt liiiVcrne Norton Con tinued Not Guilty Is l'lou. (From Saturday's Daily Dullotiu.) Arrostod on a chargo or leaving an unpaid board bill of 130, at tho Cascada hotol, La Verno Norton was arraigned boforo Justlco of tho Peaco BastoB this morning, and ontored a plea of not guilty. District Attor ney H. H. DoArmond appeared for tho atato, and Redman & Mooro for the defendant. No Want Too Big-- No Want Too Small That BAKER'S GROCERY Can't Till for You And deliver promptly and In Hie beat condition. Oar Kroceriea, produce, fruit uro alvwiys fresh. Our sanitary refrigerator counter keeps our dairy poducU cool and fresh. Dent prices lu canned goods of tho beet brand. BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Street. Near Ohio Phone Red 161 REAL ESTATE FIRE INSURANCE INVESTMENTS C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTS FOR SALE IN EVERY ADDITION IN REND PROPERTY HANDLED FOR NON-RESIDENTS, llOUOHT AND 80LD. OFFICE OREGON STREET TIMIIER ONE CENT A WORD IS ALL A LITTLB WANT'AQ WILL COST YOU,