u IIHNO BULLETIN, IIKNI), OIUXJON, THURSDAY, MARCH H, 10t7. PAGE n. l i 1 Patrons of School Dedicate New Building to Education With mnro thnn 000 imtroiiH of tlm Bond schools, mill pupllH or tlm IiIkIi sidiool present, dedication ox orolHiiit, formally devoting llio now $aD,000 hulldlutc to tlm niiiHo of oilurutloii la tli tn city, worn hold Inst night. City Hupiirlutoiidniit V. Thnr ilamoii presided, mill delivered tho ilndluntory address. In which tho iiuil Iniico assisted at (hit eont'luslou of ouch mmtimco with tho ihrNo, "wo dedicate thin Hchool." Excellent vo cal noloctloii woro given liy tho girls Klon rliih, Misses llrostorhous unit l.lnstor, mill Louis llonnolt, whllo Dr. It. I). Kutchum rendered u tromhono nolo, It. M, Hmlth. chnlruimt of tho school hoant, briefly outllnoil tho history of tho now building, nml iiiontlonml that thin spring n school election to voto $116,000 honilii to finance tho construction of another school on tho opposite hIiIo of tho rlvnr will bo hiihl. J. I!. Muyor, county school super intendent or Crook county, rouiuiitiil oil on tho wouilorful growth or llend, mill complemented tho people of this city on tho effort being nuulu to keep tlm development or tho Hchool My tmu on a footliiK with tho Incromio of population. IIuIIiIIok to Cwt 9HO.OOO. I.tto A. ThoniDH, designer of tho now school, exhibited u skelrh show ing how tho completed IiuIIiIIiik, with nil unit finished, will look. I In esll uintoil thut tho entire cost will up proxltnuto 180,000. Ho asserted thut lio won morn than satisfied with tho work or (luy Wilson, general con Irnctor, anil mentioned thut tho sub contractu hail nlso been well handled. Mm. Thorson, president or tho Parent-Teacher association, empha sized tlm part which homo training must piny In any education system, and expressed tho thank or tho par ent or lluml for the bettor facilities offered tho chllilren of tho city In tho erection of tho IiIkIi school unit 123MB mi ii in mi mwKmmmmmammmMmmmmmmMmKmmmmmmmmammMmmmmmmBmmmm nBiMM mrriiri 1 Chesterfield CIGARETTES IMPORTED and DOMESTIC iobaccos-BtenclecL To Add J'ourw. Erie Holt, IiIkIi school principal, Kiivo tho til tun of tho school at pros out, iih tho liiHtallatlon of rourson In tlnmt'Ntlt.' science ami domestic art, nml tho couHtrtictlon or n gymnasium. An uttompt, ho hiiIiI, will ho ninilo by (ho manual triilulni; class to iut up n structure, umIiik lumber from tho old IiIkIi school. J. Alton Thompiion, Deschutes county school HUporlutoinlont, urged hi hearers' to see to It that tho ad ditional uuttH of tho IiuIIiIIiik nro (jomplutoil iim noon iin possible, mid wan followed by City Superintendent Thordnrsoii, who, In tho count) of bin dedicatory address, affirmed thut tho loyul support of tho people would ho needed In keeping up Mend's repu tation for un up-to-date school sys turn. Will Aid Student. Dr. U. (J. Coo, prcNliluut or tho University club, otitlluuil tho policy of tho club In roKurd to uldlng Mend high hoIiooI graduates to iioouro a college oduuatlou, mid tho possibility of oxtundliiK help to Krnmmur school graduti', who without such assist ance would bu unable to outer IiIkIi school, Huuppy yell by (ho student body proceeded tho singing of tho national anthem by tho audloiire, and Inspt-c-tlou of tho hlllldlllK followed. Stu dents worn detailed to escort vUltom throiiKh tho vurlous room, and tho serving of light refreshment brouKht tho evening to it close. Cut Till-. Out ft In Worth Money. DON'T MIHH TIIIH. Cut out till llp, enclose with Ge to Foley & Co., 2H3& Hheffleld Ave.. Chicago, 111., wrltliiK your iiutnn mid address clear ly. You will reculvo In roturu a trial puckuKO containing Foley' Honey mid Tar Compound for coughs, cold mid croup, Foley Kidney Pill, mid Foley Cathartic Tublets, Hold everywhere Adv. don't be content with taste alone You had to be up to lntcly. But not any more. Ikcmisc this new Chesterfield Cinrcttc not only pleases the taste but, in ndriition, gives smokers n new kind of cigarette enjoy ment Chesterfields let you knoxo you are smoking they "SATISFY" 'And yet, they're mild The blend is what does it the nexo nnd skilful proportioning of the pure, natural Imported and Domestic tobac cos. And the ,blcnd can't be copied. Try Chesterfields. Today. QjfiBlJfy UZ4oh 206rlO$ MILL IS SOLD HEAR TO CITY Old) M'KIM.IiV'IIAMI'HO.V PLANT HOUOHT IIV CUHTIH-HHAT COM PANV, AND WII.Ij START OPER ATION H(M)N. (From Haturday'H Dully.) Tho Hale or tlm old MrKlulny-Hnn-'on mill near Rend to tho Curtis-Heat Lumber Co., together with tho uo iiubiltlou of sufficient timber for at IoiihI four yearn cuttliiKi 'im announc ed today. A. L. Huff, I Interested In tho purchuo or tho mill, and It li uiidorntood, will act aa Runoral man aKnr or tho concern. Iloth Mr. Qur tin mid Mr. Heat nro local men. Tlm mill In to bo located thrco and ouo-hair mile outbent of tho city, when) oiioukIi timber for a full year' cuttliiK I" on hand, and next your will move two tnllcn farther on, where 8.000,000 feet ban been purchased, Tho plant will mart within tho next three week, and will furnlili em ployment for approximately 2G men, IiuvIiik a dully output of about 15,000 feet. It In reliably stated that negotia tion nro on to mill tho untlru cut to n Kpoliune firm. BOUNDARIES CHANGED FOR TWO DISTRICTS (From Thursday' Dally.) Three nml oue-hulf section of school dlntrlct No. C, were annexed to district No. 2. by tho district boundary board, composed or the county court and tho county school superintendent, In their meetltiK yes terday afternoon. Other change will bo announced later. Cb A. jft M J TL fPNb fci1fi jsA. J jHftiSVV!? J J fi.iJi'Vi.NS WtffliK XjMh-T JKV VA A,n r PRINTERS ORGANIZE The llend Typoftraplilral Union wan formed last week, Itulph 8pon cor I president, T. L. CnrrlKor, vie president, and Kd. Arnmor, secretary treasurnr, I'lillo Howard, a union orKmiler, of Heattlo, waN hero Mon day and Tuesday nsnlstliiK In dntall of tho orBanlrnllon. STRAHORN WELCOMED WITH ENTHUSIASM Hliimatli Full City Council Anxious To CIom) lloml KellluK Trnimnctlon, (OrcKou Journal.) (From Haturday'n Dally.) KLAMATH FALLS. March 2. To Krcet Itohert K. Htrahorn on his re turn from Han Francisco last night, about 200 representative business men, headed by Mayor C. II. Crlsler, assembled nt the depst and cave tho railroad builder three hair raising cheers as ho stepped from tho train. The crowd escorted him to tho White Pelican hotel, where ho was tendered a reception. Htrahorn carno In answer to a wire from tho city council, nsklnr him to come and K over tho final arrange ments of tho contract for building the Klamath Falls-Dairy link of the Oregon, California & Kastern rail road, Tho 1300,000 municipal railroad bonds have been sold to Hpltzer-Ito-rick company, of Toledo, Ohio, with n clauso allowing the city to with draw from tho contract within 14 days. The council desires to have ar rangements for construction complet ed with Htrahorn beforo this period expires. Much i:lru Work in March. It's between seasons, when fow persons perspire as health demands. Tho result Is double work for tho kidneys, to throw out waste elim inated through pores when persons perspire. Overworked kidneys need help. II. H. Htone. Heading Pa., writes: "When I need a kidney remedy, I rely on Foley Kidney Pills." Hold everywhere. Adv. Study Wrathrr. Htudents of tho high school Mon day morning, under the supervision of Prof. Nash, measured tho snow fall of the preceding three days and found It was 14.2 Inches: that It con tained two Inches or molsturo, ea.ua! to that much rainfall. Every week the students will mako a study of tho thermometer, barometer, wind signals, and nearly all weather bu reau equipment. Redmond Spokes man. Hnow at Ij line. Ijxst week's snows wore about tho heaviest or tho winter, and tho total amount or tho beautiful that fell Is variously estimated nt from 20 Inch es to three feet, depending somewhat upon tho locality. Unfortunately, thoro Is no ono hero now to look af ter thu government station, nnd so wo have no exact record. However, all agree that It was a great plenty. La Pine Inter Mountain. Heady For Market. Moro than 900 head or cattlo aro In tho yards at the Warren-Dixon-McDowell ranch, thrco miles west of Prlnevllle tonight. Many or tho in have been thoro on feed for weeks, others are on their way tu the markets and a bunch of four cars or Shorthorn cows arrived yesterday from Portland, where they woro purchnsed on tho market Mon day by Mr. Dixon, from a Walla Wul la grower. Crook County Journal. Crop AMirvl. While the past fow weeks havo boon plentifully supplied with mols turo In tho form of both snow nnd ruin, to seemingly sccuro an utwur auco of another bumper crop next year, yet It wus hoped that a big biiow would put In an appearance as tho days of winter wano, and that hope was ronllxed on last Suturday morningwhen tho snow fall meas ured 10 Inches on the level. Never In any clime was n more beautiful snow, There was no wind nnd tho wenthor was Just cold onough to keep the snow from molting. The snow began railing Friday night and continued until Sunday. Tho snow was so light that It continued settling nnd kept around tho 16 to 18-lnch mark, uvon though much more foil niter first reaching that dopth. Dee chutos Valloy Tribune IiotN of Snow. Jack Elklnu was out Thursday with thu snow plow cleaning a road way through tho streets, but last night filled up tho track again. Tho deep snow of tho past week will flood tho towns on the lower Dos chutes, should a rain set In to taku tho snow off uoxt month. Croscent News. liocnl Train Planned. Tho O. T. local botweon hero and Bond has failed to roatorlultzo, ow ing. It la said, to a desired arrange ment tor Joint Borvlce, Tho matter is undor consideration, but what the outcomo will bo wo uro uuablo to an nounce nt this tlmo Jefferson Coun ty Record. Do You Wimt llond? Do you want tho Strahorn railroad or do you want to soo tho same Iso lated and backward district hero 40 years honco ns Is today? It that la your wish, you backward land ownors, you should lot this fact Blnk Into you at once; Tho welfaro - Shearings of all In Central Oregon yes, oven tho unborn, Is too vital to lot a few mangy acres of sagebrush land stand between them and tho completion of an enterprise which means every thing. Hllver Lnko Lender. Hoiinllr Paid. Hlnco tho rabbit bounty law went Into effect County Clerk Payne has Issued warrant to tho amount of Jir.in.4r,. This moans that a total or 30,300 rabbit scalps havo boon presented lor the bounty. The larg est number that has boon presented nt ono time was 1940. Those were sent from Plush by John Potty. Tho greater amount of tlm scalps havo been sent In from tho Plush section nnd from tho vicinity of Fort Hock with only n minor part from the Oooso Lake Valley.- Lakevlew Kx amlnor. (Inil of Hnoir. Our farmers arc willing to endure a few Inconveniences for the benefits which they expect to derive from Sat urday's snow storm. Tho ground Is receiving tho molsturo In fine shape and will do a "heap of good." Jef ferson County Record. Habblt Kor In. Just 4 0,1 C 4 pairs of rabbit ears have been presented to tho county clerk for bounty payment during the pust three months, making a sum of mora than $2000. Redmond Spokes man. MolMurt at Mudrn. This country has had a blessing tho way or a snow to tho dopth of about 15 Inches on the level hero in Mad- BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. VERNON A. FORBES L A W Y K K First National Hank Building llend :: :: Oregon H. H. DcARMOND L A W Y K It O'Knne Hulldlng, Bond, Oregon W. W. FAULKNER, D. M. D. DENTIST Suite C-8-10, O'Kano Building Bend, ... Oregon DIt. J. C. VANDEVEIIT Physician and Surgeon Phono Hed 271 Hours 9-12 a. m.; 1-S p. m.; 7-9 p. m. O'Knne Hulldlng. W. O. MANNING, D. M. D. Dentist. Sulto 12-14, O'Kano Building Tel. nil llend, Oregon WILLIAM A. JACKSON Bend's Auctioneer Conducts. Stock Sales a Spec ' laity. Opposite Kenwood Grocery. YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WK'LIj CLEAN YOUR LINEN, CLOTHES, SILK DRESSES, Etc "PUT YOUR DUDS IN OUR SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY CliKANINO 1 Rooting of all kinds. Repairing promptly dono. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. 5R.,.0N END HAULING CO. R. N. PAI.MKRTON TRANSFER AND STORAGE. HOUSEHOLD GOODS MOVED. COAL AND WOOD. rns, and snvornl fnchm deeper In other section on tho higher land nearer tho timber, Tbo ground la In rirst class condition for tho tnk lng up of tho molsturo, nnd during tlm past couplo of days tho snow has settled and Is slowly going off. so that nit of tho molsturo from tho snow will bo taken up by tho ground by vory Ilttlo of it running off. -Madras Pioneer. To Attack Ikmnty l.mv. W. Iilr Thompson has announced thnt he will bring suit nt tho In stance of n row taxpayers who are. opposed to the rabbit bounty act. It undoubtedly will bo attacked on ov ery conceivable grounil and It Is up. to the friends of the bill to defend It The majority of tho members of tho county court are belloved to bo op jm,bi-i, tu ,b am. uuuri an iuu uuiii officials are likewise against It, oven those who faithfully promised be- foro election that they wero friendly to tho bill and hoped It would pass Of course, election time li over and tho tables arc turned. Fort Hock Times. Hlght of Way Hceaird. The Silver Lake Commercial club committee selected to secure deeds for the rights-of-way for tho Oregon. California & Eastern railroad In this section, havo about finished their task. Arrangements have been mada for all the deeds to tho rights-of-way including tho terminal grounds lit Silver Lake, from the town to tho summit of the Summer Lako moun tain, & distance of 15 miles, except one-half a mllo through tho Felton land and ono mite through Fred Por ter's ranch. OEOIIOE S. YODNO Civil and Irrigation Engineer. U. H. Mineral Surveyor. Room 12, First National Dank Building REDMAN & MOORE LAWYERS Log Cabin Bldg. BEND. OREGON CENTRAL ORKC.ON PLUMBING & HEATING CO. PLUMBING AND HKATIXa 117 Minnesota Street. Estimates Cheerfully Furnished Jobbing Promptly Done. Tinning and Sheet Metal W.M. MONTGO.MEHY. Furnaces, Spouting, Guttering. Cornlco and Skylight Repairing promptly attended to Prices right, work guaranteed J. B. Bell A. W. Sims CROOK COUNTY ABSTRACT COMPANY (Incorporated) Suceeeaors to The J. II. Haner Abstract Co., PrlneviUe, Ore, Abstracts Insurance DR. R. D. 8TOWELL Naprapathic Pbyskloa Over Logan furniture Co. Wall 8treet Hours 9 to 5 Phone Red 483 O. 8. BENSON Attorney At Law Bonson Building, Wall Street Bend. Oregon. 11. O. E L L I S Attorney-at-Law United States Commissioner First National Bank Building BEND, OREGON O. P. NISWONGER. Bond, Ore. UNDERTAKER Licensed Embalmer, Funeral Director. Phone Red 421. Lady A&sL Joe Rock i Fill ,1 V CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt BASEMENTS , STREET WORK, ETC. Lrtve order it J. A. EASTES OFFICE Oregon Sued