Vi IHSND UUM.KTIN, IlKNI), OltKGON, THURSDAY, MARCH H, 1017. fagh s. Central Oregon Neighborhood News Dairymen Attention HISTKRS. (Special to Tho Bullolm.) 8ISTBRB. March G.Klblo Taylor, who has has had an operation, In tho Ilcnd Hospital, haa returned homo. Ho la recovering nicely from tho op eration. . ... 11. Armstrong, who has been living on tho Mat. Kullah ranch, has rented n ranch near Turaalo and la preparing to movo onto It. Tho Allen brothers havo rented tho Kullah ranch. C 8. Woods Is In Portland with a car load of stock. nnmn Warden Hadlor. of Tho Dalles, was In town this week look ing for violators of tho game laws. Tho big deer hunt that ho was look ing for, turned out to be n coyoto liunt. and Mr. Hadloy returned to Tho Dalles. Pmintv Agriculturalist II. A. Itlnnrhnn! and Prof. Nash, of Red mond high school, gave Tory Inter esting lectures at uxo iTcsoyionan church Wednesday evening. I'rof. Xnsh'u sublcct was. "Tho Trained Mind." and Mr. Ulanchard spoko to thn fnrmprH of "Co-Operation." Mrs. Hardy Allen entertained tho ladles of tho town at a sowing oeo. Luncheon was seryed after tho sow ing and OTcry ono had a pleasant afternoon. . . . Tho stockholders or tno bisters Fair Association mot Saturday, March 3, and elected officers for tho en duing year and discussed plans for the future. Hoy. J. Edward Dlalr held services In tho Presbyterian church Sunday rvenlng After tho service a meeting i was called to plau lor some special evangelistic! sorvlcos In tho church here. It was decided to begin tho services two weeks from dato. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Spoo spent the week end at the homo of Mrs. Spoo's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. Tompleton. of Clovordale. Arllo Oaster was up from the Me tollus river this weok. PLKASANT IUIUSE. our community In tho way of farm ers' organltattnns. Karl Wood passed Sunday at homo. Ho Is an omployo of tho Horn! mills. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Callan. of Cllno Falls, passed tho week end at tholr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gomors. Honor ltoll of School: Thoso neither absont nor tardy during tho last month aro. Dorrls Doty. Llnalloy HowlnB, Blanch Motcalf. Kbby Mot calf. Frances Wood. Clarenco Whit- tcmoro. Dona Whlttothoro. Ella Con way, John Conway. aeneviovo nx has been absent from school for tho Inst week on account of sickness. Pleasant Itldge school will havo tho new boll Installed noxt week nnu then no ono will bo lato. Tho eighth graders aro beginning Ihotr revlow work now, whloh means many weeks of good hard work. Literary society meets noxt Friday evening. Wayno Chase and Huby Conway visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ocorgo Graves at Tcthorow Uutto last Sun day. MII.IilCAN. OUR EXCELLENTMAR KET ENABLES US TO PAY YOU A HIGHER PRICE FOR CREAM. We nml 10,000 poumtt mme butter ll each month, and moresno limit to out chujning opacity. Cll or wikf, nd we will eiplain our new mrdiodi. We te gain to put iKii maracry on the crttmeiy map. NEW MANAGEMENT Central Oregon Farmers' Creamery Bend, Oirgon. Mr, nntl Mrs. Wadu Monro wort) visitors lit thin vicinity last Friday. Mm, llort MooUb nnd chlldnm worn Sunday visitors ttt tho homo of 0, J. Hlnuttor. Cecil Illttmnn In visiting nt thu homo nt his parents, Mr, nnd Mm. Carl I Unman, this week. H. W. Host, of Htnuffor, passed through huro Tuesday, being on hlii way to Itond. Joint Carros was a visitor nt tho llrlckoy ranch Tuesday. llort Mecka visited with John Will iams last Friday. Jlmmla llrlckoy was an all-night visitor nt John Perry's, In Hurprlso Valley last Friday. Clins, James mado a huulncss trip to Silver Crook last weok. Horace Brookings was n business visitor at Hampton last Tuesday, Pugo Stautfor visited soveral days thin week with Wm, Hoist. TU.MAI.O. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) TUMALO, March . L. (J. Bityltw, brother of (I, W. Bayltm,, of Tuiiialn, nnd K. A. Ilitmny, (if Do Boktiu, Col orado, have boon visiting hunt fur sovtirul tluys. Mr. Iliunoy oxpools to locntn lit Oregon. Ray Brown was visiting friends In Prluovlllo last Saturday and Sunday. Hudson Barkloy, of Bend, haa moved onto hla ritnch north of Turn alo. Mr. Lucas, of Hood Illvnr, Is visit Ing his lirothor-ln-law, Fred Wallace, of this ptaco. Thn Tumaln schools woro cloned last week on account of tho heavy snow, but woro reopened lust Mon day. Harry McOitlro has recently pur chased thu Joint Krupp pliton. Mr, nnd Mrs. John Marsh wont lit (Contlnntiil on pugo 8 ) P STOP! And Investigate our price before buying your KToccrlc. Wo can fiavo you money. P.B.Johnson's Mllllcan, Ore. Telcpttono m M (Special to The nullelln.) PLEASANT RIDQE, March 5. A number of the Pleasant Kldgo farm ers have been- making raids on tho Jack rabbits this week. C. D. Jarrot reports excellent success In poison ing rabbits. Several others have been nolsonlng also. Mr. Armstrong and Claudo Mallery havo been catching large numbers, with their hbunds, slnco tho deep snow. Ben McCaffery. of Los Angeles, was hero visiting with friends this week. Mr. Warner la buying cows this week. He Intends to keep a small dairy, Instead of selling his hay. Tho Redmond Baptist Missionary society mot with Mrs. H. C. Doty this week. Quito a largo crowd attended. It is reported that Claudo Mallery Intends to buy a few hundred sheep to feed his hay to. Jake Peterson waa a business vis itor in Bend Wednesday. J. A. Chase, son Wayne, and Jew Armstrong were Bend visitors last Wednesday. M. D. Wood, the government trap per, has a lino of traps out, and Is catching a number of coyotes and bob cats. Prof. Nash, of tho Redmond High school and County Agriculturalist Blanchard wore visiting at the Pleas ant Ridge school Friday afternoon. Mr. Nash Is endeavoring to put be fore the peoplo tho object of the mod ern high school, which ho says Is to prepare the boys and girls of our country to battle with the problems of every day life. Mr. Blanchard Is doing somo vory effectlvo work In (Special to Tho Bulletin.) MILLICAN. Feb. 28. -Wm. Ralm. Frank Leo and Oeo. Cook were call ers at the J. J. Holland homo Tues day. R. R. Keller called at tho Charles Oroffcnborgor homo Wedncsdny. Dr. C. M. Rosin visited with tho Leo Kollor family Tuesday. Mr. Grlnstcd and family moved back onto their homestead recently. Mr. and Mrs. R. It. Kollor and chlldron called on tho J. J. Hollands Wednesday afternoon. Stanley Smith's threshing Is now finished, his wheat going 25 bushels to the acre. Wm. Rahn called on tho J. J. Hol lands Wednesday. Leo Keller waa a caller at the R. R. Keller home Thursday. Geo. Cook called on the Hollands Wednesday. L. A. Hall and Roy Keller had lunch with Eric Hostelund on Thurs day. Our new mall carrlors aro hinder ed qulto a bit by tho deep snow, In carrying mall on schedule time. L. A. Hall called at tho R. R. Kollor home Thursday. B. B. Conaway called on C. M. Rosin Tuesday. J. J. Holland visited with Leo Tauscher Saturday and partook of a bachelor dinner. On. account of stormy weather, tho danco at B. B. Conaway's on Feb. 22 was not attended very well. C. M. Rosin bought a horso from B. B. Conaway tho past week. J. J. Holland and son, Joseph, had dinner with the R. R. Keller family Sunday. Mr. Grlnstcd mado a trip to Bond this week with his auto, but was un hblo to return with same, being obliged to hlro a team at Bend to return home. Gladys Norton has bean out of school with pink eye. Tho Witte chlldron have been home with some kind of a rash, the exact nature of which has not been manifested. Mr. GrlnBted's little boy is sick with the same malady. The Mllllcan school has been closed for the prosont, thoro being too much snow for most of tho chlldron to at tond. B. B. Conway and family will soon leave for Bend. Monday, tho people of Mllllcan valley held tholr first rabbit drive. As all tho people had not been noti fied, tho drivo was not assucceMful as It might have been, but even so, 1G5 rabbits wero killed In the cor ral, and a doion or more whllo break ing through tho lino. Soveral women also took part, In splto of tho deep Horaco Cook mado a trip to tho Roebcckor placo Tuesday. Stanley Smith called on tho Geo. Cook family recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Ream nnd daughter, Floronco, called at tho Fntnk Loo homo Sunday. Joo Holland visited with Waltor nnd Roy Kollor Monday. J. J. Holland la busy (muling wood. Tho now Federal Farmers' Loan Association, organised at Mllllcan re cently, will meet at tho store Saturday- . . . Unfortunately for P. II. Johnson nnd tho community In general, tho piston rod In Mr. Johnson's pump broke whllo pumping water Tuesday. It Is hoped It can bo repaired with out much dolay. HAMITO.V. BRICK vs. OTHER BUILDINGS BRICK BUILDINGS IN BEND VALUE ABOUT $500,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS NONE OTHER BUILDINOS VALUE ABOUT $2,000,000 FIRE LOSS IN FIVE YEARS OVER $100,000 ITick BEND BRICK & LUMBER CO. t5 fj SSj O. S. HUDSON, President 2J&& U. C. COE. Vlco Prosldont E. A. BATHER, Vice Prea. (Special to Tho Bulletin.) HAMPTON, Fob. 26. The Hamp ton mall routo changed last Monday. Instead of coming from Prlnevlllo, It rnnimi directly from Bond. Mnbol Strecter proved up on her homestead bofore Commissioner A S. Foe last Tuesday. Hugh Crow started for Bend nfter mmnllM Saturday. Mrs. Jlmmlo Brlckcy spent Friday night with hor parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Dunn, of Imperial. Burr and Josao Black mado a trip to Leo's, after seed rye Saturday. Tom Dunn spent Saturday night at Leo Rlggs. Davo Spurbcck returned to his homestead last Saturday. C. B. Harmon started for Bond Saturday morning. Mabel Strcotor spont Saturday night at Mrs. M. II. Crow's. Darlo Burton called on Mrs. Crow Sunday aftornoon. Harry Rovello spont Friday night with Leo Rlggs. Messrs. Drake nnd Hawthorne woro Hampton Valley callers Friday. Mrs. Bcntzon spont Sunday with Mrs. A. 8. Fogg. Mrs. C. II. Harmon spont Thurs day afternoon at Mrs. Black's. Emll Van Lake visited at Hamp ton Thursday. J. P. Wllqult started for Bend on Sunday. I A meeting of the Farm Loan As sociation was held at Hampton storo i on Tuesday. Quito a number at- tended from all over the valley. Charley O'Velley waa a Hampton callor Tuosday. Iko Zeroplh mado a trip to Horn- stead Tuesday. Lorlnila Crow called at I). Dunn's, of Imperial, Sunday afternoon. Lee Rlggs spont Wednesday nt J. Simmons home, 1 Mrs. Fogg anil Mrs. Bentzon called I on Mrs. Black Sunday. Mrs. Cody and son, of Imperial, wore Hampton callers Friday. Hurley Hoguo took the mall man out to Rrothors Thursday. Claud Smith nnd Norvlllo Brown are hauling hay to Norvlllo Brown's place In tho lower part of thu valloy. HAMITO.V IIUTTK. MOLASSES AND ALFALFA RATIONS- The Kind Your Stock Needs. Made in Bend. For Dairy Cows, Hogs, Horses, and Sheep. Ours is the only plant in Central Oregon equipped to turn out these products, and our prices make it possible for you to use them advantageously. We also have ready Alfalfa Chicken Mash, Chicken Scratch Food, Chick Food, Calf Meal, and a complete stock of all feeds needed in Central Oregon. The Highest Gradeonly of second cutting alfalfa is used for all our mixed ration foods. Don't subscribe to popular fallacies FACE THE FACTS E. M. LARA. Cashier L. G. McREYNOLDS, Asst, Cashier B. A. STOVER.Aset. Cashier The First National Bank OF BEND, BEND, OREGON Capital fully paid - - - 125.000 Surplus $25,000 Farmers Attention (Special to Tho Bulletin) HAMPTON BUTTE. Fob. 22. Quite a bit of snow fell here the last few days. Edwin Schrodor and Miss Bertha Graham attended the dance ut Dry Lake last Friday night. Chas. Davis, of Stauffer, Is haul ing hay, which ho bought from V. Schrodor. :- ;" Meat contains 60 per cent water. Potatoes, 75 per cent water. Milk 80 to 90 per cent water. Flour, 13 VJs per cent water. A pound of meat costs 20 and 25 cents. A pound of flour costs four cents. And yet there is more en ergy in a pound of flour than in a pound of beef. REAL ECONOMY MEANS THE USE OF MORE FLOUR WHEAT FLOUK Cheapest and best food. U. S. test proves it. Deschutes Spray and True Blue Flours make the finest tasting bread on the market, because they are made from the highest grado wheat obtainable. FARMERS: Inquire about our re-cleaned seed before you do your Spring seeding. IT. R. Department of Agriculture Farmers' Bulletin No. 142. Energy Muscle nnd Strength Giv ing Qualities, Ono pound of DcHrluitcH Hprny Flour, costing 3 to 4 cents, will go ns far us two pounds of meat, costing 20 to 25 cents pur pound, Bend Flour Mill Company BEND, OREGON ARTICLES Eggs 385 Beer, sirloin . 410 Mutton, leg 445 Milk . 1030 Pork, loin .. 1035 Chovsu . 1185 Butter 13CG Hr'kfust foods 1480 Rico 2025 Potatoes 2060 Beans, dried 3040 Wheat Flour 0540 B f A 0) S YOU will hace a large amount oj surplus hay; this fall and as this (Bank has a large amount of surplus money, we desire to loan you $100,000 to purchase cattle or suep to eat pour surplus bay. -"IfLyou are Inter' estedall or Write for paf(lcular). TE FIRST NATIONAL! BANK OF BEND IF YOU TOIL FOR A LIVING READ THIS: Do you know that the State of Oregon has spent approximately half a million dollars in reclaiming several thousands of acres of the best land in Deschutes county, so that YOU may have a place to call home, and at the same time be independent of boss or landlord? There is absolutely no guesswork as to the value of these lands. Loan companies are right now making loans on lands in this-project, and placing a value of $75.00 per acre thereon. This means that every acre which carries a water right is actually worth $100. The State of Oregon is today offering 40, 80 or 1G0 acres at $40 per acre for land that is irrigated; one-tenth down, the balance spread over 20 years, and with two full crop years coming between the first and second payments. COME TODAY and make application. I assure you that the offer cannot long remain open, for the lands to be sold this year will soon be taken. JUST THINK! First class IRRIGATED LAND, seven to ten miles from Bend, for .ylO.OO per acre. This is an opportunity that will present itself only once in a lifetime. Tumalo Land Sales Office PRESS BUILDING, BEND, OREGON m i )i 3 J!