fAGE 10. HKNO IIULLKTIN, 1UCNI), OHKGON, TIlUllSDAY, MAltril H, ll17. fr fflm&k& 41111 It In with considerable nlnrtn that Jocal lumber companies view the car Situation far Iho coming tow weeks According to nn editorial In a re vent Issue ot the American lumber man, one of Iho foremost ntul most nuthorltatlva lumber Journals In the United States, tho shortage ot trotght cars tor lumber companies Is most discouraging, and instead of the conditions becoming bettor within a Bhort time, (hey will bo worse. To obtain two or three cars a day, tho local companies feel now that thoy nro fortunate They nro scout ing ovorywhoro for roll bottoms to meet the most urgent orders. Tho situation. Is is reported uoro, Is be coming really alarming. ltrooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. Reports come to Itond that Man ager J. P. Keyos and Mrs. Koyes, who nro now in tho cast, whero Mr. Keyos is enjoying n vacation, were victims ot tho recent insurrection In Cuba to tho extent ot being separat ed for several days on tho Island and wore compelled to tako different boats for tho American mainland. As tho story Comes hero, Mr. Koyes, In company with ona ot tho members of tho Brooks-Scanlon firm, left New Orleans during tho middle ot Feb ruary, whero thoy woro to look over aomo timber interests hold by the compony. Mrs. Kcyes accompanied them as far as Havana, whero she roinaincd while tho others went into tho interior ot tho island. Ilcforo Mr. Keyos returned the Insurrection broke out. and means ot communica tion between tho Interior and Havana woro broken off. Mr. Kcyes Mas compalled to go to another part ot tho island to sail for the United States via Now York, and Mrs. Keyos It is understood, went to New Or leans. Letters received from them this week say that Mrs. Koyes has joined Mr. Koyes in Chicago and will be In Ilend next Thursday. -- An Inter-communicating telephone system has been put in the office of tbo Brooks-Soanlon Lumber Com pany during tho last wcok, for the convenience of the employees of tho company in their business. This week tho Pacific Telephono & Tele graph Company will rearrange tho system ot exchange at tho camps ot tho company so that they will have n direct city lino connection with the local offices and tho city. Tho now squcezet for tho box fac tory arrived this weok and was In stalled aud in now in operation. As soon as tho matcher arrives,' all ot tho equipment for tho box factory will bo complete. - The Slievlln-Hlxon Company. Krlond or Henry H. Ketchum, who until recently was with the Shexlln- Hlxon Company, have received word from him In New York, whero he is Identified with tho office of The Com mission for the Relief ot Belgium, that he Is expecting to sail any day Wool Grading In Madras to (From Thursday's Dally.) (Staff Corrospondenoe.) MADKAS, Or., Maroh 1. To teach the wool growers of Central Oregon the value of a working knowledge of tho market gradoa and classes of wool, and to demonstrate the ben efits to be obtained through heller methods ot preparing wool for the market, was tho mission of J. K. "Wilson, assistant In wool Investiga tion in tho U. B. Department of Ani mal Husbandry, and Oran M. Nel son, assistant professor in the De partment of Animal Husbandry of the Orogon Agricultural College, In charge ot the government and col lego wool demonstration oar, which was sidetracked hero yesterday. D. K. Clark, ot Portland, livestock agent for the O.-W. R. & N was In charge of traffic details. That the object of the demonstra tion waa fulfilled waa evidenced by tho keen Intcroet displayed by the ranchers who thronged the oar dur ing tho entlro morning, and again in the afternoon after a series of movie films had been shown In the Madras hall, depleting the various stages In tho grazing and finishing of mut ton sheep, and tho evolution of wors ted fabrics from greaso wool. Both of tho locturors declared that thoy felt well repaid for tholr efforts, while Mr. Clark stated that, although In one of two Instances larger crowds had gathorod, at no time slnco tho car had been on tho O.-W. tracks had a larger uumbor ot people who were vitally Interested In tho subject ot -wool handling, beon present. Grading Important. Tho Importanco of grading fleoces beforo markotlng, In order that tho grower muy know just what ho has to offer, aud that he may be in a position to demand top prices, was tbo text'of Mr, WJIaon's demonstra for Kuropo and that ho has been de tained owing to tho unsettled con ditions attendant upon America's break with Germany. In part, Mr. Ketchum's letter reads; Now York, Fob. 23. As you will seo, I am still on this sldo ot the At lantic, as to dnto It has boon Impos sible to get to Uclglum, though I am expecting to sail dally. Tho llyn dam, of the Holland-American lino, Is the one on which I have passage, and Bbo Is all ready to sail, but Is awaiting orders from the other sldo. Everything Is so problematical hero that one Is never sure of Just what Is going to happen. There Is a spir it of very restless uncertainty. Kv- orybody has boon expecting war for so long. As for myself, I havo beon working here, expecting to leave tor qulto a while, but without Immediate knout edge. Tho steamship people give you only 2-4 hours' notice of departure, but they nro alt loaded and prepared to go. Should war be declared, or should nothing definite happen with in tho next wcok, I may rotraco my stops westward, though I am not sure. Something must happen, nnd I myself feel that war with this country is tho last thing Gormany wants. If war Is declared, tho re lief work for Uolgium will automat ically stop, as far as tho Americans in Uolgium nro concerned, though Amorlca's task ovor hero will really bo Just beginning ngulu, for those 10,000,000 in all will die from star vation, if tho commission's help Is takon away. In case of war. the active work In the field wilt be takon up by either Spain or Holland, both ot whom are seeking the privilege through their diplomats. New York Is ublaxe with flags from one end to the other. Most ot tho people are wearing their colors In buttonhole. - J. A. McDonald, ot Minneapolis, general manager of the Shevlln Ilotnll Lumber Companies, and J. Baton, superintendent of the St. Hllalre plant at Worsen, Minn., ar rived in Ilend yesterday and spent the day at tho plant of The Shevlln Hlxon Company. A. V. Latnmers, or the S.-II. Lum ber Company, of Spokane, arrived In Ilend this morning and visited the plants of Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Com pany aud tho Drooks-Scanlon Lum ber Co. G. V. Chenoy, ot Knapp-Chenoy, loft Friday morning for Scattio on business and expects to bo away about a week. K. F. Nichols, logging superintend ent for Tho Shevlln-Hlxon Company, left this morning for Seattle, where he was called on account ot the ser ious illness of a brother. -- Frank It. Prince Is dallv otiwl. ing tne arrival of a new iiuick six automobile, which he purchased on his recent trip to Minneapolis. Value Shown Many Farmers tion lecture. Six range Hamboulllet sheep were among the exhibits In the car, and he showed that one animal might have from two to four differ ent grades ot wool on various parts of the body. The differing degrees of fineness of those, he said, made them adapted for different kinds of fabrics, at varying prices. Half, thretf-elgHths, and quarter blood grades, were the three chief divisions oi wool, according to me wuuKiiuen ot the fiber, whleh he used In his discussion. "Poor fleeces are attributable to one of two causes," he said, "either poor breeding, or poor management. Overreedlng on grain, or underfeed ing, will weaken the strength ot the fiber. These are factors In determ ination ot price, shrinkage is an other, and grading is the third." Toxtlle Work Outlined. In outlining tho progress of tho wool from tho shoep's back, Mr. Wilson sketched the shearing, sock ing, grading at the warehouse, sort ing at the mill, scouring, carding, spinning, and weaving. He showed how tho presonce of very short fibers, running from IB to 20 per cent In tho better grades of wool, to 20 to 25 per cent in the inferior grades, lowered tho salable quality ot a fleece, as the material could not ho advantugeously usod In weaving, "Woolens" waro defined as fabrics w run with yarn spun from short flbors, whllo the longer staple was mentioned as tho distinguishing iimrjt for "worsteds." The greater elas ticity of tho lattor makes suits of this material hold tholr shapo much hotter than If of tho othor class ot fabric, It was explained. Tho blond ing of whlto with colorod fibors to mako shades, was demonstrated in detail, "Ninety-fivo por cent of American raised wool In haled ungraded," de clared Mr. Wilson. "Unlcan you nro running pufo breed courso wool sheep you nro bnllng mixed lots, and neith er y(ou nor thu buyer knows what they nro worth. Ho (tan to play safe, nnd In consequence, you got less money. KxpluliiH Shod Grading. "According to tho now system, tho fleece is graded as It comes oft tho sheep's back. This plan wns Intro duced In tho United States three years ngo, and 8,000,000 pounds woro put up In this country last year, following this Idea. It has long been In uso In Australia and Now Zealand, aud that Is one ot tho chief reasons why tho wool Imported for uso In America nlways brings a higher quo tation than tho domestic product." A model ot tho Australian typo of shearing shed, accommodating 10 shearers, was explained. Mr. Wilson pointed out how tho sheep woro ttrst sweated, softening tho grease, nnd making shenrlng much easier, next going Into pens, each of which com municated with a shearer, eliminat ing tho usual scrnmhllua for the animals, tho clipping ot which would bo most easy. Kach shearer's pen, In tho model, wns provided with a chute, down which tho shorn sheep would bo slid into an Individual tally pen, making possible a chocking up on tho work ot each clipper. Halted from tho ground, thu building would purmlt of enough nnlmnls being shel tered underneath to provldo work for an entlro day, In case ot a storm. A grader's room wns provided In tho model, nnd quarters for a mechanic to keep all the machines In first class cutting condition. Under this sys tem, black fleecos would bo careful ly sogrogatod from tho white, In or der that tho clip might bo unimpaired for tho manufacture of pure whlto toxttles. Immediately after grading, tho wool could bo baled, and the bales stenciled with tho name ot tho grow er, the weight or tho wool, and Its quality. I'armei-H May Adopt Plan. The model described would cost approximately 110.000. Mr. Wilson said, and an expenditure or this site, he advised, should not be made whero less than 10.000 sheep would be sheared In a season. The size nnd cost or the shel could he reduced, but no less than a six-pen building should be erected. If a grader, re ceiving ordinarily J 10 a day. were to be economically employed, ho pointed out. Ho favored a sugges tion made by one of his hearers, that In case a smaller shod than this were put up, tho Individual fleeces ha tied up until enough had accum ulated to keop a grader busy, as an oxport would be able to hnndlo at least C000 fleeces a day. Ho warned especially against using sisal twine to tlo up fleeces, declaring that fl bors from tho cord frequently break off In the wool, cannot be separated, and will not tako tho same dye ns tho fabric, because of Its vegetable origin. Papor twluo, ho advised as tho safest material for this purpose. The advantage of machine over hand clippers, ho pointed out. Ilea In the fact that they can be operated 28 per cent faster, and that their use ullmlnatos "second cuts." That the prices ot wool are based oh the scoured product, and thence shrinkage must be carefully calcu lated by the buyer, was a statement which brought up the question of home scouring. Hxperlenre, he said, Iibb proved that this Is Impractical, unless the grower knows exactly for what purpose his fleeces will bo pur chased, as under ordinary conditions, the mill sort must preceml the scour ing. During the discussions which fol lowed, It developed that ranchers of the Powetl Ilutte section are con sidering the erection of a co-operative shearing shed, and of gradually Increasing tho number of their pa' ture sheep. Mr. Wilson advised that an association be formed to handle the matter, to take oare of such de tails ns thu sequence of hands of sheep during shearing season. "Above ull things," ho mild, "change from warehouse to ranch grading. Hut although you are formed In an association, don't pool your wool, but sell each clip sepa rately, on a commission basis. If you pool It, the man with tho poor clip will receive more than his wool Is worth, and the man with tho high grade wool will gut a lower figure than he Is entitled to." Kvory point In tho lecture was graphically illustrated, for tho ear was tilled with samples ot wool, both domestic and Imported, In tho greaso, and scoured, In fleeces, In bales ac cording to tho now system, and In looso bags, according to the old. Numerous charts epitomized tho main points or tho loaturo, and pictures showing nil phases ot the shoop and wool Industry clalmod much atten tion. POTATOES DHOP. (From Thursday's Dally.) As u result of a sudden drop In the eastern prlco of potatoes, orders for shlpmonts from this section havo been cancelled, according to J, T. Hardy, travelling freight aud pass ongor ugont for tho 8. P. & S. Tho prlco has fallen off at least 05 cents par hundred, Mr. Hardy says, and threo oars which wuro to havo boon shipped from Iledrnond and ono from Ilend, havo boon cancelled. Tho reason for tho sudden chaugo Is not known. 5 E Al)l)i:i) APPLICATIONS CHKATK DKMAND FOR THOUSANDS MOUK CATTLI2 AND SI1KKP THAN HANGIC CAN HANDLl!. (From Friday's Dally Uullotln) Tho stoady growth of tho livestock Industry In Central Oregon Is shown In n report Issued from tho office or Supervisor W. G. Hastings today, following tho closing or tho time limit last night, set for tho filing of applications for grazing permits. Un less most excellent reasons are given by stockmen, explaining tholr delay In applying, no more requests for permits will be granted this season. During the grazing season ot 1010, I0C7 head of cattle and horses, thu property of 72 permittees, grazed on tho national forest. This year, fi'J of tho former range users havo applied for permission to grazo 4 061 head. Only two of the former permittees havo gone out of business, three have consolidated their Interest with other stockmen, aud uro still represented In co-partnerships, nnd four have not yet reapplied, for unknown reasons. In addition to former users, 27 now applications havo come In asking rnngo for 1630 head ot stock. As the carrying cnpnclty ot tho Deschutes forest Is 5500 head, applications for 991 head will have to bu denied. Countrnry to popular belief, the sheep business In tho Central Oregon section Is also showing signs of much greater activity. During tho season of 1010. a total ot 19 permittees used range wnony wiimu ino iiesruuies i forest, or under Inter-forest permits f The records for this year show that 27 applicants are listed for range privileges .and thnt they represent a total of 61.800 bend ot sheep. With tbo carrying capacity or the sheep range estimated at 40.200. a little more than one fifth or the animals applied for will he denied udmlstlon , Into tho forest. DIVISION OK COUNTY MAKHS; nkcixsakv tax j MAY UK IIIGIIKIt, OK TKACH ING FOHCK ItHDCCKD. (From Friday's Dully ilulletln) That tho Crook County High School will be seriously crippled as a result ot the division of tho county whereby Deschutes was formed, Is reported from Prlnevllle. Already plans are being considered, accord ing to reports from the old county seat, to dismiss some or the teachers at the end ot the present term, and to put other economies Into effwt The Crook tCouuty High School) has been supported by the proceeds or a tax levy In the greater part i ot Crook county, ss It existed before. It began to he cut up by division movements two years ago. When , Jefferson was cut off, the revenue was reduced, but It was still possible to make ends meet during the follow lug two years. Now Deschutes Is formed nnd the taxable value of i Crook county reduced to little over n third or what It was threo years ogo. In view or this situation, one or two things has been decided to be necessary. Klther the teaching force must bo reduced, or a higher tax paid for tho support or the school by Crook county, as It exists today. At no time In the past has the number or students from the sec tions outside the present Crook coun ty been more than 10 or a dozen, although practically nil havo been paying the tax. Now tho territory from which tho students come must piy for their schooling or allow a reduction In the number of subjects taught REALTY OFFICES TO TRAVEL ON ROLLERS Work Will Continue Without Inter ruption uh Location of Cranio Ilulldlng Is MoumI. (From Friday's Dally.) Transacting real octuto business In u travelling office will be tho novel experience ot J. A, Knstos, and of tho Ilond Park Co. on Monday, for on that dato, rollers will ho placed under tho fratno building In which thoy aro located on Oregon street, and tho structuro moved to tho cor ner of Graouwood and Ilond. No work In cither office will bo Inter rupted, Tho movo Is being mado for tho purpose of making room for tho now two-story offlco building to bo erect ed by tho Deschutes Investment Co., In tho roar of tho First National IBS M Hunk building As soon ih tho now block Ih completed, tho two really operators will move In, tho lleud Park Co. having uffloott Hpokeu for on the ground floor, whllo Mr. Hasten will havo tho distinction of ropio nnntlnK tho only prlvntd business to share the second floor with tho ot tiro holders of Donohutes county. EASTERN OREGON PINE ASSOCIATION FORMED (From Friday's Dally llullntln) llecnuse or tho Increasing diversity of Interest between tho Kasteru Ore gou and tho Spokane members In tho Western White Pino Association, arrangements havo recently been completed to form an Kasteru Oro gon association which wilt deal more directly with the problems or Its members than has hitherto been pos sible.. Initiated at the recent meeting of the Western association at Spokane, tho formation or the now association was completed at a meeting In Port laud on Tuesday or this week, at tended by representatives from tho Kasteru' Oregon lumber producing centers, Including Ilend, linker and La Grande. Tho new association will bo called the Kasteru Oregon White Pine As sociation and will have for Its of ficer tho following: I). C. Krcles. president, and Leon Stoddard, sec retary. Among those In attendance at tho organization meeting were T. A. McCanu and II. K. llrooks, or Ilond. D. ('. Kccles, Vincent Palmer. It. K. Irwin. Joseph Stoddard. Frank Gardiner, Frank (leddes and J. II. Mlmuaugh. Meetings will he held monthly In Portland. A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Ilend Ilulletln. TRY SUNDAY AT Pilot Butte Inn 12 to U P. M. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT AH Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLlN-HiXON LUMBER OFKICrc ON OKKGON ST. Shoes for Real Service OL'U SPKC1ALTV IS TO MKK SHOKS THAT STAND THK TICST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially made for this kind of country. None aro bet tor made. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome sorfrlceshlo dress shoe for men. Cannot bo beaten for the money, (live these shoe a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. The A. Hanson Logger Shoes or Threo Lakes, Wis., aro hand-made and ono or tho very best or Its kind. Special inndo-to-order work taken for this shoo. UP.TO-DATi: SIIOK HKPAIHING BOND STHEET R. H. LOVEN NEW PERKINS HOTEL Hllli ni Wellington Stfcett PORTLAND, OKKGON Centrally Located The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with Imth privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room witlppriviite Imth, .single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot curs puss our doors. From North Rank Depot S ear transfer nt 5th St. BEND DISTRICT TO BE GHAiED ANNUAL LI.HCTION .IUNI3 15 WILL 1114 FINAL HTHP IN ADVANCING STATUS OF SCHOOL DIVIS ion high:. (From Thursday's Dally.) Although Iho number or children or school ago necessary for tho for matloii of a first class district, was passed In Ilend on tho first of the year, tho elty will have to wait until Juno 15 beforo being graduated from tho second district class. At thai time will como tho annual dlstrlu meeting, when the formality or a vote must be taken to sanction the change to the higher classiricutl according to the school law. At tho samo time will be held the election or a now member ot tho school board to Inko tho place of It. M. Smith, whoso term Is explr lug. aud two moro directors will h named as prescribed by the law as one of the differential points between a first and second class district, Among tho Innovations which the change will entail, will bo tho direct reporting of the city teachers to tho city superintendent, and tho periuls slon to leach a foreign language In tho grades. At present this Is lim ited to high school work. Four chairs at your service at thiU Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv, For sign painting sou ICdwards. Adv. YOUR- DINNER. TUB (J to H 1 M. BEND OREGON I I vty .1