The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, March 01, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 10, Image 10

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    TAOn 10.
nnNo noMitrriff, nn.vo, ouio.v, Tiit'iwv, mawh t, hut.
(From Saturday's Daily.)
Tho Urooks-Scanlon Lumber Com
pany nnil Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Com
pany hava boon unhampered by tho
rocont bhow fall In tho logging oper
ations according to Sam Dlakcly and
K, F. Nichols, of tho two tompnlcn.
It lo expected that no tie-ups will
bo experienced this winter as both
companies nro abto to opcrato oven
though tho snowfall Is greater than
The HhOTlln-lIlxon Company.
JuBt as noon as tho spring breaks
In Oond tbe diamond artists of Tho
Bhovlln-Hlxon Company will be acam
porlng out for spring workouts to
set two fast local teams In shape for
rummers games. It In tho Intention
of Carl JohnBon to mako up two
tdams from tho timber which Is avall
sblo at tho plant this year, to assist
In tho organization of a city team and
call representatives together from
Frlnovlllo and Redmond for tho for
mation of a Central Oregon league
This meeting will probably be hold
sometime- this coming week so that
a schedulo of games may bo arranged
in tho near future. Working wltl
"Ash" Houston, Mr. Johnson has as
nomblod soma likely diamond mate
rial for this coming season and will
bo prepared.
The Ilond White Pino Sash Com
pany has just received an order from
tho Pilot Ilutto Inn for 2G ovnl ban
quet tables which will bo used In the
now hotol.
Tho Buwmlll of. Tho Shovlln-Hlxon
Company ban been speeded up to
summer capacity Instead of winter
capacity under which It Iiiih been
tunning slucu last December.
Tho offlco forco of Tho Hhovllti
Illxon Company hns been working
day nnd night for tho last six weeks
to prcparo Its annual report which
was completed this week.
C. E. Watson, of Minneapolis, and
H. 13. Miller, of Great Kails, Montana,
representatives of tho St. Anthony &
Dakota Hlovator Company woro call
ers at tho offlco of Tho Shovlln- Illx-
on Company Thursday.
K. K. Nichols roturnod from Port
land Tuesday where ho wont to ob
tain a hcavlor freight car than Is
now used tor tho Lldgerwood skid
dor and loader,
Tho attempt to grow mustaches In
tho offlco of Tho Shevlln-Mlxon Com
pany Bcems to bo somewhat In vogue
those days.
Tho Shcvlln-Hlxon Company la
having a platform and railing erected
across tho Oregon Trunk railroad
Ilrooks-flcanlon Lumber Company.
Tho now battery of four kilns at
tho Drooks-Scanlon Lumbor Com
pany's plant was put In oporatlon
this week. With this department In
creased tho company Is ablo to handlo
twlco tho lumber capacity through
tho dry kilns that It did previously.
Tho Urooks-Scanlon Lumbor Com
pany Is oporntlng Its logging train
day and night to fill its logging
pond. Tho number of logs available
for cutting was consldorablo do
ploted recently owing to a break
down of Its locomotives which have
been repaired.
W. A. Iluswcll, of tho IlUBWoll
Lumber Company located In Spokane,
nnd son Walker, woro visitors this
week nt tho plant of tho Ilrooks-
Reunion Lumbor Company.
Jack Rabbits
Ieglfilntlvo lllll Procceibi on Principle
Tlint When County 1 Mndo
Hmnllcr, KalnrlcH Should
Also Pccrcmtc.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Deschutes Crook
Judge 700 I 808
Clerk 1500 1C00
8herlff 1800 1800
School Supt 1200 1200
Assessor 1300
Treasurer 400 -
In Bend Society
(From Saturday's Dally llultotln.)
Hurprlso In (ihcii.
A pleiiHiint surprise party arranged
by Mrs. II. S. McCluro was glvan her
husband on tho occasion of his birth
day, liiHt oveulng Tho guests woro
drcssud to represent titles of bookB,
nnd tho oveulng was spout In games
nnd music. TIioho present woro Ilev.
mid Mrs. J. L. Pcrlngor, Mr. and
Mrs. T. II. Foley, Mr. and Mrs. C.
J. Luverett, Mr. and Mrs. J, Ilrown,
Mr. nnd Mrs. O, W. Cheney, Dr. nnd
Mrs. W. W. Faulkner, Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Clapp, Mr. uud Mrs. H, D.
Katchum, Mr, and Mrs. Louis Den
nett, Mr. nnd Mrs. Claude Mctz, Mr.
mid Mrs. Iloblnson and Mrs. AndrcH.
Washington Parly.
Armed with tho famous Gcorgo
Washington "cannot toll it Ho"
hntchets, a merry surplrso party In
vaded tho himpltiihlo homo of the A.
J. Krooiiorts oil thu lleud View
heights, Thursday evening, nnd nil
report n moflt splendid time, Mr. and
Mrs. Kroonert woro voted tho best
of (liitertaluerH and their new homo
oiio of thu most charming of Ilend's
ninny haiuUomo residences,
Tho dance given by Ilnwkcr's or
chestra Tuesday evening nt tho Hip
podrome was enjoyed by about 200
couples, A number of people from
out of town drovu In for tho oc
casion. HiluwndUer-JoM'pli.
Tho ninrrlngo of Miss I.eln Joseph
uud J, J. Hiliuendker, of WulUvlllo,
Mo., will tuko place Sunday at thu
MuthudUt clinch In Portland In tho
presence of relatives uud n few closo
friends. After the honeymoon,
during which they will vlttlt St. Louis,
thu oung couple will make their
homo In Wellsvlllo, uhero Mr,
Hchwiuidkur Is In business.
Mr. mid Mrs. It M. Smith mid noil
Culvlu accompanied Miss Joseph,
Mrs. HiiiIHi'h daughter, to Portland
nnd are remaining oer for tho wed
ding. Ulrtluliiy Olisenoil.
Miss Hdiui, thu daughter of Mr.
nnd Mrs. It. II. Fox, Is entertaining
u party of her young friends nt thu
fumtly homo In Wlvstnrln this after
noon In honor of her 10th birthday.
Among tho guests uro Josephine
Young, llvelyn Hw unity, Klalo Payne,
Alllo Powell, Norn Powell, Dolores
"Wood, Vlnnle McCoy, Lvu Harris,
draco KoUnuin, Ksther Woods and
Alaou Illues.
Kiilr) Tulo PlctuiW.
Huudreds of the young people of
Ilend gathered at tho (Irimtl Theatre
on Thursday nftoruoou to sco tho
film representation ot Snow White
uud the Seven Dwarfs. Following tho
final reel six girls In colonial comumo
danced a stately minuet on tho stago.
.Mr. 8Lum HiwitCMg,
Mrs. Hurpor Skuso gave an In
formal luncheon today at her homo
In lloulovard addition, In honor ot
Miss Marjory Henderson nnd Mrs.
Philip Urooki. Tho other guests
woro Mrs. Archlo Myers, Mrs, C. 8.
Ilndion aud Mrs. II. K. Urooki.
HlelglirlilhiK Pnrty.
A slelghrldo given In honor of
Mrs. II. K, Ilrooks' houso guests was
nn event of Wednesday evening.
Tlioso enjoying tho rldo were Mr. nnd
Mrs. Philip Urooks, Mr. and Mrs. W.
C. Ulrdsnll, Mr. nnd Mrs. Harpor
Skuso, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stnnloy,
Mr. nnd Mrs. Martin Konflold, Mr.
and Mrs. HObort Oould, Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. S Hudson, Mr. and Mrs. T. A.
McCann, Mr. nnd Mrs. II. K. Ilrooks,
Mr. and Mrs. Archlo Myers, Dr. nnd
Mrs. Dwlght F. Miller, Miss Margery
Hondorson, Mr. Walker Duswoll, A.
M. Prlngle, "Dutch" Stovor, John
Lntluuu nnd Vorna Dolnnd. Dancing
mid n Dutch luncheon at tho resi
dence ot II, K, Ilrooks ended a very
enjoyable evening.
I'he Ilunilml I'nity. '
Mis. Ashloy Forrest entertained
Friday nftoruoou nt four tables of
"&00." Mrs. Frod Wilcox was award
ed first prlza and Mrs. J. C. Vaudo
vert received tho consolation prize
A color scheme of yollow was used
with daffodils ns the motif. Tho
guests wero Mrs. Frank Parker, Mrs.
Fred Wilcox, Mrs. Carnoy, Mrs.
Myrtle Freoluud, Mrs. Jackson, Mrs.
A. L. French, Mrs. J. C. Viindovert,
Mrs, L. II. Oorblng, Mrs. J. F. Ar
nold, Mrs. J. Ongcu, Mrs. Frank LI
kins, Mrs. It. L. Kdwards, Mrs. How
ard (Irelner, Mrs. Ketchuni u.ul Mrs,
Llmer Ward.
Ilend (iueMs lloiunvil,
Mrs. II. K. Ilrooks entertained
Wednesday nnd Frldny with lunch
eons nt 1 o'clock In honor of Mrs,
Philip Drooks and Miss Marjory Hen
derson, who nro her house guests,
Yollow Jonquils woro artistically ar
ranged throughout tho rooms, Mrs.
IlrookH' guests on Wednesday woro
Mrs. Harper Skuso, Mm. Jack Stan
ley, Mrs, C. S. Hudson, Mrs. Dwlght
F. Miller, Mrs. Archlo Myers, Mrs.
Martin Konfleld and Mrs. Wallace
llirdimll, while on Friday they wero
Mrs, llaruey Ferrell, Mrs, Tlioimis
McCann, Mrs. Frank Prince, Mrs.
Ward Coble, Mrs.'HInim Norton, MrB.
Howard (irelner mid Mrs. Clurk
Tlllli iimi (lather.
Mrs. Fred N. Wallace entertained
tho "Tllllcuuis" at her homo In Turn
alo this afternoon.
Tho marriage of Miss Ismny Per
ry, daughter ot J. Perry, to Wlnflold
Henderson, took place Saturday,
February 17, at tho residence of Mrs.
1). HoughtulliiK. Itev. J, L. l'erln
ger, of tho llaptUt church, performed
tho ceremony In tho presence of about
seventy-five guests. Tho couple plan
to make their homo In Ilend. Among
tho out of town guests wero Mr.
and Mrs. Dean, and Dr. Thorn nnd
family, of Slver Luke, Oregon.
SALEM, Fob. 22. (Special.)
County division may Incrcaso tho
numbor of counties, but It also has
a tendency to decreaso tho salaries
of county officials. At least, that's
what It hns dono for "old" Crook
Incidentally, county division In
this enso moans n saving to Crook
taxpayers of $1600 a year In straight
salary reductions, not to mention
elimination of officers previously
costing an amount probably doublo
that sum.
Houso Dili No. 331, which Gover
nor Wlthycombo signed yesterday,
cuts Crook county salaries deep. It
wns Introduced by Ileproscntnttva
Forbes nnd passed both houses In n
walk. It is understood that tho bill
mud Introduced at tho request of
Crook county taxpayers who feel that
tholr officials should rccolvo a salary
reduction now that tho territory un
der their Jurisdiction has been pared
down about two-thirds.
Hero is Just what tho bill docs:
Deduces county judge's salary from
$1000 to ?800.
Deduces county clork's salary from
$1800 to J1G00. Clerk previously
had a deputy at V000, but no pro
vision for this purpose Is Included
In tho now bill.
Deduces sheriff's salary from
$2500 to f 1800. Sheriff's doputy,
previously on tho payroll at $1200,
Is ollniluatcd.
Deduces school superintendent's
salary from $1600 to $1200.
Deduces number of deputy asses
sors from fivo to threo.
Tho bill, howevor, provides that
additional holp may bo employed for
county officials named, by tho coun
ty court, nt such salnrlcs and for
such length of ttmo as tho court may
deem proper.
(From Thursday's Dally,)
Th lalmt nl mot nival Mm fnr lh ut III
tallon of lh Jack rakblta of Cfntral Ornrnn
In lh production of a, valuable chltktn ami
hotf fowl, thartby making llitlr catiturt prof.
Habit, la i.rrntil In the following artlel
by a rlilnl of Html. Any who are Inlar
rated to Ko Into the plan further with him
art Invited to leart their namea at The Hull
tln office, where a meetlnc will be arranm-l.
iron HALK Old newspapers, at Tho
Dulletlii oitlco; just the thing for
carpet lining, for covering shelves,
or to help start tho tiro In tho morn
lug. 1-Otf
For sign painting see Edwards.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Ilecause of heavy snow obstructing
tho way, tho La Pine stago has been
taken from wheels, aud started Its
trip this morning on runners.
Ilaskelliall mill Football Plitjcrti
tiUcu Official "11" in Itocoj,'
lilt loll of Sen Ice.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Five Ilend high school athletes who
composed tho first basketball selec
tion, wero awarded tho official "II"
tills afternoon In iiBsemhley, Coach
Francis making the presentation.
Those receiving their lottors woro:
Calvin Smith, Floyd Orubo. I.. San
ders, Harold Claruo and Arthur Nor
cott. lleclptcnts of tho high school loi
ter for football woro: Calvin Smith,
Floyd (Irubo, Paul Urooklngs, Craig
Coynor, Loroy Coyner, Marlon Coy
nor, Delmer Young, Clydo Dongey,
Lester Sanders, Dnlph Curtis mid
Dildlo Drosterlious.
Letter to MUs Mary 13. Coleman An
nounce 1'i'oeiitntloii tif 10
Volume llliigrnpli).
(From Thursday's Daily.)
That tho DendNllbrary Is to bo
added to by tho gift ot n haudsomo
set of Nlcolay uud Hay's 10 volumo
Life ot Abraham Lincoln, Is tho word
received by Miss Mary 13, Colemau,
librarian, from Comolla Marvin, state
librarian. Tho gift Is being mado
by the Lincoln Memorial association,
Tho letter urges that overy effort
bo used to make tho work widely
road hero, ns tho object ot tho assoc
iation In giving tho camprohonslvo
biography to tho local library, Is to
mako possible tho Inculcation ot a
higher degreo ot patriotism.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
A registered Ayrshire bull was ro
colved on Thursday by Klmor Worn
staff, living east ot Ilend. Tho ani
mal was purchased from Mr. Worn-
staff's brother-in-law, ot Skamock
aw a, Wash., who has a largo herd
ot tho thoroughbred Ayrshire cattle
Tho bull Is named Ilobln Hood
First of Evergreen aud has a pedi
gree ot unusual length. Mr. Worn-
atatt Is gradually .disposing ot his
Jorseya aud Holstotns,
Thoro Booms to bo no subject so
abused and mistreated as Central
Oregon Jack rabbits. Few rcallzo tho
volumo or tonnage, and no ono has
offered a practical schema whereby
tho rabbits may bo decimated at n
profit. I wish to ntato at tho outset
any ono suggesting poisoning thorn
should bo arrested nt once. A rabbit
lives and foods on raw material
(when ho can't get tho homestead
ers' crop), and reproduces whero
other anlmaU would not succeed to
any great oxtcnt.
It Is estimated by a gcntloroan
conversant with Control Oregon that
tho tonnage of rabbits Is ten times
grcator than all tho domestic live
stock ot tho stato, and when you con
sider tho rabbit's ability to roproduco
his spcclo, tho tonnago would bo
phenomenal, when considered for a
numbor ot years.
When tho people of Crook county
voted a bounty, If Instead, they had
votod a lump sum for putting up a
plant or sorles ot plants for taking
caro of rabbits, they would linvo
dono something logical and general
ly beneficial.
Thcro is but one logical solution
of the rnbbit question to bo ot great
est good to tho greatest number. Tho
rabbits should bo caught In traps, not
poisoned. They should bo delivered
to a central convenient point, thoro
skinned, tho skins dried and baled;
Tho bodies, bones, entrails and all
should bo ground, tho molsturo evap
orated, and the granulated meat and
bono mixed with a balanced ration
of evaporated root crops (turnips,
carrots, bcots nnd rutabagas), nlfnl
fn meal, and mixed grains. This
product is by far tho finest chicken
and hog food ovor produced, nnd
slnco Central Oregon cannot bo sur
passed In tho quality of any of tho
Ingredients montloucd, a very largo
business can bo produced. This
would furnish a largo winter Incomo
for homesteaders and supply tho egg
producers with tho most Ideal food
ever put on the market.
Tho evaporator for handling this
work should bo a tonnago producor
capablo of handling largo volumes
of meat In winter and a big tonungo
ot root crops In tho summor and
fall. A rough estimate on production
of this class ot material based on tho
cstlmnto ot rabbits and their logical
yearly reproduction would glvo Cen
tral Orcgou an Incomo of $125,000,
000 per yenr, from a pest and non
commercial product nt present.
Tho fur thon would bo a big pro
duct and offor soma remuneration
as well as supply n demand that has
been met by foreign countries.
As a hog teed for brood saws and
young pigs, tho food could not bo Im
proved upon, nnd all largo chicken
and egg producing editors would bo
largo consumers.
To bo plain, you would not hnvo
to run utter tho market; tho market
would run uftor you.
A 20-ton plant would require, a
2G-h. p. bollor, two machines for
grinding or cutting up rabbits and
vegetables, -10 tray cars and 800
traps; a trommol washer tor root
crop, and a filter trnp for tho rabbit
desslcatlng machlno, Tho hides could
bo nlr dried on wires, and a slmplo
press could bo used lu baling saiuo.
A plant equipped ready for opera
tion would cost, buildings and all,
about $S00O, A working cnpltal to
pay for rabbits should bo provided.
A total capital ot $15,000, with tho
loan value tho finished product would
havo, would start a plant In flno
Kxtra Bolect and fancy rabbits In
tho Into fnll mid winter could bo
sold In tho open market in competi
tion with Belgian hares, especially
whore woll dressed, and neatly pack
ed for market display.
Tho mixed poultry food product'
should retail ou present market basU
nt 214 to 2 cents per pound, mid
tho output ot this plant should show
a retail value ot $800 to $1000 per
day for at least six mouths each
yenr. Tho cost of tho product would
depend upon what would havo to bo
paid for root crops, nlfolfu meal and
grain screenings, but tho profit will
bo enough to warrant a much largor
Ilend should havo a plant for next
fall, and tho farmers should bo pre
pared to supply two or threo thous
and tons ot root crops for tho latter
part ot August, September and Octo
bor, bo that who ntho first heavy
freezing begins lu tho fall tho plant
could start on rabbits.
A desirable bread knlfo free with
evorv annual subscription to The
Ilend Bulletin.
Owing to the failure of lighting
fixtures to arrive which will pre
vent lighting ot the auditorium, tbe
dedication ceremonies at the new
high school havo been postponed un
til Friday evening, March I.
(From Thursday's Dolly.)
That tho final enumeration of tho
population of Uend will show closor
to 6000 than to GC00 was tho state
ment this morning of W. W. Wood
beck, who hns been In tho city for
somo time past compiling Informa
tion as to tho resources of Dend,
to bo UBd In a directory which will
bo Issued shortly. Tho rapid growth
ot Dend Is shown In the fact that
-when the municipal and school enum
eration won finished at tho end of
1016, only a shade more than 0000
wns shown.
Tho number of fratornal orders,
19, Is commented on favorably by Mr.
Woodbcck, while ho points out In
addition that whllo tho library hero
Is still housed In temporary quar
ters, tho book circulation will com
paro favorably with that In any of
tho literary centers ot tho state.
Mr. Woodbock's directory will In-
cludo Deschutes, Crook and Jeffer
son counties.
(From Friday' Dally.)
HALHM, Fnli. 2.1. (Bpoclnl.i
The Htnlo Industrial Accident com
mission yesterday mado Kottloiiient
for tho fatal accident to Loulo Mor
rono, who was killed whllo employed
by tho lllowott Harvester company
in Pendleton ou January 0, 1017.
Morrono left n wlfo, 43 years or
ago; sou 11 years, nnd a son aud
daughter, twins, 4 yearn of ago, The
commission Hot aslda $7442.25 to bo
placed lu the scgrcgatod accident
fund and Invested lu bonds for tho
bonoflt ot theso dopondonta and will
pay to tho widow $30 por month for
llfo and to tho widow fof tho bonoflt
ot each child, $C por month until
tho child roaches tho ago of 10 years.
If tho widow lives to tho ngo ot
expectancy, aha will havo received
for tho bonoflt ot horsolf and chil
dren, $11,577.20. This monoy la tor
hor personal uso only. Payment Is
guaranteed by the stato; It cannot
bo sot asldo by any action ot tho
court or procosa of law uor can it
be aoalgnod by tho widow horsolf,
but must bo paid to hor In porson
so long as sho lives.
This sottlomont is mado without
any expenso on tho part ot tho widow
nor was It necessary for her to bo
represented by an attorney. Sbo
simply filed hor claim by lettor, the
commission mado tho Investigation
and awarded tho Bum sho la entitled
(From Thursday's Dally.)
J. A. Dongey hns Just purchasod
six head of milch cows and a high
grade bull from L W. ailletto, of
Sisters, to bo placed on his dairy
ranch near hero.
Bee Edwards for papor hanging.
For Croup, Coughs nnd Colds.
A. Bnxtor, Whoolor, Wise., says:
For ton years wo havo used Foley's.
Honey and Tar In our family. and
consldor It tho best cough medicine
on the market, cspclally for children,.
ob thoy like It." Contains no opi
ates; safo for bablos; offectlvo for
adults. Chocks croup; stops coughs;
rollovcs colds. Sold ovorywhoro.
Pilot Butte Inn
12 to 2 P. M.
0 to 8 P. M.
All Finish Lumber Kiln Dried
Miller Lumber Co,
Shoes for Real Service
Is especially mado for this kind of country. Nono are bet
tor mode.
A handsomo serviceable dross shoo for men. Cannot be
beaten for the monoy. Glvo theso shoes a trial,
The A. Hanson Loggor Shoes of Threo Lakos, Wis., are
hand-mado and cno of tho vory best ot Its kind. Special niado-to-ordor
work taken for this shoo.
Fifth and Wuhington SbeeU
Centrally Located The Hotel for YOU
Special Summer Rates
Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double-
$ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ l.50
up; double $2.00 up.
Auto bus meets trains.
Union Depot cars pass our doors.
From North Bank Depot S car transfer st 5th St