The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 08, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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,JAGG 4.
I Daredevil
Maria Thompson Daviess
Author of 'The Melting
of Molly"
Copyright, 1318, by the nellljr
Urltton Co.
Jloberts, an orphan, hnlf French, halt
American, starting for America to stay
with an uncle, meets Count 1 I.nssclles
crossing to secure mules (or Franco.
By a mistake, Roberta's uncle believe
pho Is a nephew. Knowing him to bs a
woman hater, Itoberta adopts man's attire.
Her uncle. General Carruthers, Inform
his supposed nephew that ho needs his
knowledge of French to straumen out a
4tal for providing; mules for France. The
governor's honor U Involved In the mutt
'Roberta pledges her aid and In Intro
duced to Governor Faulkner and to hla
private secretary, Hum aiendennlne,
Mrs. Jeff 'Wliltwortli Is deep In tho mule
chemo with her husband and endeavoring
to get ths governor's slcnaturo to the
Tho Bcvernor Klves n, dinner to Roberta,
who has been mado private secretary pro
tern. She matches her wits against Mrs.
Roberta examines specifications of the
proposed deal. Mrs. Whltworth tries to
pump Itoberta and makes lovo to her.
Iloberta accompanies tha Rovernor to
the stato prison, whero he wishes to see
s. murderer. The latter nttnckn the gov
mor, und Ilobertu dellects tho blow.
Itoberta discovers that the murderer has
killed his man In defending a woman. Blio
cecurcs a statement from the woman.
"Behold, I Am 8py."
YWTHKN I awakened tho
lAl nioriiliiff. becuuso of
II dnuclliK, behold, It was 10
of tho clock nml 11 thereto
beforo I nrrlvcil In n very great hurry
with much plukiicHH of chcekH In tlio
cfllco of tho Gouvcrncur Kuulkiicr ut
tho cnpltol of tho ntnto of Ilnrnoth.
"Oood morning, llobcrt," ho mild to
jno with n lnugh ng ho enmo nml Btood
closo beside wo. Tlmt llobcrlu, ninr
qubio of Ores and llyo, will blush
within mo when that beloved Rouvcr
ncur comes very closo besldo her, In u
way that Is nn embarrassment to Hub
ert Carruthers, tils secretary. "And
now tell mo what you said to that
stupid Mary Drown that mndo her see
tho Unlit?" bo asked me, with his flno
eyes looking Into inlno with n trreat
Interest nnd somethlue of admiration.
"I asked of her If sho would not
throw herself beforo that beloved Rood
Tlmins If it knlfo was nlmed nt bis
heart, unit sho perceived from Hint
question Hint sho must Rive to mo tho
jnlper. A liuart that has felt n great
troscdy draw near n beloved ouo can
peak without words to another who
sees also n Moved In dnnirrr. Is It
that you slept In ease, my (louverneiir
Faulkner, after you had received that
paper? It grieved mo Hint you nhoul,l
sit nt work whllu I was nt daurlitir,"
1 nnsworcd to lilm as I drew nearer
nnd laid my hand with timidity upon
tho wicovo of his coat
"IleavciiH, boy I Do thoy grow ninny
Uku you In Krone V was tho iiiisvor
Hint tllo Rivat (louvrrnuiir Kmilloirr
tuudo to mo as ho looked down lii.o
"Is It that you slept In tstef
tho ndoratlou of my ryes mined to his,
with n question that was of deep be
wilderment. "Franco tins grown many young nnd
line men who who die, my Gouver
ucur Faulkner for her In tho trenches,
whero I must soon go," I uuswercd
htm, with my head drawn to Its. entire
bright In Hie likeness of tho old mar
quis of Ores and Flanders.
"When you go Into tho trenches of
Prtuiee, jrou'iigster, tho stato of liar
peth will have n governor ou leave In
the same trench," answered me that
Gouvenicur Faulkner, with a Tery gen
tle band laid on the bUhjvo of my coat
bore the bandages of my wound and
glow of the star In his eyes. "Ilroth
era by bloodshed. Marquis of Ores aud
"Iloberta, marquise of Ores and Bye,
bow will you even gain the refuge of
your petticoats and cet a v. ay from
these lies of dlshouor If you are to bo
so pursued by" I was asking of my.
elf when my undo, the Goucral Hob
rt, opened the door aud Midi
"Better see this pardon delegation
aetr, governor. That other matter Is
C&lnjr to go to the deuqe as. fast U
: II M
i r irTvfA'Vw v
can If wo don't scotch It Itobcrt, pet
thoso letters on your desk Into United
States as quickly as possible That
French deluge Is upon us. Como back
as soon as you can," With which I
was dismissed Into my own smalt an
teroom. And what did I And In thoso letters?
As I sat nnd held In my hand thsso
pnpers, In which were two long mes
sages, the ono written In n very poor
HnglHh nnd the other In n very clcgaut
French, tho woman Itoberta, tnanjtilso
of Ore, and Hye. trembled with fear of
a discovery of hcrwomnn'sj estate, while
that daredevil Itobcrt Carnithcrs raged
within and also turned with n deadly
Iintrtul and distrust of tho greatest gen
tleman that )e bon Diet! had ever given
to him to know. It wns as I sny and
for this reason: In the letters were an
nouncements of tho arrival of tho Lieu
tenant Count IMotiard do Hourdon on
that Tuesday which tho Mailani Whlt
worth had mentioned. They woro writ
ten with great ceremony to my undo,
tho General Itobcrt Carruthers, as sec
retary of tho state of Harpctb, to glvo
to Mtn that Information to bo conveyed
to bis excellency tho Gouvernenr
Faulkner, In duo form, though ho al
ready had that Information.
"They raako Into a fool my revered
undo, tho General Itobcrt Cnrruthcrs,
who would keep his stato nnd tho
Rouvcrncur of that stato from dishon
or!" I exclaimed to myself In my rage.
"And this woman thinks to play with
tho life of French soldiers as she has
with that unmo Gourcmcur Faulkner,
docs sho? No; thcro Is Itoberta, mar
qulso of Grez and llyo, who Is a sol
dier of her rcpubllquo by appointment
from tho great capttalnc, tho Count
do Lnsscllcs, to both watch and further
tho Interests of France, whom sho
miiBt meet In combnt first!"
And as I said theso words to myself
I mudo a rapid writing of both papers
and with them asked admittance to
"Vive la France and ths stats of Har
peth!" tho room of that Gouvernenr Faulk
ucr who bad Just dismissed tho good
men who had como to thank him for
his mercy shown to that poor creature
Tim ins.
In Hint room 1 found my uncle, the
General Itobcrt, nnd tho Gimverncur
Faulkner In deep consultation, and
they both turned toward mo with mix
lety In their faces.
"What did you mnko of tho letters,
boy?" asked my uncle, tho General Itob
crt, with keen nnxlcty. Tho great
gouvcriieur wiih silent, mid for tho llrst
tluio since I hud looked Into his face
my eyes did not glnuco In his direc
tion. "They both nnnouiico tho arrival on
Tuesday of tho Lleiileunnt tho Count
do llounlon to sign the contracts con
cerning tho mules to bo sold by the
statu of Ilarpoth to tho rcpuhlhiuo of
France,-sir," 1 answered In a cold and
formal volco and then stood ut nu at
tention for nny more questions.
"Tho thunder they do!" exclaimed
my undo, the General Hubert, while
still tho (loiivorncur Faulkner was si
lent. "Do they glvo no excuse fur bo
tug nearly tcu days ahead of time,
"Xo, honored undo," I answered
"Miulain Whltworth said to mo that
tho Gouvernenr Fuulkner had net that
dato for tho arrival of tho commission
and hnd so Informed her, and I thltiU
that to bo tho reason for absence of i
such excuse." And as I mado that
answer, which was ono of great Im
pertinence from n secretary to a chief
who wns a great gouvcriieur, 1 looked
with cold calmness Into tho dink star
eyes under their black lushes, which
woro darting lightnings of anger nt my
"What!" exclaimed my uncle, tho
General Itobcrt Carruthers. And ho
turned white with a trembling us he
fared tho lightning In those eyes of
tho stars. Hut It wns not to bis secre
tary of stuto that tha great Gouver
nenr Faulkner mado bis denial, but to
his hurublo secretary, Itobcrt Car
ruthers, who looked without fear Into
tho very depths of those Ughtutngs.
"This Is tho first time I havo beard
of a chaugo of dato for tho urrlval of
the commission, llobcrt," ho said In a
calm volco as for a second bis eyes
held mine, it second which was sutll
clent for n truth to pass from bis heart
and still tho storm In mine. I did not
understand all that his eyes said of a
great hurt, but I know that what ho
spoko was true and would always bo,
"And what were you doing gossiping
with that lying luuiy, sir?" demanded
ray uncle, the General Hubert, with in
stant belief In the word of that Gouvcr
iieur Kaulkuer, turning his auger upon
me, who stood and took It with such
a Joy In my heart front tho truth that
had como Into It from those eyes of
the night stars that 1 did not oven feel
Its vloleuce.
"Vive la France and tho state of
Ilarpethl Behold! I am a spy!" I an
swered him as I drew myself to my
greatest height and gT0 the salute
which hhi old soldiers jive to him t
"' cW9eadi77I
vfwMmflMn i
that raising of tho banner of tho cause
that be bad lost In his youth.
"1'ou young daredevil, you, I'm a
great mind to break every bono In your
body, as I havo said beforo," he said
to me, but I could sco a smllo of pride
making a lightning of tho gloom In his
countcnanco over the troublo of his af
fairs of state. "You keep away from"
"Itobcrt," was tho Interruption mado
by my groat beloved Gouvcrncur
Faulkner, "upon you will fall tho task
of making tho plaus for tho entertain
ment of this countryman of yours. Tho
general and I will bo too busy getting
rondy to meet them on their own
grounds to give any time to that Ite
metnber, they will havo to bo shown
the host grazing land In tho valley In
motorcars. When thoy are done sizing
us up wo'll bo ready for them. The
count nnd Ills secretaries will, of
courec, bo cntcrtnlncd nt tho Mansion,
and you can mnko arrangements at tho
hotel for tho rest of tho suite. Also
will you please Instruct my servants
how to mako them comfortable, and,
Itobcrt. will you confer with Mrs.
Whltworth, who. as the wlfo of tho
treasurer of tho Btato of Harpctb, while
neither tho general nor I has n wife,
must bo considered as tho official so
cial representative of tho stato as to
what form tho oOlclal entertainments
must tako?"
And as he asked that question of mo
my Gouvcrncur Faulkner did not so
much as glance at my uncle, tho Gen
eral Robert, who gavo an exclamation
of contempt In his throat as ho began
a reading of tho two. papers which I
had handed to htm,
"Also I suppose this means I roust
glvo up nl! hope of services from thnt
fly-up-tho-crcck Clcndcnnlng," ho grum
bled as ho read,
"I will do as you bid me, my Gouver
nenr Faulkner, In all things, and I will
bo much helped by both my excellent
liuzz and tho beautiful Madam VVMt
wcrth," I mado nnswer to tho ques
tion and command given to mo by the
Gouvernenr Faulkner, and ns I men
tioned tho namo of that lady I lowered
my eyes to tho lloor nnd waited for
my dismissal. I did not want to look
Into his eyes, for I did not know even
then If 1 might not find that Mndam
Wliltwortli thcro. I only know that,
whatever sho did or was to him, his
honor was Inviolable.
"Well, get to It nil," commanded my
uncle, tho General llobcrt. "Get
vouchers for what you spend nnd pay
with stato department checks. Don't
blow In a fortune, you young spend
thrift, you, but also remember that tho
stato of Ilarpcth Is ono of tho richest
In America aud knows how to show
Franco real hospitality."
"Tlmt stato of Ilarpcth has shown
Hint hospitality to ono humblo youth
of Franco, my Uncle llobcrt, who has
a great gratitude," I mado answer to
htm as I laid my check upon tho slcoro
of his coat, which was of n cut In tho
best stylo for gentlemen of his ago.
Try as hard as Itobcrt Carruthers will,
ho cannot force tlmt Itoberta, mar
qulso of Grez nnd llyo. at all times to
refrain from a caress to tho undo
whom sho so greatly loves.
"Clear out, slrl Depart!" was tho
'responso I got to that caress, But'sl
Vays thnt wicked Itoberta, marqulso
of Grez and Hye, finds In tho faco of
her relative something that assures her
thnt sbo can bo venture ut n later time.
And ns I turned away from that
coldness on tho part of my nugust rcln
tlvo I found n glow of warmth for my
reviving In tho eyes of my beautiful
Gouvernenr Faulkner, who held out his
linnd to mo as I started to the door for
that departure commanded me.
"lllood brothers never doubt each
other, Itobcrt," ho said to mo as with
ouo hand ho grasped my right hand
and laid tho other on my arm nbovo
my bnndago over tho wound Tlmmi
had given to me, which was now al
most entirely healed.
With tho quickness of lightning I
laid my check against tho sleevo of his
cent In exactly tho caress 1 had given
to my uncle, tho Genernl Itobcrt. and
then did depart with nn equal rapidity.
"Can you bent him. Hill?" 1 heard
my uncle, tho Genernl Itobcrt. demand
as 1 closed tho door.
"Iniiossllilol" wns tho nniwcr I
thought wns returned.
And from that audience chamber 1
wont quickly mid ulono In my good
cherry to Twin Onks, was admitted
by Iloubon, whom I Instructed not In
any wny to allow that I bo Interrupt
ed, ascended to my own apartment
and seated myself In a largo chnlr be
fore Hio glowing ashes of a small fire
of fragrant chip twigs, which kind
Madam Klzztn had had lighted against
what sho called n "May chill" during
my toilet of tho morning. Abovo roo
from tho mantelshelf that Graudmam.
ma Carruthers looked down with hor
great and noblo smile, whllo the tlamo
In hor eyes sccincd to auswer tlmt lu
my soul as I communed with myself.
"What Is It that you will now do,
Roberta, marquise of Grex and Uyo?"
I asked of myself, with a slight slink
lug of my knees In their cheviot
trousers. "It Is hardly possible that
you wilt escape from revealing your
woman's estate to this Frenchman ot
your own class. Hero all mistakes of
a man's estate aro forgiven you aud
laid to the fact of your being an alien,
but that Lieutenant Count do Hourdon
will ask questions of you and perhaps
has a knowledge of your relatives aud
friends Indeed, must have. Also al
ready that wicked Madam Whltworth
entertains suspicious of you. What U '
It that you win dor
And after I had asked myxolf fur a
second tluio that question I sat aud
looked luto the eyes of that Grand,
mamma Carruthers fur uiauy long mo
ments and bad an argument with my
self. Then I answered to her a I"
rose to my feet so that my eyes mm
aoro nearly on a level with hers:
"No, Madam Ancestress, born of her
whoa not an Indian or a fierce hear
I GTi...-
I 8at and Looked Into the Eyea of that
could frighten away from her duty of
protection to thoso of her nffcctlons, I
will not flee. I will stay hero by tho
sldo of my undo, tho General Robert,
nnJ my great chief, that Gouvcrncur
Faulkner, to fight for tbclr honor and
to protect Franco from robbery. Then,
If I bo discovered nnd can do no more
for thciai, I will go from their pres
ence quickly In tho night nnd be lost
In the truicbos of Franco before I am
detained. And, If It bo that I am not
discovered beforo all Is mado well con
cerning thoso mules for transportation
of food to tho soldiers of France, then
I will stilt go away to tho battlefields
of Franco beforo It Is discovered by
all who havo given affection to Itobcrt
Carruthers that ho Is a lie. I will
leave lovo for mo nnd for Franco In
all of theso kind hearts, which will
comfort me when I light for tho rc
publlquo or Ilvo for her during long
years. I grlcvo exceedingly, but I gol"
I feel n certainty that If I should
continue to bo an American man for
till of tho dnys I may live, to that
threescore and ten age, I would never
bo able to gain In any way oven a
small portion of whnt my flno Mr
Huzz Clendcnulng calls "bustle." I
went at his sldu for tho thrco days
which Intervened between tho news of
the nrrlval of that Lieutenant Count
do Hourdon nnd that actual nrrlval, In
what seemed to mo to bo tho paco of
u very licet horso or oven as tho flight
of a bird. And ns fast as wo went
from the arrangement of ono detail of
entertainment to another tho beautiful
Madam Whltworth went with us, with
her eyes of tho flower blue very bright
with a great excitement. I was glad
that In all matters It was necessary
that my flno Buzz also consult with
her, and thus I was not exposed to any
of her wickedness alone.
And In my own heart was also a
great excitement, for It seemed to me
that I wns fighting a great batHo for
Franco all alone. All day I could see
that that Mr. Jefferson Whltworth aud
tho other men of wealth who with him
wcro seeking to bo robbers to my
country wcro first lu consultation with
themselves and then with my uncle,
tho General Robert, and also the
Gouvcrncur Faulkner. Would their
powerful wickedness prevail and be
ablo to forco n signing of that paper on
tho gouvcrncur? Was that In their
You Will Buy Our New
If You Give Our Salesmen an Opportunity to Show the Contract
If You'Livd
w l.
HOME OFFICE: PORTLAND " . c. a uamuel - v mnm
ASHLEY FORREST, District Representative,
power" I uiwcd myself, and In my lgno
ranco I did not know nn answer and
had no person to demand ono from.
Thcro was no ease of heart to me
when tho days went by. and I was so
at -vork with my Uuzz that I had no
tlmo for words from my Gouvcrneur
Faulkner or glance from thoso eyes of
tho dawn star. I could ouly murmur
to myself:
"Vivo la Franco nnd Ilarpcth Amcrb
(To Bo Continued.)
M. I). KnutHon's l'ct Fcllno Liven
Two Weeks Without Food or
Drink, Locked In Basement.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
An Angora cat Is In tho class with
camels, nnd other dry specie, In tho
belief of M. D. Knutson. Somo weeks
ago a pot angora cat was missing
from tho Knutson household, It
was thought that tho cat was either
stolen or poisoned. It was Just about
tho tlmo that tho Knutson family
was moving Into tholr now homo In
Bend View. Mr. Knutson conducted
a dlllgont search, advertised, and
scoured tho community.
Shortly after their moving, Mr.
Knutson ordorcd n load of wood
which was piled In tho basement.
Tho wood filled a part of tho baBO
ment from tho floor to the colling.
Tho Angora cat sought rcfugo uiulor
tho bnsomont floor. Tho other day
Airs. Knutson wns In tho basemont
nnd heard tho cat's cry. Tho Ango
ra was without food or drink for
two wcekB.
Prospects Now GixhI for IlcRiilnr
Train Service, Snys Oliver.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Word was received this morning
by Freight and Passonger Agont II.
C, Oliver that trains delayed on tho
Union Pacific, by heavy snows In
Wyoming, aro now moving at rcg-
gular scheduled speed, difficulties
In tho way of transportation having
been ovorcomo.
With good weather Indicated,
prospects aro oxcollont, ho says, for
regular train service.
(From Thursday's Dally.)
Tha DoArmond ranch, tho ono
upon which Harvey, and hops in such
great abundanco havo bcon raised,
near Grants Pass on tho Iloguo rlvor,
has been sold, according to a dis
patch to tho Journal. The "old
homo" Is now In tho possession ot
W. II. Tull, of Mcdford, who depos
ited 30,000, It Is understood, for
tho property. Tho farm embraces
17G acres.
For sign painting sco Edwards.
tr j
H w0 -. .! .mf twWl
SSBBBSWI ifSlI l .. rKt"" l ! HL1A
irt.iaent Qener.l
Particulars FurnWierl TTWm p
(From Friday's Dally.)
SALEM, Or., Fob. 2. (Special.)
According to Representative For
bes and other attorneys who havo
given tho question consideration,
thcro Is no doubt whatever that tha
passage, ot tho Deschutes county bill
ends for all tlmo, litigation directed
against tho county's legal existence
Tho bill serves a doublo purposo.
It both validates all tho steps taken
In tho recent formation ot tho now
county, following tho election, and
also actually creates It as a legisla
tive act. In short, had there been
no election at all, nny tho attorneys,
tho passage of Houso Bill No, 135
would havo created tho now county
boyond possibility of legal question.
Tho recont supremo court doctslon
In tho enso or Roso vs. tho Port ot
Portland, sets a precedent removing;
any question of tha legislature's Jur
isdiction In tho promises. That de
cision, In effoct, declares that cities
and towns aro municipalities, but
that counties aro not, so that thoro
Is no Inhibition agaliiBt a legislative
enactment affecting a county, as
thoro would bo against ono affecting:
a municipality.
Should Circuit Judgo Duffy sus
tain tho domurror entered by tho at
torneys for tho now county, which
is expected by thoso familiar with
tho legal status of tho argumont, tho
enso presumably automatically would
terminate. Further litigation ngalnst
tho now county could nuvor got be
foro a court, In view of tho act of
tho legislature, It Is stated.
SALEM, Or., Feb. 1. (Spec- -
Jul.) At -1 o'clock this lifter-
noon, Governor Wlthycoiubo
signed tho bill creating; Dos- -chutes
county, which wns pjuw- -cl
by tho legislature yestor-
day. As ho appended Ills slgaa- -
turc, ho remarked, "You Bend -
people hccm to liuvo a linblt of -
getting what you go nftcr."
Bank Adds Equipment.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
Tho Madras Stato Honk,,. this week
received a new billing rnachlno put
out by tho Burroughs Adding rna
chlno company, and also a now sys
tem of bookkeeping will bo Installed
today, of tho looso leaf system,,
which Is used In connection with tho.
billing machine. Madras Plonoor. .
The Idea!'
Policy Contract
Pays Ybnr
Every Figure
Msnsr,r As.tsUat VojuW
ucijuoh , T .,
Bend, Oregon ASi'