The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 08, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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I'AGB 2.
Central Oregon
(Spoclnl to The Ilullotlu.)
TUMALO, Feb. 3. Lout Bnturrtnv
nftornoon JiicIro Barnes cntcrtalucl
tlio toaclicrn and pupils of tho Turn-
ulo bcIiooIh In a dollRlittul innniicr.
Aftor RccurlriK all nvallnbla rnrH, t lie
tenchors and Btudonts wore iaka i lo
llend to onjoy tlio afturnoou nmt
Inccs and a dnllfilitful lunch Hint wnn
nerved later In tin rvunlnsj.
Mrs. IMcrcy, of Tacomn, WoshliiR
ton, linn coino to Tumnlo to Join
lior family. Mr. Plorcy lins lately
purcliaHcd llio Mnnih plnco.
A very IntoretitlnK ciuostlon wan
dolmtcd upon by tlio I'lnoliunU Mt
nrnry noddy hint Saturday nlKht.
"Kraolvad tliat tlio Ili'dourcno of
AViisliliiRtoii nro greater tlinn tlioso
of OrcRou." Tlio (IocIhIou wuh kIvuii
In favor of tlio nofiatlvo,
Mr. and Mrn. Howard Hartley
voro dlnnor uuubIh at tlio Howell
liomo IiirI Bnturduy ovcnlng.
An entertainment will lie Riven nt
tlio I'lnolinrHt Rcliool Iioiiho oil tlio
uvenhiR of Folirunry 10. Tlio women
will lie ha Id In illHfitilfK'fl for n Hum
not lower than 10 rents. Tlio pro
renin from tlio ovoiiIiik'h entertain
ment will lie lined to liny lamps for
tlio nrluml building, NolRliliorltiK
dlntrlctH nro Invited to lirliiR lunrli
and Join In tho ovoiiIiir'h entortalti
meat. It. IF. Ilnyley linn boon haulliiK
fertlllzur from town tho piiHt week,
Lloyd mid William Hoot and Kor
Inald Ilayley went to lluud InHt Sat
urdny. MIhh Nolllo and Ethel Snyder, who
nro attondliiR nchool In Ileuil, wero
vIhUIiir at homo Saturday.
C. M. Mayuard, Mr. and Mrs. C.
II, SpaiiRh and I). E. wlmer wcro In
Ilonil laHt week.
Mr. and Mm, Androw McAllHter
nnd Hon, Orovnr, and i;rnuilsuii, Ed
ward York, wont to llend Hutur
day. Mr. and Mm. IMIckliiRer, Mr, 0. 10,
Hmlth, Mr. and Mrs. John Coon,
Mm. Taylor, Mm. Lilly and MIhs
Dean anant Sunday at tlio homu of
V. II. WIIhoii.
It. II. Ilayley and family and Nolllo
Howoll Rpeiil Sunday with Mr. and
Mm. O.- IV llockor.
N. CI. Wallace anil family and Mm.
W. M. Vunderpool, of I'llnovlllo, wore
vIhUIiir frleiidH In Tumnlo Saturday
nnd Sunday,
l'otatn liuyern are uumerouH In tills
flection at prononl.
Mr. mid Mm. T, O. Decker wero
yIhHIur at (lorkliiR'H hut ThurHday
and Friday.
Until llanta Ih reported qulto Hick,
llor mother, Mm. Mamh, who left
liiHt week for Wulln Walla lint been
vlrol of tho IIIiu'bh or llutli and In
oxpoctuil homo within tho uoxt tow
County School Superintendent
ThompHon wiih vIhUIiik In Tiiuialo
InHt Friday
Mnny farmem nro haitllne their
Rl'lllll to DcHchutcn,
A. McAllnter imri IiiihciI a new car
beforo leaving WaHhInRton, nnd en
countered many hardships on hla way
to Tumalo.
(Special to Tho Ilullotln)
MILLICAK, Fob. C Wm. A. Hahm
called at tho Fardlnand Tauschor
homo recently,
Clifford M. Hosln mado a trip to
Bend recently, returning Monday
with Bomo household Roods.
Mm, Leo Kollor visited with lior
motlior, Mm, Fordiunnd Tauschor,
(eo. Cook had dinner with Mr.
nnd Mm. Ferdinand Tiiusclicr last
Wm. A. Itnlini visited with Leo
TntiHchor Friday nftcrnoon, stnylng
nil iiIrIiI nnd roturnlng to his homo
Mm. Leo Keller called nt tlio It. It.
Kollor homo Saturday.
Leo Keller called ut tho It. It.
Kollor homo tho past week.
ThrcHhlng was discontinued until
Frlduy at tho Leo ranch, on account
of stormy weahter, the thorinometor
dropping to 18 degrees bolow zero,
There nro now thrco more stucks of
rye to thresh.
Tho dunce nt Ilamoy Conawoy's
phico February 3 was woll nttonded
and all reported a good tlmo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Egbert Dyer spoilt
Sunday with tho Connwny's, stnylng
over from tho dance.
Mm. I. II. Johnson nutoed to liar-
noy Connwny'H Sunday. Mr. and Mm,
L. P. Itooney accompanied her.
Mm. It, It. Kollor called on tho
Johnson's Sunday evening.
Mrs. A. I). Norton is greatly I in
proved In health at this writing.
Harry Morrison, formerly employ
ed at tho Mllllcan ranch, Is tho owner
or a now Ford car. Ho Is now am
ployed on a much near Ilond.
Frank Spoucor Is employed at n
Ilcud gurnge.
Mm. Deuzll Dyer, from Ilond, Is
visiting with her fntlior-ln-law, II
F. Dyer.
Mm. L. I. Itonnoy has bcoii III tho
past weok.
Mr. and Mm. A. O. Allen and
daughter wero viators tho pnst week
end at tho (leorgo Itohorts homo.
Ernest and Hooper Dyer vUltod
at tho Harney Conway homo Wed
nesday evening.
Hazel, Olailys nnd Hay Norton
stayed at tho Couaway homo Tues
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Egbert Dyer vlaltcd
at tho Fred Klgor homo tho past
Cliff Evans Is now numbered as
iinu of tho owners of a Ford car.
I. L. Owen hauled water from
Spencer'B now well tho past week.
I. L, Owen mado a trip to Head
Mrs. Oukn and lior sister, Miss
Clirystnl I lay ward moved hack to
Ilond recently,
MIL1.ICAN, Feb fi The Ml. I'lnuJ
lloostrr dub, on Its last meeting,
discussed tho possibility of organlz
ing n local National Farm Loan as
sociation. A number of non mem
bers wero presont and took a keen
Interest. ,
In order to glvo porsotn, knr.wn to
bo Interested, a chanco to bo present,
It was voted to call a mcctlni, for
Fobruary 17, nt Mllllcan postotllco,
for a final discussion and perfecting
tho organization.
A Woman's Excrlciico Willi Grippe.
When a cough or cold hangs on,
nnd you havo nebes nnd pains that
aro hard to define, It la likely that
grlppo Is taking hold of your sys
tem. Mrs. J. A. Ilodgors, Switzer,
S. C says: "I am Biiscoptlblo to
colds, often ending In grlppo. In
this case I havo found Foloy's Honey
nnd Tnr to prevent doctor bills."
8old ovorywhoro. Adv.
(Spoclal to Tho Hullotln)
CLOVEItDALE, Fob. 4 Mrs. Hol
ly Is visiting her nleco, Mrs. Peter
son. Clins. Griffiths, of Deschutes, was
In Clovordalo Tuesday nnd pur
chased thrco full blooded Poland
Chlnn hogs of W. W. Vun Matro.
Tho boys and girls basketball
teams of Clovordalo played with tho
Ilcdmoiid teams nt Iledmond Satur
day night. Tho Clovordalo girl won
by n score of 7 to 10, nnd tho Ilcd
moiid boys won by n scoro of 13 to
r2. Those from Clovordalo who nt
tonded tho Ramos were. II. Kline.
S. Kllno, A. Qrubo, E. Gnilio, E. Mil
ler, V. Skolton, J. Crow, D. Van Ma
tro, It. Abboy, Elmor Qrubo. Mrs.
McDonnld, Mrs. Kllno, Viola Miller
inn Mrs. Annoy.
E. E. HcsBo and" John Gottor mado
n trip to Redmond Saturday, Mr.
IICBso delivering flvo hogs thnt
weighed 1020 pounds, llvo weight.
Ho received I10.G0 per hundred,
Ooorgo Cyrus has Just completed
his now sheep barn.
Horn to Mr. nnd Mm. W. W. Vnn
Matro, January 29, a (laughter,
Hay Abboy delivered hogs In Iled
mond Saturday.
J. Crow Is visiting his frlond, S.
Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Aldrlrh nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Skolton wero calling on Mr.
and Mrs. Van Mntro Sunday.
Vorno Skolton attended tho basket
ball gamo nt Sisters, Sunday nftor
noon, which was between Tumalo
and Sisters.
Mr. Ulanchnrd, county agricultur
alist, and Mr. Nash and Miss Leo
will moot with tho Clovordalo Coun
cil club nt their next mooting, Feb
ruary !). Everyone is invited.
evening's entertainment wcro about
Tho next meeting of tho Powell
Ilutto Sorosis will bo February 7, at
tho hall. AH members pleaso at
FOR SALE I havo for sale a
small saw mill outfit, well located
In Central Oregon. This mill is all
ready to run nnd thoro Is a good
demund for tho output. Ono million
feet of timber goes with tho mill
nnd other adjoining timber can bo
purchased at a low prlco. This Is
an excellent proposition for somo
ono who desires to engago In tho
saw mill business on n small scalo
For all particulars, call on mo. C. V.
Sllvls, 118 Oregon St., Bond. 48c
(Spcclnl to Tho Hullotln.)
Mr. mid Mm. Hasslor, of Stnuffor,
wero guests of Mr. nnd Mrs. Hnrnco
Brookings Sunday and Monday.
Wndo Mooro was n business vis
itor In this vicinity InHt Saturday.
Lat Friday night, KilwJiijrScliro
der ontcrtnluod at 500. Earl'Ilogem
won tho prlzo, n sack of solf-ralslng
pnncuko flour, nnd Mrs. Emma Hlii
nuiii won tho booby prlzo. Those
presont wore Mr. and Mm. C. Hlii
man, Mr. and Mrs. Vie Schroder,
Miss Bertha Ornham, Earl Rogers,
Vie Johnson, Thou. C. Ewlng, Emll
nnd John Cnrroz, Wm. Hoist and Ed
win Schroder.
for Profit
Flow is the time
The siwrtngc of food Products In the
murkcts of the world promises
Big returns for growers
Prepare to reap your share
or the profits
Qim KIT CATALOG J rUnlm' CulJ. I ( rr,
lnURf IMW M intrtwfd vtfMtirt thai ut hkI (voeutila
fur cvntmUl or horn planting! Utrat and t equip
rtMinl lor iMMjltrymn. b kr, fruit grawara -13
A$k for Catalog No.
yWrWvvv vwv vvvvviwv WV- Wv
I True Economy . . .
$ WJCl
d4 ct it
mrins the wUt iptoJlne of one' money nuking every daXUr do full duty
J ni tluiB In return o rticl tlut will ntlfy you la vry wy.
All JL i-
U a ml tarjila txciuu It b toli at a popuUf
price bccauM It give you tiu kini ol nwlng
you delight Ini Ucaute it will turu out tb work
quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time
of utlsf ictory aervicet because lu Improve menu
will eruble you to do thlog which can't be dooe
oa any other machines because it will please you
with Iti fine flohh and beauty of lu furniture.
In ibort you will find the White reliable, and
desirable from every point of view.
Be sure to ut the While dealer who will be glad to show you how good a
machine the White Is. II there 1 no White dealer handy, write us direct for cat.
alegi. We do not aell to catalog houses. Vibrator and Kotary Shuttle Machines.
(Special to Tho Ilullotln.)
1'OWELL BUTTE. Fob. 1. Com-
iiiunlt)' hull Is to havo u flno drop
curtnln for tho stage, nnd It Is fast
Hearing completion. A plcturo ol tho
Three Sisters occupies the center
spneo, and IiiisIiiohs men from tho
three surrounding towns will havo
their ndvortlsemeutB on tho sur
rounding spaces.
Mrs. John McClcnd Is hero visit
ing. Sho spent soma tlmo at tho
ItotsH Bussott homo nnd then went to
rrluovlllo to visit her sUtor, Mrs.
E. A. Bussott, and lior mother, moth
er, Mrs, Mary Brown.
Mrs. L. W Van Dnrou nnd lior
brother, Mr, Drommor, spent Wed
nesday evening nt tho Truesdale
Miss Melon O'Noll, of Bend, was
tho hoiiRO guest of Mrs. Allen Will
coxen Friday and Saturday, Sho
came down to Attend tho Jltnoy danco.
Mr. Hayes has resigned his po
sition as toachor In tho eighth grade
nt tho Iledmond school to resumo
his studies nt tho University. His
place will bo tilled by John Tuck,
of l'owull Butto. Ho will begin
teaching on Wednesday morning.
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. I Alloy enter
tained at dinner Sunday, for a num
ber ot friends, among whom wero,
ltov. and Mrs. Alton, of Iledmond;
Mr. Brown, nnd Mr. and Mrs. J. F.
J. A. IUrks, bis sister. Mrs. Etta
Arnold, nnd Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
Ilayn motored to rrluovlllo Mon
day, and wero dlnnor guests of tho
Misses Bayn at Seldom Inn.
A. II. Bhodo wn a business vis
itor In Ilodmoud Tuesday, soliciting
adds for tho drop curtain to bo put
up In Community hall.
Mr. and Mrs. S. I). Mustard spent
last Sunday afternoon ut tho F. B.
Ilayn homo at Deschutes.
Mrs. Etta M. Arnold has returned
to llend, aftor spending several days
with Mrs. A. W. Bayn. Sho expects
to loavo soon for Vulcan, Alberta,
where sho now resides.
John Brommor left Saturday for
his homo In North Yuklnia, after a
visit nt several weeks with his sis
ter, Mrs. Van Boron.
Thursday evening tho Towcll Butto
Improvement club hold Its annual
election ot ottlcers, tho following of.
fleers being elected: President, J.
F. nice; Secretary, Delberl French;
Vice President, Oeo. C. Truesdale;
Treasurer, Wm. Wilson. J. A. Hlggs
and Ooo. C. Truesdulo wero olected
directors for two years.
Tho jltnoy danco nt tho hall on
Friday night was a very successful af
fair. A goodly crowjl was in at
tendance, and all enjoyed a picas
uut tlmo. Tho receipts from the
(Special to Tho Bulletin.)
POWELL BUTTE, Jan. 29. Guy
Scars Is confined to his homo with
a bad caso ot measles.
Tho next mooting ot tho Powell
Butto Devolopmont leaguo will bo
hold In tho hall on tho first day of
February, for tho election of offi
cers. All members nro requested to
bo present.
Ono of Billy Wilson's hired mon
mot with n painful necident whllo
raondlng fonco. A stapla flow out
and struck him in tho oyo. Ho left
for Portland Sunday ovontng.
Mrs. D. A. Yates and Mrs. Guy
Scars returned from their trip to
Portland on Thursday ovenlng's
Miss Orisa Scars lias returned to
Prinovlllo to school.
Mr and Mrs. A. W. Bnyno, Mrs.
Ettn Arnold and J. A. Illggs woro
dinner guests at tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. Honry Suttong's, near Bond.
J. A. Illggs nttonded tho danco
In Prinovlllo Saturday night.
Thoso who attonded tho danco In
llodmond Friday evening woro Mr.
and Mrs. Allon Willcoxen, Mr. nnd
Mrs. Hilly Wilson, J. A. Illggs, Mrs.
Heaves Wlllcoxon, Mrs. O. E. Buttor
flold nnd Mrs. J. M. Shearer. Tho
music was furnished by tho Bowkors
orchestra, of Portland, and was
greatly enjoyed by nil. Thoy an
nounced thnt thoy will mnko regu
lar trips, including Bend, Iledmond
and Prinovlllo.
O. E. Butterfleld made a trip to
Boise, Idaho, to purchaso two car
loads of sheep.
Mrs. Ettn M. Arnold, formerly ot
this place, but now making lior homo
In Vulcan, Alberta, Is tho houso
guest of Mrs. A. W. Bayn this weok.
Xcw Equipment. Coming for Des
chutes Forest Two Xcw Look
out Ton era nro Planned.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Now facilities In tho way of tiro
fighting on tho Deschutes National
forest nro to bo provided, In tho
shape of saddlo bags, each pair con
taining approximately 21 gallons ot
water, to bo brought by pack horses
to tho bcoiio ot small fires. Tho
first of theso containers arrived this
Supervisor W. 0. Hastings plans
to havo a pair of theso bags for each
of tho main caches on tho forest.
Each will bo equipped with n hoso,
and will find their chief tiro fight
ing uso whon attached to n forco
pump, In putting out smnll pitch
fires hugh up on tho trunks ot tho
trees. At other times they will bo
ii3od In carrying drinking water to
tho rangers.
Among tho greatest Improvements
on tho forest for tho coming year,
will bo tho construction of two look
out stations oC tho most modern
typo, nccordlng to Mr. Basting's
present plans.
And Investigate our prices
beforo buying your groceries.
Wo can sovo you money.
P. B. Johnson's
MlUican, Ore. Tolopbono
Cut This Out It Is Worth Mono.
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out tills
slip, cncloso with Gc to Foley & Co.,
us a 5 Sholllcld Ave. Chicago. 111..
writing your namo nnd address clear
ly. You will rccolvo In return a trial
package containing Foley's Honov
nnd Tnr Compound, for coughs,
colds, croup; Foley Kidney Pills, nnd
Foioy Cnthartlc Tablets. Sold ovory
whoro. Adv.
A Viwior
A Departure
A Birth
A Delh
An Accident
An lllnew
Any New Building
Social Functions
A Real Estate Transaction
Any Improvement!
Anything that is ot Interest
Phone it to
The Bulletin
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
AH who havo used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.
"' p
Deschutes Chicken Mash
The Bend Flour Mill is manufacturing the most efficient and econom
ical chicken feed mash that has ever been offered to the poultry rais
ers of Central Oregon. The results that can be obtained from feed
ing DESCHUTES CHICKEN MASH are phenomenal.
The ingredients are of the highest quality:
One sack will bring you results.
Why pay high prices for chicken feeds when a better grade is obtain
able at home for less money?
Automatic Feeding Hopper
Inquire about our automatic feeding hopper. They are sheltered, keep
fyeset uT- MVe yUr CSt f feedlng They come t0 yu itete-
With one 100-pound sack of Deschutes Chicken Mash we will sell
one of these automatic feeding hoppers for $1.00
Deschutes Chicken Mash, per sack $2 00
Automatic Feeding Hopper TTZ
Place your order now with the Bend Flour Mill Company so that
your chickens may commence laying earlv w II ??
tee results.-Users of Deschutes Chicken Masl no -"T;
our product may return it and have money funded
Wewillgladlyofferyousuggestions on hoTtota tl chicken mash.
Bend Flour Mill Company