FAOB 10. BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, TIIimaDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1017. f m RESERVOIR BILL IN HARD FIGHT AHEAD ON TUMALO MEASURE. Appropriation for Curing lycnks llns y.n ItrcnU, hut J'uto Will Do jctnl on AJiUHy of JcglsIn- (uro (o Horurc Kumls. (Pram Saturday's Dally.) BALEM, Or., 1'eb. 3. (Spoclnl.) Next! With the DrnchutoH county bill nnfoly passed, tho frlouds of Des chutes county and Central Oregon who aro members of tho legislature, and raomborH of tho "Third House" In tho lobby, nro tumlnc their at tnntlon to oilier legislation relating to tho DcHcliutcH country, Tho Tuninln bill, fathered by Lnur Xaard In tho Houso, appropriates 325,000 for examination of tho Turn nlo rcsorvolr and for tho curing of leaks in tho reservoir floor, If tho onglncorlng examination finds, as Is expected, that tho repairs can bo inado with tho funds avnllablu. Until fight Ahead. Tho maltur Is now up to tho Joint wityH and monuH commlttecH. Even tho most nrdont frlnuilH of tho bill ronllzo It lam a hard flglit boforo it, becaiiBo uavor In tho history of tho Htato has n legislature been In a tlghtor holo financially. Under tho tax limitation nuiouduiont, just so much and no moro run bo spent by tho statu during tho iiuxt year. Thut "so much" is already far overdrawn by tho appropriations which aro iiskcd for, and tho ways and means commlttooN nro (dashing mercilessly. Huh Even llienk to Win. Tho fate of tho Tumalo bill do ponds uullruly upon whether or not tlioro Ih anything loft avor when tho Items of tho regular budgot, llko tho upkeep of statu Institutions and ilcpartmontH, ban linen cured for. 'Dion tho cnmmlttnu will parrol nut tho remaining balance among the most desorvlug bills Hooking appro priation, 11 hooiiih about nn oven break whether or not thu I.nurgaurd Mil wIiih out. It Is known that thn bill has sov oral outspokoii friends on thu Joint ways and means committees. Tho personnel of thu combined commit tco la oh follows: Suuutnrs Wood, Ilnrrott, Tut roll, Olll, LtiFollott, J, C, Smith and Strnyor; Hupresouta tlvcti Kubll, Chllds, Clark, Itowo, Stephens, Ashley and W. Al. Jones. Able Help (Jlien. At all ovontu, Ituprcsontntlvrs 1'orbos, Ilunllck and Lnurgaard In tho IIoiiHu, and Senator llaldwln In tlio Butiato, aru doing uvurythlug Ihoy can, In tho fiun of u very dlf 'flcult nltuiitlnu And thoy uro bo- lug nbly assisted by Krod Wnllaco, munngor or tnu Tumalo projuct. II II. DuArmoud, dlstrlut attorney of DoMihtitoii county, and alitor rosl tlunlH of tho territory affected, who nro tine duck from time tu timo In thu statu houso. WILL MISS ANDERSON ( (lied inonil Spokesman.) August A. Andorsnn, manager of tho Tum-a-l.um Lumber company nt this place, hns been offered nnd bus accepted the position of chief dep uty under Sheriff Huberts, of this county, While wo nro positive that tho se lection U thu best thut Mr. Huberts could havo mndo from tho wholo body of thu county It hn hud raked It with flno-tnoth comb, wo nro worry thut ho could not havo found Bomu ono whose removal from lied nioud would hnvn been of less con Bfijuoncu to tho town. Mr. Ander uon hns been Identified with us bo long nnd Is tmrh a good clllion that we shall mlas hla dally presence, tivcn though wo know that, from nn 'olllclal standpoint, thu county will bo certAlu of the services of ono of Its most omclent vltlioua aa well us ono of tho biggest-hearted, squar i't nnd most honorable. THE It M uiinounrotl Hits morning by Guy II. Wilson, contractor nnd builder of tho Hcnd high school's new building, and Superintendent F. Thonlaroon that tho hlftlt ncliool (Undents mill occupy their new btudy homo on I.llcolu's birthday. Tho uboto illustration shows the architect's drawing or the strac taro, m It will appear when U tho unit nro complete. At this time, only the cost wing and main auditorium have beca erected. Th structure J coakldcrcd to bo ouo of tho wot modem of tho ono story school buildings In the state. With tho rlso of tho mercury tho last two days tho trouble of tho mU companies havo been considerably lessened In handling logs In tho mill ponds. It has been only by Incessant work that tho logs havo been kept frco from tho Ice, nnd incidentally permitting continuous oporation at tho mills. IlrookH-Hrnnliin. .loo Dawson, formorly chlof ongl neor of tho Urooks-Scnulon Lumber Co., has been succeeded by O. J. Solk. Mr. Dawson has boon compelled to lcavo Iicnd and resign his position on account of tho 111 health of his wife. Mr. Dawson has hold tho po sltlnn of chlof unglnoor of tho com pany slnco It began operations bora last May. Tho Ilrooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. is Issuing to mnny of its trada u noatty arranged calendar of tho curront month. In tho center of tho calen dar appears each month n bcoiio pho tographed around Its plant and lum bor holdings. The September calen dar displayed a scone taken from thu west sldo of tho rlvor showing tho sawmill and auxiliary buildings; October cnlondar showed a bccuo In tho lumbor yards; Novombor cnlon dar showed a timber bcoiio; Dccom bor calendar gnvo a bcoiio showing tho method by which tho Urooks Scanlnn Lumber Co. handles Its logs In tho woods; January calendar dis played tho company's ovorhend skld der nnd londor, nnd tho February calcndnr shows tho company's dry shod nnd plnnor. Tho sending out of those calendars will bo a monthly fonturo that will bo conducted by thu company. Tho Ilrooks-Rcnnlou Lumber Co. Is experimenting this week with a now Wright tractor which Is being used In hauling lumbor from tho sawmill ,nto tho lumber yurds. It Is tho In tontlnu of tho company to uso threo of theso (motors If It Is found to bu satisfactory. Herman Hanson, nn omployo In tho lath mill of tho Ilroks-Scnnloii Lumbor Co., has boon seriously ill for sovonil months. During tho Inst SPOKESMAN READY TO BE FOR NEW COUNTY (Redmond Spokesman.) In sb far as leglslatlvo sanction can go, Deschutes county Is now an established fact, thu Sonnto having passed tho mcasuro by n iinnnlmous vote, and whether absolutely legal or not, wo nro forced to tho conclusion that tho presant organization will stand. Tho Spokesman mndo an honor nhlo fight ngnlust county division ho causa It felt that such a stop was premature; that tho county was not In tho propor flunnclnl condition to warrant tho axpcuiBo of maintaining nn oxtra county government. Wo still think that a largo majority of our people would havo boon bettor off without n now county, but wo rocognlzo thu wisdom of mnjorlty rule nnd thosu of us who opposed thu movement will bo no worse off than those rusldouts outside of Uond who favored It. llond will profit, of course, and that Is why bor peoplo lout their utmost energies to tho at tainment of division, For this thoy nro not altogether to bo censured. Wo nro ull moro or less selfish. Homo there nro, who still havo fulth that tho courts will sustain tho pending action In quo warranto and ovorrldo oven legislative action. Tlioro Is a barn possibility this might happen. It It should not wo shall soon find a united peoplo of Des chutes county working for Its growth and upbuilding nnd nn economic ad ministration nt all times. AmMW'TANT ARRIVES (From Monday's Dally.) Max Crandnll, who has boon em ployed by tho county court to liiBtnll u system nt accounts for tho county, arrived last night to begin his work. Mr. Crnudnll Is well known hero hav ing been omployod by local firms as auditor nt different times. Ha also devised tho system ot accounting lu use by tho city, BEND HIGH SCHOOL TO J week several of tho employes of tho mill pooled together nnd raised a fund of $50 with which to assist his family. riping lias arrived for tho dry kiln of tho Urooks-Scnnlon Lumber Co. and is nearly Installed. It Is expected that tho kiln will bo In op eration within tho. next 10 days. The framo work for tho 400-horso-powor holler for tho Drooks-Scanlon plant has been complated and Is nwaltlng tho nrrlval of tho boiler. It It likely that tho boiler will not bo In uso for at least 30 days. Tho Drooks-Scanlon Lumbor Co. roports that It is not accepting any now outsldo orders for lumbor. owing to tho largo number it now has on hand. The Hlinllii-IIWon Company. Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company Is displaying In Its ofllco a panornma photograph taken recently from a Dutto to tho southwost of Its plant. In tho plcturo nro shown nil tho buildings of tho company and tho plant of tho Urooks-Scanlon Lum bor Co. on tho opposlto sldo of tho river. K. H. Den, general superintendent. J. A. Nichols, gonornl logging super intendent nnu William J. Lau, gon ornl auditor for tho Shovlln-Hlxon Company nnd nlllod Interests, nr rlved In Uond today on a trln of In- spcctlon. Tho now Lldgorwood ovorhend sklddcr nnd loader of Tho Shovlln- inxon Compnny was placed In onnr. ntlon during tho last week. Tho now plcco of machinery Is said to bo tho largest of Its kind In onorntlon In tho world. It oporatos over a dls tnncu of 1800 feet from tho tower, which Ib 80 feet high. O. I. Names hns accontod a tin. sltlon In tho ofllco of tho Uond White i'lno Basil compnny. -"rank 8. I'rlnco Is In St. Paul tbi week nttondlng tho Outdoors Simn carnival. H. I). Miles expects to move into his now rcsldonco In I'nrk addition this week. WILL USE SHEEP TO ENCLOSE HIS CATTLE Hlnnley Ranch Head Has a jfmc Kclicmu to Utilize Allotted tirnzliiK (round, (From Monday's Dally.) LA PINK, Fob. C To graze both snoop and cnttlo undor ono grazing permit in tho national forests scorns nn impossibility, nccordlng to tho grazing rules of tho forest dopnrt mont, hut J. II. Stnnloy, of tho Stan ley ranch, figures that ho has "beat tho servlco at Its own gomo," ac cording to reports received horo to day. Tho Stanley ranch will herd Bheop In u strip ono-hulf mllo wide nround tho urea occupied by tho cnttlo on Crnnu pmlrlo this yonr. This will Insure tho confinement of tho cattlo in their allotted grazing laud, nnd mo Biieep will net ns a fonro. Tho fact that tho sheep grazo so cleanly thnt thorn Is no food loft for tho eattlo will mnko It an inducomont for cnttlo glazing olsowhero on tho prairie to stoy on their own area nnd not cross tho barren hnlf-mllo strip to tho Stnnloy area. TO SHORTEN SEASON Protection of Cnttlo From Btormt Purpose of Foroht Hen Ice. (From Monday's Dally.) Supervisor W. O, Hastings, of tho Deschutes National forest, Is plan ning to shorten tho grazing season on tho Tumalo rango, changing It so that It will end tho ralddlo of Sop tombor Instead ot tho end ot Oc tobor, Tho chanco Is to bo mado partly bpcauso ot the dangor to cattlo from storms, It remaining on tho range until tho latter date, and partly bo cause tho grass Is considered to bo practically used up by the earlier (Into. BE OCCUPIED FEBRUARY 12. COUNTY C L POLICY .OF SAVING IS MADE GOOD Competition Compelled When Now Dlds on Record Hooks Aro Asked For, and Taxpa)crs uro llcnc- flttcd to Extent of $.100. (From Friday's Dally Uullotln) Putting Into practice Its annoucod policy of economy, tho county court, in session last night, saved $300 when tho bid of Tho Irwln-Hodson Co., of Portland, was accepted for tho contract of furnishing record books for county business. Tho bid was for 130 volumes, and totals J2GG0.14. Now bids wcro called for during tho afternoon session becauso ot tho fact that tho four representatives of stationary firms, who wcro Booking tho contract, had turned In identical estimates. It was believed that this Indicated collusion nnd real competi tion, resulting In a much lower offer, was evidenced In tho second lot of bids. Although tho bid ot tho Under wood typowrltor peoplo was slightly higher than estimates given on tho Iloynl mnchlncs, tho court decided to purchnBo tho former for county uso, six mnchlncs being ordered for 1483.75 Tho court adjourned to moot Tues day, February C, when arrangements will bo mado for a Joint meeting to bo hold Fobruary 7, with tho Crook county court, in Prlnovlllc. CITY ORDINANCE IS GIVEN COURT TEST ('oiiMlttitlniinllty of Peddler License Imw Assailed in Hearing for John Perry Today. (From Friday's Dally.) Whethor or not tho presont city ordlnanco providing for tho licensing of peddlors, shall remain In forco, was tho question at Issuo today, when John Porry was tried In municipal court for alleged violation of tho law. Tho admission by Perry that ho had Bold moot on tho streets without taking out a HconBo. tho testimony of Recorder II. C. Ellis that no 11 censo had been issued to tho defend ant, nnd tho testimony ot Ofll cor Frank Kulp, who stated thnt ho had purchased meat. from Perry, consti tuted tho solo ovldcnco offered In tho caso. Ross Fnrnham, representing tho dofondnnt, eontonded thnt tho ordl nanco wns not In nccordnnco with tho stnto law, nnd dorannded that tho Jury tako such action as virtual ly to annul tho city law, as tho ovl donco given had practically amount ed to n stipulation of fact. City A tornoy C. S. Uoiiboii, conducting tho prosecution, contended that tho issuo was wholly ono of whethor or not Perry hnd vlolatod tho ordlnanco, Irrespoctlvo ot tho merits of tho law. Tho Jury was composed of L. D. Wlost, II. O. Farrls, Ashloy Forrest, E. W. Richardson, J. C. Rhodes and J. II. McCloskoy. Porry was found not guilty. A Letter That May Interest You. N. W. McConnoll, Rlvoraldo, Oa., writes: "Foloy Cathartic Tablots absolutely cleanse my system thor oughly, and never a gripe, nnd no nnusoa." An Ideal physic, Invigorat ing and strengthening tho bowel action and having a good otfect on tho stomach and liver. Olvo stout persona a light and free fooling. Sold ovcrywhoro. Adv. MANY RARIUT8 KILLED (From Monday's Dally.) Approximately 600 rabbits wcro killed yesterday in tho Terrebonne drlvo. Although guns wero oxten slvely used, no Injuries to any of the hunters were reported. A desirable bread knife free with every annual subscription to The Dend Bulletin. 1 INTERIOR SOON FINISHED rillLIP IJROOKH HERE TO OVER SEE FINAL TOUCHES ON HOTEL DINING ROOM DECORATIONS ARE ELAIlOHATir. (From Saturday's Dally Dulletln.) Philip Drooks, ot Vancouver, U. C, owner of tho Pilot Hutto Inn, ar rived In Bend this morning nnd will romnln for sovoral days overseeing many of the details attendant upon tho completion of tho now hotel. Tho Interior work Is now well along toward completion. Carpcn- tors aro busily engaged in placing tho beam construction, all of which has been nrtlstlcally stained and burned. Palntors today aro decorat ing tho main dining room, which nc cordlnE to Mr. Urooks, will bo known as tho Rainbow room. The selection of this namo comes as a result of tho cholco of tho colors of tho rainbow which nro tinted on tho cornice closo from border servlco ns a member of to tho colling. Tho room will bo nalntcd in nenrl gray. At tho cast end of tho room thoro will bo a largo window 17 feet long and sovon foot wide, tho glass In which will bo of French crystal, surrounded by a ponrl gray framo with gold trim mines. Tim view from tho Interior will havo tho aspect of a hugh plcturo with tho hills to tho west ns a nacK ground. Many of tho features for tho room havo not been completed. Tho hotol kltchon will ho n model of efficiency land convcnlonco to tho employees of tho cullnory depart ment. Dlslirs will not bo washed by hand, but will bo cleansed In a pat TRY SUNDAY AT Pilot Butte Inn 12 to 2 P. M. LUMBER LATH SHINGLES LIME PLASTER CEMENT All Finish Lumber Kiln Dried Miller Lumber Co. SELLING SHEVLIN-H1XON LUMBER OFFICE ON OREGON ST. Shoes for Real Service OUR SPECIALTY' IS TO MART. 8IIOUS THAT STAND Till: TKST NAP-A-TAN SHOE Is especially mado for this kind of country. Nono ore bet tor mado. J. E. TILT SHOE A handsome sorvlcoablo dress shoo for mon. Cannot bo beaten for tho monoy. Give theso shoes a trial. A. HANSON LOGGER. l, jTh0JA n,nn80n jogger Shoes ot Threo Lakos, Wis., aro ri- do aind. .no J tn v"y best f 's kind. Special mado-to-order work tnken for this shoo. UP-TO-DATE SHOE REPAIRING sr R. H. LOVEN NEW PERKINS HOTEL Fifth tad Wuhingfoo Street! PORTLAND, OREGON Cealrally Located The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Rates Room with bath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus meets trains. Union Depot cars pass our doors. From North Bank Depot S car-transfer at 5th St. ented electric and steam dish washer tinlnir conveyed to the) clonnnr ' portnblo trays from a Banltnry tnblo where nil rcfuso Is removed Into Han itary garbago cans. Sllvorwnro will bo cleansed by tho oloctrolytlc pro cess and bo steam rlnsod. Pnstrlcs will bo kept In a glaBsed cabinet. Meats will bo convoyed to tho kitchen from tho refrigerator In tho bae- tnnnl llV a (lummy Waiter. Thn ran. and steam cookor, says Mr. Urook, I- At. A In trial' m Art n I riin InnlttA mi electric broiler is expected to arrlva within tho next week. Mr. Urooks expects tho furniture to arrlvo hero In about a wook when will lie carefully unnacknd n mado ready for placing in tho rooms. All 010 rngiiBii luvern sign, boar Inir tlin words "Pilot Dutto Inn." u raised silver colored letters will hang irom inu uuni lime,"" uAiuiiuuu irota ono ot tho hugo burned rafters on which will bo n carved boar's head which is being mado in Chicago. TO ALTER BUILDING; Metropolitan to Occupy Two Moon With ComlnR of Spring. A general intorlor romodollng ot tho building now occupied by the Metropolitan barber shop will bo ono of tho Improvomonts which will gig. nnt tho beginning ot tho building season this spring, according to J, D. Davidson, ono of tho proprietors of tho shop. An enlargement of tha establishment to Increase Its present capacity, with the moving of the bnths to tho second floor to allow for tho accommodation of larger patronage, will bo tho chlof altera tion. Part of tho improvomonts on the downstairs floor will begin within a fow days, additional furnishings having boon purchased from tho Japauoso shop formerly oporatlng on Uond street. Soo Edwards for paper hanging.. Adv. YOUR DINNER THE 0 to 8 P. M. BEND OREGON 4 J 1