iiknd nuiAkriNi mtt, onEaoN, TiitmirfjAi tftmnuAm i, 107, TAGB ?i YOU ARE INVITED To Call on Us and Hear Our New '" h rv. Victor Records Just Received THEY'RE ALL GOOD REED & HORTON LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (Prom Wednesday's Dally.) Goorgo Oglo, of Alfalfa, was In Bond last night. Ray Dunlap, of Brothers, came In last night for supplies. , Qoprgo W. Couch was up from Tumalo today on business. Calvin A. Prior, of Eugene, Is in tlio city to file on a homestead. K. M. Post and Miss Margaret Muller, of Alfalfa, nro visitors In tlio city. Mrs. Laura Hcddlngton is visit ing with friends In Portland this week. . L. D. Fox has returned from Los Angeles, where ho has been visiting with friends. V Mr and Mrs. Harper W. Skuso uro visiting with relatives in Port land this week. Mrs. Itay E. Harper and Mrs. Thomas D. Tomplo, of Redmond, spont last nlcht in Do ml. Albion Petorson, ot Prlnovlllo, was a visitor In tlio city yesterday, look ing aftor business Interests. ' J. Ryan Is building two four-room bungalows In Deschutes addition and two four-room bungalows in Termi nal adltlon. Alfred O. Moore, ono of tlio first homesteaders In the Deschutes sec tion, was a business visitor In the city yesterday. W. P. Aldrlch, of Portland, arrived in Demi yosterday to tako u position as oporator with tho Western. Union Tolograph Company. C. W. Reed, who has been a guest of R. M. Smith for tho past wepk, loft 'last night, via Portland, for his homo in Wallsvllle, Missouri. W. T. Mullarkey, county assessor, returned to his homo in Redmond last night, after attending county court. G. W. Walsh, of Silver Lake, was in the city yesterday attending to business matters. County Commissioner L. K. Smith, of Redmond, returned to his home last night after attondlng tho ses sion of tho county court hero. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clovelaud, ot Boulevard adltlon, aro rocelvlng congratulations over tho arrival of an olght-pouud baby girl, Saturday. William C. Spencer received tho degrees ot Mark Master, and Past Master last night, at tho meeting ot tho local lodgo ot Royal Arch Ma sons. Mrs: Etta Arnold, of Vulcan, Al berta, Mr. and Mrs. Bayno and Al- vino Rlggs, of Powell llutto spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Suttong at Mountain View ranch. S. L, WlgGlns, freight and passen ger agont hero for tho O.-W. R. & N., left last night for Chicago, called by tho serious Illness of his mother. Tho dato ot his return Is uncurtain. William Vandovcrt has returned to his ranch at Big Meadows, aftor vlvsltlng for some tlmo In Bend. ' Mfss Harriet McCuou returned last night- from n several weeks' visit with her parents in Hunters, Wash ington. Prod. Brown.r.natlonnl, bank exam iner, with headquarters In Portland, Is In Bend on his soral-annual visit at Inspection ot tho First National Bank. Mrs. Etta Arnold, ot Vulcan, Al berta, was a Saturday guest at tho home ot Mrs. Suttong, ot this city. Ycstorday Mrs. Arnold loft for a vis it with trlonds at Powell Butto, but will return to Bend. Tho Ladles' Guild of tho Presby terian church meets with Mrs. A. C, Lucas Monday afternoon for a spec ial Dusiucss session. (Prom Tuesday's Dally.) a. M. Smith, ot Tumalo, was a visitor In tho city ycstorday. Charles 13. Oliver, of .Lakovlow, wait a Bend visitor last night. Mrs. August A. Anderson, of Red mond, was In Bend last night. W. Forsytho, of Mctollus, was a business visitor in Bend last night. Mr nrwl 'Mrn. S. R. PArrnB nrn In Bond today from tholr homo near thlsn city. (Prom Monday's Dally.) II. II. Clow has gono to Madras on stock business. Louis Beczer, of Seattle, Is In Bend today on business. E. M. Thompson Is reported to bo 111 at his homo with la grlppo. .Jolin Schulto, of Clino Palls, vis Hod in Uond'ovor tho week end. Mlko Merg loft for Portland Sat urday night to attend tho auto show. C. II. Baggott, ot Redmond, wob a weok end business visitor In tho city. Harney O'Donnell loft Saturday night for Portland, with a shipment of cattlo. E. I), ailson nnd thrco sons took an auto trip to Powell Butto yesterday to look over land. A. J. Bollons Is In tho city today from bis homo in Mctollus, to look after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Hudson re turned this morning from a short business trip to Portland. The Sup er-Sleeper is he who can sleep with his window open and still rest snug and comfortable. THE SECRET of such healthful slum ber lias in bodily warmthwhen the circul ation is at its lowest ebb. TO SECURE THIS you need the right kind of sleeping garments Pajamas that are chill-proof, no matter if all out-doors comes blowing into your window! IF YOU WISH to become a Super Sleeper, try some of our Flannel Pajamas or Pajunions. They're as soft as velvet and extra varm. ' $ .50 i & i A. L. FRENCH V ' Ar.HE MEN'S TOGGERY" XinT STORK THAT SETS THE PACK." .... ju'wu 'Hi' L1L.1 V''W"t'' - "t (Prom Saturday's Dally.) C. S. Hudson left last night for Portland on business. Mrs. M. C. Lowe, ot Deschutes, was In tho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Eastcs and Miss Elsie Olson will lcavo this evening for Alfalfa. Wayne P. Amos, of Brothers, Is In tho city looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. LaPollotto and Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Wilson, of Red mond, wero visitors In tho city today. Earl Mlebus, who has been with Carlson & Lyons for several months, leaves tonight tor his homo In Port laud. Mr. nnd Mrs. Orcwllcr and son, Victor, left this afternoon for Powell Butto to spend Sunday with their daughter. M. S. Mayfleld, ot Prlnovlllo, was In tho city yesterday, bringing In a bunch ot cattlo for local consump tion, P. B. Johnson camo In on tho morning train on his return from a vacation spent visiting friends in Seattle. Mrs. It. II. DcArmond will lcavo this evening for Salem to meet her husband, who is at tho stato capital on legislative matters. (From Friday's pally.) II. J. Overturf and A. Whlsnant left last night for Salem on business. Miss Daisy Stuart Is confined to her homo by a severo attack ot la grlppo. Ed. II. Kcano returned to Band last night after a visit at tho Stan ley ranch near tho city. A large number of Bend pcoplo aro expecting to attend a danco to bo given at Redmond tonight. Mr. and Mrs. Joan Hamilton ro- turned to tho city last night from an auto trip through Culver and Mo tollus. M, C. Athcy, who has been visiting in Bend for soveral days left last night for Madras, whero ho will ns- sumo chargo ot tho Madras Pioneer. A. G. Long, ot Portland, who has boon visiting in tho city for tho past two days, investigating tho tiro protection problem here, returned tn his homo last night. L. A. Brandenburg loft last night for Eugcno whero ho will nttend tho commencement exorcises of tho Eu gcno high school from which his daughter, Gladys, graduates this sem ester with honors. County Judge W. D. Barnes and City School Superintendent Frank lin Thordarson left this afternoon for Prlnevllle, whoro they will of ficiate as judges tonight at tho Prlnevlllc-Culvor dobato. AIox Thompson Is In tho city on business from his homo in Tho Dalles. Mr. Thompson's wtta 1b n mombcr of tho Houso ot Represent atives at Salem, and presided In placo of Spcakor R. N. Stanflold, a tow days ago. Homer Ross, supervisor ot tho Ochoco national forest, was In Bend yesterday conferring with Supervisor W. O. Hastings, of tho Deschutes forest, In regard to tho Installation ot a treating plant for telephono poles on forest lines. Keepingthe Cost of Living Down! Men's Heavy Wool Sox at Canvass Gloves at Leather Fac ed Gloves at Men's & Boys' Caps at 25c 10c 25c 25c Heavy Bath f P 12ic Towels at Fast Color Ginghams at Heavy Out- iuu ting Flannel at Table 0 i 1 Cloth at Heavy Union Linen Towel ing at House Lining at W d, 20c 15c 61c ALARM CLOCKS Guaranteed (or One Year $1.00 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS A Real Big Value 50c Value is the Key Note AT THIS STORE Real Values every day of the year makes this store the BUSY STORE Keep Mnrm, with a Bradley Knit Cup. Wo linc them, In Red, mg Blue unci Wlilto; priced . . o5C DcrlricU finings In Ladles' Wiilntn ono lot Morth up to $!.no, "7E?- print! nt j9C Ono lot of Men's Laundered KhlrtH extra value, to close "I5- priced at Qo3C COOPKR UNDKItWKAK Comfort, Warmth nnd Wenr CohIh no inoro than tho ordinary kind. JUST IN New Laces and New Silks in the Desired New Stripes. A $S.OO Corset Free SEE OUR WINDOW STOP AND SHOP AT MUSH BROTHERS mm WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON Sheeting, Tubing, Muslins, Shirtings, Towlings, etc. HOUSE BROOMS Last Year's Price Prevails 25c (From Thursdoy's Dally.) H. Cato has returned from a bus iness trip to Portland. Miss Iluth Ilayloy, of Tumalo, was a visitor in tho city ycstorday. Ed. 11. Kcano Is spending tho day visiting at tho F. S. Stanley ranch. William Vandovcrt returned to llend last night from a two day trip to Prlnovlllo. Leo Keller, lloubon Keller, am), Clifton h. Kvans, of Mllllcnn, wero visitors Inst night In tho city. Josoph Smith Is In Portland this weok from IiIb homo near Donil, to attend tho Oregon-Washington gath ering of tho Shrlners. Phillip Ilrooks, ot Vancouver,- II, ('., owner ot tho now Pilot IJutto Inn, Is In tho city today, Inspecting tho pi ogress bolug made on tho now huildlug. & Dr. Turner, tho well known B' eyo specialist, of Portland, will bo In 11 ond again Thursday, February 1G, ono day only, ut Tlwr sen's Jowelry storo. Dr. Turner has boon making regular visits to Ilond for mora than four years, nnd has scores of satisfied patients In your community. Iloadachcs rellovcd, cross oyes straightened. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consult him. Don't forget tho dato. suit thoreof was Issued on or about tho Gth of Docombor, If I romombor correctly. Thoroupon tho territory in tho now county ot Dctichutos was no longer within tho boundaries or Crook County and ho rabbits or ro dents killed In Dcschutos County could bo klllod within tho boundaries of Crook County aftor tho organize tlon of tho formor. Tho other pro visions roforrod'to bear out this, conclusion. I am, thurnforo, ot tho opinion that said local law docs not nuthorlzo tho payment by Dcschutoa, County of tho scalp bounty thoreliu OnOKOK M. IlllOWN, Attorney aonoral." Wash Board SPECIAL Very seldom such a Value as this 25c WE ARE DOING OUR SHARE TO KEEP THE COST OF LIVING DOWN WARNER'S BENDS ECONOMY CENTER NO liOU.NTIlM ON UAIUHTtf (Continued from Pago 1.) whether Deschutes county Is author ized and required to pay tho bounty on Juckrabblts nnd Bago ruts, pro vided to bo paid by Crook county in tho special act submitted to tho electors of that county at thu last election, "Ileforrlng to said act, I find that Soctlon 1 provides: "That tho County Court of Crook County, Orogou, bo and It Is horoby empowered, authorized and directed to order paid from tho general fund ot said county, or from a special fund created fdr that purpose, tho sum of five cents for each Juckrabblt, and tho sum ot two and ouo-hult cents for each Bago rat that may bo killed within tho boundaries of said county from and aftor tho first day of December, 11)10.'" DomIiiiIcn I,i-ft Out, "Section 2 provides for tlio levy of a tax to produco tho necessury funds which tax; Is to ho levied In Crook county. Section 3 provides for tiling claims for such bounty, which claim is to bo filed with tho Clerk of Crook ' County and must make affidavit, among other things, that the Jackrabblts or sago rats from which tho scalps wero taken were killed in Crook County, tha tho scalps must be counted by thu Clerk of Crook County, and In fact all things must bo dono by Crook County, under tho provisions of said act. deferring to tho language abo quoted from Section 1, It Is clear tho' tho bounties nro only to bo paid upon scalps taken from rabbits nnd ro dents killed in Crook County after the first of December, 1916, and the electlou by virtue of which Deschutes County was organized was held on November 7. 191C. and tho Govor- aor'fl proclamation declaring the re- THE STORE WITH GOOD GOODS. IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST TO BUY YOUR WATCH OF US Because II li lie la bur from aomrone you know you can depend upon. You will alwaja find u rliht hrrt, and wli. eir ttll you rauil l aatlafaclorr, or we IniUl upon bclnc allad lo make II m. Therefore, you ahould deal with noun that la here lo alay. If your walch don't kitp llmr, brine ll in and wo will make II keep llmt. WA7CIIMAKi:im AND JUWKI.KIUI Larson & Co. HI Omm Htreet, llend, Oron AT TilK BHiN OK THE IIIB CLOCK FOR YOUIl NKXT SUIT See DICK TEe Tailor All kinds of CMCANINO AND PHKSHINO Phono Illack 1481 Gilbert (b Son Tho only Btoro in Ilond whero you can get your gro ceries and moats at the same pi a cu, FKKK DKLIVKKY Phono lied 271 Put Your Pay in Your Bank Book. Tho boat way to aavo money krvp a Illtlo out ot tlio par onvolopo for pocket money, then put Uk reat In thla bank and pay your bllla by check Money lit tho bank U not ewlly apent for unnec ewailea, and remain, until a tlmo of Deed cornea to jouj then you will bo a-lad you have your bank account. Check book will U furubhed freo. It coata you nothing- to have your money kept afe for yvu. TUB Central Oregon Bank BEND, OKKGON aaajaawawai inn'iwa ttmm mimwa I will mi iiiillilHHIHIia'innaTiHi rrir i r- - ir uratv1 fl i ii !'J 1 n -& I 'C5r5- otfiiiaan. Hfcir-M aiia