The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, February 01, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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l Daredevil I
Maria Thompson Daviess
Author of 'The Melting
of Molly"
Copyright, ism, by tha ruilly
llrllton Co.
Roberta, an orphan, halt French, half
with an uncle, meets Count de Laiwolle
crossing 10 socuro muiea ior r ranee.
By a mistake, noherla'n uncla bellcvea
he la u nvhcw. Knowing him to ba o
woman hater, Itobarta adopt rnan'a attlra.
Her unce. General Corrutliera, Informa
hla supposed iiepliew that ha need bla
knowledgo of French to straighten out a
dtal for providing mules for France. The
ovarnor hohor la Involved In the mule
Iloberta pledKcn her aid nml l Intro
duced to Governor Faulkner nnl to hi
private aecrolary, Iluzi Olondennlncr.
Mra. Jolt Whltwortfi ia deep In tho mula
acheme with tier husband and endeavorlni
to Ret tho governor' algnaturo to the
The Rovernor gives a dinner to Iloberta,
who hai been tnado private necretary pro
tern, film inatchca her wlta uvalnit Mr.
Roberta exnmlnra apeclflcntlona of the
proponed ileal. Mra. Whltworth trie to
purnp llobertii n lid run ken lovo to lior.
Itolierta accompanies tho Kovernor to
tho ntnte prison, whom he wishes to aeo
a munloror. Tim latter attneka tho bov
rnor, and Iloberta tlellects the blow.
To Dear Men and to Save Thjm.
W DIDN'T co In hurt tho youna
gentleman nor you cither, gov
crnor," mill I ho mini from the
cot iih ho sohhod mid hurled Ills
hem In IiIh arm. "I wus uIwhjh a
good ninii, Mini now 1"
"Don't any nnothur won, Tlninni,"
Interrupted my Gouverneur I'nulltner
In a vulco that was iih gentlo iih Hint
father of hIiiIo which liu had mild him.
.elf to bo to Tlmms. "Nobody will
know of this, for your snlie. I wns
was hulling you. I know what I want
to know now, and you'll not hang on
tho ICtli. Tlio alato will try you ngnhi.
Call tho superintendent, Itnbert."
"Don't try nothing to hurt Mary,
governor. Jest let mo hung and I
won't never caro wliat" tho poor liu
lunu began to plcnd.
"I'll look after Mary nnd you too,
Tlmms. I'll neo lo It that" my Gou
verneur Kiiulkucr was answering tho
trcmblliiB (ilea for bin mercy when tho
Htiicrliilciuluiit cmiio In and unlocked
tho CUgO.
"Don't lot him know of the acci
dent, youngslcr," whispered tlio Gou
verneur Faulkner to me, and In a very
few mlnutcH wo wcro out of thut lrln
on Into tho cherry car and whirling
with great rapidity dawn tlio country
road with Its tall trees upon both aide.
"Stop, Itoliort," commnnded IiIh ex
cellency an wc enmo under a largo
group of very old trees which mndo a
thick alicllcr of tlralr green leave aa
tlioy leaned together over the Mono
wall that bordered llio aide of tho
road. "Now let me seu Just what did
happen to that arm which enmu be
tween pour TliiiinV sharpened cuso
Knife uud. my life. Wo aro out of Might
of tho prlMiu now. It would huvo all
been tip with Tlinnis If that attack
upon mo had been (Uncovered. Your
pluck will havo Hiived Tlmins, If Iio'h
tmved, an well iih jour governor. Here,
turn toward mo and let mo aeo that
n rin." And aa ho Hpoko my (louver
Hour Faulkner put his arm ncross my
blioulder and turned mo toward him go
that ho could put hi right hand on
tho aleevo of (hut cheviot bag In which
Wui a long aliuh from tho knlfo and
which wun now wet with my blood,
"1 ery iniieli fear my beloved brown
cheviot, wliU li Imvu worn only a fow
times, li now dead, and how will l tlud
another fur my ncedl" I exclaimed
with a great alarm when I saw that
that Knlfo bad Hint dutastulcd my
good clothing, of which I hud not mnuy
and for the procuring of which I win
many thoumiud mile from my good
friend uud tiillor In New York. If I
hough! auolher mill In tho city of
HuYcmWIlo might tlu-rv not Ui danger
of dlKcovcilcii In tho adjustment tliero
of I "I It not ii toxatloui" I naked aa
tho Oouvernciir Faulkner attempted to
punti buck that murdered alcovo from
ny forearm.
"In tho language of my friend Hum,
j on uru ouo sport, Itohort. Shell out
of that coat Immediately. I want to
-eo Just huw much of a acrutch that I.
mid I can't get the sleoo up high
vtiough," rouiuiaiided my Gouverneur
Faulkner. Tho tone of hi voice was
tho name lie had used to me In com
tii.tmllng that I take bU mall to bin
iilto lady stenographer, but hi faco
Mas very while, and Ills baud that ho
luld upon the collar of my coat for at
abttlug me to lay It aside trembled
villi ii groat degree of vloloueo.
"Indeed, my Gouverneur Puulkner,
It I but a itciatch, ond"-
"Oet out of that coatP
'Off with that coat. Uoliert!" ho com
manded me. uud before I could tuaUo
tvaUtnuec my civit was almost com
jiletely off mo by hi aid, and I wa
obliged to let It ll Into hi hand.
Ho laid It on tho back of tho acat be
hind lilin, and with baud that wcro
a gentle a thoso of old Nannetto
w.lieu dealliib Willi ouo o my Injurle
of n great number In childhood ho roll"
cd up the sleeve of my nice white shirt
with tho brown atrip of coloring In ac
cord with that beloved and regretted
cheviot nnd bnrcd my forearm, which
wns very strong and white, but which
nlso nppeared to mo to be dangerously
rounded for his gaze, I wni glad that
arm wai covered with a nice gore
which had come from tho long slit
but which had now well nigh ceased to
run fronvmo. so that he could not oh
servo that It was of such a feminine
"Yes, Just a deep scratch that 1 can
fix all right myself In my own bath
room when wo get back to tho man
sion In tlmo for dinner with tho gen
eral, by 7:30, I hope." said my beloved
gouvcrnetir as he helped me again to
nssumo tho ruined garment of cheviot
"I was born In tho mountains of the
stato of Ilarpcth, boy, where when
ono sheds his blood for tho life of an
other thnt other Is said to bo under
bond to his rescuer, and that meani a
tlo closer thnn tho ordinary one of
brother by birth, I acknowledge the
bond to you for all time, llttlo brother.
Now drlvo on quickly to tho mansion
boforo wo aro In danger of being late
for dinner with the general. It will
tako mo somo fow minutes to get you
out of that shirt nnd Into your dinner
coat. I'll send for It. and you can
dress with mo."
"Oh, no, my beloved Gouvcrncur
Faulkncrl I must go Immediately to
home and there mako myself prcsenta
bio for n dinner that my Huzz has ar
ranged for me. That nlco black lady,
Klzzle, will with Joy ntton1 on this
icratch upon my arm," I exclaimed,
with great alarm for fear that that
very strong mind of my gouvcrncur
would command mo to mako my toilet
hi his company In tho mansion. "I'lcnso
do not command mo that I shall not
.so do."
"Of courre. youngster, go to your
frolic with tho reit of tho bnbes nnd
sucltllnci, only remember thnt 1 al
ways like to havo you with inc. but
nover command you when It Is not
your pleasure," answered that Gouvcr
ucur Faulkner to mo, with gentleness.
"It Is always my pleasuro to bo with
you, my gouvcrncur, nnd I do llko that
you command me," I said to him hi
answer to that gentleness thnt had
something of a sad longing In It.
"And may I not return Immediately
after that supper to that club of Old
Hickory for conversation with you and
my uncle, tho (acncrnl ltobort?" I ask
ed, with eagerness.
"Hoy, by tho time you havo eaten
that fatted calf nnd danced at least a
portion of It off your system I'll bo
bo bunting tho midnight oil going
over tho papers In tho cnxa of Timing.
I wnnt to weigh nil tho testimony euro
fully In tho casa given In court nliout
his own nnd his brother's relation
with tho woman Mary Drown. As
long as I am tho governor of the stato
of Ilarpcth no honest mnu Is going to
swing fur protecting a good woman
from tho outrages of n brute. And yet
Tim mi confessed tho crlmo nnd denied
tho motive Cross examination failed
to get tho stntcmeut from tho woman
that would Justify my reprieving or
pardoning him. I cAlmot oven seem
to dishonor tho proceedings of tho
courts of tho state, and, boy, I'm Just
plain up against It. Hero wo nro
at my own aide door. Good night nnd
mako n lightning toilet If you want to
get to that dinner on tlmo. Good
night ngnln!" And with those words,
which explained his very deep trouble
to me, my (iOiiverueur Faulkner do
arended from tho sent beside mo In the
Cherry to tho pavement besldo Ida
mansion and bade mo hurry from him.
All of those very gny and nlco "babes
and sucklings" which tho Gouvcrncur
Faulkner had mentioned wcro with mo
at tho table with very much laughter
and merriment, also much conversation.
And In that conversation wero very
many Jokes upon my Huzz becnuso ho
had lccn transported to tho capltol by
my uncle, tho General Itobcrt, and giv
en hard labor until almost tho time to
arrive for that nlco supper "which he
nas eating vtlth much hunger.
"Well, It's not my fault that Tl turns
up and biffed his brother Into eternity
nil for buzzing pretty Mary llruwu,
and I don't aeo why I had to Ixj rung
In to sort out of a million Nhcct of
trial evidence the lies ho told about It
for poor old Governor Hill to moll over
all night. 1 say when n man wants
to bo hanged as badly a i that ho ought
to get what ho' crying for and not
butt In on n perfectly Innocent man's
afternoon fox trot." wn that Mr. Huzx
Cleiidennlng'H walling to nil of the
couiuiny. "Look tlio other way, Rue,
so as not to turn this mulllii cold until
I get It buttered."
"I told my washwoman, who U
Mary's sister, that Mary ought to be
mado to tell Just what did happen, and
then It could all Ik arranged so that
tho poor man could bo saved to her, I
think It U hard ou Mary to loso both
lovers," said that very Intelllgout Mil
dred Summers.
"They llvo Just over beyond the back
gate. Suppose wo all go nml put It up
to the uttractlvo Mary to speak up and
keep Huzx from tho danger of over
work it second time." said a nice young
gentleman with what 1 considered a
great Intelligence, but which caused
much laughter.
And nt that suggestion which caused
tho much merriment thnt daredevil
within Uoberta. tunmuho of Ore, and
Hye, agulu arose and commauded mo
to attention.
"Go, ltobort Cnrruthcrs. and obtain
that wipor of statement from that
Mary, so thnt your chief, that good
Gouvcroeur Faulkner, does not work
In the night, which Is for rust, and that
your beloved Huz tuny not again have
to work In hi afternoon, which Is for
dancing. Go and find that Mary as
soon as this dinner is Ht an end."
Alul what was Itposs'.blo for mejo
do but to answer the command of the
daredevil person within me? All of
which I did. I. made excuse of my
self on account of a lie which Involved
my nttendanco on my uncle, the Gen
cral Robert, and departed after I had
had but one nlco slide with tho lovely
Sue, but had obtained a promise of
one from Mile. Hello If I found It pos
sible to return by tbo hour of 10
After many Inquiries in small streets
I wns at last led to the homo of the
Mary Hrown. All wns dark within
tho very small house, but upon the
"There are juat two thing that are the
duty of women, Mary."
steps, In the light from tbo moon and
nlso n street nrc. sat tho person that
a man of whom I had asked guldanco
said to be tho woman whom I sought.
Sho rested her head In her hands, as
had done that ioor human In the cage
In that stato prison, nnd from her 1
heard tho sounds of slow weeping.
"What Is It that I shall sny to her?"
I asked of myself. And then sudden
ly something answered from within
mo from tho samo nlnee thnt had aris
en that knowledge to spring In be
tween my Gouvcrncur Faulkner and
tho bright kulfo I had not even seen.
That placo Is located In tho henrt of
Roberta, mnniulso of Grcz and Bye.
and not In that daredevil.
"Mary Hrown," I said to her, with
all of tho gentleness In my voice that
was commanded by my sympathy for
her, "If n person wero going to kill
with a ropo tho man I loved I Would
lay down my own life that ho should
live. If you wrlto ono llttlo paper to
say that ho murdered In defenso of
you tho good Gouvcrncur Faulkner
will Have him to you. Glvo to mo that
"Go nwayT'sho moaned as sho shook
her head and cried Into her arms.
"Sec, Mnry: Hero Is tho pencil nnd
tho paper to wrlto tho words of life
for Tlmms to thnt Gouvemeur Faulk
ner," I said as I seated myself beside
her nnd extracted my notebook ami
pencil from tho pocket of my overcoat
whero I hod placed them on leavlug
my room ns Is always best, I deemed,
for a secretary. "There- are- Just two
things that nro the doty of women,
Mary to benr men nnd to savo them.
Bnvo yours now, Mnry. Much will hap
pen, it mny bo, but thnt Tlmms Is u
good man and must live."
"I dassent lie told mo not to,
Tlmms did." '
"If a knife wa aimed at Tlmms'
heart, would you not throw yourself
between blm and Its cut, Mary, even
though commanded by him not to so
savo blm?"
'The knlfo la aimed nnd hero's the
paper by which you can throw your
person on that knife. Is It of such
moment that It cut Into your own
henrt, that you stand and let It give
death to him?"
"I glvo up! 1 give up, mister! 1
can't let nobody murder him. NolKVly
ever put It thnt way to me. Give mo
thnt paper and let mo glt to him fcr
Jest ono mluuto tomorrow," she made
answer to mo as she seized Un paper
and pencil und began to write with
tho paper sprrtid bvsldo her upon the
"Will that do, mister?" she asked
with anxiety. On thnt paper she had
Hen Ttmma bad locked me In the room
and n attacking me when Oabo broke In
and not me away from Mm. He had to
butt hla head with a rUtlron to make htm
let ko of me. I am a. -cox woman.
"Yes, good Mnry, this will shield
Tlmuis from that knife, 1 feci n cer
tainty, nnd 1 will send for you nnd see
that you go to an Interview with him
at 10 o'ctock of tho tomorrow morning.
And now good ulght. with great re
aject to you for a bravo woman," I
aald as 1 roo to my feet.
"Who aro yon. mister, that hare
spoko to my heart like they ain't no
body spoko to Its suffering yet, though
you ain't snld mnuy words, and them
is curious-llko?" sho asked of mo as I
prepared to take a hurried deiarturo.
"I am the secretary of tho Gouvcr
neur Faulkner, Mary, nnd-and I know
how women love men. !"
"I bet a many of 'em nave loved
you. God hies your ,wcet cyca.
Good night, sir!"
And with thoso kind words from the
poor foumlo, who wns beginning again
to sob, but with another motive in her
weeping. I took my departure dowu
tho street or up I did not know In
Just which direction. 1 had thu In
tention of returning to tho houe of
tho party to obtain tho cherry, which
I had left standing before tho door,,
and In It convey the message to my
Gouvcrncur Faulkner that should
bring relief to his anxiety, but I soon
fouud thnt I had lost myself upou
streets that I had never seen before.
What was It that I should do? My
heart suffered that my Gouverueur
Faulkner should not know the relief
of that paper 1 had In tho pocket of
mj dinner coat.but 1 could uot p1
myself, and I did not know exactly
what questions I should ask. Then I
bethought me of that telephone, which
lit America Is so much used, but not In
France. I entered Into a store for
medicines upon the corner of ono of
the streets In ray wandering, looked
diligently in a book to find the num
ber of tho mansion of the gouverncur.
nnd. nfter mnny tellings of my desire,
at lost my Gouverneur Faulkner made
sn answer In my car that was ns
beautiful In voice as tho words he
spoke to mo lu his presence.
"Well?" bo asked me.
"This Is Robert Carrutbors who
"Oh. all right youngster! How did
the party go?"
"That was a very nice party, your
excellency, and I havo a paper from
that Mary Hrown concerning the mur
der of tho brother of good Tlmms for
cruelty to Mary. I wish to glvo It to
"What do you mean, boy?"
"I havo Bald It."
"Then bring It hero to me at once
and tell mo how you got It."
"I cannot come to you."
"Then I'll como to you. Where are
"I do not know. I am lost."
"Heavens, boy, what do you mean?"
"I nm In a store of medicine that Is
many streets from thnt houso of good
Mary Brown nnd nlso from tho houso
of tho dinner party."
"You helpless young Idot. call n taxi
and como right hero to mo."
"I nm promised to n dnncc with
Mile. Hello by tho hour of 10. of which
It lacks now only n quarter. Cnnnot
I go In that tnxlcnb. which It Is of
much Intelligence of you to suggest lo
me. nnd send by thnt tnxlcab to you
tho paper from Mary Hrown while I
stay to dunce that dnnce?"
"Well I'll be- No. I can't say It
over the. telephone."
"What Is It. my Gouvcrncur Faulk
ner?" "I'll say It In the morning to you In
person. I'll Just hold up tho wheels of
stnto until thnt dnuco Is over. Go
abend, youngster. Call tho taxi nnd
get back to Belle. I'll send Jenkins to
get the paper, and you can can tell
nic all about It In the morning. Will
0 o'clock bo too enrly to call you from
your rosy dreams?"
"I do not have coffee until 0 o'clock,
my Gouvemeur Faulkner, nnd I do not
make a very hurried toilet, but I will
romo to you nt tho copltol at I) o'clock.
If you so command, tery glndly."
"Oh. no. We'll nil of us Just-Just
cool our heels until you get your coffee
nnd toilet. Don't hurry. 1 leg of you.
Good night, nnd bent It to Hello, ns
Huzz would sny. Good night, you-you-
Hut I'll say It nil In tho morning
If It takes a half day. Good night
again." And with that parting saluta
tion ray Gouvcrncur Fnulkncr'H volco
died from tho telcphono with what I
thought had tho sound of a very nlco
(To Ho Continued.)
(Trom Saturday's Dally.)
By defeating Madras and Culror
la dobato, tbo Crook high school Is
again champion of tbo Central Ore
gon division ot the Oregon Stato Do
bato league. Prlnovlllo won at homo
You Will Buy Our New
If You Give Our Salesmen an Opportunity to Show the Contract
If You Live
HOME OFFICE: PORTLAND "VtttiitDi c a supr.
ASHLEY FORREST, District Representative,
(From Saturday's Dally.)
prniimlnnrv stens for tho organi
zation of a University club In Bend
wore taken Inst night nt a meeting
of collego nnd university men hold
n hn Emhlpm club, tho chief prep
aration bolng In tho appointment of
a commlttco to draft uy-mws ami
rnnntltlltlon. Judge II. C. .1113,
Judgo W. D. Dames, Robt. B. Gould,
Ward Cohlo nnd F. T. Parkor wcro
named ns mombors of tho commit
ted. Ocorno 8. Young presided nt
tho mcotlng, with E. M. Lara act
ing ns secretary.
Members of tho old Unlvorsiiy
rinh whn wnrn nrescnt. wcro ap
pointed as a membership commit
tee, went Into session ns commlttco
nf n wlinln. nnd elected tho othor
eoltego men In nttendanco to mem
bership. Recommendations for a.
list of guests nt a dinner to bo given
on thn nvonlnc of Fohrunry 12, will
be considered up to Monday night
of next week, by this commlttco.
Judge Ellis wns named chairman
nf tho dinner committee, with W. 0.
Hastings nnd Frank Mny ns tho oth
er morabers. On Mr. Ellis' sugges
tion that n quartot bo organized, ho
was named u commlttco of ouo to
handle details on this point.
It wns emphasized In general dis
cussion, that at least ono year's at
tendance nt a standard collego or
university bo mado a chief cntrnnco
requirement Into tho club, but It Is
nrohablo that goncrnl desirability
will also figure.
Tho nurnosa of tho club was not
definitely outlined, although E. M.
Lara and so vera I others Insisted thnt
it ba "of a purely gastronomlcal
against Culver, nnd from Madras at
Madrns. J. Alton Thompson, coun
ty superintendent of schools of Des
chutes county, wns a Judgo In tho
Culvor-Mndrns debate, which was
won by Culver. Franklin Thordar
son, superintendent of tho Bond pub
lic schools, Judged tho Madras-Prlno-villa
dobato at Madras, und Judgo
Wm. D. Barnes and Eric Bolt, prin
cipal of tho Bend high school, wero
Judges of tho Prlnovlllo-Culver do
bato nt Prlnovlllo.
(From Saturday's Dally Bulletin.)
Bend displayed a neighborly dis
position Inst night, when more thnn
2G couples of young peoplo attend
ed tho big danco given nt Redmond.
Dio crowd was the lnrgcst thnt over
attonded a Redmond function at
which Bond representatives woro
DS tfoSSRB jflsaft wTTtilTB res
THl nl'irv(jajBEBgF-fr" TJ ittW'tJ
fit .& -t w&
m-:0 It
vaQk i f ,.- 2V2T-""7 vts
ant .. - -Tt' . m .! OfM
WJg0z5? ''It
' " l B aaaSjsaasaBHBpS
PftnTift SP sucssful life
Particulars Furnished Upon
(From Saturday's Dally Bulletin.)
Residents of Deschutes county
gathered this afternoon In the Coun
cil chambers of tho O'Knno building
at a mcotlng prompted by tho Amer
ican Farm Flnnnco icnguo, 10 uis
cuss tho Rural Credits law. P .H.
Denser presided at tho gathering,
und called on County Agriculturalist
Blanchnrd and Guy Dobson, of Red
mond, for nddrcsscs. Articles on tho
Farm Loan law, publlsiioa in Tho
itnrwi nitllntln. woro road as glvlnit
comnrohenslvo Burvoys of dlfforont
phases of tho law.
Mr. Blanchard, in nis nuurcBs, aa
,.in,i tlmt nil tirollmluarles ho at
tended to In tho way of organizing
Irrigation districts, uocianng mat
oven If technical errors woro mndo,
Mm prmindwork of tho organization
would havo boon mndo boforo fed
eral appraisers could complolo tho
Mr. Dobson spoko on tho subject
from a banker's stnndpolnt, giving
practical Information as to bonds nnd
sureties, ns included In tho gonoral
subject of rural credits.
Pacific Cnn-st Champ Will Go After
Loenl Lad's Scalp Will Ho
lleht Contest Seen Hero.
(From Saturdny's Dally Bulletin.)
Billy Gcorgo will moot Vnlloy
Trnmbltls. of Portland holder of
tho middleweight boxing champion
Bhlp of tho Pacific const, In n 10
round mntch In Bond Fohrunry 12,
according to word rccolvod this
morning from Trambltls by W. L.
Doudlah, of tho Bend Athletic club,
who has boon working for sovcral
weeks to sign up tho speedy Port
land lad with "Bear Cat" Coorge,
In Bend,
Goorgo has been down nt Kllnn
Falls for sovornl weeks recuperat
ing from his fight with Fnrmor
Hums, and says that ho wilt bo In
good shapo by Lincoln's annlvorsary
to moot tho speedy Portland boxor.
(From Saturday's Dally.)
(Dy United Trcu to The Dally Bulletin)
WASHINGTON, D. C, Jan. 27.
Tho National Security Icnguo voted
j unanimously today favoring unlrer-
, oui uiiuiury survicu ior uu uiaiu cu-
Izons ovor 19 years of ago. Tho
1 Plattsburg systom was recommended.
The Ideal
Policy Contract
Pays Yoar
If You Die
Every Figure
.,..,,,- Asiuiint uansjrar
Bend, Oregon,