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About The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1917)
THE BEND BULLETIN HAS BEEN DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COURT AS THE OFFICIAL PAPER OF DESCHUTES COUNTY. WEEKLY EDITION The bend bulletin. m VOL. XIV. UKN1), DESCHUTES COUNTY, OIIEGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2S, 101.7. NO. 47 a h BONUS OFFER CLOSES TODAY WITHHEAVYG0NTESTVQT1N BULLETIN CANDIDATES AND THEIR FRIENDS SHOW INCREASING INTEREST IN CONTEST FOR PRIZES EACH SUBSCRIPTION DOUBLES FOR NEXT 15 DAYS. Miss Mrs. Miss .Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Mrs. Miss Miss Miss .Francis Steidl, Bend 322,500 J. A. East'es, Bend 319,000 Mabel Bixby, Princvillc 314,000 Cora Bates, Bend 308,000 Mable E. Lara, Bend 306,500 Lucilc Parsons, Redmond 305,000 Ruth Bayley, Tumalo 297,000 Asher Houston, Bend 155,000 Edith Masten, La Pine 145,000 Cosina Mueller, Bend 78,000 Luella Wornstaff, R. F. D 5,000 Tho absorbing topic of conversa tion throughout the territory cov ered by Tho Dullottn la the big sub mcrlptlon campnlgn In which Tho Bul letin will award a Dodge car, a bed room Bet and a VIctrola, as prizes. "Tho Individual chances of tho sov- oral candidates aro bolng dlscussod wild canvnssed on all sides, accord ing to tho opinions and Ideas of tholr many friends. Evorywhoro tho campaign Is cro- .ntlng interest and numberless rest dents of practically ovory section of tho torrltory aro displaying an inter est in sorao campaigner whom thoy would llko to seo win out. With tho rocelpt of today's returns rtho ltboral oxtra voto offer has taken ai turablo. Tho offor now oxlstlng is for doublo votes only, and will bo -tho last extra offor of tho campaign This offer will closo on Fobruary 8 Undor tho, doublo voto offor, no particular sum Is necessary In order to obtain tho oxtra votes. Tho votes will bo given for each subscription rccolvod, tho amount of votes bolng Just doublo tho schedulo shown on ttho rccolpt book. of tho campaign, whoso names will bo At tho closo of this offer tho Judges .announced In The Bulletin of Febru ary 3, will oBtabllsh a locked and .scaled ballot box at The Bulletin of fice for tho votes that aro collected 1 by tho candidates in tho last tow days of tho campaign. S Tho County Court of Deschutes 'County. Oregon met at tho Council Chamber In tho O'Kauo Building In Bond, on January 17th, 1917, pursu ant to adjournment. Mombora present: Vm. D. Barnes, 3ounty Judge; L. E. Smith, Com missioner; J. H. Haner, Clerk, and S. B. Roberts, Sheriff. Commis sioner Mackintosh absont. Tho meeting was duly called to order by Wm. D. Barnes. County Judge, aftor which the following proceedings were had, to-wlt: In tho Matter of Assessment noils and Blanks. Aftor discussion of this subject at length with tho Assessor, W. T. Mullarkey, said assessor was directed to work out and install a bound system of assessment rolls similar to the system used In Crook County, . In tho Matter of tho Collection of Taxes for 1916. It was ordered that theh Sheriff proceed at onco to tran scribe and collect the taxes charged property In this county on the tax Tolls ot Crook County, and that he -employ one competent deputy there for who shall give bond as required "by said Sheriff. Justices of tho Peace. Ordered, that all Justices ot the peace In Des chutes County who have been 'duly elected, shall again qualify for such office by filing their bond and oath ot office in tho office ot the County Clerk for this county. Coroner's Bond. Tho bond ot the Coroaer, Elmer Nlswonger, with the National Surety Company as surety thereon, together with his oath ot of fice were ordered approved and placed on record. Ob motion the Court was adjourn ed to meet at 1:30 o'clock P. M. on this date. Court re-convened at 1:30 o'clock P. M.. January 17, 1917, pursuant to adjoartiBient, members present, "Was. D. Barnes, Judge: l. E. Smith, ComalMlpner, J. H. Hanor, Clerk; ABd 8. K. Roberts, Sheriff. Books, Transcripts, Offlco Files. Flhw and Furniture. The clerk was M PRC (Continued oa paga 0.) LOST MEN LEAVE NOTE ON SHINGLE IN LONELY CABIN Tntty of Three, on Way to Item, Hud Ono Day to Live, is He port of Stockmen. Somowhoro In tho mountlans In tho Supleo section, threo young mon from Canyon City aro believed to bo dead in tho snows, according to word Just received from Burns. Four Supleo stockmon, Walter Frooman, Bon Frooman, L. Sorlggs and Jesse Allison, found a two month's old menaacoila.a. cabin near Little Emi grant crook, a few days ago, which seemed to Indlcato tho fato of tho threo. On a nhtnglo smoothed with a pocket knife, was written tho follow ing: "Somo tlmo In Novombor, 191C, throo ot us got lost In an awful storm; wo havo had nothing to oat for two days; wo found this cabin, stayed horo ono night Cod, wo aro hungry. Tomorrow wo will try to go straight south. Wo should hit somo place ono ranh can't go much farthor. By ono moro day, wo will bo out or be gonors. Wo havo got guns, but can find nothing to shoot. Wo loft Canyon City, Nov. 14, to walk to Bond. Our names nro Jim Bonnett, Paul Flsk, Don Cutlor." As far as can bo learned, nono ot tho throo has rcachod Bend. MOTHER ALLEGES SON TAKEN AWAY BY OLDER WOMAN Mr. Lcttlo Short Delict cl to Have IS Years Old Cliarle Pratt In Hiding. Complaint by his mother, a resi dent of this city,' that 18 year old Charles Pratt has been kidnapped by Mrs. Lcttlo Short, a woman sevoral years his senior, was filed with Sher iff S. E. Roberts this morning. Mrs. Pratt said that she had not seen her son slnco the latter part of November. A divorce case in which Mrs. Short is sought as a party, is a feature of the affair, It it understood. Mrs. Pratt believes that her son and Mrs. Short are In hiding some where, presumably in the vicinity ot Prlnovllle, on the Marker home stead. This belief Is strengthened by the fact that one ot the youth's sisters received a letter from him recently asking that his mall be ad dressed to Prlneville. He Is using the name of Cbrlstofer Jenkins. Until the receipt of the letter, it was thought that the two wero some where in the Bend vicinity, but now Sheriff Roberts has turned the case over to Sheriff Knox, of Crook County. COUNTY BILL PASSES HOUSE OPPOSITION IS LED BY ' BURDICK Dcnd Representative Shous Neces sity for Immediate Settlement Court Dill Drenks Trail for Today's Measure. (From Tuesday's Daily.) SALEM, Jan. 23. Tho bill creat ing Deschutes County, passed tho House at noon today with only 11 votes against it. Tho clean cut vic tory evidences tho nblllty of Repre sentative Vernon A. Forbes to rally frlonds to his support in tho Houso and insures tho subsequent passage- of tho bill In the Senate Rcprosonta tlvo Burdtck voted against tho bill nnd vohomently appealed, without avail for Its defeat. In fairness to him, howovor, It should bo stated that ho did not lobby provlpusly, and that his oxcollcnt speech was probably intondod chlofly tor local consumption In antl-dlvlslon precincts whoro ho received heavy support. Plea Comprehensive. W. F. King was n gratified llston- or, but his plcasuro faded as tho votes wero pountod. King says, howovor, that ho will still stay on tho Job, Qoorgo II. (Casoy) Browstor, took no part, but Is activo In Irrigation logls latlon. Representative Forbes mado a comprohcnslvo, ploa tor tho bill. He dwolt on the r- lty for. .t,Jm modlato and doflnlto settlement and quoted figures Bhowlng tho geo graphic and economic situation. Burdlck'8 chief point was tho de sirability ot leaving settlement to tho courts. Ho brought out the nlloga Hon that 200 illegal votes had been cast tor division, In Bond. His ploa was especially for tho farmers, whoso voto, ho said, was ovorwholmlngly anti-division in contrast to tho Bend manufacturing voto. Forbes knocked out this nrgumont by quoting returns from Tumalo, Al falfa and Mllllcan precincts. Tho roprcsentatlvo from Bend also dwolt on tho fact that tho Legislature had already passed ono bill rolatlvo to Deschutes County, that fixing tho torniB ot Circuit Court In tho now county, without objections from floor or lobby. LAWS OF INTEREST TO GROCERS SHOWN, HctiillorH ANModutloii Indicates Ap prowi! of Lcglslutlxo Mat ter Pending. (By United l'rn to Tin Dally Bulletin) SALEM, Or., Jan. SI. Laws of Interest to grocers aro being called to tho attontlon of tho stato loglsla turo during tho second annual con vention ot tho Oregon Retail Oro cars association, now on its threo day session hero. Tho convention will also give tho solons tho grocery trade's opinion ot several Important measures now pending. The meeting was called to ordor by Vlco President Geo. Cuslter. May or Koycs welcomed tho delegates to Salem. Governor Wlthycombe de livered the principal address of the day, on "Tho Stato nnd tho Mer chant." In the afternoon tho 10 cent loaf of bread was discussed and boosted by H. R. Rittman, and J. D. Mockle spoke on tho pure food law. WOMAN AND BABY ARE LOOSED FROM JAIL (Py UnlUd Prci to Th Daily Bulletin) NEW YOnK, Jan. 36. Mrs. Mary Shutter, who carried her 14 month old baby to Jail with her when she was sentenced to serve ono month behind the bars for whipping an annoying neighbor's boy and break ing three of his ribs, was treed today. She bad served tho sentence. 8bo walked out carrying her baby In her arm. Neither looxea tne worse tor tho month' rest- GREAT YEAH FOR PI PREDICTED M'GANN SAYS TIMBER COMES INTO OWN. Mnnnger of Hhcvllii-lllxon Company Hums Up Condition in Trndo Dur ing Past Year Suggests Different Grading. (From Monday's Dally.) In a recent Btatomont mado to Tho Tlmborman, tho Portland lumber men's Journal, T. A. McCann, general managor ot Tho Shovlln-Hlxon Com pany, of Bond, predicts that 1917 will bo tho groatcBt year for western plno in tho history of tho country. Mr. McCann's comploto statement follows: "I would say, In summing up con ditions which surrounded tho west ern plno trade during tho past year, that It haa at last como Into its own and Is bolng recognized by thd trado gonorally as a very suporlor ar ticle "Whon proporly handled and grad pd western plno lurqbor can bo ship ped anywhoro throughout tho east and will gtvo satisfaction. Tho main trouble In tho past 'has been that customers havo boon receiving a dif ferent class ot lumber in westorn plno from ditforent localities and got to a point whoro, thoy hcsltatod bo foro placing any business for west orn plno. Thoy havo, howovor, dis covered that thoro aro cortatn places whoro thoy can bo reasonably suro of getting nlco soft toxturo and well milled, well gradod stock, and I do not think that tlieso mills over will suffer for ordors tor western plno, oven though tho domand for lum bar Is smal). Mt VuMtrn New Grading. 'There has, boon n movomont on foot to grado westorn plno on dlffor out standards, namely to taka Into consideration, among Its othor de fects, tho question ot texturo also of establishing a grado of No. 1 west ern plno which, though not corres ponding to tho No. 1 grado of north ern piuo, will at least represent tho higher percontago ot the No. 2 stock now shipped, but which Is technical ly laid' out from tho No, 1, according to tho present rules; In othor words, I am In favor of seeing a standard set for grades ot westorn plno that will. tit this particular wood ratlior than to tnko tho grades which wo havo used for northern plno nnd try to adopt our wood to them. Salesmen Withdraw n, "Tho domand for our product tho last three months has been so much In oxcess of our expectations that wo havo had to withdraw all our snlrsmon from tho road and also had to refuso all quotations for ship ments during tho first CO days of 1917. i "Tho car shortage has affoctod us quite materially and has resulted i conaldorablo business which would naturally bo placed out hero bolng placed in othor sections whoro tho car shortago Is not bb acuto. ' Will Share Pi-onperlty. "Howovor, I bellavo that tho cry which was put up earlier In tho season betora tho car shortago re ally becaroo as bad as it now Is, has affected somo of tho bushiest) which would havo como west and could havo been taken euro of earlier, as tho buyors figured thoy could not got tho stock. "My prediction for 1917 would bo tho greatest year for western plno In the history of the country and no moro than probablo for all lumber. Tho country Is so uniformly pros, pernus that some of It has got to got to tho lumber business, and tho high prices of all commodities render ab solutely necessary tho high price on lumber." HOSPITAL INMATE DIES r. !'. NIiiin, Formerly of 1m Plno, Lcuvc Widow, Alo Ktuto Ward. (From Wednesday's Dally.) (Oregonlan.) LA PINE, Or., Jan. 24. E. F. Nlms, about CO years old, who was taken from here to the state hospital at Pendleton less than a year ago, died Thursday. He leaves a widow, an Inmate of the same Institution, and a daughter, who lives here. During the summer of 1914, a forest tiro broke out near whoro tho Nlms wero living upon a homestead and after working for about two days and two nights to save themselves they succumbed to the excitement and both lost their minds, RURAL CREDITS LAW TO BE DISCUSSED Farmers Will Hear Points of Interest Next Saturday ut Itend Meeting Dig Attendance Urj;cd. To clvo a full and comnrohonslva discussion to portions ot the Ruil CrodltB law dealing with bonds and securities, a mooting has been called undor tho direction ot tho Amorlcan Farm Finance League, to bo hold In tho county scat ot ovory county la tho United States for noxt Satur day. The meeting will bo hold in Bond, Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p. in., In tho Council Chambors of the O'Kano building, at which mon In formed upon tho part upon which thoro Is somo question will explain them In detail, Tho farmors ot Deschutes county who nro Interested In the advance ment ot tho Rural Credits nsocla tlon aro urgod to bo presont at this mooting. THORDARSON TO HEAD SCHOOLS NEXT YEAR Is Re-elected for To Yearn, With Salary Increase Holt lit Alto Retained. Franklin Thordarson waB re elected, city school superintendent last night, for a porlod ot two years, at tho mooting ot tho Bchool board of directors. At tho samo tlmo Eric Dolt was ro-olcctod tor a ono yonr torm as principal of tho Bond high school. Tho board voted to ralso Mr. Thor- darson's salary $100 for noxt yoar, n similar advauco to go Into effect tho year following. His presont sal nry Is $1700 a year. Both Mr. Thordarson and Mr. Bolt nt now In tholr first yoar In offlco horo. Elections of tcachors for tho Bond schools will not bo hold until March, It Is announced, but tho school heads woro selected In ordor that thoy might mako plans In suf ficient time for tho coming school ........ JUUI. DEEDS ARE FILED Fifteen Mile Out of Liikcvlctv In Ghcu Straliorn. (From Wednesday's Dally.) (Klamath Horald.) LAKE VIEW, Jan. 18. Tho doods for tho first IB miles ot tho right of way ot thu Straliorn railroad out ot Lakovlow havo boon filed with County Clork Pnyno. This ontlro amount haa boon donated by tho far mors living along tho right ot way. Not a foot ot ground has boon pur chased. However, thoro aro a tow ot tho farmors who aro somewhat loath to glvo tho land. Their mnln com plaint is that tho road goes through their best land, but In caso tho sur vey Is changed slightly they will glvo tho laud. No trouble Is oxpocttid in getting tho necessary right ot way. Tho ter minals In Lakovlow and tho right ot way through tho town havo not been taken as yet, and no action will bo taken until tho actual construction of tho road has been begun, Lakovlow bus voted $20,000 for purchasing terminals and rights of way. STADIG IS CONTENT TO IIAVEDIVISION Lou or Bridge Resident Wlui Filed Quo Warranto Proceedings, frit- Iclzeu Fight of AntN. That ho will bo perfectly consented to llvo In Deschutes, Instead ot dfook county, was the statement yesW- day afternoon ot Gus Stadlg, ot LoV or Brldgo, In whoso nania tho corny plaint In quo warranto, questioning tho right ot Deschutes county to do business as a municipal orporatlon, was filed. Mr. Stadlg was In thu city yestorday afternoon, on a brief business visit. Mr. Stadlg was not ready to back down from his previous stand, but declared that hi) was dissatisfied with tho way in which tho fight against county division has been carried on. He was of the opinion that tho strug gle to brlug Deschutes back Into Crook county Is virtually lost, and stated that ho would bo Just as loyal a citizen of the new county, as of tho old. Mr. Btadlg's name appears with others from Lower Brldgo, on "a petition to tho county court of Des chutes County," tor the establish ment of a now road at Lower Bridge. FIRE DISCUSSION GROWS IN HEAT QUESTION IS ARGUED BY CLUB. Dcnd Citizens Living In "Fool's Par ndlso," Declare A. G. long JJenhnm Falls and Tumalo Resolutions Adopted. Flory discussion ot tho tiro pro tection noeds ot Bond marked tho greater part of tho mooting ot tho Commercial club, held this noon at tho Wright hotol, Mombors ot tho club and ot tho city council arguod tho proposition from all sldos, tho chief question bolng whothor tho city wanted a voluntoor or a paid department and, In olthor caso, whothor tho Council would tako steps to provldo ono, nnd to 'supply tho nocossary building and apparatus. Mayor Caldwell took tho position that nothing loss than n paid de partment would bo satisfactory, but his argument was strongly combattad by several othor spoakors, chlot among whom was II. J. Ovorturf. Mr. Ovorturf nut it straight up to tho council to nnswor whether it would provldo tho lot, tho building and tho apparatus for tho use ot tho department which tho pooplo wanted, Department Wanted. At tho closo of tho discussion thoso present voted unanimously In favor ot tho organization ot a department and tho Increased city tax which tho ncccssory oxpendlturo would ontall, JW-AMtlWV'", dtcu:t!on, A. a. Long, of Portland, dcalor in tiro fighting apparatus, outlined tho noods of tho city and recommended tho organization ot a part pay tiro department, Bultablo housing for oqulpmout and tho purchases ot ap paratus which would cost approxi mately 10000, Mend in Praised. "You nro living In a fool's para dlso," ho doclarcd, "hut It Is only n stop from this to adoqunto protec tion. Whon you havo provldod this, tho noxt stop Is to apply to tho board of underwriters for a now rating on property, and I predict that In four or flvo yoaru you will save tho cost of equipment purchased. You can't buy apparatus of mo unless you aro prepared to handle It and tako car a of It proporly." ' Mr. Long praised Bond, comment ing on Its now school building and Its clustor lighting system. Following his add res j, Louis Bon nett, mombnr ot the city council. flpoko on tho samo topic, assuring tho club mombora that tho council would welcome all suggestions, and urging a largo attuiulunco of tho citlzons ot Bond at the council moot ing which will be held this evening for tho sole purpose of discussing tho flru question. Iti'Holutlons l'nwl. Resolutions urging tho termina tion of tho contract between tho United States and tho Stato nt Oro- gou, In regard to tho llonham Falls segregation, and tho throwing open ut tho tract to sottlom, together with a recommendation to tho statu legis lature for tho pannage of tho bill asking $25,000 appropriation for In vestigating tho t-auso of troublo at tho Tunrnjo Irrigation reservoir, woro passed, A copy ot tho llonham Falls resolution Is to bo sent to tho U. 8 .V land olllco, and cities and towns lrf Central Oregon which aro Interested In tho matter woro urgod to tako ac tion slllmar to that of thu Bond Boosters. The resolutions woro In troduced by Robort W. Sawyer, chair man of tho irrigation committee, County Judgo Barnes, of Tumalo, was called on for his opinion In re gard toy tho reservoir bill, and do clarod that this action would bo tho only possblo way of ascertaining tho leak which Is now sorlously hamper ing tho ofllcency of tho project. WESTERN UNION TO MOVE ON THURSDAY Work was being rapidly pushed on the Installation ot Instruments for tho Wo&torn Union in tho O'Kano building, today, and it was definitely announced; that tho office would be moved tomorrow evening .from tho Union depot to tho new headquarters, il A x-xr-j-fcTi