, ,BEND BULLETIN, 1JEND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1017. TA(jn X. FOR YOUR CORRESPONDENCE - ' ' ' ' .I. .... i .1 ...,. .. f. . . . , . .,.,-. ...,-- . ... MAY WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION To our New Line of Sta tionery, the Finest Bonds, Boxed that You Can Buy. SELECT AND TASTEY COLORS AND' TINTS. R.EED & HORTON II Sunday horo with his fanillj; visiting his wifo'B parents, Mr. anil Mrs. L. O. McRoynoldSj Mr. Pcrclvat was formerly a resident of Bend and cm ployed in The Bulletin shop. Mrs. J. Lucas, of Hood River, n sister ot Fred. N, Wallace, was op prated on in Portland on Saturday for cancer of tho throat. Mr. Wal lace has been with his sister since the closo of tho Irrigation Congress, and on Saturday Mrs. yallaco went down from Tumalo. Mrs. Charles Wlnnek, ot Fort Klamath, has also gone to nor slstor's bcdqldo. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS (From Wednesdays Dally.) C. L. Qlst, of Sisters, Is a business visitor In Bend today. W. D. Cheney Is expected In Bend Bomo tlmo later In tho week. It. A. Anderson, of tho Tumalo Co., Is In Bond today on business. . William L. Brown, of tho Brown Company, of Portland, Is a business visitor in Bond today. Mrs. H. S. Boll, mother ot Mrs. C. S. Hudson, loft this morning by way of Callforulu, for Oklahoma. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Rhodes havo roturned to Bend from a trip to their former homes' In Scattlo and Mon roe, Washington. P. E. Chaso and E. J. Selrascn w)l open up n homu bakery and deli catessen shop on Wall street, near Minnesota, on Thursday. J. D. Spalding, ot tho Palno Lum ber Co., of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, Is visiting in Bend today at tho Brooks Scanlon Lumber Co. plant. Frank McCatfory, L. E. Smith, 7.. M. Brown, Charles II. Miller, W. T. Mullarkcy and William Buckley aro Rodmond residents who aro visiting In thd city today. II. C. Ellis, J. A. Eastes, O. C. Henklo, H. J. Ovorturf, Maurice P. Cashman, Fred L. Iluoy, Olaf Swan son, Ernest Olson and Olof Hcmp stead woro Bend business visitors in Prnovlle Uday..Vli ftO (From Tuesday's Dally.) j Mr.''nnd Mrs. M. J. Trcmblco havo v moved Into their homo on Congress street. Torranco Fisko, representing VelIs-blckoy Co., ot Minneapolis, is hero pn lnislness. M. W. Knickerbocker nnd C. F. Chalfan woro visitors from the Plain view section yesterday. Mrs, II. F. Ball leaves tomorrow on a noxtondod visit to Oklahoma City, whero sho will spend nuveral months with relatives. i,tn. S. L. Wiggins, travelling freight and passenger agent on tho 0.-WvRT t im., nas roturneu to uenu alter a business trip, to Scattlo. Dr. U. C. Coo went to Portland last night for a fow dayB stay. A. J. Kroenert, of tho Bend Flour Mill Co., Is out ot town on business. Mrs. W. II. Tremblce, of St. Paul, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. M, J. Trembloc. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Larson loft Sunday evening for a fow wooks' visit In Scattlo. A party of Tumalo Odd Follows attended tho mooting of tho local lodge hero last evening, throo candi dates, Messrs. Stiles, McDaulels and Pcderson being initiated. C. M. McAllister, special repre sentative for tho Portland Union Stock Yards, left Monday for Port land after mooting Saturday even ing with tho members of tho Eastern Star Orange. A. J. Harter, M. S. Bullard, W. D. Barnes, W. N. Ray, W. Bakor and Q. O. Qorklng woro among tho Tuma lo Odd Follows who wero In Bond lust night tor tho Installation of of ficers and Initiation held by tho local lodge. (From Monday's Dully.) James Lano, of Lakovlow, is In tho city today on business. Henry Clow, of Prlnevlllo, arrived In Bend last night for a visit. Misses Cornelia Wilson and Qraco Ward returned Sunday morning from Portland. Juck Cowglll, of Peter Slijk, passed through Bond on hls'wajrto Cdrvallls to visit with friends. O. L. Long, ot Portland, who has been HI horo for soveral weoks, left on his return to Portland with his family Sunday. Fred Ellcnborg left last night on a buslncs strip to Portland. Mrs. Ellouberg Is visiting at tho Allen ranch UP tho river during his ab sence V. A. Forbes left on his return to Salem Sunday night after spending two days hero attending to business affairs. On Saturday Mr. Forbes, with Dlstrlctl Attorney DArmond, argued, the demurrer' In tho division cusevDofbre Judge Duffy. S. brPerclval, of Madras, county clerk ot Joftorson county, spent H H t 4 A T THE TOP! OF ALL GOOD THINGS ARE THE ZERO WEATHER DUDS WE ARE OFFERING THIS MONTH, For Every Outside Vocation or Pas-.time-we have the proper apparel. SWEATERS, MACKINAWS nnd HEAVY r WOOLEN SHIRTS ' Just the things for winter wear. RUBBER FOOTWEAR nnd HEAVY WOOLEN SOX an ideal combination for the feet LINED GLOVES and MITTS that, give you such warmth and Wear that you'll ;' be. delighted and feel Satisfied. THERE'S A WEALTH OF WARMTH IN OUR WINTER WEARABLES. AND THE PRICES TOO, YOU WILL FIND REASON fiVBLE. L4. L. FRENCH i. M "THE MEN'S TOGGERY" THE STORE THAT SETS THE PACE." ft 1' f..r-- r, I (From Saturday's Dally.) Collins Elklns was a Bond visitor from Prinovlllo yesterday. Mrs. L. F Bishop, ot Portland, Is visiting Mrs. J. H. Hanor. John Ferguson cumo In from Port land yesterday for a few days' stay. Mrs. A. C. Cronln arrived last night from La Qrando to Join her husband.' . Frank ' PeWlval was In from his Mllllcdh homestead yosterday, return ing this morning." J. M, Roberts, of Alfalfa, Is here today attending tho meeting of tho Water Usors' Association. John Potors Is reported to bo ser iously 111 at his ranch up river. Rol atlves from Tacoma arrived rccontly to euro for him. J. L. Callaway, an osteopathic physician, formerly located in Roso burg, is hero looking tho town over with a view to locating. visit with relatives in Vancouvor, B. C. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Van Nietto nro tho parents ot a baby girl, born at tho Band hospital. Mother and daugh ter aro both reported to bo doing well. Miss Helen O'Noll, who last year taught tho Powoll Butto school, has accoptod tho offer of tho Bend school board to teach In Bond, beginning next samestor, Clydo Miller, of Ontario, an ex perienced groceryman, has accepted a position with Balrd's grocory. Mr. Miller arrived in Bond yesterday morning to commence his duties. (From Friday's Dally.) William Myers returned this morn ing from a soveral dajs visit In Portland. R. II. Bayloy, of Tumalo, ox-county commissioner, was In tho city last night on business. J. William A. Busch., editor ot tho Fort Rock TlmcB, Is a business vis itor in Bond today. Mrs. Harry K. Brooks returuod this morning from a several weoks' THE STORE WITH GOOD GOODS. IT IS TO YOUR INTEREST TO BUY YOUR WATCH OF US Because It U wlit to bar frm aamran 70a knetr 70U tan depend upn. You will alwaya find m rlfht hm, nd what crtr wi m1 yaa 'mail b aatlafacterr, or we IniUt apn brinr allowed to male II m. Therefore, ran ahoald deal with a houu that U here te etay. If yaur watch dan'l keep lime, brlnr It In and w will make II beep lime. WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELKKiJ Larson & Co. Ml Oreraa Street, Ilend, Orecen AT TUB SIGN OP THE BIO CLOCK (From Thursday's Dally.) Bort Powell, a farmer cast of town, was I11 town last night. Claranca Ma'nnhelmor is confined to his homo this weak with la grlppo. D. E. Huntor roturned this morn ing from a brief business trip to Port land. Mrs. Elmor Morrill entortalncd tho J. S. Club yesterday afternoon at hor bomo., F, L. Shaw, of Sisters, Is In town today circulating among Bend friends. W. C. .Blrdsall, manager of Iho Pilot Butto hotel, left last night for Portland. Thoo Morpton leaves tonight for Minneapolis to visit v. Hit relatives for a fow weeks. W. C. Wegner, superintendent of tho Oregon Trunk, Is In Bend today on a tour ot inspection. F. S. Stanloy, ot Portland, arrived this morning nnd will spend a fow dnyB at tho Stanloy ranch. Miss Lillian Coopor left this morn ing for Piorro, South Dakota, whoro Bho will visit with an aunt. Jesso Stearns, attorney tor tho C. O. I. Company, of Portland, Is a business visitor In Bond today. J. P. Keyos, raanagor of tho Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Co., left last night on a business trip to Portland. I). P. Carmody returned to Bond last night from a business trip to Portland nnd other coast points. F. L. Bayloy, of Portland, a broth- or of It. H. Bayloy, of Tumalo, is hore today 611 Land Ofllco business. Mrs. Ralph Bartlott leaves in a fow days for Scattlo, whoro Bho will visit with an nunt for a fow weoks. A party of Sisters mon, Including II. E. Vincent, C. L. Olst, F. L. Shnw and J. O. Kinney, nro visitors in Bend today. Tho First National and Central Oregon banks wero busy last night, tho occasion being pay night at tho mills. Miss Esther Moore loft yesterday morning for Now York, whoro sho will visit with hor relatives for a fow weeks. Installation ot officers will bo the order of tho evening at tho regular mooting of tho local Odd Follows lodge Monday night. Mr. and Mrs, Ashloy Forrest loft last night for Portland to visit a few days and also attontl tho Ballot Rousso, which will bo In Portland. Philip Brooks, of Vancouvor, II. C, loft last night for his homo, after spending tho day In Bend looking over" tho work on tho now Pilot Butto Inn. YOU'LL FIND AT THIS STORE THE Gingham Values You've Been Looking For. i YORK GINGHAMS Priced at - 12ic THE BEST GINGHAM VALUE IN BEND RED SEAL, Book Fold Ginghams Priced at 15c These Quality GINGHAMS Sold Exclusively -AT- PKM BROTHERS Keep your cows clean and dry. Bluo prints for tho most successful cow stall can bo had for tho asking. Address, L. B. Lnfolletto, Redmond, Oregon. 43-4G p Eeo Edwards for good house paint ing. Adv. Spring Ging- h HUNTKR8 AND FISHERMEN, 'NO TICK. Stay off my promises. 9o C. B. ALLEtf. WANTED. A. H. Edwards, Bond Sign Co. 37U FOR SALE Thrco now four room housos. $800 each, 10 per cent oaslu balnnco easy monthly payments, J. Ryan & Co, 21tfl FOR RENT. FOR RENT Apartment, arso, shnck, 2 blocks N. Rrookn-Soanlou, ofllco. Alice Bakor. 47-47Q FOR RENT Desk room, ground, floor O'Kunu building. J. Ryan Co. 35tfo. TO TRADE Oil EXCHANGE. WANTED Experienced man wants Job hording Bhoep. Ask Tho Bulletin about him at onro. 44-47 p WANTED Scrdp Iron. Huff-ichraldt-Ducan Iron works. Phono illlack 741. Sltfc FOR SALE. ams We are Showing a COMPLETE LINE of Amoskeag Utility Ginghams Fast Colors uDR. TURNER, tho well- known oyu specialist of Port land will bo In Bond nealn Thursday nnd Friday, Jan. 11-12, at Thorsen's Jowolry Storo. Don't, foil to consult Dr. Turner about your oyes nnu giassos. ucauaencs rollovod, cross oyes straightened. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consult him. Adv. !RICE '2C yard 12 SHOP AT Warner's sWl httMJ CttK PirriTION PRESENTED (Oregon Journal.) WASHINGTON, Jan. It). Mom- bors of the Oregon delegation have received copies of a petition from tho Oregon desert land board, asking for passage of an act extending for 10 years the Carey land segregations of tho Central Oregon Irrigation com pany, on the ground that large de velopment has been accomplished and conditions are now unfavorable to fast settlement of tho lands. HOSPITAL SITE FUND NOW REACHES $4,415 (From Wednesday's Dally.) Tho addition ot $235 to tho sub scription list for tho purchase or the site for tho Slstor's hospital In Bend, was reported today, bringing the total ,u) to H.41G, an aggrogato of $4,180 having already boou pub lished in Tho Bulletin. New subscriptions are as follows: J. P. Hennessey f 100 Mrs. Oeorge Drosterhous 10 L. C. Rudow ,.. .. 10 F. F. Sullivan 5 Dr. Dwlght F. Miller C Joo Rock . . ,.. C Bend Garage Co. ,....... 6 Bond FJsh Market ,...... 6 O. W. Horner .,.,,, j, . 10 J. J. Kloin vu..... 10 Miss Alice D. 8paldlng .w.... C Mrs, A. T. Frame .in ,..- C J T, Hardy . . .. ........ .. 6 F, 8. Porta 6 Henry Linster ....................... .. 10 American Bakery Mrs, N. P, Smith v. u. i'. wswongcr .. Ashley Forrest S. E, Roberts .. f t 10 10 'i c FOR SALE Good team, harness nnd wagon. Inquire K. E. Stowu, Ilend, Or. 46-47p FOR 8ALE Library of Universal History, written by Herbert Howe Bancroft, covering ancient, medieval and modorn history, IS volumes, In good order. Address Win. Hnrdt, Olst, Oro. 4 6-4 Go FOR SALE Houso nnd lot, or uer of McKay and Riverside Ideal location for grocory. J 4 76,00. W. B. Losh, 44-40 p FOR 8ALE A fow choice canar ies. Will sell reasonable. Phono Black 1471. N 42tfe FOR SALE CHEAP Single shot gun, 3 now horse collars, breast strap and traces. Apply Shaw's Feed Stord. 43-Px FOR SALE 2 h. p. gasoline on glno; In good condition. At Univer sal Oarage. Seo Geo. Roberts. 40tfc FOR SALE Two 3-room houses; lot 60x100 foot; city water; 3&U each; terms. J, Ryan & Co, 3Ctf FOR SALE Four lots In block 40, Rivcrsldo Addition, On odgo of wiestona. rrico iiuu each. w. Kr guson, caro Dennett's. 3Gtf FOR SALE Oood residence lots on west sldo of river. City vuter nnd lights; (j cash end $5 monthly J. Ryan & Co. 34tfc FOR 8ALIJ Cholco lots In Dos chutos nnd Park Additions. Will loan to build houses on lots. J Ryan & Co. 34tfc FOR 8ALBTwo 4. room modorn houses, close to mills; easy terms, J. Ryan & Co. 34tfc FOR SALE rivd horsepower gasoline wood caw, Innulro building south Sanitary Bakery, 34tfc FOR SALE Two lots, 50x186, street ou throo sides; shack 14x18, double floor, on Inside lot; water on lots; 1375, 12S cash, balance 110 month. W. Forguson, at Bennett's, nend. 33tf FOR 8ALE Two JoU In Des chutes addition, level nod free from rock, well located. Price S276 each Terms. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALE Four very choice IqU la Park addition, price and tertna right. J.Ryaa&Co, 'J, FOR SALE irous'e "and lot. Price right. Terms reasonable, Inquire TO EXCHANGE Nlco, largo modern home In, 12 acres of land In, Willamette volley to exchange for' land in Contral Oregon, O. O. llou kle, Lorg Cabin Bldg., Bend, Ore gon. 44-47 !. LOST AND FOUND. LOST Two Jersey holfers and: one steer, with snuke brand. Call rural 88. William Alt.' 46tfo E8TRAY NOTICi: Cnmo to mv place two weeks ago, one black ruaro and ouo brown gelding, burmlod cm leit Biiuuiders, "T"; tnlls bobbed foretops clipped, Owner may have same by proof of property and pay ing an cnarges. ll. K, JJHAUI). Res. seven mllis northeast of Bis-, tors, Oregon, 4Cp. LOST Largo, whlo mule, brand ed on let shoulder, "II"; weight 1300 lbs Deliver mulo and recelvo 10 reward, at A lino's barn, 4o-47p STRAYED 1 red steer, 2 rod holfers, 1 Holstoln steer, ull lonir yearlings; 1 Holstein heifer calf. branded "D D" on eft hln nhd round nolo In una ear. Please notify C. R. McLulHn, Redmond, Ore. 46-4 8p. FOR YOUR NEXT SUIT See DICK Tr?e Tailor All Kinds of CLEANIXO AND I'HEHHINO Phone Black 1481 Gilbert 2b Son Tho only storo In Bend in hero you can get your gro ceries and meats at tho same place. FRKE DELIVERY Phone Red S71 Put Your Pny in Your Bank Book. The ttat way to ave monty Wl little cut ot tlic lay mvloie tut ixxkit munrr. then ut the rent In thla lank nj par your bllla Ly chttk Monvy In tn bank la nut cully tptnl lot unnrt (warira, and remain until a time o( fiucU cutnva to you, thin you will U ylad yuu have your tank mreuat. Ctuvk bock will li furnlihnl tt. It roata you nothing to Lava your iiwnry krpt aafe lor you. TUB Central Oregon Bank UEND, OKKGON SaaW aaafl aTaaaaaaaaaa! mmtmt0jgf!X2tM ssafeies arJaaHr aWCl a1NMaMa1aHri!yaVSjtoaa'M "- iSSaM ' aHHMlarT