:v 11ENI) IlUIil.nTIN, IlENI), OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY IH, ton i.. 3 I'AOH a. A DESCHUTES ' SGQRES IN HARD FIT FILE DEMURRER IN COUNTY SOU PART OF COMPLAINT IS STRICKEN OUT. COURTBACKSMOTION Advantage Now Lien With New Coun ty Filing of Demurrer Next Probable Htcp, Is Intimation of II. It. DcAniionil. WHOLE COMPLAINT IS ATTACKED. Attorneys for Dexclmtes County Ob- ject to Hull on Ground of Non- Jurisdiction of (,'omt, nnd In- mifflolent 1'iicts Alleged. (Prom Friday's Dally nullotln) Deschutes county scored hor first victory this morning, In the fljjlit to mnlntnln licr individuality as a municipal corporntou. News of tho occurrence vu3 re ceved hero, when II, II. DeArmond, district attorney and counsel for the members of tho county court In tho (tio warranto proceedings brought ngnlnst thorn through tho nanio of Oua Stadlg, by tho Crook county nntl dlvlslonist clement, received word from Prlncvlllo that Judge Duffy, of tho circuit bench, has handed down nu opinion sustaining tho motion of tho dofondants tostrlko out a por tion of tho original complaint. Tho advantage Is now on tho side of Deschutes county, It Is bellovcd, ii b tho provlous motion of tho defend ants, decided agulust them, was to iuash service, and tho refusal of tho court to sustain, had no bearing on tho former status of tho caso. Tho last motion, argued Monday in Prlnovlllo, disposes of all allegations mndo In tho complaint, refcrrci) to by tho defense, as attorneys for tho plaintiff oro anxious to rush tho caso through, and will probably tako no advantago of their opportunity to amond tho complaint. Tho Ming of another motion, or a demurror aro tho possibilities open to tho county, and Mr. Do Armond Intimated that tho latter step would probably bo taken. Ho was unwilling to stnto on what points tho demurrer would bo based. (From Saturday's Dally Uullotln.) What may prove a vital step In tho fight of Deschutes county against tho quo warranto proceedings question ing Its Identity as a municipal cor poration, was taken today when Dis trict Attornoy II. II, DeArmond, and Vernon A. Forbes, counsel for tho coutjty court .introduced In circuit court at I'rlnovllle, a demurrer to tho entlro complaint. Mr Forbes mada a special trip to liond from Salem, where ho Is sitting in tho lower houso of tho legislature, for tho solo pur pose of being ablo to represent tho county's Interests In I'rlnovllle today. No Jurisdiction, Itasis. Tho domurrcr had as Its chief bas is tho argument that the complaint filed by auti-dlvlslonists In old Crook has not been filed In a court having jurisdiction In tho matter, tho Inti mation being that only a higher court could havo Jurisdiction In the case. Ah a secondary argument it was set forth that Insufficient facts aro al leged to constitute causo for action. A third point was to havo been that causes of action aru Improperly Join ed, but tho ruling of Judge Duffy, handed down yesterday, sustaining the motion to strike out u portion of tho original complaint, mudo this unnecessary. Knrly Opinion KvM-ctvI. Tho Deschutes county attorneys planned to argua thu demurror today In Judgo Duffy's court, asking that tho suit bo dismissed. An opinion, It Is thought, may be handed down by tho court, tho latter part of next week. I F W . . M IIOUMMRIKS OF IMUCTICAJiliY KVKRY PRKCINCT WILIj Mil AL TKRKD, DKCIiAHKS COUNTY SURVEYOR G. H. YOUNG. (From Friday's Dally Dullotln) When tho county court meets In adjourned session in Bend next Wed nesday, ono of tho Important matters which will come up for consideration will bo tho first map of tho now county, now being drawn by County Surveyor George S. Young, on the authorization of tho court. Whllo tho boundaries of tho coun ty aro already fixed by virtuo of tho division from Crook county, this very change, together with tho rapid growth of Hcnd, has called for a com plete redisricting of thu voting pre cincts, and practically every division of tho kind In tho county will havo changed boundaries when tho map Is completed, Mr. Young states. Tlicso alterations aro being rnado so as to conform to tho topography of tho country, providing for greater facil ity In getting to tho polls. Tho redisricting of tho Hond pro ducts was ono of tho matters which would havo been taken up by the Crook county court at Its last session In Prlnovlllo In December, had not county division taken tho territory under consideration Into a now Juris diction. No copies of tho map, Mr. Young announces, will bo available for dis tribution until approval Is passed on tho original draft by tho county Judgo and commissioners. VISITOR HERE OITICKR OF TIIK HF.NI) WATKR, j-iaiiT a powkr co., wimi dk- TKRMINH NKKD.S OF CONCNIlN FOR TIIK YKAK. BEND RESIDENTS (From Saturday's Dally Bulletin.) Kcmpster D. Miller, of tho Ucnd Watei, Light & Power Co., arrived last night from Chicago on a visit of Inspection of tho company's prop erties in Ucnd and to consult with Manager T. II. Foley, on business of tho company, "The chief matter which I shall havo under consideration whllo here,"ald Mr. Miller this nftomoon, "Is a determination of tho financial needs of our company to carry on Improvements and extensions during tho coming year. Whatever those aro found to bo wo shall proceed with tho work." After finishing his business here, Mr. Miller will lcavo for Southom California, whero his firm has a largo power project under construction. Signs of Good Health. Bright eyes, clear skin, alert brains nnd energetic movomonts aro signs of good health. You don't havo them when digestion Is Impaired and for montlng, decaying food clogs tho In testines. Foloy Cathartic Tablets set you right. Act without pain, griping or nausea. Too-stout persons wol coma tho light fooling they bring. Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. Sco J. Ilyaa & Co., for farm land loanB. Adv. Just For Everyday Wear Is Tlii? Swagger Coat THREE ARE ARRESTED BUT CASES HELD OFF (From Saturday's Dally Bulletin.) Arrested by Chief of Pollco Nixon this nftomoon, Walter Dawson and Frank Sugort, charged with conduct ing n disorderly houso, nnd W. Wool drldgo, charged with dlsordorly con duct, appeared boforo Mayor S. C. Caldwell, acting for Municipal Judgu Kills, today. Thoy entered pleas of not guilty and woro released on their own recognizance, hearing being sot for 10 o'clock Monday morning. Different Kinds or Coughs. Colds lead to dlfforent kinds of cougliB "dry cough," "winter cough," la grlppo cough, bronchial cough, asthmatic cough, and racking, painful cough to ralso choking phlegm. Enos Halbcrt, Paoll, Ind writes: "I coughed continually and could hardly sleep. Foloy's Honey nnd Tar rollovocl mo, curing my cough entirely." Sold everywhere. Adv. NOTICK. Dun In Mm Increased Interest In tho recent Federal Farm Loan Act nnd Its ndvantaces. n. meeting has boon called by tho county agricul turalist of all Interested farmers In the vicinity of Hedmond to moot in his office on tho 19th, Friday, after noon, for tho purposo of perfecting a Federal Farm Loan Association. Alt fnrmnrn whn nrn Interested ill this should bo at tho meeting at 2 o'clock In tho afternoon. It. A. I1LANCIIAUI). NOWTOTALS,! DHIjAV IN GIVING FIGl'RF.S OF OKNSUS CAUHKI) TAlUUiATION XL'MIIKK OF PROPMl GIVHX CONSRRVATIVK. Worth Attention of Women. When you feel too tired to work, wnko up weary, havo backocho or pains In sides, when you suffor rliou- matlo twinges you may bo suro tho kidneys aro disordered. Fay Shol burg, All, Mo., writes: "I hnd kld noy trouble for two years. Nothing did mo any good until I got Foloy Kidney Pills. Two 00c boxes cured mo." Sold ovorywhoro. Adv. A doBlrnblo bread knlfo frco with every annual subscription to The Bend Dullotln. (From Friday's Dally.) Tho olllclal population of Bend Is 5193. This was tho purport of an ntll davit filed by H. J. Ovcrturf, chief enumerator in tho recent school and municipal census, with City Re corder II. C. Kills today. Tho num ber of Individuals residing In tho dis trict, of school age, was given last month, but becauso of considerable work In tho way of tabulation a de lay In announcing the number of resi dents actually residing In tho city wob necessitated. In splto of tho rapid growth shown in tho city population, It Is believed that tho figures given nro conserva tive, as many bona fide residents of Bend declare Unit thoy were novor approached by tho enumcratoiH. Mr. Ovorturf's nflldiivlt was nmdo as ono or tho formalities Incident to clearing up tho 'record In regnrd to tho purchoso of J3G.000 worth of cuy nouns uy Kcoier iiros., or Don vor. Tho money, needed for tho pur poso of securing right of way and torinlnnl sites for tho Strnhorn rail ways, has been available for city uso for Domo tltno post, but n now record of population wob needed by tho bonding bouse to supercede tho last government census record, which showed only n fqw hundred residents hero. In tho communication received from tho Denver concern, nftldavlt blanks were nlso enclosed to bo flllod out by tho various city officials, and papers to complete tho record In tho $11,000 bond Issue which Is planned to wlpo out tho warrant Indebtedness of Bend, wero among tho documents received by City Hecordrr. HtuwBA hhuh g!fi!HmHnawnTrewM 'meOnlyGraralPrize (ni&hestAward) given, to Dictionaries nHlic Panama- PacificExposiiiW Was granted to WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL rou Superiority of Educational Merit. Thu new creation answers villi final authority all klmliof puzzling questions such iw "How Id i)ricmysl pronounced?" "Whoro is Man dent " "What Is n conlinioiu tw wjet" "What is a lioiriUtrt" ' 'What id uhile coalf" "How tetlat pro nounced?" nnd thnuindsolothers. Mora than 400,000 Vocabulary Terms. 30,000 Ccofiraphlcal Subjects. 12,000 Biographical Entries. Over GOOD Illus trations. 2700 Pages. Tho cnljr diction ary with tho divided pace a stroko of genius. RrvlHrftJltjia. rpti Jjuu, Wilts for ppccl men irv, 11 luttrntluiim etc. Iiee. a wi oi 'urlrl Maim If ymi liaiuu Uus W'r. aac. HEBRIAM CO. SpriixfitM. Huu .iiTiiiiijoaTcuinLOT.wfflinaasisaaMuacisni'ia sat saaaVf ' N- JP M'AI.I.HTKIt'H IIOl'HK RURN8 (From Saturday's Dally.) Tho resldenco of A. McAllstcr, sov oral miles west of Tumulo, was de stroyed last night by a flro caused from the explosion of gasollno In a pan In which clothes woro being cleaned. Tho houso and contents nro u total loss. Both Mr. McAlls tcr and his son wero severely burned. No Insurance was carried on tho houso. Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company' Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds of Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK of StanJard Size.. BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Telephone Red 1431 or 701 City Stlei Office Bend Company Building Bring Your Family to llie Altamont lor a good Sunday Dinner. . . 40c 12 to h30 Nicest Sunday Supper In Bend Screed from 6 to 7 P. M.30t SPECIALS IF DESIRED HOTEL ALTAMONT CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS IIUFPSCIIMIDT-DUGAN IRON WORKS BEND, OREGON PHONE ULACK 741 School Days are Here Soo to It that the children's shoos aro well cared for. Money Is saved In doing so. Our shoo repairing ranks the best Only the highest quality leather used. Wi: GUARANTEE AMi WORK TO IJE SATISFACTORY. Austin's Quick Shoe Repair Shop. Wright Hotel llldg. (ireeimood Ate. Brr-r ! Chilly, changeable weather? A good oil heater will keep you warm andcosy. A gallon of Pearl Oi J gives 9houra of smokeless, odor less, cheerful heat. Prices: $3.75 to $7.75 OSCAR CARI.HON El) l.YONH Carlson Lyons PLUMBING AND HEATING I'lumblnK & Itcntliift Hujiiillc", Until Room Atomii lei, etc I'lI'E, VAIjVEK AND FITTINGS 1'IIONE RICH 1.-1)1 Perfection Oil Heater For Sato by "RAINY DAISY." Smart and practical, thla raincoat come In dull gray plalda with bone button fas tening! and a trimly belted watat line. The knockabout hat takea a plaid facing to ray colors to offset the Inconspicuous tone of the cent. HAVE YOU TRIED THE WetJjfhJUundry One Day Delivery Service 20 Lbs. Dry Wt. 50 Cents SANITARY LAUNDRY PHONKRED 1461 m Prr"r! BOX AND SLAB WOOD Now $3.00 Per Loud OREGON FUEL CO. PHONE US NOW RED 661 BEND HARDWARE CO. F. DEMENT & CO. Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. Lots 40X105. $75 for Inside, $100 for Corners Lots 50X125 . $100 fur Inside, $125 for Corners REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY Fire Automoble life Accident Surety Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STREET. DEND, OREGON Member Portland Realty Hoard. I Bi I LWMat-Maa all fMll aPesaeMEu ai T nm ili7i 1 1 1 n.i. i .,.. ,,.. ... ' TT alaillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll n I mmm I 1 iHlaiMll ' WW I I I i'I I ' 1 lit WllllesssMMMasaMaeaWillilsatfal BlHKiLmHtoBiiLl' amHfaa.HMHBM Ti-aaafjaHSayuSMsajaaV , k&rz- t2fpi 111