) UEN'D RUIiMSTIN, REND, OREGON, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 11)17. PAUK It. tt & A : RALROAD 61 RE BIG .3,756 CARS HANDLED IN PAST YEAR. Favorable IJalunco of Trade fe Two to Ono Total Freight Amounts to $l)0l,ai)t.82 Earnings Pass Million Mark. (From Tuesday's Dally.) An Incrcaso of more than 50 per -cent In tlio freight business handled by tho O.-W. It. & N. and the Oro gon Trunk, at tho union station hero, is Bhown by figures just compiled for tho year ending December 31, 1916, as compared with tho report of tho fiscal year which ended Juno 30, 1916. Tho comparison Is mado on tho basis of carload lots of freight ro colvod and forwarded, tho total for tho fiscal year amounting to 2,329 cars, whllo 3,756 was the aggregate for tho calondar year. Figures as to tho valuo of trolght handled for tho fiscal yoar wero not available but for tho calendar year tho values on full carloads, was fixed at $836,035.55. That Dend has an unusually fa vorublo balance of trade Is shown by tho figures for outgoing and Incom ing frolght. Twelvo hundred and eight carloads wero received horo during tho last 12 montliB, whllo 2,548 carloads wero forwarded from lioro. In addition to full carload shipments, 15,028,336 freight ac counts of less than carload lots wero handled, a rovonuo from this sourco amounting to $111,359.27. Passenger Trade Good. PnssoiiRor business was also high ly prosperous. No accounting, of courso, could bo mado of tho Incom ing passengers, but It is estimated that thoy must havo surpassed tho outgoing business, taking tho rapid growth of tho city as a basis. Tho total amount received on ticket sales hero during tho year was $91,561.68, making tho total business for tho station $1,055,956.50. In nddltion to tills, cash collected on Western Union business amount ed to $6,360, making a grand total of all earnings of $1,062,317. BEND RESIDENTS TO BECOME NATURALIZED Nino to Attend Court in I'rlncvlllo Tomorrow to Tako Out Final Citizenship Papers. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Nino Dond men will leave tomor row for Prlnovlllo to appear boforo Judge Duffy, In circuit court, ox pcctlng to secure final citizenship papers. Four other Dond residents will accompany thorn as witnesses. It is expected that practically the entire day will bo given over to naturalization proceedings. ' Those who will try for third pa pers from hero aro: MorrlsJ?. Cash raon, Joe It. Trepul, Fred L. Hucy, Charles Korakls, Olof Hempstead, Miko Kasprowitz, Ernest Olson and Olaf Swanson. As witnesses, II. C. Ellis, J. A. Eastcs, O. C. Hcnklo and II. J. Ov orturf, will bo prcsont. FIRST COUNTY MAP IS NOW COMPLETED WIN ' CLOSES 1 closed down, for tho crippling of tho Dond Water, Light & Power plant made it Impossible- to furnish suf ficient electrical power to keep theso 'departments of tho Industry run ning. Only tho feet that Tho Shov-Un-Hlxon company has its own power plant, provented a similar delay on tho opposite side of the river. MERCURY TAKES DROP TO 12 BELOW. Main Power Plant Is Placed Out of Commission Auxiliaries Kail to Furnish Electricity for llox Factory and Planers. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Ready to bo presented boforo tho county court at its adjourned ses sion tomorrow, tho first map of Dns chutcs county has been completed by County Surveyor Gcorgo 8. Young, showing a complcto ro-dlstrlctlng of tho voting precincts. HYMONH HAH NEW MAN . (From Tuesday's Daily.) Myron II. Symons, tho local watch inspector for tho O.-W. R. & N., and S. P. & S. railroads, has socurcil tho services of Mr. Raymond, a Swiss watchmaker of somo note. Mr. Ray mond Is a natlvo of Switzerland, whoro ho learned tho wntchmakors' trado. Ho has worked for 14 years for Slirovo & Co,, of San Farnclsco, boforo coming to Dond. (From Tuesday's Dally.) Winter's grip tightened several notches on Dend last night, and with tho clearest kind of weather pre vailing, tho mercury reached a min imum of 12 degrees bolow zero easily, tho coldest experienced dur ing tho cntlro season. Water plpos continued to freezo, and tho icy ox panso on tho rlvor wldonod rapidly. Troubles multiplied for tho Uend Water, Light & Powor company, and it was announced this morning that tho main plant was out of commis sion. Although men wero on duty all night to keep Ico out of tho wheel, two wheels woro frozon up tight, nnd tho two auxiliary plants woro alt that furnished electricity for tho city today. It Is estimated that two plants can bo kept freo whllo tho prcsont cold woathor provalls, but that as soon as ono can bo put In running ordor, ono of tho others will rcqulro attention. Ico banked agaliiBt tho spillway nt tho powor dam during tho night, malting tho walk over tho top vir tually impassablo. More Work Delayed. Extra men wero kept at work all last night and today, at tho mills, blasting logs from tho pond, with tho result that tho band saws woro ablo to keep going, practically at full capacity. Cousldorablo quantities of Ico, howovor, accompanied tho slab fuel which went Into tho boiler tires. At tho Brooks-Scanlon mill, tho planor nnd box factory woro both I. O. O. F. INSTALLS OFFICERS FOR YEAR Julius Jennet t Heads JkIko De grees Conferred on Ono Ilcud Man nnd Thrco From Lnldhuv. (From Tuesday's Daily.) Installation of now officers, and initiation of four candidates was tho order of tho evening last night at tho regular meeting of tho Dend Lodgo of Odd Fellows. Ono of tho chief officers, however, J. E. Noff, Vlco Grand, was unabto to bo prcs ont, because of Injuries sustained sovoral weeks ago In an accident in tho mill yards. Othor officers woro ns follows: Julius Junnctt, Noblo Grand; Goorgo P. Gove, Secretary; C. W. Thornth walte, Treasurer; J. E. Engelbretson, Chaplain; Frank Keldder, Warden; L. C. Fleming, Insldo Guardinn; Claudo Kelley, Outsldo Guardian; H. I. McKIm, Right Supportor to tho Noblo Grand; Adolph Dodlno, Loft Supporter to tho Noble Grand. Degrees woro conferred on R. L. McKIm, of Dend, and on John Stiles, Lcsllo McDaulcls and T. Peterson, of Laid law. N T BY-LAW S TODAY DESCHUTES FARM LOAN ASSO CIATION EFFECTS IMPORTANT STEP IN ORGANIZATION CAP 1TAL1ZATION $10,000. NEW HALF DOLLARS ARE RECEIVED HERE (From Tuesday's Daily) Tho first installment of tho now colnngo of half dollars to bo ro eolved in Iloiul has boon procured by the First National Dank, $500 worth of them having been sent from Port land. Tho coins aro of entirely now design, nnd, in addition to tholr monetary valuo aro holug Bought na watch charms. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word, (From Tuesday's Dally.) Preparing to tako ndvantago of tho Rural Credits act, ranchers of tho county mot this afternoon In tho council chambers of tho O'Kan building, organized tho Deschutes County National Farm Loan associa tion, adopted by-laws, and elected directors. Tho association meeting was presided over by P. II. Doncor, with II. II. Clow as secretary. ' Tho chief provisions of tho by-laws aro to conform to tho national law. Stockholders, it Is specified, must own land within tho boundaries sot by tho association, and whllo stcuk may bo taken In excess of $2,000, only $2,000 worth of stock mal bo voted. A majority of all stock owned mUBt bo represented nt any lawful meeting. Annual gatherings of tho association aro sot forth for tho sec ond Tuesday In each January. A loan committee of three Is pro vided tor, and tho possibility of, In creasing tho capital stock beyond $10,000, its present figure, accord ing to the noeds of tho membership, Is allowed by tho by-laws. Amend ment may bo mado by a two-thirds voto. Directors elected wero Glenn H. Slack, P. II. Doncor, Ira J. Wilkin Bon nnd O. O. King, tho members of tho association voting for tho first tlmo according to tho amounts of tholr loan applications, Uocauso of difficulty In fixing boundaries for tho district in which residents may Join tho organization, this matter was left to tho directors. President Doncor urged on tho nowly elected offlcors tho necessity for bolng prompt In attendance at nil meottngs. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. Land OIIlco at Tho Dalles, Oregon, November 20th, 1916. NOTICE Is hereby given that Jacob Schcror, of Dend, Orogon, who, on May 19th, 1913, mado Homo stead Entry. No. 011704, for SEUSEU, Section 25, Township 19-South, Rango 14-East, Wlllam ctto Meridian, has filed notico of iu- tontlon to make final thrco-yenr nroof. to establish claim to tho land abovo described, boforo II. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner, nt Bond, oro gon, on tho 14th day of February, 1917. Claimant names ns witnesses. Howard F. Dyor, of Milllcan, Oro. Aaron D. Norton, of Milllcan, Oro. Martha E, Forgcy, of Dend, Oro. Clifton L. Evans, of Dond, Ore. II, FRANK WOODCOCK, 45-49c Reglstor. NOTICE FOR PURL1CATION. Dopartmont of the Interior, U. S. Land OfTlco at Tho Dalles, Orogon, October 31, 1916. Notico is hcroby given that Samuol R. Hogln, wIioro postotflca address is Dend, Oregon, did, on tho 18th day of April, 1916, fllo In this offlco his Sworn Stntemcnt and Application, No. 015968, to purchaso tho SWVi SWtti Section 28, Township 16 South, Range 11 East, Wlllamotto Meridian, and the tlmbor thereon. undor tho provisions of tho act of Juno 3, 1878, and nets amendatory, known ns tho "Timber end Stonn Law," nt such valuo us might bo flxod by appralsomont, and that, pur suant to such application, tho land nnd tlmbor thoroon hnvo boon ap praised, Ono Hundred Dollars tko tlmbor estimated, 1200 fence posts & 6c each, and tho land $40.00; that said applicant will offer final proof in support nt IiIb application nnd sworn statcmont on tho 17th day of Mnrch, 1917, boforo II. C. Ellis, United States Commissioner, at Dend, Oregon, Any person Is at liberty to protest tills purchaso boforo entry, or Inl tlata a contest nt any tlmo boforo patent issues, by tiling n corrobor utod affidavit In tltls offlco, alleging facts which would dofoat tho on try. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 46-52p. Reglstor. IHIS PAPER REPRESENTED TOR rOREIGM ADVERTISING DY THE OCNERAL OFFICCO NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES 5"Jl H.SS 1917 Model Grand Prize Dodge Car Dodge Car Purchased from and Guaranteed by the Bend Garage Company Agents for Deschutes County, Bend, Oregon. Second Prize, 7 Piece Bedroom Suite Purchased from and Guaranteed by Thompson Furniture Company, Bend, Oregon. Third Prize, Victrola Purchased from and Guaranteed by the Reed & Horton Drug Company, Bend, Oregon. Third Prize in The Bulletin's Subscrip- tionContest I he Bend Bulletin VOTE SCHEDULE DAILY 0 MONTHS, CARRIER 1 YEAH CARRIER 1! YEARS CARRIER U YEARH CARRIER njEARS CARRIER WEEKIA' I'YKAIl, iji.no li YEARS, :i.oo :i years, -i.no n YEARS, 7.no i Ji.no, maiIj d.no, maii, l.'t.OO, MAIL ItUiO, .MA II, lt2Mt, MAII 9 u.no K.00 10.00 in.oo un.oo Volra "u.ooo n.ooo 10,000 1:0,000 no.ooo Qnm jj,roo n.ooo 1 ,"5,000 Subscription Contest t x: ri i 1 a '! '-nj KHr-