The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, January 18, 1917, WEEKLY EDITION, Image 1

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The bend bulletin.
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NO. 4tt
K i
, Russell ClirlhtciiNon Benched End
of Endurnnco on December 37,
Decides Coroner'N Jury Tho
Funeral to He Tomorrow.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Within six miles of his own cabin,
In tli a Crcacent vicinity, which ho left
on Christmas morning, J. Russoll
-Chrlatonson, forest guard In the Doa
chntea national forest service, was
-found Saturday nftcrnoon by Hang
ar Hd. Mann. Chrlstcnson had been
-dead for at least two weeks, tho
verdict of tho coronor's Jury, which
-at on tho caso last night In Ores--cout
being that tho end had como
on or about Decombor 27, as tho rc--sult
of cold and hunger. Tho first
word rocolvod hero nfter tho body
-was found carao In tho form of a
telephone iqcssngo to Supervisor
Hastings, yesterday afternoon, and
anothor call camn In this afternoon.
According to Htatoments mada In
3.a Pino this afternoon by V. V. Har-
jiliam and Ed. Mann, luports have
boon rlfo In tho Crescont territory
ithat ''Chrlstonson had met with foul
jilny. th V'(oiv 'mvlntr brcii prompt
od- by the. Taut that pulls of constd
or.iblo vEluo had accumulated nt his
cabin. Tho rumor was effectually
disproved, howovor, nt tho Inquest.
Dentil Cninn Quietly.
Woodsmen In tho Crescent coun
try say that It- would have been Im
possible for ChrlsteiiHon to liavo
-covered tho dlstanco which his tracks
.showed, In less than a week's time.
Although ho had evidently boon lost
lor tho first fow days ot his absence
from homo, tho last two days ho had
been traveling by compass, almost
In a direct linn for his cabin, and
would have reached thorn had he
"been nblo to live through another
-day. Tho end came peacefully, there
being no evidence ot a struggle
That ho had undergone great hard
ships was shown by tho condition ot
lils hands, which had been badly
froion. It Is thought that they had
been frostbitten several times, and
thawed out before they becamo use
less. Dnrtly Missed Station.
Whllo for a time It had been be
lieved that tho forcBt guard must
have lost his mind, this theory has
been abandoned on a final report of
the rcscuo party. Tho fact that he
liad finally struck on tho right trail
homo, Is adduced as proof of this,
He showed no sign ot having suf
fered from snow blindness.
The am bo ot tho tragedy Is ex.
plained by the tact that Chrlstcn
son crossed a dlvldo In Booking his
way homo, which was In reality one
which leads to tho headwaters ot the
Umpqua river. When 35 miles from
lils cabin, he apparently realized his
orror, and set out for homo, taking
tho ranger trail on his return.. By
a bare 200 yards, ho mlsBed the
Marsh ranger btatton.
Work was especially difficult for
the members of the rescue party, ow.
lug to tho tact that much of Christen
son's way lod over heavily crusted
now, making tracking almost Im
possible Ilia approximate location
-was fixed Friday night, and Ranger
Mann, who with Assistant Supervls
or V. V. Harpham, was sent out from
Rend to relieve the rescuers who
liad worked steadily for nearly a
week, was tho first to see tho body.
Rescue Party PrnlMMl.
According to all estimates which
can be made, the forest guard passed
away at least a week before the ser
vice was notified, his trapping part
ner having sought alone for several
days before sending In word to Cri.
Forest Supervisor Hastings spoke
highly today ot the work done by his
inen. and stated that he felt satisfied
that everything possible had been
dome under the circumstances.
Funeral services are to be b.eld w
4 o'clock tomorrow afternoon it
iflm HOME nmniAi paper
Fremont, Chrlstonson having rela
tives thero and at Fort nock.
The forest gunrd was nearly 26
years ot ago, having passed his 25th
birthday last March. Ho was born
In Seattle but had spont a largo
part ot his llfo In Central Oregon.
Ho was unmarrlod.
i I m m Saf If Bfaa I fill Bl I
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
As ono ot tho Important Items of
business at tho adjourned annual
session ot tho Deschutes county
court, Tho Bond Bullotln was desig
nated as tho omdal county paper,
this afternoon. Tho selection ot Tho
Bulletin comes as a recognition of
this publication possessing largor
weekly circulation than any nowa
medium In tho county.
Arrangements for a Joint session
ot tho Deschutes and Crook county
courts wero authorized, to discuss
property Issues arising out of tho
recent formation ot Deschutes coun
ty out of a portion ot old Crook.
Sheriff Roberts was authorized to
arrango for tho collection ot taxes,
and for tho transcribing ot the Crook
county tax roll at PrlnovlUo, now In
cluded in tho now county.
It was decidod to uuo tho Crook
county system ot assessing.
Potltlons woro received from Red
mond and from Sisters, each com
munity wishing to huvo Its annual
fall' designated as tho olllclnl county
fair. According to tho law, u county
fair may ' only bo designated by a
county fair board, appointed on tho
rccommondatlon of agricultural as
sociations, and because of tho nnn
oxlstouco of such a board, no action
could bo tnkeu.
Bids wero asked for tho furnish-
jjrf oi record bouUs for tho various
county offices and for tho transcrib
ing ot records from tho books at
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
The Brown Company, real cstato
dealers of Portland, today purchased
approximately 1C0 acres of land, ly
ing Just north and contiguous to
Aubrey. Heights, from Jns. A. Hastes,
of Bend. Tho deal Is said to involve,
about $10,000. Tho transaction was
consummated through William L.
Graham, president of tho Brown
'I'ii Develop Property.
With the transfor of his holdings
to the Brown Company, marks the
early development of tho property,
which will be platted and sub-dlvldcd
into residence lots and placed on the
market as soon as tho preliminary
details can be settled. As expressed
by Mr. Graham this morning, It is
tho Intontlon of tho Brown Company
to make quick sales on a small mar
gin, so that the property may pass
Into tho hands of owners at an early
Of the 160 acres, only 40 acres
will be opened for salo Immediately,
other parts later to bo placed on tho
market. As soon as this is dono,
tho Brown Company will mako a
considerable amount of improve',
ments in the way of laying out streets
and sldowalks.
It will be the intention of tho
Brown Company to be active in Port
land in placing the property on the
market and will probably have local
sales agency connections.
"The purchase of tho property to
day from Mr. Eastes, marks another
field of activity for the Brown Com
pany, In Bend," said Mr. Graham this
morning. "We Intend to develop
our newly acquired holdings to be
tho most desirable residence proper
ty in Bend. We believe that the loca
tion Is Ideal and will become one of
the most popular districts In your
city." The Brown Company has bad
the sale of Oroiola Addition.
1,1 lEPlf EfiFHfi
Dr. Klwood Lyon ProdicU 70,000
Population forRond Club Acta
Ou HccotnmcmlatlonB Mado
Ily Tho RuUotln.
V (From Wednesday's Daily.)
Exponslvo improvements, Includ
ing tho construction of a now powor
unit, and largo additions to water
and Electrical distribution systems,
a'ro to bo commonced In tho near fu
ture the work ou tho now unit to bo
bogun by summer, nro definitely
plannod by tho Bond Water, Light
& Power Co., according to tho stato
monfe of Kempstor D. Mlllor, chief
engineer for tho company, who spoko
this noon at tho weokly Commercial
Club luncheon.
Relations PlcOKont.
"Wo aro pleased with tho steady
growth ot Uend, which has actually
taxod the resources ot tho company,"
ho doclarod. "Wo aro In tho gnmo
to stay, and tho improvements to bo
mado nro to kcop up with tho futuro
development of tho city. Wo aro
porparcd to spoud a great deal ot
money hero."
Mr. Mlllor stated aftor tho lunch
oon that ha could not definitely an
nounce nt tho present tlmo tho exact
amount of this oxpendlturo.
In aiiBwor to Mr. Miller's expressed
wish for a continuation of friendly
relations between tho company and
tho pcoplo of Uend, President Floyd
Domout, of tho club, assured him
that no other results could follow
from a continuation of tho company's
present policy. Hugh O'Knno also
spoko, praising tho class of sorvlco
given by tho company.
Rend IliKhb Pnilhcd.
Dr. Klwood Lyon, ovnngollst, who
Is conducting union rovlvnl sorvlcea
at tho Presbytorlan church, mot with
hourly npplauso wlion ho declared
that Bond's population In 1920 would
roach 25,000, and that within n few
years It should mount to from 60,000
to 70,000. Ho ussortod that Rend
(Contlnuod on last pngo.)
Candidates Hustle For
Votes Despite Cold Snap
All Candidates Making Steady Gains Over Last Showing
Ladies and Their Friends are Working Hard
to Win the Handsome Dodge 1917 Car.
Miss Francis SteidI, Bend 100,000
Mrs. Mable E. Lara, Bend 159,000
Miss Mabel Bixby, Prinevillc 157,000
Miss Cora Bates, Bend 155,000
Mrs. J. A. Eastes, Bend ', ;..j 154,000
Miss Ruth Baylcy, Tumalo 153,000
Mrs. Asher Houston, Bend 150,000
Miss Lucilc Parsons, Redmond 115,000
Miss Edith Masten, La Pine
Miss Cosina Mueller, Bend
Miss Luella Wornstaff, R. F.
Mrs. Tom A. Vedder, Lower
With only ono wcok ot tho extra
offer to run, tho candidates aro tak
ing an added Interest und tho results
are very pleasing. All tho candidate
are grubbing votes, wnlle tho mer
cury Is hovering around zero.
Tho olfor which Is running now,
Is tho largest of tho campaign and
will positively eloso at the closo of
business Wodnesday evening, Janu
ary 24. It will not bo repeated or
extended. Tho next offer Is a double
offer and will bo tho last offer of
tho campaign. The different candi
dates nil deserve special mention, and
In thu near futuro will recelvo the re
ward for their efforts. A few days
and some ono ot tho above list will
be tho proud owner of a handsome
1917 Dodge car. Who will It boT
All the candidates In tho race aro
familiar with the voto schedule and
the extra offers, and from now to the
finish rapid voting for the different
candidates may bo expected in tbo
effort to win the Dodgo, The first
offer for extra votes has still about
ten days to run, and the candidates
are all Impressed with the Import
ance of getting all the extra votes
possible on this offer. The offer will
Rrcd Will Toko Cliurgo of Coaching
Local Quintet for Season, Which
May Open Hero Next Week
-Practice Tomorrow.
(From Wednesday's Dally,)
Dond Is going to have a spocdy
basketball team In action within tho
next week, If tho Interest In tho
twlco-n-wook turnouts can bo count
ed on for results. More than two
full teams were out for fast workouts
Monday evening, and even moro men
nro looked for Thursdny evening.
Old heads aro onlLtcd in tho
game, and only a small amount ot
preliminary practlco work will be
necessary to whip tho five Into form
to meet othtr aggregations of Con
tral Oregon.
Flint Men Enlist.
Coaching of tho local flvo will
probably bo under tho direction of
N. F. Rcod, who, whllo attending
tho Oregon Agricultural College, was
ono of tho fastest forwards that col
lego hah ever had. Reed played on
tho O. A.' 0. quintet In 1005, 'OG and
'07, and during 1908 and '09 ho was
called to Dallas, Oregon, to mako a
tour ot tho United States with tho
whirlwind Orogon basketball team,
of that placo, which went as tar east
ns Buffalo, Now York, and played
for tho basketball championship of
tho country.
Tho local flvo will havo a valuablo
man In Morvlu Horton, olther guard
or forward. Horton Is nlso an O.
A. Cer playing both gunrd and for
ward positions from 1908 to 1911.
In 1910 ho captained tho O. A. O.
flvo and wns chosen nil-Northwest
gunrd, Horton has been 111 for two
weeks and unable so fur to get out
for practlco.
Shorty Foster to Piny.
At contor, Dond will hnvo "Shorty"
Foster, tho third O. A. C. gnul.
Fostor Is a giant, is nix feet flvo
Inches tnll, Bpecdy, and Is also very
unxlous to piny with tho Bond team,
as ho expressed It yesturday. Ho Is
willing to mako tho trip to Bund
; 76,000
D 5,000
Bridge 5,000
not bo extended or repeated.
Closing Rules.
At this time a word in regard to
tho closing rules of the contest will
not bo out of placo.
Promptly at tho closo of tho noxt
extra voto offer, the Judges, who will
bo Bolccted in tho near future, will
placo a ballot box In The Bulletin
office. Tho box will bo locked and
sealed by thorn and tho key will re
main In their possession. From tho
time tho box la placed In thu oftlco
until tho closo of tho campaign, on
February 12, all votes obtained by
tbo contestants will be placed In tho
ballot box and ut tho closo of the
campaign theso, together with all
earlier votes obtained, will be can
vassed by the Judges and the prizes
All returns on tho last week's re
sults will be handled by tbo candi
dates personally, no one connected
with tho management of tho cam
paign or from the olllce of Tho Bul
letin giving any assistance or having
any knowledge of the comparative
standing of the contestants, except as
hown on the last published record of
their standing.
twice a week from his ranch near
Redmond to get Into action. Fos
ter also played at O. A. C. in 1906
and 1907.
Othor fast men who hnvo been
disporting themselves about tho Hip
podrome floor for the last two weeks
oro Hans Nelson, who Is looking up
for ono ot tho fast guards. Nelson
has had sovcral years basketball ex
perience nt Burns, with tho high
school and town team's. Roy Ktzcr,
who played on tho fast Mcdtord flvo,
is out for a guard position and his
work In practlco shows him to bo a
clever and fast man on tho floor.
Jimmy Clifford, who played at left
end on the local football tcnni last
fall, la equally apt In handling tho
passes with tho leather sphere as ho
Is tho pigskin. Jackson, Stover,
SymoiiB, Ward and John Bather aro
among tho othor llkoly candidates
who have bocn out tor positions.
It is expected that a gamo will bq
scheduled with Prluovlllo for some
tlmo next week,
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Better flro protection for Bend
was tho keynote last night at the
"mooting ot the City Council, held In
thu O'Knno building, City Attorney
Bonson bolng Instructed to draft an
ordlnanco to bo presented at Uio next
session, providing for flro escapes
for moving picture thentors and oth
or buildings frcquonted by tho public.
In addition to this, Mayor S. C.
Caldwell Instructed Rccordor II. C.
Ellis, following tho adjournment of
thu council, to enter Into negotia
tions with an applicant whoso lottor
hnB bocn ou file slucu thu first of tho
year, who would bo willing to mako
his headquarters nt nil hours ot thu
day and night nt thu city tlru Mil
lion, In enso tho council should direct
tho erection of such a building. The
possibility ot inducing The Shavlln
illxon Company to Install n flro
alarm, Is bolng considered unoffic
ially. In order to bring tho warrant list
up to date, which la to ho turned
over to Keulor Bros., of Denver, so
curcd by bonds, placing tho city's
finances ou n cash basis, wnrrnnts
woro authorized In payment ot thu
$2,1100 owed on thu city rock crusher.
Payment ot MOO for a city dump
grounds, purchased from tho Bnnd
Company, was ordered made In tho
same way.
Improvement of residence proper
ty was foreshadowed In thn ordl
nanco which City Attorney Benson
was authorized to draw up, to provldo
for tho serving of notices for tho
construction of sidewalks.
(From Wednesday's Dally,)
SALEM, Or., Jun. 17 Deschutes
county delegates today Introduced
n bill In tho lower house of thu legis
lature, making the salary of thu dis
trict attorney $1000 annuaally.
Representative Tlchonor Intro
duced a bill for tho protection of x
convicts, prohibiting tho publishing
of convlctB' records orally or In writ
lug, and forbidding tho making of
statements designed to prevent thu
ex-convict from obtaining employ
ment, tho extortion of money, or
threatening ot extortion. Tho pon
alty for violation Is 1100, and six
months' Imprisonment.
Thu Jlouso Indefinitely postponed
action ou tho Lowls bill, prohibiting
whites from marrying nogroes. Chin
use, or Kanakas. A concurrent res
olution was adopted directing the
ways and means commlteo to present
all appropriation bills within 30
days. Representative Anderson pre
sented a measure simplifying tho
present statu loan law In thy Interest
of strictly locul concerns. Ha de
clared that tho bill wuh Intended to
promote the organisation and growth
of such Institutions.
The Senate passed the Houso bill
appropriating $25,000 to pay legis
lative session expenses. Represent
ative Stott's Houso joint memorial
was passed, petitioning President
Wilson to use his otlco to creato na
tional sentiment against the civil
service 46 year age limit.
FOR $25,000.00.
IiCKLiUturo Wilt Ho Ahked for Ap
propriation Tto Enginccra May
Ho Selected to Conduct Ex
amination Into Defect.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Orogon'n economy legislature wilt
bo aakod to approprlato $25,000 U
conduct a thorough examination Into
tho dofoctn of tho reservoir ot tho
Tumato Irrigation project and mako
tho noccssary ImproTomontu that will
safeguard, tho reservoir properly.
At nu Informal mooting of tho
DcBort Land Board yesterday, tho
quostlon of .tho "leaky" reservoir
was resuscitated, and matters con
cerning the dotectB woro bolng whis
pered around tho .room, whon Gov
ernor Wlthycombo brought thu mat
ter to a head, saying: "Too much
whispering. Let's speak out and got
to tho bottom ot thn matter." That
broke tho chilly atmosphere.
O. Lnurgaard, under whoso super
vision thu dam was constructed, re
ported that It would probably nocou-
Bltnto thu expenditure of $jr,000 to
put (t.u t"Molr hi ihrn,v" tu hold
water to n sutllcient amount to Ir
rlgato tho hauls of the project.
(Jovernor .Manifests Interest.
Then let's ask for what Is actual
ly jiouded," spoko up Governor
Wlthycombo, who hud mnnlfostnd
consldornblo Interest In thn discus
sion. "Certainly, such n request Is
Justifiable to put u four hundred and
fifty thousand dollar project ou its
Hesitancy In asking nu economy
legislature to approprlato tho re
quired amount was felt by Sncrntnry
ot Statu Ben W. Olcott and State
Engineer John II. Lewis, hut Htato
Treasurer Thomas B. Kay, and At
torney Oonoral Oeorgo N. Brown
by thu circuit courts, ns In tho Daly
decision, tho reason for Its operation
and oxlstenco ccaso.
Boforo tho Desert Land Hoard, C.
II. Bell, speaking for tho Portland
Irrigation company, stated that It thn
appeal la successful tho project will
bo completed,
Thu Lund Board rofuscd to rnloasn
thn company from thn bond It had
given fur tho completion nt tho pro
ject, and furthermore, mndo It cloar
that If tho appoal wu.i dofeated, tbo
bond would not bo released until tho
settlers, who havn Invested with thn
company, nro absolutely mndn whom.
Tho board was unanimous In declar
ing that tho settlors must bo cared
Attorneys Pi-omuiI,
Statu Senator Conrad Olson, rep
resenting 20 Bottlers, was present
and doclarod himself well satisfied
with thn decision of thn board. For
thu Irrigation company, C K. H. Wood
appeared, together with Judgo Wob
ster, of Portland. Mr, Wood, who
was ono of the company attorneys
In thn trial before Judgo Daly, said
that he was sure un uppnnl would lm
successful and thut ho was willing
to handle It practically as n charity
"Thu rnsn should havo been re
ferred back to tho Water Board,"
said Mr. Wood, In discussing tho sit
uation before the Lund Board. "Pil
ing up an 11,800 transcript was In
Tho guncrul fueling hero Is that
the success of tho apjioul Is vory prob
able, us .Judge Daly's grant of all of
the water of tho Chuwaucun river to
tho cattle company, amounting to
about four second foot por acre, Is
out of all proportion to normal duty
Thn Importaucu ot tho precedent
with rights as now adjudicated, Is
also a factor lu determining thu
state's desire to have an appoal made,
If adequate water rights aro so-
cured by tbo appeal the Desert Land
Board will ask too Federal govern
ment for an extension of this eon-
tract on the Paisley project, which.
expires on SepUwbar II, 1917.