I! ED 1 'ILE QUO WARRANTO ACTION IN CROOK. iTTACK IS FORESEEN )c Arniond and Korl)es Will FIkIiI to Finish Attempt to Nullify Ilcceiit Formation of Des- chute County. fFrom Friday's Dally Bulletin) Crook county sent her latest child p Christmns present last night, hut I It was not marked "do not open un til Christmas," nnd shortly after G o'clock It was found to he a brand new sot of quo warranto proceed ings against tho members of Des chutes county's now county court, questioning their right to conduct a s parato county government. In plain legal language, It was the beginning of tlio casu of Gus E. Stadlg, of Lower Bridge, vs. Des chutes county, V. D. Barnes, A. L. Mackintosh and L. E. Smith. Judge Uarncs was served with a copy of tho complaint In person, by deputy sheriff Floyd A. Row ell of Crook county, whllo servlco on Mr. Mac kintosh and Mr. Smith was made through tholr attorneys, II. II. De Armond and Vernon A. Forbes. jTho Deschutes court has had an inulng that something of the kind was in tho wind for several days past, and gavo District Attorney Do Arniond authority to employ what ever additional counsel ho might see fit. In addition to Mr. Forbes, It is intimated that outsldo legal tal ent may bo retained beforo tho caso is finished. Tho two I! end attor neys worked on tho matter tintjl af ter midnight, and this morning had lrclded to make a formal appear unco in court, nlthough no dcllulto c inclusions had been reached as to tho exact lino of defense. They stilted that they will tight tho case to a finish. Tlio complaint, which was drawn up by M II, Elliott and N. G. Wnl la o, alleges that Deschutes county is n pretended municipal corpora it, attempted to bo organized out of Crook county territory, that tho cunty court holds and is usurping lUthorlty, nnd Is attempting to car jv on a. county government, plan J)lg to build a court house und Jail, jy furnlturo and levy taxes. It Is further alleged that at tho Kctlon on which tho county dlvls i l Is based, C5 per cent of tho vot- s In tho proposed Dosohutos toun t' did not vote In favor of tho now unty, nnd that 36 per cent of tho iters In tlio romalndor of Crook ciunty did not vote In favor of tho d'vlslon. It Is ulso set forth that JOO Illegal votes woro cost In favor of Deschutes county, that 1S29 ites woro cast for, and 996 against, In tho proposed county, with 630 for, and 995 ngolnst, In Crook coun ty proper. Judgment that tho Des i'utes county government bo do tlared an unlawful usurpation, Is asked, togother with tho ousting of the county court. Undeterred by tho Question as to the authority of tho court to up point thorn, three now officials of Deschutes county, J. II. Hanor, lerk, S. n. Itoherts, sheriff, and Clyde M. McKay, trcasuror, filed permanent bonds of $10,000 each, as required by law, surety in each jo being furnished by tho Araori Kn Surety company. STOCK SHOW INCREASE .Will Ho 25 Per Crnt Gain Next Year, Ha) Force Head. (From Thursday's Dally.) Grazing permits on tho Deschutes Jallonul forest will bo eagerly sought during tho noxt year, accord ing to Forest Supervisor Hastings, -who bases his statement on the fact that already applications for gov ornment permission to place stock tho forest range are Beginning to pour into tho local ofllco. Ho pre sJrts that thero will bo 26 per cent it are stock on tho range next year than during the last season. "Wo will bo ablo to take caro of everybody In 1917." Jie said this nnmimr. "hut In the next year, al lowing merely for the normal In- crease, the range Is going to bo bad ! fnw.i.4 It !! because of this Lth(an Increase of grating fees Is E WCO QUESTION NLAWSU l-cc ntemplated by the service." ONE CENT A WORD Is all a little iWant Ad will cost you. . THK HK.ND BULLETIN, DEXD, OnKGQX, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, PAPER IN THE MAKING. Wood Pulp It the Basis of Moat of th. Modern Product. Two thousand jears ago paper was made by hand In little cradles. Tho word paper is derived from papyrus, a plant from the leaves of which a pulp was made by pounding and macerat ing In water. Nowadays, of course. Improved machinery Is used to mako paper, and in this one Item of manu facture America leads tho world. Writing paper is made mostly from rags, but for practically all other grades wood pulp Is the basis. The wood used Is spruce or poplar or hem lock. Poplar Is used for tine book pa pers and spruce pulp goes Into news paper, wall paper and bag paper. Tho fine wood pulp must, of course, bo treated with a preparation contain ing clay, dyes and other Ingredients and called "stuff" before It finally be comes paper. Hut by n careful process of tilling In the open spaces .with clay mid prcbslng through henvy steel rol lers or manglers, the wood pulp takes ou the appearance and texture of pa per. As tho product comes from tho pa per machine It Is wound off on a reel, making a large rolL A roll of news paper will weigh almost n ton and Is often handled by a derrick, snys tbo Philadelphia Ledger. SONGS OF THE FELINES. Why Lions and Tigers Can Roar and Cats Pur and Mew. Ono of the most Interesting discov eries mado lately Is that vt Sir Rich ard Owen that tho lion roars, instead of purring, simply becauso tho hyolil bono In his throat Is loose. In tho cut this bono U stationary, so that tho cat purs and cannot roar. Rut hi tho lion and tiger tho liyold Is loose, and therefore even when call ing to their mates tho larger mem bers of tho cat family roar. Tho roars of tho Jaguar nnd leopard nre llko "hoarse, barking coughs, nu Interval of about ono second separating tho expiratory efforts," says this observ er. They may bo easily reproduced or Imitated by sawing a plcco of thin board with a coarso toothed saw. Tho cheetah, however, calls with n decided mew, very much llko that of tho cat. R. I. Pocotk, superintendent of 'tho Loudon zoo, explains that tboso fell dac, or cat family, that havo nn clas tic ligament between tlio ccratohyal and tho upper elements of the stispou sorlum lion, tiger, leopard. Jaguar roar, but never pur, whllo all tho oth er species of tho fclldac. with normal ly constricted byolds, pur, but uover roar, and among theso nro tho cheetah and puma. New York Sun. TRUSTFUL HUMANITY. t We Often Place Great Reliance In People Wo Do Not Know. Token ncutely 111 Jn the inldst of n long Journey, wo accept the ministra tions of n fellow traveler whom wo havo never seen before, but who snys that hols n physician. Even tho prescription glvcu us by our family doctor Is llablo to bo tilled by an unknown compounding aerie, yet wo swallow unqucstloiilncly whatever bo hands us In bottle or box. Wo ball a passing cab to take ns to our destination In tho middle of tbo night, feeling no nlarm lest the driver bo In league with a gang of footpads. Wo send our cash deposit to tho bnnk by the hand of n messenger con cerning whose virtues wu have no guaranty beyond tbo fnct that thus fur wo havo not found him light fingered. Wo add our names to this and that petition on tho my so of some ono who may or may not, for all we nre aware, haie an ulterior and Illegitimate Inter est In swelling his list, and wo sign letters nnd other documents which wo hnvo only hurriedly skimmed over In their final draft nnd In which our tired copyist msy havo embalmed an error fatal to our purpose Atlantic Monthly. Measuring a Snowfall. Tbo snowfall on mountains is esti mated in n number of ways. Ono method is to measuro the height ac cumulated on a board one meter fcquaro supported one meter above tho ground, and then sliding It Into a zinc tank for determining tho water it makes on melting. Another typo of Instrument is n tube which Is pushed down through tho snow, then closed at tho bottom by a shovel to retain the con tents of tbo tube on wltbdrawaL In remote places, visited only at consld' erable Intervals, tho snow Is collected In a tank, only tho snow water for a stated period being measured. Vase line oil 'in the tank rovers the water, preventing evaporation, and calcium chloride hastens the melting of the snow. MOTION PICTURE ACTORS. Coached In Emotional Expression by Phonograph Music. The lot of a movie star has Its hour of trial and tribulation, as well as of satisfaction. The sharp call of the di rector to "regUter Joy" or "resistor terror" or register any one of the thou sanj and one human emotions which aro displayed upon the Mm must be obeyed, whatever the emotion which happens to be uppermost In the actor's mind nt the moment. It Is not easy always to bnve naoti faolle command of the face, as is demanded for Hit work, either from tho camera artist or the worker in the "legitimate." and for the former it is perhaps eren bonier tuan for the latter, since many of the ai-rea , sorJes which go to throw the actor on the stage into, the spirit of his worn aro absent In the studio. It cannot I , easy to rcjls'er lonpliis in be midst of f s babel of directors and property men and disengaged performers, with the camera grinding away In front of one and a half doren strange "sets" being noisily erected on nil sides. To assist the actor In this thankless task tho phonograph has been called Into play. Picture the sweet country maid dreaming of her lover In a fnroff land. The director tells her to lqok wistful, lonclng. melancholy or what vou will. He gives the command "Gd!" which Is tho signal for action, the talking machlno is started, nnd the strains of "I Hear You Cnlllng Mo" are heard. A sympathetic note 1 struck In the heart of the actress, her fnclal expression Is Indicative of the effect of tbo music, und the proper mooj Is cnlled forth. "Wo know how much music cu hances the effect of the motion picture as presented in the theater." says the director responsible for this innova tion. "The nudleiu'c does not often re nllze tho linportnnce of the musical accompaniment, but omit the music and they will feel the dlfferenco In a moment" Philadelphia Press. MUSICAL MOUNTAINS. Singing Cliffs In tho Pyrenees and Roaring Sands In Hawaii. In certain parts of tho world are mountains nnd hilts which nro said by the natives t slug. In the Pyrenees certain cliffs emit plaintive sounds re sembllng tho strains of a harp. Two other.clltTs In the smile chain nre called the "suorers." When tho wind Is In tho southwest they send forth n pe culiar sound not altogether musical The faces of theso cliffs aro marked by deep gullies, open In front, which mny be compared to tho pipes of nu organ. At certain times n stratum of air, held between tho cliffs und bordering trees, closes tho openings whllo tho wind blows freely between through tun gill Ites, or organ pipes, behind; henco the music Hint Is beard. At tho confiueiicu of the Orinoco nnd tho ltlo Mctn nro granite cliffs which sing nt sunrise. Humboldt refers to the phenomenon ns the musical stones of the Orinoco. The liiusle is caused by tho rush of tho expanding air through llssures partly closed by mica. Many moro examples may bo cited to show that nature makes uso of prin ciples which have been adopted by man in tho creation of musical sounds. Nor are the musical Rounds of iinturc confined to rocks, mountains and hills, for In Hawaii Is n sand bank fifty feet high which, vvlion Jho hand is moved about In the loose sand, produces a sound llko that of n mclodeon. It Is said that If the observer slides down tho bank on his bnck, dragging both bands In the s.iud, tho sound becomes as loud as faint thunder. SLIDING TO DEATH. A Perilous Mountain Incident and a Lucky Eecape. An American who lives In China mado the ascent of tho sacred moun tain, Sliiooutnlshaii, u jenr or two slii'-e, ,nml made, or at least began to make, tho descent In a much mure un premeditated manner. Ho had tenched an altitude of over 0.000 feet nnd, liming lost tbo trail, branched off and climbed a lower peak to see whether ho could discover the right track. Ho mnnaged to crawl to the top, nnd since tho low was very flno ho opened his paint box to make u sketch. As ho wns sorting lilt brushos the stono ou which he wns Mtlhig gave way, and ho started sliding down tho almost perpendicular slope. Ho tried to clutch tho ground with his hand, no seized every projecting stono In tbo hopo of stopping his precipitous de scent, but at tho sliced at which ho was going thnt was no easy mutter. Death Btnred him In tho face, for another 100 yards would bring him to tho edge of n preclpleo severul hun dred feet high, over which ho must in evitably go. Ills hulr stood on end ns bo approached tho spot, nnd ho enn well remember tho sound of his heavy P'llnt box clanging from rock to rock as It accompanied him In his descent. A violent shock, which nearlv tore bis body In two mado 1)1 m think ho bud gone oier; but, no ho had sudden ly stopped. Ho opened his eyes, htif. bo did not dare mote, for bis position, nlthough much Improved, was far from safe. Ills coat and strong leather strap that wns slung under bis arm had caught on a projecting stone, but a single false movement on bis part would start him sliding down the Mope again. Slowly, carefully, as be lay on tho almost perpendicular slope, he tried to ,jet a footing. When be had suc ceeded in doing that the great dim culty was to turn rouud. After several anxious moments, each of which seem ed ages long, he succeeded, and there he was. half kneeling, liilf lying, with bis body on the ground, clutching the rock that saved him. Then, when his agitation passed awny. be managed to crawl up, cut fashion, to n Mitloii of safety. Old Time Oratory Unpopular. The definition of "orator'" is diffi cult, but In the public mind that form of public spea.'ng cnlled "oratory" is either amiwlng or offensive, it U sug roatlve of tho mouthing and ranting of some old tlrao tragedian who roared i and bellowed on tbo stage. Tho public I of today will stand for eloquence , widen bears the mark of sincerity, but 1 the old form of "oration" with gestures of prae,imi pfe, frequent allusion to 0rtvk Bml j0wan history ami plentiful uotatlong from the poets no longer ttin meu t0 g,, depths or heights. l:xfnanBC, I i REVEALED A STATE SECRET.! An Indiscreet Envoy Who Paid Dea-ly For His Loose Tonguo. i in n history of the Turks, Chalcouey. I las, n Greek, relates how a tleet of Crusaders' sailing toward Constantino ple In the beginning of the thirteenth century was becalmed at the entrance of tho HetlesK)nt. At tint tlmo there was nt tho court of Athens an ambassador of tbo king of France, who set out In a galley to visit the chiefs of the fleet. The adml. rnl confided to him thnt ho had been ordered to take Constantinople by sur prise. Tho ambassador spoke of the diffi culties and dnugers of this passnge, as It was between two banks from which bnlllstne could hurl upon tho cssols enormous stones, boiling oil and, above nil Greek fire. The ndnilml revealed to htm that the governors of tho forts would make lit tlo resistance, as they bad been brib ed. Tho ambassador was so pleased that as soon ns he had returned to land ho bad great trouble to bold bis tonguo. Ho wns beard to prophesy In myste rious words that the famous passnge would soon bo fo'recd. As there wcro Rples on nil sides tbo words of the ambassador were soon carried to Constantinople. When tho licet presented Itself In tbo Hellespont tho catapults of tho Turks manifested great nctlvlty. Tho bribed captolns of tho foits hud been remount nnd others were In their places. The Indiscreet nmbassndor was recalled to Purls aud executed. STORY OF TWO BOYS. Their Methods Were Different, and So Were tho Results. Two boys left homo with Just money enough to tnku them through college. They both did well nt college, took their diplomas In duo time and got from nieinbeis of tho faculty letters to n large shipbuilding firm with which they desired employment. When tho first boy was given un nudlcnco with thojicad of the firm ho presented his letters. "What can you do?" asked tha pros (dent "I should llko some sort of n clerk ship." "Well, sir. I will take your name nnd nddress, nnd If wo hao anything of the kind t will write to you." Tho other tioy then presented him self and his papers. "What can you do?" tho president asked him. "Anything that n green hand can do, sir," wns tho reply. Tho president touched n bell Hint called a foreman, nud tbo college grnd tmto went to soiling scrap Iron. A week passed, and tbo president, meet ing tho superintendent, asked, "How Is tbo new man getting ouV" "Oh," said tho superintendent, "ho did his work so well that 1 put him over tho gang." In two years that young mnn wns tho head of a department nnd on tho way to n salary larger probably Hum Ids friend will ever cum. Youth's Companion. About the Same Thing. An old colored uncle wns found by tho preacher prowling In his barnyard late one nlghL "L'ncle Cnlliniin." said the preacher sternly, "It enn't be good for your rheumatism to be prowling round hero In the rnlu anil cold." "Doctor's orders, sab." tbo old man answorcd. "Doctor's ordors?" wild tbo prencber. "Did he tell you to go prowling round all night?" "No, snh, mil exactly, sail," said Un do Cnl. "but bo done ordered mo chick on broth." Chlcugo News. Clonn up and wards. Adv. paint up. Sco Ed- P. E. CHASE Watchmaker and Jeweler Hiu:irr mukic. MUHICAL INHTKUMI.'NTH Our watch repairing is guaran teed to stand. P. E. CHASE JOII.NKON III'ILIIING wall KTiinirr TIV OUK Pasteurized Milk Oilitu Lie U. Nwie Kcrpt Let Iff Sale tuve JouLlcJ in put 30 dtyt. CENTRAL OREGON FARMERS CREAMERY Phoocfcd 131 1010 WOOD Sash Factory Wood "clean DRY BEST ASK THOSE WHoTJSlfTF" 1 PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. FARMERS TO BORROW 1'Vdei'iil Fnrin I. on 1 1 Ax-oehitlon Has Organization .Meeting. (From Thursday's Dally.) Thu farmers of tho vicinity of Gist, known ns Plain Ylow neigh borhood, met with County Agricul turist R. A. Rlnnchard for tho pur pose of taking advantngo of tho op portunity offered in tho recent fed eral Farm Loan art. Tho meeting wns addressed by R. A. Ward, tho assistant from thu U, H. lllologlcnl survey, nt first. Tho biologist ex plained tbo Investigations of his de partment nnd tho servlco rendered to localities Infested with Jack rab bits. Much Interest wns elicited and tho community expressed their will ingness to co-opernto nnd mako n concerted attack on tho rabbit pest following Mr. Ward's suggestion In tho poison method. Mr. Hlnnchnrd thou explained thu history of tho rural credits move ment of tho country to tha present enactment of thu Federal Farm Light Your Home for Less Than You are Now Paying Tho P.-70 American Gns Lump will do It. Tho light Is moro restful to road by. It glvou u 100 ciindlo power, whlto light. Tho American la wifo an accident such ns you rood about thu kerosene InmpH Is Impossible. Lay It ou IIh Hide, turn It upsldo down still It burns brightly no ehanco of nu explosion. Khado Is hold securely alvvnyu in place. Children may play safely nrouud the Amer ican, it Is smokeless, odorless, wlckless, IllckerlettS. COMK IN AND HUH ONB. Skuse Hardware Company No Want Too Big No Want Too Small That BAUER'S GROCERY Can't Till for You And delluT promptly nud In the Lett condition. Our groceries, produce, fruit nro uliiujs frrsli. Our sanitary refrigerator counter keeps our dairy podm-tH rool und frrsli. Rot prices In fanned good of tho bent brunils, BAKER'S GROCERY Wall Strt. Nir Ohio Phone Red" 161 IIHAL F.STATK 1'IKi: INHUHANCU INVLHTMIJNTH C. V. SILVIS BARGAINS IN IRRIGATED RANCHES AND CITY PROPERTY LOTH FOR HAM: IN KVIUIV ADDITION IN IIL'NI I'llOl'KUTY HANDLIR) FOU IMH'GHT oitici; ori.uon htiu:kt O'DONNELL BROTHERS UNIONMARKET ONE CENT rAGi: O Loan art, and the workings of tho law. Mr, Hlnnchnrd brought out 8oernl pamphlets sont by Mr. C. S. Hudson, of tho First National bank of Rend, und discussed tho pre liminary steps to bo taken In form ing an association. Accordingly u temporary organization wns form oil which will shortly grow Into nnd be perfected as ono of tho Fodoral Farm Loan associations. Tho meet ing elected Mr. T. F. McAllister ns president mid Mr. II. A. Scoggln us secretary, ' A desirable bread knlfo frco with every annual subscription to Tho Rond Rullotln. Htnpcd Children's Croup Cough "Three weeks ago two of my chil dren began choking nud roughing, and I saw that they woro having nu attack of croup," writes lllllln Moy berry, Kckert, Go. "I got u bottlo of Foley's Honey und Tar and gavn them n doso beforo bedtime. Next morning their cough nud nil sign nt croup wns gone." Adv. Poo IMwnrds fur good houso paint Ing. Adv. NO.V-RRHIDRNTH. AND HOLD. TIMIIRIt A WOWI) IS ALL A I.IIUU WAM' AD WILL COST YOU.