The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1916, Page PAGE 6, Image 6

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PAfjn o.
The Bend Bulletin
(Published Ktcry Wednesday.)
aixmui: iai,mek putnam
Ansoclnto Editor.
A II ln,1n.nn 1..tit tmtL'utifitint otntlfla
iuc for thu uminro deal, clean busl- wlthBunp'fcloii hnd somo practically
noun, clean politics and tlic best In- rofuso to give It any thought ho-
turcHts of Ik-nd und Central Oregon, cause nf their uiifnmlllarlty with
' 'i ' 1 tho district plan.
One Year $1.T0 I The Hullotln Is anxious to do what
Klx MontliH 7f it can to disseminate Information on
Three .Months CO ' tlil subject and should bo glad to
. j. - ...: i have settlers nnd any others lutor-
to be made through a conversion of
tho project Into n district. That,
apparently, is tho best opinion of
thu mainbcrs- of the state Desert
Land boafd ns uoll as of prominent
residents of this section who hnve
given the subject thorough study
The chiOf difficulty In the propos-
;al, us In most matters which ulTert
ithe body of tho settlors, Is tho ah-
sonte of unity-tiuiong them nnd their
lablcofc it,thorotgli understanding of
thu sub'jeMT'r Some viow tho Idea
- liccnuHo of, mechanical dlf-
Acuities the time of publication
- of tho weekly edition of Tho
liulletln bai been changed to
e- Thursday, insteud of Wrdnes-
day. Hereafter the paper will
Im In the post olllto about noon
- on Thursday, going out on tho
- mall that night and on tho rur
- ul routi'H Friday morning
ested write letters of Inquiry or dis
cussion covering any phase of the
matter. It Is only by discussion that
wo can get anywhere on this sub
ject. Let's talk it over.
('omliiff Intuition .Meeting Hum Mini,.
.Subjects for ('onilricnitlon
l.cKNIntors' Expect tii 'At
Jltetier Mny Anpln.
. ' ; T
( Krom Wednesday's' Daily.),
CI per cent
H per cent
12 '.i per cent
.40 per rent
117 per cent
17 per cont
(Fioin Friday's Dally Ilullctiu)
Analysis of the complete official
returns of the last election on the
measures, shown that only In one
rase did u surccsiful measuic recel.e
n cleur majority of the votes actually
ast, and not one received a majority
of tho voles registered.
The following list shows the per-
outages of the favorulilo voto cast
on each particular measure, as com
pared with tho total number of bal
lots cast; and each measuro listed
has become u law.
Single Item Veto
Ship Tux Exemption
llonn Dry Prohibition
Kurnl Ciedits llonds
Tax Limitation
Sunday Cloning Hepeal
For tho aboe figures we uru In
debted to Tho Oiegon Voter.
From u stnto-wlile standpoint, nil
that is very. Interesting. It shows In
offed that n minority of the voters
participating In the last election act
ually "put over" five Important con
Ktltutloiial nmendnienlH and repealed
n law of long-standing.
That goes to show what an n-tlvo
minority (im do. It also evidences
that u majority which Is too Indif
ferent to uct, (an accomplish noth
ing anil Is actually entitled to no
consideration so far as political ef
ficiency Is i oiicorneil.
From a local standpoint, tho re
sults ns above set forth uru oven '
inoro Interesting and Impnitnut.
In eneli liintnnco It will bo noted,
tho piissago or defeat of tho meas
ures was determined by whether or
not it majority of those actually vot
ing on uach paitlcular measure, inst
thutr ballots fur or against It. I
Whether thu number of favorable
ballots was a mnjotity, or less than
a majority of tho total number of
ballots ciihI at that ulectlon, or of
tho total number wist upon some
oilier meiiHuiu, or of tho total num
ber of voters registered, had abso
lutely untiling to do with it And
no It Is with tho county division law
Tho limulU mentioned simply show
the application of the principle In
hach measure carried when tlio
favorable voto on It was a majority i
or i ne, votes cast for or against It
And so It Is with thu county di
vision returns. When Gfi per cent
of the toto In the new county and
:ir. per cent of tho voto In thu old
county was favorable, the percent
ages being based upon the total vote
cast on that particular men nine, di
vision was adjudged successful.
The National Wholesale Liquor
Dealers Association declares that the
per capita consumption of alcoholic
beverages In the United States Is In
creasing with tho spread of state
wide prohibition. Then why do the
brewery boys make nil tho fuss each
election time?
Montana has a woman M. C. Uma
tilla has a woman mayor. .Mlltlcau
has n woman Justice' of tho peace.
Peace, not nt any price, but at my
price, Is the Kaiser's motto.
Ketlrlng early seems to bo health
ful for tho modern army.
Tho memory of old timers goes
back to the poverty stricken days of
dollar wheat.
The College Girl
Simply Loves to Skate
i mm MMV.mmssi&Mmi
l ml
Ntareoii clnui lilim n wiirm ton mul
fnhrle fur till Kirt milt, ho Jaunlll) iilm
innl wltli ilu-lirry. The rollar up
turiui la heater Mr, while the nioujIk'H
cp nf tet Iih iiu little Mutt era em-
(From Wmliumdii) 'h Dally.)
ilend has had occasion In the past '
to .coilKratulttto Itself on the ehur- i ti ullrl In womlI
Hfitur of the NtirU'u rundoied it by1
NotS' iS'.jjrrr zrz rTr'z rm,K?
the men behind the company knew , r,l,roo eo," "K t of ,u' cl',,
the town and weic ready to put their' l,r"u ,,0K,UI l,1,okl"B " couKhlng,
iniinoy into it for
kiwplug up with
IllLultlttV llu .......1..
Now oomes a second public w. then, d'o' obe a' 'o K S
li'H cuinpan doing buslnos, locally ntgrnliiK their cough nu 1 sign o
and uniiuuiices Us expectation of croup was gone." Adv.
ni'miinK niMiiy inoiisauii (lollurs In
ready to put their' "-. .l..Mih mm iuukiiiiik,
ir the puriioso of liml ! miV' H"l tlioy were having nil
Its growth and '.l,,ui'k .V'. er,,l." writes Illlllo Moy-
h "' '"" liorry. Eokort, ao. "I got u bottle of
improving Its nun leu and prepar
ing for the IiuhIiioh which wilt come
with tho development of Ilend. The
telephone company bus been slow
to move, for mouths Its special ag
ents and chiefs of this nnd that have
been studying and reporting and
gutluiriiig ilutu until at times It
seemed as though that was the chief
end of tho busluiws Now, howuvei,
tho time for reports Is or and the
day of action Is huie.
In the action proposed, ns well as
In the recent reduction In rates be
tween tho towns or this section, the
Paeillo company shows It has plan
ned for tho best Intel ests of lleud
Wo believe tlio. people of lluud will
reolprocute I
8eo Edwards for good bouse paint
ing. Adv.
Seo DICK TFe Tailor
All Kinds of
Phono lllnck HS1
(From Wt'diiesday's Dally.)
Tho arRUinent Is made with
oreashiir force. 11)0,1 (ho only possible
noluilon of hw 'troubles Of tI?o set-'
tiers on thu C,. 0. I. Co. pioject is
Gilbert 8b Son
Tho only Btore in Head
whero you can got your gro
cerlos and meats nt tho game
, -Phono UU 271
To make irrigation district; bonds
legal Investments for bank 'funds Is
one of the legislative plans that will
be put forwnrd nt the sixth annual
session of the Oregon irrigation con
gress nt tho Imperial hotel In Port
land, January 4, 5 and G.
An effort will ho made for an In
dorsement of this proposnl so that It
con be taken ueroro tno state leg
islature with tho approval of the
Irrigation congress behind It. "Mnnv
members of tho legislature plnn to '
This will be only one. of a large
number of legislative suggestions to
be aired before tho Irrlgattoulsts.
Some revisions In tho Irrigation dist
rict bonding act probably will bo of
fered and provision for better' co
operation between tho state and fed
eral Irrigation bureaus " will be
Decuuso thu legislature will be
hard pressed this year for funds to
pay tlio ordinary running expenses
of tho stnto government, It is not
probahlo that tho congress will go
on record favoring state appropria
tions, Some of tho Central Oregon
districts, however, may ask for an
Indorsement of their plans, not with
, . - . 1,., f ,.. I
mi nieti in KecuiiK itiuiiuj ijum mi-
legislature, but to have tho nroral
support of tho irrigation congress
J. W. Ilrowor, of Tho Dalles, Is
president of tho organization nnd, It
Is reported, may be n candidate? to
succeed himself. Joseph T. IIIiiKle.
of llcrmlstou, who was ono of tho,
organizers and tho first secretary of
thu congress, also Is being boomed
In that connection, j
Thu completo program as nr-1
ranged by tho committee on Satur
day, Is as fallows:
Thuridny. January 1. ' I
.Mornlnir ntnlnn. 11 o'clock RnthitrHtlan of .
,li k-Kiitv ; 10 o'clrtk. coiiutcm cnllnl t unlwr
lv nroNlilj.nt t mlilriM, (if M Irmilf.. CG.
Illcck, city commlxloncr, mi bchulf iinlthv
City iif ('(irtlnncl; (). M. Clnrk, rlilvni,on
l-hlf nf, thf INirtlunil ClmmWr of Com
merce, rmirtinw, (lcri:i Huxnell, Prlntvlllct
pri-l(Iint' tiiwrt, J. W. llrrwir. Tho I)nlr;
n word front the vecrrtury. who will make
ItU tcmplcto reiw)rt nt h Inter eMion. K. N.
Wnllnce, Tumiiiu; reiwrt of erourmn cum
mlttre. C. C. Chaimun. ehnlrmnn. I'nrtlaml:
ni'Iiulntnunt of committee on crulcntluln re
cc. Afternoon imlon, 1 130 o'clock Call to
onkr, main auhjitt, "Irrlitatlun I'ractlce" I
1. A. Deer. I'ortlanil, ".Sclentlllc HUle or
Irriuiitlon anil tho Application nf Wntcr";
I)enn A. II. Conlley, OrvKDii Axrlculturnl cnl-
Irx. liuruiK tnia iiucrnoon teiwion, one
half hour will bo Hccuruol In nvi-mlnute
I'crlwU for the explnnntlon nml ilimonntrn
tlon of Irrliintlon iiuliincnt nml material.
Amonu the apvukera ami aubjecta will bet
"Mi till I'liimv nml Ita Value." John 3. Iltall,
pri'UU'it Coust Cuhert Hume Co, mt.
KvcnlnK neaalun S o'clock Main aialtjict,
"I'lihral Ahl." lteiort of ctmmtttce ji
IHiintiil by the fifth annual lrrf:ntltrrAnl
Kreaa to promoto enactment of the Jonea
fnlernl hUI bill by tho conirreu of the Uniti-il
I Ktatea. ). l.uuriiaanl, chairman , aihlreu.
Itibc t K. ntrahorn, ilevcloKT oi Centrwl
(lni'ii, rvc .
frlday. January S,
Mornlnir aeMlon, I). JO o'clock Call In or
der. Main aubject. "State I-exUlatiun for
lrrliAitln DUtrlcta." Ailtlrna. U M. II Ice,
Ktattlc, Wuah. i aililrma, Ju.lite Carroll II.
(IraveM, Stuttle, "I V vtopmen t of Irrk'ntion
Ijiw"; aililreni, Percy A. Cuppir, Salim,
"Irriiratinn Development In Oreiton Under
the OrcKiin.Dlitrict U"i J. T. Illnklc. Iter
inUton , William K. Klnu, l'rlnevllle. "Sue.
rru of the Uchoco District lloml laue"i II.
. Do Armtind, lleml. rrceaa.
Afternoon Ion, I 3D o'clock Call to or
der i main aubject. "Need of Uriuon Irrita
tion l'rojecta" . reinirt of the arcrctary r".
N. Wallace. Tumalu: addreaa. Dr. C. J.
Smith, Portland, "Application of r'edcral
Itural Credlta Uw t" Irrigation In Orruon";
addreu, T. II, Key, atate treasurer 'and chair
man atate land U.unl. "Operation of the
State Land lizard In ltelatlon to the Ktate
Itural Creillta Law", ' Irrigation 1'roitreta
in Upper Deachutea," J K. Moraon, Portland;
"Irrivatlon 1'ioirreaa In Crook County," Ko
eov lluward. Di-achutea, "Irritation 1'roK
reaa In Hartley County." C II. McConnell,
llurna , "Irriuutlnn. I'roirreaa In Union Cuun
t" (atMKker not name.ll t,
Kvenfnir aeaaloii, o'clock Call to order I
main aubject, "Kinancinit of Irrlvation Proj
ect", addreaa. ltawlea Moore, of McUfortl.
Attitude of hunter n Inveatnra Toward Irri-
nation Honda"! addreaa. John A. Keating,
iirealdent Lumbermen'" Trut company. Port
land. 'Attitude of Invratora Inward lrrl
iration llonda" . rveMa.
Saturday, January t, .
Mornimr aeaaion. o'clock- Call to order i
main aubject, "Ccwoiratlon With Federal
Department to Auiat Ureuun Irrigation lie-
velotiment" , addrva. K. K. Itenaon, prrat-
ilent wainintilun irritation tnatltu ) w.
laiir Thonmaon. tJikeview. chairman leuia-
latlve committee. Mrvson irritation conareaa,
John Lewia, atate engineer, Salem, addreaa,
Arthur Honker, aecretary national irritation
convrraa, Kl l'aao, Tex. , recraa.
Alternoon aeaaion, I SO o'clock Call to or
der, addreaa, C, U Smith, axrlculturlat O.
W It. It. It N. company, "The Ute and Mia-
ue of Water i report or committee on rva
olutiona , election of odtcera i adjournment.
Saturday Ktnln, January t,
)laniurt, Portland Chamber of Commerce,
U. M. Clark. preMent ; C. C Chapman,
tututmaiter. (lueata will iialhrr In the lob.
by of the Multiioiiiah hotel for Informal re
ception at t o'clock banquet on met
lanine floor at 0 JO p. m. ; admlulon by
thkett. TK-keta will be lilrl tu apeakcra.
lll,ttea and Kueata by rcprenntothe of
the Chamber of Commerce.
I -MKs zrrrz sMs3
" - mW',K I
Ft '.-JT I" "V fMT.. t . 'V A. .. . "" V.. k,vfc
" ' '
Barnard's New Lincoln
Will Be Erected In Park
Near Center of Cincinnati
1 v . I
;CX M,-
. wr. .
rnoto by Amricn Trcsi Auoctatlon.
OU know how you say to yourself,
"I'm going to do bigger things this
New Year; I'm going to be.more ef
ficient, more alert.
That's where new clothes come in; they
give a man confidence in himself, and in
spire confidence in others. Nothing suc
ceeds like a good appearance.
And because clothes are so important to
success, it's economy to have"tKe best.
You'll find them at this store; kart
Schaffner & Marx make them; sizes,v styles,
and prices to suit every man.
We now carry a complete line of boys
clothing and shoes. Prices to suit alL
The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes
For farm lnnd loans see J. Itynn
& Co. Keasonaulo rates, prompt
(orvico, Adv.
Xo Higher I'rlt-o for Till.
Wlilla food und clothing hnva ad
vanced In coat, it la well for tho sick
that tho price of such rcllablo fam
ily remedies aa Foley Kidney fills
are not Increased Foley Kidney
I'llls cost little und relievo bnckcchc,
pains lu sides and lolnS, sore mus
cles, stiff Joints, rbaumattc pstus and
It's worth romemberlng. Mr.Bub
scrlbor and Mr. Advertiser, that the
cost of everything that goes to make
a newspaper has risen, except the
I bladder 'trouble. Sold everywhere. subscription and .advertising rate.
I i , IK i niMhe.rrnmr mm- .
George Orey llarnaruVs heroic bronze of
Abraham Lincoln win act up In tha
srounJa of the Union Theological aemlna
ry, In New York, for a atiort public exhi
bition before being lent to Cincinnati. Ita
permanent home. The itatue wae execut
ed for" a committee of prominent Clncln
natlatia, headed by Charles P, Taft. It
will aland In a park ai near the center of
Cincinnati as poaalble
The bronte etiowa the ex.preihlent
etandlne erect, hie handa folded while he
looks straight before him.
Our Jitney Offer This uiiil flc
DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out this
slip, enclose ith tlvo coins to Foley
& Co , 2S35 Sheffield Ave.. Chicago,
III., writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive In return
a trial package containing Foley's
Honey and Tar Compound for coughs,
colds, nnd croup, Foley Kidney Tills,
and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Sold
overy where Adv.
Filth and Washington Streeti '
( ' tenlnJly Located The Hotel for YOU' '
- ' !
Special Summer Kates
Room with bath privilege, single ?5c up; douBle-
$ 1 .00 up. Room with private bath, single $ 1.50
up; double $2.00 up.
Auto bus meets trains.
Union Depot cars pass our doors.
From North Bank Depot S car-transfer-at Sth-St.
1 1
tJ ,z3gxZ5ammjm
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