The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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j The
Daredevil J
I Maria Thompson Daviess
Author of 'The Melting
of Molly"
Copyright, 1D16, by Ilia IUilly
Jlrltton Co.
O-O-- -----
Huberts, on orphan, halt French, halt
.American, Marling for America lo stny
iNllh un uncle, meets Count le I.nsscllcs
crowing to M'Ciiio mulct) tor France.
Ily a mlstnkc, Ttoborta'n undo believe
.lio Ih n nrplifu. Know Ins him lo l)o n
nornuii li.ilcr, Roberta, ndopts man's attire.
llcr uncle, Clenernl Cnrruthers, Informs
IiIh Biiifil nephew Hint ho needs hi
knotvleORfi or French lo ntralghtcn out n
tlcnl for provldlnB mulon for Frnjico. Tho
Koveruor'a honor In Involved In tho inula
"Hero' My Boy, Governor,"
Nit It was pii ratlin to tho man
sion of Hip gouvenieur of the
stale of Huipclh I lift t my uncle.
the General Hubert, MM cnllght-
vii mo ns to Hie urgent nt'oJ of niu In
his nlTulrH of tm.sliics.i.
"It Is it itipsllon of mules, Kir, nntl of
n dl.slionor lo tilt stale Hint I'm going
lo iirovcnt If lily hot old head Is laid
low In doing It, iih It probably will lie
If I get Into I lie ruckus with Jefferson
Wliltworth Hint now threatens. They
hnvu liiHtminlcd themselves Into the
runfldcucc of Governor Faulkner until
they lniru mndo It well nigh Impossible
for hi in lo bop llio innttur except ns
they jiiit II. They will got his Blgnu
turu to the rcnliil grunt of the lands.
inako n getaway with tho money mid
let tho sltilo crnRh down upon his head
when It Hilda out Hint ho Iiiih been led
Into bringing It nml himself Into dl.s
lionor. Why, (Irish It, sir, I'd llko to
Imvo every one of them, especially
Jeff Wliltworth, nt the end of n Imlter
mid feed Mm n raw mule, hoof mid
earn. I'm probably going to bo done, to
death nil nlnno before tho pack of
wolves, but I'm going to dlo htird for
lllll Faulkner, who holds In his hnuil
the honor of Ids stnto mid my Htnte, I'll
die liiirdl" And ho spoko thu words
with such n liercenesH Hint his while
mustache, which was waxed .with the
propriety of tho world, divided like
crossed (diver swords beneath Ills
straight noso with Its thin and trem
bling nostrils.
"It vtlll be that I can help you pro
tis't this honor of tho Gotivorucur
rimlliuer tniil Hip statu of Iluipeth,
lll It not, my Uuelu Robert'" 1 asked
Willi a great mi.xloly. "If you must fall
mi tho Meld of honor It will ho the
glory of Hubert C'niruthers of (Ire
mid Ilyo to fall hestdo you, sir. I am n
ery good Hjiori, my father has wild,"
"(lod bleu my soul, how like Henry
you are, hoyl" exclaimed my undo, the
General Robert, and ho did lay ouo of
Ids long and very strong arms across
my shoulder and give to in the cm
lirneo for which I had so leuged, but
for not enough Hinu for mo to yield
myself to It. "Henry always wauled
to I lie 'Hi-other Hob,' mid he, too
would have died lighting for mu at
my Hide. I've been hard and when I
heard of his death I wanted you.
iwy, I wanted you moie Now, what
do you mean, Kir, by making mo fur
pet for ouo moment the ll Hill Faulk
iter mid I are In?" And my uncle,
tho General Hobert, guvo lo mo a good
tdmkc, as he extracted his very large
white handkerchief and blew upon his
iioho with such power that the black
iliuufl'nur looked around at us and
made the cm' to Jump even as ho and I
bad done.
"And Hume mules Hint It would be
your wish to feed to Hint Mr. JelT
Wliltworth, my Undo Hubert, will you
not tell mu further about them? In
t'ai'ls It U naltl that they mo a very
good food ,hen made fat after belli);
tld or wounded In tho army, 1 have"
"That will do, sir. If you've had to
eat mule hi Paris don't tell mo about
tt. My constitution wouldn't stand
'hat, though during our war. Just be
fore Ylcksbiug, I ii to-Imt wo won't go
Into that either. Now this Is tho
flltuntloii. ns much as u lad from the
wilds of Paris could understand It.
The French government wants 5,000
mules by tho fall of tho year, mid
I hero are no Htich mules In tho world
hs this Htnte pioduccs. They arc send
tnic iv iiiiiii over here to try lo mnko a
.leal with the Mate of Hnrpetli to pur
hnso tho mules from prhnto breeders,
Tim Faulkner comes up for rc-clec-Hon,
downright Illegality will bo al
leged, and ho will bo defeated In dis
honor mid with dishonor to tho stnto.
I nm his secretary of state, and I'm
going to savo him If I can. And you
arc going to help me, sir!" And as
bo spoko my uncle, the General Hob
ert, gavo to mo n distinguished shako
of the hand that maiio my prldo to rlso
In my throat, which pave to my speak
ing n great duskiness.
"I will help hi tho rescue of tho hon
or of Hint Gouvernour Hill Faulkner,
my Uncle Hobert, with tho last breath
In my body, mid I will nlso assist to
feed mulo to that Mr. Jefferson Wlilt
worth, though not to his beautiful wife,
whom I do so much nil ml re."
"That's Just It; she'll have to cat
mulo tho llrst ouo. She's nt tho gov
ernor day nntl night with her wiles,
mid In my mind It's her dimity Influ
ence that Is making him sco things
with his slant. They say she put her
brand on him In early youth. He's the
soul of honor, but what chnnco has a
man's soul honor got when a woman
wants to cash It In for a fortune with
which to lead n gay llfo? None! None,
sir!" And tho countcnanco of my
uncle, tho General Hobert, became ro
flcrco that It was difficult to find words
to answer.
"Oh, my Undo Hobert. Is It that n
woman would mnko a cheat In giving
the mulo animal of not sulllclcnt
strength to carry food to poor boys of
France In tho trenches when there Is
too much mud for gasoline!" I ac
claimed with a great horror ,from
knowledge given mo by my capflatuo.
the Count do Lnssclles.
"Just exactly what she Is trying to
do, boy. I.ct thoso poor chaps with
guns In their hands to defend her civ
ilization ns well ns theirs dlo for want
of a supply train hauled by reliable
mules when uiiicllablo gnsollno falls.
That's what women nro like." And ns
Jio spoko I perceived tho depth of till-
llko that wns In tho heart of my undo,
tho General Hobert, for nil of woman
kind. "Thcro nro soino women who would
not so comport themselves, my Undo
Hobert. I give you my word ns ono"
Then ns I hcsllntcd In terror nt the
revelation of my woman's estate I had
been about to make, my uncle, the
General Hobert, made this remark to
and no gentleness, and then with his
keen eyes did ho took down Into the
very soul of mo.
"Ves, I sco I can trust, you, sir. God
bless you, boy!" ho said, nftcr a very
long moment of time.
"Yes, my Undo Hobert," I nnswered
him without turning my eyes from
"Well, then, hero wo nrc. I came
to tho sldo door so I wouldn't have to
Introduco you to nny of tho boys this
morning, for wo want to have a talk
with tho governor beforo dinner, and
I don't dnro keep Klzzlo waiting. It
riles her, and n riled woman burns up
things, masters, husbands, cooking or
worse. Come on."
"Hero's my boy, governor," was all
thu Introduction my uncle, tho General
Robert, ndmlnlstcrod to mo; then I
stood nnd looked Into tho fnco of him
whom afterward I discovered to bo
tbo greatest gentleman In .tho world,
with my heart heating In my throat
and yet astir under my woman's
breast In tho place It had nlways be
beforo resided, after wo had been ush
ered Into Hie gouvcrnour's room by nil
old black servant called Onto.
fliolr Ticnrti that It Is Impossible "forTI
woman to discover from behind n fan.
They keep tt entirely for each other ns
comrades, nud I received n largo por
Hon of such nn affection when that Mr.
Duzz Clcndennhig adopted mo In whnt
ho thought wns my foreign weakness
as n small brother to bo protected In
his largo heart.
"I nm very hnppy to so salute you
Instead of the duel." I made answer
and did Immediately put a kiss on his
"Women nro llko crows all black,
and the exceptional whlto onu only
makes tho lest look blacker. Tho only
way to stop them In their depredations
Is to trap them since tho law forbids
t t-sfft '-sgr
prnre them on the government lniidi
nud deliver (hem In n lot for shipment
tho Ut of August at SiUHiiuah. There
l no nutluirlty on the Mututc hook
'for the state to make tuich a deal, but
Jeff Wliltworth has fixed up u xort of
contract, Hint wouldn't hold water In
tint courts, by which tho governor of
tlm Ntute, WllllnuiMiu Faulkner, grunts
(ho giiuiui; rights on tho Mute's lands
to a private company, of whleh ho Is
to bo n member, which tu n way
pimrnntccti tho deal. They've made
htm believe it to be a good llmuu-hil
thing for tho Mute, and he can't teo
(hut they are going lo buy cheap stock,
Initial it on n low rule from the Mate
rfnd liiuul It over to the French gov
ernment at n fancy rnkeoff, mid then
leave him with tho bag to hold when
tho tlmo for settlement and complaint
fOiiuw. Thcro U a strong Republican
party In this utatc, and they're keep
luj quiet, hut year utter next, when
5 vj&Q -f:jyj?
" will help In tho rescue."
shooting them." And as ho umdo this
Judgment of women I forgot for a u.v
incut that wo discussed that Madnm
Wliltworth whom It wns causing me
great pain to (Uncover to be tho enrmy
of France, mid I thought of my beauti
ful mother, whom lie had Judged with
out over having encountered, and a
great longing rose In my heart o to
comport myself that his heart should
learn to trust In nm as a man and then
discover tho hoifiir of woman through
me at some future time. 1 took a ro
solve that such should bo tho case, and
to that end I asked of him:
"How Is It that 1 can helve you In
those serious troubles, my Uncle Rob
ert?" And us I asked that iiiicstlun I
made also a vow In my heart against
that black crow woman.
"Now, that's what I'm coming to
Tho Frunch government Is sending an
army expert down hero to look over
tho situation and make tho contracts.
I can't Kpeuk their heathenish tongue
or read It, and I want homebody
whom I can trust-trust, mind you to
help mo talk with him mid make any
necessary translations. That Wlilt
worth hussy has been translating for
us. nnd I don't trust her. Your letter
was handed to me In the governor's
private olllce, and tnitli ho and I saw
what a help It would ho to hao you
hero when this Frouehlc who Is n
Count Something or Other-nnd his
servants nnd secretaries, whnt ho calls
his milt, arrive. Hy George, sir, wt
need your advice In catlug and drluk
lug them. Do you suppose they'll have
Intelllijeujo enough to cat tho mnnua
of tho gods, which Is corn pone, nnd
drluk tho nectar, which Is plain whis
ky, or will wo be expected to furulsh
them with suulls mid absinth?"
At that I laughed a very largo laugh
mid umdo 'his nuswer to tho perturba
tion of my undo, tho General Robertf
"I will tell you after Uincheoii, my
Undo Robert, because Is Imvo not us
yet eaten tu (his Hurpeth couutry of
"All right; we'll talk about It nftcr
you've had ono of old KUxto'a fried
chicken dinners. Hero wo uro ut tho
mansion. Remember, you know tho
wlmlo situation und nro only bupposed
to Know tho part that Governor Hill
thinks Is tho whole. Look ut mo, Uoyl"
And ns tho big ear drovu up to tho
curb beforo great stono houso with
tall pillars on cuard of its front, he
laid both til hands upon my shoulders
nud turued uo toward hlui with force
"We Doth Need You."
DO not know how It Is that I shall
Ibid words In which to write down
tho loveliness of that gouvenieur
of Old Harpcth. Ho was not as
tall ns my uncle, the General Robeit,
and ho was slender nud lithe, ns some
wild thing In n forest, but the power In
tho broadness of his shoulders nnd In
tho strength of Ids nervous hands was
of a greatness of which to be frightened
-that Is, I think, of which a man should
bo frightened, but In which a woman
would take much glory. His hair was
of tho tarnished gold of n sunset Htorm,
and upon his temples was n curved
crest of whlto that sparkled like the
spray of n wave. All of which I must
have seen with somu kind of Inward
eyes, for from tho moment my eyes
lifted themselves from contemplating
tho carpet In embarrassment over my
tweed trousers they were looking Into
his In a way which nt dnwu my eyes
Imvo gazed into tho morning star ris
ing near lo mo over tho llttlo wood nt
tho Chateau do Grose.
"It Is good that you hare come, Rob
ert Carriithcrs, for the general and I
both need you," wcro tho words I
henid him saying to mo In n volco that
wns ns deep nnd of ns much Inlerest.ns
tho eyes, and ns ho spoko those words
ho tool; ono of my hands In both of his
strong ones. "And If you sny snails,
cualls It shall be. If Cato and I Imvo
to Invndo every rose garden In Hayes
vlllo and vicinity and stay up nil night
to catch them."
"I think I shall choose that corn pone
nnd whisky that my uncle, tho General
Robert, has promised to mo from ouo
bad tempered cook nt tho tlmo of my
luncheon," I found myself saying with
a laugh that answered tho Inucfooted
hoy who Ntuldenly looked nt mo out of
the cool eyes.
"I thought I would let him Imvo n
tryout with Kl.zlo before wo decided
to feed tho savnges," nlso said my
undo, tno General Robert, wltu n
laugh. "Resides, bo's one himself, nnd
I'll have to go slow nnd tamo him
"No, he's ours. He's Just como hack
to his own from a straugo laud, gen
eral, nud you'll kill the fatted calf or
rooster, whichever Klzzlo decides,
with Joy nt getting him." And this
tlmo tho star eyes gave to mo the
quick sympatliy for which I had pray
ed beforo thu Virgin with tho infant In
her anus In tho little chapel of tho old
convent Just before wo had to lice
froln tho shells, leaving my father to
tho sisters to bury after tho enemy
had como. I think my eyes did tell
that tale to his, and tho tears nched
In my throat.
"I know, hoy," he said softly, nnd
then turned mid presented me lo the
.Mr. Clendcuulug. who was urrmiglng
papers nt n desk beside the window.
I do 111; with my whole heart that
funny llur.z Clcudeunliig, who bus tho
reddest hair, the largest brown spec
kles on his face and tho widest mouth
that I have ever beheld. Also, Ills
laugh Is even wider than Is his mouth,
and overllows tho remainder of his
face In ripples of what Is called grin.
Ho. Is not much taller than mu I, hut
of much more powerful build, us Is
natural, though ho did not nt that mo
ment rocogn'so tho reason thereof.
"Shako hands, boys. Don't stand
looking at each, other llko young pup
pies," Bald my uncle, tho General Hob
ert, us ho clapped his hand on the
bade of tho Mr. Huzx Clcndennlug
"You don't Imvo to tight It out. Your
fathers licked each other week ubout
for twenty years."
"Can't I even nsk him to take off
his coat on re. general J" nnswered that
Mr. Huzx with the grin nil over his
face mid spreading to my countciinnce
ns ho (rok my hnnd In his to udmlnts
er ono of thoso shakes of which 1
had hud so many since nsy arrival in
America. For a sccoud be looked star
tled nnd glauced down at my whlto
hand that ho held In his, nud from It
to my eyes that were looking into his
with tho cutlro friendliness of my
heart. Suddenly I had a great fright
of discovery within me. nnd my knees
began to again tremolo together for
their skirts, but before that fright had
reached my eyes quite 1 had borne to
mo nn elder brother lu tho person of
that Iltirz Clcudeuuliig, and 1 now
know that 1 can uever lose him, even
when ho knows that
"I'm no shakes lu tho duel, prince,
so let's kiss and make up before yon
get out your sword," bo said ns he
also, ns my uncle, the General Robert,
had done, laid on urm across my
shoulders lu an embraco of affection.
It wns thru I made a discovery tu the
strange laud Into which I was vene-
(rating- nicu uuo tuui.n seutlmcut lu
"I made aniwor and did Immediately
put a kiss on his one choek."
ono choek, expecting that he would re
turn It upon my cheeks, llrs,t ono nnd
then nnother, ns Is the custom of com
rades and olllcers In France.
"Help, help! Don't do that again, or
I'll call out tho police." responded Hint
funny Mr. Utizz Clcndennlug, ns ho
shook mo away from liliu, while my
uncle, tho General Robert, tfnd tho
great gouvenieur did both Indulge In
"I nm nbashed. and I beg your par
don for offending against the customs
of your country. I do remember now
that my father did not permit such a
salutation from his brother olllcers.
and I will not do so again, M. Huzz
Clciidenning." I said ns my cheeks bo
camo crimson with mortification, nnd
teais would have como over my eyes
had my pride permitted.
"This Is what bo meant you to do.
Huzz, you duffer. 1 said goodby to
twenty-two of my friends this way tho
day I set sail from old Heidelberg,"
nud ns ho spoke Hint grent nud beauti
ful and exalted Gouvenieur Faulkner
did bend his head to initio nnd give to
mo tho correct comrade salute of my
own country on llrst ono of my cheeks
nud then upon the other.
"Yes. sir; It's mighty pretty to look
nt, but I reckon the kid had better
stow tho habit beforo ho Is Introduced
to .Toff Wliltworth nnd Miles Mcncrco
and tho rest of tho bunch." said that
Mr. Huzz us ho left off wiping from
Ids cheek with tho back of his hand
tho kiss I had put thcro and adminis
tered to me nnother embrace on my
shoulders with his long arm. "Resides,
youngster, there are girls In Hayes
vlllo." he ndded. with n grin that again
wus reflected on my face without my
will and which did entirely tako away
my anger und emhurrassment ut his
"Girls, girls!" exploded my uncle, the
General Robert. "The fcuinlu young'
generally known ns girls aru about as
much uso to humanity us a .bunch of
pliifcnthcrs tied with n pink ribbon
would bo In tho place of tho household
feather duster (hat thu Iml lets (hem
grow Into uftor they reach their years
of discretion. ' Hobert lias no tlmo to
waste with tho unliedged. Don't even
suggest It to him, Clendcuulug. And
now you can take him around to my
houso and tell Klzzlo to begin tilling
yo.ii both up while I wnlt for a moment
to go over these papers with tho gover
nor. And botu of you avoid the femalo
young, for wo'vo work for you mind
you, work nud no gallivanting. Now
go! Depart!"
"Tho old boy Is n forty-two centime
ter gun that fires ut tho mention or tho
lovely sex nud doesn't stop uutll tho
ammunition glies out," Bald Mr. Huzz
Clendcuulug ns ho slid Into the-sent of
his slim gray racer beside me nnd
started from tho curb on high without
a slnglo kick of tho engine. "I'd llko
to 'wish n nlco girl whom ho couldn't
shnko off on to him for nbout n week
and watch him squirm along to sur
render. Wnlt until you see Sue Tom
llnsou get hold or him down ou tho
street some day. Ho shuts his eyes
and Just fires nv.'ny at her while alio
purrs ut him, and It Is n Bight for tho
gotls. Sue's father died and left her
with her Invalid mother and not
enough money to Invito lu tho auc
tioneer, but tuo general took somo old
accounts or tho doctor's, collected nud
Invested them nnd inado up plenty of
money for Sue's grubstako, though ho
goes nrouud thrco blocks to get pnst
her. Silo adores him and approaches
him from all sides, but has never made
a lauding yet. Say, you'll llko Sue
She Is pretty enough to out, but don't
try to bite. It's no use."
"Is It that this lovely Mile. Suo docs
not llko gentlemen save my uncle, tho
General Robert?" I nsked with great
lutercst. I was glad In my heart that
t was soon to see and speak with i
nlco girl, even If It had to be In char
acter of a man.
"Oh, she loves us nil!" nnswered
that Mr. Buzz, with tho greatest gloom.
"All of us every blamed sou ot a gun
of us."
"Oh, I comprehend now that It Is
your wish that she love only you, Mr.
Clcndciinliif,! and uro sad that sho docs
not," 1 said ns I looked nt him with
much sympathy.
"That Is about It, prince, but don't
say I snld so. Kvcrybody chases Susnn.
Sho even wins un occasional Ico cream
smile from his excellency. I bet she'd
go up against that nugust Iceberg itself
lu a tryout for a 'First Lady of tho
Stale' badge ir Mrs. Pnt Wliltworth
hadn't got tho whole woman bunch to
believe she has n corner on his Ice.
Mrs. Pat Is somo llttlo cornercr, be
lieve me."
"Oh. I did llko that Madam Wlilt
worth. and I hopo that It will bo my
pleasuro to see her nguln soon," I said
with an lco lu my voice ns I caught my
breath while Mr. Huzz Clciidcunliig
drovo between two curs and a wagon
with not so much ns nn Inch to spare
on all thrco sides of the ear. It Is ns I
llko to drlvo when nt tho wheel, but
sitting besldo nnother
"You'll sco her nt tho governor's
dinner for you Tucsdny, If not sooner,
and Just watch her and tho general
war dnnco with ench other. Ho opens
his eyes when Mrs. Pnt attacks, nnd
he Imagines ho Is the whole Harpcth
valley militia defending his excellency
of Iceland from her wiles. Just watch
hlml" And this tlmo It was thrco wag
ons that wo slid between nnd beyond.
"Hero we nrc nt tho genernl's, nnd I
can smell Klzzlo's erenm gravy with
iy mind's nose. I understand that
your father was tho last Henry Cnr
rutlicrs of llvo born up In tho old mn
hognny bedstend that tho general In
habits between tho hours of 1 and fi
n. in. Some vshnck, this of tho gen
eral's. Isn't It Nothing finer In tho
state." And ns ho spoko that Mr.
nuzz Clcndennlug stopped the ear be
foro tho liomo of my uncle, the Gen
eral Robert, and wo alighted from It
I do not know how It Is that I can
put Into words tho bcnutjful feeling
that roso from the Inwardness of mo
ns I stood In front of the homo of my
fathers In tills faraway Amerlcn. The
entlro city of Ilnyesvlllo Is n city of
old homes I had noticed ns I drovo in
tho gray car so rapidly along wluSir
Buzz Clendoniilng whllo ,L. Wtt, Z. 7'
lng to me, but no house had win
beautiful ns wns this one. u V
old, with almost tho vino covered i
of tho Chateau do Grez, but Inst!!!
of being of graystono-lt was ot iJ
brick that was as warm ns the tZ
bora of nn oak lire with the film f
ashes crusting upon It. Thus It mt
.. u ,U ., llllU Kry b
tho vines tlint worn cmiti.,.. .,..
green traceries over Its walls nJli
whlto pillars were to the front of hi
like nt the mansion of JhQ gouvcmU
nnd many wldo windows and doa,
opened out from It Two old onk trU
which give to It tho namo of Twin Oil,
stood nt ench sldo of the old brltt
wnlk that led from tho tall gate, m
ns I walked under them 1 felt that 1
had from a cruel world come home.
(To Do Continued.)
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