r-r THE BEND BULLETIN, BEND, OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, IffjO ," TAGE 12 FRENCH ACHIEVEMENTS IN YEAR REVIEWED BY WAR CORRESPONDENT Holiday Mail Carrier Welcome Figure to European Soldiers ,- i 1 ;tt I jxiij thq t w ' diiys'ii nay , MaKi Lj (From Wednesday's Dally.) By Henry Wood, United l'l-CM) Staff c'orrcponlent PARIS, Dec. 27. During tho clos ing threo mouths of 1D1G, thrco events tool: placo In Franco which 'demonstrated as nover at any prev ious period of tho war tho apparently inoxliaustlblo resources of Trance's military genius and strength, tho oquitlly Inoxliaustlblo resources- of lior financial and economic energy, anil tho absolutely unshakon deter mination both of hor army and her lvll population to continues the war to n successful close. Two epic events were tho launch ing on October 24 or tho French of fensive at Vordun, In which practic ally' all the ground and positions won by tho Crown Princo's rirmlcs In six months of sanguinary fighting wore .rcconquored within six hours with a minimum of losses for tho French, nnt'l secondly, tho subscribing by tho French nation as a wholo In thrco week's,, from October 5 to October 29, of an unprecedented war loan of Jiearly $2,300,000,000. Tho third was tho reorganization of Farnco's cablnot along tho lines of compactness and cffltlonry which '.David Lloyd-Ocorgo Introduced In England. Promlor Drland romalncd nt tho head of tho ministry, and Jot-i fro,, Idol of Franco, and former gen-1 ernllsslmo of hor forces, whllo still retaining nupromo command of tho j French forces, became counsellor to tho war council. General Nlvollc, defender of Vordun and ono of tho popular horoes of tho army, was mado commander ot French forces In tho north and northeast. AVhllo tho Fronrh victory at Ver dun, taken entirely by Itsolf, standH out as an unparalleled cchlovonicnt in tho military history of tho world, jet Its real significance In tho pres ent war Is only apparent when It Is viewed In councctlon with all that had preceded It. Whon tho Oormans launVtycd their rit offenslvo at Verdun ou Febru ary 21, no secret was mado of at least two of tho objocts which tho Germans had In vlow. Ono of theso was to provont tho Allies from start ing tholr combined uillquo offenslvo, vmd tho other was to deliver an nb soluto death blow to Franco. Whllo tho Germans failed to reach Vordun, and whllo tholr great ef forts failed to provont tho launching of tho Allied offenslvo, yet they op enly boasted that nt least ono of 'their objectives had boon attained namely, that thoy had caused Frnnco to bleed utter exhaustion hoforo Vor duu and that honcoforward alio would bo tncapablo ot further inlll Uury effort. . Despite this boast and dcsplto tho llosses which Frnnco undeniably sus tained beforo Vordun, sho launched on July 1, In connection with tho English tho offenslvo on tho Sommo, which has novor been checked for a sliiglo Instant, and In which, In ad dition to all tho villages and ground regained, all tho losses in dead and wounded Inflicted on tho enemy, the French themselves, Independent ot what tho English hava dono, have captured ovor 45,000 prisoners, over ;100 cannon and over COO muchlno 'guns. It was whllo still conducting this Vigorous offenslvo on tho Sommo, which tho Oormans had boasted that Franco would novor bo ablo to do as a result ot hor Iobscs at Vordun, that Franco on Octobor 24, launched ovon a becond offenslvo, this tlmo choosing tho Gorman's own ground at Verdun whoro nil ot Gornmuy's groat Infantry and artillery strength had Won concentratod for olght months. This offenslvo Franco launched all alone, without tho slightest help from any of her allies and carried It to such n successful conclusion that tho Gormans withdrew from tho fort of Vaux without even fighting. Almost at tlrtj same moment of this gicat victory of Franco's military strength and Franco's military mor olo at Verdun, came tho announce ment on October 29, that tho French nation ns a whole was standing bo ll In d tho fighting ranks In a manner equally as firm, and evidenced by Its subscription ot nearly $2,300,000,000 to a now war loan, destined to cnnblo tho army to continue to a victorious conclusion. When, following tho wnr of 1S70, Germany Imposed ou Franco an un precedented war Iifdomnlty of ono billion dollars, tho solo object of which was admittedly that of crush ing Franco economically and financ ially, tho entire world stood amazed at tho manner In which Franco, in less than a year, borrowed this sum from hor people, and paid off tho dobt. Yet In tho present Instanco, nftor ovor two years of warfare, after sub scribing In an amazing manner to preceding loans, tho French pcoplo, not In u year, but in thrco wcoks only, subscribed n now war loan of over two billion dollars, or over twlco tho amount ot tho Indemnity imposed ou Franco in 1S70. I.lko tho military victory at Vor dun, tho real significance ot this fi nancial and economic victory can only bo appreciated by vlowlug It In con nection with other things. With tho beginning of the prcsont war, for cxamplo, tho French pcoplo woro Invited to turn Into the Dank ot Franco their hoards of gold, ac cepting in its placo ordinary bank notes. This gold, they woro tdld, was needed In order to pormlt Franco to maintain hor credit abroad. Slnco tho Issuanco ot this Invita tion, this gold has poured Into tho Dnnk of Franco &t a steady, undi minished avorago ot $1,000,000 a week. With this military strength dis played at Vordun, with this financial strongth displayed hi hor Octobor loan, and hor now cabinet, together with tho moralo of tho army and tho spirit ot tho civil population, Franco feels that sho can look forward to 1917 with great cheer and great hopes. A desirable bread knlfo froo with ovory annual subscription to The Dond Dulletln. OHEGON TItUNK TIIAIN Arrives 7:20 a. ra. - Leaves 9 p. m. O.-W. B. & N. TIIAIN'. Arrives 7:35 p. in. Loaves 7:25 a. ra. AUTO STAGE LINE SOUTH. Leaves 8:45 a. ra. -- Arrives C p. m, AUTO LINES. Cars to Durns, Fort Klamath Fort Rock, Silver Lnko and other points south and south -- oast. POST OFFICE HOUBS. Gonoral dollvory open dally 8:30 a. m. to 0 p. m. No mall distributed on Sunday. - Night train mall closes S:15 - Day train mall closes 6:30 a. m, TELEGItAl'H HOUBS. - Wostorn Union dally 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. Sunday nnd holidays 8-10. 4-0. TELEPHONE HOURS. Pacldo Tel. & Tol. Co. 24 hour - sorvlco, Including Sunday, Jfe52fcjfeljfe55fe5fe35 H The F1eslU6M rear IfM dxt not lock up but li hM by doubU acilnr tprlajr SljM II jv ylltt bii turuck anU automatically Airs back la correct pUc. Cannot bo InjweJ by blow U m or abocksao4 la aUaya ready (or accural abootltif. ga I 'f" MAkBLJS Flexible Rear Sight $vB S' I IHB tfcM fMp4 MMUMm IBL fl 1 1 A MrPw MMif Mil ituMiii Mmh a km VaBL u II k,vA imiiiii4Mtiw mBC3T Tt-t0VlB If mr ium i r KLslMln IvfcsJH Q "fmtprwd " wliww Uir. Bvtl)"" ll "ft -a 3 Also a Full Line of SHOT GUNS, RIFLES AND AMMUNITION w . "2 Bend Hardware Co. fW r s it Mt tj trr y sBaiaMaajrTia oiiCCJOA cpn -nc AtiPtr Sf DELIVCfSS HOUORY MAIL I'lioto by American Press Auoclatlon from Medem. TlrlnRlns welcome news fpm home, the Red Cron nurses In many of the LIuro penn nrmles often act a measenKera and mail carriers. Their services are espe cially appreciated at holiday time, when absence from homo weighs must heavily on the soldiers' spirits. The woman In the picture Is a Russian Red Cross nurse bearing; a load of holiday mall for the soldiers. Went Ads only ONE CENT n word. Boo J. Ityan & Co., for farm land loans. Adv. ' Four chairs at your sorvlco nt tho Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. Kcop your cows clean and dry. Dluo pi Ints for tho most successful cow stall can bo had for tho asking. Address, L. D. Lafollotto, Ilcdraond, Orogon. -,43"40 P WANTED. AVANTED Dishwasher at Uart lott Boarding House, telephone lied 1C52. 44 c WANTED Experienced man wants Job hording Bheop. Ask Tho Ilullotln about him at once. 44-47 p WANTED 8crap lrb'iiT Huff-Bchmidt-Dugan Iron works. Phono Illaclc 741. 2ltfc I'OU SALE. EOH SALE Oood cow. Will tako part pay In hay. E. E. Stowo. Dond, Oregon. 44 p FOU SALE Camora Rapid Gra flex focal plato shutter, 1000 scc- SAVING MONEY $10 invested each month in a Bend Com pany's lot is the safest and surest way to save Bend's population doubled in one yenr. Realty prices most increase with the population. ARE YOU pT i getting the benefit of .a growing town See us today about our CLOSE IN RESIDENCE LOTS $ioo Easy Terms Too 1i rr I! D. E. HUNTER MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office corner Wall and Ohio Streets. ond Zolss astygmatlc lens F 6.3 bargain. Mlunlco, behind 28 Ho voro nveuuo. FOR SALE IIoubo and lot, cor nor of McKay nnd Illvorsldo. Idoal location for grocory. ?47G.00. W. U, Lcsh. 4I-4G i FOR SALE A fow cholco canar ies. Will sell reasonable. Phono Dlack 1471. 42tfc FOIt SALE CHEAP Single shot gun, 3 now horso collars, breast strap and traces. Apply Shaw's Food Store. 43-Px FOIl SALE 2 h. p. gasoline on glno; In good condition. At Univer sal Garngo. Soo Goo. Hoborts. 40tfo FOU SALE Two 3-room houses; lot COxlOO foot; city water; 3C0 each; terms. J. Ryan & Co. SCtf FOR SALE Four lots in block 40, Illvorsldo Addition. On odgo ot Wlostorla. Prico J100 each. W. Fer guson, caro Dennett's. 35tt FOR SALE Good rcsldcnco lota on west side of rlvor. City water and lights; $5 cash end $C monthly. , Tires! Tubes!, We are the leading sup ply house in Bend, for Goodyear Tires and Tubes tfbj Complete Line of accessories. Always "best. .of re pair work guaranteed. t s m BEND GARAGE WALTER COOMBS f. Ryan &. Co. 34tfc FOR SALE Cholco lots In Des chutes and Park Additions. Will loan to build houses on lots. J Ryan & Co. Sltfc FOR SALE Two t-room modorn houses, cIoho to mills; cosy terms. J, Rynn &' Co. 34tfc FOR SALE Fivo horso-powor gasoline wood saw. Inaulro building south Sanitary llakcry. 34tfc, FOR SALE Laying hens, puro brod. Inquire Dulletln. FOR SALE Two lots, C0xl86, street on thrco Hides; shuck 11x18, doublo floor, on InBldo lot; water on lots; $27r; 12G cash, balnnco J 10 month. W. Ferguson, nt Donnott's. Rend. 33tf FOR SALE Two lota In Dos- chutes addition, lovol nnd froo from rock, well located. Prico J27G each. Terms. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALE Four very cholco lots in Park addition, prico nnd tomm right. J. Ryan & Co, 3tf FOR SALE Home His right. Terms rcasoaiWi A. E. Edwards, Bend SlnCii FOR SALE Three teH housca. $800 each, !( balanco easy monthly fiiasj Ityan & Co. FOR REXT. FOR RENT TD wit room houses. L. D. Vum 2nd. FOR RENT Desk rotal floor O'Kano bnlldlnc. J. 4 Co. TO TRADE Oil EKtm TO KXCIIANOB - modorn home In 12 crn Willamette valley to land In Central Oregon. 6 klo, Lorg Cabin Bldj. KM gon. KI1P - ' i l I y &D m y &) j. a, uuuaun, rrosiueni ta. ai. LARA, I'aswer . U. C. COE, VIco Prosldont L. G. McRKVNOLDS, AsiUCuiB a. 4.. oiiuuu, vice rres. u. a. btoveu.absi. tiaimw TTe First National Bant OP BEND. BEND, OREGON Capital fully paid Surplus - . . . - $25,000 - $25,000 Farmers Attention A S YOU will have a large amount of surplus ha) this fall and 03 this (Bonk has a large amount of surplus money;, we desire to loan you $100,000 to purchase cattle or sheep to eat your surplus bay. If you are Inter ested call or Write for particulars. T& FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF BEN x I 4 U ' . a jijs.