tbwbMwpip'''' )" THE BEXD BIXX.EXI.V. BETID. OBBGOX. WEDXEBPAT. DBCKHBKB ZT. 1W16 TACK 10. i Withycombe Scores C. 0. L SCHOOL CENSUS Co. Before Desert Land Board iP pnuri! nrn 10 uumrixiLU SHE ARSWERED NAPOLEON. MM Alter- the mm- 1 . iB Maara an mmmm (Fww mm wwg thihwi i laa-r. . had AUBM, Or . Dae . -roaoaac- to haadl K To R 4ar. the Caatral OfMM tmmkm a mm af awttMy as aahy .,:.... oImM" tar lb WW trBUaB BOB. bwt SO 1a wbieb H Im handled Ma project sales aad If pao do aa att- that n jr M4iod, ovroor Wrlhyb joet atb poo Tasaal projaet. T , t a aae-tlac of the Mto daaert aod company baa poared wore -board today. arsd that to proBrt iM,Mt lata tha araiaet. Md while ?s converted iato an IrrlaatloB da- K has east other projects per coat , mo Md erf ettlr m mm as to aaahe sales. H ha aar east aar feasible The .overoor's reprtBtaad company 1 per eent Tbia of the 'oapaay for it BMtbods caaw Iim aot eota traaj ami 4aMdiatiy after th mm im coaaaaar bob a aarf Ln aafc aaiuiai for an 1WI1' Into th projaet than M at yr in ui au th contract be- fro asainteaewce H will 4nm the soeeraaaeot aad the atate fro oo property of the a-tUera. wad Jkm M th projaet. and aeoead a eplr- in etow h. 1 oaaM-r i -. . ....m.m kf i a m kav aiittMiaa anil ff takMr 9 16 REGISTRAH03S KAELY DOUBLED. S!horf Ar yoattd In Piit- riot, and UciucaUesal HaollHi IanuZ&Kat HUtriat IJutl- r WIU (W IittU djrfM of h Moaanr nr lu ltMniry. 4 IHaanw rf f orttonti "Wltb all de raact to Mr Mru and aia anvararlar. I J1t- in Mriar arotaat " aa.d til aov- .r ia aart -I ba hiwti madia ialtti of the go-ariiavnita oa twr rwpprt f th pflbtk- rK 'oai- phaae of to aUaatioa aoo of baaioaaa" TalaSHHaa vatw m4 troai ta.Ovrarl ftadawad Cownrrtai etab aad al m otiKir aaaianuiicatioaa n'Cia aa ) rarktac aa Kaaaiaar 3f t ta caildHB lk dattiaft. H J of sekool dt- of- Aiid Hr Br Reay Siriaiued tw An- yrjr Cerwuerw. .Npos tam2e,2AdTat&ieesB- qRr cxaeMerol -aracata af bo la umisr in atim iffilr. aat be tow aluajv r-Jtf! of tir lerfr. I rt Bat Id at tea: aae tataiace at I record, a a repeat witter baa aaiated at. it kw atb-rwtrt. Warn. rer tae tettte aT Jaaa. Napo fees aterrd Wftaarr be aroreeded tae f4ae of tae dake to aatbe It fals baaaVpairtera. Toe tteattaK aad ah doriax hi tb town wre aot ret ovor f xtoi. torord tTatar h- 5reJl tae JhaJL Aa be did o tae daebe!. wfca faad beeii waMar to ber aaartseaC 'oaaiatred at tae top of toe zr-at stair- j - to jnt atai. I MVai aa TalT If. biKir7rt? -I aai ta IJaea-s" of WoJojar." she rsttoi. wttb dbnttr "1 pMj- oar bt- rd erotJ aOaar to ma joar baotataa. The aext awwwhwc wba tb.r net be aiaatr-d. wttb imwqoe a- ' ( orat jchh trs ih ttswr: ) ratiTtuiaiuKiijani? 1 aoaeM wrt.wwTT MasftotFiTAnn TBooarfrnATr-ruL rwrrarrAmiMwT. ) MDTMf "1 . t:"- "w ' :j no SSf??" .r; ; be aoaaiaaed ranpb "t om a total of 1.- ' fWaot and taoy alao faooroo the aoa- lo rogard to tb 'any- mm - wr-i v r ojMratkw. and I Had tbat H U 'i-," ,r'mnrx aaliia ant thai aiaatl of th ajaat WBIW tM aanrlataot aaaiaat M la OralTaatad. w0i MeOttltaod kdrik, war antnii iaw ot a "I find tbat Koaror Howard wHb tbo coouoUtaf voter ta taa ajana aa ta of aa aor ald yoar bnabaad be aaid a to tab i war aaatart avT" ntir najer woold bav dopt8d aaa IT b bad uol waa tbe repgr. "BOW ao'T- aafccd KalMOB. -Sir bvabaaC aa met tr. tbe rtet - . li . Vomaala nfavan) Of tBir . m a mp aula " ' ' r" farabaaad ta M abool z 1 . .-. - tit tiw. n.rf i. . - ... r " " " " " - aw j ar . mnn a ! w jL-Ji j''f -J&5 rL THE young fellows teach the old ones and the old ones teach the young that's the way it is with "W-B CUT chewing right along. Less chewing for feeble jaws, less chewing for husky jaws but the big point is satisfaction. Never before has there been so much sat isfaction in so little a chew. It's rich tobacco, TB CUT is. It makes you feel sorry for the fellows v. ho chew so much of the old kind for so little benefit. tUttt by WEYMAS-BKUTDH COMPART. SO Ua Sgun, New Y Ctj acatl flcaroa 2S3 btwB tae 2 or tboae. &M wore of tae aaaaaUe anuttka. Matod af oeboo! aa wa aMurtad raoav najBVaa aaaaa)w and A few be raeittoad a r,oBrniain oo of laooa aud that be (bar of the Hord conai) that in the buUdiK of tiw- m aaoy H- caucbt tbe .ompiiy iu tacaa way and i foai thai i.h- 'ow aajur baa broacat upon har-if the aMaaot atorat raslaf aawnc to am tfea. Tb Ubm ban fne when th' tr-' oa eovar aarniirUaatar lSO.Mt raa of load, aad aibn tinv bt m .L. .. la ... dtdLawaa -w-i-ww-jaw " w-n B -- - a a. - .41 IlaaH aBMaaaaa1 --- tairi' 2 r.1 u,."!lit- tZZSZL whwixh. rd d- r!??ABa?,aarbs iTSTLZ- aaao rodacad to . I alao Wad . . -, . .-M-. tal of Jl ia aotod. 44S Jaaya re " , .. ,,.. --..u. "" """ .ii . .. .-. -J- . .-. 4. 4 lltC aaak T au-wn -. "f ae- " trZ..,, " '..ITr !.L. aad taetfol oofleiied wen Natwleon a r r",TLLl-f- I ! "n' atapMt Iu tbe egaT-raat.i tbat to board ware aaaainu for aa s ,ta !, ro-ll aaSrtrWor-ltaJ ' 1'"8 r- tbM TZL.Z. 7l?-Z? m Iirmm law are aetaaUjr arttbta tbe rtty irrtgatioa " ; ,ailu. Mr (Hortarf aaya. A coo- coanaaajr baa ekuthed ith anttlora . . . . .. ' . aauianl ahnMLd ha (mfl Intii an lr- ' .. - . . . . .. . BlOOrOOie DBaBOar WOO are BOX ID- rj-f.: . w. Hn (ae ampar aOD Oe OTBa- PoeIl Butte 3 5 eente for firat inln Bte and 0ve tentc for each addition al minute Bend to Redmond IS ceBta for firat minute and five cents for wh additional minute The ebargwa will r-wahi tbe mbk for , caUa f-om Bend to Tunmlo. Staturs and La Pine At Priaevllie the Pacific Tale phone mid Telegraph company will Biera; ith the Pilot Butte Tele phone company givjv g - -ic for PrinerUi :u. z-z. Band inw man pee CTtu pretiant toll charK premt condrtionK i Band to Prlnetrille Jf the Snrt minute a&t . Imum cbarfie. Prop tione are made to oui Bend J fbtaiton dlatrlct .oropoal of at tiara, and on a lecitluate baala " 4aMMlf ltoU4 I (I ( i ab. "Tbe oBpany wUhb it eaibarkad oa tbia pri4 1 pit Kid up u rob , ejtteuaioa ia Kmoted on tl.- contract claded la coald be ta rKST SUIT J'JLEJ) jn cjkcujt cocxrr JK NI5WKST COUNTY (Kroai Tbaraday'a Daily Tbe firat a In iMacbutaa Auuty Ch tw tiled 1b rinuit coart, araa beKOB Jui yaatarday aitarnooa by Yeraoa A. PwIhw. wbaa b pUuad oa raoord wHb County ktrk Maaar a auit bwaKBt by J . Bokb ft Co , of ;.4la, awUoat Mr aad Mm. K4 ward KnhWow Tb tatt la for tb raoarary, aad JodKavoat ia aahad tor tii U. UaKad w k u m Uw iwrakaaa price of good aotd by Um aMaaiff. No definite Uaat baa baaa aat for Hallllll aTamaaaaaBDl af iaB tJon of tfce dlmr would dtflpose .u i t-. i-a .-. ..- ., Bw-.w aw avtum wj laii-B V IU:uh .L ,K """"Iv - ' awark ia ..ontaaded. Tbia oaaatlo. m U tk. tort ttat tfc. anaaat Mat of ar- ly .oae ap tor aettteaieu' after the ., Maita . ta. hm. a4,.k croda accoaaawdatioaa ta be ut- noat. FAll&lRKS PLANNING ! AB .. ceaaue ta tae met taat n win am matertally la tbe badg aawpliod tbia fall At tbat Ubm U was tiaiatad tbat tboae of acaoal a in tbe dlatrtet would ftaaregate 1 1 09. bat tut for Mtcb iadlvldual of & bool I &i, the diatrtot draws 1 1 from the tttate aad county levy, tbe increaae to 1 t will aaaaa au additional tl.SS to tbe dtatrtcta erodM. rinarei) aa to tbe total population i aaa tki. awaaa aaub a u ., ! auj aU... . .. ! tkere Tbe apwal """. ""' T"" "" "T . iafbatatfll MHaU i&Val taatat LaaaaaM Maaal Ulaatf Mdl at on tae rBBlar' . ':1.-11., . ,,..Jw.. TKII' TO C011VALL1S FOR COiMINC MONTH TronJ Thuradaya J11) ) raaty AKriewlturiat K A Blan cbard baa araaKid for au eavuraloa to fraUU for the farmer of Crook county to take advantage of tbe far aaara' Week wUI followed tbe doeaeaa waa abte to wrure ptamGwe rf eonmoeraUon for the dnke and relief for tbe tuw-nepeoiil At the eleae of it tb" conqueror aaid to her "Madame, you are more wortur vt re apeet taan any woman J art Wnjwu Too have fwad mr baaiwid I par don bton. bat renM-aikur h U wholly on your necouot. A for Mm, be U a bad caer , That wa aierory Napoleon' opinion. The duke, at any rate, waa itrojoYly hp prHCmtte of bbi doehnwa. for when the document tbat Mteared the indefnd onee of Wutanr was uroucbt to blm hy French jiuaeral he rofoM-d to tku K into hk haade. bat naid Hbafily, "OHe K to tay wife, the emtiTor in taaded tt for her." 1'oatb' Coin- I (OIL ! LOT IN but wl Mr. Overturf Uia to in Our JitiK-i Offet This and 5c iXMCT MISaS THIS. Cut out this alip. lacltmv with live etiatE to Pole & Co . !!( BheUlvM Ave . Chicago, i 111., writing your name and address cleorly. Yow will reccdre in return a trial package containing Foley's IMMlildNt that '. anj nroiin: Valnv KlAnuv Pill.' the rbtMftt Will .,, 1-olt.v PuthBi-tto Tul.luf. Knlrt everywhere. Adv. TOLLS WILL BE LOWERED AFTER eveaiBK train Janaary 1. koIbk aat an I ulaa " UB1 a " 1L CI taiat - ""F' fmwmttm v m .tit ""- mht (,M. aooordloK to urea-reum-lar. ta ooatraJ OfMon anala tadltlona WKWK W P " oo Saaaay atornlBK. Tae car will . ' be parked at Ute atfitlwi at Oor vaJlia aad wm at aaad -rj aJeat CITV APPOINTMENTS -Tcr-wirft afftrnT PWrt' i WIU- JiE MADE SOON the aoidliK: of i4cak ootut la Mao-1 foaelaj raftea of one aad oae-third I cooaty. bat at the xnoIb aea- ure wlU arovall. Baaaeaxera par-1 (Prom Priday'a Daily Hullotiu) v. wa a w - aw -AainK JWH OB way laxe aa pre- AaaoBBvement of amtotritmeoU I XhurUv aftar JuHrv 1 tk. ta. aeaUac the receipt tor the ratara f Mw i-tty ottcera will aot be ia4 lfl Telephone &. Telegraph com- piirle. Mr BhHirbard hopea to ostil tbe new itty counrll bolda lu'pany will aBBoaaee the sew toll set at laaat M people who will eaake Brat opeo aaaaloB Janaary Z. waa rates which will be eCective for the tbe trip la tbia event it wlU coat the autemeat tbia morale of Xy Central Oregoa iwrttory. eaUt BBaaaac one dollar for the or-afawn C. Caldwell He Intlatat-1 The rates will be aa follows' Bead r per ay. Arraaaeaaenu aaee oa. however, tbat tuiaaee woald , to Priaevllle, oae miaau initial LYTLE and RIVERSIDE Easy Terms Our Buyers Are Treated Right. See JOHN STEIDL.M BEND OREGON JANUARY 1, 1917 Prom Saturday's Dally Bulletin. ) Maraawam aJlowiag tor two teraas a year The Ix-arbwtea ivurt a III, of oaaree, be uuder iudc Juffy'a )ur-ladietiou PLAN IMPROVEMENTS FOli LOCAL HOSPITAL IPron Priday'a iMiiy Bulletin I ' That a uompU-te ia ta ha taateilad ia ih Bead lata Tbm awgaaai hoaasUI. pur"baaed a ! iMceaiber II, Tharaday oeoala. beoa aaade wltb the atadaaoad Jtaak 'not be radbal A closed meetlwc of , tlm- Ju cenu aad ! eaata for each I of Coasaaaree, th Pint Katioaal the new oouu'-tl members waa bld addltioaal mJaate; Bead to Culver, Maak of Band aad the Plrat Katiaa- la at nlrbt for tbe parpoae of die- Lamoata. Madras aad Motolius, !t al Baafc of Prioevlll to racofv - cuasin ceneial pUuia for the com- 'enta for flrat atlnut aad 10 cent of 4 from th earston- lu yeai fur each addltioaal minute; Bend to i ago by hr J c Vaadervert aud M. I. Kdwarda from Henry Ma- was the statement last aiKBt af itr Vaa4evert Mbw Aoetia Mlod C, graduate nurse, arrived ia Mead ulciil to tola bar slater. Miss Hmrii hUodgeO, ia the mauageweut af law boaaita! la order to ap tel car luaare th aa of the fee IMwarda for paper atat; , Adv. I Iofc ahead for ChriatMua, for that ' Vl(roU. at Keed & liorboa. Adv.' (TV ."LS 'J", Y-'PSBmfj i ii Txrh GROCERIES FRESH VEGETABLES BERU1ES AND FRUITS BUILDERS HARDWARE and its PC SHERWIN-WILLIAMS jfi SHERWIN-WILLIAMS PAINT F. DEMENT & CO. NEW PERKINS HOTEL f rftii wj WnJuoglon SticcU PORTLAND, OREGON OotraJly Located The Hotel for YOU Special Summer Kates Room with hath privilege, single 75c up; double $ 1 .00 up. Room with private hath, .single $ 1 .50 up; double $2.00 up. Auto bus ineeLs trains. Union Depot ears puss our doors. l'Yoni North Bank Depot S ear transfer at 5th St. True Economy . . . a -OflaRLtH nutm the wU ijxndinj; of otu't moixy ttuVlag every dotlir do full duty and gtltlng in return ao Article that wiU ntufy you in tvtry way. Th' . WHITE, . U a rr,l birgiln beeauu it i told at a popular price l btcaute It tivet you the kind of tewing you delight ini beciiuc It will turn out the work quickly and thoroughly and give you a life time of uluiictory services became it Improvements will eruble you to do thlngt whUh can't be done nrt mvnltiip mirhlfu! btciuie It wdl deiie von with its fine finiiu and beauty of lu furniture. J In wort you will find the White relUfcte aci J nurime imm rvrrv duuu ui viewa v IW ture to ut the White dealer who will be gUd to thow you how good a machine the hlte b. If there U no White dealer bandy, write o direct for cat. alogt. We do not nil lo catalog houtet. Vibrator and Rotary Shuttle Machinet. WHITE SEWING MACHINE CO, CLEVELAND, O. HOTEL PORTLAND has opened for business and solicits your patronage. Every room is steani heated, and hot and cold water facilities. The rooms are newly furnished with comfort able new furniture. Accommodations can be given you under either the American or European plan. HOTEL PORTLAND GEORGE H. DAVIS, Proprietor Opposite the Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co. box factory. Bend-Silver Lake and way points MAIL, FREIGHT, and PASSENGER. SERVICE Pioneer Auto Stage and Truck Co SUCCESSORS TO WENANDY LIVERY CO. ot a, lit !-a, "tU tr "1 rouH.u:nv i:. r. mkian if jMbT if if fftVfjaaltliVfi' I . i ii A '' 7v loajtsa? Tt mitw