The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 27, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
NO. 1H
djnicluLs of 'Crook County IIuvo No
.Jurisdiction In Deschutes Coun-
,ty, Argument Advunced in
Quo Warranto Action.
.(From Wednesday's Dally.)
To tako tho first step In denting
iiuo warranto proceedings question
ing tho right of Deschutes county to
do business as a municipal corpora
tion. District Attorney II. H. Do Ar
mond and 'Vernon A. Forbes loft
this morning for I'rlnovlllc, to mako
special appcarauco before Circuit
Judge Duffy. Tho appearance was
to bo mado without recognizing tho
jurisdiction of tho court, and thp dc
fento was a counter attack In tho
form of a motion to quash services
mado last wcok on tho members of
th county court, by Deputy Sheriff
Howell of Crook county.
That tho sheriff of another coun
ty has no Jurisdiction In an outsldo
county, wbb tho argument prepared
by tho attorneys for tho Deschutes
county court, In backing their mo
tion. They expected that a ruling
would bo given soma tlmo today.
Mr. Do Armond declared this
morning boforo leaving, that ho con
fidently expected tho caso would bo
carried (through to tho supremo
court, and Intimated that proceed
ings should liavo been started bo
fore tho hlghor tribunal. "One sldo
or tho other Is bound to carry It to
tho limit," ho said.
Tho caso Is tho complaint filed
last wook by dus Stadlg, of Lower
iirldgo, as iv lardy blow, against
county division. Of another suit,
which It was understood was to bo
tied In tho way of a petition for a
temporary Injunction to restrain
tho county from continuing In bus
' lnees, no further Intelligent has
reached hero.
Accompanying tho attorneys on
their trip to Prlnovlllo today woro
County Clerk J. II. Honor and As
sessor W. T. Mullarkoy, each wish
ing to ascertain tho volumo of bus
iness which would liavo to bo trans
cribed from tho records of Crook
founty. In tliolr departments, to tho
Deschutes county books. Informa
tion as to standard forms waB also
Hought. Whether or not a suit Is
pending In tho courts against tho
-ounty, Mr. Mullarkoy's transcrib
ing must bo finished by March 1, so
that ho will bo freo to handlo tho
estimating of property values In tho
xounty nftorwards.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 27.
Figures showing tho amount of wood
used In tho United States for making
pulp will, It Is announced, bo ob
tained by tho forest service in con
nection with its 1916 census of, tho
lumber Industry. Bocauso of tho In
' creasing scarcity of pulpwood In some
parts of tho country, tho need for
nccurato figures showing tho con
sumption of thlB class of material Is
realized by manufacturers and for
esters alike, and it is expected that
Such figures will bo made a part of
the yearly statistical work of the for
est service. Tho pulp manufactur
ers nro to Cooperate In the work
through their trade organization, tho'
Newsprint Manufacturers Associa
tion, Detailed Information in regard to
the amount and cost of dlfferont
Vlnds of pulpwood consumed in tho
(llfforcnt states Is to be collected.
.The data to bo obtained will, It is
stated, bo of considerable value to
pulp manufacturers, as well as to
tho forest service. Owing to the
comparatively small number of pulp
mills In tho United States, It Is now
thought it will bo posslblo to Issue a on tho work at an early dato.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Mrs. Karen Christine Pedorsen. n
resident of Portland, -who recently
camo to Bond to visit her daughter,
Mrs. Annio Moore, for the winter,
lletl this morning of senility accom
panied by a cold and grippe, after
being ill but 24 hours. She Mas 67
years old. Tho body will be taken
to Portland tonight for burial.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Estimates on tho cost of secur
ing headquarters for county olllclals
for tho next two years will bo con
sidered by tho county court tomor
row, when a special session is held
at 8 o'clock In the morning, County
Judge William D. Uarnos stated this
aftornoon. Several bids on "build
ings will bo submitted, and It Is pos
sible that a deflntto decision may bo
reached before the meeting ia end
ed. Other matters which will como
up, it is expected, will bo In tho nat
urp of routlno business.
5 "" Proclamation
In the County Court of the State of Oregon
.., .;3S&&. -if or Deschutes County.
BE IT REMEMBERED, that whereas there
"Was. duly and regularly called a special term of the
County Court of Deschutes county, Oregon, - at
Bend, Oregon, on the 20th day of December, 1916,
at the hour of 9:00 o.'clock in the forenoon of the
said day for the purpose of fixing' the location of the
temporary County Seat of Deschutes, county, Ore
gon, as provided by law, and for the transaction of
other business.
WHEREAS, there was present:
W. D. Barnes, County Judge,
A. L. Mackintosh, County Commissioner,
Lew E. Smith, County Commissioner.
WHEREAS, said County Court met in said
Special Session for the purpose of selection and de
termining the location of the temporary County
Seat of Deschutes county, Oregon, and all of said
County Court being present, as aforesaid, and vot
ing thereon, and that each and every member of
said County Court, to-wit: '
W. D. Barnes, County Judge,
A. L. Mackintosh, County Commissioner,
- Lew E. Smith, County Commissioner,
voted to fix the temporary County Seat of said Des
chutes county, Oregon, at Bend, Oregon.
Now therefore, we, W. D. Barnes, County Judge,
A. L. Mackintosh, County Commissioner, and Lew
E. Smith, County Commissioner, acting as the
County Court of Deschutes county, Oregon, in obed
ience to, and by virtue of the power and authority
vested by law, do hereby make and issue this proc
lamation, and do announce and declare that the un
animous vote of this Court vas cast in favor of the
selection of Bend, Oregon, to be the temporary
County Seat of Deschutes county, Oregon, and that
said Bend, Oregon, is hereby declared to be, and
is the temporary County Seat of Deschutes county,
Oregon, until the first general election thereafter,
and until the qualified voters of said Deschutes
county, Oregon, shall vote for the selection of the
place for the permanent County Seat of said' Des
chutes county, Oregon, in the manner provided by
IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, we have set our
hands this 20th day of December, A. D. 191G.
Seal W. D. BARNES,
County Judge, Deschutes County, Oregon.
County Commissioners, Deschutes County, Oregon.
f County Court Deachutew County
I State of Oregon.
Members of The First
W. D. Uarnes, County Judge.
bbbbbbbbbt bPbt iVbbh
H ; ' .
(From Wednesday's "Dally.)
In an effort to find out what be
came of $30 which James Ferrcll,
convicted of drunkenness, claimed
to have lost, Judge II. C. Ellis hold
Informal court lato yesterday after
noon, hearing a number of witness
es who had seen Fcrrell Saturday
night boforo his arrest. They tes
tlfled'that tho prisoner had endeav
ored to give his money away, nnd
that when they last saw lim, ho was
sitting on tho floor In tho Depot ho
tel, playing with the coins.
No cluo as to tho whereabouts of
the money could bo obtained.
Deschutes County
Whose Authority is Being
bbbbHbIbW.. '-ttt flH
HEX fm
li. E. Smith, Commissioner.
T. II. Foley, E. D. Gilson, K. M.
Idirn, A. .1. Krocnert, Dr. II. Fcr
rell nnd II. J. Overturf (let
Other Ofllces Today.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Floyd Dement, retiring 'vice pres
ident of tho Bend Commercial club,
was unanimously elected at tho rog
ular weokly 'luncheon of tho club
members this noon nt tho Wright
hotel, to fill tho places of J. P.
Kcyes, who has headed tho club for
tho past twd years. Mr. Dement at
tempted to resign, but tho club
showed, no Intention ot allowing his
withdrawal to. "take effect, and tho
now prcsldoht.-nflef a speech of np
proc(hMon"f6r"tho work douo by Mr.
Koyes during his term of ofllco, mov
od n voto of thanks' to his predeces
sor, which was curried without n dis
solving v6lco. Mr. Dement declared
that tho club owed much of Its suc
cess to tho tlmo nnd ability devoted
to tho organization by tho retiring
All otllcors olcctod received unan
imous votes, tho following In addi
tion, to Mr. Dement being choson:
T. )I. Foloy, vlco president: E. D.
Gilson, secretary; E. M. Lara, treas
urer: and A. J. Krocnert, Dr. D. For
rolbnnd II. J. Ovorturf, directors.
Manager Charles W. Erskluo read
a communication from Mark Wood
ruff, of tho Northwest Tourist as
sociation, in which tho attendance
of representatives from tho Dond
Commercial club was urged nt a di
rectors' mooting ot tho association,
ftn bo held Janunry C, in Portland.
Tho association has ns Its prlmo ob
ject, tho securing of a 150,000 ap
propriation from tho legislature to
bo. used In advertising tho northwest
to 'auto tourists. It wuh suggested
that club mombors attending tho Ir
rigation congress In Portland, could'
also bo present at tho directors'
County Survoyor QcorEO S.
Young, chairman of tho "steering
commlttoo" appointed by tho Cont
ra! Oregon Irrigation congress here
to look after legislative Interests ot
this section during tho Portland
convention, In n brlof address urged
tho nttoudanco ot ns many ns possible-
in Portland, Ho stated that
ho hud 'mailed forms to each of tho
farmers' and Irrlgatlouists' organi
zations in Central Oregon, asking
that tho names ot tliolr delegates bo
filled In, and tho forms roturnod to
lilm. Up to dato, ho said, thoro had
boon no ropllcs rocolved. Ho an
nounced that tho delegates will
Icavo Uend one wook from tonight.
cial) Tho Jackrabblt bounty law
recently enacted by tho Inltiattvo in
Crook county Is getting results with
n vongeanco, as wub indicated to
day when OBcar Cruso, n homestead
er ot near Ilrothors, this county,
en mo to Prlnovlllo with tho scalps
of 000 Jackrabblts, which ho had
killed within tho past week. Ho roi
coived $45.30 bounty from Cou:;ty
Clerk Warren Uron.
It Is reported In this county that
Ilcprcsontutlve Slnnott has found a
market for tho polls nt 1C cento por
pound, nnd If this Is truo, hunting
Jackrabblts may dovolop Into profit
able cold woathor occupation.
Questioned in Suit
A. I,. Mackintosh, CommliIoncr.
bbbb. 'IRB
BBBM riWtlJBBfcl-rBnMlK
hbj . HVbbbB
$71,000 JS VALUE
lleatliiuai'ter.s for New County Gov
ernment Provided by Iteming
Oftfccs in O'Knno Hide;.
Economy I.s Asked.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Ilonds of county olllclals woro ap
proved, and arrangements mado for
county hendquartors today, when
tho members of tho county court,
Judgo William 1). llarnes and Com
missioners L. E. Smith and A. L.
Mackintosh, met In ndjourncd ses
sion In tho council chambers ot tho
O'Knno building.
It wna decided to rent two rooms
In tho O'Kanc block for tho county
Judgo, county clerk nnd Bhorlff, nnd
It wns further decided to offor tho
city council one-halt ot its present
rent for continued uso of tho coun
cil chanibcrs during regular court
session. County Clerk Ilauor uud
Assessor W. T. Mullarkoy wero au
thorized to purchaso ofllco supplies,
but wero asked to procure only tho
things absolutely necessary until
county affairs become more settled.
Tho following bonds woro ap
proved: J. II. Honor, clerk, $10,
000; S. E. Iloborts, sheriff, $40,000;
Clydo McKay, treasurer, $10,000;
W. T. Mullarkoy, assessor, $5,000;
George S. Young, survoyor, $5,000,
and L. A. W. Nixon, constable, $1,
000. The matter of tho bond of El
mer Nlswonger, coroner, was con
tinued, as that official Is now out of
tho city.
Although tho sheriff's bonds- run
hlghor fhnn thoso ot any oilier of'
flclnl, $30,000 or tho surety Is paid
for by tho county, becnuso ot tho
additional duty ot tax collecting.
A now departure in handling
county business wns taken on tho
recommendation of Commissioner
Smith, it being decided that minutes
of all meetings will bo typed In trip
licate and mailed to mombors of tho
court on tho day following a ses
sion ot tho court, In order that cor
rections may bo mado whllo tho
memory of business tratisactod Is
still fresh.
' 3
Miller Winn Flrnt Full iy .Ilu-Jltsu,
Then Loses to Murtlu mi
Straight Wrestling. '
(From Wednesday's Dnlly.)
In ouo of tho fastest mat oxhlbi
tlons ever seen in Ilond, Max Martin,
of Ilond, nnd Ernest Miller, of Hand
point, Idaho, wrestled to a draw last
night at tho Hlppodromo, under tho
nusplccs of tho Ilond Athletic club,
Each Bocured one fall in tho 00 ruin-
utes ot wrestling. Tho go was at
catch weights, Martin having nearly
15 pounds tho advantage ot his op
Miller took tho first fall In ono
minutes and 40 seconds, with a Jap
anoso finger break. As tho inon shook
hands, ho retained the fingers ot tho
local wrestler In his grasp and they
went to the mat, Miller perfecting
his Jlu-Jltsu hold, and ever tighten
ing It until Martin chose defeat rath
er than suffor a broken hnnd.
The second fall took 53 minutes,
Martin pinning bis opponent's shoul
dors to tho mat with a body scissors
and face hold. Miller took tho ag
gressive for tho first 20 minutes of
tho mix, thou tho superior weight
nnd strength of tho Ilond man Hold.
Ilopoatedly Miller secured apparent
ly deadly holds, but was unablo to
xort sufficient strength to mako
them effectlvo.
Thirty five minutes was loft In
ttlilch to decide' tho match, and again
Miller assumed tho offonslyo, during
(be last 10 minutes showing su;h
good defi nslvo tactics that Martin
ttiiH uiiuhlu to bra!t tho deadlock.
Hr (J L. Couslnoau nave general
'i f. rtion as referee.
Tin preliminaries were good, Ted
I lull ' tiring two straight falls from
Kid Jff the first In four minutes.
U"uukp of the distance truvolod
b Miller, a goilorous donntlou was
ontnbuted by tho crowd to defray
his expenses back to Sandpolnt, and
another purse was mado up to bo
given to Martin In appreciation of his
Work of Agriculturist Is Uiiil Out
for Coming Ycur Co-opcrntlro
Effort CJct Attention
IJobson In .Speaker.
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
Perhaps what has been tho best
representative meeting of tho ontiro
counties of Crook and Deschutos in
Central Oregon took plnco at Ilod-
mond last Saturday, when 40 farm
ers and tholr wives of tho County
Agricultural council sat down to
luncheon given by tho domestic sci
ence department of tho high school.
Men lit the samo county living 150
miles apart, shook hands and ato ptu
together. Ono member of tho council
living SO miles from tho nearest
railwny point traveled two days to
attend the conference. Tho occas
ion was tho annual mooting ot tho
County Agricultural council, nu
amalgamation ot nil the 24 tarmors'
organizations- In tho county, which
looks after tho best agricultural In
terests of tho tarmors with tho aB
slstnnco ot a county agricultural ag
ent. County Agricultural Agent II. A.
Ulanchnrd, who arranged tho moot
ing, rcquqstod that tho council pro
paro a doflnlto program of work to
conform to a project basis of en
deavor. Accordingly the council, nf
tor hearing Mr. Dlanchard's report
of tho year, charged him with tho
following: to Hccuro co-opor.atlvo
orders for strychnine, ami farm
soeds, alfalfa, clover etc.; to work,
out a plan for a community stock
shipping car; to work up n hull as
sociation; to dovoto efforts to in
creased fortuity and assist tho tarm
ors on tho high desert; to help es
tablish hardy varieties ot grains
nmkfli!m'cr6TftTlltew?fo tut prob- ,
loms of soli, crops, livestock, econ
omics nnd sociology with a commlt
too ot throe for each ono.
Tho council passed a motion In
dorsing tho work ot tho biological
survey and asking for nsslstnuco In
campaigning against tho sugo ml
with tho help ot tho county ngont.
Every member present expressed IiIh
appreciation of tho worit done along
thoso lines last year and was anx
ious to see It carried on with tho
regulur county agricultural agent
Ouy Dobson, tbo Ilcdmond bank
or, who addressed tho council Im
mediately aftor It was called to or
der, brought before tho mumboru
tho Importance ot tho Irrigation
question now boforo tho peoplo of
Central Oregon. Mr. Dnhson mado
an excellent exposition of the situa
tion, which resulted In every mom
bor bringing tho raattor before his t
local club, Tho council Instructed
tho president, J. F. Ulanchnrd, to
appoint u member to represent them
ut. tho Irrigation coiifcronco In Port
land. Duo to tho Inability ot President
J. F. Ulanchnrd to represent tho
council at tho county agricultural
conference at Corynllls, Mr. S. I).
Mustnrd, tho "potato king" of Pow
oll Ilutto, was detogntod to repre
sent tho council.
The mooting was chnractorlstla
In Its Intenso sincerity ot purport.
Tho council mombors, who repre
sented over 1000 farmers ot tho
county, wero la dead earnest, and
tho mooting, which was nbly con
ducted by President J. F. Ulanchnrd,
dlsposod pf all Its business to ad
journ at 3:30 p. m. Tho last mo
tion ot tho hoiuio was n standing ap
preciation and expression of thanks
to Professor Nash of tho high school
and Mrs, Lao of tho domestic sci
ence department, who prepared such
an excellent luncheon, which dem
onstrated boyond doubt tho value
of such a departure in our school
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
George 8. Park, who reported to
tho Portland police thnt ho was rob
bed of $120 Christmas night at tho
Winchester hotel, was, until recent
ly, employed by tho Sprockets In
terests at Alkali I.uko, where ho wuh
a driver of ono of the auto trucks
plying between Hpreokles and I.nke
vlow. . Park Iiuh fiuuuoutly btun in
(From Wednesday's Dally.)
County Clerk J. It. llanur Issiied
a marriage llconso yesterday after
noon to Wllllum J. Schuldt uud Al
ma Anderson, both of this city. Tun
llconso Is tho second to be granted
in Deschutes couuty.