The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 20, 1916, Image 1

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    The bend bulletin.
. ' 1
nf lino
NO. 1.
CO. I.
Court Appoints Officers; Gov
ernment Set in Motion.
Six Local Candidates are Given
Posts This Morning.
tRLiMk, 'H
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iHaBK. -iJfct Jvrl
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Bfc.-. i BH
HIBk- -' H
HBHlh- -- JiaaB
W. D. Barnes.
A..L. Mackintosh and L. E. Smith.
District Attorney
Harvey H. De Armond.
J. H. Hanei.
Assessor '
W. T. Mullarkey.
Clyde M. McKay.
George S. Young.
Superintendent of 'Schools' -
J. Alton Thompson.
Coroner '
Elmer Niswonger. 4
County Physician
Dr. Dwight P. Miller.
. Sheriff
S. E. Roberts.
The members of the county court this morning agreed,
"without question, in naming Bend as the temporary coun
ty scat, as provided by statute, for Deschutes county.
Monday's all day executive conference, and a similar
session lasting through the greater part of this morning,
Lore fruit just before noon today, when the members of
the first county court of Deschutes county met in the
council chambers of the O'Kane building and unanimous
ly elected county officers. The following were named : J.
H. Haner, county clerk; Clyde McKay, treasurer; W. T.
Mullarkey, of Redmond, assessor; S. E. Roberts, sheriff;
Elmer Niswonger, coroner; Dr. Dwight F. Miller, county
physician; George S. Young, county Purveyor; J. Alton
Thompson, school superintendent. ..
t The appointments were made on the inclusive nomina
tion of Commissioner L. E. Smith, of Redmond, but were
evidently the work of much careful selection on the part
of the court during the closed meetings, as it was known
that applications for the positions had been numerous.
The first open session of the new court started at 11 :20
when Judge William D. Barnes called the meeting to or
der, and requested District Attorney H. H. De Armond
to act as secretary for the meeting. Commissioners
Smith and Mackintosh were here from early in the morn
ing. Only a few, in addition to the court, were present in
the council chambers when the appointments were made.
Of the new county officers, Mr. Haner was a candidate
ior county clerk of Crook county at the last general elec
tion, wliile Mr. Thompson and Mr. Roberts were also
strong bidders for the respective positions of school sup
erintendent and sheriff. Mr. Young and Mr. Niswonger
were successful candidates for the respective offices of
county surveyor and coroner, the same positions as those
accorded them by the new court. Mr. Mullarkey has been
a resident of the county for the last seven years, and held
a position similar to that of assessor in Red Lake county,
Minnesota. He is a widower, with one son. Mr. McKay,
the new treasurer, was formerly game warden in Crook
county, and is connected with the Bend Company.
Dr. Miller, the new county physician, is a graduate of
the University of Oregon Medical department, and also
attended college at Washington State college. He prac-(
tised in Portland for some time before coming to Bend,
and has been located here since early last summer. i
The new officers will qualify for their positions as
quickly as possible in order that the conduct of. the county
affairs may be started at ortce.
William I). Humes f Tuninlo
Appointed Judgo of Deschutes Co.
At four oVIock Friday afternoon
Oovornor James Wlthycomlio op
olutod Ss the county court of the
newly created Deschutes count W.
D. Ilamcs, Tumalo, Judgo; L. K.
Smith, Hcdmond, ana A. I-. Mackin
tosh, living seven miles cast ot
Uend, commissioners.
In making the nppolntmcnts to
the new county court It is under
stood that the governor considered
tho fact that undoubtedly the ma
jority of tho officers to bo appoint
ed by tho court would be from 13 end
and felt suro that the town did not
ttant to "hog" things, but would
wish to have Its pre-election cam
paign promises carried out.
Besides strong Indorsements for
the 'successful candidates the gov
ernor had before him In making tho
appointments petitions and letters
recommending J. 1). Davidson, of
Hend, K. L. Clark and W. 11. Hlloy,
of La Pine, and I. II. Johnson, ot
Mllllcan. Although tho name otMI.
J. Ovorturf was frequently men
tioned in connection with n position
on tho court tho governor' stated
that Mr. Ovorturf never applied for
appointment nor presented uuy In
W. D. llarnes, tho now county
Judge, received n very strong In
dorsement, tho petition asking for
his nppolutmont having over 400
strong porsonnl Indorsements from
signatures. In nddltlnn there weio
many polntB In the new county.
As soon ns tlio nouly nppolnted
members hnve qualified, tho Des
chutes county government will bo
in oftielal existence.
William D, Hnmos, of Tumnln,
the first Judgo ot Deschutes county,
Is 48 years old, having been horn
In Wostmorclnml county, Pennsyl
vania, In 1SG8. Ilo nttemled locnl
schools nud the Northwestern urnd
umy, matriculating at Northwest
em university with tho class of
1891. While In collogo Mr. Ilamcs
was a member of tho baseball team.
After graduating with the degree or
Hacholor ot Aits Mr. Humes spoilt
u year in tho Harvard Qradunte
school, specializing In Qrcek and
Latin. -
For tho 12 years following Mr.,
ilamcs lived neur Daenpdrt .Iown,
spending Ills summers In : botuulz-1
lug and pieparing data for' a vol
urnu on tho flora of eastern Inuu
which was later published by n 'Dav
enport scientific society, ,
In 1903 Mr. Ilarnes moved to
Walla Walla, Washington, and In
the following year, with C. W. Al
len, of Metollus, whom ho had mot
at Wnlla Wallu, ho removed to
Crook county, taking up a Carey net
ranch at Tumalo, .then I.aldluw,' Ir
rigated by tho old Columbia' South
ern project. Slnco that time Mr.
Ilamcs has lived on his ranch,
known as White Hock, In a beau
tiful location overlooking the chasm
ot the Deschutes. Ho has taken a
Continued on last page.)
-t- J I) It itnllroads.
mn Mills.
-- JIMO County Sent.
: . ? ? v ?
Jjujje Attendance 1'ieseiit nt Com
mercial Club Luncheon Elec
tion to He Xet Week.
Tho weokly luncheon of the Uend
Commercial club, held this noon ut
tho Pilot Butto hotel, took the form
of n wclcomu to tho new olllclnls of
Deschutes county, n full turnout of
local boosters crowding the hotel
dining room. Next Wednesday was
tho dato set for the election ot now
olllcers nud directors for tho club.
J. P. Koyos presided, and called
on County Judgo W. D. Dames,
Commissioner L. K. Smith, County
Assessor W. T. Mullnrkoy, County
Treasurer Clydo M. McKay, County
Surveyor George S. Young and DIs
trlct Attorney 11. II. De Armond. Mr.
Dames mentioned the fact that tho
now county olllcers named this
morning had been chosen uiinnl
mously, declared that It would be a
pleasure to work with them, and
asked the co-opcratlou ot tho res
Idents of tho county. His remarks
were seconded by thoso ot Mr.
C. S. Hudson nnd Vernon A
Forbes spoke, assuring tho court
nud tho now ofllclals of tho hearty
Bupport ot the people.
Twin Daughter of Mr. mill Mrs. J. L,
d'altlier Dies, After Crisis
Is Thought Passed.
Gertrude Melba, the three-year-old
daughter ot Mr. ami Mrs. J. L. Gnl-
thor, ot this city; died ut the family
borne ut 11 o'clock last night, after
burojy a week's Illness of acuto
bronchitis. Five hours betoro, she
seemed bettor thuii for sovernl days,
and it was thought that tho crisis
had passed,, and that the little one
would soon begin to Improve
Tlio child was born July 23, 191.1,
In Seattle, and was one of twins, hor
sister Grace, surviving. Tlio family
enmo to lloml but n short time ago,
Mr. Galtber bolng manager nt the
local telephone office. In addition to
her parents and twin sister, an older
brother nud sister survive.
Funeral services nn 111 be hold nt
2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon from
tho undertaking parlors, ltev. II. C.
Hurtrauft, of the Presbyterian
church, officiating. Interment will
he nmdo at tho Hend cemetery,
(11 United I'rru to Th. D.lly HullttinJ
I1AKKU, Deo. 20. Chief of Po
lice 10. H, Jackson Is Investigating
a disturbance which occurred ut tho
high school last night, when'u gang
of boyn broko up a teachers' party.
Janitor A. D. Heasley fired a shot
gun, dispersing the bos, City
School Superintendent A, C. Strange
pursued tho crowd, but was unable
to recognize an one. It Is bellevod
possible that one may have been
slightly Injured,
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B 7--BFT i SbctT-PB---HK;
Rji -UPiuLv iiw'fn
&. 'sT Wr IB J m
911,01)0 Debt Will He Handled at
j Hl Per Cent Next Month by
Denwr Finn, ItcdcemliiK
the Cltj'.s Credit.
(From Tuesday's Dally.)
Stops which will result in placing
Uend's finances on a cash basis, were
tnken Into yesterday afternoon when
the city council met In special ses
sion In tho olllrea ot II. C. Kills in tho
First .N'ntlonal Hank building, with
C. 12. Keoler, of Keeler Ilros., bond
dealers ot Denver. Tho council rat
ified a proposal ot Mr. Keoler that
the Denver concern should take over
all city warrants at par, to boar In
terest nt six por cent.
To cover this tlio city will Issue
bonds mnturlug aL 10 nud 20 years
time, which may bo retired nt any
time that tho city officials may de
sire Mr. Keoler commended the
council members on their action, de
claring that not only would their
financial rating bo Improved, hut
that tlio ability to do business on a
cash basis, Instead of on credit, would
result In a considerable saving to tho
According to the torniB ot tho
ngreomont, the city warrant list' Is
to be compiled and sent to tho Den
ver bond dealers, whoro tho ltoms
will bo tabulated, Tho transaction,
It Is expected, will ho made onrly In
January, nnd If at that time any
nioro warrants have accumulated,
thoy will be nddod to the original
list. Tho present list represents nn
Indebtedness ot approximately $11,
000, and warrants hnve beon nego
tiable only nt u heavy dlcouut.
In addition to going through tho
preliminaries for clearing up tho
elty's credit, tho noccsmirjp f6tjfiia
itlcs wero transacted Incident to tho
delivering ot $3r.,000 for tho securing
ot terminal sites hero and right of
way for tho Straliorn roads. The bond
Issue for this purpose was pureliascd
recontly from tho elty by Keoler
Ilros., at par, mid tho money Is now
available to further Demi's railroad
DNtilct Attorney Wilt. Siijm gues-
t Ion us to Itiibblt is In
He Dctei mined.
Another legal question arising over
tho formation of Deschutes county,
was brought to light yesterday ut the
mooting of the county court of Crook
county, when District Attorney Wlrtz
gavo It us his opinion thut,tfuj riihhll
bounty law, passed by Crook county
before the division, would be equal
ly binding in the new county.
The question fiuno up, according
to II. J. Ovorl-rf, of Hend, who at
tended bis Inst meeting of the Crook
county court, whun members of tho
Nuwsom Creek Itabblt club appeared
boforo tlio court asking payment of
bounties on rabbit scalps. An order
was given on the county clerk to
Issuo warrants on tho rabbit bounty
fund, but no money con bo- paid un
til May, iih tho fund Is now depleted.
It Is expected that tho law will bo
tested out boforo that time, which
may result In the wu mints being de
clared valuolcss.
The chief object for the moetlne
of tho court was tho ro-dlstrlctlng
of election precincts, but ns tho only
re-dlstrlctlng necessary vias In Ilcnd,
this wus omitted.
Will Safeguard night of Central
Oregon Settlers Wlthj combo
Htroiiftly Favors Creation
of Irrigation District.
(Special to The Dully Ilullctln)
SALKM, Or., December 20. Tho
desert laud board, at Its meeting
hero this morning, went on record
In favor ot nn extension ot tho con
tract between tho stnto nud tho fed
eral government covering tho G. O,
I. Carey act lauds. Tlio action was;
taken on tho assumption that an ex
tension of tho contract wouldnot
Interfere with tho settlors' rlghts'to
form an Irrigation district, nud tho
hoard was willing to soo the exten
sion made because ot u tear lest wa
ter rights on that portion ot tho seg
regation already developed would bo
Jeopardized should tho contract
At a later dato tho question will
come up of an extension ot tho con
tract betweott tho statli nnd tho com
pany. Thorn will thou bo no ques
tion ot water rights involved and
it is bollovod that the extension will
not bo allowed.
Tho sontlmont of tho laud board
Is strongly In favor ot the district
present oxtonslon only becnuso of
plan, tho mombors favoring tho
their conviction that It would bo
helpful to the settlors In tho ultl-'
nittto working out of tho district.
Oovornor Wlthycombo, In discuss
ing tho matter, said, "I strongly fa
vor tho creation of tho district nnd
tho taking oror ot tho segregation
by tho settlors. Tho company In
uunblo to do anything furthor by
way of construction work and
should Ici'tliu tunnels have, tinyprn
Joct, The govornor nlso criticised
tho company severely, declaring
that methods of management worn
chiefly responsible for tho troubles
ot tho segregation.
llorcrrlng to tlio faetB disclosed
by the public Hervlco commission
report, Oovernor Wlthycombo point
ed out that at ouo time Malinger
Howard was rocolvlng u salury of
?G00 a mouth, nud nt tho sumo tlmo
commissions, on tho company's land
sales nnd wus profiting on tho com
pany construction. "Someone hud
to pay for this," tho governor said,
"and It Is no wonder tlio settlura aro
Doth tho Powell lluttu Improve
ment league and tho Itedmnnd Com
meicUil oluh sirod the board asking
for tho extension.
Mori liner Hnillli, of I.uPlne, Found
Dead In His Chair.
LA IM.VE. Deo. 20. Heart trouble
Is thought to have cuused tho death
of Mortimer Smith, aged 71 years,
of this community, uho wus found
dead nt his home Monday afternoon
ny his brother Fred, who had Just re
turned from a trip ufter stray cuttle
through tho sui rounding country.
Mr. Smith wus n plonuor cattleman
ot Central Oregon.
That tho nud had come peacefully
was Indicated by tha conditions of
tniugs about the house.
Miiht Huliirgo Prrshjterliin Church,
hajx Committee,
To ntcommodato tho crowds uhlrli
nro expected for the union evange
listic services which will begin In
Hend on January 7, a temporary
gullory Is to bo constructed Mn tho
Presbyterlun church, whoro thimcnt
lugs will commence, wus the dcVlslou
of tho committee In chnrgo o ar
rangemonts, which met ut tho lYres
byterlan church lust night. It may
bu nucesaury, ucrordlng to llov. II At
Hurtraqft, tho general chairman, o
movo Into 'more commodious quar
ters, boforrt the mcotlngs como to a
Hov. W. C. Htowart was named
chairman of the advertising commit
tee, anil l. I), (lllson was selected
to head tho finance coinmlttco.
Dr. Hlwood P. Lyon, of Los An
geles, will be the evangelist, nnd will
bring with him singers to ho In
chargu pf tho musical part of the ser
vices. The meetings will last for ut
least three weeks, and will b nf
llongor duration If It Is deemed that
worn is huh tell to bo accomplished
at tho end of that period.
wero burning In two stoves ami wat
er In a recontly filled kettle was Just
beginning to boll.
Mr. Smith was sitting In a rocker
near the stoe, apparently asleen.
He had been dead but a few niln-
A Look W llminil
HeoaiiBo tho road between Fort
Klamuth and Crescent Is Impas
sable, Joe L ningo and family wero
compelled to go to Hend, tnko tho
train to Portland, und then to Klam
ath Falls. They arrived last ovoli
lug. Mrs UIiiko and the .children to
spend the winter huie Mr. Itlngo
will return to Critsrent soon. No
stage runs between Fort Klamath
(lood flroMjtind Crcmcent uud no people llvo
Governor Signs Proclamation Creating Deschutes County i'a i."af Sl. .""" '" poor htaU" Sy'SSK! buraed rurr,u
along the roud, except John Klott. at
uuuiiir .iiursn. Jienc tho road Is
blocked us soon as snow Hies, unless
one wishes to break a trail for about
C4 miles Mr. IUueo has n hm..
Stead at Crescent and operates tho