HReiwMMnntSgmS? 'M' PV- T - L" ;;v'-..l';' $,"? f- - -w-rn" '84 v n - yiiWPT F m in ' .yCXsmwacik.; PAflR 8. THi: IIK.VD I1ULLKTI.V, IIKXI1, OKE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1010 wjViJrl ' J &' 11 ' i Mil iwm ir .w-., . - bu. . t .. fc-jL4. ium jk WW.?5 , tni(AAHPBaiM""WIBIWfi JMTVhVr-2 ... .1. i i iw rAQE Th Influerv tl On : pectus flnds d draft. It xnnV lias si Vccl u cuce 1 depth Tim helm j knots,! in sliuf . 01 t S- ..- ) COUNTY LEVY 0 GENERAL FUND TAX IS LOWERED. Jtodcnt Iluunty and Iiictcum! In (cn -rnl .School Levy Miiko Total Hume its I.nxt Year IXIniul- cil Valuation JjiH,.i:i I. IOC. JUVENILE COMMITTED John Tramhlfas Sent to State Train iiiK .School. II G E - - Till: COUNTY LEVY. V - General funil IS.STi mills Oonural hcIiooI 4. mills City IiIkIi Bchool. ... 2.5 mlllo County library 05 mills - Hoik'iit bounty ' mills Tola! .. . 20 mills IleturnliiK from I'rlnavllln last nlnlit. County Commlssloiior Over turf repotted tba c.xnrt details of thu IiiiiIrcI lovy of 20 mills as un nouiicuil In Tliu Ilulletln ycstorilay. With tlii'.sn Hums avallablu, local taxes for 1017 tiro bocii to bo na fol lows: For Howl city propurty, city IK, school district 12.17, and county S8Vii total 58lfc; for school district 12 outslilo city limits, district 12, 17 mills, county 2.1 i, total 40 . mills. Tlio county IiIkIi school tax Is not iialil lu district 12. Court Hail to (iucss. To a lai'KO oxtent tlio labor of tlio .mint lu sctlliiK this year's lovy was Kucss work bocauso of tlio lack of definite Information on miveral jiolnts which aro uccossary to hu ron Hldorcd lu deuldliiK on tlio tax. Ono of theso, tlio actual county assess ment for tlio current year, which Is tlio valuation on which thu tux Is lovled, Is not yet known bucnuso of thu failure of thu Htnto Tax commis sion to announce before this time what thu public utilities of the coun ty lire valued at. I.ackliiK this Information, tlio court proceeded on thu theory that this Item of the total wan the samo as last year, and that the Krand total was ?.S,r,:!4,4 00, and all computa tions were made on that basis. Another piece of Information lack Iiik was the amount of statu tax that thu county will bo 'railed upon to pay next year, awl this also was esti mated on the basis of last year's tax. If It turns out that tlio amount Is Kreator the county general fund will lei reduced by the amount not anticipated, which Is taken for statu purposes. Comparison Is .Made. CnmparliiK tbo levy for 1917 with that for tbo current year It appears that tlio Kewiral fund mllhiKi) Is re duced l.t! mills awl the Kcnoriil school lax luci cased ono mill. Tim county IiIkIi school and thu library mllhiKoa remain the same, or 2.5 and .05 mills, respectively, awl one now Item Is added, 0.G mill for rod ent bounty County Juilco Springer loft last nlRht for Salem, inking with him John Trnmbltns, brother of the Port land pugilist of tho samo name, the boy having been committed In the Juvenile court yesterday afternoon to the Stato Training school for boys at tho capital. A series of petty thofts lu which tlio boy was alleged to have been Implicated, constituted the en ii Be of tho commitment. Young Trambltas was sont to Fort Hock last month by tho Multnomah county Juvenile court, being given Into tho custody of Charles Wold, A little later ho ran awny, coming to Howl, where he has remained ever since. I LOCAL RANCHERS ARE EXERCISED. Contentious! arc That Outside Sheep- men Will Destroy Local Grazing ("iittlc Industry Threatened Sh.vm ,1. II, Stanley. WKEKM' Thousands of Women's Heautlful Now Handkerchiefs, at 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c; see theso, at Stock mon's 5c, 10c, 25c Store, Uend St. Adv. 42c El tS KINK (JETS .MUCH SI'I'I'OItT Kospunsc8, Indicating that ho will have umplu support from tho legisla tors of tho next Oregon session to assure him of the position of calen dar clerk at tho coining session, aro dally being received by Chas. W. Krs kino, of Iieml, who has communicat ed with many legislators lu tho last week. Hank Olllclal KerominewN Them T. J. Xorrell, vlco president of tho Hank of Cottonwood, Tex., writes: "I havo received relief awl recom mend Koloy Kidney Pills to any ono who has klduoy trouble." Kidney trouble manifests Itsolf In many ways in worry, by nchos. nnlns. soreness, stiffness, and rheumatism. Sold ovory where. Adv. Clean up and paint up. Sco Ed wardB. Adv. For farm land loaas sco J. Hynn torvlcu. Adv. In sotting tho rndtfiit bounty at tho figure given it Is understood that tho court was Influenced by tho fact that the bounty law, which was adopted by tbo Initiative at the last election, may ho contested In tho i-nurtH and declared unconstitutional. It was argued in tho budget meet lugs that If tho full' 150,001), esti mated to ho needed, were raised by taxation, and then the law knocked out lu tho courts, tho tax payors would have paid in nil uncalled-for amount, which would have Increased their bills beyoug reason. Following this reasoning, the court set tbo amount to bo raised for boun ties at 5,000. with tho understand ing that If the law stands warraust will ho Issuud to pay bounties after thu $5,000 Ih oxpewled. Tax League OiiltN. One of the Interesting features of thu budget hoshIoub was the retreat of the forces of the newly organized tax league, promoted lu tho vicinity of Itfdmnnd and Lower llridge. Tho expectation of tho leaders of tbo leugue, according to geuernl under standing, was to go to Priuovlllu and nrret out tho many Instuuces of Improper expenditure on tho purt of the county court which they wero sure they would find. Then they were to come to tho budget meeting aipl relate what they had found and insist that for tho coming year tho tux bo lowered awl the money spout properly. I'p to tho ferret business every thing progressed smoothly, hut there the party ended because there was nothing to ho found. This was ad mitted publicly by J. J Ellluger, one of tho luadois In tho moxemuut. lu his statement. Mr. Klllngor said that ho was much pleased with what he had found when he enmo to got actual j facts at first hand Mr Ktlluger had no complaint to make, hut stated Cult the Tax League would ho con tinued as a bureau of ix.ut luformti-' torn for the benefit of tin taxpayers if th' Miuutrv Want Ads only ONE CENT n word Took tho Hurt Out of Her Hack. Mrs. Anno Hyrd, Tuscumbla, Ala., writes: "I was down with my hack so I could not stand up moro than halt tho tlmo, Foley Kidney Pills took nit tho hurt out." Itheumntlc pains, Hwollon nnklcs. backacho. stiff Joints nud sleep disturbing bladdor nllmenta Indicate disordered kidneys uwl bluddur trouble. Adv. Look ahead foe Christmas, for that Vlctrola, at Heed &. Horton. Adv. Relations, which It Is understood are not altogether too amicable among tho cattle and horsemen, cast of Helid, and sheepmen from various parts of Lako county who, It Is said, have come north into Crook county for winter range, aro strained almost to tho breakulg point, according to J. II. Stanley, n well known cattle man, and owner of tha Stanley ranch. Tho appearance of 0,000 head of sheep on tho Carey Act lauds, known by the cattlemen as "opon range," Is, according to tho cattlemen, prob ably tho commencement of unfriend ly relations, awl threatens, If tho number Is Increased nud grazing is permanent, to destroy tho cattle rais ing Industry of this imincdlato lo cality. This is tho first year, they say, that the southern sheepmen have taken to tho northern range to any great extent, and tho Initial move ment of sheep to this locality Is only a test. If the rango is profitable tho cattlemen believe that other sheep men will follow with larger bonds, Thirty Stockmen Concerned. In tho opinion of Mr. Stanley, who Is ono among .'10 stockmen to utilize tho range lu tho Horse Hldgo vlcln Ity, they havo a prior right, not par ticularly under tho law, but under a gentlemen's agreement, for tho use of tho range. Hu says that tho stockmen havo kept closo to their ranches, which dot this locality, awl have so far been nblo to graza their stock In a fairly economical way. Ho contends that tho rango will not carry horses and cattlo and also tho sheep, awl that tho rango Is essen tially lu character a horso and cattlo range, cattlo at tho present, predom inating. With regard to local sheepman, ho iLWWttiwCKafwBitawttinwMj cwrwawgiiwf iiu'ii,mjr,fnac'f"j'':' is m, v ; t ': vm!h 10 Discount says, never has any serious difficulty arisen, and that tho feeling among tho cattlemen and local sheepmen litis always been'friendly. Tho rango over which tho controversy Is said now to exist ombrnces about 30,000 acres, upon which approximately 1,500 head of cattle awl horses aro being wintered. Dlfllrtilty is In Distribution. (One of the principal features aris ing hears upon the territory Into which the sheepmen from Lako coutu ty should enter. With tho cattle men there Is no deslro to grab all tho range, .but they deslro to havo protection on that part lying north of the Hcnd-Uurns road. They say that they havo year around water holes north of thu road for some dis tance, and south of tho Central Ore gon Irrigation Company's canal, awl that It has been found that tho cat tle do not graze south of the Hend Hums road, owing to the dlstanco from theso witter holes. Theso water holes, the stockmen contend, aro In valuable to tbo grazing of their stock and that any encroachment by a largo number of sheep will greatly hamper their business. Further contentions seem to be that tho foreign sheep men are invading these precincts to the dlsplcasiiro of the cattlemen, and It Is indicated, from tho opinion giv en by Mr. Stanloy, that trouble may nrlso If tho practice continues. Sheep Itiiuge Scnrre. The Lako county sheepmen havo not been seen, but It is understodd that they havo complained to local authorities about expressed Inten tions of tho cattlemen, if sheep aro not moved from this rango. Tho scarcity of rango in Lako county has been assigned as ono of tho reasons actuating their migration this year Into Crook county. Trouble It Xot Wanted. "Thero Is no deslro to bring up old feuds on matters of tho range," said Mr. Stanley last night when In town," but tho cattlemen out our wny nro very much exercised about tho situation. Tlit-y feel that as they havo occupied this rango for n per iod of 14 years, and hnvo dovclopcd n system of handling their stock, they are entitled to the exclusive uso of the land, yhlclt lies near their ranges. "This Is certain, if tho sheep con tlnuo on tho local range, cattlemen will have to go out of business, bo-1 ( DOCTORS HAVE THE KNAC. Of GETtlHO WISE. ) 00 YOU MEAN TO SAY DOCTOR THAT A CHEW OF THAT Size IS TOO MUCH? YES, WHIN YOU ARE USINOAl PURE. RICH ARTICIE A SMALL CHtW 13 BETTER. OlVtS YOU -, itgnnilE TOBACCO ' I iTir,fiAn I IU3PIT I m i sm i jmtamt? 5?v y . v. SHiV HMt 'T I ni TC H ... slim A kz. Jr less. GET this under your scalp lock : ' I you won't take a little chew don't take any" that's the W-B CUT Chewing message you hear gentlemen telling each other all over the country. It's common sense applied to chewing tobacco. W-B is rich tobacco shredded and lightly salted and you bet men arc glad that it has come about at last. Htio by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO UnJ.a Squire, Kw Tk Qty cause cattlo cannot feed on rango Grazed over by sheep. Many of tho farmers havo purchased a fow head of cattle, and ono man has Just come Into tho county with about 200 head of bores, purchased considerable land and, If tho rango Is not maintained for them, It Just means going out of business." Mr. Stanley expressed tlio bellof that tho Blicepmcn when Intelligent ly nppronched upon this subject, mak ing plain the inevitable results of their grazing sovcrnl thousand hend of sheep, would take such action as would bring about continuance of friendly relations. IIOSCII ELECTED MAYOR At the city olectlon hold this week at Redmond, J. V. Hosch was elected mayor over Alfred Munz. J. H. Roberts, W. B. Daggott and J. I). Butler wero chosen as members ot tho city council for tho two-year torrn, and P. M. Reedy, h. C. Marlon nud Matt Curolln for tho one-year term. To Stop Sclf-Polsonlng. For furred and coated tongue, biliousness, sour stomach, Indiges tion, constipation and other results of a fermenting and poisoning mass of undigested food lu tho stomach and bowels, there Is nothing hotter than that old-fashioned physic Foley. Cathartic Tablets. Do not grjpoj net promptly. Sold every where. Adv. MRS. PLUM LEY TO WEI) TACOMA, Wash., Dec. 8. A mar riage llccnso was Issued hero toduy to Paul Krauso and Carrlo Pluraley, of Bend, Oregon. Mrs. Plitmloy is tho divorced wlfo of A. C. Plumloy, n homesteader liv ItiB In tho vicinity of Dry Lake, tho divorce having taken place last sum mer. Tho cause named In tho com plaint was desertion. Mrs. Pluraley owiib a little property hero and for somo tlmo has supported herself by working In restaurants and running a rooming houso. Paul Krauso is a painter. He painted all tho Shovlln Hlxon buildings. ,.fr5"r 'U 5 V fifi 99 Wear-Ever Aluminum Roasters December 18 (o 23, Inclusive "WEAR-EVER" ROASTER WEEK Christmas of 1936 SHE will uso thc"WEAR-EVER" Roaster a gift from yourself Christmas of 1916 Mitivtl JiflHihW vitvit mWijM t Golden West Coffee, Is "Just Rlfihr Replace utensils that wear out with utensils that "Wear-Ever" Most roasters are used only once or twice a year. The "WEAR. EVER" roaster can be used every dayfor steamlnR fruit in jars, for bakingon top of the stove, for steaming fish.corn.asparagus.ctc. You can prepare a whole meal at one time in the "Wear-Ever" Roaster, clsk for booklet Order Your Roaster On or Before December 23 and Get 10 Discount SKUSE HARDWARE COMPANY Oregon Street, Bend, Oregon m w V- "tr. Shevlin Pine SOLD BY MILLER LUMBER COMPANY 0 .. d v W" ,.' -j Vi. - I .?! ,1V lr ' V W ,p , i! i ., ttfKUM !rMfitfk-JJi