The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 13, 1916, Page PAGE 7, Image 7

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l'AdE ?.
This Beautiful 26-Piece Set of fc9l 7C
Oneida Community Silver , iOct 4 D
Beautiful Patterns in Patrician, Georgian and Sher
aton Designs. The Most Beautiful for Christmas.
Ten Spoons Six In flnnl roll , J2.30
Drxrrt Spoons Six In flanntl roll ! tl.RO
Tabic Sioon Six In flannel roll $5,00
Hound Bowl Soup Spoon-Slx In flannel roll , ,!!..!!... .11.00
Oranirc Spoon--Six In llnwl lo $3.60
Ice Ten Spoon Six in lined box .IJ.50
Ilcrrry Rpooni-One In lined box , $2.00
Cream Lndle One In lined box , $1.35
(lrvy Ladle One In lined box , i.$l,75
Table Fork (flat handle) Six In flunnel roll ., , $5,00
Individual Salad forks Six In lined box $4.76
Oytcr Forka-SIx In lined box , .,. $3,25
Cold Meet Fork One In lined box , JI.S5
I'lcklc Fork One In lined box , , $1.00
Table Knlvea (Hollow Handle I-Six In flannel roll .,.1 $6.75
Table Knives (Modeled Handle) -Six In flannel roll $3.75
lluttcr Spreader (Flat Handle) Six In lined box $4.00
Fruit Knives (Modeled Handle) Six In lined box , $3.25
Do Server (Hollow Handle) -One In lined box , $2,50
lluttcr Knife- One in lined box $1,00
Sugar Shell One In lined box .. $1.09
Ilnbin"' Spoon- One In lined Lux . .... 75
Child's Knife, Fork and Spoon St in lined Box ....$2.73
Todny's wcntlier raa.xlmura, Gl
degrees; minimum, 18 degrees.
Eilwnrrt Street, of Kite, 1b a Bend
visitor today.
J. J. Onsen Is reported to by 111
with the grip.
J. E. Lnnu left this morning cm h
business trip to The Dalles, Enter
prlso mid Portland. &
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. I). Knutsqnjtx
pect to raovo Into their new home
In llend View nbout December 20..
P. A. Wooloy Is confined lo his
room by n severely cut foot, sus
tained while working on the new
Pilot Uutto hotel;'" .
J. W. Murrny, special nEent for
the Paclllc Telephone) & Telegraph
Co., nrrlved yesterday to assist
Manager Crothor during the Illness
of his llt,t!o girl.
Joseph Young, who sustained a
badly crushed foot n few days ago
while- working In tho Wilkinson
mill. Is reported to bo Improving
nicely at tho llend Surgical hospit
al. The Baptist Women's Union will
hold Its regular monthly business
meeting at tho residence of Mrs. G.
-aW. v Cheney. Louisiana street In
lirk addition Thursday afternoon
2:30 p. m.
Ansen Brooks, of Minneapolis,
froasuror or tho lirooics-seunion
dumber Co., arrived In Uend this
imornlng and will be tho guest of
fills nephew Harry K. Urooks for o
few days. Mr. Ilrooks will nlso In
spect tho operations at tho Brooks
Scanlon Lumber Co.'s plant.
(From Tuesday's Dally)
Todays Temperatures Maximum,
47; minimum 34.
Ed. Dean was up from Tumalo
this morning. " J
Frank .McCaffrey, L. K. Smith and
E. L. Lcnnou, of Redmond, were
Uend visitors this morning,
The littlo daughter of Manager J,
L. Galther, of the Pacific Tolephono
& Telegraph Co., is very 111.
F. H. Prehcr, who has been em
ployed en the now Pilot Uutto hotel,
left today for his homo In Port
Uoyd and Hoy Kelzur have re
turned to Uend from Medford, whore
they attended tho funeral services
of their bother.
-J. Steld I, has bods Stovo and John
and Ilruco DeArmond, left today for
a 25-mlle trip up tho river, to hunt
during the next week.
Tho Ladles of tho Altar Society of
tho Catholic church will meet Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. I). Sphlcr
at her homo In this city.
County Commissioner II. J. Over-
turf left night to attend tho conven
tion of county judges and commis
sioners to bo held there this week.
Mrs. Overturt accompanied him.
Inrday night to take up his duties
with The Bulletin.
Wnlter 11. Joffrcy, of Salem, came
In Sunday morning to 'tako a posi
tion with The Bulletin.
Jno. Park, living near Cllno Butte,
broke both bones of his right arm
Thursday, cranking a car.
Mr. and Mrs. M. J. HobertB left'
Saturday evening for Sault Salnto
Marie, Michigan, to spend tho win
ter. W. C. Blrdsall, manager of tho
Pilot Butto Hotel, has returned from
a business visit to Portland lasting
several days.
The Bend Benevolent association
meets tomorrow to mako' final nr
rnngctucuta tor tho distribution of
Christmas gifts.
Mrs. A. Whlsuant and daughter
arrived this morning from Portland,
to Join Mr. Whlsnant. They will
make their homo In Bend. -
W. T. Klnsey nnd James Wilson,
building contractors, arrived hero
last'weok from tho John Day volley
to go Into business. They aro for
mer residents of Portland.
Mrs. L. C. Cummlngs and two
children.. of Portland, spent tho week
end with Mrs. Cummlngs' paronts,
Mr. nnd Mrs. O. W. Hail, of this
qlty. Thoy returned, to their homo
yesterday. .'
The Ladles Aid of the Scandlnov-lou-Luthoran
church will hold n ba
silar tonight in tho now Scandlnnv-
Fin . f .Iilinnl. A. n,.n(t..
M!I-1I.. 111'... II UIIUIi;il .Ill IIUVIIIII
halo will be held, nnd refreshments'
f will bo served.
(From Monday's Dally.)
Mrs. C. S. Hudson left lust night
for n trip to Portland.
W. X. Brown camo up from lied
moud this morning.
Bert Shuey Is assisting this week
In Balrd's grocery storo.
G. II. Furst returned Saturday
night from a buslnoss trip to Port
laud. Sheriff Knox and District Attor
ney Wlrtsi aro hero from Priiiuvlllc
M. II. Morton Is confined to his
homo today with an uttack of ton-sllltls.
Born, this morning to Mr. and
Mrs. John MoKau, an eight mid a
half pound ooy.
Henry X Fowler arrived hero Sat-
Silk Neckwear at 2oc, 50c, 75c, $1, $1.50
Silk Reefers, at - ?2-50
Silk Hose, at I 35c, 50c, 75c
Umbrellas, at $,1,01,iP
Handkerchiefs, both plain and initialed, 25c
Ide Shirts M $1-25 to $2.00
Suit Cases B- 2.50 to $15 00
Knoxknit Lisle Hosg -5c
Hardeman and Mcgbbon Gl g
svers"::::::: rSK
Night Shirts and Pijamas $1.00 to $2.00
'.-nnp SHM HKT8 THE l'ACn."
(From Saturday's Dally Bulletin.)
' M. S. Mayficld, of Prlnovlllo, Is a
business visitor in Bend today.
Mrs. A. Munz, of Ucdmnnd, Is in
iiend this afternoon on business.
Mrs. K. W. Hall Is enjoying n visit
from her oldest daughter, Fern.
H. M. Stephens, cashier of tho
Central Oregon Bank, is on tho Blck
list today.
Andrew McAllister, of Tumalo, Is
In town today as a witness in tho
IinB8olbcrg-Smtth land case.
F. Berry and P. A. Chandler, of
Culver, came In this morning on their
way up river on a duck hunting
Miss Mary Bonn nrrlved this morn
ing from Portland andvloft for her
homestead iicni- Alfalfa to spend n
few wcrfks.
F. V. Moffet has moved his of
fices from, tho Bend Water, Light &
Power Comnany's building to 1020
Wall street.
John Hynn nnd John Coleman re
turned this morning from Portland,
whero they attended the livestock
show this week.
J. C. Uhodes, Frank S. Glover, Dr.
W. O. Manning and Clins. Bailey left
yesterday morning for Spring river
for a two dnys' hunting trip.
Mrs. S. S. Steams, of Prlnovlllo,
is vlsltlnc In Bend todav with four
rf her children and her brother,
Frank., Day, of Cnrleton, Oregon.
A. N. , Wakefield, who has been
tnking tho school census for tho last
fow weeks, expects to lenvo Monday
for Seattle to spend a pnrt of the
Miss Fern Itcff entertained nbout
20 young people- nt her homo last
night, tho occasion bolng her birth
day. The evening wns spent with
games, and refreshments worn also
Mr. and Mrs. U. B. LaFollotte,
and children, of Hod in on d, aro In
town todny. Mr. LaFollotto (.Mend
ed tho meeting of tho Central Ore
gon Farmers' Creamery this afternoon.
1). II. Peoples, of tho Crook Coun
ty Abstrnct Conipnny, nnd Mrs. Poo
pics, of Prlnovlllo, nro visiting In
Bend todny. Mr. Peoples expects to
attend tho Central Oregon Irrigation
congress In Bend next Wednesday.
II. C. Kills says that rabbit hunt
ing promises to bo n popular diversion
In Crook county during tho winter
mouths, if tho Interest Hint is being
shown by farmers near Bend can bo
taken ns a gungo. Mr. Kills snys ho
Is flooded with Inquiries about tho
provisions of tho rabbit bounty law.
Suggested Gifts
For Men
Gloves and Scarfs
Hnnd sowed Chamois Gloves for men, washable,' nt
pair .$15.00
Gray, Glace, or Mocha Gloves, silk lined, nt. ..$2.00 pnli-
Heavy Gray Driving Gloves (51.50 pair
Fibre Silk Scarfs, In pleasing color combinations
SI. 25 to SU.C'O
Silk Hosiery
Fibre Silk Half Hose
Pure Silk Half Ho;o .
.15c pair-
30o, "5c pair
I TOYS . '
'DOLLS ' '
Embroidered Handkerchiefs
Inltlnl Embroidered Handkerchiefs . ItiJio, "e, BO
Xew Silk Xeckwear, Just In by express . 25c, 50c, $1.00
Other Gift Suggestions
Shirts, Neckwear, Snontors I'ndorwonr, (Iiirtors Aral
Bands Supcndor, l'ujuiiui-, I-Vlt i Leather Slippers, ctr.
Gift Suggestions
For Women
If your gift problem Is a perplexing one, wnlk throiiKb
our nislo. Many urtlcles nro displayed which will sug
gest to you a gift suttnblo for HUH.
Gordon Furs
GOItDON ITItS A Useful Gift. New Melon Muffs, nt-io
Scarfs to Mntch
Handkerchiefs, Gloves,
Hand Bags, Mesh Bags,
Boudoir Caps
Dainty Undermuslins
Doll Buggies
Doll Furniture
We Sell Christmas Trees
I Bend's only Complete 1
I Warner's
I Santa's Headquarters ' I
W. S. Mc.N'nmnrn, assistant man
ngor of tho Portlnnd offlco of tho
Ford Motor company, Is In Bend to
day on liuslncHM for thu Fori! com
pany. F. II. Ciinnlnghnm, who was In
jured several days ago at tho Brooks
Scanlon Lumber Company's camp, Is
reported to bo resting moro easily
nt tho Bend hospital.
Sum Brooks, superintendent of tho
logging department of tho Klngcomu
Logging Co., of Powell Hlvor, B. C,
arrived tills morning for n short stay
with his brother, II. K. Brooks.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Koyerf nnd Mr.
mid Mrs. H. K. BrookH returned this
morning from Portland, where Mr.
Koyes und Mr. Ilrooks attended it
special meeting of tho Western Pino
Ilurvey DoArmoud's mother, Mrs.
K. C, DeArmond, and Lester DeAr
mond, a younger brother, huvit eomo
to Bend to mako their homo. For tho
present, Mr. DeArmond In employed
In Beunett'H grocery more.
George S, Young, United States
Mineral Surveyor, and county sur-
voyor-el'R't, hits moved his office from
room 5, First Nutlonal Bank build
ing, to room 12, the quarters former
ly occupied by Dr. .Manning.
Mr uud Mrs. Colo K. Smith left
Wednesday morning for Hartlluo,
Washington, with the body of their
daughter, Sophie Marie, who died of
pneumonia Tuesday. Tho Interment
wilt bo made In tho ilartllnu cemetery.
.Veivh Kiij-n Treatment of Football
Temii ComonlN lloniN.
Now comes nnothnr Bunm paper,
the Harney County Xown, and miya
moro kind things concerning tho
treatment accorded tho llnrnH foot
ball team on its recent vlutl hero.
Says the News:
"So well did tho Ilcod people
treat tho Burns team Unit nil dis
appointment regarding ttio (allure.
of Prlnovlllo to stuv with timii.
agreement, majestically tllHiippear-
eii. ah clubs and social fniieilona
In tho city woro lavish In tlieir dof
orence nnd Hhowerlng of lourliiKloa
upon tho visitors from th'n ulty.
"Bums Iiiih always onnldnrod
Bend a very roiiKlileradj buMlueiH
neighbor, but now tho nM ml bunds
have been cemented solidly. Burns'
team of footbnll nlaviim worn muilu
up of young business me), nnd thoRo
Interested In tho business lite of our
city, and this consilium! hi liu ilnv
sister elty has umalgainiitiK) (he.
business Issues and theu. will al
ways bo tho kindliest of toolings In
Burns for Bend uud her wdn uwako
citizens. "
Sou our China Plates, Oiiiih und
Kuucers, Deep Dishes, at tirhoH that
will shock you. Ktoekmon'ii tie, 10c,
16c, 2Co Storo Adv. 42
Turning Now Your Thoughts
Toward Christmas
fher ultta)x In toineotin jou ilohlro Ui reineiultei' TJ'
gift luuy not Ji" laboruti It need not be, to bo ttltrurtho.
We call )our uttrntluir to tlieho eff-lhe gfftkt
Stationery " flonfectioneBy
Rubber Goods ' Toilet Preparations
Fountain Png, . . Pyralin Ivory
Cigars Pkjfe. Candies
We have an 'Innumerable lot of Iniperxouul giftN,
Magill'& Erskine
O'Ktoe Bulldiag
Piione 1571
".!) fw.