The Bend bulletin. (Bend, Or.) 1903-1931, December 13, 1916, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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Maria Thompson Daviess
Author of 'The Melting
of Molly"
IMC by the
Urltton Co.
Ilfllly &
Viva la Franct.
inn tiiiclc nf A morion Imi come-
to a coiifti'loii of t tic sox be
tween I'lorru nml me from
n in fU-s memory mm mo
ivrllliiK of my Imnil. which In of a
Krciit IjoMih'xk, liiit not to bo easily
ri'iid," 1 explnlnod iih I rrnil tlio loiter
aloud to I'lorie unit .N'linnotte.
It tool; mi' Jui-t one hour by the rlocle.
sitting tliore on the lle nf steamer
wraps -with the small I'lorro in tlio hol
low of in- iinii, to fAplaln unci trans-
Into thi souse of t lint letter to old Nap.
iictto, mill I fiel sure sho would lmvo
been slttlmr uiioii Unit cpot jet. Im
moviible, rather than let mo depart
from her If I had not put all of my
time mid force uikiii the picturing to
lier of a 1'ieiio who could coino down
with her later to mo In a condition to
J mi through I ho cardeiiH of Twin Oales,
which wax the homo of his American
uucestoiH. With that vision constantly
before her hIio let the porter and mo
Insert her Into a taxlcab and extract
her at the door of the Ktnnll private
hoHpltal of the pood Dr. Hums, who
was to perforin the miracle for the
buck and hip of Miiall mid radiant
"Hut what Is It that I do to permit
tlio Jciiuu II He of my belocd mlnticss
to depart Into ttilN city of wicked sav
ages not attended by me? 1 cannot.
Do not demand It!" Mere the words
with which 1 left her nrsulnic with
that very Nympathctlc nnd hciihIIiIc doe
tor of America. He had not noticed
u confusion of sex was between I'lerro
and me, and ho had dent out the check
of my wicked undo nnd procured the
American money for me. AIno ho had
Klven me h few directions thnt ho a
poured to think of a prcnt nuttlclciiey
nnd hud ordeied a taxi to be In readi
ness for me,
"Nonsense, nurHe," he said to Nan
notte briisipiely, but not "lib unkind
lies, when 1 had translated to hi in
Nunnette'ii eeplujr protests. "A Rreiit
"trapping girl like that can cot down
to tlio llarpeth valley all right by her
Belf. Nobmly'H going to eat her up,
and fioni the hIzc of the biceps 1 de
tect under that chiffon I think sho
could give a good account of herself
If anybody tried. How like you are
to what Henry was at your ago, child,
Cod bless you! I'd go to the station
wllh you, but I've n patient nil pre
pared Tor an operation. Shall I tend
a with youV
"No. please, good doctor, and good-
by," I said, with n gioat hat-te, as I
hurriedly embraced both Nauuette and
the M.mll I'leire and departed down
the broad steps Into the taxi with tlio
open door.
"Your train may not leave for hours,
but you can get your baggage togeth
er. (loodby," mild that good doctor as
ho shut I ho door and returned to his
pursuit of making human beings either
whole or deud.
"And now, Uoberta Cnrru thorn, no
lotigor Mnrqulso of (Ires nnd B.u you
aro In your Amerlcu, hiiiI let's eo you
do Home bunding."
And whllo that very swift taxi con
eyed mo to tlio law Million (hat Is
its beautiful us u cathedral 1 did mhiio
whnt 1 iinmo "lull tlilnLlng." What
would bo the result of my womanly
arrival In that state of Harpeth of my
wicked tmMoJ Would ho bo forced to
mimler mo us his letter hud said?
And If In his anger out tlio mistake
ho hnd made from my letter, written
In that very bold nnd dltllcult hand
writing, ho Nhould turn from mo and
the good Nnnnetto and Pierre us well,
what would I then do? All must be
innetod Unit u cure for IMerre bo ob
tallied. With wilt energy I hnd been
thinking, but I did not know what It
was thut 1 should do to pre twit Ids
migor when 1 arrived to him as a
woman until suddenly the good Dr.
Hums' kindness In marking tho ro
embalnro of me to my fnther In Ida
extreme jouth made uu entry luto my
mum mm was received with tho great
ly tlio daredevil who
L--' -"'
somo young man of fashion. The mnn
who assisted me to buy was very large,
with n hcml only ornamented with a
drjpery of gray hnlr around tho edges,
nnd he spoke much of what his son
deemed suitable (o make appearance
In the prevailing m'ode.
"He's at ten wllh n Indy Mend thli
afternoon, nnd I wish you could tinve
wuv him when he left the store to
meet her," he snld ns he laid the Inst
of tho slllc scarfs nnd hose Into one of
the largo lint bags I had purchased and
which he had pneked as I selected.
"Ho had on the mntch to these gray
tweeds and was fitted out In lavender
from the skin out. Now. what nro you
going to do nbout shoe, mlssi"
"That I do not know, kind sir." I
made nnswer, with grent perplexity.
"I think thnt the feet of my iclntlvc
are nbont the'slze nf thoe I pness."
"Most wnmen would wear shoes near
tl'e-1 Izo of their brothers' If they didn't
prefer to wnddle nnd limp along with
their feet scrouged. Go over to tho
shoe department nnd the clerk will lit
you out with what you need In about
two sizes larger than you wenr. If
they nro not light you enn tell Just
nbout what will bv. nnd exchange 'cm
by special messenger. I'll pack nil
this shlpshnpc bcfoio you come back."
With which direction 1 left tho kind
mnn nnd made my way to another of
equal kindness.
"I have hnd upon my feet the shoes
of my brother when In nccldcnts whllo
nt hunting nnd fishing, nnd I think I
enn ascertain n good fitting." I made
n falsification to tho very polite young
mnn who stood with attention and
sympathy to wnlt upon me.
"We'll make n selection nqd then try
one pair on," ho advised me.
And ns I gnvo to him n line descrip
tion of the clothing I bad purchased
ho brought forth in nccord many won
derful boots and shoes for tho riding
nnd n walking nnd also for the dance.
1 hnd never observed that the shoes of
men wcro of such an ugliness, but
when ono wns upon my foot In ploco
of the shoe of much beauty which I
discarded both 1 and tho young mnn
hnd n lino Inugh.
"Mnls. they nro of n grcnt comfort,"
I further remarked. "And they feel
about as did thoso of my brother, who
Is of n small frame."
"Well, If they nro not right, send 'em
bnck nnd I'll chnngo 'em," ho answer
chI, with great Interest.
After the exchange of much money
between us tho young mnn went with
mo to tho other kind old man of the
wlilto hnlr, nnd together they mndc
places In tho two bags for the shoes.
"Just $700 nil told, nnd tho like of
that outfit couldn't bo bought In any
other place of stylo In New York for
lens than n thousand, miss," remarked
(o mo tho elderly clerk ns ho closed
nnd mode fast with keys the two
bags. "Shall I send 'em special'"
"I'll thank you that yon call n tnxl
for me. monsieur." I nuswercd, and
ns ho had mentioned n grout hotel In
coiiversntlon earlier that tery wicked
daredevil that resides within menwoko
nt attention with the Inrgo cars of
grcnt mischief. I felt In my pocket
that there was still much gold, and
tho mnn from whom I had purchased
the ticket to the state of Harpeth had
assured mo that tho train did not do
pait until tho hour of 0 In the evening
It then transpired that one hour from
tho time that the young Mile. (ire..
who had registered tit that lingo hotel
with all of her luggnge from tho steam
er whllo by lies her father was ropio
semen ns still engaged with tho oils
toniN, entered her room there emerged
young Mr. Itoert Cnrriilhers. who.
after paying his bill In his room, had
a hall boy hcml his bags on ahead of
him to the railroad ktntlon while lie
sauntered luto tho ten room. I have
iiout again met with the wondeiful
dresses 1 left In that hotel room. I
The lady Is nervous," snld tho con
ductor of the car n little Inter as ho
handed inc another ticket.
"I beg your pardon, conductor, but
upper nine Is ongnged for my son. who
Is to get on nt Phllndclphln. I must
have him Just opposite my daughter
and mo. Wo nro nervous," snld n
Inrgo stout old Indy who vns nccor.i-
pan led by nn even stouter dnughter.
It wns n very funny sight to behold
that ntnnl) conductor Stand with my
Inrgo bags nnd overcoat nnd look
nrouud nt that enr full of ladles for n
plnco In which to deposit mo and them
whleluwns not previously occupied by
some femnle of grcnt nervousness.
"Madam. I will have to use tho upper
of lids section." he dimity turned and
snld to the occupant of the number of
sevdi with a very line dotermluntlnn,
"Ceitniirly. conductor! Let mo re
mote my lint nnd cont." en me back tho
nnswer In n voice of very grcnt sweet
ness ns tho conductor deposited me nnd
my bugs down In front of tbo most
beautiful ludy In nil America, 1 am
sin e.
"Thank yon for much graclousuess.
ma (lain. I said, keeping those gmy
tweed knees straight out In front of
mo nnd cry still to prevent trembling,
"Not nt all, sir. I bought only the
lower half of this section. I am not
nt all nervous." And I could sec her
mouth, that wns curled like the petals
of nn opening rose, tremble from n
mischief ns hlio regmded the stiff black
fill: back In the front of tho enr nnd
tho two huge femnles on our right,
whoso son nnd brother wns to.nrrlvo In
I'hilndelphlu for their protection.
An equally gny mischief roso in my
eyes nnd responded to thnt in hers ns
I responded also by word:
"For which also let us be In grati
tude." Many times In (ho months thnt fol
lowed lmvo I thought of tho luro of
tho laughing mischief In those ejes
(lint wcro Ilka beautiful blno Mower
set In crystal nnd how they were to
lead me on Into tho strnngo land of
men In search of thosn forbidden fruits.
And from that moment on 1 did very
much enjoy myself in coiiversntlon
with thnt Madam Mischief, whllo we
together did wntch (ho retirement of
nfl of tho persons In tho train. She
hnd ninny funny remarks to mukc and
mndo mo merry with them, io thnt Clio
hour of 11 o'clock hnd nrrlvcd before
wo hnd summoned tho very black male
chambermaid to turn our Rents into
beds. All others were In sleep that
was n coifuslon of sound from every
where, nnd wc must stand In tho nlslo
whllo tho beds wcro being abstracted.
(To Bo Continued.)
Strong l-'iictn .Supporting Establish
ment of Hend Chapter Set Forth
mid Will He Scut (o Head Of
ficer, When Census Is In.
Vunroiixcr Capitalist 1'leiiseil With
I'rogrets nn New Pilot Hutto Imi
Elaborate Opening I'laiiued.
Active campaigning among mem
bers of tho Benevolent and Protective
Order of Elks, resident in Bend, to
procuro n lodgo hero was begun this
'morning through petitions which arc,
being circulated among the members.
When completely signed up they will
bo dispatched, Immediately upon the
complotlon of the school census now
being taken, to tho Grand Exalted
Ruler of tho order, nt Now Orleans.
ItensoiiN an (Jlwn.
The petition States thnt Bend's
population exceeds 5,000 Inhabitants
nnd thnt there nro approximately
150 Elks in tills community nnd thnt
thero tiro 200 citizens who would Join
provided thnt tho lodgo Is establish
ed; that, Bend, situated on tlio cast
sldo of the Cnscndo mountains nnd
practically In tlte center of tho state,
is remote from the nearest lodgo, at
Klaranth Falls, by lfiu miles, tho two
towns not being connected by n rail
road, mid that tho next nearest
lodge Is nt The-Dalles, hi tlio extremo
northern pnrt of tho state, n. dls-
tnnco ofl75 miles from Bond; thnt
Bend hns had a most romnrknblo
growth In tho last two years by tho
coming of Inrgo Industries, payrolls
nnd other development, sufficient
from nn economic standpoint to sup
port a lodgo of this order, nnd thnt,
ns conditions aro now, niembors nro
nlmost prohibited from tha privileges
pf tho order, owing fo tho dlstnnco
neccssnry to trnvcl.
Will Uush Action.
Tho cnmpnlgn Is being conducted
under tho direction of V. A. Forbes,
who says thnt he Is confident that
If the population requirements can
bo mot, tho charter will bo granted,
and that this action will como short
ly after Jnnuary 1, as tho order nets
expeditiously upon such petitions.
Before anything of n doflnlto char
acter can bo nccompllshcd by locnl
Elks, tho census now liolng tnken
will lmvo to bo completed. Elks In
Prlncvillo nnd Iledmond will bo
nsked to bo signers to tho petition
which will bo sent to the hend officer
of tho Elks' lodgo.
Pilot Butte Inn
12 to 2 P. M.
0 to 8 P. M.
AH Finish 'Lumber Kiln Dried
Miller Lumber Co.
hope the poor and beautiful domestic
rt welcome
thero resides.
"Very well. Itobert Cnrruthers, who
l no longer the beautiful MarquUo of
!rex and Hye, you will be (bat hunkv
nephew to your wicked uncle In (be
date of Harpeth whom lie 'iiwmJh In
bin business.' What In (hat you lark
f a man's etate save the clothes,
which jou lmvo money In your pockets
to obtain after you tmo purchased the
ticket upon (ho railway irnlnr
A decision bad been made, and ne.
(Ion upon It had begun lu Iocs than a
half hour afier the purchase of (he
ticket for (he Mute of Harpeth had
boon NccoiuplUtied
Ah iny father had taught me nbern
(Ion In hunting. 1 hud miiniked n large
khop for (be clothing of men iixm tlio
KUth avenue near to the Mallon. 1
made my way Into t. and by a ery
ulco fiction of an Invalid brother whom
1 was taking to the South of America
1 was abl to buy for a few ilullnra
lf than was In my poiket two ino(
luteifktlng bg of apparel for, a baud-
It Tok
M Una Hour to Explain th
Lttter to Nan,
who nssMed me In ending my hnlr
Into a football Mmitness, afler (ho
iuihIo of a wvy beautiful woman dan
cer wbloh Kite xald girl of much fool
Uhnesa In America bave affected, whs
rewarded wllh Ilieui.
At the railroad Motion I remembered
to Mend to my w liked uncle nu an
nniiiHMm'ut b. telegram of my urrhnl
to him, anil thou 1 got upon the train
Just In (line for Ita departure
Thoao Mloeplng cars of America In
which to (iaol great distances aro
very remarkable for their many
Mraugo Hiheniuren. aijd I wns ery
much ' Interested, but also perturbed,
when (ho black gau-oif plansl my bag
and overcoat upon tho l!oor nt tlio foot
of a very prim ladywmul left inu to
Maud uncomfortably lu the aisle, bo
foro her.
"Your sent, air. upiwr live." bo sit Id J
aim ticpiinvti wi;n my ..o centimes.
which i called a dlmo lu America.
"Took tho lllierty of trsnsfi-irliig.wiu
tr abot another ifvnlloniau, r.
1'hlllp Brooks, of Vancouver, 11.
C, builder of tho Pilot Butte Inu,
arrived lu Bend today to spend
tho day looking over tlio work on the
now hotel, and Is grently pleased
with tho ndvnucoincnt thnt hns been
made since his Inst trip somo weeks
Mr. Brooks hns been busily on
gnged for novornl weeks with tlio
details of furnishing tho now hotel
when It is completed. Alrcndy In
many outside towns, both In Ore-
goij and Washington, and especially
among tho prominent hotel men of
tho state, considerable Interest Is be
ing manifested in tho opening of tho
now hotel. Mr. Brooks, as yot, Is
not prepnred to unnounco the open
ing date, but snys It will not occur
until tho hotel Is completed through
out. It Is understood that many peoplo
of Tho Dalles lmvo nsked for reser
vations for rooms on tlio night of tho
opening, nnd It Is also understood
thnt parties nro being plnnned from
other Contrnl Oregon towns.
Mr. Brooks will return tonight to
You nro Just ns wolcomo to look
around nnd ask questions ns it you
enmo to buy. You'll probably buy
Inter on, nt Stockmon's 5c, 10c, lCc,
25c Storo. Adv.
Shoes for Real Service
Is especially made for this kind of country. Nono nro hot
ter made.
A handsome serviceable dress shoo for men. Cnnnot be
beaten for the money. Givo these shoes a trial.
The A. Hnnnon Logger Shoes of Threo Lakes, Wis., are
hand-made and pne of tbo very best of Its kind. Special made-to-order
work taken for this shoo.
R. H. Loven
Early cold snnps, storms nnd
sleet, snow nnd-slush, cnuso coughs
nml colds. Foley's Honoy nnd Tar
nets quickly, cuts tho phlegm, opens
nlr pnasnges, nllnys Irrltntlon, heals
Inflammation nnd enables the suffer
or to brontho easily nnd nnttirully bo
that sleep Is not disturbed by hack
ing cough. Adv.
A deslrnhlo bread knife frco'wltb
every nnnunl subscription to The
Bend nulletln.
8eo Edwards for papor hanging.
Christmas cards. 1 cont each,
Heed & Horton, drugs. Adv.
J. A. Hussolberg, of Kelso, Wash
ington, la aeokuig to recover 80 ncrcs
of farm bind on tho Tumnlo Irriga
tion project, which ho traded to W.
11 A. Smith, of Hnrtllno, Washing
ton. In Mny, 1915, for 160 ucros of
laud near Hnrtllno, . Tho complaint
n I logon that In tho transaction ron-
roHtiiitntloiiB were made as to the
chuructor of tbo llartlluo nronertv.
Mr. Ilnssolborg Is represented by
II. 11. DoArmrmd and W. II. A. Smith
by V. A. Forhoa. Tho case Is being
tried today before Judge Huffy, in
A warrant was Waned ym.terd.iy
from tho offloo of Deputy IMxtru't
Attorney Clins. W. Eraklno for the
urroHt of fioorgo Ninon, charged with
tho thott of night bond of cattle be
longing to J. I. Couch, who residua
on tlio Tunuilo Irrigation project.
Mr. Couch mlsod (he stock on No
vombur Uti. and recovered them hist
.Sunday, through hoelug an adver
tisement in Tho Bulletin.
Local oltlcors lid vo they luvo
traco of Ninon, and Sheriff E. H.
Kuox ban gone Into I.ako couutv In
seanh of him.
Best & Harris
Bring us your old casings and
tubes for ropalr. Work quick
ly dono and guaranteed to bu
satisfactory. Out of town pat
ronage solicited.
6 f
r O'Kane llldg., Hend, Ore. JKKMMmk
is a garden of delight where
earth - and sky and air have
seemingly been fashioned by
Dame Nature to charm the
hearts and minds of men.
Best & Harris
All manner of sports and recreations arc
enjoyed out-of-doors. Polo, golf, tennis and
automobiling over countless miles of beau
tiful roads, and the way to go is via
Union Pacific System
We will be glad to furnish complete in
formation, and help plan your
California Trip.
Brick is the MOST ECONOMICAL Building Material there is.
All who have used our product are satisfied.
The Bend Brick & Lumber Co.