VM: :i. lend and the Strahorn Lines For farm land loans seo J. Ryan & Co. Rcasonablo rates, prompt A desirable bread knlfo frco with avory annual subscription 'to Tho Bend Bulletin. thi:1ji:m) ni'Lurnx, ih:ni, oiu:., wkdxksoay, i)kcemikk in, ion service. Adv. --What They Mean to Us LOTS What will tho Strahorn lines mean to DendT Two years ago Grants Pass was on tho toboggan. It was practically down and out, and wiped oft tho map. Situated on tho Southern Pacific, lit had enjoyed a boom whon tho' (rult Eland crazo was on about eight years fago, but when this died down tho Itown began to fall back. It had a noderato business with tho Interior (country, but roads woro bad (or a largo part ot tho year and resources (were, undeveloped. West of tho city, howovor, was a Jiuudrcd-mllo stretch of country, Teaching to tho Pacific ocean. It fe-vvas rich agriculturally, millions ot fleet of timber waited tho saw, and invaluable mineral deposits existed. Rllut for lack of transportation, thp country lay Idle I) From tlmo to time tho projection jof a railroad to tho coast which would :tap this source of wealth wus con- Etsidered and in 1910 n few miles of Tight of way woro cleared loading Ij-out of tho city. Then its promoters rwuiu uuiikuu 10 rivo up, ana uranis ;Vass began to see things slip faster f-tlinn before Then Dr. J. V. Keddy camo for ward and proposed that tho city bond ghitself and thereby ralso money to jVuuild tho railroad to tho (yiast. Thero iwero laiiurca and discouragements. Fbut tho project finally went through Knnd today Qrants Pass is a coming Kelt v. H In n recent convorsatlon, Dr. lied- fcdy pointed out that what tho road Jiad meant for his homo city, was vhat tho Strahorn lines would mean Mo Hcnd. Just what tho now lino did mean "rto Grants Pass Is best told In a let- l J -tcr from Dr. Keddy himself, written fcjffiJast April to Kcolcr Ilrothers, who , nought tho Grants Pass bond Issue. R.nnd modo posslblo tho construction of tho now lino. Dr. Neddy's letter follows: "Your very kind letter of April 11, Just rocolvcd. I can nssuro you that I am mora than pleased with tho touo of this letter. I am glad thero Is ono man In tho world who really appreciates what was dono in tho promotion of tho Grants Pass railroad, and nt tho samo tlmo I am .STOCKMEN PREPARED "old Winter Will .Not Do Great Dam- age TIiIn Vrar. Even if Central Oregon is visited "with as suvero weather nn thlu lncniiiv experienced last winter, tho sheep and cattlemen will bu In far bettor shapo to winter their stock than thnv woro last winter, whon feed was so .scarce. All stocUmon hnvo prepared this yoar. Tho hay crop hns been excep tional and they havo stackod a neces sary portion of their crops to meet any long cold spell. Xot a fow of tho stockmon havo built sheds for shnltor ami hnvo madu ready this winter for any emergency that may nriso. Tho stock nro In fine conditions, having had an unus ually favornblo grazing year on tho ranges In tho Deschutes National for fbi. Less than normal losses duo to winter cold is expected this coming ucuson. GETS BIG CONTRACT Tho now Pilot Iluttn hotol will havo Pacific Tolophono & Telegruph Co. telephones In overy room, nstho ro Jiult of a contrnct closed by Manager J I- Gulther, of tho company, this week .Mnnagor Galther mado tho Arrangements Tor tho sorvlco with l'hlllp Jlrooks, of tho Pilot Ilutto, when Mr, Urooks was horo on Thursday Tho contract provides for n private branch exchange In the ho tel, with an InUruiuojit In ouch of tho 00 rooms and three others for uso of tho management, or 03 In all. TJIK ItOIIKNT BOUNTY IVW. In lieu of tho Interest being taken in the provisions of tho Crook county rodent bounty law, now in force, thero Is reprinted below the provis ions of the net as fUeJ with the sec retary of state and adopted by vote -of Ihn people on November 7. Tho Undent Bounty l,uv. -He It Unacted by tile People of tho County of Crook, State of Ore gon "Section 1. That tho County Court of Crook County, Oregon, be, and it Is hereby empowered, author ized and directed, to order paid from the general fund croatod for that jiurpo&e, the ium of five cents for -nch Jack rabbit, and tho sum of two and one hair cents for each sago rat that may bo killed within the boun daries of said county from and after tho first day of Dccembmer, 1910. "Section 2. It shall be the duty ot said County Court at tljo regular meeting thereof for the purposo of levying taxes, to compute the esti mated expenditure for the purpos not overlooking tho fact that If It had not havo been for the Keeler Brothers there would not havo been any promotion to it. "Wo had, as you know, three elec tion's, and all three of them were practically failures. It do not think It would hnvo been possible to have hold the fourth, and It wo had, I question very much whether or not it would havo carried. Notwith standing the fact that our elections wcro a fizzle, you managed to find a way to fix tho proposition up In som.0 shapo, so we got tho money, which v,as very satisfactory to this community. "Not knowing whether or not, you nro familiar with tho results of tho Grants Pass bond Issue, I thought, probably, n llttlo dopo along these lines .would interest you. As you know, this city was practically down nnd out, and wlpod off tho map. Wo had lost 2G per cent of our popula tion; our bank deposits had depreci ated GO per cent; business property was not salable nt any price; mer chants were alt hard up, a good many of .them falling; things woro terrib ly depressed and ovorybody looking for bomo now community to move to. After wo got your money, and start ed doing tilings, tho result has been that our town has grown about 1,000 In population; and business proporty Is once more sutablo at normal prices; bank deposits nro going up; mer chants aro doing n good business; hotels nro turning away pcoplo ov ery night; wo nro shipping in auto mobiles by tho carloads, nnd nro building a $000,000 sugnr factory, threo or four sawmills, nnd mines that have been Idlo for years on ac count ot lack of transportation nre" now shipping ore nnd giving employ ment to n largo number of minors, teams und auto trucks. Kvorybody Is feeling optimistic and this In It self is a big asset to tho community, Tnlto It all around, tho community already has its $200,000 back. Tho knockers hnvo disappeared and boost ers nro working doublo shift. "I think wo hnvo tho finest dem onstration of what a community caft do for itself In using tho city's credit to nld In tho construction of rail roads, In tho northwest. This city could havo afforded to havo bonded Itself for $1,000,000 to hnvo recolvod tho results wo havo up to date. Very truly yours, J. K. IlKDDY." of this act for tho ensuing year nnd to make a sutllclont levy, either as a general tax or as a special 'Ilodont Bounty Tax,' to cover such cstlmnto, and should the amount lovled In nny ono year bo insutllclout tho unpaid amount shall bo provided for In tho levy for tho ensuing year. "Section 3. Any person killing nny Jack rabbit or sago rats, in order to obtain tho bounty provided for In this act shall within four months from tho duto of said killing, present, or causn to bo presented by his duly authorized agent, such authorization to bo in writing, to tho clerk ot said county, .the srnlp and ears ot said nnlmnlji.Ja'hd shall mako and Clio with said county clerk, an nllldnvlt sotting forth tho minibor of Jack rabbits or sago rats from which said scalps woro taken; that said Jack rabbits or sago rats were killed within tho boundaries of Crook county, Oregon, School Days are Here Sao to It that tho chlldion's shoes aro well cared for. Money Is saved In doing so. Our shoo repairing ranks tho host Only tho highest quality leather used. yn cjuaiianti:i: m,u work to 1113 SATISFACTORY. Austin's Quick Shoe Repair Shop. Wright Hotel Itldg. Greemtood Ate. HAVE YOU TIMED THE Wet Wash laundry One Day Delivery Service 20 Lbs. Dry Wt 50 Cents SANITARY LAUNDRY PHONE RED 1461 IN LYTLE ami RIVERSIDE Easy Terms Our Buyers Are Treated Right. See JOHN STEIDL.Mi BEND OREGON within tour months proceeding; that said Jack rabbits or sago rats woro not bred or reared In captivity. Kv ory person presenting said scalps for tho payment ot said bounty shall bo Identified by some resident tnxpayor of Crook county, In writing, nnd said taxpayer shall, In tho presence of tho county clerk, witness tho count ing ot said scalps and shall endorse upon claimant's atlldavtt his sworn stntoment showing tho number ot scalps presented by such person. No person shall bo entitled to collect bounty on nny less nulnbcr thnu fifty such scalps nt nny ono time. "Section 4. Upon tho presenta tion of said sculps In tho manner pro scribed by Section 5, tho county clerk shall rccelvo and destroy tho samo under tho supervision of tho county court and shall issue ills war rant on tho county treasurer for tho amount of tho bounty to which tho party presenting tho scalps Is en titled, which warrant Bhall bo paid in tho samo manner nn other county warrants nro paid. Tho county clerk shall nt each session ot tho county court present u statomout nt tho number und amount of such warrants Issued, together with tho nlfldavlts and receipts of claimants. Tho clork shall keep n record ot tho scalps pre sented, tho uumbor thereof, by whom presented, and tho nmount patd In bounty." 1 Xo Higher Prico for This. Whtlo food nnd clothing havo ad vanced In cost, It Is woll tor tho sick that tho prices ot such reliable fam ily remedies as Foley Kidney Pills nro not Increased. Foley Kidney Pills cost llttlo and relievo backache, pains In sides and loins, sore mus cles, stiff Joints, rhoumatlc pains nnd bladder trouble Sold everywhere. ONE CENT A WORD is all a llttlo Want Ad will cost you. VOGAN'S Chocolates For a change, take home the attractive Moire package- 50dts and one dollar Reed & Horton Bend, Oregon Brooks- Scanloii Lumber Company Lumber, Lath, 'Shingles, Building Material, Kiln Dried Flooring and all kinds Qf Finish SASH AND DOORS COMPLETE STOCK ol Si.nd.rd Siic BROOKS-SCANLON LUMBER CO. Telephone Red 1431 oi 701 City Slei Office J3end Company Building Brr-r ! Chilly, changeable weather? A good oil heater will keep you warm andcosy. A gallon of Pearl Oilgivus Ohours of smokeless, odor less, cheerful heat. Prices: $3.75 to $7.75 Perfection Oil Heater ForSalo by T-t . :tfe Prr-r! BEND HARDWARE CO. F. DEMENT & CO. Bring Your Family to the Alumont (or a good Sunday Dinner. . . 40c 12 to 1:30 Meat Sunday.Supper In Bend Served from 6 to 7 P. M. 3 Oc SPECIALS IF DESIRED , HOTEL ALTAMONT CASTINGS IN GRAY IRON AND BRASS HUFFSCHMIBT-DUGAN IRON WORKS BEND. OREGON PHONE BLACK 741 OSCAK CARLSON KDtLYONS Carlson 3b Lyons PLUMBING AND HEATING Plumbing & Renting Supplies, Until Hoom AcccsnoiIcs, etc I'H'U, VAIVi:S AND FITTINGS riio.Ni: iu:i) inui BOX AND SLAB WOOD Now $&,00 Per Load OREGON FUEL CO. PHONE US NOW RED 661 You nro Invltod to mako this hotel your headquarters j durliiR your visit to tho PACIFIC INTERNATIONAL LIVE STOCK EXHIBITION December 4 to 9, 1916 Modurato Hates Portland Hotel, Portland, Or. " ' ' It. V. CIIM.US, MitmtKcr. K. H. ltOIli:, AxslMiint Mnnuurr. HOME MADE CANDIES Fresh Daily WATCH OUR SATURDAY SPECIAL E. O. LOGAN Wall Street Lots at Half the Price Asked in other additions of Equal Distance from the Business Center. bit 40X105 ,$75 for Inside, $100 for Corners tots 50X125 $100 for Inside, $125 for Corners , REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Central Oregon's Leading INSURANCE AGENCY , Fire Aulomoble Life Accident Surely Bonds J. A. EASTES OREGON STKEET, 11E.ND, OREGON Member 1'ortluud Realty Hoard.