'.a ' THK IIKNI) HULLKTI.V, IJK.VI), OltK., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER in, 1010 M , . nM-jgggV . T. . w . -r- .6-h f?1 VAOC12 g' : -1!' , . i! -' jr - tir lni no ' tu: loj 18' mi 17i ml i JIO" Hid of (III tilt slo wh ty ji n ltd lut tin lni tin pa mi tu: Ih wl mi jiii tin th Kill III) ml mi " Mil th th th ml il. rn It In m tu in at til a ti oi ' tu ol D t n. i u pi tl tl II ir )! h h h ft . !' ' tl , NEIL S0UTHW1GK KILLED; - AUTO GOES OVER GRADE r i TRAIL CROSSING AT CROOKED RIVER IS SCENE OF FATAL ACCIDENT LAST NIGHT. J, Hynn & Company this morn ing report tho rollattln'B-ireal cstato transfers: to 13. D. Boylan, houso and lot In Highland addition, and to Lostcr Calloway, lot 7, block 11, with modern four room houso In Staats addition, A desirable bread knife' free with evory annual subscription to The Bend Bulletin. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. We nro showing Toys at the low est prices Your dimes go further at Stockmno's 5c, 10c, 2Cc Store, Bond St. Adv. 42c BURDICK rAND CUNNING BADLY INJURED ar Strikes Ice and Falls 200 Feet Burdick, With Brok en Arm, Walks Two Miles for Aid Dead Man . ; Leaves Widow and Three Children Masons Arrange for Funeral. CAIM OK THANKS Wo wish to extend our grateful thanks to our friends nnd neighbors for their sympathy and kindness at tho time of the death or our mother. MUS. W. V. CABLE, HOY COOPER. RALPH COOPER, EDITH COOPER. LILLIAN COOPER. Soo J. Ryan & Co., for farm land loans. Adv. (From Mondny'H Dally.) iCIydo M. McKay, P. C. Garrison and REDMOND, I V. M. (Special to Clark Rhodes going down to Rcd- "Tlio llullclln.) Itotli Denton (I. moud last night. Today nriange- llut'illck mill iWnv ('illinium. Hiii'tli- mollis hnvo been made to hold Ma- iirs of lust nliilit's itnidi'iil, mi' ohou- sonic ceremonies over the body to Itiir iiiipiowmcnt out tlirlr ciniill- lion tills iiiiiriiliiKi hIiIioukIi It is nil iiilltfil tlint Mr. t'unnliiK lins n Intro cliunco for i-rcotrry. Mr. Iliudlrk Is lii'llctril to be out of nil ilmigcr. Nell A. Houthwlck was iiiBtimtly killed last nvimliii; when an nutomo hllo In which ho was riding went off tho rontl at Trail Crossing and fell n sheer 200 feet to tho Crooked Riv er, nt tho foot of the cliff. Denton (I. llurdlck, of Redmond, who wns driving tlin car, sustained u broken linn and sovoro bruises, tho uiituro of which Is not yet fully nHcurtnlncd, vhllo Max Cunning, tho third pas Hunger, linil nn arm broken and was tendered unconscious, In which con dition ho roniaincd when thu last reports wore received. According to tho latostVeports of thu accident It was causid by tho npeed at which tho car wa3 trnvollng nnd tho icy condition of the road. At tho paitlculnr point tho road to the north nppioachos tho Crooked River canyon in u straight line, then turns to tho east on a slight descent nnd, rounding n turn, priicuods down grailo duo west to tho bridge over tho river. From tho tlmo of round ing tho turn tho road runs along thu canyon with a sinter drop to tho river and, being on tho north side begins, at this tlmo of year, to bo icy ns soon ns tho turn is mndo. It. is 'understood that tho car was travel ing north, without chains, mid on striking tho Ice, could not bo kept in tlio road, mid shot off to the side uul Into tilt canyon. Iliiitlirk (,'rh Alii. Mr. llurdlck wan thrown from thn s-ur within 30 feet of tho roud and uuged, in splto of his 1 1 hoiiio way inn Govern Injuries, back to tlio Wimp house, two utiles from tho place of tho nccldeut, whurn ho fainted. No wns brought to his homo In Redmond last night. Helpers who wont back from tho Wimp houso found tho car nt thn bottom of the vanyon nnd thn other two men lying nearby. Mr. Botithwlek's nock was broken. Many of Mr. Cunning's bones wcro broken, his skull frac turod, nnd It Ih feared that ho may hnvo sustained concussion of tho bruin. Ho Ih being cared for at tho AVIuip homo. An soon ns news of tho Occident was received In Roud last night, members of tho Masonic lodge, to which Mj. fjouthwlck belonged, took ntcps tp n.Kslst In every way pohhIIiIo, morrow afternoon in Redmond. It will bo taken on tho night train to Grand Ruplds, Michigan, tho home of Mr. Southwlck's parents, where tho funeral will ho held later In tho week. Kinitlmick Mteit lleie. Nell South wick had been a icsl dont of Rend since June, 1915, coin ing lioro at that time to tnko the po sition of cashier for Tho Shovlln- Hl.xon Company. Leaving that com pany In tlio fall ho became associated last wlntor with tho Hond Flour Mill Co., acting ns book keeper nnd sales man, In which position ho remained until last week, whon ho removed to Redmond to nssoclnto himself with Mr. llurdlck In tho farm mortgage loan business. Mr. Southwlck wns "4 years old, hnvlng boon born In Grand Rapids. About 1907 ho moved to Duttltll, whoro bo had n position In tho gen eral freight office of tho Northern Pacific. Whtlo In Duluth ho Joined tho National guard as a member of company E, Third regiment, and in October, 1910 went with his regi ment to do police duty nt Spoonor, Minn,, nt tlio timu of tho disastrous Spooncr-Ileaudutto flro. When tho work of tho regiment wns done in Spooncr, Mr. Southwlck was offered a position ns book kcop or with tho Shovlln-Matthlou Lumber Co., and when that company sold out lie became cashier of tho Rainy Rlvor Co., another Sliovlln concern. In 1914 ho returned to Michigan as salesman for tho Pyrono Flro Ex tinguisher Co., bolng rc-omploycd by tho Shevlln Interests as cashier of their now company hero in the spring of i9ir, I'nienls art Idling. Mr. Southwlck's parents still llvo in G in ml Rapids, Ills fathor holding n Judicial position thero, nnd n broth er Is a sergeant with tho Michigan guard on tho border. Ho was mar ried in Juno, 1911, to Miss Carrie Larson, and thrco children have been born to them, Howard, Wnrrcn nnd Virginia, tho last being about ylght months old. Mrs. Southwlck's fath Is and Btop-mothor llvo near Sslom, Oregon. Mr. llurdlck Is n Redmond attor ney and was recently elected ns Joint representative from this district to tho next legislature. Mr. Cunning Ih an attronoy of Madras, and tho publisher of thu Joffoison county Record. Wnttormnn Fountain Pens nt Rood k Hortoil, drugs. Adv. Four chairs at your sorvlco at the Metropolitan. No waiting. Adv. Jt .. TO TRADE OK EXCHANGE. TO TRADE -F. W. McCaffery, of Redmond, has for trado for Improved irrigated land under tho Central Oregon canal, 17 acres highly im proved, one-half mllo from Newberg. Sldowalk to place; seven-room houso, Inrgo barn, 12 acres In vetch Inst yonr, 130 applo trees, 30 chorry trees, about .10 plum nnd prunn trees, nine Bartlett pears, 13 English wal nuts, 11 years, trco largo chestnut trees In front yard, 19 Concord grnpo vines, two rows of blackber ries, ench 125 foot long. Placo Is fenced on three sides with wlro, ope side board fence Placo sold for $6,800 cash flvo years ngo, t 42p WANTED. 'gjfelfcftgjfcgggjSife I &.&& g&ggggfif Hie Fltllble" irac llM ! not liwli up but It hrM hr double Kline iptlnc Slilil It hcn muck ,! uhuntllrallr Alrt bark lorotrKt place Clnm l IniurrJ br blvmt hockt nj it lm irtdjr for tccuiil ttioolln( ' MAfcBLJS Flexible Rear Sight vr l hock Mt Mkl.l4 4 m U m1 UMilf VJi HB " ! i4 4 u ig , r It WANTED Light team for tlio wlntor, for their feed. Inqulro Will iams and Heath. 42-44p GUNS WANTED Shotguns, pis tols, rifles nnd shells: best nrlcoa paid. Ask for Karl, nt Carmody's. tOtfe WANTED To buy somo younc pigs. w. l'. Rogers HotoDCo. 4043p WANTED A few customers for day-old eggs, by part'ol post. Grandvlow Poultry Ynrds, Grnnd vlow, Oro. , ,. 38-4 lp WANTED Scrap lro'p", Huff-Bchmldt-Dugan Iron works. Phono Illnck 711. aitfc FOR SALE. FOR SALE House nnd lot In Kenwood, block four: two blocks west and ono south of Kenwood store. Prlco reasonable. Cnll and boo D, E. Ralnoy. 42p FOR SALE Jersoy cow, $80; holfcr, $50; also two tons alfalfa hay, nt $14 n ton. Inqulro Ilullo tln. ay, FOR SALE A few choice cannr Irs. Will sail reasonable. Phono Black 1471. 42tfc FOR SAI.I! Ilvn linv .-.. Mary Hciiii, Alfalfa, Oregon. 42p FOR SALE Four nlndni- ,-nlmr- les, prlco $2.50 each, Inqulro Doos- F SAVING MONEY $10 invested each month in a Bend Com pany's lot is the safest and surest way to save Bend's population doubled in one year. Realty prices must increase with the population. ARE YOU getting the benefit of a growing town See us today about our CLOSE IN .residence" LOTS $ i oo Easy Terms Too W d; e. hunter MANAGER THE BEND COMPANY Office coiner Wall and Ohio Streets. -4 ley, Ilrooks-Scanlon office. 40-l3p FOR SALE A fow choice connr Ics; will sell reasonable. Phono 1471. 40-41c FOR SALE 4i horsopowcr wood saw, In good running order. In qulro at llullctln office. 40-41p FOR SALE 2 Vi h. p. gasollno on glno; In good condition. At Univer sal Garage. Seo Geo. Roberts. 40tfc FOR SALE Section If., Town ship 21, Ilango 10, Crook Co. W. H. Molroso, Colfax, Wash. 38-4 lp FOR 8ALE Two 3-room housos; lot 50x100 foot; city water; $350 each; terms. J. Ryan & Co. 35tf FOR 8ALE Four loU In block 40, Rlvorsldo Addition. On edce of Wlostorla. Prlco $100 each. W. Fer guson, caro Donnott's. 35tC FOR SALE Good residence lots on west sldo of rlvor. City wator nnd lights: $5 cash end $5 monthly, J. Ryan & Co. 34tfc FOR SALE Cholco lots in Des chutes nnd Park Additions. Will loan to build houses on lots. J Ryan & Co. 34tfc ! Also a Fulljjjine of SHOT GUNS, RIFLES AND AMMUNITION ,; Bend Hardware Co. 7i&f??$liiTii$$ t ft Wk Tires! Tubes! We are the leading sup ply house in Bend, for Goodyear Tires and' Tubes Complete Line t of , accessories. . Always best of re- v . ' ' ' pair work guaran- ' : ' teetl. ' ," i FOR SALE Two 4-rooin inodorn houses, close to mills; easy terms. J. Rynn & Co. 34tfc FOR SALE Flvo horso-powcr gasollno wood bhw. Inquire building south Sanitary Rakcry. 34trc FOR SALE First class Estey Organ, In good condition; 6 octaves. Inqulro Dick, the Tailor. 33tfc FOR SALE Lnylnc hens, pure bred. Inqulro Bulletin. FOR SALE Two lots, 50x180. street on thrco sides; shack 14x18, double lloor, on Inside lot; water on lots; $375; $125 cash, halanco $10 month. W. Fergusou, at Donnott's, Hond. 2tf FOR SALE Two lots In Dos chutes addition, lovol nnd free from rock, well located. Prlco $275 each. Terms. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALE Four very cholco Iota In Park addition, price nnd torms right. J. Ryan & Co. 3tf FOR SALE Houso nnd Jot. Prlco ngni. icrms reasonably, uq a. ii. liawaras, uend sign Cr fit toil SALE Thrco new fom IIOUSCO. SSOO pneh. 10 iwrrr, bn Ian co easy monthly paji -i Ryan & Co. i LOST AM) FOUXP. LOST English Pit Dull brlndle. Answers to nan ' Finder please return to Telephono office. LOST Lnrce. whlln ed on loft shoulder. "I 1800 lbs. Dollvor mulo . $10 reward, nt A u no's Imi I'"OR itE.vr. FOR RENT Desk n floor O'Kano building. Co. FOR RENT Ne house. Roy Cleveland, t laud avenuo and Elrod ' vard addition. 15MMJ(iSJS$JTO(X)ffi j r ar Ni' HJrf' U J'?4fc y ?i f: iWr?W P"?ont p. si. LARA. Cashier as? iV ? 5?t;,pdc,Kcd' b - mcreynolds, Asst . ... .w.., ,lwo ltK0, , A STOVERUSt. Cash The First National Bafok ler OF BEND, Capital fully paid Surplus p . BEND, OR.EGON -, m 25,000 $25,000 BEND GARAGE WALTER COOMBS s M ha Farmers Attention A . 5 YOU will hace a large amount of surplui hay this fall and as this iBank has a large amount of surplus money, we desire 16 loan you SI 00,000 to purchase cattle or' sheep to eat your surplus bay. "If you are Inter ested call or write for particulars. ' StSXfBi Tie FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 1$NP i ' fiaa. .f... , tUmnt . X- iri ;(. 1 -r'- i . . i ,yt & 11 "ffiMMir iwn J. aKTr'SV! ljj2gj(jjl"fsiB(ww .1 4kl