THE REND BULLETIN, DEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER fl, 1010. TAOE 11. 0 U END'S CHRISTMAS MAIL WILL SEI II NEW RECORD Alrcndy Ilndly Hushed, nnd few Sinn Wilt no Added Soon, Says Fori!. i extra man Is already on duty i Dcnd postofflco, another will , ded next week, but the force is unit; rushed to the limit, was the lateincnt of II. D. Ford, Postmaster, Lis morning. "Moro prosperity, ioro presents," Is the way Mr. Ford bcounts for tho unusual activity In aalllng this year. "You can hardly say that tho rush fif Christmas time has fairly com- Huenccd, but when It does, It will enn all records In Bond, ho do- "Wo arc preparing for It, ir, and hopo to bo able to pro- to congestion of last year dur- e last few days of-tho Chrlst- ycason." Ford roltoratcd his previous tlon to mall early. "Patrons e mall service will savo worry tcmsclvcs, will rocolvo bettor cp, nnd will cllmlnnte lots of jlo for the mall force, If thoy do this," ho said. WOULD AID FISH W. 0. Hadloy, district gamo war- fdon, with headquarters at Tho ?alles, Is horo today, having como over from Sisters last night. Mr. Hndloy Is raising funds tor tho con struction of a fish ladder at Shcaar- lira Fills, with tho Idea of opening the SO miles of tho Deschutes above that point for tho salmon and other sumo fish, that nro now unable to kiass. Tho work Is being dono under Mr. Undlcy's direction. COl'XTV WAItKAXTS CALLED County Trensuror Jordan has Is sued a call for Crook county general 5 fund warrants up to nnd Including .Registered No. 4G43. Interest ccas- HtiOii December 14. DIVORCE Sl'lT SUCCEEDS' Mrs. Kuthryn McDonald has been (granted a dlvorco In her suit against 'J. A. McDonnld, on n complaint Ii. i-wlileh allegations setting forth cruel baud Inhuman treatment ns cnuso for faction, featured. Following a de fault entry, II. II. DeArmond ap peared for tho plaintiff, and Deputy JCDIstrlct Attorney Charles W. Ersklno I;for tho stato. TO LECTURE ON ASTHONOMV Arthur 1). Carpenter, of Seattlo, will lecture on popular astronomy hero on Friday. Two lectures will lio given, in tho afternoon nt tho High . Hcliool and in tho evening nt tho Held school. Tho hour of tho lectures nnd tho price of admission will ba ' announced later. Remember, that wu don't hnvo anything over 2 do in ojir store; como ,iero first. Stockmon's 6c, 10c, 16c ySc Store Adv.. 42c. 8 DISTRICT PLAN BEST (Continued from Pago 1.) of uch maintenance Hen M hfrclntfur ttattil." Tlu Voting Interest. It Is hero seen that oven after that Indoflnlto data when tho settlers -should hnvo control of tho Irrigation works, the company will retain such -voting Intorrst In tho wntur usors corporation as represented y tlo fol lowing acreage.; 1st: Unsold lands, somo 60,000 acres. 2nd: Lands unpaid for, amount unknown. Lands contracted for under us 1 nnd 2, which have a per maintenance fee of Jl per r year, amount to about 23, e. tho amount of acres sold form 3 contract is In tho rhood of 1G,00 acres, It Is .hie to suppose that tho set n the project, oven with all ts paid up, with no back matn- fees, would not have suf Toting power to do anything y to tho desires of tho com- who seemingly, would have tour and one-halt votes to tho i one. lid tho settlers desire to own outrol the Irrigation system tcly, It la evident that tho iy interests outlined above e acquired. trlrt 1'lau Offer Solution, it the settlers need, In my l, is an opportunity to pull )!ycs out of an unpleasant sit . and that opportunity Is of .n the Irrigation District plan, uggest to limit the plan to the utllue below. district should include at pres e contract holders under the 1 Oregon Irrigation Company's icted canals. raising of funds should be con tt the following purposes: t. To the purchase from the 1 Oregon Irrigation Company vatcj rights and properties as isure tho absolute control of I all Irrigation works in tho hands of tho district. 2nd: To taking up of all outstanding notes and unpaid liens of tho present settlors, replac ing them with district bonds matur ing at 30 years, bearing 6 per cent Interest, or moneys raised by sale of these bonds. 3rd: To such recon struction and bettorment of canals, headgatcs and ditches as may be con sidered Immediately necessary to in suro continuous and sufficient wa ter for all users. 4th: To operate and maintain their own Irrigation system nnd to defray tho ordinary running expenses of the district. Many other advantages may result from tho district organization which may properly bo called "by-products" as, for Instance, tho far better posi tion tho settler would bo In to deal with tho Federal government or tho Stato In matters affecting tho com munity at largo. By cooperation with the O. A. C. and tno Bureau of Markets of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, the settlers may be able to secure hotter prices tor their crop;. Other things will suggest themselves as tho organization pro grasses. Necessary to Acquire Rights. But to return to the main object. It will bo necessary to acquire from tho Central Oregon Irrigation Com pany their rights to the use of tho water of Deschutes river, certain in terests in tho North Canal Dam and Canal, the rights the company lias in the unsold lauds and other matters. This Involves n careful valuation of property nnd tho employment of le gal and business engineering skill of uilgh order, ns some of these unsold lands nro reclaimed and somo aro not. Tho details of this procedure I have yet to bo worked out, but tho problems appear to present no dif ficulties which n district organiza tion could not overcome. Also It will ho necessary to con sider ways and means of adjusting tho lauds belonging to tho holders of forms 1 and S contracts, so that nil lauds bo on tho sumo basis in tho control of tho district. Arrange ments must bo mtulo for taking care of tho- uuf aid balances of Hens and, for redeeming settlors' notes and paid maintenance fees. It would bo a distinct ndvautago to tho settlers to havo their obligations to tho company which nro payable In 4 nnd 6 years and subject to moro or less disturbances in the ovont of uliangcs in management or In own ership of tho company transferable to "bonds at C per cent, maturing In 30 years, Interest and principal col lected us county taxes aro collected. It would also bo a distinct advan tage to the company that nil notes and outstanding bills rccelvcnblo be transferred to district bpnds, the col lection of which they nro not bur dened with. These bunds In n short time under good mnnugomout of tho district should becomo n readily mar ketable security. Financing Made Easter. Any Improvements to tho system, such ns rebuilding tho largo flumes In tho Deschutes canyon south uf Rend, Installation of eoueroto nnd steel gates nnd wlers (n much less expensive proposition than It sounds to tho nverngo man) or any other betterments, may bo financed with much greater case through tho dis trict plan proposed, Tho gouoral provisions for tho or ganization of an Irrigation District as abstracted from Chapter 189, Gon oral Laws of Oregon for 1016, aro briefly outlined below. Fifty or a majority of laud holders can propoi tho organization of an Irrigation district which shall have powers vary much ns n municipality. They must present a petition to tho county court, togotlior witli n bond equal to double tho amount of tho probable cost of organizing tho dis trict, tbu bondsmen to pay all costs should tho district fail to bo orga nized. Detail of District Pliiu. Tho court shall then hold n hearing on the mutter to determine tho boun daries, etc. Tho court is to divide tho district Into fivo sections of as nearly equal size as practical and each section or division Is to olect a director who must bo n resident of Oregon nnd n bona fide owner of laud within tho division. The court may order, on petition of a majority of land hold ers, that there be three directors in stead of fivo and that they be elect ed by tho district at largo.) An "lection is then to be held to dctormlno whether or not tho dis trict should be organized. Any land owner within tho dis trict, whether resident or not. Is en titled to vote without regard to tho number of acres he or she owns. Any corporation holding lands In the district has but one vote. The directors and a treasurer are elected for a term of two years. Each director must give bond for 16000, to be approved by tho county Judge, and tho treasurer a bond of not less than $16,000 or more than $50,000, to be approved by the board of directors. Tho board of directors must elect a president from their number, and appoint a secretary. Hoard Has .Much Authority. The board has power to transact all business affairs of tne district, to employ men, to make and execute contracts, establish rules and regu- Golden West Coffee l i. "in nirfM . I id .juai rviKui - v latlons for the distribution of water, "may do any and ovory lawful act necessary to bo dono that water may bo furnished for tho lands In 'said district for Irrigation purposes."' Tho district may sorvo with water, lands outsldo of tho district. It may enter into contract with the Federal government. It may pay for con struction work with bonds. It can suo and bo sued. It may vote bonds to maturo In 30 years, interest not to exceed C per cent. As soon an practical after tho or ganization of a district, a general plan of tho proposed reclamation works Is to bo worked out and an cstimato of cost made. Authority Is granted to board to havo surveys, examinations, maps, etc., mado un der the direction of a competent Ir rigation engineer and a report made, certified to by this engineer, and submitted to the State Engineer for his report thereon. After tho State Engineer's report has been made nnd tho matter of tho cost Is fully worked out, nn election ts then called for the district to vote whether or not bonds shall bo Issued to pay for tho car rying out of tho proposed plan of reclamation. Irritable Land Assessed. , The board has power to nssess tho charges and expenses necessary for tho operation of the district nnd the Issuance of bonds against tho Irri gable luuds In tho district. . Assessments shall bo entered ngalust tho laud In tho district by the county clerk ns n tax, and such tax shall be collected nnd accounted for tho Bamu as other taxes of tho county. Tho district law Itself can bo found ln Lord's Oregon Laws and, ns amended, In Session Lnws of 1911, 1913 nnd 1916, whero any Interested party can obtain In full, tho detail and procedure powers of the Irriga tion District In this State. Tho above outlino is Intended to present tho main features of tho dis trict law In brief form for those who havo not had tho opportunity to go Into detail In tho mattor. Tho district plan, In my opinion, offers n distinct and effective rem- un-fcdy for tho conditions on this project. ui course uioro nro complications nnd difficulties to overcome, but any plan would have tho same. A recent Act of Congress Is ex pected to have n bonoflctal Influence In tho organization of Irrigation dis tricts. This Act Is Pubic No. 19C, of tho CI tb Congress, approved August 11, 101 C, nnd provides that unentered government land may bo Included In nn Irrigation district whoso plan of reclamation meets tho approval of tbu Secretary of the Interior. Sco us for your Xmas Caudles; they nro flno. Stockmou's 6c, 10c, 16c, 26c Storo. Adv. 42c. For sign painting sco Edwards. Adv. Want Ads only ONE CENT a word. A deslrnblo broad knife freo with every annual subscription to The Rend Bulletin. Coughed Fifteen Vcnr.s. Coughs that hang on nnd grow worao lu tho night nro relieved, by Foloy's Honey and Tar. R. F, Hall. Mabo, Va., writes: "For 16 years I was afflicted with a troublesome bronchial cough and Irritation of tho' throat. Foloy's Honey and Tar re. Moved mo; mid after taking ono hot' tie tho cough censed." Sold uvory. where. Adv. LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is horehy given that tho County Court of the State of Oregon, for Crook county, has appointed O. C. Heuklu us administrator of the cstnto of Robert R. Honklo, deceased. All porsons having claims ngalust said estate aro hereby required to presout tho same, duly verified, with proper vouchers, within six months from tho dnto of this notice, to said administrator, nt his office In tho Log Cabin building, in Bend, Crook county, Oregon. Dated and first published this 6th day of Dficembor. 191 C. O. C. IIENKLE. Administrator. REDMAN & MOORE, Attorneys for Administrator. 40-4U- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, December 4, 1910. Notlro Is hereby given that Oeorgo II. Whltakor, of Laldlaw, Oregon, who, on Juno 28. 1913, mado Home stead Entry, No. 011833, for 8VVi SEii, Section 33, Township, 15 South, Rango 1 1 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three Year Proof, to estab lish claim to the lund above de scribed, before H. C. Ellis. XL 3. Com missioner, at Bend, Oregon, on the 13th day at January, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: James I). Donovan, of Bend, Oro- l Hoofing of all kinds. Repairing promptly done. J. A. MacCLOSKEY TINNING AND Furnace Contractor Guttering, Spouting, Cornices and Skylights. gon; Howard L. Gillette, of Tumolo, I Oregon; John W. Scott, of Tumolo, Oregon; Nathan Henderson, of Turn- nlo, Oregon, nnd Charles F. Clnflin, of Gist, Oregon. - H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 2-tfc. Register. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the District Court of the Unltod States for tho District of Oregon. In tho Matter of August Horst man, bankrupt, No. 3916 In Bank ruptcy. Notlco Is hereby given that on tho 11th day of September, A. D., 191G, August Horstman, of Bend, Oregon, tho bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of his creditors will bo held at my office, 8th floor, Titlo &. Trust Building, Portland, Oregon, on tho. 19th day of Dccouiber, 191C, at 2 p. nt., nt which time said creditors may attend, prove tholr claims, ap point a trustee, examine the bank rupt, nnd transact such other busi ness ns may properly come bctoro said meeting. Claims must be presented In form required by tho Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to. Tho schedule tiled discloses no as- BCtS. A. M. CANNON, Reforeo In Bankruptcy. Dated December C, 1016. 3c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office nt The Dalles, Oregon, November 20, 191G. Notice Is hereby given that Jacob Schcrer, of Bond, Oregon, who, on May 19, 1913, mado Homestead En try No. 011704, for SE,i SEU, Sec tion 25, Township 19 South, Rango 14 East, Wlllnmctto Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final three-year proof, to establish claim to tho land above- described, beforo H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commission er, nt Bend, Oregon, on tho 5th day of Jnnuary, 1917. Claimant names as witnesses: Hownrd F. Dyer, of Mllltcnn, Oro gon; Aaron 1). Norton, of Mllllcan. Oregon; Martini E. Forgoy, of Bond, Oregon; Clifton L. Evans, of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 38-42C Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Intorlor, United States Land Olllco, nt Tho Dalles, Oregon, November 10, 191C. Notlco is hereby given that Lavonn E. Rogors, of Bond, Oregon, who, on April 12, 1910, mado Desert Land Entry No. 0H4GG, for tho WV6NWH, Section 5, Township 17, South of Rango 12, East of Wlllnmotto Merid ian, has tiled notlco of Intention to inulto Final Desert Land Proof, to establish claim to tho laud above de scribed, boforo H. O. Ellis, Unltod States Commissioner, nt Bend, Ore gon, on tho 20th day of Docembor, 1916. Claimant names ns witnesses: Albert Hnrrymun, August lloll horg, Patrick Mogan nnd Jumes It. Benham, nil or Bend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK. 37-l2p Reglstor. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department or tho Interior, United States Land Olllco, at The Dalles, Oregon, Novombur 10. 1916. Notice Is horohy given that Augus tine Wurnor, of Bond, Oregon, who, on September 6, 1910, made Homo stead Entry No. 07407, for tho E,& 8WV,. lots 3 nnd 4, Section 30, Township 20, South of Rango 11, East of Willamette Meridian, has II led notlco or Intention to tunko Final Fivo Year Proof to establish claim to tho laud above described, beforo II. O. Ellis, United Statoa Joe Rock CONTRACTOR All kinds of EXCAVATION WORK rock or dirt nASKMF.NTS STREET WORK. ETC. Lrive orJru t J. A. EASTES OFFICE Oirgon Slice! YOU CLEAN UP THE HOUSE WE'LL CLEAN YOUR LINEN, CLOTHES, SILK DRESSES, Etc. Ha jf "PUT YOUR DUDS IN OUR SUDS" Bend Steam Laundry. AND DRY OLEANI.NO Commissioner, at Dcnd, Oregon, on tho 20th day of December, 1016. Claimant names as witnesses: Gcorgo W. Trlplett, Thomas W. ip WOOD Sash Factory Wood CLEAN DRY i n ASK THOSE PHONE 441 Bend White Pine Sash Co. Dentists Dominating Dominance docs not mean monopoly, not leadership, not control by holding a club over tho people whereby combination or trust methods mid high prices aro demanded, control by n combination of several firms, or n society ot dentists, hut dominance dues menu us is our method, freo from society agreements or c.xcluslvu processes, and Is supported by public recognition of tho high elnss work and stand ing of our firm. This method Is tho einplojmeiit of publicity that Is both national and Intensive. Such publicity brings us not only u volume or business, which is, or course, tho primary purpose, hut It brings stability on account ot familiarizing the public with our class of work, which Is n guarantee of future patronage, and It brings security, ns the public gains confidence in us. If all dentists wero narrow-minded, ethical, society or trust dentists, how could tho common people, with nil other high-priced commodities nnd high cost of living, think or saving their tcoth? But, having hi our midst tho King Deo Dontlsts, advertising nnd doing work nt such rensonuldo prices nnd Tor tho very best or work, excelled by mine, even In these times you nro able to hiivo your teeth, or get now ones. Wu claim It Is u blessing for tho peoplo nt large that nil dentists do not allow their society ethics to dictate and that thoro are some of us who nro willing and cnpablo by our oxporlenco, largo practtco and modern methods to do till first class work tit such very low prices. Our oxporlenco nnd equipment enables us to do better doutlstry nt moderate prices nnd without pain. We inal.e teeth Hint fit and look natural. Our artificial teetli mIiow "Hnniuel Murkliigs" like those In natural .'elli mid diffuse the reflected light us natural teetli jIii, mill when kt up In our SPECIAL CONTINUOUS dl'.M, NATURAL COLORED PLATES, they deeehe the eje, ns u patient Mild, "Why, It Is Jiihi like liming my own teeth buck again." Do nut put rf getting yourself a good set of teeth. No misfits. IVo do not grind and cut them to pieces to maku them articulate, but wo replace your teetli us they grew or regulate the Irregularities to suit you. Our plates do not full down, We want you suited bo fore you pay your money. Your mother, grnudmotlior or wifo might npproclato it now set of good teeth for Xmas. The very best rubber phites $10.00 no. more, no less. !. (.'old Crowns. . Porcelain Crowns... . Slhcr Fillings $1 Wo extract teeth pululess and freo, when ollior work Is ordered, nnd do nil kinds uf first class, high grtide work. AH treatments Handled with skill, dispatch and accuracy and nt tin. lowest poHslhln cost, consistent with first class work. Courtesy lu extended to nil and your work dono correctly, iih the doctor lu cliurgo gives Ills porsontt! attention to each Individual ease. I am willing to go beforo n notary and swear to tho following statement; "Tho King DeutlstH have iiimle out teeth after EV ERY DENTIST IN ItEND Hluro our arrival here and nt about one half tho price demanded by them, mid In each case our teeth havo g.lvou protect satisfaction. DR. A. C. FROM, Professional Miiiinger.' Lady Assistant Always in Attendance. King Bee Dentists Don't forget to como to the Mooho Carnival nnd rocolvo a Free Draw ing on our beautiful $100.00 Saddle OVER POSTOKKICE, REND, OREGON DR. A. C FHOOM, Professional .Manager. , Hour HUM A. M. to :.'! P. M. Siliuluirt, 1) to .",. I am to announce to the people of Dend and vicinity that I have opened a new Grocery Store at 1016, Bond St., in the Erickson place next to the old Dream Theatre, with an entire new stock of Groceries, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables at aljseasons. Our Motto: Efficient and Courteous Service, Fair Prices. Mike McGrath, Prop. FRANK IIEARN, Mffr. Trlplett, Martin J. Main nnd Fred L. Huoy, nil of Bend, Oregon. II. FRANK WOODCOCK, 37-42n Register. BEST WHO USE IT !S3 Eimiiifl I'illlnus $ 8.1 iilML (.'old Bridge Teetli ...1 glad Phone Ulack 211 f IV.