p i$S!!Mt& . raat pl'WWWf' w TOE HEND BULLETIN, BEND, ORE., WEDNESDAY, DECEMDEK 0, 1010. TAOR 4. "1 inutl UHIH get IUUII clrir l'CO tlml In I unci wire lll)t! MllII 1UUI SIIH "! tha SCO Wll cy. ri Ho of we ii; Ml! Ill" mi elT tin in hu of (A f w if ?? ..ii n ?' ii s 11R SI fij i" 9 The Bend Bulletin (l'ubllsliLMl Every wedncsuny.; BEND. OREGON GEOIlOE PALMER PUTNAM Piiljllshcr R0IIERT W. SAWYER Editor-Manager. FRED A. WOELFLEN Assocluto Editor. An Independent newspaper stand ing for tho square deal, clean busl noss, qloan politics and tho best In terests of llend nnd Central Oregon. One Year $1 -CO Six Months 7fi Threo Mouths f0 BEND PLANS TO GIVE EL CHILDREN BIG CHRISTMAS All subscriptions nro duo nnd PAYAHLE IN ADVANCE. Notlpcs of expiration nrc mailed subscribers and If renown) Ib not made within reason able tlmo the paper will be discon tinued. Please notify us promptly of nny chango of address, or or failure to ro colvo tho paper regularly. Otherwise wo will not be responsible for copies missed. Make nil checks and orders pay able to Tho llend Ilulletln. WEDNESDAY, DEC. C, 1916 THE DAILY IiULLETIN. Toduy.'Tho Hend Uullctln becomes a dally newspaper. In a wuy, a com munity ceases to bo JubI a towu and boeomrs BomothlnK of a city when It posscses a dally newspaper. And It Is becnuso llend 1.4 forging ahead ho successfully that wo venture to make tho move. We aro Immeasurably pleased. Tho pleasure Is not simply because tho stop means a larger business. It In a sort of doublo pleasure, nsldo from commercial considerations: first, because Tho Iiulotln has been bo long a part of Hend and has la bored so faithfully for. Jts upbuild lug, sharing lean years and Its times of prosperity, that it Is wonderfully gratifying to feol at last that wo aro nil out of tho woods with big things aafo und suro before us; and, sec ondly, bucauso thero novor wcro npwspapor men In tho world, whoso hpartfl aro really In their work, who haven't looked forward to tho tlmo when thoyioan havo tho satisfaction of producing a dally newspaper. 'That Is ouo sldo of It. Tho othor la not so satisfactory. A goodly number of men who know tho dally newspaper gamo, nnd know It right hero In Oregon, warn uh that a dally may bo a losing venture In Horn) for some tlmo to r.omu. They point to ihn fiirt thnt not onn dally In hIx, and In towns lurgor than llend, inako uny money. Hut mmichow, Hend Is different from nny other town wo know. It does thlngH which other towns can't. It Iihh Unit soil of people which make progress possible. And that Is why Hend Ih llend, anil why Hend Ih bound to become u real Hlxoitlilo city. So wo am banking on llouil being able to Hiipport a dally news paper, and wo shall do our level best to glvo It a dally with which Its people may be satisfied and which will go forth as unotluir testimonial to the HUbstniitlal prosperity anil progreHstvciiess of lliu community. Frankly, wo don't expect to make any money from the dally. We shall bp satisfied If It pnys Its way for the first year or so, and nothing more. Hut even that won't be an easy task. It Ih surprising how much actual money Is required to run a dally. Of course wo can't Blurt out with a very large paper, but wo aro arrang ing to make It thoroughly good and have equipped It with the best ser vice and features obtainable for smaller nfteruoou newspapers, And Just as fiiBt as the business IncreaseB wo will Increase the site and the scope of tliu paper. HccaiiHO wo want, above ovory everythlng else, to build up a really worth-while newspaper, no profits (even If available' will be taken fiom the enterprise for some years to como, and every cent received will go back Into the paper. That, of course, Isn't Just unselfishness; it Ih simply wlsu business, for later ou a good newspaper will bo worth con ducting. Hut also, a good paper, now nnd In the future, will be help ful to tho town,, and what Is- good for the community In such a way Is good for every business man and laud owner In It, Ho we aro commencing our dally with the belief that we can make It u creditable one nnd still "break even," and confident that It will io colvo the support .and approval of the community. Naturally, wo hope that livery loyal Header will become a subscriber, and of Hend ndvertls ersj our only request is that they will ho as discerning nnd consistent patrons of tho columns of the dally uh they have been of tho weekly. -. : Tho Commercial club committee should go after that federal building with a vim. Head deserves It just as much, nnd more, than many com munities which have been favored. Second Annual Community Tree Will Ho ItiK Feature for Jmcnllcs December 2!5. Bond, with several hundred raoro rMMrcn than It had last year, is going to plan for a much bigger nnd hotter Christmas this year, and with this In view, tho committees recent ly appointed by Mrs. C. S. Hudson, chairman of tho Hend Benevolent association, aro already beginning to lay plans for tho second annual com munlty Christmas tree, which will bo held Saturdny evening, December 23. That Hend should havo a bigger and better colebrntlon than last year la tho concensus of opinion of many of tho members of tho general com mittee. . Tho city has boon more nrosnerous. thero will ..kcly bo a keener Christmas feeling, and It Is hoped to glvo tho children of tho vicinity one big feast for their eyes and hearts. Because thoro is n far larger num bcr of children in this locality than last year, who will havo to bo in cluded in tho plans of tho coming Christmas tree, the committees aro going to havo to conduct n more clan orato campaign, nnd provldo In much larger quantities than last year. It Is oxpected thnt tho committee will raise approximately $500 with which to provldo Christmas cheer. Tho communities that will havo charge of tho Community Tree festiv ities this year nro: Finance, II, C. Hartrauft, Mrs. C. S. Hudson, Mrs. N. G. Davis, Miss Esther Moore nnd Prof. F. Thordnrson; program, Mrs, C. V. Silvia, Mrs. Ashley Forrest nnd Mrs. II. M. Qrclunr; Christmas tree, A. Whlsnant, T. II. Foley. It. W. Sawyer, II. J. Ovorturf nnd T. A. McCnnn; gifts, MrH. Harry K. Brooks, Mrs. Harper W. Skuse, Mrs. Archlo Myers and Mrs. Ward Coblo; poor families, Mrs. J. I). Davidson, Mrs. J. P. Koycs nnd Mrs. II. Norton. ENTHUSIASM The Store is Charged With It It meets you the moment you enter the Store in every section at every turn- it's in the atmosphere- It's the real Christmas spirit the real joy of giving it is unmistakable inspiring contagious come join the throngs in this Christmas Store. Its Service is wholly for YOU. It off ers attractions for old and young-It makes shopping an exquisite pleasure. Christmas Slippers New stock, all sizes, just received Nifty new styles for any member of the family Grandpa and Grandma, too. Ladies' Felt Slippers, all wanted colors, at ....$1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 Men's Felt Slippers $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.75, $3.00 Children's 5i to 8 sizes 90c Children's 8yto 11 sizes 95c Children's lV2 to 2 sizes $1.00 Christmas Handkerchief's For Man, Woman and Child. Children's Boxed Handkerchiefs....20c, 25c, 35c Ladies' Boxed Handkerchiefs....75c, $1.25, $1.50 Men's Plain Hemstitched Handkerchiefs, at -.., 25c, 35c, 50c New Fancies in Colored Embroidered Hand kerchiefs at 25c, 35c, 50c Fine Hand-Embroidered Handkerchiefs, at '. 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00 Men's Mackinaws MEN'S MACKINAWS What more pleasing gift for a man? New stock, all sizes priced $8.00, $8.50, $9.00, $10.00 Boys' $5.00, $6.50, $7.00, $7.50 5i . - - Boudoir Caps New stock of the .latest anil tastiest styles shown here, at 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 NOVEMBER WEATHER Zero Temperatures Pull .Minimum for Month Down. With extrcmo low temperatures nbout tho mlddlo of tho month, un usual for this tlmo of year, tho mean minimum temperature for the mouth of November wns lower than for many years pnst. Tho exact flguro Is 1(1,5 degrees and the men umnx Imum 47.1, making tho mean 31.3. The highest temperature reached was 770 dcgrccH on thu first, and tho lowest threo below, ou tho 13th. Thero were hIx and a halt Inches of Hiiowfull during the month and u total precipitation of .SI Inches. Clear days were In tho majority, with in, uh aguhiHt eight cloudy and 7 partly cloudy. Thu dully teniporatures and char actur of diiy wuru as follows: Men's Sox MEN'S SOX of Fiber Silk, in all wanted colors, at 25c pair; Pure Silk 50c Cashmere Hose at 25c, 35c, 50c Give mother a Regal Mop for her Christmas Mop and Bottle Cedar Polish, now 50c Holiday Comforts and Blankets New stock just arrived. New Silkoline Comforts, at $2.50 and $3.00 New Satten Quilted Comforts $3.50 and $5.00 New Wool-Filled Comforts, at....$5.00 and $8.50 Eiderdown Comforts, at $8.50 Plaid Bed Blankets, at $3.75 and $4.00 Pink, Blue, Tan, and Grey Plaids. TOYS and DOLLS the unbreakable kindsno war prices here COME, and compare our prices and see what you can ave. You may mate your choice from a lartfe and well (elected itoclt of the latest Toys shown MAKE YOUR CHRIST MAS MONEY DO ITS FULL DUTY-A LITTLE INVESTIGATION CAN HURT NO ONE BUSINESS IS THE BUSINESS OF BUYING WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. R. M. SMITH CLOTHING CO. THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT. Date Max. Mlu Char. Day 1 70 22 I't. Cloudy 2 OS 20 Cloudy 3 (17 28 I't. Cloudy 4 68 20 I't. Cloudy r 41 1C Cloudy 38 15 Cloudy 7 39 17 Cloudy 8 37 14 Clear 9 34 10 Clear 10 31 S Clear 11 30 9 Clear 12 37 2 Clear 13 38 3 Clear 1 41 5 Clear IT. 48 S Clear 16 61 10 Clear 17 47 9 Clear 18 45 8 Clear 19 CI 13 Cloudy 20 42 9 Cloudy 21 C4 14 Cloudy 22 60 10 Clear 23 61 13 Clear 24 64 11 Clear 26 6S 28 I't. Cloudy 2C 50 29 I't. Cloudy 27 4S 30 Cloudy 2S 47 27 Clear 29 60 32 I't. Cloudy 30. . .. 64 37 I't. Cloudy 31. . .. 61 30 i't. Cloudy Save Malheur Lake There Is plenty of land In this country awaiting development. It Is not necessary yet to drnln nny lakes In order to get more laud. HuppoBo wo duvoto our energies to thu development of the lands sur rounding tho lake nnd preserve the lake. Crane Amorlcnn. No Higher l'rlco for Tills. While food and clothing hnve ad vanced in cost, It is well for the sick that tho prices of such reliable fam ily remedies as Foley Kidney I'llls are not Increased. Foloy Kidney I'llls cost little and roltovo backache, pnlus In sides nnd loins, sore mus cles, stiff joints, rheumatic pains and bladder trouble. Sold ovorywhoro. estnto of Itnhert H. Henkle, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate nro hereby required to present the samo, duly verified, with proper vouchers, within hIx mouths from tho date of this notice, to said administrator, at IiIh offlre In thu Log Cabin building, in Ileud, Crook county, Oregon. Dated nnd first published this 6th day of December, 191C. O. t IIENKLB. Administrator. REDMAN & MOORE. Attorneys for Administrator. 4044c NOTin-; of school election Notice Is hereby given to tho legal voters of School District Numbor Twelve, of Crook county, Stnto of Oregon, that a special school election or said District will bo held at tho Held school house In Hend, Crook county, Oregon, In said District, ou tho 21st day of December. 191 C, for tho following purposo, to-wlt: To vote upon the question of auth orizing tho Hoard of Directors of said District, in tho namo and upon the behalf of said District, to contract a debt, by borrowing money, or oth erwise, not to exceed flvo per cent of thu vnluo of tho tuxablo property of said District, to tho amount of Ten Thousand Dollars (110,000), for tun purposo of raising (uuds with which to build nnd equip n school building in and for said District, and Issuo negotiable, Intorest-bcarlng w-arrauts, and fix tho time of pay ment of samo, of said District, evi dencing such debt. Datod this 6th day or December, 1916. SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 12, II. M. SMITH, Chairman, Attest: H. J. OVERTURF, Clerk. 40-41c. FOK YOUR NEXT SUIT Sco DICK TFe Tailor All Kinds of GLEANINO AND PRESSING Phono lllack 1481 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Is hereby given that tho County Court of the State of Orogon, for Crook county, has appointed O. C, Ileuklo as administrator of tho Golden West Coffee wmmmamammmmmmmiamam s Gilbert b Son The only store In Bond whero you can get your gro ceries nnd meats at the samo place. FREE DELIVERY l'liono ReU S71 The Dream Theatre Announces i That Its Formal .Opening will be held in the new theatre in the O'Kane building- SATURDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 9 and will offer as its initial picture THEDA BARA IN Under Two Flags A remarkable, thrilling, and intensely human pic turization of Algerian army life. Theda Bara ap pears in this film in an entirely different role than any other in which she has ever appeared. IN ADDITION A well prepared and carefully se lected program will be given by prominent and tal ented local people, with a six-piece orchestra, which has prepared special music for this particular oc casion. YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THE OPENING DREAM THEATRE O'KANE BUILDING : . i frlk. W MfliltaitMwMMMMlMkWM firilfcifljyi&iHIVi, .tiini.li n i .,nl-':;'-- mtmymmimalmmmmmiae'mmmfaivi ' "''"" Jfey